Nothing Vs. Everything

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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Urgh...2 AM. Tired. Sleep. Need.


--If you're under 18 years of age, please leave immediately.

--This story details the sexual relations of two dragons, a male and a hermaphrodite. If this is not to your liking, *cough*you don't know what you're missing*cough* -- i mean, too bad, it's here anyway :P

--Long read ahead! XD

I've spent a week on this, trying to see if it'll help break the writer's block that is currently plaguing my Spyro story. Sadly, it has not, but enjoy anyway.

I apologize for any typos or mess-ups, but honestly, I don't care with this right now, I'm too tired to fix it up and it's not a serious writing anyway XD just read and enjoy, it won't kill you if the "great" FrostDragon messed something up.

EDIT: i hate the new YS setup, it messed up the keywords on me >_>

He had everything. Arthur was an accomplished mystery author, three-time movie award winner for best actor, he had a winterhouse, summerhouse and tropical vacation resort, stocks in all the big companies, a six-figure job on top of the outside sources of money, acquaintances with access to just about anything...he had it all. So why, on a summer morning, was he staring out the window of his summer house at the waterfall on the gorge with a sullen look?

"I have it all...but I don't," he sighed finally, taking a sip of coffee and stretching his wings. "Might as well go for a swim or something..." For the first time in eight years as an author, he had a deadline from the biggest publishing company in the country. It was now month three of the six-month project workflow and he still couldn't break his writer's block. Normally, the thought of word getting out that the great Arthur vanNogard couldn't finish a deadline would make him cringe, the months had passed he'd grown to where he was now. He didn't care. "Maybe I shouldn't write that book," he grumbled to himself, sloughing off his robe and walking outside completely naked. There was no one around for a good three miles, and he'd hired government officials to make sure no satellites were spying on him, so most of the time, inside or out, he roamed without any clothes. He'd been named "Sexiest Dragon" three years in a row during his teens, and the title still suited him if not for the slight pallor of his scales from being inside almost all the time staring at his computer. He stared at his reflection in the pool water, and then quickly slapped it with his tail and slipped into the warm water, making his way over to the other side where a waterproof padded lounge chair lay submerged. The pool was a..."pleasure model", as many liked to call it; it was designed for sex, the water cycled in one direction to carry off fluids and other stuff to the filters. It was very relaxing, feeling the water move over him as he stared at the sky. "What am I missing?" he whispered to himself. Pictures of the various female models he'd worked with began to come to mind, getting a smirk from him. "Hard to believe I've never had sex with anyone...maybe that's it, I haven't jacked off in a while." He looked down and grinned a bit when he saw his bluish penis ready for action, all twelve hard inches of it. As he ran his hand over his length and rubbed his sheath with the other, though, he sighed and decided against it. He just couldn't get himself in the mood for it.

As night fell, Arthur went for a hike in the woods to see if some nature exposure might chip his writer's block or even just help this empty feeling he had. He'd gotten used to roaming his expansive territory in the nude, but tonight was rather chilly and he didn't feel like trying to tough it out. All he wore was a robe, though. As he walked, he let his senses wander, listening to the leaves a few hundred feet away rustle in the breeze, feeling the slight moisture from the waterfall roaring away... "Maybe I should go to the falls, see if anything's washed up in the pools." Spreading his wings he lazily flew to the waterfall, enjoying the cool breath of the water as it wafted along the air from the churning basin. From the air, he suddenly spotted something adrift in the basin...something large, it looked like an animal. Swooping down he froze in shock.

The next morning Arthur was up early, still tending to his unexpected visitor. "Poor girl," he sighed, gazing at the dragoness lying on his bed still breathing shallowly and shivering. She had nothing wrong with her aside from bruises, but she was very cold and seemed to be developing a fever. The fact that she was naked didn't help; her clothes had apparently been torn off or something, all she'd had when he'd found her were the tattered sleeves of her hoodie. Arthur felt her forehead... growing hotter, it seemed. With another sigh he located some bruise salve in his medicine closet and applied it to a towel to lay on her. He rolled her onto her back and stared at her chest; her breasts were very nicely developed, but were also a bit raw and very bruised. Shoving the male side of his mind to the back he focused on treating her, carefully wrapping the medicine-dampened towel around her boobs and then taking a bit more of the salve and rubbing it onto her arms. She suddenly stirred and groaned with pain, slowly opening her eyes as Arthur pulled his hands back but stayed by the bedside.


"'re safe here. Lucky I found you, you might've drowned or died of hypothermia."

"I c-can't see..."

"Just stay still and rest. Like I said, you're safe here."

"Where am I..." she whispered, closing her eyes again.

"My summerhouse in the middle of nowhere."

"Where're my clothes...?"

"You didn't have any when I found you...sorry, but I don't have any female clothes here with me."

"I-I need underwear a-at least..."

"We'll talk about that when you can move. Right now you're getting a fever so you need to stay still and rest."

Tears fell from her eyes and her face clenched. "Please...just gimme something..."

"*sigh* Fine, but soon. I hope you like chicken noodle soup, it's the only soup I could make quickly and you need something in your stomach."

"Don't look under the covers..."

"Huh? Why not?"

"Please...just don't..." Her voice faded and she quickly fell asleep. He stood up and headed over to the stove, grinning to himself.

"I already know why," he said himself. "Shi's a hermaphrodite."

An hour later the dragoness yawned slowly and woke up to find Arthur sitting nearby with a laptop, staring out the window as he tried to think. It took hir a few minutes to finally see anything, but when shi did shi gasped. "Y-you're Arthur vanNogard!!"

He sighed and closed his laptop. "A very frustrated and confused vanNogard...oh well, deadline's still a month off. You feeling any better?" he asked, kneeling by the bed.

"I can move now I think..."

"Can you eat?"


He brought hir a bowl of soup, helping hir sit up so she could eat it. "Y'know, I've never really known a herm before...what's your name?" he asked quietly.

Shi froze. " know about me?"

"Kinda hard not to when I had to carry you in and wash you off, you were covered in sap." Shi stared at hir soup. "What's so bad about it?"

"It's why I got chased out boyfriend found out and was so freaked out he got drunk, then started chasing me..." Shi started crying, but paused when he laid his hand over hirs.

"You don't need to go back to him if you don't want to. I'll make him pay for that cruelty."

"We're supposed to get married in a few and dad are gonna..."

"Do you want to marry him?"

"No, that's why I told him I'm a herm."

He reached over to his bedstand and pulled out some paper and a pen. "If you can, write down his phone number and that of your parents, give me names. I'll do what I can."

Heidi sat alone on the bed for the next two hours, staring through the huge windows at the land around the house and occasionally glancing around the interior. Arthur wasn't much of a decorator, but then again this was a temporary house for the summer months; the most he had on the walls were a few elegant paintings and a few sword displays. There were also some pieces of jewellery hanging from hooks on the walls, which drew hir eyes to them as the sun's light steadily grew. Finally he came back, flipping his cellphone shut. "No need to worry, Heidi. I talked it over with your parents, my lawyers are after your boyfriend for assault, and the marriage has been called off."

"Thanks," shi whispered with a sad smile, turning to the window again.

