More to Love

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Five friends spend a nice evening in with a brightly burning fire, drinks and snacks, and some good, well-needed company.

More to Love


I had about 2,000 words of this written down at one point, but then it sizzled out and I left it lying around for months before picking this up again. I think it's a fun little premise, and I hope you enjoy it, too - I did have a lot of fun writing, obviously! *chuckle* And consider it maybe a trial run for a certain big scale commission I have coming up...hopefully you can guess which one that is : )

As always, I look forward to your feedback and your comments especially. Remember that all votes ,faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!



What's there to know about us?

We're a bunch of regular guys, I suppose, with our ups and downs. We've got jobs and families, friends and whatnots, and we like getting together at least every two weeks or so, as long as we can make it. It ain't always that easy to clear our schedules for it, but sometimes we catch up, too, heheh, and have an extra night in. Just when as many of us can get together, because more the merrier. It's always the best when all of us can just get in and let it all loose. That's what it's all about, I reckon.

We pretty often meet up at Leslie's place, mostly because the backyard is great for BBQs or just general hanging around shirtless and chugging down beer when the weather is nice there. Others have backyards, too, but the tall fence makes that one convenient, of you know what I mean, as long as you keep the noise down.

With the winter now going on we're staying snugly indoors, but that doesn't mean much when you've got one of these grand 1960's fireplaces he's got in this bungalow of his. It's really smartly set up, if you don't mind me saying, but Leslie does not take compliments very easily. He's just that kind of a guy who'll rather get a friendly warm pat on the shoulder than a gushing review of his interior design skills.


We've got this fire burning and it's all nice and balmy and makes it natural to soon be showing more flesh and fur than before. Everyone's down to pants at most, shirts gone a long ago as well as shoes and socks, because it's so nice to curl ye toes into that fluffy carpet of Leslie's. T'wasn't really a surprise that the wolf was down to skivvies when he opened the door to greet me when I came in, and I happened to be the first one around, car parked next to his Ford. He looked just right gorgeous, fuzzy gut hanging just a little bit over the waistband of his undies.

But I was talking about the carpet yet. It makes me want to wriggle my own even now a bit, and looking across the sitting area to the other fancy couch where Cliff and Bernard are sitting cooped up, I get the idea that I'm being watched even now.

Good ol' Bernard has a thing about feet, and he likes looking at 'em as much as snuggling them, and I decide to give him a bit of a show, for the hell of it. It ain't my thing, but it's nothing that's being taken away from me, and I'm giving him something he wants, so there you go. I wriggle them some more and drink from my beer, and watch over to my right where Willie is busy scratching his ample big bear belly and Leslie is laughing at something Willie just said. I'm laughing too alright, enjoying the fire and the beer and the tang of salt on my lips from the potato chips on the bowl on the little table with that pretty lamp on it.

Really, Leslie should do this for some fancy ladies' magazine or something, don't they love old queens doing that sort of business for them? Maybe not something for the ol' wolf to do, however. He ain't looking like one of those queer types you see on TV more and more nowadays. More like the guy next door, or the cap-wearing guy who drives a pickup down the street.

I feel a weight on my groin and see that after stopping scratching his belly, Willie has decided on a different kind of an itch, and he's now rubbing his big paw up and down over my junk. I give him a good rumble and a purr and push my heavy hips up a little to let him get to what he wants, that bulge in my old boxers.

Our eyes meet and mine say "welcome home", and my paw picks up the beer from the little table and brings it over to my muzzle. I take a good long sip and sigh once the beer slips down my throat, and the paw on my dick is starting to feel even better, too. I decide to pay back the compliment and lean over to kiss Willie all nicely, on the lips and licking between them, too, tasting the jerky-like flavor of the bear's muzzle. He decides to play even nicer and claps a paw behind my neck and pulls my head over all properly, and we kiss like teenagers for a while, making out it's called, before he settle into a kind of nuzzle, grumbling man-kissing while we play with each other's bulges.

That's how it always turns out...when the paws start to wander, and they do usually after the first half an hour or so, there's no stopping it either. I've got a bear kissing my tiger muzzle, and it looks like Bernard's eyeing old Cliff too, and starting to get the itch too, to maybe put his paws onto that grand moose's grizzled pelt. He's not into hooves as much as into nice padded paws though...might have to keep paw-flirting with him...though it was hard to think anything except Willie for now, doing fantastic things with his tongue.

