Messy Play Dating

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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What can a bit of online flirting lead to, when that becomes a hook-up...with some specific tastes thrown in the mix :)

Messy Play Dating


This is a sponsorship story from my "Anyone wanna see..." series, and kindly supported by avatar?user=160701&character=0&clevel=2 Green Fuzzballand kingcoabra , who provided their fursonas for this story! There are still several open commission ideas, so just check them out - you might find something nice there for ya : )

As always, hope you like the read and I look forward to your feedback!


Alec belongs to avatar?user=160701&character=0&clevel=2 Green Fuzzball

Jack is kingcoabra

Writing and story by avatar?user=39198&character=0&clevel=2 Gruffy

Mopping up by SecondGruffy


Jack gave the tiger one final nervous glance while he was digging for his keys, and felt his tail give an antsy swish against his calves. The scent of the feline was suddenly quite strong in the hallway, a new, pleasantly exotic musk, and it seemed to make thinking even more difficult for the moment.

"Well here's"

"The place?" the tiger offered, standing there as he was, almost leaning on the wall, his muscled green arms sprouting out of a white T-shirt he wore, along with casual jeans.

"Yeah," the skunk replied breathily, "hope it's fine."

"I'm sure," the tiger replied, with a small smile.

Jack managed the keys and admitted the door into the flat.

"'re welcome."


They entered, and Jack marveled at how strange it suddenly felt to have this new male in his apartment for the first time, even though it was hardly novel for him to bring new 'friends' into his place, and they weren't complete strangers...they had chatted online for...what, almost a week now? It wasn't like a bar hookup...also for the fact that it was about one in the afternoon on a Saturday, which certainly wasn't his usual time to stumble into his apartment with a tipsy, randy guy in tow.

"This is pretty nice!" the tiger commented, while Jack busied himself with taking off his shoes.

"Thanks?" the skunk said.

The tiger's big loafers landed onto the floor next to the skunk's sneakers and made their home there.

"I think so," the tiger said, eyes roaming the small hallway with its doors, and the way into the kitchen and living area, which formed one single room.

"Would a drink?" the skunk asked.

"Sure, anything will do," the tiger smiled.

Jack could feel his heart race a little, but he did head into the kitchen, to rummage through the fridge while the tiger helped himself to the living room, looking through the bookshelves, the movie posters, the general regalia of young adulthood spread in front of his eyes.

"Here," the skunk told the tiger tentatively as he offered a can, "I found it okay?"

"Sure!" the tiger grinned. The can opened with a quick snap and soon the green-hued cat had soda painting his lips dark. "Hmmm...nice!"

Jack smiled quickly and opened his own. It seemed to calm his nerves a little, he thought, while watching the tiger who too seemed like he was trying to make a decision about something...

"Maybe we could sit down?" the skunk suggested.

"Sure," the tiger replied. He was down before Jack could take the few strides down to settle next to him. A green arm was soon resting on the side of the couch, the paw holding the can. Jack felt a gentle tingle in his sheath as he sat next to the visitor, and then he folded his tail between his legs.

For a moment they both just sat there, sipping soda in silence.

The tiger cleared his throat.

"Saw any good movies lately?" he asked.

The skunk stared, and Jack felt his muzzle fall a bit open, long enough that the tiger just chuckled and nudged his shoulder with his paw.

"Hah, sorry," the tiger said, "just thought I'd break the ice."

"Oh..." Jack felt a blush creep to his cheeks.

"You nervous?" the tiger asked.

"Uh..." Jack's tail brushed up against his knee and his paw naturally landed onto its bushy length, to worry through the fluffy fibers, "maybe?"

"Don't do something like this often?"

"Online hook ups?" Jack asked.

"Well isn't that what this is?" the tiger gestured between them.

"Uh...yeah, not really...heh..." Jack cleared his throat, "more of a club kind of a guy."

"Oh, me too!" the tiger smiled. "I do like dancing and stuff."

"I just like the atmosphere, I guess," Jack mused, "and all the hot guys..."

"Of course!" the tiger grinned. "All that bootyshaking..."

Jack felt himself twitch again, both at the thought and the tiger's gently flirty manner. He was getting more and more aroused, despite the little bit of nerves, and it felt fun. The tiger seemed more relaxed, too, and that encouraged him.

