Double Trouble

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#42 of Confessions of a Gay Porn Star

Jimmy remembers his first encounter with a particular co-star.

Double Trouble


Hello, folks!

Here's something for y'all, Jimmy is back with a bang, and boy is this a kinky one! An extra segment is posted separately for those who like that kind of a stuff, for the rest, you can enjoy this chapter for what it is and get the full plot by all means!

Hope you leave me some feedback, too - been a bit quiet for me lately, so I'll gladly get back to the train!



"Hey, Lance, dude!"

I lifted a paw and winked at the wolf who had given me a smirking greeting when I entered into the musky man-paradise that was the dressing room section of the Blue Paws porn empire.

"Wassup, Leroy?" I asked from the wolf, whom was at the moment only clad in a pair of turquoise FurryBoy boxers that snuggled his groin in a particularly entertaining manner.

"Heh, no problems," his tail wagged briefly against a locker door while he smiled to me toothily, "didn't know you're up early today, dude!"

"Sure I am," I replied, "gonna be shooting a scene with that Randy guy that Max and Jock poached from DickSuck Studios."

Leroy's grin widened.


"Yeah," I said.

"Well, didn't see him here yet, at least," Leroy spoke, "not here or the showers, at least. Chris is still back there."

I smirked.

"Filming with Chris again?" I suggested, well aware that the wolf's association with that particular fox went beyond the...stage, so to speak, lolz.

"Sure," the wolf said cockily, "just a fun little high school scenario again, twink versus jock."

Looking at him, there was no doubt of who was the jock out of the pair. Leroy had a nice, toned body I had sampled a couple of times on screen, and I knew that it was as firm as it looked like. His buddy Chris wasn't bad either, though not on his way to grow into a hunk, perhaps, like the wolf in front of me.

"Set up in studio 4?" I asked, well aware that it was one with a bit more elaborate a bedroom set that got the teen treatment whenever it had to play the role of a randy high schooler or a college guy. Just like our charming makeup guys would say, it's all in the accessories, lol.

"You bet!" the wolf smirked.

I heard the noise of running water come to a close through the open doorway into the showers before a sopping wet fox appeared, sauntering naked into the locker room.

"Hi, Chris," I said.

"Oh, Jimmy, hi," he replied while walking somewhat awkwardly, with water mostly blinding him, "pass me the towel, 'Roy?"

"Here you go!" the wolf grabbed one from the bench and tossed it over.

"Thanks, dude!"

I watched his torso disappear under the towel while my eyes caught a good look at the still visibly tail, usually bushy though now wet, of course, and the cute round butt of his, which could be described as juicy under many circumstances, even when it wasn't shiny like now.

"No prob," the fox said.

Leroy was watching carefully, too, and I was pretty sure he wasn't going to need much fluffing for today's scene, heheh. Damn, he really did look good in that underwear...wonder if he was gonna have it on for the scene, for as long as anyone ever wore anything in them. It was kinda fun, watching their nice bodies. Offered me a bit of a distraction from the upcoming scene, which was complex and a bit weird, even by my standards, but who was I to say no to work? Besides, appearing with the hot upcoming star that was Doug Randy was surely a good opportunity for me, too, and that mattered too.

"Jimmy's gonna shoot with Doug Randy," Leroy noted.

Chris' ears were perked when his head emerged from under the towel, which his nice, brown-dipped paws sadly dropped so that it covered most of the interesting bits, so that I could only see fluffy-furred top half of a fox.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yep," I smiled.

"Gonna be like his usual fare?" he asked.

"A little bit, but not much this time around, I understand," I said, "Max said he had a bit of a plan to make it interesting."

"Well he does make everything interesting alright," Leroy chuckled, "did any of you see that DP video he did with those cheetahs who looked like they could be twins? That apparently almost crashed DickSuck's VOD servers."

"And the pirate sites, I bet," Chris snorted a bit more realistically.

Well, we all did it, lol?

"Didn't they like paint on the spots to make them look more similar?" I defended.

"I guess they did, but all of us need a bit of touching up every now and then, huh?" Leroy mused. "HD digital video is a harsh master."

"They say that CreamBarBangers has a new camera that even shows any split hair you might have," Chris spoke sagely. "Just think how much we gotta send in a fur saloon if that's true. They'll be seeing everything."

