WindSwept: Chapter 7

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#8 of WindSwept Adventure


(_OY!! So sorry, Flora called me and then a bunch of crap happened. I'm finally back but wow...yeah, I'm behind now. This part's gonna be really long because I'm gonna wrap up the previous arc and then next part I'm gonna begin what just happened.

Okay, where did I leave off...uhhhh...did I already tell about the Ocardology base? ...Yeah I did, uhhhh...oh, I got it now. I know where I am._ )

I woke up early the next morning to find Flora crying in her sleep. She started when I huggged her and promptly buried her face in my shoulder. "Flora, what's wrong?"

"I really miss my family...I keep thinking dad's nearby; I keep feeling him..." She hugged me tightly and twisted her tail around mine. "Please, don't leave me Gale..."

"I'll do my best not to."

"No! Better than that! You can't leave me at all!!"

Gale didn't understand why she was so emotional, but he knew what would help if she settled down enough. "Flora, things happen that we can't predict; I can't make such a promise. However, I'll do my absolute best to find you if we ever do get separated." She mulled it over for a few minutes while Gale gently rocked her side to side. "You wanna go on a walk or something?"

"It's gonna rain really hard in about fifteen minutes, I'd rather not."

"Really? How can you tell?"

She looked towards the cave mouth. "The air's really heavy with water and the air pressure has been changing in accordance with a surprise storm." She looked back at him with a sigh. "That and I'm feeling amorous again."

Gale's eyes widened and he laughed. "Damn, do you ever get enough?"

"No...I wanna have you again but for some reason, at the same time I don't...I don't get it." After some thought she finally sighed and smirked. "Ah, what the hell..." She turned around on him, lifting her tail. "Get me in the mood for me, will ya?" Gale grinned and grabbed her thighs, gently but firmly kneading them with his fingers. He slowly massaged his way around her thighs back to her tailbase, watching her pussy moisten and swell a bit in anticipation. She shivered and moaned as he slowly stuck his tongue into her, bringing his mouth to her sweet folds and gently sucking while his tongue swirled inside her velvet tunnel, his cock straightening out of his sheath. At length she pushed him away with her tail, geting a curious growl from him. "Gale...if you want you can take my ass..."

He grinned and got up, but his eager smile turned to concern. "You sure?"

She laughed and brought her tail up between her wings, shaking her hips and showing off her undertail. "Would you stop asking that every time I give you permission?"

"Alright," he laughed, and slowly mounted her, gently pushing his penis into her moist pussy and giving a few thrusts before pulling back out and aiming a bit higher. Flora spread her hing legs a bit more and relaxed, grunting a bit as he gently penetrated her tailhole. She felt his mouth close over her neck as he slowly pumped his hips, his teeth pressing a bit against her scales, and he started lightly nibbling her spine, sending pleasurable chills down her body and making her whine in bliss with each gentle bite. Gale hilted himself fully in her and pushed up with his legs, pulling her rear up and making his penis move a bit inside her, and she squealed as he lowered her and lifted her repeatedly. He started thrusting again, a little more quickly, but suddenly stopped and pulled out.

"Gale? Something wrong?" she asked, and then gasped as he rolled her over and stood over her with a smirk. He nuzzled her neck and gave her scales a quick lick before kissing her.

"I like this better, and I'm sure you do too."

She grinned and purred, and watched excitedly as he pulled back and slowly entered her again. Not too long afterwards she shrieked and squirmed under him, her body jumping as an orgasm ripped through her, her vaginal juices spraying all over his groin and running down their tails. Gale moaned loudly and Flora squealed as she felt her insides filled with his warm, thick seed. He fell down on top of her as his legs gave out and she wrapped her limbs around him, both of them falling into a passionate loving kiss while Gale's climax slowly subsided. "Gale...I wish you couldn't stop," she whimpered. "That feels so good.." After a while he finally pulled out of her and she grinned, reaching down and grabbing his stiff cum-covered cock. He smirked as he watched her scrub him off, using her water power to wash him off. "Mmmm...still good and hard," she teased, squeezing his meat.

"You're still going?"

"And kinda hungry," she hinted, and he laughed and rolled onto his side. Flora rolled him onto his back and stood over him, running her tongue down his length and giving him a perfect view of her undertail. He grinned and grabbed her hips, his fingers rubbing her hide in small circles as he ran his tongue over her dripping pussy again. He put his mouth to her and purred into her as he pushed his tongue in, feeling her slowly taking his penis into her mouth.For a good ten minutes they toyed with each other before Flora got serious and began sucking on his erection, bobbing her head along its length and wrapping her tongue around it. Gale groaned, bucking his hips slightly, and nibbled lightly on her pussy as his tongue worked her velvet walls.

"Mmmm...Flora...I'm coming close..."

"Me toooooOAAAAAH!!" she shrieked as her orgasm caught her off-guard and sent her into a realm of bliss as her vagina throbbed and filled Gale's mouth with her juices. "Oooohhh...ooohh...aaaahh..." she moaned as her body settled down. Gale slowly thrust off the floor into her mouth, taking care not to hurt her, and she eventually got the message and sucked him off with a renewed passion.

"Oooohhhh..." Gale groaned, and then gave a stifled roar into her sex-tunnel as his climax arose. Flora opened her throat a bit and took as much of his length into her mouth as possible, purring and stimulating him even more as he ejaculated. She purred even louder as she felt his seed shoot down her throat, finally pulling off and happily suckling on the head of his penis, milking him of the small trickle of cum as he lay under her in a blissful afterglow. His dragonhood slowly grew flaccid and Flora lay down on him, playing with his penis until he sheathed himself and laughed faintly. She turned around and smiled down at him, and he reached up and wiped off a small strand of cum from the side of her mouth. "Flora, I can't believe you just deepthroated my penis."

She giggled and licked his nose. "It felt good, Gale." Thunder rolled outside and they both heard the peaceful sound of rain. "Looks like we're stuck in here for the day," she said as she lay down on him.

I reached up and wrapped my arms around her thin frame, purring and nuzzling her as she reciprocated. "Hopefully we aren't attacked in this rain, Ocardology sometimes does stealth missions in the rain."

She curled up on me, her chest rumbling as she purred. "I don't think they will." She giggled and her paw wandered down as my cock poked her. "Still can't get enough of me?"

"Nope. You're just too much to get enough of."

"My vagina feels pretty lonely," she said hintingly. I grabbed her and rolled over so she was under me, and she wrapped her legs around me with an excited grin. She started purring happily as I kissed her and slowly pushed my erection into her soft folds, loving her warm tightness enveloping my whole length. The harsh rain outside held her delighted moaning and gasping in our little cave as I gently fucked her, and several minutes later she arched her back with a low shuddering moan as she climaxed and I filled her womb with cum. I lay down on top of her, folding my wings around both of us and passionately kissing her, still ejaculating inside her. We gradually fell asleep, content and happily purring to each other with my erection still comfortably wrapped in her velvet heat. As I fell into sleep I again started seeing that foggy white dragon figure...I must have been in a lucid dream (y'know, the kind where you're dreaming yet conscious and able to act of your own will) because I chased him through...I guess it was my mind? Whatever it was, there was no ground yet...everything was solid, if you willed it, yet there was nothing there. Whatever. Point is, he was heading somewhere, and I was chasing him. Again, I felt like I was in two places at once; I could feel my body heat keeping my cute little Flora warm, but...I also felt like I was in a cold, dead area, unable to move, unable to breathe, unable to function yet still fully alive. As I followed this white dragon, I felt like we were heading towards an area of intense anger...the name Aznor kept going through...was it my head or his? Out of nowhere the entire world turned a vivid, angry blood-red hue...

Thunder snapped me out of my sleep just as a huge demonic dragon face snapped my head was a dream...but something felt horribly wrong. It felt like something was coming...Flora was still asleep under me, peacefully purring in her sleep. I didn't want to leave her, but I had to see what was outside; if it was an ambush, I had to alert everyone. I stood up slowly, my penis sliding out of her vagina and retreating into its sheath as I quickly but gently cleaned off her tailbase and then dragged her to a more out-of-the-way corner of the cave, where she curled up and continued her nap. By my estimate it was barely midday, yet the storm was still going full-tilt and it was dark as night out there. Using my camouflage-invisibility technique I crept out of the cave. One lightning flash was all I needed. Dragons. Ferals. Umbroks. Ochres. And a small band of tamed demons. All bearing Ocardology armor and making their way up the mountainside. I had no choice; i had to distract them from their destination if possible, and at least warn everyone of the danger. I crept quickly away from the cave, to keep them away from Flora, heading over to the other side of the divide the enemy was aiming for. Gauging their speed, I waited...and a little bit later my roaring took them by surprise and they began scattering. Then my vision went black as a sharp pain shot through my head from behind.

*sigh*...this next part is really hard for me...I'm gonna let it read from Flora's journal. I'm kinda curious as to what exactly happened...

Flora woke up slowly, her mind in a fog and her vision hazy. She went to stretch, and her eyes flew open; she couldn't move! Her vision cleared enough that she could see where she was...she was in a stone-walled prison cell, and all four of her legs were chained tightly to the walls and splayed out as she lay on a stone table just barely bigger than her underbelly. "Oh please no, this isn't a good position," she thought frantically to herself. Out of the shadow in front of her stepped a large red dragon. "Oh please no!!"

"Oh please yesss," he hissed back smugly, stepping closer.

"What the hell do you want with me?!" she screamed, struggling in vain against the chains.

The dragon grinned evilly at her, his member slowly erecting as he walked around her. "Welcome to hell, pretty dix," he hissed by her ear. She turned away but he quickly caught her muzzle and forced her face to his, his claws digging slightly into her chin. "We're gonna have so much fun..." Flora's face fell as she heard at least four other voices laugh behind her, and her captor turned her head roughly, forcing her neck uncomfortably as he made her look back. "I think it's party-time, wouldn't you agree?"

