The Drake Experiment Zero (1)

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#1 of Dragon Sexperiment Zero

Archie's a college guy who decides to make some extra bucks by signing up to a fertility experiment at a local clinic...little does he knew just how groundbreaking their work might be. Scifi and hijinks are aplenty in this Gruffy story!


Well, people always want to see more dragons, so here you go, a nice 8,000 word story about a very dragon-tastic story alright! This is a commission for avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2 Sanmer who has been a very good patron of mine, and I am glad he had the patience to wait for this one. Other commissions are underway as well, so expect to see a steadyish stream of them to come soon!

But yes...this story is also my first try in yet another kinky let's hope you enjoy what you see, and please do tell me how you think I did for my first go! As always, remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to enjoy these stories as well!

Have an interesting read, y'all!


"Number 61! Number 61! Mister Phillips!"

Archie looked up from his phone. He'd been idly browsing Facebook on it while to be called up. One of the doors had opened and a raccoon nurse was looking down the hallway and into the relatively quiet waiting area.

"Mister Phillips!"

"Yo, that's me!" the dragon called quickly. He pocketed his phone as he was standing up, as always, paying special attention so as not to accidentally smack anyone or anything with his leathery wings while he walked quickly across the hall and over to the open door. The nurse stepped over to give him some space.

"If you please, sir."

Archie felt a little bit nervous. This was his first time visiting a sperm bank - almost a fluke, really, he'd heard a dragon classmate joke about it as a way of earning an easy buck, but after looking it up online and hearing that there might actually be extra cash in for rare dragon breeds, he'd actually gotten curious about the idea. He'd never been one to think about stuff to much, anyway, and after only a few moments, he'd ended up on the joke-worthy facility. He'd filled out the basic health information forms and the like and now, after waiting for forty-five minutes, and getting more and more nervous in the process, too, because he hadn't thought that it could take that long, and it was eating into his resolve...but now, finally, he though, he was going to enter the room familiar from so many comedy movie gags. Yes, he expected the works...a plastic cup, a paper-covered exam bed and possibly that fabled dirty magazine, but instead of the chamber of looked more like a regular doctor's office. There was even a big desk there, and behind it sat a wolf in a white coat and glasses, and he stood up as soon as Archie walked in.

"Mister Phillips, welcome!" the wolf stated as he rounded the desk and extended a paw. "I am Doctor Richard, I am a fertility specialist here at the Clinic."

"Archie, hi," the dragon replied slightly nervously as he got his scaly claw squeezed by the wolf's warm, fuzzy paw, "Phillips, yeah."

"Nurse, you can go," the wolf spoke to the raccoon next, "do please sit down, Mister Phillips!"

Archie settled on a chair in front of the desk, again careful with his wings - they could catch on things so easily. He was glad that the chair had a low backrest and was hence more than suitable for him to sit on it comfortably. That was nice, considering that he was still feeling pretty nervous. He hadn't expected there to be a further checkup or something...or whatever this was. He'd come here on an impulse, anyway, desperate for some cash to put towards buying that long-awaited PlayStation 4...this was starting to get more troublesome than it was going to be worth it.

The wolf returned to his own seat and took out a brown file folder and flicked through a few papers. Some of them Archie could even recognize as the ones he had filled out before with the nurse. The wolf kept looking at them quietly for a few moments before he looked at the dragon again. His eyes seemed almost comically big, staring through the lenses.

"Now...Mister Phillips..."


"I can see from your papers that you are interested in joining our fertility clinic as a voluntary gamete donor..."

Archie huffed quietly.

"That does mean sperm donor, right?" he asked, feeling like it was a dumb question to do.

The wolf let out a small chuckled.

"Oh yes, yes, indeed!"

"Huh...uh...yeah, sure. I thought it'd be an alright thing to do."

"Splendid!" the wolf exclaimed. "We would be very pleased for that, because as you might know, we have a chronic shortage of dracoform donors in our fertility bank. Accidental inbreeding is an issue using older samples, and we're always glad to receive new stock."

"Well I never really thought about that," Archie mumbled - having kids hadn't really crossed his mind yet...heheh...if ever...he kind of enjoyed playing around too much, and not only just with girls...heheh.

"Indeed, it is a little-known fact, but with so many couples seeking our fertility services, and with the small number of available donors, we haven't been able to help everyone wishing to seek artificial insemination with donor sperm. You must understand the pain suffered by so many childless couples..."

Archie was sure that he didn't really know much about it, but he suspected that it didn't matter which team his tadpoles batted for, as long as these doctors here were getting some cum out of him. Surely nobody could come in and complain if the kids sired from his spunk were going to turn out gay...hell no...bring in the cup, he thought. Funny enough, he hadn't even seen any of those plastic cups yet, which he thought to be kinda odd. Maybe this interview was first, followed by the cup.