We look into each other's eyes while we kiss and we see just warmth and friendship there, and it makes my chest warm much like my belly, where the beer lies, and my loins, where most of my blood flows, and we keep going at it, swapping spit and rumbling happily at that kind of a trade while he squeezes and massages my junk the way he likes, slow and steady like you expect from a big daddy bear.

That's right.

He used to be married at some point in his crazy youth, too, and that's why he always gets called daddy...even though no cubs were blessed from that marriage. So no calling him Pops.

Go figure.

No ideas of girls now, though, not especially since Leslie's jealous of our tonsil-hockey and has decided to crowd the other leather couch by sitting onto Willie's lap. That's quite the sight to spy from the corner of your eye, a big ass wolf sitting on the lap of a big moose and wrapping his arms around him, his tail wagging languidly while they rumble and greet each other. Does that leave Bernard outside the fun? No...the husky is tail-grabbing already...taking that old wagger and pulling...making ol' Leslie grumble.

Excellent job, man, I think, and send that thought to Willie too, by slipping my paw into his boxers to find that sweaty hot cock and feel its rubbery warmth on my palm. I milk him for a few seconds and then pull my muzzle back, and wink.

"Let me to ye meat?" I lick my lips knowingly.

The bear grins and squeezes my cock, too, and then leans back on the couch, looking very content indeed. He brings that paw close to his muzzle and takes a deep sniff, and rumbles, obviously liking what he found there, the musk of my cock. He yawns, too, and I take that as a compliment.

"Pass me the beer," he says.

I give him a fresh one from the little pretty table before I put my striped knees onto the floor on that fluffy carpet and get onto licking and munching on Willie's thick belly for a while. My paws are on his thighs and I squeeze and use my claws a bit. My ears flick when I hear his grunts, and the hiss of the beer when he gets to it, slurping down a good mawful while I'm smelling man-musk. More good noises are heard from behind me, but I'm not too concerned with that now while I've got some bear gut to worship...while Willie enjoys his beer.

I pull on his boxers and he lifts his rump just enough so that they can be slipped down comfortably, and there it pops out, daddy bear's bull dick and balls of great proportions. He might not be a multiple-shooter like me due to my feline qualities but he knows how to make it last and enjoy every moment of teasing, and when he shoots, it's a real flood of spooge...great in or on your belly, face, ass, wherever it happens to land.

I start licking on his balls first, nosing them and nuzzling on them, purring all the way while he wriggles his ass more comfortably on the squishy leather and drinks more beer. He scratches his belly, damp from my tongue, and then he scritches me between my ears and I purr like a good boy, put out my tongue, and start licking up and down his tasty, meaty shaft.


What a pretty sound he makes...deep and nice, and the couch creaks as he adjust himself...bucking those heavy hips alright. I rub my face all over his cock and think about having it in my ass tonight...a nice slow fuck, maybe while lying on my back, legs thrown over his hips...that'd be nice...good and slow, kissing while we do...makes my asshole wink and tingle even thinking about it. Maybe we'll do it on the couch and let the others watch, or maybe we'll steal Leslie's bed for it...leave his sheets nice and musky.

I spend a moment glancing over my shoulder to see what's going on the other side. Leslie, Cliff and Bernard are continuing their threeway snuggling and nuzzling and grappling, and that looks cozy alright, but I know how to make it even better. I've got a thick cock to play with, so I might as well put myself at their disposal, too, because sharing is caring.

"Hey, Bernard!" I call out while I rub Willie's thighs and keep my eyes on his nice fleshy snake. "Come give me some tongue when you're at it, it's needed here!"

I lift my tail to show him where I want it, wriggle my man-ass and spread my legs a little wider so that he knows where that tongue can go for a good fun in a furry crack. I give him a quick glance, and see that the husky's tail wags when he gets off the couch, and I turn my attention back to the need to see what's gonna happen next...and I smile up to Willie's content face, when I lean closer and slurp on the tip of his schlong.


He sounds happy alright, and I polish his dick clean with my tongue while listening to the patter of husky paws behind me.