"Here, I need to add some more salve to the towel. You don't mind do you?" he asked, pausing as he reached for the towel on hir chest. Shi shook hir head and handed him the towel, staring outside again, not even trying to cover hir red-scaled breasts. He came back and sat by the bedside. "Heidi, you okay?"

"Hm? Oh...yeah I guess..."

"Do you wanna put the towel on or should I?"

"You can do it, my arms are killing me." Shi watched as he carefully wrapped the towel around hir boobs again, admiring how gentle he was and how he was trying not to seem like he was groping hir.

"You seem depressed," he said.

"I am...our marriage was actually an arranged one, but with reason. Alex and I loved each other...years ago. When the marriage was arranged six months ago he suddenly began showing a darker side that I didn't fact he was even half-planning a robbery in the mall. These past few months...I just feel"

His face softened. "Empty?"

"Yeah..." Shi shivered with a slight moan, looking a bit dizzy. Shi looked at him in surprise when he wrapped his hand around hir throat, but he looked like he was focusing as he pressed his fingers against certain areas.

" lymph node swellings...temperature's getting higher." He pulled back again. "You should just lie down and rest, your fever's getting worse. You want some more soup?"

"Sure." He got hir another large bowl of soup and watched hir eat, sometimes having to steady hir shaking hands. When shi was done shi looked up at him shyly. " you have a bathroom here?"

"Oh yeah, one moment, let me go put some stuff away." He rushed off and then came back carrying a large towel. "I was in such a rush to get you treated I forgot to clean up after washing you off." He helped hir up off the bed, but shi shook hir head as he went to put the towel around hir waist.

"Since you know, there's no need," shi whispered, swooning a bit as shi got a headrush. He glanced down and saw hir penis semi-stiff with the need to relieve hirself. Arthur almost had to carry hir to the bathroom, hir fever was really starting to kick in and it was making hir weak.

"I'm kinda curious, old are you, if you don't mind me asking?" he asked through the door.

"Two years younger than you," shi replied. "I'm 26."

"Wow, you look so young though!" he said in surprise.

"How old did you think I was?"

"About 18 or 19, around there."

Shi laughed a bit. "I get that a lot; I went to buy beer a week ago and the clerk wouldn't sell it to me until he saw my card." Shi sighed and groaned. "You sure you don't have any girl's clothes here?"

"I can go look in case I have something from a magazine shoot, but I'm pretty certain I don't have anything. I don't really mind if you're naked here, though..."

"Why, you get a rise out of it?" shi asked teasingly.

"No, I just think clothes hinder beauty, that's all really. That and they can sometimes be a pain."

There was some silence before shi spoke up again. "I just remembered a question my friend had...are you a virgin?"

Arthur laughed. "What the heck kind of question is that?!"

"She saw you with a bunch of other dragonesses in a magazine."

"Ah. Well, yes I am, hard enough to believe." When shi was done he had to help hir walk back to the bed. "Heidi, you should sleep some more. Or at least close your eyes and let this sickness work itself away."

"I guess," shi yawned as he pulled the covers over hir. "Where do you sleep though?"

"Here usually but I have another bed in the dining room wall, I can sleep there. Actually I should; a different place to sleep might somehow help me break this writer's block." Heidi just nodded with another yawn, closing hir eyes and quickly falling asleep.

The next morning Heidi woke up still feeling hot and tired, but much less dizzy and haze-headed. The sun was just beginning to show over the trees as shi looked outside. Shi stretched and slowly sat up, feeling a little self-conscious now that shi wasn't so absent-minded as shi rubbed hir breasts the way shi usually did in the mornings. The house was very quiet, with only the very slight sound of the waterfall in the distance and the chirping and singing of birds waking up in the trees. Listening intently shi figured Arthur was either outside or still asleep, and with a slight grin shi pulled the covers off hirself and gazed at hir genitals. Shi sighed...why did shi have to be born with a penis? "Might as well," shi said to hirself, and took hold of hir semi-stiff phallus and began rythmically squeezing it in one hand while hir other hand habitually explored hir vagina. Shi did this every morning; shi would rub and essentially massage hir penis while hir other hand worked hir pussy. When she was about four years old she'd had to do this because the doctors had said "without the stimulation she could lose sensation in her genitals, which would be dangerous". Shi only needed to do it for four years, but around that time hir family had been going through hell and it had become a sort of habitual stress relief. Hir finger ran down hir length and came to hir clitoris, right where the base of hir penis met hir vaginal slit. Shi slowly, casually squeezed hir growing erection while twisting two fingers slowly in hir tunnel, running hir thumb lightly over hir clit and flicking hir labia. It was far from masturbation, which shi had only done maybe twice before because shi wanted to find a husband who might "be active" with of hir many fantasies. Shi sighed and lay back on the bed, still working hirself and panting slightly with the small twinges of pleasure. "I thought Alex was the one...other than Arthur he was the's that?"

Something caught hir eye outside in the big pool and shi sat up, pulling the covers over hirself again. Shi slowly gasped to hirself as a naughty grin crept over hir face; Arthur was outside, clad only in his hide as he stretched by the poolside after having gone swimming. It must have been warm outside; he was shining with water yet looked pretty comfortable. Heidi's eyes followed him as he stood up, narrowing on his crotch, and what they relayed to hir mind made hir jaw drop. Shi'd only ever seen hir brother's penis, those few times they had to take "family showers" to conserve shi was impressed as shi saw his twelve-inch length standing up almost flat against his pale gray stomach. It was a warm pool if he was sporting a hard-on just after getting out... Shi lay down on the bed, pretending to be asleep as shi watched him tend to the filter system. The way he held his wings, how his dirty-blonde finscales fell over his head and neck, the blue color of his scales...shi sighed to hirself as shi pictured them both in bed together with wedding clothes tossed to the side... Heidi had to refrain from slapping hirself for those thoughts as Arthur headed back to the house, grabbing a towel and shaking himself dry before drying himself and stepping inside. Heidi yawned and rolled over to face him as he walked into view now wearing a robe. He smiled at hir as he headed for the kitchen. "Hey Heidi, you look better today," he called, sorting through the cupboard.

"Thanks...I feel a hell of a lot better but still sick."

"Want soup, or something more substantial?"

"Soup's good."

"What kind?"

Shi paused. "I have an option?"

"Chicken noodle or noodle chicken." Shi laughed and he continued. "There's also beef & herb, clam chowder with extra clam, spinach-turkey roast..."

"What's that?"

"It's...I dunno, kind of like a smoked turkey or something with seasoned shredded spinach pieces in a semi-spicy broth."

"Sounds good, I'll take that."

"Coming up in about ten minutes." He came out a few minutes later, letting it boil as he flipped open his laptop on the desk and checked his stuff. "Damn it, I already told you no, I don't have the manuscript written! Idiots... aaaah dadadadadaaaaa let's see here...war in Muria is still raging...stocks are still increasing, just as I predicted they would..." He looked closer at the screen. "Oh shit that's not good, gonna need to pull out of that one..." His clawed fingers raced over the keyboard. Heidi forced hirself up off the bed and walked over to him, covering hir front with hir wings.