Flora yelled and a strong current of electricity coursed along her scales, and the dragon flew back and slammed hard against the wall. She struggled against the chains binding her to the tiny table, biting at the chains, but was forced to stop as her muscles spasmed out of her control. She screamed and looked back to see one of the dragons holding her in a stream of electricity from his mouth. The first dragon slowly stood up, shaking his head and groaning, but he smirked at her. "It seems we have a struggler...this'll be all the more interesting." He walked back up to Flora, his nose an inch from hers. "I would suggest against trying that again...I have friends in this dungeon who would love to do more to you than what we beating you senseless, cutting your throat do as we say and we'll keep you alive." Flora hung her head with a heavy sigh, realizing that struggling would only get her killed before Gale could try to rescue her. The dragon put his paws up on the table by her shoulders, and she looked up to see his shining red dragonhood pointed right at her. "Time for the fun to begin."

The other dragons in the room crowded around the table to watch, vicious grins on their faces, and Flora sighed again and stretched her neck, reluctantly taking his cock into her mouth. He growled in pleasure as he thrust hard into her face.

"Ngh!" she protested, unable to breathe with her nose forced against his sheath and his length forced down her throat.

"Suck me off or we'll have to report you," he growled. A tear fell down her face and she clenched her eyes shut, unable to believe this was happening or that she was about to do this... as she bobbed her head on his length, running her tongue over his engorged meat, he started thrusting into her muzzle, ignoring her pained gagging. "Oh yes...nnnn, we got us a good one..."

At that one of the other dragons walked behind her and her eyes flew open in fear as she felt his paws on her hips. "Nooo..." she moaned around the dragonhood forced into her face as she felt the one behind her poking around for her mark.

"Oh don't worry, we won't hurt you...much," another said, and she turned her eyes to see him on his back, both paws wrapped around his cock as he jacked himself off, watching. He stood up next to his oral-pleasured friend and bent under him to Flora's head. "You take that pretty paw of yours and jack me off," he said, pressing his throbbing maleness against her paw. Tears were falling from her eyes and she grasped his cock and held it tight, unable to move her arm much as he moved his hips. He groaned loudly, and she grimaced in total disbelief as she heard the two over her slobbering over each other's mouths.

"AAAANGH!!" she choked as her tailhole was roughly violated by the one behind her.

"Oh yes...make her scream, make her tense," the first one groaned, and Flora cried as she felt him shoot his pre down her throat. Another dragon began licking her clit, and Flora sank into a mindless black depth, her body going into autopilot as she shut out everything going on to her. She didn't notice the fifth dragon coming up to her side and using her wing-limb to press his member against her side...she followed their orders but wasn't aware of it at all; all she could think of was Gale and how badly she wanted him.

She woke up in a blissful miasma as one of the dragons behind her rode her vagina hard and fast, and try though she might she started moaning and begging for more, sucking desperately on the hard cock lodged in her mouth. She felt her tailhole dripping with seed, and there was a warm splotch on her side running over her back from the one that had wing-fucked her. The one to her side groaned and she felt his dragonhood throb in her paw, and suddenly the side of her neck grew hot from his cum as it spurted over her. Finally the one using her mouth let out a roar, and she moaned and swallowed as her mouth and throat were flooded. Deep inside, it tore her apart that she was liking this, but she willingly sucked him dry and wanted more. He pulled out of her mouth, his last few spurts coating her face, and she looked over her shoulder with a loud moan and shoved back against the dragon humping her. He went faster and roared, and she squealed as an orgasm ripped through her as he filled her. The leader, the one who had face-fucked her, panted and stood back up, running his claws roughly along her cheek and neck.

"See? You like know it. We'll be back soon." Flora just groaned in her afterglow, and the five dragons, still unsheathed and dripping, walked away from her. She looked over her shoulder as she heard a whimper.

"What're you whining about, boy? You're already in deep shit for not participating!" There was a smack and she heard someone fall to the floor. "You wanted to join the group, you do what we do! You're getting locked in here with her and you'll fuck her hard like the rest of us!" There was a loud clang of metal, and Flora finally came to reality and moaned in pain as the effect of them mating her finally registered. She was covered in claw-marks and her groin ached badly, and her wrists and ankles were badly chafed from her squirming as she enjoyed their actions. Someone behind her was quietly crying, and she looked over her other shoulder and just barely saw a young yellow dragon lying on the floor, whimpering.

" okay?" she panted, and he shook his head and buried his face in his arms.

"It's so wrong...I can't do it..." He choked and she felt tears falling from her eyes in sympathy. "But if I don't they'll...they'll kill us both..."

She sighed. "Well, we don't have a choice..." He looked up and saw her with her tail raised, water dripping off of her and cleaning her of her blood from the cuts and the cum from the other dragons. "C'mon."

He stared at her, both aroused and distressed. "I can''s wrong..."

She shook her hips a bit, suddenly wanting him. "When you have no other choice but to survive, sometimes you gotta do the wrong stuff to make it on to the right. Like cannibalism if you have no other source of food."

He stood up, still hesitant, but she could tell he was becoming more open to the idea. "But...if I get a mate later, what'll I tell her?"

"She'll probably understand that you had to in order to live." She shook her hips again, flicking her tail invitingly. "C'mon, unlike with them I'm giving you permission."

He slowly approached her and she could see the nervousness in his eyes. His golden penis was slowly stiffening as he studied her undertail. He sat back to stand up, and hung his head. "I can't...not after they hurt you..."

She lifted his head with her tail. "It doesn't hurt all that much, to tell the truth. What're you scared of? We have no choice but death or this."

"I've never done it before..."

"Don't worry. It's the best thing you'll ever feel in your life. Trust me, that's what my mate said the first time."

His eyes widened in fear. "Gale Mortsleam? But if he knows I've...he'll..."

She soothingly ran her tail along his neck. "He's understanding...if you explain to him I'm very sure he'll spare you, maybe even help you get out of here." She lifted her tail again. "C'mon. It's not that bad."

He slowly stood up behind her, nervously putting his paws on her hips. "I wanted to save my virginity for my mate..."

"Think of it this way, you'll really know how to please her." He paused, thinking it over, and she grinned at him. "Know what, if you're so worried about it, I'll teach you how to mate her and make others jealous when she brags. Sound good?"

He gave a small smile. "All" He looked down between himself and her and lined himself up, thrusting forward and missing a few times.

"No, up a bit higher...more to the right..." She moaned as he entered her, and he stopped briefly before pushing in slowly. "Mmmm...nice and slow, that's it...if she's a virgin you'll tear something inside her, you want to take it slowly."

He stopped. "What?"

"Dragonesses have a small piece of tissue inside them that tears on the first mating, but don't worry, the pain is very brief." He continued pushing in until he was fully hilted inside her, and a soft moan escaped his mouth. "Now pull out halfway...that's it...oh yeah, that's it..." She didn't need to tell him how to progress, his body went into autopilot and he slowly began thrusting in and out of her. "Nice and slow at've got it...oh yes...don't just move in and out, mix it up, push up and down a bit or side to side...oh yes, like that..."

"Nngh...ohhhhh..." he moaned, starting to speed up.

"A bit harder...yes, right there...oh yeah, you've got it perfectly..." she moaned. "No claws, control yourself and try not to grab..."

"It feels so good..." he whimpered, moving faster. Flora imagined Gale's rock-solid penis and she gave a low moan as her body heated up. Five minutes later she squealed and the young dragon moaned loudly as he thrust in and out of her vagina hard and fast, her velvet walls kneading his member and demanding his release. Her juices flowed around him inside her, and it was too much for him; he roared joyously and hilted himself up to his sheath, his wings quivering as he orgasmed for the first time. He kept thrusting, moaning blissfully as he emptied himself into her, and finally fell onto her back, panting heavily, leaning to the side around her tail. Flora looked over her shoulder at him and smiled.

"That was the best I've had in a're sure to please the one you find."

He smiled back. "You mean that?"

"Of course."

He lay down on her, exhausted and still warm-headed. "I'll do my best to get you outta here," he whispered, and she felt tears run from her eyes as she smiled. He pulled out of her, and watched in fascination as his cum flowed out of her. Still haze-headed and a bit curious he extended his tongue, and Flora twitched and moaned as he licked her. He stopped and looked up at her. "You okay?"

She looked around her chained arm and grinned at him. "Another thing you'll need to learn." He watched as she cleaned herself off with water, and his seed spilled out of her as she washed herself out. "Go ahead, do it again. I still have yet to meet another mated dragoness who can't resist a good tongue." He looked at her curiously, then hesitantly licked her again. "Flicking the tongue is good for teasing, press harder if you really wanna get her going...Oh yeah, that's your tongue around a bit." She closed her eyes and hung her head, panting as twinges of pleasure raced through her as he circled her vagina with his tongue. "You're a natural at this...oh yes...mmmm, go ahead and go inside..." He pressed his tongue into her, bringing his muzzle to her hide as he slowly went as deep as he could. "That feels so good...oooooh yeah...don't be afraid to suck on it a bit, it feels really good. Just like that..." He moaned and dug as deep as he could, scraping her wet walls with his tongue as he lapped her juices. Flora moaned loudly and climaxed again, and the young dragon murred and hungrily licked her, savoring her juices. He finally pulled himself away from her, licking her clean and then running his tongue over his lips. Flora smiled at him again.

"You're a natural at this, whoever you find will be very lucky."

He looked down with a shy grin, and noticed he was erect again from pleasuring her. He looked at her again nervously. "Could I...uhhh...what the first guy did?"

"I'd say yes, but it'd ruin it for both you and your mate because you'll be remembering the way I sucked on you." He looked at the floor and she raised her tail again. "You could aim a bit higher though if you wanna do me again."

He looked up eagerly at her tailhole as she swayed her hips invitingly, and he stood up and pressed his twitching cock to her. He paused. "Does it hurt you?"

"For her, it will at first. Just push in slowly and gently." She grinned as he followed her instructions, feeling herself spreading around his girth. "You know, your penis is bigger than theirs? The other guys?"

His eyes widened. "Really?"

"This coming from the victim, yes. Oh, not too fast...there you go, nice and easy. If she complains, stop and pull out unless she wants you to go further."

"Okay," he grunted, taking a step as he continued to slowly enter her. He was fully hilted inside her, and started slowly humping her, having to stand on the tips of his toes to reach her. " tight and warm..."