"Though I guess you need a 70-inch LCD TV with max resolution to actually get an image like that," he wolf added, "most of the guys will be using their computers and phones and stuff, anyway. That's not so many inches."

That was a perfect time for me to put in a punch line.

"But it's the inches that matter in our business, dude!" I old him in my best college dude voice, even though I'd certainly never enrolled in one.

"Heheheh," the wolf snickered.

"Anyone else shooting today except us?" I asked, wondering if any of the familiar guys were going to show up besides Chris and Leroy.

"Well, Ethan's doing a photo shoot for his next solo scene that's coming out," Leroy gossiped, "I heard that Rylan wants to get some further close-ups done."

"Just how many angles are there to a self-suck?" I chuckled.

"I'd love to see it from the inside," Chris sounded wistful.

"Inside where?" Leroy looked at the fox. "The muzzle?"

"Sure," the fox replied with a wag of his tail. "Guess you just need a small LED light there or something..."

"Already saw that on the internet," the wolf replied.

They shared a look, and chuckled. Chris snapped the wolf with his damp tail.

"Since when did you have to watch porn to get off, dude?"

"I gotta keep up with the latest tricks of the trade!" the wolf defended himself, with his tongue teasingly lolling out of his muzzle. "And whether anyone has copied my moves..."

"I like your moves," Chris spoke sultrily...and yes, kinda sluttily, to his co-star slash boyfriend wolf.

It looked like they might resort to some unprofessional hanky panky right there on the locker room, if it wasn't for the fla of the door opening. Through that entered Marriott, our flashy makeup and wardrobe expert, a fellow lion, accompanied by a lean black panther wearing a blue compression T-shirt (because he could, I bet, because I could count his abs, lol!) and some track pants, and a sporty water bottle in one paw to complete the look. I wondered if that was a prop...

Oh, and, of course, murrrrr!

Marriott was giggling about something, likely a thing the black panther had said before they entered the room, and he was...very much like himself, of course, one paw ever so casually rested onto the black panther's shoulder. At least he didn't react that much to it...just looked like he enjoyed the attention. Everyone was already looking at him, anyway, including the previously playful Chris and Leroy.

"Morning everyone!" Marriott purred openly, "Why, I've just had a lovely time chatting with our latest boy here..."

The black panther playfully first-bumped the lion's chest, which only made the purring intensify.

"Hello," the panther we all knew as Doug Randy, replied, "how's it hanging?"

"You tell me!" Chris giggled, standing there buck naked with everything on sight, including the creamy-furred sheath.

"Nice!" Doug winked.

"Hey-o," Leroy stepped forward to shake paws with the panther.

"Hello," the panther spoke in a rumbling, pleasant cat-like voice, "name's Leroy."

"Doug," the black panther replied, "nice meeting ya."

"Likewise!" Chris added.

I joined the fray and offered my own paw to match.

"Lance Logan," I said, "but around here I'm called Jimmy."

His paw felt warm and nice, and he had a good grip, not threatening to break my knuckles, though.

"I thought so!" he flashed some perfectly white teeth. "The boss showed me a photo of you when we were looking through the details of the deal."

"Well that's nice," I smiled, "looking forward to working with you!"

My eyes could barely keep away from the nicely proportioned bulges of his muscles under the tight cloth of his shirt, as well as what the lump on the front of his somewhat more loose pants promised, too.

"Likewise," I said with a smile of my own.

"Guess we'll have be at it soon, right?"

"I think so, yeah," I said, "we're supposed to start in about half an hour."

"Great!" he smirked." Good to get to business right away."

"It tends to be," Leroy leered, "you ready, anyway, Chris?"

"Once I'm dry," the fox waved his towel, "and once you - "

He pointed at Marriott with his tail.

" - get me something nice to wear!"

The lion grinned.

"I've got it all sorted out already, you two just pop into my room to get it and we're all set!"

"Do you have my favorite football shorts ironed?" Leroy asked.

"Yep, and dry cleaned," the lion rumbled, "believe me, those stains didn't come off easily."

The wolf's tail wagged at Marriott's suggestive tone, and Chris seemed to be enjoying himself a lot, too. The lion purred some more at the attention he got from the kinky pair, and made him seem even happier about their interaction.