More like an avalance, but who's minding that?

My tail jumps when I feel the tickle at first, but it doesn't land on my ass, but not entirely unpredictably, on my right footpaw. I curl my toes and wriggle a little, trying to avoid pulling it away on a reflex that's inevitable when you've got hot breath and a playful tongue touching a place that doesn't usually get much of touching to begin with. It feels a bit strange and a lot of hot, and I let him go at it, because it makes him very happy alright...his own tasty little forbidden fruit, much like my own stalk of daddy bear cock I'm nursing between my pursed lips, lapping the occasional drop of musky pre-cum slop off its tip. Willie's a real dribbler...

"Hermrmmmyes..." Willie adjusts his ass again, getting a bit antsy, and I know it's a good time to go for his balls again, rub them in my palm, tug and pull on this nads, smile around my cock, take a little bit more, but not too much. You don't need to deepthroat to give a good head, as long as you remember to use your paws too and find the good spots. Willie's got one on the rim of his tip...a bit of tongue there keeps him leaking like a faucet. I slurp it down like a good brand of beer, all the while Bernard polishes between my toes that have a hard time staying in place.

I give him a little prod with my tail, and he gets the message, and crouches forward, going on all fours like the good dog he is. Soon I'm happily sucking cock while he rubs my ass cheeks and sticks his muzzle between them, getting into my furry-pucker with that extra sweet tongue of his. I purr around Willie's great dick and know that it feels great for him, too. The tongue pumps against my muscle eye and makes it itch and open up, and I feel the tip poking at the rim.


I'm getting greedy tonight. Maybe I'll have Bernard mount my back instead...feel that knot bump against my ass...slip in for a good nice lay while we enjoy one another...maybe tasting Cliff or Leslie while we're at it. Willie is delicious but there are other cocks to sample, too.

But that's for later, it's just me and Willie's dick, and the bear is happy, and my ass is happy, and Bernard is feeling great eating my ass. Not sure what Cliff and Leslie are up to, but the other couch seems to be creaking a bit...I'd peek over if I wasn't so busy giving head to my favorite bear...his delicious pole so slippery now that my spit slips down along to the fuzzy mess of his old sheath. His balls jingle nicely on my palm, and I can feel a bit of spit on my own while Bernard polishes my butthole. The nice tingle is spreading and making my cock twitch, too, needing some attention on it, too. Not entirely surely how to report that to Bernard without taking my maw off Willie...perhaps I can spare a moment. He doesn't mind a breather.

I pull my muzzle off his dick extra slow and replace the pressure on his shaft with my paw, and give him a couple of strokes while I tip my head up and give him a sweet cat grin. He dribbles onto my knuckles.

"You're like a faucet..." I smirk, my whiskers shaking with my purr, "been jacking off lately?"

Maybe that's it...maybe he's pent up...having spared him for tonight, so that everyone gets a good gulp of bear spooge if you like it. And here's four old guys asking for it.

"Just played with my ass in the shower this morning..." the bear replies contently, and makes my cock twitch again.


I push my ass back against Bernard's busy muzzle, and like the surprised huff that gives onto my crack, and wriggle, before I tap his shoulder with my tail. He emerges, eyes full of goodwill, and a lolling tongue that drips spit. Over his head and perky ears I can see Leslie's rump swaying in a humpin'-thumpin' rhythm. Cliff's all smiles, too, and I think that they're frotting their cocks together, and seems that it's Leslie's paws that are keeping them nice and rubbing on one another.

"I'm sure you're having down there but do you have a paw to spare?" I tell Bernard.

The husky wags his tail.

"Thought this looked lonely down here..."

He grabs me and yanks on it like an udder, a couple of times, making me rumble.

"Careful with that," I chuckle, and his touch becomes as sweet as his smile...or his tongue that was dipping into my ass the moment before, "that ain't a ketchup bottle!"

"I luuuv catchup!" Bernard drawls before he decides that he wants to play some more.

My asshole gets a tongue bath, and a glance at Willie tells me that he wouldn't mind a bit of attention, either, so I twist his balls in my palm and mouth at the base of his friendly cock. He rumbles and messes around with my head furs.

"Look who's bein' spit roasted..." the bear rumbles.

I chuckle onto his musky groin and give him a wink.