He slowly mated her tailhole, both of them moaning in bliss until finally he again ejaculated inside her, shivering with each gush as he lay on her back. She looked at him, panting a bit. "Not saying this for my own pleasure, but if you orgasm before your mate it's a good idea to try to keep going until she climaxes." He nodded and continued thrusting into her, and moaned as the pleasure quickly rose again. Flora squealed loudly and shuddered, and her partner gave a low roar as he cummed again, filling her rear even more as he felt her muscles clench around him in her climax. After they'd cooled off she sighed. "Are they gonna let you out or did they lock you in here for the night?"

He sighed heavily and slumped off her, watching briefly as his seed dripped from her. "I don't know...I think they might've forgotten."

"Oh no we haven't!" the first one called down the hallway, and Flora winced as she heard them padding down the corridor towards the cell. "Getting friendly with the prisoner, are we? For that you get to spend the rest of the night in here with her." A tray slid through the door with food and some bottles filled with water. There was also a key. "Unlock her, we can't have her stiff and sore the whole time, makes the sex less fun." The young dragon picked up the key and unlocked Flora's limbs, and she slid off the table onto the floor and lay there, her legs too sore to stand up. "Don't think we're letting you off easy, dix, the party's only started." They all viciously laughed and left the two in the cell. "And don't try using that key to escape, it's far too small for the lock!" one of them called back. Flora groaned and tried to get up but couldn't stand on her sore legs. The young dragon brought the tray over to her.

"Thanks...aren't you gonna eat?"

"You need it more than I do."

She laughed and he looked at her curiously. "Is this a guy thing? Or do I just happen to run across caring males?"

"Whaddaya mean?"

"Gale kept saying that when we first met; he'd sit there and watch me eat while his stomach growled."

"Oh...I dunno...but you're the prisoner and you're gonna need the food before they're done with you."

"In case you haven't noticed yet, I'm a bit of a sex-freak. They wanna violate me but I can't help but enjoy it..." She looked at the floor, suddenly depressed. "I feel so bad now..."

"You miss Gale?" She nodded, and he sighed. "Well, from what I've heard of him he's probably no more than two days from here by now."

Flora shrugged and sighed. "He'll get me out of here, that's pretty much a given..." She slid one of the bowls to him. "You eat too, and don't give me any of your food. You need it too. And the water."

"Why? They're probably gonna let me out tomorrow."

"Yes, but if I'm gonna teach you how to please your mate, you need food so those golden balls of yours can make more seed."

He blushed and his nose almost touched the floor. "That's embarrassing..."

"I'm sorry, I'm falling into my Gale-speaking habit..." They quietly ate, but Flora felt that he had a lot going on in his head. "You okay? You seem really distracted."

He swallowed and sighed, choking a bit as he tried to find his voice. He picked up a bottle of water and slowly opened it, staring at the dim light reflecting in it. "I'm just...I wish I could find someone...I know I'm not old enough...I mean, yeah I'm mature enough for this but not old enough for a mate, but...I..." He sighed again but more heavily, "I feel...alone, and I'm tired of it...I want someone who I can be with." Flora swallowed her mouthful and stared at him, thinking, and he looked up at her oddly. "If I tell you something weird...can you keep it a secret?"


He took a breath, obviously nervous about telling her. "Thing is...I'm confused on what I want. And I'm kinda scared sounds really weird but...after the guys told me about this shemale they raped, I've found the idea really cool...what would it be like having a shemale as a mate?" He looked at her again, expecting laughter or an odd glance, but she didn't look weirded out at all.

"Probably not any different than having a female, except she'd extra set."

"But is it normal? I mean, it almost feels like I'm gay or something, wanting someone like that..." Flora looked him over...he was maybe three-quarters her age, explaining why he couldn't reach her properly when she was on the table.

"Well, if I can get outta here, I think I could possibly help you find someone. You wouldn't mind a tomboy, would you?" she asked jokingly.

"I don't know...I mean, if we get along, probably not..."

Flora took a drink, wincing as her wrists throbbed as she twisted her paw to open the bottle of water. "What element are you, by the way?"

"Wind and fire, but you can't tell the wind part."

"What about your name?"


Silence fell again as they slowly finished their meal, and they sat there in the dim lighting until Charos coughed nervously and shifted his rear on the floor. Flora noticed his penis hanging out of his sheath. "Charos, if you wanna go again you can."

He shook his head. "No, it wouldn't be fair to you..."

"Well come closer and I'll clean it off for you at least, maybe show you how to properly clean your mate." He came over and sat in front of her, watching in hidden fascination as she created water around her paws and began rubbing his meat. He murred as she caressed his sheath, coaxing him to drop his testicles, and he watched as she gently rolled his balls back and forth between her fingers, wincing with pain and pleasure as she gently squeezed them. His member throbbed in her paw and quickly stiffened and lengthened, and Flora quickly rubbed him off, getting him very slick with water. She gazed at his erection, feeling aroused again, and licked her lips and brought her head down. Charos moaned as her tongue slowly ran along the underside of his penis, and she ducked down almost to the floor and licked his balls, flicking them back and forth with her tongue before drawing it slowly up along his length again. Grunting with pain she rolled onto her back, looking upside-down at him lustfully. "C'mon, you need to learn how to do her this way too, this is far more common and a lot easier."

Charos grinned, unable to say no again, and walked past her to her tail. He started to step over her, but an idea came to mind and he stepped back and licked her swelling lips. She twitched and moaned quickly. "I think I'm learning..."

"Yes you are...very well, too." He continued to tease her with his tongue, enjoying her pleasured hissing and moaning, until finally he couldn't take it anymore. Stepping over her he lined himself up and slowly pushed himself into her. Flora grinned at him as she felt herself spreading around him. "Oh yeah...for your age you're pretty well-endowed."

I spat on the body of the dragon below me and kicked him to the side, and breathed ice on the teeth-marks he'd left in my shoulder. "I warned him..." I looked around and saw a security camera on the far wall. In the security room I could tell they were monitoring me, so I calmly pretended to search the room, winding my way to the camera. Sure enough, they were controlling it, making it follow me, and when I reached it I stood up and looked straight into that black eye. "I'm coming for you!" I shouted at it and I could hear the microphone vibrating from the intensity of my voice. "Send all you want after me, I will kill them all and find you! You want me to spare you, bring my mate to me and leave us the fuck alone!" With that I wrenched the camera off the wall and flung it across the room, bristling. I was scared of myself; I was so heated from my anger my eyes were watering, but I couldn't settle was like I was trapped inside my own body and it was autopiloting on Vengeance mode. I flung open the doors with a roar and blasted the room with my icebreath before I even saw what lay behind. Good thing, too---some dragons were waiting to ambush me with rifles, but those that weren't encased in ice had dropped their weapons and fled; the far door slid shut and through the closing gap I saw a tail dart away. "BRING IT ON!!! YOU BRING FLORA TO ME OR DIE!!!"

Hours later I curled up in the ceiling rafters, camouflaging and watching what was going on below. They'd set up a watch for me, but the only way they could find me now was either thermal imaging or smell...thermal sensors were nonexistant in this facility and their armor prevented any sense of smell. Inside I was exhausted...inside this rampaging shell of me that knew no end. Flora...please, be safe...I'm sorry I can't control myself...

Shut up, Froststar.

I jumped, but then again I didn't. Who the hell are you?!

The voice sniggered as I put my head down to rest.

Well whoever the fuck you are, this isn't funny!, I shouted at it. This isn't me! All I want is Flora, not Flora and a count of murder!

Froststar, this IS you...your primal version, the voice said, and I growled at it. All I'm doing is using your pent-up anger to help you free Flora. All I want is to help you be truly happy, little dragon.

I snorted in disgust even though my body didn't respond. If you want to help me, get the fuck out of my body and leave me alone! Let me get out of this my way; I don't like being manipulated like this!

The voice laughed again. Ah, but life isn't about what we like. And as for leaving you...I've gotten you into this mess, and at the rate things are right now I'm the only one that can get you back out. And the encroaching need me for that too. I've seen what you've seen, felt what you've felt, all those memories, all those pleasantries, the dreams and visions...


He laughed, but it wasn't a totally vicious laugh like before. Let's just're a lot more sexually active than others I've known...but, as far as that goes, you're also a lot more caring...and you're also the best I've seen at keeping your mate satisfied. For some reason it seemed as if the voice was fading into another. It was weirding me out...was my possessor also possessed or something? You seem to be doubting something, Froststar, care to share?

Who are you?

At that there seemed to be a struggle and in my mind's eye I could almost see two dragons fighting each other, one a pale translucent white color and the other a void of black. The white one somehow shoved the black one away and turned to me. I don't know how to explain this..The dark voice controlling you is Aznor, Lord of Anger. I've been fighting him off ever since I came to you for assistance.

But who are you? And what assistance can I give a ghost?

He was about to reply when his shape was dominated by the void he'd shoved back. _He is of no fact he's an obstacle to your achievement of happiness. You want to be happy, do you not?

Yes, but-

Then listen to me.

No, you listen to me, you cut me off. I want to be happy with her, but not through violent means like this...Aznor.

Ah, so you know who I am..._

It seemed he couldn't hear my conversation with the white dragon. _Froststar, I ask for your forgiveness, but I cannot act on my own. I need a body to use if I wish to achieve something.

And what are you aiming for? To use me to rise to power?

Power, yes, but not dark power. Long ago I was betrayed by Orcharis and he slew me, and I was so filled with vengeance I remained in the world and had to take over others in order to move and act. But over the generations, I've seen how anger itself is not a means to get anywhere, it only causes more problems. The other Lords of Dark Emotions aided in my betrayal...and for a long time I have hunted them down but cannot seem to find them on my own. I need your help, Froststar._

There was a pause. I supposed to react or something?

_I tried a dramatic-effect pause but obviously that fucked up...oh well. Point being...the other Lords are seeking you, Froststar, because of me. They wish to kill you and extract me and add my power to their own. All of us are out to kill Orcharis, but here's a secret: Orcharis is waiting for us to kill each other and absorb each others' power, and from there he plans to kill the survivor and inherit their power. Froststar, I can lend you my aid. You must slay the Lords and absorb their power, from there I can help you with it.

No. You're using me to get their power. I won't let that happen. How do I know your little sob story wasn't all a lie?