"We'll see about the next time, then," the wolf smirked.

"So let's go then," Chris started to wrap the towel around his waist, "I can check any damp spots with a furdryer. You've got a really nice one, Marry."

"Awww, thank you!" the lion was all purrs as he disappeared into the hallway with the co-stars.

That left me in the locker room with Doug, the guy I had never met before, but I was still supposed to shuck off my clothes and have sex with him in less than half an hour for now.

Welcome to my life, dudes, LOL.

"So, have you done a lot of toy scenes before?" Doug asked.

Well, he seemed to be all business. I might be as well. It really depended on a guy, and there were as many ways to go at this as there were furs in the business.

"Some, yeah," I replied, "all solo, though...well...I think there've been a couple where someone's used a toy on me but...nothing like this, no."

"First time for me, too, on or off the camera," the panther replied, tail slipping in the air behind him while he popped the top of the bottle open and took a swig.

"Oh, okay."

"Did the usual workout, though, so I'm good to go when you are," he said, "all stretched and cleaned up nicely. I like doing it at home before I go to work."

"That's...that's handy," I replied, as nonchalant as it was possible when you were talking about enemas and dildo-fucking your butthole to get it ready for a porn scene, "and I guess I'm not too ripe either, I showered in the morning all done, yeah."

"Great!" he said. "Do you know if the director likes to do photos first or later?"

"Max tends to do them afterwards," I replied, "he likes catching the video action...fresh, as he calls it, and he likes taking photos afterwards to get a better chemistry, he says."

"Sounds pretty good to me," Doug said. "Shall we go then?"

"Through the dress up room, I suppose," I said, "I think there was talk about some special outfits, too?"

"Well, I've got this personal sponsorship deal with Adrian Kristopher and I'm kind of their...poster boy, so I'm going to be wearing AK for today."

"That's some sexy stuff right there," I nodded in reply, "I've got some myself."

He smirked again, and eyed me, especially my middle section, lol.

"Cool!" he said. "I get a lot of free stuff, so if you just tell me your size, I'll see that I'll get some nice goodies for ya."

"Really?" I asked, my ears perking up. That AK stuff was as pricey as it was sexy, so the prospect of the offer was really interesting alright.

"Sure!" he replied. "I've been especially told to share them with sexy friends so that the word spreads."

I wasn't sure whether he was kidding or not, but I didn't really see any point in complaining about free underwear, so I just smiled, and so did he, too. He sure had a way of breaking the ice with new porn acquaintances.

"Why, thank you again, then," I said.

"We better not keep the guys waiting," Doug said, "don't want to be late from my first shoot with you guys."



Sheesh, Max sure did put everything into perspective, I thought, when Doug and I stepped into the studio. The polar bear happened to be standing up and didn't have to perform the usual huffing and puffing ritual of getting away from his computer table, and Jock, his co-producer and partner in crime was playing around with his camera while Yuri, the bear who was doing the sound today, tested out his boom mike and Willie was pulling cables around, setting up whatever piece of equipment he was to fix up for the shoot. The lights were on and the fans had already been set up and running to keep the temperature at least tolerable in the sound-proofed studio. The setting was barebones, just the white backdrop with the big bed in front of it, stripped down, no pillows or anything, though two bedside tables with shaded lamps on them gave the bed an impression of belonging to a nice hotel room. The impeccable white sheets smelled fresh, too.

"Hello, Max!" Doug replied courteously as he went to shake his paw.

Neither the polar bear or the horse hanging out by him reacted to me in particular way while they gave congratulatory smiles and pats to the black panther, whom looked sleek and handsome and sexy. His furs were shiny, his muscles well-defined, and his butt free of any obstructions except black and gold elastics of the bright blue Adrian Kristopher brief jock that seemingly couldn't decide which piece of apparel it was, but the end result was...nice. Put that long tail over it and maybe it was not a surprise that the bear had decided to call him in such a manner. Maybe I'd just hoped that they'd give me some attention, too, looking not too bad, I thought, in my own Pike jockstrap that managed to cover my groin and that's about it.

"We're all set here, so you guys just get comfortable, heheh!" Max bellowed. "Thought we could start by taking a little bit of test footage and a couple of photos to get the lights and the filters right. Let you guys get to know each other a bit before we let the cameras scroll, right?"