"Well I guess...that makes me a better candidate?" Archie asked hopefully.

"You are an excellent donor candidate, Mister Phillips!" the doctor continued, speaking in a strange tone that made Archie feel much older than his modest twenty-one years. "In fact, one of the best we have seen as of recent. It does actually raise the question of whether you'd be interested in doing something else for us as well."

Archie looked at the doctor curiously before he nodded.

"Uhhh...what is it?"

The wolf blinked, wich looked hilarious, before he went on speaking.

"We are seeking test subjects for a small trial of an experimental fertility drug designed to alleviate male infertility, a growing problem nowadays, and we are looking for healthy test subjects who would be interested in taking part in the initial drug trial."

Archie's heavy tail swung against the floor while he listened to the doctor curiously. He had heard of these kinds of things, sure college kids seemed to be a popular subject population when it came to all sorts of tests and trials. He got invites to his university email almost every week, though he had never taken part in anything like that. He had heard about it, though. Now that it was suggested to him...he wasn't very sure about it. Couldn't that kind of things go wrong, sometimes? He was young, he wasn't willing to lose his health for the sake of someone getting a least that is what it sounded like, the way the doctor put it. What if it'd cause his balls to fall of or something...or make him have a heart attack...or...or...scale rot...losing his looks would be almost as bad.

"What...does all that mean, then?" he asked tentatively.

The wolf clasped his paws together, seemingly excited now that they were talking business.

"We would like you to spend a couple of days as our guest in our state of the art testing facility, where you will receive a simple injection of the fertility drug. Then you must take regular blood tests once a week for three months, so that we can monitor your progress. They would also be handled at the test facility with our familiar staff, and you would also fill a weekly questionnaire about your experience, and keep a diary of a few health-related topics we would be interested in. Overall, it would require very little of you after the initial two-day stay at the facility. After that it would only be a brief visit every week for three months and for all this you would be more than generously compensated for, I assure you right now."


Archie wasn't sure he liked the idea of getting multiple needle pricks, and the rest sounded like a bit of a chore, but that always of interest for him.

"How much?" the dragon asked, trying not to sound too eager about it, though he did find himself leaning forward in his question.

"Ten thousand dollars," the wolf replied, sounding almost casual.

Archie almost gagged. He was sure his eyes bugged out with surprise. That'd get him a PlayStation alright...and a few other things he'd been lusting after for some time now. He could buy a car...he could go on a holiday...he could save some...he could...PARTAY!

"That sounds almost too good to be true," Archie mumbled.

"You would have to pass an initial health evaluation, consisting of a blood test and of course, a sperm sample, but a healthy young man like you surely would have no trouble," the wolf replied, smiling still.

"Do I need to sign something or...?" the dragon smiled too.

The wolf opened a drawer.

"I have them right here, just needing your signature, but before that, I'll tell you more about a few details about the agreement, including confidentiality."

Archie wasn't really listening anymore. He was just looking for a pen, anywhere, on the wolf's desk.


It was the next Thursday morning when Archie took the bus to the address he'd been given by the wolf doctor. He felt a bit bleary-eyed stepping out of the bus, carrying a small overnight bag of clothes and stuff for the duration, because he was expected to stay, after all. The short walk from the bus stop took him in front of a non-descript looking building downtown. Archie looked up and down the street and checked the address again and found it to be correct. This was it.

" ain't much then..." he thought, not really thinking it was the lair of furs who could pay him 30 grand for two days' work.

There were a pair of sliding glass doors, and through them he entered into a lobby that smelled of a disinfectant. The only fur in the hall besides himself was a vixen sitting behind a reception desk that had no ads or names written on it, just plain, lightly colored wood. The place seemed not only deserted, but low key, too. There wasn't even a potted a plant there, Archie noted, dull with the lack of sleep. He hadn't really rested too well on the night before, considering that today he'd embark on his career as a medical guinea pig.

"Good morning," he greeted the vixen.

The vixen looked up from her computer and squinted.


"Archie Phillips, I'm here for the drug trial. They told me to be here at nine am."

The vixen blinked.


"Uhhh...Phillips...Archie Phillips..."

The vixen tapped her computer keys for a few moments, and then she nodded.

"Just take the first elevator on the left and to the fifth floor, they are expecting you there," the vixen said.

"Well thanks a bunch," Archie gave the fox a final glance before heading for the indicated elevator.

The ride didn't take long, and once on the fifth floor, Archie found himself in a white-painted corridor where furs wearing colorful scrubs walked past him without paying any attention to him. Everyone seemed to be too busy to notice a dragon, much to Archie's annoyance, while he looked up and down the corridor, trying to find someone who looked like they would know what the dragon was supposed to be doing there.

"Hello! Mister Phillips!"