Sadly I cannot give proof, only my word, being immaterial and all. But what I say is truth; the other Lords wish to slay you and retrieve my power for their own. I know their tricks and I can help you. As for you taking their have not been infused with a Crystal of Orcharis. The Emperor of Evil, Orcharis, inbued his evil will into crystals which he then infused in us Lords, his understudies and most powerful servants. We played his game and when he infused us, giving us far more power than he thought he did, we rebelled against him secretly and disbanded. I eventually made my own army but the other Lords, who had "rejoined" Orcharis after "seeing the error of their ways", betrayed my position and he killed me before I could move on him. It was then that they realized...without my power in the physical realm, theirs was diminished...but if one of them obtained me, forced my trapped will to bind with them, they would be more powerful than Orcharis. Orcharis knew they planned to betray him in such a fashion, and he waited, letting them fight amongst themselves, waiting until there was only one left. Only those with his crystals could gather me, so he knew only they could find me. He planned to take out the final surviving Lord, for after one of them obtained me he would try to absorb the others as well, and from there Orcharis could pick off the survivor. How, I do not know, but I doubt he against one is a tough odd. He was killed, though, before any part of his plan could follow through, and the Lords fled for their lives. Now they have hidden themselves among everyday communities. Unable to age, never needing food or water, but always suffering from starvation...they're desperate, and if they find you before you're ready they will slaughter you and steal me. Tell me this...with you gone, who will protect Flora? Hm?_

Quite the story, I have to admit, but still, why should I help you? I have no guarantee of your intentions, and for all I know you could be deceiving me.

He was about to reply when the white dragon broke free of his control and subdued him, and Aznor vanished. _Froststar, he is the Lord of Anger, but he tells the truth...but not all of it. His story is true, but his intentions...don't trust him.

I need to ask again, who are you?_

He sighed and hesitated. Someone who is concerned about you...and about Flora. Someone who-

"Someone who" doesn't answer it. You're obviously a ghost of someone trapped here. Who are you and what do you want of me? My patience is thin after hearing that windy tale.

Like Aznor, I have seen and felt everything you have...and I must say, Flora's lucky to have you. I'm proud you found her and have taken care of her.

That still doesn' I suddenly felt incredibly sick with realization. Holy...shit...A-a-are you...Y-you're...

He laughed, but it was a good-natured laugh of amusement. Yes, Froststar...don't be upset though. Yes, I saw you that first night with my daughter, but after seeing your personality and how much you love her, and how you'd do anything for her...calling you my son is no problem now...if I were alive that is...

I was completely shocked. you''ve seen us together?

Every time, yes...I know, it's sickening to think about, but being attached to you I can't help it. Although it only reinforces my approval of you... I've experienced just how much you care about her even when you two are...well, I won't go there. I could not believe one damn word of this, it was way too freaky, but he sighed and turned serious. Froststar...I know you've seen visions of a dragon pleading before one of your more powerful enemies...that dragon is me. Flora thinks I ran off and killed myself...but no. I went to try to break the curse on the family. After her mother killed herself, I knew it was only a matter of time before Daran left Flora, and I ran away to try to break this damn curse before either one of them left the world. I could tell he was upset about what he had to say next. I fell into the darkness in my attempts to break the snared me, and when I finally realized it, I went to my overseer to challenge him. I knew his weaknesses, but I had forgotten about my age...he defeated me and tried to kill me, but somehow I survived, but now my body is stuck in his prison and I was trapped in the otherworld, unable to get back. Froststar, I need you to kill that bastard so I can return to my body...

Why? What did he do?

So long as he's alive I can't return to myself...and I want to see my daughter again through my own eyes. I want to be physical again and see my daughter as myself. Being with her through you is nice in its own way, but it's not the same. Please...can you help a father return to his daughter?

Unlike with Aznor, I could feel this ghost's feelings, and I knew he was in a lot of pain, longing to be alive again. Of course I will. But...but what about Aznor?

Neither Aznor nor I are with you at midnight, which approaches as we speak. You can sort things out for yourself during that time without interruption, but don't trust him. He may or may not want to return to light, but we can't take the chance. I cannot sense his intentions or tell if he's telling you the truth about his wants...luckily, for some reason he can't hear us when we converse. He's fighting to subdue me but as morning draws closer his power diminishes. When midnight strikes, you will have two hours as yourself. Three in the morning is his most powerful time, though, so beware. As for whether or not to follow his could use him for your own means, and betray him like the others have, but in following him you may fall yourself. Midnight comes...goodbye for son. With that he disappeared, and I suddenly had full control over my body again and felt fully rested. Apparently Aznor had manipulated me enough to give me a power-nap. The guard was still up below me, and I was still invisible, so I trailed along the ventilation pipes towards the elevator and the stairwell. The stairwell was HUGE, big enough for me to comfortably fly down while avoiding guards with no issue at all. I spread my wings, thanking whatever was watching over me for giving me total invisibility in flight. A few guards felt me fly over them but couldn't see me, and I guess they passed it off as stray air currents from the ventilation. That one dragon, the one I'd spat on, had said during the fight that I'd "never get down there" and something about "dim light". These floors were all well-lit, but as I went further and further down the lighting grew dimmer. My invisibility gave out just as I found cover for the rest of the night, and I curled up and fell fast asleep, drained from my new talent and its inexperience.

The next morning I woke up late and felt something grow in me...great. Aznor was waking up too and he was shoving me aside inside my own body.

Good to see you awake, Froststar...allow me to finish this job with you.

Seeing how I can't force you to the side like you're doing with me, could you at least do this non-violently?

I can try, but old habits die hard, you know that all too well. I'm trying, but it's incredibly difficult seeing how I'm over a thousand years old.

Well may I at least have SOME control over myself in those situations? Instead of killing everyone, we may find someone who can help us get out of here, maybe even disable this operation far more effectively than just blatant murder can achieve.

I like your rationality. I will try but sometimes I just lose myself. I was walking down the hallway, invisible, and I slowly found that he was allowing me to control my walking. As I searched, I felt Flora's father reappear in me and Aznor's power diminished again.

Flora's not too far away now, Gale...I pray she hasn't been hurt too badly...

You're not alone in that...

As I walked, I passed a room where some dragons were laughing, and I peeked in. Maybe I could get some information from them.

"He's probably still asleep in here if he's still here at all...besides, that dix's cell is too well locked for him to get in." There were five dragons in there, two fire, one water, a wind and an earth dragon, and they all laughed with their fiery leader. I also saw a shorter yellow dragon at the far end of the table but I couldn't see much more than his wings.

"So boys, what do we do with her today? Charos here seems to have gotten her nice and lusty for us..."

"I say we do sloppy seconds with her again, she really seems to like having her cunt fucked hard."

"I dunno, she really seems to like blowjobs too...and that ass of hers is so wonderfully tight."

I slipped into the room quietly, wincing as I brushed against the door and it moved. The shorter yellow dragon noticed the movement and froze, but the others took no notice.

"So her mate is supposedly wreaking havoc in the security levels...he won't get past the security traps here on the lower levels."

Security traps?

I heard Aznor's voice answer me. Yes, I took care of those as we neared them. My power does not lie in anger alone.

If I trusted you I'd thank you, but I still have no reason to trust you.

A good survival strategy, and I'm sorry I can't give reasons for trust...well, do what you must here. I'll help a bit.

"So it's decided then, when we bring her the food we all fuck her hard."

"You're the ones hard-fucked now," I growled, coming into view and kicking the door shut. They all gaped at me and the yellow dragon at the end whimpered and backed away from the table. "Now, either you tell me where she is, or-"

"Or what? You're one dragon against six!" With that the biggest one, the fire dragon and obviously the leader, lunged at me. I felt myself heat up in anger as I jumped to the side, clamping my jaw around his neck. He stopped, terrified of the advantage I had over him, and I turned to the others with him still in my mouth.

"Tell me where she is or I break his neck!" I growled, but instead one of them picked up a knife and threw it at me. Aznor suddenly jumped in and before I knew it, I had twisted my neck up, flinging the leader's body in front of myself and catching the knife with his lung. I dropped him and jumped onto the table, whipping two of them to the side with my tail and breathing ice on the thrower as I turned in the strike. My rage was rising and the next thing I knew five dragons lay dead before me. I heard someone crying behind me and I turned and saw the yellow dragon huddled in the corner, covering his face in terror. I felt sorry for him but my body was on its own; I approached him and he gagged as I stood up on my hind legs, holding him with one paw.

AZNOR! NO!!! Stop, he didn't attack me!

But he raped Flora with them.

We don't know that!

"P-please, l-let *ggh* let me go!!" he choked, struggling against my steel grip. Tears were running in torrents down from his eyes. "Please! I-I can *gck* I can take you to her!!"

Aznor loosened his hold on me and I loosened my grip on the dragon. "What did you do to her?" I asked, more curious than anything, but my rage made my voice sound threatening.

"Can't...b-breathe..." I set him down and he shied away from me, crying. "Sh-sh-she's in th-the basement...I-I-I'm so sorry..."

He was absolutely pitiful and it stung me inside...he was terrified of me, and he was maybe only three-quarters my age...a little older than Glairn... I calmed down and sat back on my haunches. "Did you do anything to her?"

He shook his head rapidly, his eyes clenched. "They raped her but I...she gave me permission...please don't kill me, please! They locked me in with her, they'd kill us both if I didn't do it...she wanted to show me how to satisfy a mate I might have...that's all it was..." He hunkered against the wall, obviously afraid I'd lash out at him.

"Hey...hey, calm said they'd kill you if you didn't have sex with her?"

"They raped her and I w-was supposed to join in but I didn't and they locked me in with her and they'd kill both me and her if I didn't do it with her and I wanted to help her escape..." He said it so fast I could just barely make out what he was saying. "I just wanted her to stay alive...I wanted to help her...I'm so sorry!"

He jumped with a frightened shriek when I put my paw on his head. "Hey whoa, whoa! I'm not gonna hurt you. Settle down! I can't stand seeing males cry."

He sniffled and looked at me, still heaving. "Y-you're're not gonna kill me?"

"Why would I if it wasn't your fault and you wanted her to be safe?" I don't know why, but the next thing I knew I was hugging him like a father would for a small child and he was clinging to me in relief. "It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt did the right thing keeping her alive." Finally he settled down and sat back from me, and wiped his face with his wings. "Now, can you take me to her?"