"Yeah," he said.

"Or..." the tiger stated after sipping his cola, "is this about...y'know, the other stuff?"

"Other...stuff?" Jack replied.

"Like we talked about," the tiger stated casually.

Jack wasn't sure what happened faster, him boning up something serious or the blush on his face growing deeper under his furs. The green tiger seemed to notice as much, too, because his muzzle spread into a grin.

"Ah...yeah, pretty much," Jack replied, bashfully looking down to his knees.

"So don't get to do the other stuff often?"

Jack swallowed.

"Maybe not as often as I'd like," he spoke up.

The tiger chuckled.

"Hah, yes, me neither, really," the green cat said. "Why else would I be on Knot'd trawling for guys into wet fun?"

Jack's tail bristled a little.

"Good point," he mused.

The tiger finished up his soda and put the can down to the armrest of the couch before he shifted a little, so that his body was turned towards the skunk, not only his eyes.

"Well, we both wanna play around, don't we?" the tiger stated. "That's why we're here, right?"

"Mmmmyeah..." the skunk replied.

The tiger put his paw onto Jack's arm and have it a little rub, still keeping it casual and easy. Not exactly sexual, at least not yet.

"So no need to be nervous," the tiger said, "we'll just get up to what we want to, and it's just between us."

"I'm you think I'm embarrassed or something?"

"I don't know," the tiger said. "Are you?"

"No!" Jack's voice rose in pitch, which made him feel kinda embarrassed at the tone he had produced.

"That's too cute," the tiger chuckled.

Jack tried to say something in reply, but the tiger seemed to be more intent on kissing him at that point, so he just had to let him, a wet tongue poking at his own when a questing paw brushed into the fur on the back of his neck. The big green cat was purring alright, and submitted his arms for the skunk's fondling as soon as he braved to reach out and go for it. The firm muscles were a sure turn-on, besides the raspy tongue, the purr and the gentle musk he could inhale from close up now.

His lips were tingling nicely when they separated, and the tiger ruffled the skunk's head furs.

"See?" the tiger smiled. "Cute. And hot, too."

"Thanks," Jack said, "you're really hot, too."

"Heh, thanks, dude!" the tiger's voice was mixed with purrs coming from his chest.

"I mean...seriously hot..." Jack brushed his paw over the tiger's chest, "all big and..."

"I'm not that big," the tiger smirked. "Only where it counts..."


The tiger winked.

"You can check it out if you like."

Jack's eyes fell to the curve of the green tiger's thigh and the fabric of his well-fitted pants, which did show and interesting outline...exactly where it counted, he thought.

"I guess you do."

Jack glanced up to the tiger, who was smiling not so innocently.

"Well weren't we supposed to hook up?" he said. "I mean, otherwise, I wouldn't be on Knot'd as...west underscore side underscore skunkboy slash 90' would I?"

"Hahah, maybe you just want to make friends?"

"Is anyone ever serious when they write that on their gay hookup profile?" Jack frowned.

"Only when they want to make friends with benefits, I suppose."


The tiger grinned and surprised the skunk by very casually putting his paws onto his waistline and tugging his own shirt off. Jack stared openly at the newly revealed buff torso, and felt himself throb pleasantly, wantingly.

"Come on, show me some benefits, too, dude," the tiger rumbled, a paw dropping onto his groin, "you're sweet 'n all but let's see the hot parts too."

"You did see those pictures..." Jack mumbled, his ears flicking up and down a little as he watched the hot tiger play with himself through his pants.

"Yeah, but can't grope those," the tiger said.

"Alright then..." Jack stood up from the couch and faced the tiger after stepping away a little to make room, "here we go..."

"Can't wait!"

Jack removed his shirt first, followed by his pants, which left him only in his underwear, a pair of teal-colored boxer briefs with a sheath bulge feature, so that the thin fabric hugged onto his private parts and put them on prominent display. Right now the lump had grown out of proportion and his tip was poking out of the elastic waistband, showing hot, dusky meat.

"Niiiiice," the tiger smirked, "that looks tasty."

"Thanks," Jack replied.

"And are those Adrian Kristopher briefs? Looks like it."

"Heh, yeah," Jack tapped his thigh, "I like them."

"They're cool!" the tiger replied. "Always liked their stuff."