"What's up?"

"My investments are doing wonderfully except for the ChocoPeanut corporation, the war and recent powdered milk scandals have decreased their buyers...sorry guys, but I gotta pull out, you're gonna crash in about a week at this rate but you'll probably come back strong."

"How can you tell?" Heidi asked curiously. "All I see is a list of numbers."

"It's all in the pattern, that and gut feeling. Always listen to your gut, it's like an alert system." His inbox rang and he switched over to that, and after quickly skimming the message he fell back with a whining groan, covering his face with his hands.

"What is it?"

He sighed in frustration. "They just cut off a month from my deadline for my next book, thinking that would spur me...damn it I needed that month for editing!" Silence fell as he stared at the screen angrily. Heidi stood there uncertainly, feeling very awkward, but eventually Arthur sighed again and smiled up at hir. "Sorry, it's just...well, you know who I am obviously...I have a reputation but...lately, I'm starting to wonder if it's really worth it."

"But you have everything!" shi replied, looking around. He shrugged and looked back at the laptop, the motion catching hir eyes again.

"I have fame, money, houses, stocks, gold, silver, jewels, blah blah'd probably give up everything to have what I have wouldn't you?"

"Most likely...all my life I've wanted something like this."

"Heidi, this is a superstar speaking: it's not worth it." Shi noticed a very sad, forsaken look come over his face. "I have it all...yet, I really have nothing...and that nothing is the worst emptiness. Problem is...what am I missing?..." He slowly stood up and went to the kitchen, suddenly looking depressed. Heidi went back to the bed and sat down, covering hir lap with the blanket and staring at the floor as shi thought over what he'd said.

"How can you have everything yet nothing?" shi repeated to hirself, trying to figure it out but not getting anywhere. Arthur came in quietly with hir bowl of soup, carrying another one for himself, and they quietly ate their meal while looking outside at the morning. "How warm is the pool?" shi asked.

"About 80 degrees, it's heated."

"I could tell."

"What, the steam in the morning?"

Shi giggled, drawing a curious look from him. "You looked uhh...rather 'happy' this morning when you got out."

He gagged on his mouthful of soup, making hir laugh as his eyes went wide in a split second. "Y-You saw me?!"

"Yeah..." Shi looked away and blushed furiously, though it was hard to tell against hir red scales and long curly brown fins. "You still deserve the Sexiest Dragon title.."

He sat there in shock, but finally a smirk crept over his face and he laughed. "Guess that's my punishment for seeing you naked..."

They both laughed until Heidi started coughing, and shi rubbed hir throat. ", Arthur, do you...usually walk around here like that? Without clothes?"

"Actually yes I do; I can because I'm usually the only one out here."

Shi blushed again, looking down shyly. "I...uhhh...I don't...I don't mind if...if you do that, I mean it's your house and all..."

He just gaped at hir. "But I have a guest! That's indecent!"

Shi laughed and jutted hir chest out at him. "I'm the indecent one here if we're gonna talk about that!" Shi looked outside with a sigh. "Besides...I don't want to intrude on your personal life; you've done so much for me already, I think you're entitled to a little leeway of your own."

A thought flashed across his mind and he laughed and stood up. "Okay then, you asked for it."

"I DIDN'T MEAN NOW!!!" shi shrieked with laughter, turning away and hiding hir face as he threw his robe back.

"Hey, you said it was my house didn't you?"

"Yeah but..but...gah okay you win," shi laughed, looking him over with admiration. He blushed heavily and refrained from covering himself; only twice had he exposed himself to a dragoness, but those were for physicals at the doctor's. "No wonder you hide out here," shi whispered audibly. "Wow."

He laugh and rubbed his neck nervously. "Well it's really for getting away so I can write..."

"I was being sarcastic, dimwit," shi snapped teasingly.

"So stars are dimwits huh? Wonder how far a dimwit can punt your ass outta here?" he asked in a similar joking tone.

"Okay I'll shut up, I like this bed," shi retorted with a sly grin, throwing hirself back on the bed. He laughed and walked over to his laptop again.

"I'm gonna check in on the police about your incident, if you want you can look around."

Shi hesitated, catching his attention with hir pause. "Ummm..."

He smiled knowingly. "It's fine. To tell you the truth, Heidi...your 'difference' actually makes you more sexy and beautiful than other dragonesses I've known." Shi stared at him, hir jaw hanging, but he just smirked and turned back to his laptop, quickly engrossing himself in the internet. Heidi sat there, mulling it over for a while, and then resolutely stood up and quietly explored the house. It was actually quite large and mostly unused, many of the rooms looked like they hadn't been touched for a few years. She lay down on the carpeted floor of what should have been the master bedroom, staring at the ceiling and rather enjoying the freedom of not wearing anything. Arthur's words came back to mind and shi realized that shi too felt like there was a very saddening emptiness in hir life...but what was that hole? What was missing from hir life? Shi had friends...maybe it was Alex, the, it wasn''t Alex, it just didn't seem right. After some thought shi sighed and headed downstairs back to the bed, lying down on it for a quick nap. Arthur was still on his laptop, but had relocated to a recliner and had it propped on his lap. Heidi's nap was too light to get enough rest; hir thoughts were too strong to let hir rest them off, so for a good hour after shi woke up shi stared at the gentle blue dragon that was taking care of hir. Shi felt the fever beginning to build up again as hir hazy-headed feeling slowly returned.

"Going well?" shi yawned, stretching and still watching him.

"Yup. Your parents want you to stay here until you're better; they and the police are the only ones who know where you are right now. It should probably stay that way; if word gets out that I'm taking care of a domestically abused dragoness, hell's gonna break loose."

Shi giggled and sighed, feeling very strange around him...feeling rather relaxed. "Anything else?"

"I found a speed-up for healing bruises," he said, putting the laptop aside. "Thing is, it's massage. By massaging the damaged areas, you relax the body in those areas and stimulate its healing processes. You wanna give it a try?"

"Sure, I'm game...never had a massage before." With that he led hir to a nearby lounge chair and had hir sit down. "Y'know, Arthur...for some reason I feel...different around you."


" almost feels like I'm finally home after a long trip or something."

"Heh," he laughed with a smirk. "Didn't think I'd have that effect on someone." He slowly kneaded hir arm, glancing at hir bare breasts and the bruised scales.

"Why are you staring at my chest?" shi asked.

"How'd you get those bruises?"

Shi sighed heavily. "Alex...he hit me repeatedly asking 'Why do you have those you freak?' among other things... is he gonna go to jail? Do I have to go to court or anything?"

"The cops found enough evidence to jail him without you needing to testify, but all the same they'll want to hear your story. Which reminds me, when we're done here they requested that I take pictures of your bruises so they can see what he did."

"Guess I can't argue with that...oooh that feels good," shi sighed as he work hir shoulder. Shi hissed a bit when hir bruises throbbed, but he was slow and gentle and the pain only lasted maybe a few seconds at most. Heidi fell back against the chair with a slight smile as shi relaxed while he tended hir shoulders and neck. Arthur had never given a real massage before, all he knew was a quick back-rub from his brief flash on a commercial, but he was doing something right and smiled to himself as he watched hir relax and enjoy the attention. Shi was gorgeous...even with the interior bloodstains in hir scales from the bruising, shi was almost model-worthy. Almost. Shi wasn't as thin as a model normally was, and shi was a bit short, but then again he'd always thought models were overdone. Shi was...