"Yes...I don't have the keys though..."

"Where are the keys?"

"The lunch office five floors up..."

He followed me as I headed out of the room. "What's your name, kid?"


"You said she wanted to help you?"

His eyes widened and he stopped and stared at the floor. "Y-yes..."

"Hey, I'm not mad at you for it. How did she 'help' you?"

He turned red in the face and his wings drooped in embarrassment. "I...uhh...I told her I wanted to save my virginity for a future mate, but she said given the circumstances, she could help me learn how to really please the one I find..."

To his surprise I laughed. "I'll assume she taught you well?"

"I think so..."

I lifted his face with my tail. "Hey, no need to be ashamed about it. I assume you wanna get outta here as well?" He nodded and I grinned. "Well, looks I have two to rescue now. C'mon, help me get those keys." I could still feel Aznor controlling me, but I also felt the influence of Flora's father at work.

Two hours later we were walking back down that same hallway, Charos hiding the keys under his wing and me swathed in Aznor's energy to avoid being seen. We passed by other cells, and several other dragons came up to the bars as we passed by. I almost cried...many of them looked like they were at death's door, and many others desperately wanted out. Charos kept his head down and eyes forward, tuning out the others around him. Finally he stopped at one doorway, one that had recently had steel plates implanted between the bars, and he took the keys and unlocked it. I followed him in, and Flora looked over her shoulder; she was chained to a stone table in the middle of the room.

"Charos...where are the others? I thought they said they were coming back?"

"They're not...and they won't ever again."

She looked pleasantly surprised. " I being released?!"

"Yeah..." He unlocked her and she slumped off the table, moaning in pain from her aching limbs. She looked up at him.

"Why're you upset?"

"I dunno...there're so many others here too..."

"...Do I smell...Gale?! Where are you?!?"

I appeared out of midair and she shrieked happily and forced herself up, falling back to the floor as her legs gave out. I walked over to her and she cried, nuzzling my face like crazy. The reunion was very short, though; several guard-dragons slipped into the room behind me, and I just barely avoided one as he swung his bladed tail at me. I whipped around and they took defensive stances. "Listen guys, I've taken out a good deal of your security getting down here, what makes you think you can stand up to me?"

They looked at each other oddly, then back to me with resolve, and I rolled my eyes and readied myself. Charos and Flora stepped back. To my dismay the one closest to the door slammed it shut and threw the keys outside under the door. The other one breathed fire at me and I ducked under it, but it still overheated my back. The first guard swung at me with his tail, but by some stroke of luck he overshot, missing my head by at least a foot only to hit his comrade square in the chest, shearing through his armor. Their shock gave me the chance to finish them both off quickly with my claws.

"How do we get out?" Flora asked, trying but failing to snatch the keys with her thin tail. Charos tried, but he too failed. Gale pushed them aside, took a deep breath, and latched onto the vertical bars of the door with his jaws. Flora and Charos watched in awe as he groaned and growled, the metal shrieking and groaning with him until a loud SNAP echoed through the hallways as he bit right through the metal. The lock fractured from the shock, and Gale proceeded to pull on that with his neck muscles and the door suddenly flew open, slamming him into the wall behind itself from the force of his pulling and from the sudden snap of the metal. Flora helped him up while Charos checked to see if they were clear. He picked up the keys and looked them over.

"There's so many others in here..." He suddenly raced off, and Gale ran after him, leaving a bewildered Flora.

"Charos what're you doing?!"

"Freeing them all!"

Gale grabbed him by the tail and held him still. "Look, I know you want to help them all, but some of them can't even walk! If there's security towards the exit, even if they can get to the exit they won't be able to defend themselves!"

Charos struggled and Gale set him down. "I hafta do something, I can't just run free while they're all left to starve and die here!"

"Is there an emergency evacuation protocol here?"


"Is there an automatic release for all cell doors?"


"Can you get me to the control room?"

"Yeah, it's one flight down."

"Stay here, I'll get Flora."

Well, I won't bore you with the details; a guard almost killed me with a rifle but I have to thank Aznor for stopping it from going any farther than my scales. We put the whole place on emergency evacuation under the pretense of radioactive exposure warning and watched with grins as the guards evacuated every last prisoner. From there their orders were to care for the injured and weak, which was easy enough; they had experimental instant-healing technology that did a remarkable job fixing up those too weak to move. Aznor then extended his power to shroud the three of us and let us pass through unseen, though Flora could feel his presence and hated it. Once we were out and the guards had left the prisoners to their own devices, we reappeared and secretly led the prisoners away. One of Dorchar's scouts located us and by the end of the day the whole group was halfway to the camp grounds. More scouts and several soldiers were sent to guide and guard the refugees, while Flora and I continued up the mountain and met Dorchar shortly before sunrise. Charos was asleep on my back but he woke up when we finally landed. Glairn was sitting with Dorchar and I looked down at her.

"Glairn, what's up?"

She sighed and looked back at the caves. "I got kicked out...apparently there's some unspoken rule in my age group that shemales aren't dragons..."

Charos slipped off my back and I heard Flora snicker to herself, and gave her a raised eyebrow. Dorchar looked at Charos oddly.

"Who's this young dragon?"

"This is Charos; he helped keep Flora alive and ultimately triggered the evacuation that saved the prisoners. He wants to help the resistance here." I noticed Charos and Glairn were eyeing each other with a spark of interest between them. Flora yawned loudly and Dorchar grinned.

"I commend you all for your aid, and I'm very sorry for what happened to two should get some sleep, I'll hear your story later."

"Did their attack go as planned?" Flora asked, seeing a lot of corpses still awaiting disposal.

"Not really; we had the upper hand of terrain familiarity. Again, no one here died, but there were a few close calls and many injuries. They raided the side caves, as Gale found out before we sent him to find you."

"Before we leave, did you find who clubbed me in the head?"

"A traitor no doubt, but no. One of our scouts found you out cold in the aftermath. We've been interviewing everyone and cross-referenceing with a few secret ears, but so far nothing has come up."

Flora and I headed to our little pocket in the wall and just sleepily cuddled with each other, winding down from the long flight. Finally my curiosity got the better of me. "Flora, why'd you laugh when Charos got off my back?"

She laughed again and looked at the floor. " a romantic and he do I put it...he wants a shemale for a mate."

I felt my eyes widen. "Uh oh..."


I rolled onto my side and she rolled onto hers, and we hugged each other. "I take it you taught him well?"

"I sure hope so..."

"Those bastards...I can't believe they raped you..."

"I'm fine, was really scary though..."

I growled. "What the hell was I thinking, I shouldn't have left you when I knew danger was nearby..."

"Awwwww...poor Gale," she said, pressing herself against me sympathetically. "I know something that'll help you..."

As upset as I was, I couldn't help but grin as I knew what she was hinting at. She took my penis in her paws and began massaging it as she brought her lips to mine. I couldn't resist and slowly trailed my paws along her sides, bringing them down along the insides of her hips to her eager clit. Flora murred as I caressed her swelling lips, and opened her mouth a bit and enticed my tongue into her mouth with hers. I still couldn't get over her sweet taste and felt my member quickly erect, and she purred and broke the kiss to look proudly at my length.

"'re so much bigger than those other guys..." She looked back up at me with lidded eyes. "And you're so much better..."

"You sure you're okay with it?" I asked, worried.

"That raping was nothing, Gale..." she whispered, trailing her tongue over my cheek. "You got me all nice and flexible...they didn't hurt me the way they wanted," she said as she squeezed my penis playfully. "I guess I'm lucky to be the mate of such a handsome, well-endowed dragon..."

I smirked and licked her in return. "So how did you take to it?"

"Oh, I struggled of course...but you know me, halfway into the first one I wanted more." I glared at her and she laughed. "But of course, they were nothing compared to you..."

I just couldn't stay mad at her, and pressed my fingers into her waiting vagina, getting her moist, and she purred again and closed her eyes with a grin. I pulled my hips back and she brought my member down to herself. Even though we'd mated so many times before now, and she'd been raped by five dragons, she was still so wonderfully tight as I pushed myself into her. She tilted her head back with a low moan and I brought my tongue up along her neck. "Better than they offered?"

"The medic was right, your penis is at least twice the normal size," she replied, and looked down herself and watched as I entered her. I hilted myself completely in her, loving her tight warmth, and she reached behind my back and rubbed my shoulders. "Make me yours again..." she whispered, and I kissed her and began making love to her. She moved in perfect harmony with my thrusting, squeezing herself around me the way she knew I liked it. It wasn't long before she climaxed, and I felt her heat up as she passionately kissed me, her body working my shaft as her juices flowed around my cock. I decided to give her what she wanted and started rapidly humping her, sending her into an unending orgasm. It felt so good, hearing her pleading moaning, her vagina milking my penis desperately...eventually I couldn't stand holding back anymore and finally gave myself the release I needed. All I remember is the warm bliss and Flora's satisfied moaning... I finally came back to reality as Flora kissed me and I could feel her love. We just stayed there, kissing and petting each other while I faintly thrusted inside her.

Finally I pulled out of her, and felt my groin surrounded by warm water as she glanced down and cleaned me off. I put my wing over her and she snuggled against me as I pulled her close. She was so soft, and now incredibly warm after that five-minute-long orgasm...she sighed and I caught a hint of sorrow in her voice.

"You okay?"

She shook her head against me. "I feel so horrible...I enjoyed them raping me but I shouldn't have..." She nuzzled against my neck, pressing her face against the top of my chest. "I'm so sorry, Gale..."

I hugged her tightly, wrapping my hind legs around her and curling my tail tightly around hers. "It's fine, Flora...I'm not angry at you. You're a sex-freak like me."

She laughed. "Damn straight." I pulled away a bit as she reached down, and we both grinned as she took hold of my penis. I reached down and pressed my fingers against her slit, and we fell into another kiss, lightly fondling each other. I started growing stiff again, and as if we both knew what we wanted I pulled my hips back as she brought my shaft down to herself, never breaking the kiss as I brought my hips back towards her and buried myself in her. She wrapped her hind legs around my waist with a content sigh and we just stayed there until we fell asleep, my penis safe inside her lower confines, pleasurably stretching her from inside as we purred happily.