"Me too..." Jack said.

"So that you don't feel out place..."

The tiger zipped down his fly and wriggled out of his pants right there on the couch, which revealed some very nice thighs and, most of all, a very much packed yellow jockstrap bulging with...tiger. It made Jack's own tool twitch, and he only barely resisted the urge to grab himself through his underwear. The tiger just smiled toothily and leaned back on the couch, tail snaking around the floor by his big footpaws.

"You ever wear jocks?"

"I've been thinking about it," the skunk replied, "but not sure I've got the body for it..."

"Sure you do! You've got a nice body."


"And a nice butt, too...gimme a look?"

Jack's bushy tail twitched from side to side as he slowly turned and let the tiger gulp down a good sight of him, through a little circle, until he was again facing the tiger. The green cat was grinning still, and one of his paws was slowly stroking over the mesh fabric of his jock.

"Nothing to be ashamed of here," the tiger commented, "bet you'd look great in one of those AK twink jocks...all tight and assless..."

"I'm a twink now?"

"It's nice! And you're really hot."


"Come on here. I wanna play, not just look."

"Oh, sure..."

"Here," the tiger patted his thighs, "got a nice seat here for you."


It sure was nice to put his rump there, Jack had to think, once he was seated on the tiger's lap and got paws tending through the furs on his back.

"Very nice here..."

Jack let out of a small "humph!" when he felt the paws cup his butt cheeks and squeezed them together before tugging on them properly, which sent the skunk's tail swishing from side to side.


"Sexy nice butt..."

" I have to thank you for that too?" Jack asked.

"Hah," the tiger laughed before kissing him again, "you really are cute...and got great buns..."

Jack brushed his tail against the tiger's groping paw and smiled a little.

"You often flatter guys?"

"Only when they're as cute as you," the tiger replied.

"You're not bad yourself," Jack said.

"Alec," the tiger said.


"Remember, Alec?" the tiger continued. "That's what I'm called."

"We did shake paws and share names at the café..." Jack replied. "Did you think I didn't remember?"

"Well you were kinda nervous when we were having coffee," Alec mused, his fingers still not stopping on their quest to find more fun fluffy spots to play with, "I just thought I'd give you a reminder."

"This not a reminder enough?" Jack replied, his newly emboldened paw finding the tiger's bulge and giving it a nice squeeze. The fabric of the jock felt warm under his pads, and slightly...damp, as if the tiger had been sweating a lot.

Jock ball musk, he realized, and his own erection jubilated.

"Mmmpphhrr..." Alec's throat vibrated with purrs as he pressed his hips up to the skunk's paw, "very nice one, Jack."

The skunk stroked along the tiger's shaft, through the mesh still, until he reached the shape of the tip...and felt something firm, something that made the tiger grin even more when Jack touched it, tentatively.

"And I guess this is the..." he said.

"My little bling," Alec said.

"It feels...kinky," Jack said.

The tiger's chuckles were laced with purrs. His cock showed only further signs of throbbing under the skunk's curious pads.

"I can take it off if you like," the tiger murmured, "though generally I haven't heard complaints..."

"I didn't say so," Jack said quickly, "just...never saw this."

"I like newbies," the tiger chuckled.

Jack pouted.

"Oh come on," Alec ruffled the skunk's attractive tail, "just playing with're so cute..."

"You keep saying that," Jack replied.

"But it's true!" Alec brushed his paw over the skunk's back and then onto his head furs, before he let his paw rest upon Jack's shoulder, "you're cute...and kinky...that's like the whole package!"

The tiger's paws returned onto Jack's buns and fondled them, which made the skunk to moan, softly, and wriggle his butt against the big palms cupping his rear.

"Kinky, really?"

"Mmmyep," Alec licked his hips. "My kind of a guy."

"If you mean...that...well, it's really the only kinky thing I do."

"It's a good place to start," the tiger opined.

Jack frowned.

"Have I bitten off something I can't chew here?" he questioned.

"Why don't you find out?" Alec put his own paw over the skunk's and moved it onto the waistband of his "PIKE" brand jockstrap.

