Dirty Coach Rides Again!

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#3 of Blue Paws Amateur Showcase

Time for the coach and his star trainee to see who's in charge or not :) Part of Blue Paws Amateur Showcase!

Dirty Coach Rides Again!


Hey-o, folks! This is a Blue Paws Amateur Showcase YCH story commissioned byavatar?user=48209&character=0&clevel=2 Brian Silverfang , continuing his fursona's adventures in the adult film industry! The previous installment has racked up a very respectable number of views, so I think it'll be nice to see a return to this story! I've got plenty of other Showcase pieces coming up, so stay tuned! If you want your fursona a chance to appear in such a production (for a very cheap price, too!) just check the cast list from up there!

Have a fun read, give me comments, and remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!



They were sitting on the back of the SUV, going down along the highway in relatively sparse traffic at this hour, with the rush over, clutching takeaway coffee mugs and seeking out the foggy landscape and the sea rolling endlessly on the other side.

"So why are we filming on location today?" Brian, the young college wolf asked, looking over at the tiger who seemed big enough to occupy both the left and the center seat on the back of the car.


"Because we can?" he flicked his ears amiably. "Well, you see, Max has made this deal, I understand, isn't that right, Reece?"

The malamute driving the car glanced at the two furs on the back via the rear view mirror before fixing his gaze on the road ahead once more.

"Yep," he said, "he heard through industry routes that The Bedlam is filming something over at the Fennimore High, so they've got their stuff set up there and Max got us some filming time there by promising us to borrow some lighting and camera equipment to their production team."

"Right, that's what it was," the tiger nodded.

"So it's another porn shoot going on there?" Brian asked, only mildly interested in business that wasn't about his own work for today.

"Nah, it's some kind of a horror flick, something about a cursed Nazi skull possessing the principal or something," the malamute replied, "they're only filming there for a week so we're just going to pitch in."

"Isn't it the same studio that filmed that...what was it called again...something about flying fish?"

"Piranhanado," Reece offered, "yeah."

"Hey, I saw on that the cable!" Brian chuckled. "It was such a fucking piece of shit. It had the dad from Alf in it."

The tiger snickered.

"Damn, kid, you ain't old enough to buy liquor but you remember Alf?" the tiger sounded incredulous.

"I always used to watch it with my grandma," Brian replied, "reruns, I guess."

"Figures," the tiger chuckled, "still, dayamn."

"What's funny about that?" Brian asked.

"Oh, nuffink," the tiger mused before slurping from his coffee again.

"Ha ha," the wolf huffed.

"So do the movie people know we're shooting porn there?" the tiger asked.

"I presume they do," the malamute replied. "And they don't care, either."

"Think we'll get a trailer to do changing and makeup in?" the tiger chuckled.

The fluffy dog's ears flickered.

"You kiddin?" he said.

"You know me too well," the tiger purred as he lounged back on the leather seat of the SUV.

"Did you ever actually have a trailer?" Brian asked curiously from the elder male.

"Sure!" the tiger grinned. "Does a camper van count as one? We had one when we filmed Beach Bun Patrol a few years ago."

Brian imagined the big thick-muscled lion in a lifeguard tower, and decided that it was not a bad thing to think about.

"I don't think I ever saw that one," he mused.

"Must be a first for you, kiddo!" the tiger tousled his head furs roughly. "A porno you didn't see."

"Hey!" Brian complained, though he certainly did not mind the playful attention from his co-star.

"Looking forward to the show?" the tiger spoke again, a bit more serious.

"As always," the wolf smiled a bit, "always fun to work with you, Clinton."

"Someone's eager, then!" the tiger smirked.

"Why not?" the wolf shrugged. "I think it's gonna be a lot of fun."

The tiger let our a rumbling chuckle.

"Well, I ain't gonna complain," Clinton said, "don't do that many bottom scenes, so it's always a change of pace."

Brian couldn't deny that the fact made him feel even more excited about the work ahead of them.

"Yeah, I think it's hot," he said.

"What now?" the tiger gave him a look.

"Well y'know," Brian waved his paw in the air nonchalantly, "y'know...big bottom, smaller top..."

The tiger nudged the wolf's shoulder gently with his knuckles and laughed some more.

"That really gets you off, huh?" Clinton smirked, "Well can't blame ya, of course...it's for my benefit, after all!"