"Sounds good to me!" he said before turning to look at me. "Isn't that right?"

"Yeah, sure, why not?" I smiled.

"Just sit down on the edge of the bed for starters," Max stated, "Jock's gonna be the principal camera operator and director of photography today, so it's up t him, really."

The stallion stepped forward, now brandishing a nifty digital camera.

"Well, like Max said, we can start on the bed," he said," let's just go on from there."

The bed had stiff springs, by choice, of course, because it was not meant for sleeping, and it rustled under our rumps when we planted them onto the edge of the bed. Jock came over and waved one of his magic tools by our heads, which made my whiskers tingle as his arm brushed close by.

"Okay..." he noted after peering into the instrument and then making adjustments to his camera, "looking"

He stepped back and crouched to take a couple of freehand snaps, using a flash on the camera.

"Alright..." the horse said after glancing at the little screen on the camera, "how about you put arms over each other's shoulders and give a big smile?"

The panther beat me to it, and he was both smiling and resting his arm on me before I had the time to budge.


He really was eager to please, wasn't he?

Doug and I assumed the position and smiled goofily while Jock snapped further photos of us mugging for the camera, both trying to look sexy and showing off our bodies.

"Okay, give us the sexy secret," Jock said.

And boy, we sure did know what that was shortpaw for...looking at one another naughtily, like we had a secret to share but we weren't going to tell anyone...

"Great...and now a nice, sexy kiss, right there..."

We dipped our muzzles and pressed them together, and really went at it like that, doing all the right things. We closed our eyes, we tilted our heads, and we kept a suitable distance between our muzzles and didn't crowd it with our tongues, but kept them at the side and slightly tilted so that Jock could capture the sight of our tongues fighting for room in our muzzles. It was carefully choreographed, like this kind of business always was. Paws, tails, ears, muzzles, tongues...just to make it look as hot and eager as possible. At least he let out a couple of genuine-sounding purrs while we were at it, which was an encouraging sign. I knew this was a play, but getting a little bit of real fun out of it was always a bonus. Made it nicer for both of us. Put some blood into where it belonged when you had a sexy cat in your arms.

"That looked great!" the big horse nickered once he'd had his share of us eating muzzle.

"Get the toy out next!" Max barked remarkably well for a bear. "Let's get a couple of photos with that, too. Maybe we'll get a cover shot out of it, or at least a teaser."

He laughed to himself while Reece, the stagehand, so to speak, appeared from the corner of the room with a large cheerfully colored package in his paws. He opened the top and then pulled out the ridiculously sized toy from it, enough to make any eyes bulge and buttholes clench. The toy was reddish, going for what I assumed to be the makers' idea of an average penis color, and the shaft was composed of two vaguely feline-shaped dicks of great proportions, fused together on the middle so that the entire thing looked like it was about two feet long and useful as a police baton or something.

"Meet Keith the double-ender," Reece spoke in that remarkably detached way the malamute managed to deal with his job of working on a porn set, "all boiled and polished so you can do whatever you want to do with it."

The huge toy wobbled in his grip while he held it from the middle in one paw. I followed one end of it like a metronome.

"Mind if I grab a drink before we get to it?" Doug asked.

"Get him a drink too!" Max yelled. "Lance, take the dildo!"

Reece nudged the toy into my paws and walked away, leaving me with pawfuls of rubbery cock.

"That looks fun," Doug commented, "how big was that anyway?"

"Eighteen inches," Jock said, again fondling his camera, "bought it from Eric's Erotic Emporium last week."

The girth seemed impressive, too.

Oww my butthole...

"Good taste," Doug chuckled.

Reece returned with a bottle of spring water which Doug quickly uncapped and swigged from. I was starting to feel a bit sweaty by now, too, though not quite parched yet, like he seemed to be. It wasn't just the lights, either, I mean, having a fun guy to play with was another reason to feel a bit hot under my proverbial collar. So waistband, then? My jock had definitely grown a bit more generously bulged during our makeout for the cameras, and his own soft cloth pouch was...pouchy indeed.

"Ah, that was nice," Doug mused.

"Reece, get that bottle out of the frame!"

The malamute padded over to fetch the bottle and then it was back over to Jock with his camera.