The voice calling his name down the hallway sounded vaguely familiar. Archie looked in the direction of the voice and soon saw the wolf from the clinic coming towards him, wearing that same white coat. Finally, the dragon thought. This place didn't seem to run like a 5-star hotel when it came to taking care of furs, he thought.

"Ah, Mister Phillips, so ncie to finally have you here!" the wolf sounded almost excited, grabbing Archie's claw for a brief squeeze, "we were just waiting for you."

"Well I thought I was in time..." the dragon mumbled.

"Oh, by all means, " the wolf replied, "I've been here since seven, trying to make everything ready for our latest! Let me show you to your room, it's right near to us, it won't take long!"

The wolf settled down along the corridor and Archie followed. They entered through a few doors the wolf opened with a magnetic key card, leading into more dimly lit, quiet corridors that seemed to be off-limits to the rest of the furs in the building, Archie thought. There weren't any windows, either, which seemed strange, considering the building's front was almost all glass. Maybe this was an inner section, he thought, feeling disorientated after so many turns and doors.

"And here we are!"

They had stopped in front of a door labeled "PATIENT ROOM #2", a door which also needed a keycard to open. Despite the name, Archie mused, the room didn't look like it belonged to a hospital. There was a regular bed, for starters, a desk and a chair, and a TV, though Archie noted that there was no computer. Damn. He'd been hoping to waste time on least he had his phone, he thought. There was also an empty closet and a dresser, and a door into a bathroom, which was open, showing the immaculately clean cubicle.

"I hope it is to your liking," the wolf spoke by him, short in comparison to the dragon, barely reaching his shoulder, "there is a gown on the"

The wolf stepped over to the bed and tapped on the plastic-wrapped piece of garment.

"You should wear this for the procedure," the wolf continued, "we will begin in about half an hour, I think. Have you been fasting as per your instructions?"

"Yeah, sure," the dragon replied, acutely aware that he was feeling hungry, "I haven't eaten anything since last night, like that paper told me to."

"Excellent!" the wolf smiled. "We will provide you with a big breakfast once the infusion is done. Would you like me to run you through today's program again?"

"Uh...I suppose you're just going to give me that injection and then there's a blood test and...then...something?" Archie tried to recall everything...there'd been a lot of papers to read, and he had skimmed through most of it after it had failed to make a lot of sense to him.

"Oh yes, it is a very straightforward procedure that requires you only to relax," the wolf smiled, "then we will draw the necessary samples and you will be released to have your breakfast, and then we'll take another set of samples to see the initial results of the formula in your system, and then we'll repeat the same tomorrow, and you'll be released on the morning after tomorrow, if everything goes without problems...which I am sure it will."

"Guess that's cool," Archie replied.

The wolf surprised him by patting his shoulder quickly.

"Oh yes, it will all go very well, I am sure!" he smiled. "You can consider this all a nice small break from everything out there - a very well paid holiday indeed! Just relax!"

"Heh...right," Archie replied.

"Well, I shall see you soon!" the wolf declared. "You should settle in. We'll be soon coming for you."


The wolf left with another smile, and now it was just Archie in the room. He gave it another look, rubbed the back of his head, and decided that he might as well spend the waiting time unpacking. That'd leave him with no time to stress over anything either, he thought.

" least they're paying well..." the dragon rumbled.


There was no clock in the room, but indeed, half an hour later, the door opened while Archie was putting his toothbrush and tootpaste onto the shelf above the sink in the bathroom. A male Rottweiler wearing white scrubs entered the room.

"It's time, Mister Phillips," the canine said, "If you'd follow me."

Archie felt another jolt of nerves, but that didn't stop him from following the Rottweiler out into the corridor, even if he felt a bit self-conscious about wearing the nightgown-like white outfit. At least they didn't pass anyone on their way, through more corridors and doors, before he was ushered into a rather large room. The walls, the ceiling and the floor were all white, and there was a medical-looking bed there, more like a table, perhaps, with a leather cover, and it was surrounded by stainless steel carts filled with medical equipment. He even saw one of those "CLEAR!" machines sitting on one of them. The wolf was there, of course, in his white coat and smiling, as well as a fox and a leopard, in scrubs.

"Ah, there we are!" the wolf greeted him. "Do settle down and we can get started right away. The nurse will attach a few electrodes to your chest, but that'll be all. We just need to monitor your basic vital signs during the infusion, to see if there are any adverse reactions."

Archie climbed onto the table and tried not to feel nervous seeing that one of the equipment carts had a series of plastic-wrapped needles sitting on a metal tray. He settled onto the table as comfortably as he could and tried not to squirm when the leopard nurse squirted something cold onto a few spots on his chest and then glued electrodes there, which were to attached to cables. A blood pressure cuff was put around his arm, too, and its dangling tube connected to one of those machines that showed the strange seesaw line of your heartbeat. It didn't go BEEP, BEEP,BEEP, though, much to the dragon's amusement.