"Bet the audiences like it, too," Brian told, "seeing the coach give it up to his trainee again..."

"It's what the film is about," Clinton mused, "the big tiger raising his tail for the cocky wolf..."

Brian felt his sheath stir at the tiger's rumbled description. Shooting porn might be a tough job, he thought, but sometimes it certainly had its benefits...such as getting to work with a sexy daddy like Clinton.

"Should probably play that aspect up a bit, if Max agrees," Clinton said.


"Well, if they've been fucking around for a bit, I bet the wolf is getting more confident..." the tiger licked his lips, "more prone for his own initiative..."

Hell yes.

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"I don't see why Max wouldn't like that," Brian said, "I mean, since the coach is meant to bottom, anyway..."

Clinton winked.

"Let me talk to him when we get there," he said, "We know each other long way back. I'm sure he don't mind."

"Can't wait," Brian said, truthfully.

"How much longer, Reece? Clinton asked.

"About fifteen, twenty minutes," the malamute said.

"That's not so bad!" the tiger replied.

"Oh, I just remembered," the dog said, "better not go wandering too much when we're in the school. It was closed because of the asbestos, and the basement is still full of the stuff."

"Shit!" Clinton grunted. "Is it even safe to go there?"

"They do say that the areas we're using are clean, but I wouldn't go anywhere else," the malamute said.

"Typical Max," the tiger chuffed.

"May have to make that 25 minutes," the dog stated. "Looks like there's a jam ahead of us."


"Okay, lights...voice...camera one...camera two...stand by...aaaand...ACTION!"

Blue Paws Presents - Dirty Coach Adventures 4

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Studio: Blue Paws Productions Ltd.

Duration: 26 minutes

Direction: Max Field

Starring: Clinton, Brian Silva

All rights reserved.

All performers were over the age of 18 at the time of cinematography.

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"Come in!"

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The door into the coach's office opened, admitting a wolf wearing football gear, complete with pads and pants and a helmet under his arm, his tail swishing in an aggressive manner behind him.

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"Coach, the way you handled that tackle when Phillips - "

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The tiger coach sitting behind his desk raised a solemn paw to silence the young wolf, while he gave him a stern look.

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"A bit more respect, Silva," the tiger grumbled, "you better calm down a bit before you talk to your coach."

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"Fuck that!" the wolf snapped. "You know that was an illegal tackle because I was behind the line and - "

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"Well sometimes plays just don't go through, Silva, you better remember that!" the tiger growled.

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"But - "

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"No more buts!" the tiger huffed as he gut up and rounded his desk, his shiny whistle swinging against his chiseled chest as he moved in front of his desk and stood there with his arms crossed.

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"But that's so unfair and - "

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"Well deal with it," the tiger grumbled, "and why are you favoring your right leg?"

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The wolf sneered.

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"Because I fucking slammed it hard when Phillips kicked me during that tackle," the wolf harrumphed.

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The tiger snorted.

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"And you didn't ask to go to show it to the nurse?"

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The young, aggressive wolf just kicked the ground with his football shoe-clad paw and grunted.

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"What the fuck is that good for?" he huffed.

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"Clean your maw, Silva!" the tiger slammed a paw against his desk. "Now you sit down and let me take a look at it for you."

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"But - "

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"I said, no buts!" the tiger grabbed the helmet from the football stud and put it down onto the desk. "Sit down!"

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"Okay, then...coach..." the wolf put special emphasis on the world as he smirked cockily and sat onto the edge of the desk, tail swinging to the side so that it laid down alongside.

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"Can't have our star player in poor shape..." the tiger smirked as he stepped forward and then knelt down on the floor in front of desk, positioned by the wolf, "now let's see..."

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He grabbed the wolf's tightly clad legs and spread them a little before he started to feel up the left leg. rubbing his big paws along the firmly muscled limb. The tiger coach looked up to the wolf who looked impassive, staring down at the tiger rubbing his leg.

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"Such tense muscles...you'll probably get a bruise here..." the coach said, fingers rubbing onto the wolf's thigh.

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"Hmmmrr..." the young wolf rumbled, tail snapping against the side of the desk, "coach..."

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"Have to make sure you'll be in top condition for the game..." the tiger smirked, looking up to the wolf.

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"You betcha...coach..." the wolf rumbled, "uhmyeah..."

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"Uh huh?" the tiger's paw on the wolf's thigh was stroking up and down, firmly, sweeping towards his groin.