Next morning was actually quite peaceful---training was on hold while the camp assisted the freed prisoners. Scouts reported that the Ocardology response team had actually indeed found radioactive traces, but nothing worthy of an all-out evacuation. Midday came around and I found Charos sitting on a boulder with a small tray of food, staring off into space. He jumped when I walked up to him. "Hey, what's up?"

"Oh...hi," he said a bit shyly, looking around. "Have you seen Glairn?"

"No, why?"

"We were gonna have lunch together."

I leaned down to him and lowered my voice. "I've known Glairn since she was two, Charos; don't be surprised if she's a no-show. She has...commitment problems, but she's aware of it."

"Ohh..." His wings sagged a bit.

"Don't worry, Charos. If she sees you as a friend, you'll know it. Oh boy you'll know it. I think you two'll get along well." He shyly nodded with a small grin and I walked away to find Flora. I had a fairly good idea as to where she was...just as I thought, she was in the flower garden, napping. It hurt me to see her still scratched up and bruised from her imprisonment, but at least she was okay and not traumatized. I felt a bit weird about her having enjoyed the "raping", but then again she had an overly active sex-drive so I guess it was to be expected. I lay down by her and draped my wing over her back, putting my neck over hers.

She'll be okay, Gale.

I started in surprise. I forgot you were still there.

I know. I didn't know you were working with Dorchar.

You know him?

_Oh yeah, we worked together years ago setting up the preliminary Final Resistance. He should be able to help you and Flora locate me.

Why again?

Aznor was correct; the Lords of Negative Emotions are harvesting each other. What he doesn't know is that the dragon that banished me from my body has killed the Lords of Glutton and Envy, but is himself not a Lord. The Lords have special crystals implanted in themselves by Orcharis himself, but my 'master' somehow transferred the crystal from the Lord of Envy into himself and used it to absorb the two Lords he slew.

How do you know but he doesn't?

It's...weird. Aznor is a dark spirit, almost like a demon. I guess I'm a light spirit, and that he can't hear me when I speak to you. I'm also in connection with my physical form and I can hear my 'master' gloating to himself every now and then. Aznor can only rely on you for transportation, and thus knows only what is going on around you specifically._

"Gale...who're you talking to?"

"GAH!!" I shot up in shock and Flora yawned and sat up. "Uhh..."

"I heard you talking to someone." She looked around and sighed. "And I keep thinking dad's nearby..."

Tell her; you shouldn't hide things from her.

"Flora...I, um..."


"Uh...what would you say if I told you your dad is definitely still around?"

Her eyes widened. "Where is he?!"

"Know why you're always feeling him nearby?" She nodded. "Well...uhhh...he's...he's attached to me. Like Aznor."

She stared at me funny. "Gale, that's cruel. This isn't funny."

Put your paw on her head! I'll try to talk to her.

"Flora...he says he wants to talk to you but can only do so if I touch your head."

"Gale, this isn't a game!"

"I know! Would I make fun of something so personal? You know Aznor is bonded to me, what's so unbelievable about your father following me as well?"

She glared at me for a little while but finally sighed and lowered her head. I heard the whole conversation.


Flora gasped and her eyes flew open. "DAD?!?"

"Shhh baby, shhh, yes it's me, but don't draw attention to us."

"How do I know you're my real dad?"

"I don't think anyone else, even Gale here, would remember you falling from a tree and getting stuck by your tail in a fork in the branch after trying to catch a squirrel that bit your left wing."

Flora shivered and started crying. "Daddy...I miss you so much..."

Hug her, Gale, I can still talk to her. I hugged her and held her tight, feeling her dad suddenly become more present in me. "Shhh...I'm here,'s okay. I'm so terribly sorry I disappeared..."

"But why?! Why did you leave?"

He sighed. "Flora, after your mother killed herself out of grief from the curse, I went to locate the source of the curse and try to break it before you or Daran took yourselves."

"You didn't break it..."

"Yes...yes I know, but Daran had a lot on his mind and couldn't think clearly enough to see Gale's concern."

"Whaddaya think of him?" she asked with a grin.

Her dad laughed. "Flora, Gale is the only dragon I'd accept for you. Especially because I can feel what he feels..." I groaned and Flora looked at me oddly, and her dad laughed. "I know what a naughty girl you've been, Flora."

Her eyes widened and she gagged, and I rubbed my neck nervously. "S-so...he...wh-when we..."

"Yes, he's been with me since before...that one night."

"DAD YOU PERVERT!!!" She shivered. "Great, I get raped, then I find I've been commiting incest..."

Her dad laughed and I put my paw on hers. "I'm sorry, babe, but I can't control it, and it's not incest; I don't get a sex-high from it, I can only feel Gale's emotions. I've already told Gale about this...I've been separated from my body."


"The dragon that cursed us, I went to find him and exact revenge and withdrawal of the curse. my search, when I found him, I couldn't get to him without joining his gang, and I, I kinda fell into darkness. That's why I was gone for so long...I was ensnared in their dark web. However, I finally came to my senses when a young newcomer reminded me very strongly of you, and I challenged my 'master' to a fight. However, I forgot he had dark powers, and he beat me and banished me from my body. So long as he's alive, I can't be physical again except through Gale or someone else."

"I'll take you dad!" she said eagerly, then clapped her paws over her mouth and her dad and I laughed. "Okay, that sounded wrong..."

"What, you WANT incest now?"

"Shut up!"

We laughed. "I know, Flora, but...the curse is prohibiting me from bonding to you."

She looked up at me. "Gale, we're going after him."

"Not just yet, Flora," I said back. "Your dad's master has killed and absorbed two of the Lords of Negative Emotions. If I go there, and lose, he'll steal Aznor and absorb his power, thus becoming even more powerful than he already is. However, if I beat him, Aznor will absorb the power of the two lords. It's a lose-lose situation here; either way, Orcharis will hunt the bearer and slay him, stealing all that power for himself."

She stared at me in shock, and I touched her paw so her dad could talk to her. "It's true, Flora...and if you go alone, you WILL lose; you have no defenses against his power, and he regularly restrains others just by looking at them and they're completely powerless against him. Of anyone, Gale is the most suited; Aznor is more powerful than one of those Lords and with Gale's combat ability he stands a decent chance. However, even though I've asked Gale to help me, I can't ask him to go in and confront Glorthnaz, my master...the dark strain may corrupt him, and that will only lead to pain between you two."

Flora's face was soaked with tears and she purred faintly as I wiped her face with my paw. "I know it's painful, Flora...but there's not much we can do about it."

Her eyes suddenly lit up. "Gale...would Dorchar let us go west? To the 'Library City'? I remember someone a few years ago talking about a set of books that details certain anti-evil weaponry."

"Smart girl, she's a good catch." Flora shrieked and jumped away, and I growled loudly.

"Aznor, that was uncalled for."

Well sorry, am I supposed to appear with a big fanfare to warn others of my appearance?

"What do you know of these books, if anything?" Flora edged closer and touched my paw to listen in on our discussion.

"These books are indeed real, but under high security in the Library Cavern's third sector. Most of the books have been put into the digital dataspace or whatever the hell it is, if I remember correctly from my previous carrier...but the secured readings have been locked away and remain un-scanned. I myself was injured badly by one of those fabled weapons, but in my wrath against the warrior I obliterated that weapon. It was made specifically against me, though, so the other Lords wouldn't be affected by it."

"Aznor...why did you possess Gale?" Flora asked timidly, earning a very spooky demonic laugh from him.

"Cut that out!"

"All right, fine, geez can't I have a little fun in my old age? Whatever...Gale here has power unimaginable, so naturally I went along for the ride. Power seeks power, and Orcharis seeks me and him even now, though he doesn't know who exactly he's looking for. He's looking for a very sexually active pair of dragons, hehehe..."

"Shut up," I hissed. "What other weapons are there?"

"I don't know, who cares right now?"

"WE do," Flora growled. "We're going to rescue my dad's body."

Aznor paused and I felt a sense of apprehension. "You're doing what now?"

"My father went to break our family curse but fell to Glorthnaz, who now has two of your precious buddies as his powersource."

"Well fuck my ass and call me raped, isn't that just great..." We both growled at his use of words. "Don't you growl at me, I'm in your head, nothing you can do about it. But if this...Gorefag dragon has indeed absorbed two others...he's not a member of the Lordship, it shouldn't be possible..."

"How do I kill him?" I asked.

"Kill him?! You idiot, you won't even withstand a mere eye glance from him, let alone be able to hit him! What you'd need is a set of armor that can elude evil detection, and a weapon that evil beings cannot foresee coming. That's your only bet; weaken his power underhandedly and reduce him to your level."

"Those are part of the legends sets!" Flora said excitedly. I felt Aznor's wrath dwindle and Flora's father regain control. "We need to find them!"

"Legends sets?" her dad asked.

"Yeah, to defeat Glorthnaz!"

"Dorchar should be able to help you find some of them, but you'd need to check that library."

Flora and I grinned at each other...our next mission was set.

(Whew...almost done here, almost to the point where I should have been if not for that interruption. Sorry if this is long, but this is a major update.)

To make a long story a bit shorter, we rested and trained for a week while Flora's body recovered from her imprisonment...and despite our urges we refrained from mating or other sexual activity so our next encounter would be a good one. Of course, with her overactive sex drive, Flora was getting quite wild towards the end of that week and I'd sometimes find her napping with her tail sitting inside her tunnel. The two small scale-scars on my chest from the rifle wound were beginning to fade. Aznor and Flora's father were pretty quiet and laid-back most of that time, it seemed they too were resting. I'd taken it on myself to help Charos fit in, but he did a pretty good job of that on his own...but with Glairn, that was another subject altogether. Knowing her as well as I did, I knew that deep down, she liked him, but that little herm was a troublemaker with him, roping him into pranks and such as a demonstration of her "feminine masculinity". )note: I just remembered...when referring to hermaphrodites I'm technically supposed to use "shi" and "hir"...blarg.) The last day of that week I found Glairn staring at hir reflection in a puddle of water.

"Glairn? Something wrong?"