"Next, we'll attach the IV needle to your arm for the infusion," the wolf explained.

The fox nurse sprayed something cold and smelly onto Archie's arm. The dragon looked away when the heavy-duty dragon hide-rated needle passed without too much of a fuss, really a prick rather than anything else, and then it was already taped on. The leopard nurse pushed over an IV stand with a bag hanging from it, full of clear fluid. It was the wolf doctor who unwounded the tube attached to the bag and plugged it onto the plastic end of the needle on Archie's arm.

"I'm going to start this up now, Mister Phillips, it will take about half an hour to infuse properly, and then we'll draw the blood and do the other workup and you'll be alright," the wolf explaining while he fussing around with the bag and the tube."

"Oookay," Archie rumbled.

"Commencing infusion at...11:05," the wolf looked at the clock on the wall before a gloved pawfinger opened the fluid low.

Archie watched with fascination how the fluid began to drip into the plastic tube and then into his arm. He'd expected some sort of a sensation...anything...just something...but to his near-disappointment, there really was nothing. Maybe a little pinching sensation from where the needle was pushed into his arm, but besides that, there was nothing else there. The nurses and the wolf clustered around him, investigating readings on the monitor or writing down notes, but nothing else happened...and soon Archie found himself bored. If only he could've brought in his phone...or maybe they could've brought in a TV, or even a magazine...maybe that didn't fit the image of doing science if this magnitude.

Looking at the clock, it was 11:35 when the tube was taken away from his arm and the needle was removed, too, much to Archie's relief, though then came the fox with another needle that was jabbed into his arm and attached with a clear tube into a collection tube.

"Why can't you use the same needle as before?" Archie complained mildly as he glanced at blood dripping out of his body and into the test tube on the fox's gloved paw. The sight of it made him feel nauseous and made him look the other way.

"It might affect the sample, I'm afraid," the wolf doctor replied, smiling as ever.

Archie saw several tubes on a tray and being carted away, and wondered just how much blood had been taken. He felt a bit woozy...maybe it wasn't just the blood, though. He was hungry, too, and maybe the test substance was doing something, too.

"Now, mister Phillips, I think we gave you some privacy," the wolf said as he picked one of the dreaded plastic cups from another cart, "we need a baseline figure from just after the infusion to see how it compares to the sample you provided to use during your initial work-up."

Archie took the cup grudgingly, but nodded.

"Okay," he said, "sure. That's why I'm here."

The wolf pulled the cart closed to the bed.

"There are tissues and some water based lubricant here, if you should require any," the wolf pointed them out rather clinically before he pulled off gloves from his paws and dropped them into the trashcan on the bottom of the cart, "and you can just press the call button here once you are ready and then the nurse will come to remove your monitors and take you to your room where we'll bring you breakfast."

"Okay, thanks," the dragon muttered.

"See you soon!"

The wolf gave him another of his brief smiles before he sailed out of the room, which left Archie alone in the white, strange-smelling room, wearing an embarrassing gown, hooked up to a strange machine and holding an infamous sperm cup in his claw. He stared at the object with a mild sneer, a puzzled expression over his features. The gowned dragon realized that he was feeling extremely un-erotic. There were no sexual cues in the room, for starters, none of the usual audiovisual stimulants he liked, and the uncomfortable clothes and the weird situation in general were really not putting him into the much-fabled mood. Yet Archie knew that knew that he'd signed a paper that told that he would be obliged to provide with all the test material they required from him, and that includes sperm samples to see whether the number of brave dragon swimmers would increase thanks to the administration of the mystery drug.

Well what a job that'd be, the dragon thought, scratching his belly through the skimpy robe, using a microscope to look at some draconian spunk, trying to count the numbers there. He didn't feel envious of that at all.

"Weird," Archie muttered to himself as he put the cup down to the cart and flopped back on the bed. He closed his eyes and tried to conjure up some erotic thoughts while he rubbed his belly and chest with his claws, trying to warm his scales a bit. He felt hungry and somewhat tired, and there was a kind of a pressure somewhere in his belly, like he needed a leak or something. There wasn't a bathroom sign in sight in this room, so he'd probably have to wait until he had done the sampling and gotten back to his room. At least they weren't asking for that kind of a sample for their collection, the dragon thought, and managed to chuckle to himself while he continued the idle stroking and rubbing of his body in the hopes of priming it for the job.