"More like being basted before one yet," I reply.

"Ain't you a nasty cat," he chuckles, and the paw on my crown moves to scratch his belly.

I kiss the rim of his sheath, and sigh happily at the feeling of thumbs spreading my ass cheeks open.

"Just gimme a word and I'll jump on yer lap," I tell him, looking up to him along the length of his cock.

Willie shows remarkable composure for a man getting his cock sucked, and just chugs down on his beer.

"Wouldn't that make Bernie back there jealous?" the bear tells me.

The husky in question draws away from my rump and barks up.

"Just give me a dick and I'll be happy...or a foot..."

"Ye old perv," Willie speaks for both of us, knowing how busy I am at the moment with slurping on his pole.

"Don't knock it before you try it," I hear Bernard tell him, voice all smiles.

"Ye all having fun?" now that's Cliff talking.

"You don't seem to be too busy if you have time to speak!" Willie's laughter makes his entire belly bounce up and down, and makes his dick in my muzzle stir my tongue.

"We're having pretty good time here thank you!" Leslie chimes in. "No need for lip!"

"I'm enjoying my lip!" Willie replies, his heavy paw on top of my head such a weight that it almost drives me into an attempt at deepthroating.

"You sure you don't wanna polish some hooves, Bernie?" Cliff stomps the floor with his big moose clopper. goes the tongue...Bernard smacks his lips when he's done with me for the moment. At least his paw's still wrapped cozily around my cock.

"Maybe later, sweetheart," the husky speaks up. "I like it here for now."

"Not a bad sight for sore eyes," Cliff says, "keep that tail up!"

"Always for you," I hear Bernard say.

Willie laughs.

"You planning some sorta daisy chain, Cliff?"

"No need to get that ambitious to have fun," I hear Leslie speak.

I bet a wolf butt or a muzzle is getting moose cock soon...but I'm content with Willie's in my muzzle for the moment.


Oh Gawd, Bernard's ducked his head down and he's tugging on my cock while lapping on the tip like he means business. It gets pretty good pretty damn quick, and I have to pull up after only a few moments at it.

"Ehhh...careful there, Bernie, it's gonna..." I rumble, and remarkably, the ol' husky stops his game, and looks at me over my back.

"But it looked so delicious..."

I chuckle.

"Maybe don' want it to pop just yet," I speak, but it's difficult, because Willie keeps poking my chin with his pecker.

"But you don't take much time in between..." the husky tugs on me, and it's getting close again, and he feels it too, my shaft twitching in his grip.

"I ain't shooting it like a 16-year-old tom anymore," I chuckle, "and it gets sore."

"I'll nurse it back..." Bernard's breath whispers against my flesh, and then his tongue drags along my length once again, and I almost pop it.

"'re persuasive ain't ya?" I speak.

"Ye two gonna spend the whole night chattin?" Willie asks with a playful rumble.

"I thought I was pulling yer pud," I give Willie's tool a couple of strokes, "don't be a sourpuss."

"Cheeky puss," the bear growls.

"I've got him pretty nice and warm if you want to try it out," Bernard speak.

"You willing to give it up for Willie's sake?" the bear smirks.

Bernard slaps my rump and chuckles.

"Always for ya."

Goddarnit, they're talking about me like a piece of ass to pass around and it shouldn't, but something about that turns me on something great, and I feel my asshole twitch already at the idea.

Willie grabs his cock by the root and slaps it a couple times on my muzz before he leans back on the couch and adjusts himself.

"Hop on then."

"Don't need to ask twice," I smirk, kiss his balls goodnight for now, and stand up.

Leslie's neat coffee table is stocked with booze and snacks, but there's other kind of supplies there, too, and the bottle I snap open comes in handy when I step over to Willie, and spread the gel all over him while he lounges and takes the treatment like a good daddy bear. He rumbles a bit and then takes over from me, to, keep that towering inferno at ready when I slick up a bit under my tail, too, held up and swinging. My ear pick a soft fappin' noise, too, and that is Bernard, whom I spy from the corner of my eye before I turn about so that I'm facing the room, and my rump is backing up towards Willie who puts a paw onto my hip to guide the parking of his man-buster into where it wants to go.