Shi sighed. "Gale...ever since you brought Charos here..." Shi paused, lost for words, but regained hir train of thought. "I feel...different around him. I know I'm not really supposed to try to impress him, but I can't help it, y'know? I can't help but feel like I'm hurting him..."

I lay down by hir as shi dipped hir claw in the puddle and made small whirlpools on the surface. "Do you like him?" I asked softly. Instead of hir usual immediate denial, shi shrugged.

"I do...I think...I don't think I've liked anyone before...I don't know what to do."

I spat a few ice pieces into the water and she flicked them around. "Charos likes you too, Glairn, I can tell that by watching him. But you're really a female, just with...'extras'. I think you're acting too boyish for him."

"But it's how I've always acted!"

"I know. But back in the city, you had to act that way as a territorial gesture. Here...that competition is nil. You don't need to assert yourself here. You don't need to prove your worth to others. Just do well in the training, interact with the others without bossing them around or doing 'boy' stuff...try to act like the cute little female you really are. You can still be a tomboy, but not so strongly; that's why everyone's shunning you."

Glairn sighed, hir tail flicking in agitation. "I guess you're right...but...what do I do with Charos?"

"Don't be so pushy around him. He's a guy, Glairn, he's not gonna get very friendly with someone who pushes themselves the way you do. Try to find out what he likes...just be with him. Don't dominate conversations with him, just chat and try to have fun."

"Okay..." Shi leaned towards me and nuzzled my shoulder. "Thanks for being a friend..."

I rubbed hir back. "No problem. Now if you're done sulking here, go find Charos. He's feeling kinda down."

Shi nodded and ran off to find him. Even though shi was about 5 (10-11 in human years) shi was still kinda cute. I still find it odd that dragons reach sexual maturity at age 4 but can't really breed until 9-10...oh well. I had a feeling that she and Charos were gonna become quite close pretty soon.

note: For story purposes, and because I need to go take care of this personal issue, I'm gonna let it read from Glairn's and Charos's journals.

Glairn ran to the farther edge of the area, where shi and Charos and set up a meeting place. Shi heard a faint breathing sound not too far away, behind a large stone obstruction. "Charos?" shi asked, edging around the boulder. "AGH!!!" Shi quickly hid hir face in hir wing as Charos yelled in surprise, his paw suspended in mid-stroke on his penis. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry...I thought..."

"N-n-no, it's my fault," Charos stuttered quickly, trying but failing to rid himself of his erection. "I shouldn't've...agh..." He huffed in frustration and glanced up at hir. " can look if you want, I...don't mind."

Shi timidly glanced around hir wing. "But...your penis is showing."

He went red in the face and rubbed his neck. "It won't go away...I don't mind if you see, actually, I was...just really surprised."

Shi slowly brought hir wing down, trying not to glance at his gold cock. "Charos...I was anything wrong? You seem kinda...I dunno, distracted or something lately."

Charos sighed. "I just...I dunno. A few times I just wanted to play a game or something with you, but you wanted to go pull a prank on someone. I'm not good with pranks."

Shi sat down next to him and he smirked to himself when he saw hir eyes continuously glance at his staff, noticing an unfamiliar whitish fluid around the head. "I guess I was a bit too pushy...but y'know, I can't really help it..." Shi sideglanced at him. "You're one of few dragons that hasn't judged me because I'm...a shemale."

He laughed quietly. "Yeah...but y'know something Glairn? For a while now I've found the idea of a herm interesting and...well...I get to know one. And I'm able to call hir a friend." Shi blushed with a small grin, looking away shyly, and he curled his tail over hirs. He coughed nervously and shi glanced up at him.

"Something wrong?"

He laughed a little, seeming a bit nervous. "'s kind of a stupid question really but...ah nevermind, it's innapropriate."

"Just ask me anyway."

"I was gonna ask you to prove yourself but..."

Glairn smirked and flopped onto hir side, much to his surprise. He stared at hir undertail in surprise; shi had a larger slit in front of hir vagina, and as he watched shi let hir penis out into view. "My pussy's real too," shi said rather proudly, slipping a claw between hir folds and exposing her vagina partially. Shi laughed in pleasant surprise at him. "Wow, you do like herms."

He glanced down at his throbbing erection and blushed heavily with a laugh. "Sorry...but...I just find it cool that I know a real shemale."

Shi sat back up, smiling at him. "Flora was right, you're really nice." Shi glanced down at his member again with a smirk. "So...why were you pawing off over here?"

Charos blushed again. "I uhhhh...I dunno, I just...had an urge or something..."

"Back where I came from before we ran away with Dorchar, I used to see guys doing that almost everywhere I went."

"In the city?"

"Yeah. I had my own clan there...kinda fell apart after Flora's brother died...I miss him. But then again he was always going around all depressed and oh-poor-me; that was annoying." There was a slight pause as shi realized shi was dominating the conversation and he looked a bit out-of-place. "Uhh...what about you? What did you do before you came here?"

His wings fell and he looked at the ground. "I don't...really wanna talk about that...I hate myself for it..."

Glairn placed hir paw on his. "You can tell me. I've probably known worse."

Charos paused, mulling it over, and eventually made up his mind with a sigh and turned to hir. "Before I came here, I was...I didn't realize it at first, but I was part of Ocardology's prison center. I thought I was signing up to help with brother was imprisoned and I felt I owed it to him to help others in the same situation. But..."


"What I got was far from what I wanted. At first I was placed in the kitchens making meals for everyone, but it was hell. I was basically a slave for two years before getting bumped up higher about a month ago. Then I saw just how bad these assholes were...I'd only heard stories in the kitchen, but as I followed the other guards as they made their rounds..." He shivered. "It was horrible..."

Glairn's face fell. "What was it? The guards raped others or something?"

"Yes, and it didn't matter what gender the prisoners were...but it wasn't only rape. They'd beat on them, cut them, give them drugs and watch and laugh as the poor dragons went through an internal hell..."

"Isn't that where Flora was taken?"

"Yeah...and that's what kills me the most. Before she came, I just watched and cried in the background, wanting to get out...wanting to help everyone but unable to do anything...but Flora's first night there, they of course did the 'introductory rounds'...and then because I didn't participate, they locked me in with her and called on the death-guards."

"What's that mean?"

Charos shivered again, a small tear forming at his eye. "I'm not a virgin anymore...I had to do it with Flora or we'd both be killed. I couldn't let her be killed because of me..."

There was a long silence as Glairn thought this over. Charos started in surprise when he felt hir nuzzle him softly. "It's okay kept her alive and saved everyone else, didn't you? And now I have a friend because you're alive." Shi hugged him with hir wing and he curled his tail around hirs again, both of them purring faintly. After a while of friendly cuddling Glairn snickered and Charos cocked an eyebrow at hir. "Your penis has been stiff for a while now."

"Haha...yeah I know."

"You gonna take care of it...or should I?" shi asked with a naughty grin. Charos looked at hir in surprise.


"You gonna paw yourself off or can I try?"

"Y-you seriously wanna do that? I mean...I shouldn't even be masturbating in the first place..."

"You started it earlier, might as well finish what you started."

"I-I can't really...not when someone's near..."

Shi surprised him as shi wrapped hir paw around his aching meat, marvelling at its size. "Like this?" shi asked as shi started gently pulling up and down along his length. Charos started to object, but instead began groaning. Glairn had never pawed anyone off before, even hirself, but as shi stroked his dragonhood shi watched him with a pleased grin and adjusted hir grip, squeezing a bit tighter, pulling a little bit harder until he was moaning loudly and almost humping hir paw. Shi'd seen males pawing themselves off but had never seen why, and she was really curious as to what would happen. Shi didn't need to wait long; Charos suddenly groaned loudly, his wings stretching quickly as he threw his head back and shuddered. Glairn yelped in surprise as a thick, white sticky fluid suddenly spurted from his pulsating cock, and shi watched in fascination as he continued to moan with each wave as he came. His dragonhood slowed to a small dribble and he sat there panting in his afterglow. "Does it really feel good?" shi asked a bit timidly.

Charos nodded and calmed himself. "Oh wow that felt good..." They both glanced down at hir penis, noticing shi was now sporting a hard-on from pawing him off. "Even though it feels really good, Glairn, I don't suggest you do it. Save yourself for your future mate. I wanted to myself but...the whole Flora in prison thing fucked that chance. Errr..." He blushed as shi eyed him with an odd grin at his choice of words. "I mean...saving my virginity for my future mate was ruined with that night." Glairn sighed and nodded, knowing deep down that he was right; it should really be saved for mateship. Eventually shi nuzzled him again with a faint purr, and he grinned and flicked hir with his tail. "What's up?"

"I don't really know...but Charos...I really like you somehow. I've never felt this way about someone before."

He grinned and rested his head against hirs. "I like you too, Glairn..." He wrapped his wing around hir and shi smiled and closed hir eyes. For once...shi felt happy with someone, and shi loved that feeling. Being able to be hirself around him without being judged...Shi purred happily to him and he purred back.

Wow...I can honestly say, that's kinda cute...I was wondering what happened that day. Somehow I feel like I'm violating someone with this, is this eavesdropping? I can't believe she pawed him off like that...but then again shi's really impulsive. Ah whatever, it's stopped there so I guess I should continue.

Eventually Flora and I were ready to head out. Dorchar had given us the coordinates and some information about various legend pieces. If you remember Nargalath, good; if not, he was that big dragon that gave us that rousing speech before the attack on the enemy camp a few chapters back. Anyway, he was to accompany us; he had a message he needed to deliver to the governor of the city. "Arcadia" is the new name of that place; it used to be Aurorasan. We were to leave within five days, so that gave us time to prepare. It was easily a five-day travel, if not more; normally it would only take two days or so, but there were some enemy territories we'd need to walk through. After the briefing, Dorchar took me to the side.

"Gale, how did you know I knew about this?"

I didn't want to tell him, but if he and Flora's father really had been friends, he needed to know. "You know that Aznor is bonded to me, right?"

"That's why I sought you out."

"Well...someone else is bonded to me as well. One of your old friends. Who also happens to be Flora's father. He went to break their family curse, fell under the control of a dark master named Glorthnaz, and was banished form his own body and somehow found me in his search for Flora. He's been helping me resist Aznor's dark pull."