He stopped after a couple of minutes, letting out a huff and flapping the bed with his tail. He just didn't really feel like he was in the mood...though he hadn't really gone for any further action yet. With a grunt, Archie slipped his claw into the robe and tugged it up so that his lower body was exposed while the robe covered the rest of him more or less. He began to rub around his slit, a feeling that was usually very sensual and nice, especially if done by someone else, though even as a way of pawing off, it wasn't bad. He even put his other claw down between his legs to rub on the firm mounds that were his well-protected testicles, covered by the soft but strong scales of his perineum, the strange halfway point between his scrotum and his asshole tucked under his thick tail.

At least it felt nice...touching himself, now, more intensely...there was kind of a tingling, a familiar sensation of arousal, lovely as ever, as he let his claws stroke his groin, trying to awaken the draconian monster from its secret fleshy cave. He felt like he was getting there...though he'd never been hard to please, heheh, he thought. He was relatively well hung with eight inches, he knew as much, after sampling suitable visual records, but he was no stallion either. He hadn't heard any complaints, either.

"Buhhh..." Archie rumbled to himself as he slowly tried to tease himself into life. He thought that it was a shame that he hadn't a medical fetish - surely the surroundings of his current attempt at jacking off would turn on someone thus inclined to no end. There were cables and monitors and shiny steel and all sorts of kinky metal instruments on trays. Archie as glad they hadn't used any of those on his scales, indeed. Thinking about it made him chuckle a bit, but it didn't help in turning him on. Maybe he should ask for a laptop with some porn in it...


Archie decided that some more direct stimulation was probably needed and grudgingly grabbed the tube of surprisingly familiar KY lube from the cart. He squirted some of the goopy stuff onto his fingers and rubbed them together to spread the stuff and make it feel a bit warmer before he applied his fingers onto his genital slit. It might've been a relatively callous thing on the outside, but right inside the rim, easily penetrated with his fingertips, the skin was sensitive and soft, warm, too, especially once covered with lube. Archie usually used just spit, but heck, he might as well use what was given to him, considering that this seemed to be taking a lot of effort.

Running into his secret crevice, with his other claw rubbing over the soft, barely noticeable bulge of his testicles, heavy, and to his pleasure, somewhat tingling, too, which meant that his body was finally starting to react to the stimulation despite the circumstances, Archie was starting to feel better overall. He was firming up inside his slit, yes, he did know the tricks to rouse the beast and getting his slit teased was more than enough to get him going. Just a little bit more and the tip would pop out...yeah, he could feel it right there, and with blood flooding his loins, soon the plumped-up tip swell even further. Archie trilled with pleasure, softly, and spread some lube onto himself, to welcome his pulsing shaft as it grew into his palm.

"Well hello there...."

Archie was glad that he was finally getting going and into it...the embarrassment of not being able to perform like this would've been great, especially since him getting paid depended on him being able to provide the samples required of him.

No cum, no deal, Archie thought, and stroked gently along his growing shaft. He knew that once he got going it'd be much easier to keep going, too. He rubbed up and down while he played with his balls, applying some good firm pressure to get at them through his scales and the tissues of his groin. Rubbing himself in the ancient ritual of having some self-inflicted fun, he trilled as he knew that he was finally getting into it. It felt warm and nice, and if he just concentrated on the feelings, he didn't even pay that much attention to the alien surroundings. If he closed his eyes he could almost imagine that he was just at his own bed or his computer chair, having some nice old-fashioned fun. His claws stroked the straining flesh, all of it from the sharp, big tip along the shaft and then down until he tickled about the pleasurable ridges near the thick base where his shaft melded into the soft tissues of the inner root of his cock. He adopted a suitably loose grip so that he could easily rub up and down along all of his wonderful features. The slickness helped, too, and he began to stroke in earnest, not really looking to set records either for stamina or speed, he just wanted to get it done so that he could get something to eat. Jacking off while hungry wasn't too fun, but he didn't really think he was there to have fun...this wasn't a porn studio or something...

For a brief moment Archie wondered if there were cameras following him, and the idea even made him stop jacking, if only for a few seconds, to glance around the room to see if indeed there were secret lenses set up to record his actions. He was pretty sure he didn't see anything like that, not even one of those kinky mirrors he saw on TV that were actually windows that opened into a kind of a room where furs were looking at his every move. The room was windowless and without mirrors, too, which was...oddly encouraging. The idea of an audience was unattractive...well, maybe if it was some hot chicks, maybe...

"Tehehe..." Archie chuckled softly and resumed his earlier action. He squeezed his tip quickly and then went down to tease his ridges, opting for a quick little back and forth there to produce those really good sensations that made his entire shaft twitch and throb. He was glad that he was finally managing to get the stuff going, getting that boner had been difficult enough, but now it stood upright and throbbed obediently in his grip.