"Oh, sorry," he said, pulling back quickly when he realized his hands were migrating to hir breasts. Heidi blushed and gave him a rather trusting smile.

"I, can...I mean, if it'll heal the bruises faster..."

"You sure?"

Shi sighed, running hir hand through hir slightly curly brown fins as shi thought it over. "Arthur...*sigh* how do I put this......ah what the hell." Shi fixed him with hir eyes. "These past two days here have been the best of my life, even as uneventful as they've been." Shi looked down and gave another small sigh as shi ran hir hands over hir scaly rack. "You're the only one other than Alex that I've been able to trust with...y'know, the whole nudity thing. As a bit of thanks, you can massage my boobs if you want."

He sat there, a bit stunned. "You trust me that much?"

Shi nodded, a small tear forming in hir eye. "You're the first one that's given me so took me into your house because I was injured, you've cared for my every don't judge me for being a shemale..." Shi sniffled and rubbed hir eyes, then smiled at him. "I feel like my whole life has changed...this was more than just a recovery; with you...I feel like everything that was wrong in my life is gone. My boyfriend, not having a job or place to almost feels like none of that matters when I'm around you."

Arthur was frozen for a few seconds as he processed this. "Why are you telling me this all of a sudden? I don't get it..."

She just smiled shyly. "Always listen to your gut, it's like an alert system."

He stared at hir in surprise but gradually a smile crept over his face and he sat closer to hir, putting his paw over the one shi had on hir knee. "I hadn't noticed until now, but caring for you...what you just described you've felt, I feel the same way. These last few months, I've just felt empty and useless...but, ever since meeting's like the hole in my life has been filled." He spread his wings a bit, a subliminal dragon invitation for a hug. "Heidi, if you want to, I'd be more than happy to let you stay here...with me...and not just here; there's my winter house, and the tropic resort..."

Shi choked with a smiling sob and hugged him tight, crying into his shoulder as hir world of confusion and misery simply shattered and the warm light of hir new life here filled hir. Arthur held hir close, returning the strength of hir embrace as he leaned his head against hirs, rubbing hir back and feeling hir bare scales seem to melt with joy under his caresses. After a few minutes of their bliss Heidi coughed and pulled back as she went into a fit of coughs until Arthur reached up to hir neck and firmly but gently soothed hir neck. The tickle in hir throat faded and she slowly fell back against the chair again, causing his hand to go lower and lower until they reached their targets. Heidi squirmed a bit, not used to having someone else fondle hir, but Arthur was so tender with hir that shi almost melted on the chair, smiling with closed eyes as shi just gave hirself up and relaxed. Arthur smiled to himself, glad and somehow relieved that he was making someone else so calm and satisfied as he gently squeezed hir breasts. Shi giggled as he played a bit with them, feeling more and more playful hirself as he grew ever more daring and began to really fondle hir.

"Please don't stop," shi begged, arching hir back and pushing hir boobs into his hands. "Oooooh that feels so gooood..."

Arthur couldn't stop himself, he wanted hir to be satisfied and hir boobs were so pleasing to the touch...neither of them knew what was soon to come. He kneaded hir breasts firmly, occasionally squeezing hir nipples, getting loud gasps and moans begging him to keep going. Heidi suddenly threw hir head back with a loud yell, hir whole body shuddering. Arthur suddenly felt something warm and wet spray against his chest and several thick ropes of white fluid landed on hir chest. He looked down in surprise to see hir penis jumping as shi ejaculated, hir vagina and the chair wet with hir pussy-juices, which dripped out even more with each heavy breath as shi panted. He was equally surprised to see his own erection begging for release, so hard and stiff it almost hurt. Heidi slowly got up a bit clumsily, staring at hir own mess on hirself and him. "I-I'm sorry I didn't know, uhh-" Arthur's stammering cut off when shi wrapped hir tail around his leg.


"I just made you...y'know, orgasm."

Shi smiled and nodded. "I've only masturbated twice in my life, that was the best..." Shi looked down and felt hir heart skip a beat when shi saw his huge erection begging for attention. "Wow..." Shi looked up at him nervously as shi sat up. "Um...may I?"

He blushed heavily, feeling very embarassed, but he sat back a bit and watched as shi studied his stiff phallus. Hir hands ran lightly over his testicles before going up along his length, exploring the soft, slightly scaly blood-hardened flesh. Arthur was so turned on he was almost close to shooting his load all over hir just from hir curious touches, restraining his urges to moan loudly as pleasure shot through him. Only doctors had handled his goods before, for physical exams, but no one aside from himself had seen or mush less touched his erection, and here was this girl he'd only known for two days caressing his rod and playing with his balls...and wow did it feel good. "Oh Heidi..." he whispered. "Your hands are so soft..."

Shi giggled again, feeling very playful. "Arthur, since you're so horny, and you just gave me an awesome orgasm, can I return the favor?"

His rational mind said no, but somehow it just felt right for hir to be doing this. "Do what you want," he replied, a bit nervous. Thoughts kept circling through his head; Arthur vanNogard, the only male virgin celebrity his age, getting jacked off by a girl that had popped up out of nowhere... "Oooooh..." he moaned, those thoughts fleeing instantly as Heidi started slowly caressing his penis, flooding his groin and then his whole body with a pleasure he'd never felt before. It may have been because of the knowledge that someone else was servicing his need, but whatever it was, he didn't care as he started thrusting lightly off the chair into hir hands. Heidi giggled cutely and started vigorously masturbating him with hir hands. Their playtime was barely long enough to really enjoy; mere minutes later Arthur's whole body shook hard as he let loose a deep moan of pleasure, his hips jerking involuntarily as his hot cum erupted from his cock and splattered all over Heidi's chest and even onto the wall just above hir head as she jumped back in surprise.

"Holy crap!" she yelped, looking back at the wall. Arthur fell back panting, his mind in a fog of hazy bliss as cum still slowly dripped from his softening penis.

"I question," he panted, grinning a bit goofily at hir.

"What is it?" shi asked curiously, cocking hir head a bit to the side.

"Two now; why do you look so cute when you do that, and how the heck do you cum without testicles?"

Shi blushed and giggled and the compliment. "The doctors told me my testicles are highly immature; they lie around the gland that supposedly produces female ejaculate...y'know, the stuff I kinda sprayed a bit violently all over your chair. But they can produce semen, just not mature sperm." Shi sighed and watched hir hands play with hir flaccid penis. "They said with my first birth, with the stretching of my pussy, it would heavily damage my testicles and make it so I can't cum with my penis."

"I heard somewhere that herms are sterile."

"Oh no, I went in about a month ago for a fertility check, I'm just as ready to get knocked up as any other girl my age. If I were in heat that is...that's not for another two months."

"If you don't mind me asking, what's your cycle? About four months?"

"Yeah pretty much."