"Har har..." Jack joked...but none the less, pushed his paw under the thick elastic, to find the tiger's hot, pulsing throbber in its musky nest. The hard steel of the Prince Albert piercing brushed against his knuckles, too, though it was warm, heated up by the tiger's body long ago. It was just there...and it turned him on. The tiger smiled and rumble as he felt the skunk's fingers rub down into his groin, and encouraged it by playing with the base of Jack's busy tail.

"What do you think?"

"Didn't see it outside a pic yet..."

Alec lifted his rump up, back against the couch, supporting both of their weight on his legs with seeming ease.

"Well pull it down and see."

Jack slipped his paw out of the jock and grabbed its elastic instead, and with care, so as not to snap it onto the tiger's dick, he revealed the thigh green thighs to their fullest, the ruff of brown hair that extended along the tiger's chest also continuing onto his groin, to line the healthily sized, pink, pierced tool. The sight of it made him swallow, and feel a definitely throbbing under his tail.

"This will be interesting."

The tiger winked and grabbed Jack's own erection through his boxer briefs before he helped himself to the waistband and wriggled them off the squirming male sitting on top of him.

"Oh you don't' have nothing to be ashamed of here, either..." Alec declared once he had a pawful of skunk cock to play with, rubbing up and down its length, "very nice...hmm..."

Jack was about to reply something, but the tiger surprised him by leaning down and licking the tip, which required quite the feline agility to do so in such confined quarters. The hot muzzle felt wonderful and made the skunk moan, besides the couple of licks, the tiger actually took him between his lips and suckled for a few moments before he sat up, now lapping pre-cum off his lips.


He encouraged Jack into a kiss with a paw, and he could taste himself on the tiger's maw, and then those paws pulled on him to get their groins mashed together. It became another makeout between them, while their hips humped and paws explored, much to their delight.

"You wanna taste mine?"

"Do you really have to ask stuff like that?" Jack chuckled breathily once their lip lock had been stopped.

"Well he can't speak, but it's pretty obvious it's what he wants," Alec gestured at his stiff junk.

"Guess I'll have to - "

Alec patted the couch.

"Just get here," he smiled, "it's sexy like that, I think."

"Hmmm...interesting," Jack mused, though rolled to his legs long enough to shuck away his underwear for good before he scooted onto the couch and then, on his elbows, approached the tiger's groin.

"See something you like?" the tiger teased.

"Humph," Jack rumbled, "less chit-chat, more cock, please?"

"Well there's...pleenhh...ahhmmm..."

Jack caught the tiger into his grip and went down on it before he could come up with any further theories about how that Prince Albert was going to feel like inside his muzzle.

As he found out, with the tiger's paw dropping to rub and scratch his head furs, the PA was mostly there, did not really taste like sucking on a spoon, and all it did was click against a teeth harmlessly during his somewhat over-eager initial gobble for the tiger's dick, and then it simply slid in along his palate, with the rest of the juicy organ that he now nursed between his lips.

"Oh...damn...that's right..."

The skunk suckled hard on the salty, tasty flesh in his muzzle, hoping to give the tiger as much pleasure as he could. His head almost swam from the musk rising from the tiger's crotch, which only made him want to suck on it more. It was thick but not impossibly so, and the length was more than adequate to be a challenge.

"Ahyeah..." Alec watched as the skunk's head bobbed up and down on him, cheeks practically hollowing as he went down on the tiger's rigid tool. His lips and tongue slid along its warm length and tickles the barbs that soon seemed to be making the skunk's maw feel just a hint numb...while his nose was full of healthy male musk. It only got better when Jack dared to fondle on the tiger's balls, too, rolling them in his palm.

"Oohhhjeesus, hold on!"

Jack slipped off the tiger's cock and gave him a look, breathing heavily from the exercise and arousal, and the feel of Alec's paws on his arms.


"Sorry, you got me too close, hahah," the tiger ruffled the skunk's arm, "and you haven't had any real fun yet...and I really need to go, too..."

"G-go?" Jack swallowed.

"Since the café," the tiger chuckled. "I drank a Gatorade before it, too, so..."


"You can join in you if you still wanna," the tiger said, paws rubbing on Jack's side and hip and rump, "I'd definitely want to."


"Or I can just pop to the bathroom and then we can go to bed or something and have some fun there...wouldn't mind that either..." the tiger murmured, "but since we talked about it..."

"I'm not gonna chicken out!" Jack said quickly. "Just...uh..."