"Alrighty about each of you grab an end and bend it a bit so that both of you have a pawful of cock and it's between them and you're looking at each other as if measuring it up...and sizing each other up, too!"

"Fine by me!" Doug rumbled.

Jock's terminology was not wrong. The rubbery dong was certainly large enough that once we both put a paw around the ends, there was still about a foot between our knuckles.

"...'kay...bend it so that it's between your paws..."

The curved 'U' at the center of the dildo rested on our thighs while we leered on one another with the kinky knowledge of all the dirty things we were supposed to do in a bit. The toy must've looked like some perverse exercise device, some sort of a muscle pressing thing from the home shopping

", each of you take a tip into your muzzle and slurp on it like a good boy..."

Doug's interpretation of that was to grin around the dick in his muzzle while gazing at me lustily while I kept up good pace of breathing through my nose while my maw was otherwise occupied. The girth wasn't anything I couldn't handle, I had blown horses and bulls in my life, but it was certainly novel to feel the vibrations of his purrs through the plastic length of the dildo that bridged us. I decided to match them with my own, which made him flick his ears up with amusement. I narrowed my eyes a little and put a little bit of my special swing to it...just a little slurp, like I was really getting into it...and yeah, I was, despite the alien situation. I was nothing but a show-off, and what did the guys watching this want? Two sluts going at it, so horny that they'd suck on their thumb if nothing else was available to stuff their muzzles with.

"Okay, Reece!" Jock declared. "Get the dildo back in the box, we'll have them unwrap it during the scene!"


"You need a touchup or something?" I asked from the panther. "I'm sure Marriott is around somewhere."

"I'm fine," he said with a grin, "just need a drink, I think, boy it's hot here!"



Well, there we go then...

"Hello, and welcome to Blue Paws, everyone. Today we've got a very special treat for you guys, because today you're getting an exclusive first peek to our very new Blue Paws boy here...why don't you guys introduce yourselves, even though you really don't need to do that for our most loyal viewers!"

_ _

"Hi, guys! I'm Lance Logan, and here's my new friend..."

_ _

"Hey-o! It's Doug Randy here!"

_ _

"Well, you guys look really nice together! Have you enjoyed meeting each other?"

_ _

"Oh, definitely!" the black panther said while giving me a big leering smirk. "We've definitely gotten to know each other pretty well lately."

_ _

"Oh yeah, "I grinned brightly. "I must say I've been looking forward to this opportunity to work together with one of the hottest guys in the business."

_ _

"And someone told me that you've got something very special in mind today for everyone that's going to show off your special talents, isn't that right?"

_ _

We both turned to the camera and smiled.

_ _

"Oh, I'd think so," I purred.

_ _

"Definitely," Doug said while glancing at me knowingly.

_ _

"Well, let's let you guys get cosy and let's all have some fun!"

_ _

We flashed further smiles before we simply grabbed each other and started to make out sloppily, noisily, too, tongues dancing together while our paws felt up butts and arms and backs, our tails swinging to the rhythm of our purrs. Soon I pushed the lean cat down onto the bed and continued our kissing, while our hot, straining bulges rubbed together, constrained by the fabric of our jocks. I kept lifting my butt up wantonly high on each consequent thrust of my hips onto Doug's, my tail swinging to attract the attention of viewing eyes while we kept up the action with porn star precision.

_ _


_ _

"Fuck yeah!" Doug grinned up to me.

_ _

"Wanna do something more next?"

_ _

"Thought you'd never ask!"

_ _

I rolled off him and he sat down next to me while I grabbed the conveniently placed box that rattled ominously with...Keith...placed inside it.

_ _

"Oh, man..."

_ _

"Oh yeah," I winked while I opened the box and let Keith fall out and onto the bed.

_ _

"Damn..." Dough fondled the double ended dildo as if he was seeing it for the first time, looking appropriately awed by its size and its appearance.

_ _

"That's what I thought," I said as I lifted the toy from the bed and gave it a wave.

_ _

"Can't wait to have that in me..."

_ _

I winked.

_ _

"Wanna see how much you can take, dude?"

_ _

"Uh huh!"