Arthur forced himself to stand up. "Guess I gotta break out the soda water, look at this mess," he laughed. Heidi laughed and took the box of tissues he handed hir, pausing as shi held it.

"Arthur...somehow, I think my fever's gone."

He cocked an eyebrow at hir. "That's...weird...maybe the bodily activity burned it off or something." He chuckled and eyed hir boobs. "Look at you, cum all over..." He took a tissue and gently cleaned hir off, getting hir to laugh as he tickled hir cleavage. Shi cleaned off hir mess she'd sprayed on his chest and then played with his penis while he carefully cleaned hir pussy, slowly wrapping his wings around hir.

"What're you doing?" shi asked with a small grin.

"I dunno, really...I just like you," he replied, gently wiping off a thin strand of seed from hir muzzle. To his surprise she pressed hirself against him with a small, content sigh.

"I like you too..."

Days passed quickly into two weeks. Heidi's fever was gone, but shi suddenly became seriously ill with what Arthur's doctor identified as a newly discovered virus from none other than tree sap. Heidi had gotten enough sap on hirself from running through the woods that the pathogen had gotten enough into hir system to start taking effect, and it fought desperately to survive in hir system. Even though shi was tired and unable to move far from the bed, shi enjoyed talking to Arthur about his various exploits...Arthur found it relieving to have someone so eager to listen to him. One night, though, as he was sitting at his laptop by the bed while shi stared out the window, shi heard him sigh and turned to see him close the laptop and prop his elbows on it, burying his face in his hands as his wings fell and his tail drooped.

"What's wrong?" shi whispered.

"I'm not gonna make this deadline..."

"Why not?"

"My mind is solid concrete, not getting any creative juice movement at all...this story meant so much to me when I started it but it's dead." He looked up at hir. "That and I can't get you out of my head."

Shi smiled and lifted the covers with a shaky arm. "I think you could use some cuddle-time." He looked at hir oddly, getting a giggle from hir. "C'mon, I won't bite."

"What's with this change?" he asked, standing by the bedside.

"I'm feeling lonely under here."

Arthur smirked and lay down by hir, smiling as shi put hir arm and wing over him. Shi murred as he drew closer, hir breasts pressing against his bare chest as he touched his forehead to hirs. "You're awful warm, Heidi," he said as he wrapped his arms around hir.

Shi sighed and hugged him tight. "Alex used to hug me a lot...I really miss that...he stopped when he found out about our marriage being arranged..."

A twinge of sympathy ran through him and he hugged hir, even going so far as to wrap his legs around hirs. "This good?"

Shi cuddled against him, pressing hir face against his shoulder happily. "Even better..."

"Shi's a bit delirious," he chuckled to himself, his idea confirmed as hir hips slowly pressed hir penis against his shorts. "Heidi, I don't think we should do that again."

"Why not," shi whispered, "it cured me last time..."

He gently pulled hir head back so he could see hir eyes, they were a bit glazed. "What we did over two weeks ago shouldn't really have been done, although it wasn't initially intentional."

"Such big words," shi sighed, almost like shi was drunk.

"Point is, I think I know you well enough that you don't want to have sex until you find the guy you're looking for."

Hir eyes cleared slightly. "That's true..." Shi sighed heavily and hugged him again, suddenly feeling lonely. "Arthur...thanks for being such a good friend to one else has ever been like you are." They stayed there in that embrace for what seemed like hours before Heidi finally fell asleep. Arthur lay awake in a state of confusion...a happy confusion, if it could be called that. Why did he suddenly feel so much better around Heidi, especially when cuddling with hir like this?

In the morning, he knew his answer, but couldn't admit it to himself; they'd practically just met! But...there could be such a thing, right? He shook his head with a frustrated snort and continued tapping at his keyboard aimlessly, trying to get his mind to work now that the deadline was creeping up. Heidi awoke with a small dizzy moan, forcing hirself to sit up. "Is it morning already?"

"Yup. Got some more soup on the stove."

Shi sighed with a slightly depressed tone. "I hate feeling like this..."

"Why? Need something?"

"I need a shower, but I feel like I'm gonna hurl if I make myself move."

Arthur closed his laptop and knelt by the bed. "I can help you take a shower if you want..."

Shi hesitated, but the idea quickly grew more inviting. "If you would, that'd be great." He smiled and picked hir up, cradling hir in his arms like a child, and carried hir to the bathroom. He sat on the edge of the tub with hir on his lap, waiting for the water to heat up. As he tested the water shi absent-mindedly traced his muscles with hir claws, giggling as his chest twitched slightly at hir touch. "I wish I was as good-looking as other dragonesses," shi sighed.

Arthur flicked water in hir face jokingly. "And who are we talking about as a reference?"

"I know Alyssa Fowler the Younger?"

Arthur chuckled, getting a curious glance from hir when shi saw his smile. "I do, quite well in fact...I made the mistake of buying her drinks at a post-shoot outing. Heidi, you're a lot prettier than many of the models I've done photo-shoots with."

"You're just saying that to make me feel better," shi said heavily. He put a finger under hir chin and lifted hir face up so he could look into hir eyes.

"No Heidi, I'm not. They want the rest of the world to be skinny, pale and make-up caked like them so they don't have to change to fit in with others. You're not as skinny as they are, true, but that's better; it means you're healthier than they are." He ran his hand through her brown curly finscales. "Many of them can't get their fins to curl like this unless they spend hours a day with curlers."

"What're you saying then?"

"You're perfect. They're...meh, just mediocre at best, they try too hard and ruin it." He stopped the drain and set hir in the tub gently as the water began to rise.

"Did you...did you call me perfect?" shi asked softly in amazement.

"I believe I did," he replied calmly, then proceeded to clean hir off, being careful with hir fins, breasts and pussy. Heidi felt very awkward that he was doing all the work, but somehow shi felt very relaxed at his touch. Shi glanced down as shi felt Arthur looking at hir vagina.

"Something wrong?" shi asked, blushing.

"Oh sorry," he said quickly, backing away. "I've just...never really seen a girl's...y'know. With the hymen intact."

Shi giggled and spread hir legs. "You can look if you want."

Instead of looking back at hir puss he just gave hir a curious glance. "Why?"

Hir smile faded---why indeed? Shi sighed and blushed again. "Because...I trust you, somehow. You earned it anyway seeing how you've cared so much for me without anything in return."

He knelt by the tub and ran his paw along hir shoulder with a grin. "I don't need anything in return, Heidi...looking after you has given me a sense of purpose. I don't remember ever having felt like I had a purpose." With that he helped hir out and dried hir off, and carried hir back to the bed. When he went to put hir down, though, shi held onto him with a giggle.

"Can we have some more cuddle-time?" shi asked. "Before you go make lunch?"

He smirked. "Heh, alright." He sat down in his fluffy recliner with hir on his lap and they just sat there for a good two hours in a happy hug, neither speaking as they basked in the other's presence. On a whim Heidi inhaled through hir nose, taking in his scent...if she could classify his smell, cinnamon and nutmeg with a slight tinge of pine was the description that would have come to hir mind (even though he didn't smell like that in reality). Arthur smiled and closed his eyes, leaning his head on hirs as shi buried hir face in his neck with a happy sigh.