"We could just wait a bit, but I'd hate to waste a good...load..."the tiger kept a meaningful pause when he spoke.

Jack stared at the tiger's groin and couldn't help but feel almost painful level of arousal and flutter in his belly. His cock on the other paw felt like it'd never been harder.

"It's not a very big bathroom..." he whispered.

"I like close quarters," Alec smirked. "You wanna go?"

Jack's heart skipped a beat at the potential double meaning, but found himself nodding none the less.

"Yeah, of course."

"Lead me the way then."

They stood up, leaving the couch and the floor littered with disrobed articles of clothing on their quick journey into the bathroom. Jack switched the lights on displayed to the tiger that he had not been joking. It really was quite full, with the washing machine and all, and a tiled shower area separated by a curtain with cartoon flowers on it.

"Mom...bought that," Jack felt the need to speak up as they stayed on the doorway.

The tiger chuckled and patted his rump.

"Not quite your style, is it?"

"No, just around to getting a new one, you know? Hasn't bothered me that much."

"At least it's a conversation starter," Alec chuckled. "But aren't you going to invite me in? Really need to go, heheh."

The tiger sounded impatient, which both thrilled Jack and made him feel a little nervous. Sure, it was what he wanted but...still. It was quite the thing to get up to with someone he'd only met in real life some three hours previously.


Jack padded into the bathroom and pulled the shower curtain to reveal the tiled alcove. What separated it from the rest of the room besides the plastic curtain was a small raised threshold, tiled like the rest to keep the water from splashing out onto the floor. The shower equipment was mostly dull grey plastic, with a hint of chrome thrown in here and there.

"Well...uh...this is it."

He backed towards the wall to give the tiger as much room as there was to be had, though it was not very much, which meant they were crowded face to face once Alec was in place, and reached to tug the curtain closed. It rattled on its hooking rings, which sounded very loud, and very final, in the small space. The light was above the sink, so behind the curtain, there was a kind of a twilight, shaded in yellow thanks to the big smiling sun on the curtain.

"This is cozy," Alec mused, paw dropping to stroke his still more or less erect cock. The grip made a slick noise, and that caused Jack's ears to flick. His own cock drooped semi-hard from its withdrawn sheath.

"Come on, gimme a kiss."

Jack found himself pulled to the tiger's chest once again, though this time he was prompted to stand on his tiptoes a little, and Alec tilted his head down so that their muzzles were in alignment. A couple of strong paws on his rump helped, too, and for a moment it felt like he was going to be pulled entirely off his paws and held mid-air by the tiger who was sucking on his tongue now. That didn't happen for the moment they spent kissing and groping, for soon Alec let him down...and got to the floor, seemingly quite comfortable to crouch there. His cock was hard and up against his belly, the piercing nestled in the furs there, and his paw, that sneaky devil, was quick to grab onto Jack's semi and give it a tug or two.


"Better not tease you too much..." the tiger murmured as he gripped the skunk about an inch below his tip. "It's hard to get it out when you're too boned up..."

"Y-yeah..." Jack's tail swept against the wall behind him, smacking the shower hose with a whap-whap-whapping noise.

Alec kissed the tip of the cock he tenderly held in his grasp and smiled friendlily.

"Never tasted a skunk before," the tiger whispered. "Give me some to see how it compares?"

Jack imagined the green cat with a whole line of guys ready for being sampled, and felt his cock grow even harder while looked down at the eagerly smiling cat who in fact already had his tongue poking out of his muzzle. The feel of the skunk's dick twitching in his fingers made him open his maw hopefully, but when he saw the expression of bliss on Jack's face, his gaping maw closed some.

"Hey, you're not supposed to be getting harder yet!" he chuckled.

"Sorry, sorry!" Jack huffed. ""

"Relaaaaax..." Alec murmured as he lapped some tasty pre-cum off the skunk's tip, "there's no rush...the waiting is kinda hot, too..."

Somehow Jack thought that such heat might very well grow lukewarm if he'd let the tiger wait too long. Still, forcing himself to was as difficult as it always was...only made him more self-conscious, and ever more difficult do what he wanted to do, really. The tiger's rude licking of his lips made it hard to concentrate onto that.

Or maybe that was exactly what he had to be doing...not to be doing anything...