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"Yup," the wolf spoke, just as he lifted a paw and placed it behind the tiger's neck, "smell it, coach..:"

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He pulled on the tiger and pressed his muzzle and nose against the bulge in his groin. The tiger huffed deep, breathing in the deep musk and sweaty stink of a stud wolf fresh out of a game, with lots of aggression to be drained...by whatever means available.

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"Oh yeah, that's what a coach does, makes his player to be in top form..." the wolf crooned while the tiger worshipped his bulge, nuzzling and smelling and licking it all the while his paw scratched behind the older fur's ears.

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"That's right, big guy...you know your place..."

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The wolf grew rock hard very quickly under the tiger's horny mouthing, and soon the football stud tugged on his head furs roughly.

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"Time to whip it out, coach."

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The wolf put his paws onto the desk and leaned back, letting his tongue loll out of his muzzle and his tail wag.

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"Come on, big boy, I know you've been hankering for some meat all the time I was out there on the field... I saw you watch my ass..."

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"Hell yeah," the tiger coach growled dirtily as he pulled on the wolf's waistband to get his pants off and then pulled them down so that the footballer's cock jumped out into the open.

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"Suck it and get it nice and wet..."

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"Oh yeah..." the big tiger grabbed the wolf's erection and stroked it a little, from base to tip, the wolf barking out a little at the pleasurable sensation, "so nice and thick..."

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He spat onto the tip and spread his saliva over the rumbling wolf's shaft while eying the youthful, musky cock hungrily.

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"...can't wait to have it in my ass..." the tiger winked before slurping his muzzle down onto the wolf's cock, taking as much of him into his muzzle as he could.

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"Uhmyeah...fuck yeah..." the wolf ruffled the much older tiger's headfurs while he bucked his hips into the suctioning maw, "suck my thick cock...make it ready..."

_ _

The tiger's head bobbed up and down on the football wolf's tool, covering it with his saliva on each pass while he suckled and played with the deliciously salty meat in his muzzle. His paws roamed over the wolf's thighs, feeling up those firm muscles and his great ass, seated on the desk while its owner worshipped the young stud's cock with his experienced, cum-hungry muzzle.

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"Hmrrr..." the wolf grunted, "got a good muzzle on you...but you know where this cock is going soon, dontcha?"

_ _

He grabbed his cock by the base and slapped the tiger's muzzle with it a few times, smearing his saliva and pre-cum onto the striped cheeks while the coach's tongue slipped from side to side, trying to catch one more taste of the delicious meat being offered to him, so teasingly close.

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"...murrr...in my ass..."

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"Let's see that ass then, coach," the wolf grunted, a command, if there ever was one.

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The coach stood up and began to take off his clothes in a hurry. His T-shirt went off, revealing washboard abs, tight pecs and arms that looked very build for a male of his age. He even left his whistle to dangle about his neck while he took off his track pants, to reveal a big bulge in the simple white PIKE jockstrap he wore underneath it.

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"Heh...coach needs that to keep his dick from popping our while he stares at the hot footballers on the field..." the wolf accused, slowly stroking his tool while the tiger stood upright, showing off his body.

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"Can't help it," the tiger said, sounding not regretful at all.

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"Show me that ass."

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The tiger turned, tail swaying invitingly while he swiveled around and pushed back his rump, paws slapping on each side to pull and fondle on the cheeks to show off their muscled curves, and to give a peek at the pink bud of a hole at the base of his swinging tail. The wolf stared happily, his own tail wagging, too, while the muscled coach put his body onto full display, under the spell of his star player.

_ _

The wolf hopped off the table and faced the tiger. He grabbed his muzzle and pulled him into a hot, wet kiss, while his paw groped on the tiger's bulge, making him grumble and hump his groin hungrily while they made out.

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"Lean onto the table, stud," the wolf said.

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"Don't make me wait for it," the tiger replied before spreading his legs and his paws, leaning onto the desk so that his ass was perfectly aligned, his hips upturned for maximum visibility and access.

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"Nice...never gets old, this..." the wolf stated, slapping the tiger's cheeks before groping into the crack between them to feel his sweaty hole, "ohh yeah..."

_ _

He pushed the musky fingers into the tiger's muzzle and made him slurp and lick them before pushing them against his pucker again, this time thrusting onto the muscled ring so that his fingertips almost popped in.

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"Uh...hell yeah..."