Lunch was fairly slow, Arthur again had to help Heidi eat because hir limbs were too shaky on hir own. Afterwards Arthur took hir outside and they relaxed in the warm water of his pool, listening to the water gently flowing by them and the songs of the birds in the forest all around his house. It was very peaceful. Heidi sighed and closed hir eyes, murring as Arthur held hir tighter. "This is so nice...I wish I could repay you somehow."

"I don't need repayment."

"Why not? You've done so much for me..."

He brushed one of hir curly fins out of hir face. "Because...even after so short a time...I think I love you, Heidi."

Shi froze in surprise and shock. "Wh...wha?"

"I know you're still not over Alex, but...well, I do. You're cute, fun and really nice, and you like to be yourself. I also feel...I dunno, 'complete' when I'm with you...I've never felt that way with anyone else." Shi looked up at him and his eyes met hirs. "You don't have to feel the same about me, but you're everything I'd want."

There was a long while of silence before Heidi cuddled against him again. "Screw Alex," shi whispered with a slight giggle, "I think I know now who I want...who's best for me..."

"Who's that?" he asked rather rhetorically, already knowing the answer as shi ran hir hand along his arm.

"You really need to ask?" Shi sighed as if remembering something. "He was so strong and caring..."

Arthur's face fell. "O-oh..."

Shi burst out laughing. "You males are all the same!! I was joking!" Shi wrapped hir arms around him tightly. "I love you too Arthur, I think I know now that you're the one for me, not Alex."

Finally Heidi was over hir sicknesses and doing quite well. Arthur, though, was stressed out over his book. Heidi came into the room as Arthur leaned back in his chair, hiding his face in his hands. "What's wrong?" shi asked softly, hugging him from behind, hir breasts squishing softly against his head.

"I can't do this...I don't have enough time."

"How much do you have done with it?"

"The first chapter...well, the first paragraph...agh, nothing, I got nothing..."

Shi pecked him on the cheek, getting a small grin in return. "You'll do fine. C'mon, lunch is ready, you need a break." Shi took his hand and he followed hir into the kitchen where shi'd prepared some large subs. They sat at the table in the center of kitchen, stealing glances at each other and laughing, until Heidi eventually sighed and set hir face. " much as I like it here, I think I should head back home now that I'm better."

Arthur's face fell a bit as he took another bite. "Yeah...I was kinda hoping you wouldn't need to but..."

"I'd be glad to take you up on your offer of staying here, but there's a lot of stuff I hafta tie up at home first."

"I see..." With a determined sigh he reached into his shorts pocket and pulled something out. "Well...before you go, I have a question I'd like you to think over," he said as he went over to hir and knelt by hir. "It's not the romantic setting I'd hoped to ask this in, but Heidi...will you marry me?" He opened his hands and produced a rather simple yet beautiful gold ring, one of his own handmade creations, set with tiny diamonds. Heidi's eyes flared and shi froze briefly, eyeing him kneeling next to hir with the ring glittering in rainbow colors.


"You don't need to asnwer now if you don't want to," he said softly.

"I'd love to..." shi whispered very faintly as a tear quickly ran down hir face. His eyes brightened and then went wide with surprise as shi nearly tackled him to the floor in a delighted hug. They sat up laughing and slowly stopped as their eyes met. He ran his paw along hir cheek and shi smiled and held his hand against hir face, closing hir eyes happily. He leaned forward with a warm smile and they hugged each other as they fell into a loving kiss, holding each other tight as they felt happy and finally satisfied. Arthur no longer felt that strange emptiness anymore, not with hir around. Eventually they broke apart and presses their noses together with happy grins, just staring into each others' eyes until Heidi finally asked, "What about your book though?"

"Screw that book, it was a spur-of-the-moment idea that my editor liked. I thought I could get a little more finance from it, but I already have everything..." He brushed a loose fin back from hir face. "All this time I've had nothing, now I have everything, and everything else is nothing."

Shi watched as he slid the ring onto hir finger. "You're everything to me too..."

Three months later the doorbell at Heidi's house rang, and hir mother opened the door to find a sloppily-dressed gangster dragon on the doorstep. "Hey, Heidi home?" he asked casually. Heidi's mother eyed him suspiciously.

"Yes she is, please come in." He walked in and after making sure he wasn't in range of any windows, he took off his clothes to reveal a rather tidy dress shirt and pants. He pulled off his hat and shades just as Heidi came down the stairs.

"Ack! Arthur!" shi cried, and raced up to him and he pulled hir into a happy hug. Heidi's mother was surprised.


"Yup, he's a celebrity and my fiance," Heidi said happily as Arthur hugged hir from behind. "What took you so long to get out here?"

"Business stuff." Shi giggled and murred as he kissed hir.

"Mom, this is Arthur vanNogard, the guy that took care of me after Alex beat me up."

"Pleased to finally meet you," hir mom replied rather excitedly.

"Likewise. I can see where Heidi gets hir beauty from." Heidi laughed as hir mom blushed.

"What was the gangster getup for?"

"I can't let others see who I am or I'd be bombed by paparazzi and bullets," he replied, still holding Heidi and rocking hir gently back and forth. "I hate the celebrity life but meh, that's what I get."

"You're okay with Heidi's...difference?" hir mom asked warily. Athur chuckled and leaned his head against Heidi's, getting a happy purr from the red dragoness.

"I'm more than okay with hir. Shi's unique."

"Do I need to run to the store?" Heidi asked. Hir mom gasped.

"Oh, I'm sorry...we don't have anything special planned!"

"I'm fine with that," Arthur replied, since she was addressing the fact that he was there. "I wasn't really planning to eat here, I've been trying to-"

"No you need to eat, you're too pale for fasting!"

"What was planned?" Heidi asked.

"Meatloaf, but..."

Arthur licked his lips, getting a giggle from Heidi. "That actually sounds pretty good, I haven't had a home-cooked meal in three months with all the business trips."

"You'll love my mom's meatloaf," Heidi laughed, leading him into the kitchen behind hir mother.

"What's your father like? Anything I should be careful of?" he asked as shi helped prepare stuff.

"Be prepared to be inspected, that's all I can say...he was pretty pissed about Alex beating me up and he kinda-sorta vowed that no other male would get into this house to court me."

The two dragonesses laughed as Arthur's eyes narrowed and a slightly scared expression passed over his face. "Uhm...Should I leave then?"

"No, he's been dying to meet the dragon that did so much for me, but all the same, be on your guard at first."

Sure enough, just before dinner was ready, in through the front door came a body-builder of a dragon with purple scales. Arthur gulped nervously but hid his fear rather expertly, introducing himself and being instantly bombarded by a string of questions along the lines of "No domestic violence in your family history?" and such. Heidi couldn't help laughing at how protective hir father was, but he seemed very relieved when Arthur admitted that Heidi being a hermaphrodite had nothing to do with their relationship...he laughed when Arthur joked that it was a bonus. Over dinner Arthur ended up doing a lot of explaining about his careers and how he got to be so rich and popular; all he'd done initially was write a book and submit it to a publisher, then a few days later try out for a local drama production and BAM, talent scouts all over him. As usual when he talked with "common" dragons, they were rather surprised that he hated his life as a celebrity, and even more so that he wanted their meatloaf over celebrity foods any day. Needless to say, Heidi's parents approved of Arthur, but they wanted to make sure that he would respect their daughter, so when he went to leave they offered to let him spend the night. As night rolled around Arthur passed by Heidi's room and found hir brushing hir fins for the night. He knocked lightly on the doorframe, unaware that hir parents were in the next room listening.