"Come to daddy... Archie huffed while he relaxed, opting to bend one arm behind his neck while he went on to continue doing some leisurely jacking off. He'd been told to go without for some time before coming to the facility, and since he'd been told not to do it besides the assigned sample collection periods to monitor whether the fertility treatment was working, he might as well make the best out of what he could do for the moment. It might not have been the comfort of his own bedroom, possibly with his laptop propped up for a comfortable viewing angle with some suitably hot material running on it, but if he concentrated on the feelings, he could slowly get into it.

He was starting to feel warmer, too, the previous chill of the room not as noticeable as before. Even the rustling gown he wore didn't seem like a hindrance, more like, it was kinda nice, the smooth cloth rubbing against his scales. He was starting to feel a flush creep under his skin, a good one, the type he was used to getting when he was particularly aroused. The balls in his internal scrotum felt nice and heavy, too, like they were preparing to put out a really great load. The idea made Archie smirk rudely...the scientists were going to need a big cup to take all he was offering. Well they had asked for it. Archie couldn't even imagine how the furs working this whole...fertility science thing even went through their days without permanent boners or...whatever girls did when they were horny. He thought that he could not even think about the work without starting to get all sorts of dirty ideas about 'collections' and sexy staff members lending a helping paw out for someone who needed a little bit extra to get their rocks off in the name of science and goodwill to help furs get that much-wanted baby.

"Hmmmpph..." Archie rumbled, his chest rising with his deepening breaths while he continued stroking himself in earnest. His shaft throbbed hard and proud, the ridges especially sensitive under his claws while he ran his hand all the way down to the swollen opening of his slit, and then slowly back up. The motion milked out a big glob of pre-cum that dribbled away from his tip and onto his knuckles. The clear, almost scentless, warm fluid glistened attractively over his scales and made the drake lean over impulsively, bring his claw into his maw and lick it all up. There was little taste, but the slick texture felt fun on his tongue, and made him feel even hornier. It seemed to make that warm pressure in his belly all that nicer, more than before, while he returned to stroking himself. Even his tail was swinging a little, occasionally patting the edge of the padded table.


His hips bucked occasionally, to fuck his dick into the grip of his hand, and Archie knew that he was slowly getting there. He squeezed on himself a little harder than before, which only served to force more globs of pre-cum from his piss slit and to slide along his shaft. The drake's ears picked up the slick noises and made him grin, tongue even peeking out of his muzzle while he humped up into the slickness provided by his expert hand. His tingling balls started to feel like they were ready to explode, and the sensations flowing through his flexing body indicated a similar message.


His voice drawled low, and he barely had the presence of mind left to grab the plastic jar he was supposed to use, before aiming his heartily jacked cock at the said container before his shaft jumped in the pincer of his fingers and unleaded a long, thick spurt that splashed onto the bottom of the jar. Archie grinned as he saw his milky cum drop onto the bottom of the jar and paint its walls while further globs of cum shot from his dick and into the cup. He kept on jerking off all through the orgasm, hissing and cussing and batting with his tail, body tingling ever so pleasantly as he finally got relief to his natural urges.

By the time he was done, the sample contained looked to be halfway full, and the walls still had droplets oozing towards the warm inch or so of cum on the bottom. Archie let go of his cock which then bounced messily against his belly and remained there, pulsing and throbbing as a reminder of his naughty act of self-love.

"Well...well..." Archie chuffed, lifting the nasty cup up to eye level to check out his produce. "I bet this is enough..."

He put the cup down onto the little tray on the stand and then grabbed some tissues to clean his dick and his hands to make himself a bit more respectable before he finally called in the staff again. The wolf appeared, of course, and seemed delighted at what the drake had gotten up to while they were gone.

"Why, this shall be most useful!" the wolf doctor declared, holding the cup up with his glowed paws, before he screwed on a cap to it, glued on a label and wrote something onto it with such paw that Archie had no chance of deciphering what was written there. "I shall take this to the lab, and the medical technician will take you back to your room and food will be served."

"I am pretty hungry, yeah," Archie said, the sensation returning now that he had come down from his orgasmic high.

"Then it'll come at most opportune time," the wolf smirked. "I shall be off now."

Archie waved a goodbye, and didn't have to wait very long before the Rottweiler returned, pushing a wheelchair.

"Do I really have to?" the drake complained.

"It is our policy," the dog in scrubs replied. "Sit down now, Mister Phillips."

"Well alright then," Archie mused before he hopped down from the treatment table and onto the chair.


Archie felt bored.

The drake rolled around on the bed in his room, this time ending to his left side so that he was staring at the wall with the door on it. It was closed still, locked, he knew, from trying to poke on it once just to see what was going on it the corridor. Somehow that didn't surprise him, nor the fact that the attempt had brought some unseen speaker on, and he had heard a statement from some fur or another that for his own safety, he had to remain in his room for the duration of the observation.

"I'm like a lab animal," Archie mumbled to himself, voicing the thought he'd had for now, ever since he had decided that being a test subject was the world's most boring job.