_ _

I lifted one end of the toy to my muzzle and began to lick it like an ice cream cone, my eyes closed and my muzzle purring appropriately while I gave my best head to the inanimate dick in my grip. Doug was soon miming my motions on his own end of the toy, much like in the pictures from before, though now we were really making noise, and letting it be as slippery as we could make. No matter how much we tried, we couldn't get all of it in our maws, the position of us on the bed not really suitable for any kind of deep throat action, but it did look sexy, and obscene.

_ _

It was Doug who slurped along its length first, to draw a breath and speak to me.

_ _

"Get on all fours on the bed, dude, let's see what you can do."

_ _

I obliged him happily, my tail swinging in its most seductive curve while I got onto the bed, sure to push up my butt and curve my back so that everyone could get a really nice look on my power bottom rump, the tail held up eventually once I'd wriggled myself into a cosy position on the sheets.

_ _

"Think you can handle that?" I smirked over my shoulder.

_ _

Doug slapped my butt and groped my ass cheeks, sending me to a frenzy of moans and purrs.

_ _

"I might," he grinned before spitting onto my spread ass crack.

_ _

The initial splurge came a rimjob of epic proportions, full of hungry butt-munching. His tongue swiped up and down my crack, complete with dirty purrs and tail-pulling while his tongue drilled into my hot tight pucker. His breath tickled my hole as much as his whiskers teasing the soft furs in my taint, and my cock throbbed pleasantly in its elastic mesh pouch that already had a sexy pre stain developing on the front where my tip resided.

_ _

"Got some lube?" he said while stroking my tail like it was a dick.

_ _

The lube appeared out of the fancy nightstand and I soon had fingers going into my asshole while the black panther groped his own junk through the straining blue fabric of his jock. I play up my moans, though not by too much - his fingertips felt really nice on my prostate and stretched me out good, even if I was already pretty well prepped for everything that was to come.

_ _

" ass..." Doug murmured while rubbing my right ass cheek, "really extra nice..."

_ _

"Hmmm...thanks..." I purred.

_ _

"Wanna get fucked, hot guy?"

_ _

"Uhmmyeah..." I moaned sluttily, "fuck my tight little ass..."

_ _

"Well this boy here ain't so little..."

_ _

He had the dildo out and was rubbing its blunt feline tip against my ass crack now. It must've looked so damn obscene, swinging back and forth in his grip while he poked it onto my taint. I kept my tail raised like the obedient bottom I was meant to be and pushed my ass back towards the threatening butt invader.

_ _

"Alright, we go..."

_ _

It wasn't a breathtaking penetration, not on the physical level, but I was sure to make it look and sound like one, with my eyes rolling, claws digging into the sheets, my tail trashing like mad when the thick dildo pushed deep into my ass. I felt stretched out by the time it bottomed in me, as far as Doug was gonna put it in, and I knew that there was still plenty enough to go before all of it could have (theoretically) been slammed into my sweet little ass...right.

_ _

"Oh fuck...oh...oh shit...oh fuck..."

_ _

I really let it go all out when Doug started to toy-fuck me with the double-ender. The angle he was using made its rub firmly against my pucker, which was actually quite the intense sensation in comparison to the action from before, and soon I was breathing kinda heavy on my own accord. Doug must've made a great show of it, too, crouching behind me while he operated the toy, pumping it slowly in and out of my hole so that everyone could seem my hole clench around it, the rims of my anus hugging the shaft and surely bulging out whenever he pulled slowly backwards before going in for another dip.

_ _

"Oh yeah...there's our little slut boy..."

_ _

"Ohhhmmm fuck me...oh fuck yeah...fuck...shit...fuck.."

_ _

"That looks a lot of fun..."

_ _

"Oh it's really...ffun...oh fuck..."

_ _

"Guess I'll have to see what that's like, then...seems like you're enjoying..."

_ _

"Uhhmmmyeah..." I slurred.

_ _

The bed creaked while he shifted on the bed, getting onto a crouching position himself, while the air filled with the smell of a fresh coat of lube and the slippery noises of its application onto the rest of the shaft of Keith the ass-destroyer. The next appreciable sound was a loud hiss, and I felt further tugging on the dildo poking out of my rump...and knew that Dough has just kicked the scene up a notch into the next phase of fantasy.

_ _

" thick..."