I swing my tail to the side and crouch down, and my face must have that particular concentrated grimace, and it amuses Bernard, who watches intently when Willie plays with my asshole with his tip and churns the grease there. Cliff's down on his back on the couch with his hooves dangling off the armrest and Leslie's straddled him to keep up their frotting on a more comfortable pose.

"Here we go..." Willie grunts, as he tugs on my tail, suddenly, "down, boy-o."

I shall be his boy for now, then, as I bear down and he pops in through my experienced dark gates, spreadin' em wide. He's a big boy down there, and while I'm not a dainty virgin, it's still a stretch.


I sink down on him and it hurts good before it feels just fine, my ass coming down onto his warm, solid thighs and he's in my guts and it makes me want to squirm but I force myself to be steady so as not to stretch it too much before I'm good to go for a proper bucking ride.

"Aaalright.." Willie sounds happy, his paws on my hips, and I'm happy, too, even though it's a mixed bag for the moment.

"Give him a good time, bronco," Bernard chuckles, just as he gets back to knees and elbows, remarkably agile for his age, I suppose, and he crawls up like that, tail wagging behind him cheerfully.

"What're you planning Bernie?" I question as I see him approach, but my questioning is interrupted when Willie decides that he might as well start with his favorite activity of ass-pumping.

"I got interrupted before, didn't I?" the husky tells me, just as Willie's cock plugs up into my gut and draws back, and empties my lungs too.


"Come to papa..."

That's not Willie...that's Bernard, who has grabbed my right foot and is now slurping on it like he means it, while my ass gets plugged by the bear I'm sitting on. It churns me up good, and even Bernie's tongue feels good, while its nowhere near my usual good spots, it's still good, and my cock hops up and down with my body, and slaps my belly good. I ain't very eloquent when I'm getting fucked, so excuse me if I'm just telling that what's happening to me is good and nice.

Bouncing on a pole and getting wonder even Leslie and Cliff can get away from one another long enough to take a peek...but it's nothing they haven't seen before, so they just go back to their own business soon enough. Just encouraging us with their knowing grins before they start on one another again.

It's a good ride...Willie isn't in a hurry, and in this position, he probably wouldn't care to really lift me off the floor with just his cock, as amusing the idea is. He's content in just dicking me deep and nice otherwise while fondling my gut. I think I'm leaking onto Bernie's head furs while he's at it, but he wouldn't' be one to complain. He's getting five toes and that's what makes him happy. Maybe I'll plug his ass nice and slow later...if he keeps to his promise and gets me back to full mast once I'm done with this. Getting pounded like this is threatening to set me off, even without anyone playing with my dick.


"Think he's gonna go off..." Willie speaks, voice full of amusement. He must've been able to tell just by the way how I'm clutching on his pole still pumping in and out of my guts.


"Fucking hell..." that's me.

"Yep!" Willie hisses.

"Hmppph!" Bernie's voice rises.

His muzzle is on my dick soon and I grab his head hard, my hips rocking along to Willie's so that when Willie really fucks it out of me, the husky is there to lap it all up into his gullet when my poor balls give it up. His content murrs don't sound like he's choking, though, so I let him have his fun, even if it feels like I'm down his throat or summin'.

"Tasty," he licks his lips once he's done.

Willie ain't done, though. He slaps my butt.

"Stand up and bend over, I wanna stretch my legs a bit," he says.

No rest for the wicked. I'm up to my paws and bent over the couch before you can say "Pops!" and Willie's tugging on my tail before his dick is back snaking its way into my bent passage.

"Pass me that beer, Bernie?"

"Ye kidding!" I grunt, but there's no stopping the husky, who picks the drink from the table by the couch and gives it to the bear who doesn't miss a single hump up my gut.


"Don't ye dare to spill that on my back!" I yelp when the bear burps.

"Nah...I'm steady as a rock!"

So is his cock...still going solid and strong.

"This is looking lonely again..."

Goddarn Bernie...he's crawling under me on the couch and has started to play with my dick and my balls again, not a minute since I popped...

"Enjoy yer cream, I'll stick with beer for now," Willie chuckles.

"I wouldn't mind a beer," I huff.