The breakfast had been served on a plastic tray and there was a lot to eat there, but somehow he had felt not particularly hungry, and had only managed a few bites before he had given up on it and the Rottweiler had finally taken it all away and just left a pitcher of water and a cup, both plastic and boring, sitting on the bedside table. Archie laid on the bed and tried to watch TV, but there was only lame daytime TV on, with chat shows and the shopping network, and not even any exciting cable channels where at least something could be happening.

The dragon yawned and scratched his belly. His scales felt oddly itchy, had been for some time now. It reminded him of the sensations involved with molting, something he went through twice a year to replace his old scales with brand new pretty shiny ones, but this was definitely not the time for it yet. The sensation was much too localized too - when it was time to shed his scales, the itching would happen all over at once and be so intolerable that there was nothing else he could do but scratch. Now he welcomed the movement of his claws over his belly as a kind distraction from the boredom of his empty room. How he realized so quickly how he was used to so many stimuli, Archie thought, with a rueful snort to himself and a bat of his long tail against the bed frame. Was it really that he couldn't go a couple of hours without the internet, or meeting a friend, or talking to someone, or...whatever he usually did. Or maybe he was just missing colors. The room was so bland that he had to look at his own toes, peeking from underneath the gown, to see any kind of color in the room. Maybe he would be asked to leave a review of the facilities. He could definitely complain about that aspect. This was meant to be a comfortable stay, not some sort of a sensory deprivation experiment. He had definitely not signed up for one of those.

Maybe it was the boredom that was making him feel strange. He was kinda restless, and he had gone to the bathroom several times feeling like he had to pee, but only a dribble had come out, ever since the big piss he had taken after returning from the stupid injection room. He was quite sure he wasn't bored enough to think that going to the bathroom was a welcomed change from lying around on TV and watching some heavily made up armadillo sell plastic jewelry at ridiculous prices.

Archie yawned.


He closed his eyes and tried to think of 10,000 dollars, what it looked like in cash, in bills he could pile into small stacks and count and throw into the air while laughing maniacally. How he'd look like driving around in a nifty car, one elbow on the wound down window with sunglasses perched on his snout.

"Hello, girls..."

_ _

And they'd smell the cash and hop in...and hop on him...heheh...Archie smiled, eyes still closed, while he continued the daydreaming. It was a welcome distraction alright, a pleasant reminder of things money could do. It would certainly add to his natural exotic draconic charm.

Archie flopped onto his back. He was surprised by the fact the motion caused what could only have been the tip of his erection to brush against his belly. The sensation made him open his eyes and glance at the noticeable bulge visible on the gown he wore. The dragon snorted. It hadn't been that good a thought...just imagining girls leaning down to peek into his car and he could see what they were packing in the chest department...or the envious looks of guys who felt emasculated by the sight of a big, successful male who was both a pussy and a dick magnet, depending on his mood for the company he wanted to entertain.

"You've got enough for now," Archie chuckled dryly while he felt his shaft throb, partially out of his sheath, "can't do anything about it."

Normally he would not think twice bout whipping it out and giving it a go, but he didn't really feel like it, even without the orders not to do it outside the samples he was supposed to provided throughout his stay. His erection was doing its best to be hard to forget, though. It was pulsing and out almost all the way to the to ridge on the base, and the other ones had grown firm and now pressed into the rims of his slit, which was a sensual feeling that always made him grow more aroused, and helped his dick all the way from his sheath. The mild 'popping' sensation when his shaft stretched his slit open felt good, even more so when his tip nudged against his flat belly.


Now he felt properly horny and it didn't feel as nice as it should. It was like being in school again, getting boners under his desk and not being able to do anything about them. How many classes had he failed because he couldn't concentrate on anything but his cock poking at the front of his poor pre-stained pants.

His cock gave an involuntary flex to remind him of its existence. The mound formed by his ridged college boy sausage underneath the flimsy fabric. The strange itching in his belly that felt like he needed to take a leak seemed to intensify, too. Archie groaned. Maybe he was just getting blue balls.


Archie rubbed his claws down along his belly, avoiding his erection, before copping up a feel of the mound at the base of his tail.


He'd yelped out of surprise and sat up on the bed, legs sprawled and tail going rigid, while staring wildly at his groin, then at his claws. His groin had felt so warm, it was almost hot to the touch.

"What the flying fuck?" Archie grunted to himself.

He tugged on the hems of the robe and pulled it up, to reveal the crowbar hard erection against his belly. The tip glistened and seemed to be expelling pre-cum out with each jerking throb, and a small wet puddle already existed on his belly. Archie snorted and tried standing up, but suddenly a sharp pain went through his stomach and he doubled over.