"Tell me...tell me how much you want it..." a little inspiration struck him, and he spoke to the crouching tiger.

The tiger made a noise that was somewhere between a chuckle and a purr, and it sounded fantastically erotic in the small space they shared.

"Oh you like hearing that do you?" the tiger cocked his heads as he looked up to the skunk in front of him.

"Y-yeah," Jack bit his lip. It wasn't really his kind of a thing to speak something like that but...the tiger seemed eager for it. And he did feel so fucking horny.

"Well...why don't"

And by God, his breath was tickling the slit on his tip with each word coming out of that kinkily grinning muzzle.


The tiger's monologue was remarkably raunchy, and set Jack's heart racing. His eyes looked down and saw the brown chin fuzz, that pink tongue and the open muzzle...and the bright eyes that were eying him, curiously, and with lust...and one paw was curled around the tiger's piercing-adorned member, to give it some tender care while the tiger waited for his treat.

"...come on...wash me with that hot golden shower..."

That just made Jack burst out a laugh.

"What?" Alec flicked his ears.

"Sorry, hah, sorry, that was just...ah..." Jack giggled, "ahaha..."

"Bu - "

The shaking caused by the laughter seemed to be what he needed, because at that very moment, a watery arch splashed out of his piss slit and caught the tiger right between his eyes. He gasped at the sudden attack, eyes first closing by reflex and then opening, as the warm liquid flowed over his muzzle and dribbled onto the floor and his chest. And there was more coming, too, in another spurt through the somewhat congested tube caused by the erection...but it was flowing now.

"Fuck yeah..."

Alec shook his head from side to side, to get the stream all over his cheeks and face, to mark him with the skunk's intimate scent in a moment before he opened his muzzle and caught the end of the skunk's once tentative liquid offering. it bubbled and flowed between his teeth, and hit his lips and chin fuzz once he closed his muzzle to take a singular swallow that tingled over his tongue.

"Hmmmyeah..." the tiger grabbed onto the skunk again and directed him onto his chest, to mark himself there as well, while Jack watched in awe at the tiger's open wallowing in his wet, dirty fun. That fun on his chest was being painted dark now, as it got damped...

"F-fuck..." Jack gasped.

His stream waned soon, mid-voiding, really, but despite the hugely erotic nature of the situation, he had enough presence of mind left to know that the tiger might want to play some more...he didn't want to spend all of himself in one single go yet, so soon he was down to a trickle and the stream waned. The tiger was quick to lurch forward and capture Jack's tip between his lips, as if coaxing the last drops...and the tongue that rasped over his piss slit made him moan, and buck his hips into the tiger's muzzle.

"Well that was fucking great," Alec opined once he slurped the skunk's dick out of his muzzle, "man, you taste good...and don't thank me now..."

He got up and took the skunk into a big two-armed hug, which rubbed his wet furs all over the skunk's and mingled their pelts together, in that smirking, musky embrace while he licked on the skunk's moaning lips.

"You want it now?" the tiger husked, rubbing roughly through his back.

"Yeah, -p-please..."

Alec nipped on the skunk's lower lips and grinned.

"I gotta warn you, that tends to make it go everywhere..." he whispered.

Jack groped almost blindly at the tiger's body, finding tangles of fur, a hip, anything, he wanted to touch anything, as the tiger's very presence egged him onto a sexual frenzy.

"I don't long as it's on me..." he hissed.

The tiger's paws landed on his shoulders, and nudged on him to turn.

"Bend over," the tiger rumbled," paws on the wall..."

Jack's heart raced, but he did as he was told. As soon has his palms hit the cold tiles, the tiger grabbed his hips and pulled on them, seemingly to put his butt where he wanted it to be, and then his fingers wound about his swishing tail and pulled it up.

"You know where it's gonna go..."

"AAahh...oooh..." Jack panted as he realized what was going to happen, and he didn't have to see, really, when the tiger, with a concentrated look on his muzzle, aimed himself with a paw while the other held the skunk's tail in his grip.

The hot stream hit the base of his tail and his balls, making him gasp and throw out his head when the tiger's piss made contact, soaking into his furs. It came with force, but the Prince Albert was definitely working to create a spray rather than a clean rush of the fluid, because he feel drops hitting far away from his taint, on the backs of his thighs and over his rump as he was marked by the kinky cat.