_ _

He wriggled his butt back and forth on all directions to work more of the dildo into his own ass. That sent the thing wagging inside my asshole. I kept up my moans and grunts, all the while Doug put up his own show, tail flagged high to show everyone just how deep the dido was slipping inside his own lubed rectum.

_ _

"Oh fuck that feels hot..." I moaned, my head lifted up high to arch my back even further.

_ _

" wonder you're liking it so hard...yeah...uuh yeah..."

_ _

Once he was well settled, I began to rock my hips a little, causing the toy to slip a little from me, and force a little amount of it into Doug instead. He replied with a grunt and a muttered 'fuck!' before he made a similar move, which forced about an extra inch of the red shaft into my ass.

_ _


_ _


_ _

It became a kind of a tug of war, well...buttfuck of war? Not sure, but what I know is that we were both on all fours and rocking that dildo up each other's asses with our hips movements, tail swinging above our heads while we showed off the extremely kinky action of sharing a giant sex toy in anal play.

_ _


_ _

"Hell yeah..."

_ _

Next came the great swap for the next angle. We sprawled on our back on the bed, paws hooked behind our knees to keep them drawn up against our chests while we aligned ourselves for the scene now, tails swung to the side over the bed while our asses were pressed into action again.

_ _

"Uh yeah...fuck that ass with your ass, dude!"

_ _

"Like this, huh?" I called back, looking at him between the V of my legs, across my body, over his own, heads held up in a somewhat awkward angle so that we could swap dirty looks while we humped our bodies together, joined by that long, pliable plastic shaft stuffed up our asses.

_ _

We kept it up until there was a cue from Max, and both of us dug out our cocks from our jocks, their pouches hooked up under our swinging balls sacks that were being propelled into a slap by the continued rocking of our muscled bodies, still trying to see who could take more of that double-ender up the chute.

_ _

"Uuuh yeah...fuck yeah..."

_ _

I grabbed my dick and began to stroke it, with that particular grip so that the cameras could see everything even while I was jacking myself slowly. It wasn't really the center of attention for the scene, either way.

_ It was time for Doug to prove that he was an asset to the studio, and to give the guys who watched our stuff something to ogle at. That meant that I had to time my orgasm, too, so that when he was closing to his own, I would simply hold myself back and let him spooge himself before I let it all rip._


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"Oohyeah...gonna cum...yeah...fuck...yeah..."

_ _

His ass humped backwards while his paw flew on his cock, ultra quick strokes to get him finally over the edge. Hot, thick wads of cum shot out of his pulsing tip, painting his face and one even hitting his muzzle that was open in a grimace of pleasure. He really hosed himself this time around, I thought, mildly, remarkably distracted with my own part of the scene, anyway.

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"Fuck yeah, that's hot..." I commented, all the while Doug 'worked'...getting off while the cameras captured each spurt until he simply slumped down onto his back, legs falling to either side.

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That was my cue.

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I wriggled myself off the dildo so that it kept poking out of Doug's ass, straddled him and jacked off while cussing so that the cameras soon had the perfect view of me blasting the contents of my balls all over the black panther's cheeks and face, leaving him dripping and smirking.

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"That's how we say hello around here," I told him, before diving down to kiss him extra messily.

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"Well, wow!" Doug grinned once we'd disentangled ourselves.

"Yeah," I commented, sitting to the side.

"That went A-OK!" Jock nickered. "I think we've got about two hours of footage to work with...this'll be good."

"Glad to do a good job!" Doug replied, sounding laid back now and positively nonpulsed by the fact that he was sitting there and covered in our juices.

"TOWELS FOR THE GUYS!" Max bellowed.

"Wanna hit the showers?" the black panther asked me.

I glanced at Jock, who nodded.

"Fine by me," he said, "we'll do a quick review of the footage and get back to you. Don't leave the premises until Max tells you to, okay?"

"Sounds like a standard practice," Doug nodded, "you coming?"

"Maybe we should clean up a bit before that?" I suggested, pointing playfully at his soiled chest and muzzle.

"Heh...right..." he said, rubbing an errand fleck of spunk from his chin," almost forgot it...still in the moment, I guess..."

"Heheh," I smiled.

So that's how I met Doug Randy.


Thank you for reading my story! I hope you had a fun time reading, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter in Jimmy's ongoing tale! Do tell me how you liked it, and leave me a comment, if you can!


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