The drake held onto his belly, cock sandwiched between palms and tummy while he gasped to breathe. Now he could feel the heat spread, from his balls, everywhere in his abdomen, a kind of a hot, squirming, itching sensation that made him want to scratch himself all over, but he didn't dare to move his claws...because another sharp pulse of pain went through him and he toppled onto his knees.


He gasped deep breaths, his tail flailing around behind him while the tingle grew more and more intense. His thighs trembled and his maw fell wide open, with a hissing gasp, his claws grasping the air into fists.


Archie looked wildly around the room, unsure what was going on with him but it could not be anything good. The waves of pulsing sensations that almost floored him with discomfort were coming more frequently now, and he wanted them to end. Something had to be wrong...the experiment...this must've been a those furs who bloated if they ate peanuts...

"HELP!" Archie yelled once he regained his breath after another snap of pain that went up his spine and made his tail go rigid. "HELP! HELP! ANYONE! SOMEONE FUUUUUCKING HEEELP!"

His eyes glanced at the white button on the nightstand, attached to a white cord that ran into a plug in the wall. The call button...the drake let out a small whine of hope as he realized that he would only have to move two yards and...


He tried shuffling on his knees towards the nightstand, but a nauseating feeling sent him doubled over again, snout touching the floor while he panted.

"HELP! HELP!" Archie yelled, panting through a parched maw. "HELP!"

Where was the Rottweiler...where was ANYONE? He couldn't believe nobody would come...weren't they keeping a check on him? Had everyone fucked off to take a coffee break or something?

"I MIGHT BE DYING HERE!" Archie shouted while he tried to push himself back to his knees with the help of his claws.


Suddenly a lighting strike-like sensation went through his rigid, bouncing erection, all the way to the tip, down onto his balls and even to his tailhole, making it clench madly when without any further warning, the piss slit opened and pearly white cum shot out of his cock with massive force. Archie's gasp had made his maw open, which meant that the first shot went straight into his mouth and made him gag on his own juices, and to cough madly while his cock pulsed and kept spewing hot, white, boiling cum into all direction while his body trashed.


Archie flopped onto his back and the new position smacked his cock against his belly, shooting further stands of cum onto his chin and face while he felt his balls contract and jump, the muscles in his groin working overtime to pump out what had to be the biggest load he could've ever imagined. His toes curled, his tail banged the floor and his back arched, too, when the dragon was overcome by sensations beyond his own control.


The spurting of cum seemed to have subsided, but now the dripping dragon felt his entire body shiver, as the throbbing heat became more intense again, prompting him once again to look down along his body. With his neck arched, the drake watched, in horror, with an almost detached fascination thrown in, at his cock, now resting on his belly.


It looked bigger than before...seriously...not just straining with a mega erection, but it really looked bigger...thicker...with the lips of his slit bulging around the tip and feeling they didn't usually do...and the curved, ridged length was reaching up towards Archie's abs...definitely not where it usually landed in this position.


He felt dizzy, and the burning sensation in his balls only got worse...

"What's happening to mreeee...."

Archie growled and felt his shaft, which too felt hot to touch, and then hurried to grab his bulging and squirming and massively warm...


Somewhere, in the dim corners of his mind, he could hear the scraping of metal, and then the door indeed opened...prompting Archie to look over to see...shapes entering, wearing scrubs and shiny plastic aprons, and plastic shields over their faces...he recognized the wolf, and the Rottweiler, and there was an otter and a jaguar...all crowding into the room while he laid sprawled on the floor, covered in cum and gawking and gasping for breath.

"H-help me..." Archie moaned.

"Mister Phillips," the wolf's smile was evident even through the mask, "I think it's time we experimented a little, don't you think?"

"WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?!" Archie yelled.

"Progress, Mister Phillips," the wolf replied, "I think it's called progress."

The bursting heat grew more intense again, and this time, it was enough to cloud over Archie's eyes, and put him out of commission, with consciousness draining away rapidly while his body jittered again, his cock growing visibly larger with another series of pulses upon its deep red length.

"Very good," the wolf spoke to himself. "Very good."

"I'll get the gurney," the Rottweiler said.


Wow, what a first chapter! Hope you are piqued by this foray into a whole new genre, and I look forward to your comments! As always, remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!


\* Just something I cooked up! Hope you like :) ** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** It felt colder today than yesterday, something my nosepad could tell even without me having to look at the thermometer on the window...

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Bonus Scene to "Double Trouble"

Hello, boys! This is an extra addition to the latest Jimmy chapter, featuring some kinky action I decided to post as a separate part because it's a highly polarizing kink and it's something that Doug does, but it might turn off some of my readers,...

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Double Trouble

** ** **Double Trouble** ** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** ** ** Hello, folks! Here's something for y'all, Jimmy is back with a bang, and boy is this a kinky one! An extra segment is posted separately for those who like that kind of a stuff, for the...

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