_ _

The horny wolf knelt behind the tiger's offered ass and licked onto his taint, tasting each ball before he directed his licks into the tiger's ass crack. The tiger's tail snapped and his head was raised, overtaken by lust while the star player ate out his rump.

_ _

"Uh yeah...so hot...yeah...fuck me...fuck me like a slut..."

_ _

The wolf spanked the tiger's ass cheeks a few more times before he stood up, spat onto his palm, and gave himself a hint of further lubrication before he lined up and roughly poked his dick into the tiger's heated tunnel. He grit his teeth and grumbled but made no gestures to stop the wolf from skewering him, both of their faces crunched in expressions of pleasure.

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"Here it comes, coach.." the wolf stated as he grabbed the tiger's hips and began to pound him hard, their balls soon slapping mercilessly together.

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"Oh yeah, fuck me like a man, Silva!"

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"You take it like a man!" the wolf replied, still stern-faced while he humped into the tiger's slippery rear tunnel.

_ _

They worked up a sweat, bodies smacking and muscles straining while they drove each other mad with lust, the wolf's hips fluidly pumping in and out before he -

_ _

"Get up!" the wolf said as he suddenly stepped backwards, his cock slipping regretfully from the tiger's rump with a "plop."

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"Nghhhh..." the tiger complained, but quieted down when the wolf sat onto the desk and patted his thghs.

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"Saddle up, coach!"

_ _

The tiger did not need to be told twice. Soon he was balancing on the wolf's pole, the footballer holding his shaft upright while the tiger aimed his lubed hole at the hot, blunt tip and then bore down until it popped in and once again took his breath away.

_ _

"Ohhh fuck..."

_ _

"Ride that cock, coach, let it go in deep..." the wolf growled dirtily as he went to tease the coach's big man-nipples on his chest, "show me how much you want it...."

_ _

The desk creaked under their combined weight. The muscled coach was really putting his strength into the wanton humps of his body, forcing himself up and down on the footballer's shaft while it plugged him hard. It made him spurt pre-cum into the jock that soon had spots on the front, the fabric unable to absorb any more of his lusty fluids while he was milked by the footballer's cock inside him.

_ _

"Nhh...gonna knot and tie you soon...but I wanna see your face when I do that...get off me and on your back on the desk," the wolf instructed again, slapping each of the tiger's well-bred ass cheeks for emphasis.

_ _

"Nice one, stud," the tiger winked as he did exactly like he was told, pushing papers and writing utensils aside from the desk before he laid down flat on it, hooking his legs up high towards his chest. "Come on..."

_ _

The wolf plunged in quickly and began to fuck the tiger anew. He grabbed the coach's beefy legs and pushed them over his own shoulders so that he could lean dominantly over the tiger's rocking body, propelled by the continued pounding into his rear.

_ _

"Paw yourself, coach...shoot that load for me when I knot you..."

_ _

The tiger pushed a paw into his jockstrap and then took out his hard, sweaty dick, already oozing so much it looked like he'd already cum, as he started to stroke himself quickly in synch with the wolf's deep, hard thrusts.

_ _

"Fuck me, stud...fuck your coach hard!"

_ _

"...Yes...SIR!" the wolf barked out. He grabbed the tiger's hips even rougher than before and pounded on, his knot punching at the tiger's tailhole with each rapid, deep thrusts he was making into his rump. The tiger's paw flew over his long, massively thick cock, milking more pre-cum on each pass while he was trying to drive himself over the edge with all the stimulation going on from within as well.

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The wolf aimed it right, this time, indeed, he thrust his big, angry red knot into the tiger's rectum just the moment when he felt it begin to convulse with the deep muscle contractions that signified the tiger's impeding orgasm. He slammed balls deep just when the tiger's cock went rigid and began to splash stream of cum all over the tiger's chest, neck and face, covering him in his own hot juices. The wolf's final thrusts were shallow but very deep, and he bit down his teeth and barked deep in his throat when he too went over the edge and flooded the tiger's guts with his seed.

_ _

"Nghh...there you go, coach..." the wolf smirked over the older man he was tied into.

_ _

"Fucking hell..." the tiger grunted, his own paw splitting into grin, "think you really are in top shape, boy!"

_ _

"Heheh," the wolf grinned.

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Thank you for reading my story! I hope you had a fun time, and I look forward to your feedback! Do remember that votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!


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