"Soak in that..."

The tiger's cocktip pressed onto his taint but still kept on gushing. The warm fluid washed over his tailhole and made it pulse, with surprise and anticipation whether he'd try to...but there was no lube and he hadn't been really prepared for anything like that, he needed to be stretched out -

But the tiger's warm stream moved, splashed over his back, and then the paws were on him, coaxing him to turn around...and the tiger was kissing him while he still emptied his bladder, the soaking force thoroughly covering their chests. Jack humped into the embrace, their bellies now very wet from everything that drizzled down there from the tiger's member.


"Oh, God..."

"We're gonna need lube," the tiger breathed. "Got any?"

"Under the sink," Jack mumbled.

"Don't disappear anywhere."

The curtain rattled, and the tiger stepped our, dripping piss all over the bare bathroom floor when he went to the sink and checked under the cabinet.

"Behind the bleach!"

"How covert!" the tiger stated as he rummaged into the cabinet and the produced a pump bottle. "Yiffslick Nasty...oh boy..."

"It lasts long..." Jack said.

"And it's waterproof," the tiger added. "Come here..."

"You gonna - "

Alec squirted lube onto his palm and wriggled them in the direction of the skunk.

"I said, come'ere..."


The tiger grabbed Jack's dick, which made him yelp out, and then hiss when the feeling of the slick silicon-lubed fingers stroking on him was threatening to overwhelm his poor worked-up self.

"Nice and hard...gonna be good having that inside my ass..." Alec grinned as he added some lube onto his fingers and pushed them under his own tail.

"I'm're not gonna..."

"Soon, sweetcheeks, but first we're gonna try something...grab that towel hanging there!"

Jack glanced at the dull grey towel and wondered what he could do with it, before the tiger instructed him to roll it up and put it onto the floor.

"Always need a pillow," the tiger grinned, accompanied by the slick 'schlop-schlop' of his fingers probing his pucker, "now get down, I'm gonna ride you."

"You - "

"Come on, I really wanna do this!" the tiger was practically panting now while he his fingers seesawed into his slowly stretched hole. "Come on..."

Jack felt an extra thrill when he laid down on the relatively warm tiles, thanks to the heating, not the puddle that had formed there, really, from their combined juices. It felt remarkably erotic, and dirty, too, when he felt his tail become soaked...just moments before the tiger pranced over and poised himself over the skunk on his back.

"Time to check this out," Alec grinned, "I warn you, I'm a loud fuck."

"I...don't mind?" Jack huffed when he felt his cocktip being manipulated to brush into the tiger's taint. "Ah..."

"Heeere we gooo...."

It looked remarkably kinky, the tiger crouched there, muscled legs bulging when he aimed himself and then began to drop himself onto the skunk's dick.

"Ahhhyeah...gimme that cock..."

Jack didn't even really register the pornstar dialogue this time around, he was rather more concerned with the feeling of a stretchy hole and a spongy, slick tunnel closing in on his meat.


"That's rigft..."

The tiger's tail was upright and rigid when he began to ride the skunk, not even bottomed out yet, but he would not wait any longer. Paws on his knees, he hunched and bucked, the cock soon sliding in and out of him. Sweat broke on him after only afew moments, the exercise something his body was likely not too used to doing, but he was doing his best of bouncing on the skunk's twitching erection.


"Yeah, there you have that's good and nice..."


"Here it comes...ah for you..."

Jack opened his half-lidded eyes to see whether the tiger was going to get off, but instead of the expected pearly strings of joy, another golden stream cut through the air and caught him right in the muzzle.

"Ymph!" he moaned when the musk filled his nostrils and sinuses.

"Taste it now, dude...all for...ah...yah..."

The combination of the PA and the tiger's swaying on the skunk's pole meant that it was about as messy as it would get. The piss sprayed onto the walls, the shower curtain and all over Jack's chest and muzzle. He wasn't sure if any appreciable amount was actually landing on his tongue, but he could sure taste it...and smell it...God he could -

"Aaaah so close...ah..." Alec shook his head, body all puffed out, furs spiked everywhere, when he suddenly flopped off Jack's cock and rolled to the side.

"WHY-THE-FUCK-DO-YOU-STOP?!!" Jack panted, staring at his lubed, angry red cock lying desolate on his own belly.