"Hmm? Oh, hey, come in." He stood behind hir in the mirror and silently held hir fins to help hir brush them. " I really more attractive than those models?"

"Don't doubt yourself," he replied with a warm grin. "You wouldn't believe the makeup they cake on their faces to look the way they do. Most of them are real snots anyway...every one I've worked with ended up being a real bitch by the end of the shoot or project."

Shi laughed. "Chatting's so much better than three months of emails and instant messaging," shi mused out loud. "But...what attracts you to me over them?"

"A lot of them are obssessive freaks; they need full control over everything, everything has to be just right or it's a complete failure...they're way too picky and I can't stand it."

"But what is it about me that you like?"


"I dunno, I'm just...kinda confused. You're a popular celebrity, you can have your pick of so many why me?"

"Well honestly, I find the idea of you being a herm rather...appealing, I guess, I don't know how to describe it. But it's more than that. You're not afraid to be yourself, as well as very nice and understanding and funny. You're also very truthful, which I like in a girl. Haven't met many whose lives aren't strings of white lies."

She sighed happily as he hugged hir from behind. "Would I be a good model though? Just curious; after hearing your stories I don't think I'd survive."

"You have natural beauty many of them have to slave away for hours in dressing rooms to get. You're a bit small and have maybe 10 pounds more on you than they'd like, but they're too thin for my likes. You're perfect." He let hir stand up and head to hir bed, and then sat down by hir and hugged hir tight as shi fell into his arms and closed hir eyes with a satisfied smile. Shi started laughing and he cocked an eyebrow at hir.

"You're not gonna...y'know, do me while you're here, are you?"

"What the hell?!" he burst out laughing. "No, that's for our honeymoon you doof, where'd that come from?"

"I dunno, it just popped into my head and I couldn't resist." Shi lowered hir voice to a tiny whisper. "Mom and dad are in the next room listening probably, they did that when Alex was dating me." Shi raised hir voice again as shi sighed. "Arthur...could you massage me again? It felt really good last time."

"Sure can."

"Would you freak if I stripped for it?"

"Wouldn't your parents?" he asked with a laugh.

"Probably, but I trust you. What can they do, I'm past my teens," shi laughed. "Do you want me to?"

"It makes the massaging easier but you don't have to."

"I'll do it anyway," shi said with another laugh, getting off the bed and promptly removing hir shirt. "Oh come on you don't hafta hide your eyes!"

"I'm teasing," he laughed, watching hir undress. He felt his penis grow stiffer and gave hir a smirk when he saw shi was already very aroused, hir penis standing straight up against hir belly.

"I'm still surprised you don't cringe or something when you see boobs and a penis on the same body," shi giggled, rubbing hir breasts playfully.

"You're a beautiful girl, the penis is an extra," he replied, standing up. "Here, you lie down this time, sitting up isn't exactly the best massage position." Shi came up to bed and wrapped hir arms around him, giving him a kiss.

"I love you Arthur," shi said, then lay down on hir front on hir bed. He smiled and knelt by the bed, reaching over hir and working hir neck. Shi giggled to hirself when he stood up. "You gonna let that handsome snake out of its cage?"

He laughed and shook his head. "No, I don't think that would be a good impression on your parents."

"Ya don't hafta pull off your pants, just stick it through the flap in the front."

"What's gotten into you?" he asked playfully, giving hir a shake.

"I dunno, I just wanna see what's gonna be inside me on our honeymoon."

"Ai yai yai, females are pushy," he said to himself. "Okay fine, because you asked...but I'm not here for sex you know."

"I know. If I wanted sex I'd come right out and ask you." Heidi grinned as Arthur unzipped his pants and pulled out his massive erection, all twelve inches standing up in full glory. Shi reached out and ran hir hand along his length, then relaxed again as he kneaded hir shoulders.

"I think someone's happy," he whispered.

"That feels really good..." Shi sighed and stretched as he went from hir shoulders to hir wings and then hir back. Shi giggled as he teasingly groped hir butt before kneading hir tail and thighs, and rolled over so he could service hir front. He slowly worked his way up her body, taking care to gently rub hir vagina and knead hir penis before going up and doing hir neck again. Shi smiled and closed hir eyes, murring as he bent over hir and kissed her when his hands finally reached hir breasts and began tenderly caressing them. Shi giggled and pressed hir tongue into his mouth as his hand went down and began playing with hir labia and clitoris while the other stroked hir nipple. After almost fifteen minutes of this sensual kissing and fondling Arthur pulled back, running his hand through hir fins and pushign them back from hir face with a smile.

"You are the most gorgeous creature I know," he said softly, getting a shy smile from hir before shi yawned.

"You do know you're sleeping in here right?"

"Your dad wants me on the couch in the living room, I'd rather stay on his good side."

"Okay, get going then," shi whispered, feeling very tired now that shi was relaxed. Shi watched Arthur undo his pants and quickly reached out to grasp his penis again before he put it away; Arthur smirked and let hir play with his penis until shi yawned again, then pulled the bed covers over hir as shi scooted up to hir pillows and closed hir eyes. Shi smiled as Arthur teasingly groped hir boobs through the sheets then pecked hir on the cheek before hiding his dragonhood in his pants and heading out, turning off hir bedroom lights as he left.

Three months later, Heidi sighed happily as Arthur carried hir to their hotel room to consummate their marriage. They'd gotten a ground-level sound-proofed room meant for both partying and sleeping, with a large sex pool at the far corner with several adjustable reclining devices. Arthur set hir down and lowered his head to hir as shi looked up, kissing hir deeply and affectionately. Heidi hugged him and mimicked him as he tented his wings around them both, locking hir wings around his and murring as his tail slowly slid up hir leg suggestively. They pulled apart just long enough to slough off their more complicated clothes, revealing simple undergarments that showed their erections standing at attention and begging for relief. Heidi's underwear was already quite wet from hir vagina. Shi giggled and lifted hir arms above hir head as shi stretched seductively, jutting hir chest at him. He strode forward and quickly groped hir, then slid his hands under hir shirt and fondled hir breasts as he leaned down with a grin and touched his nose to hirs. Shi kept hir arms raised as shi kissed him, giggling again as he slowly lifted hir shirt up and off along hir arms, hir breasts bouncing a bit as hir shirt pulled them up then let them go as it passed over. Shi let hir arms fall onto him and then proceeded to pull his shirt off, both of them laughing as his head got stuck in the neck and she tugged on it playfully, pulling him along with hir. He stepped forward as shi pulled his shirt off, and hooked his fingers under the waistband of hir panties and quickly pulled hir closer. Shi gasped and laughed, pressing hir breasts against his chest and hugging him tight as shi cuddled against him. With a naughty grin his tail rose up between hir legs and shi gasped as it quickly looped around the crotch of hir panties, brushing against hir feminine treasure before quickly yanking down and exposing hir erection and desire-swollen lips. Shi grinned evilly and quickly dropped to hir knees, pulling his boxers down and coming face to face with his enormous dragonhood as it twitched with every beat of his heart. Arthur moaned and his tail twitched as Heidi ran hir tongue along his length, hir hands softly kneading his balls as shi very lightly nibbled on his rock-hard phallus. Shi quickly stood up, but he in turn quickly got on his knees and returned the favor, one hand rubbing hir erection while the other caressed hir swollen sex. He hungrily eyed hir flower's small petals and shi gasped as he ducked under hir and lapped at hir vagina, flicking hir labia and clit with his tongue. Heidi moaned softly, and then a bit louder as he trailed his tongue up along hir member, continuing up until he was at hir breasts, which he nibbled lightly, eliciting laughter from hir. Shi held his head gently against hir chest and ran hir hand through his fins as he suckled on hir boobs. Finally he pulled back and stood up fully to kiss hir passionately, pulling hir into another tight hug.