That cheeky bastard grabs my muzz and sticks his wet, beer-flavored tongue in my maw. I start sucking on it and purring like a kitten for him, while he pounds into me with firm, jerking thrusts. Bernard's tongue is busy lapping up my balls whenever they bounce forward from the force of what Willie s doing. Chasing balls like a good doggie...

It feels like Willie never stops, but he eventually pulls out, leaving me gaping wide for a moment...and I know that he hasn't finished yet.

"I need a breather," he says.

"Seriously?" I make a face that's mixed with pleasure from Bernie's teasing of my sheath.

"You're wearing me out," he slaps my ass before he pads away, cock glistening with grease.

"Where're you going?" I complain.

"Need to use the can," he scratches his ass while he walks out.


I look down to Bernard, lying on the bed and jacking it while he toys with my balls. He smiles up to me contently.

"Wanna take over?" I ask him.

"Not sure if I should barge in on Willie's territory..."

I chuckle.

"If you ain't sticking it in, I'll ask Leslie or Cliff," I swipe my tail towards the pair who've gone on to suck each other's tools on the couch, noisily at that. The sight of bobbing heads makes me want to have a dick in my maw, too...

"They look busy," he says.

"If you ain't doing it, maybe I'll have to fuck you instead," I tell him.

"Ye promise?"

"I'm a man of my words," I tell him solemnly.

He chuckles.

"Ye got me, then."

Leslie's decorative pillows come handy for other purposes, too, I find out when I've got two of them stuffed under Bernie's rump and he's on his back and I've got his legs over my shoulders and I'm inside him and going in and out at a good pace, the husky's tongue lolling out of his muzzle while he keeps wriggling his toes at me.

"Come're getting some good ass...gimme some too..."

"I thought I...was..."I breathe out hard, getting breathless from the action soon.

"Ye know what I mean."

I huff.

"You and your toes..." I shake my head a little.

"Give yer muzz something to do!"

"I'd suck a thumb if I was desperate," I grin.

He makes silly faces to me, and it makes me loose my rhythm and I pop out, so that on the next lurch of my hips I hump his balls instead, barbs digging in.


"See?" I tell him when I hurry in with my fingers, to get back where I want to be. Going back in to the root makes him lose that goofy grin for a moment, too. I'm probably not any better either.

"Puppy dog please?" he draws his legs up to his chest and hooks them down with his fuzzy paws.

"Aw, shucks, when you put it like that, "I chuckle.

So I give it to him, and nuzzle on his soles and he sighs happily, whether from the prostate prod or his footpaws getting their special sugar. At least he's clean down there, and it's not a problem.

"Got bored without me?"

Willie's back alright...not sure how he managed to piss this quickly with such a bone on him, but he's a man of many tricks up his sleeves, and somehow he almost managed to sneak up on me.

"No point to waste there?" I huff.

"Well looks like you're all well set here..." Willie muses, and he's back to his favorite activity, playing with himself and watching me do the dirty with Bernard, and his ears seem to be picking up the slurping grunts of Leslie and Cliff, too.

"Make a tiger sandwich?" Bernard suggests.

"Hmmm..." Willie rubs his belly, as if that counts for helping him think.

"That might be a bit difficult on the couch," I offer my word.

"We'll make do."

I raise my tail suggestively, just to see if that's what he really wants to do, but evidently not. He decided to plant that big ass of his onto Bernard's muzzle by sitting onto the armrest and leaning back alright.

Give that husky something to think about, when I give him what he's got coming for him, and I do it good, too, because I'm not one to let a friend down.

Then it's time for more beer...and Cliff telling me that he liked watching the three of us, and that he's been missing his favorite striped pair of buns lately.

Well I'll be darned if that night wasn't threatening to turn into a big 'ol tiger gangbang.



Thank you for reading my story! I hope you had a good time reading, and I look forward to your comments! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Cheerio, everyone!


**Maps** \* Here's another chapter for you, continuing the tale of these two - do tell me what you think! I am ever so curious to know your speculation and your ideas : ) \* "Ken?" He was sitting by the window, staring out onto the lake, when I...

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Washing Up

Washing Up \* Hehhey there! Here's another installment to this saga, more about our ol' lol friend! Hope you like it, and I look forward to your comments! Cheers! \* ... _ _ _"CUT!"_ "Well, wow!" Doug grinned once...

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