"Round two," Alec panted, "get on your back, your turn."

"But we didn't - "

"Time for that later, I just gonna nut in your ass..."

The tiger was almost scarily aroused, panting and growling, his breaths as agitated as his tail,

crouching there with a massive piss-dripping boner and one paw going to grab the momentarily discarded bottle of lube.


"On your back, put the towel roll under your ass."

Jack didn't mind being bossed around, at least no this time around - he would follow the tiger on a leash by now, he thought, almost ruefully, when he laid down once again on the piss-covered floor, though this time in a much more vulnerable position.

"Let's see..."

Alec grabbed his ankles and put them over his shoulders, to bend the skunk sufficiently over so that his lubed fingers could get into his wet taint. The hole opened up with relative ease, though not without moans and grunts from Jack who was getting fingered by an eager cat with a raging boner...and the musk, the musk in the air that filled his lungs with each breath, making it hard to think about anything else except the green, now yellow-streaked beast.

"Need some more?" Alec panted, two fingers knuckles deep inside Jack's rump.

"J-just go for it..."

The tiger moved forward and nudged his tip, complete with its impressive piercing, against the skunk's pink pucker and pushed.


"Damn you're tight..."

"Of co - uuhhh..."

The tiger's strong hips propelled him forward, pushing quickly but thankfully relatively painlessly into the skunk's helpless rectum. His eyes widened on the unimaginable sensation of the metal ring stroking along his insides, bumping onto his prostate and then sliding inwards still, accompanied by the numerous barbs poking in his walls.


"Here we ggooo..."

His body was soon rocking back and forth on the bathroom floor, the tiger fucking into him leisurely, but with his whole weight behind his deep thrusts. His tail smacked against the wall, moving on its own accord while the tiger concentrating on pounding his host for the night. The wet, lewd noises, the scents and the rubbing of their horny bodies together had them going well...

"Piss yourself," Alec growled.

"W -" Jack's words were swallowed by a moan caused by a hard, deep poke into his guts.

"Go on," Alec leaned over him, the skunk's spine popping when he was bent over further, the tiger hovering over him, "get it all over yourself and I'll cum inside a big load coming..."

"N-not sure - "


And true enough, the tiger's heavy pounding seemed to be putting pressure on him so right, so that soon enough, Jack's stiff cock, bouncing against his belly, began to liberally spout both of them with whatever remained in his bladder. It rushed onto his neck and made him moan, and the tiger, with a vicious grin, leaned over and suckled on the wet furs while he fucked the self-playing skunk with all his might.



His balls slapped onto the skunk's taint...once...twice...three times, and then his eyes rolled back, hidden by his lids now, as he began to shoot his thick cat cum inside the skunk's convulsing butt. The sheer arousal from the situation, the hard pounding on his prostate and the submissive pleasure of doing such a kinky thing to please the tiger were enough to put the skunk over the edge and add his white cream onto the mess pooling up on his chest. Alec leaned down and kissed him once again, their bodies rubbing together, rubbing their combined raunch deep onto their furs.


Alec managed, somehow, to change their posture so that they were lying on their sides, still joined by the hip, though, panting on the floor with Jack's head and neck pressed quite awkwardly against the wall.


"Gimme ah...a moment..." Alec mumbled, "and I'll...fucking thank you for a time...ah..."

"Thought that was...uh...rude..." Jack shook his head a little. He thought he was feeling a bit faint.

"Eeeh...I'll show you rude soon enough."


Thank you for reading! Hope you liked it, and I look forward to your comments! Also remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!


More to Love

** ** **More to Love** ** ** \* I had about 2,000 words of this written down at one point, but then it sizzled out and I left it lying around for months before picking this up again. I think it's a fun little premise, and I hope you enjoy...

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**Maps** \* Here's another chapter for you, continuing the tale of these two - do tell me what you think! I am ever so curious to know your speculation and your ideas : ) \* "Ken?" He was sitting by the window, staring out onto the lake, when I...

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Washing Up

Washing Up \* Hehhey there! Here's another installment to this saga, more about our ol' lol friend! Hope you like it, and I look forward to your comments! Cheers! \* ... _ _ _"CUT!"_ "Well, wow!" Doug grinned once...

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