"I love you so much Heidi," he whispered into hir mouth.

"I love you too Arthur..." shi replied, wrapping hir tail around his leg. Eventually they parted again; Arthur waded into the pool to check on the filters.

"Crap...they did it again. I'll just be a second."

Heidi sighed happily and sat down on the edge of the pool, dangling hir legs in the warm water as Arthur finished adjusting the filters. He smirked when he saw hir watching with a giddy grin, and waded over to hir. "I could use some help getting in," shi said, spreading hir legs hintingly. He grinned and helped hir down, both of them smiling slyly as shi slid down his front right onto his awaiting erection, Heidi squealing softly as shi felt hir vagina stretching pleasurably around his huge length. He carried hir to the underwater sofa waiting for them, lying down under hir. Shi lay down and ran hir hand along his cheek, touching hir wings to his as he pulled hir head to his and kissed hir. They lay there rubbing each other intimately as they indulged in a loving, passionate kiss for about ten minutes, just enjoying each other before Heidi sat back up with a warm, slightly naughty smile. Arthur grinned back and caressed hir breasts, making hir hiss softly and coo to him encouragingly as he explored hir soft scaly mounds. He smirked and laughed a bit as he repeatedly squeezed hir nipples, making hir pussy clench around his maleness. His hands trailed down hir front slowly, making hir moan softly. Shi leaned back and grabbed his knees, tilting hir head back as she moaned while he serviced hir hips. Then, while one hand rubbed along hir stiff penis and gently masturbated hir while she sat impaled on his staff, his other hand worked hir small love-nub where hir penis met hir vagina. Heidi groaned loudly, begging him to keep going as shi slowly, sensually began raising hir hips along his dragonhood. He loved this feeling of hir pussy tightening relelntlessly around his rock-solid penis as he jacked hir off while shi humped him. Shi looked down hirself and grinned slyly, and a moment later Arthur moaned with surprise and pleasure as hir tail went into his tailhole. Heidi gasped and gyrated hir hips harder as Arthur's tail found hir butt and sank in deep, making hir sit forward on him to give his tail better access as he started thrusting off the couch into hir, alternating thrusts with his tail and hips and created a non-stop flood of pleasure for hir. While his hand continued to pump hir erection, his other hand went up to hir boobs. Heidi's jaw dropped in a silent, powerful moan of pleasure, hir breath coming in huge gasps as ecstasy wracked hir entire body. A familiar fire began welling up in hir belly, but it continued to grow even farther than it ever had before, flooding hir mind and only letting hir focus on how good this felt. Arthur was similarly lost in paradise as hir vagina clamped on his penis mercilessly, soaking him in hir juices with every thrust of his hips and tail.

"OOOOOH!!!!" shi screamed, sitting up and bucking hir hips with each blast as hir cum jetted from hir penis with such force it shot over Arthur's head onto the pavement of the poolside. Arthur groaned and fucked hir even harder as hir velvet walls kneaded his penis desperately, wanting to take all his seed. Heidi's legs and arms suddenly felt like jelly and shi fell forward onto him, moaning and almost crying in pure pleasure as he continued to make love to hir faster and harder. He wrapped his arms and wings around hir and they both gave long, low roars of passion as he thrust harder off the couch into hir, the water around them splashing like crazy as he rammed his dragonhood into hir eager pussy, their tails still vigorously pumping each others' tailholes and increasing their ecstasy. Heidi gasped, hir voice almost lost as she had a second orgasm, hir hot seed spreading between their bellies as shi ejaculated again while hir vagina massaged his dragonhood. Arthur couldn't hold back anymore and pounded himself into hir, holding still with a loud roar as he finally climaxed, his hips thrusting involuntarily as he shot his load deep inside his mate. Heidi felt the warm flood inside hir womb and shrieked, humping him as shi had yet another orgasm. Arthur pulled hir up a bit and they both murred contently as he kissed hir again, wrapping his arms around hir in a warm hug. They lay there, sharing a slow, loving kiss as they enjoyed their afterglow until at length Heidi brushed back hir fins and smiled at hir blue-scaled lover. "That...was just fucking awesome," shi whispered happily.

Arthur's hand moved down and rubbed hir waist softly. "I'm glad you're satisfied." Shi giggled and lay down on him with a delighted sigh, burying hir face against his neck and feeling the warm water gently run by them. He brushed back another fin from hir face with a sly grin. "You know your tail's still up my ass, right?"

Shi grinned and thrust it a few times in him before pulling out, and he did likewise and curled his tail around hirs tightly. "You know I'm technically in heat, right?"

Surprise flashed across his face but it swiftly vanished as he hugged hir. "Well, what better reason for you not to get a job, than to be a mom?"

"It's been my lifelong dream," shi whispered. Arthur wiped away the tears of happiness that ran down hir face as they relaxed in the warm water, cuddling with his penis still comfortably lodged inside hir. Both of them finally had what they'd been Arthur had someone he could care for and be with, and Heidi finally had someone who accepted hir for who shi was and could help hir painful longings become reality. As Arthur held hir close and softly stroked her fins, sometimes caressing hir breasts, he smiled to himself. Now, he had everything. They had everything.

note: Heidi's previous boyfriend, Alex, is not the same Alex that appears in ANL.

Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 17

OY!!! so sorry guys, with all the crap going on and then the submission page not loading here on YS, this is LOOOOOOONG overdue. But, better late than never, they say. ========== CHAPTER 17 ========== Hours later, Spyro felt...

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WindSwept: Chapter 7

PART 7 (_OY!! So sorry, Flora called me and then a bunch of crap happened. I'm finally back but wow...yeah, I'm behind now. This part's gonna be really long because I'm gonna wrap up the previous arc and then next part I'm gonna begin what...

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Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 16

Well, sorry for the long delay guys but it's not gonna get any better...with work, college, home life, and looking after my new little pet, time is scarce. However, it'll be compensated; most of the remaining chapters have large sections already...

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