Dorchar just stared at me, but after a while he smirked and chuckled to himself. "It figures. I should've known. need these artifacts in order to return him to himself, right?"

"In a nutshell."

"Well, I happen to know a bit about Glorthnaz. He's actually my great uncle twice of the 'black sheep', you could say...more like a void than black." He growled at the memory. "He's an excellent fighter like you, but in his old age he uses his elemental powers far more than his muscles. I wouldn't doubt his dark mastery has given him fighting power, but I know him well enough to say that he prefers to be lazy in combat; he likes to keep a distance. Your best bet against him...hmmm..."

"Aznor already gave me a few pointers. We need a sniping weapon that can't be detected by evil, as well as armor that can pass unseen through evil's veil."

"As expected of a Dark Lord. He speaks true, but I would also recommend equipping some kind of anti-elemental barrier if you can find one. Phases of attack, if you can guess from what I've said?"

"First, snipe him and cripple his dark powers, bring him to my level. Second, use the barrier to get in close. Third, cripple his physical fighting ability. Fourth, attempt to take him down."

"Smart, but no. The first two are good, but Glorthnaz prides himself in his elemental prowess. You want to disable his elements the best you can before drawing in for physical strikes, otherwise he may snap the barrier and fry you. With dark power, his abilities, both physically and elementally, are escalated. There are chemicals you can gas him with to severely cripple his elements. I don't doubt Aznor will participate as well; his role would most likely be backup with these chemicals---he can use his power to more effectively contaminate Glorthnaz. If all goes well, that should rid him of his distance ability."

"Now I need a strategy to get in close and finish him off."

"I'd suggest getting yourself some kind of long-range weaponry if possible. Fight a range user with range attacks to bring him down, then rush in and finish him off. Because of his power, you want to do this quickly and efficiently...probably best to try to kill him outright via sniping if you can."

"What do these weapons do?"

"One of them is an energy focus; it takes your elemental energy and turns it into a projectile of pure solid energy. The barrier is another kind. I'm almost thinking it may be best for you if Flora joins you, even if it's harder to maneuver; with her electricity power she'd be a great asset when it comes to elemental energy. She's a great fighter, but being female she lacks the bodily strength you'd need to fight Glorthnaz."

"Tag-team him?"

"No. He excels at outnumbered matches, because he has a strange ability to line up his foes such that they hit each other with their attacks. If it's just one enemy, he can't use that."

After some more discussion I was finally dismissed and I went off to find my dragoness. Nargalath was having her do her training rounds and I watched in admiration as her fluid body spun around with a flying backleg spinning kick followed up instantly by a tailwhip and a spinning spearpaw as she used her motion to deliver the final strike. Narg dismissed her (I love that nickname..."Narg"!) and she spotted me watching her. We retreated to the food arena for lunch, then afterwards went to the nearby tarn (a mountain lake) for the usual water exercises. Of course, being a water dragon Flora cut through the water with beautiful ease, earning a few whistles from the other males as they watched her. They didn't dare approach her though; I was always there with her and they knew it. Elemental training flew by quickly, and the setting sun shone into our cave through the brown haze of the sky to find us in our cave in the wall as I taught Flora how to read a little better. She wasn't kidding when she said she couldn't read well; she had a horrible time with anything past elementary level! But we both enjoyed the lessons over those few days; they were a very good chance to be together without others hassling us. Every night we'd have a little round of sex; nothing much, mostly just sucking each other off, but one night I drilled Flora while she read (both physically and for her test). She rather enjoyed that exercise---me gently fucking her from behind as she read out loud to me. We'd kinda forgotten about our abstinence, but the upcoming travel would no doubt give us that.

I'm getting really wordy and I need to get to where we currently are. The travel went well but Narg was a drill seargant...gaah, those days were just awful. We made it to Arcadia, dead-tired and only wanting beds. And boy did we get beds; some travel-assistants located us, apparently knowing of our coming, and showed us to a hotel. Since it was nearing nightfall, we had a rather large dinner (which after our months of being in the wild was absolute heaven to our tastebuds) and curled up on the large, soft bed given to us. Flora had never been in a bed like this, and it had been at least 6 years since my last time; we were out like lights almost as soon as the covers were over us. Flora, however, as usual when we cuddled face-to-face, made sure my penis was safely nestled in her velvet folds before sleeping. That had become our ritual of sorts, and I had no objection; her pussy was so soft and warm against my member, it was actually rather comforting when falling asleep. The next day started our research, but first we needed to memorize the way around this city. Imagine a huge, ancient city made of gray stone, with fountains and running water everywhere you look. Now imagine it lying on a 45-degree incline, so the city is built in terraces. Huge towers are scattered everywhere in the city, many imitating the buildings below with their huge stone walkways spanning the gaps between them. This place once was a magnificent kingdom, its constructions somehow surving war after war with hardly an injury. This place was fucking HUGE. We were down by the main gates into the city, and the library third sector was about halfway up the small mountainscape. By the end of the day we were familiar with the layout of the city, and had booked a temporary research room in the library complex. Luckily everything ran without money; that's the beauty of these older dragon cities. Flora and I checked out a few books and headed back to our hotel room, ready to read the next day.

Boy, I'd forgotten how boring research can be. Flora came in and lay down on my back, looking over my shoulder at the book I was reading for relaxation amid the other ones strewn around me on the low table. "Hey, something up?"

I sighed and turned to her. "It's not very common now anymore, but I came across something...a little disturbing yet interesting about dragon culture back in the old days."

"What is it?" she asked, wrapping her forelegs around my neck.

I flipped a few pages and felt her cringe slightly when she saw the illustration. "This...apparently, back in the old days, it was common for a dragon couple to 'mark' each other by often biting a specific area and creating bite-scars, laying claim to each other and in some cases...well, making 'mating piercings'."

"I remember my mom had something like that on her neck..."

Her father laughed. Yeeeaaaaahhh...that was her idea, actually; I didn't like it, but she loved the look of bite-scars.

"But what are 'mating piercings' for?" she asked.

"Well...uhh...know how I sometimes hold onto your shoulder or something with my mouth?"


"Yeah, it gives a place to bite for leverage."

"Anything else?"

"Nah, not really...what brings you in here by the way?"

"Just bored..."

Her dad laughed again. Gale, I'm gonna disappear for a bit and confront Aznor, he's getting thoughts again. He lowered his voice and spoke in my head, She's looking for some action, I can sense it.

I groaned and facepawed, and he laughed and faded. Flora nuzzled me. "What is it? Dad joking around again?"

"Yeah." I closed the book and slowly stood up, keeping Flora on my back. "Hold on tight, let's go somewhere."

"Where? We're not familiar with this city."

"Hence a little exploration time."

She sighed a bit disappointedly, but I smiled to myself at the idea I had in store. I walked out onto the balcony and flew out with her on my back, and we lazily browsed the city from above. Few went up to the top of the main falls, but that's where we were heading. Flora purred and hugged me tighter when she saw where we were going. I loved that angelic rumbling...we reached the top of the falls, listening to the faint roaring of the water below as it plunged down to the reservoir from which the city's water flowed. Flora nuzzled me cutely and I rubbed her in return and kissed her, letting her play with my tongue. "You brought me up here to mate, didn't you?" she whispered with a sly grin.

"You know me too well." Luckily where we were was out of sight of anyone, and the shore of the river up here was very soft and sandy, perfect for hiding any mess we might make. Bathing in the river was prohibited, of course, since the water flowed to the city, but we didn't intend to go swimming. Flora rolled onto her back and I crawled over her with a grin as she giggled into the kiss and ran her paws down my neck. I nibbled on her neck and she giggled again and nipped me on the cheek.

"Gale...can I ask you to do something?"


"Can you not refuse to do it?"

"For you, yes."

She smirked at me. "Gale...really make me yours. Give me mating piercings." She laughed as I instantly froze in shock.

"Flora...I don't wanna hurt you!"

"It'll help deter other guys from me," she said hintingly.


"You said you would," she whimpered, giving me those pathetic wide begging eyes. "I got us some wound-binding potions the other day while we explored the library..."

I figured she'd keep pressing at me if I didn't do it now. "Alright...but just a fair warning, it'll hurt, and we should really be at the top of our game if we're about to go hunt down legend pieces."

"Quit your yap and just screw me already," she laughed, kissing me. I can't detail our union much more than I have previously, but Flora seemed to like me biting her neck where I usually only held onto her lightly. It wasn't so much the neck as it was the shoulderblade...but afterwards her shoulder was a painful mess from her new scars. With the potion, they would heal into mere scars...but Flora wanted mating piercings, which were almost like jewellry piercings; literal holes in the scales, not just marks. "It kinda stings but it felt good," she told me as I applied the potion to her wounds.

"How does drawing blood feel good?" I asked, not understanding.

"It doesn't...but...the pain made the sex feel good."

I cringed as I dipped my salve-covered claw into my canine marks...holy crap I'd gone deep! She hissed at it stung and throbbed but smiled at me amid the pain. "Guess this marks me as someone's territory now...who better than you?"

I scowled. "Flora, I really don't like this idea."

"I don't either, but like I said before, it establishes me as someone's mate and not some slutty dragoness walking around with her temporary boyfriend or something." The potion was done on both the back anf front of her shoulderblade and I applied a few bandages. She glanced at the armband on her foreleg, the one Daran wanted me to give her...their family heirloom. "That reminds me...Gale, I want you to have this." She slipped it off and clasped it to my foreleg. "You're the only male left alive in our family really belongs to the guys, not to me."

"But I don't have anything to give you..."

She nuzzled me with a purr. "Yes you do...plenty of things...some of which are in me right now," she added with a laugh. Her laughter died into a sigh. "I'm sorry Gale...I noticed that when others laid eyes on me you were getting a little upset."

"Does this mean I don't have to deepen the scars?"

"Well, I want you to so they're more obvious...but maybe I'm being too pushy..."

"i will if you really want it, but I really don't like the idea."

"I won't make you do it, Gale. You don't have to if you don't want to." She glanced at her shoulder. "I think this should be enough as it is."

"Yeah...I bit a little too're definitely gonna have scars."

"At least they're from you and not someone else," she murred, leaning against me. I folded my wing over her and we stared out the window for the longest time, watching the clouds go by.

I'm getting wordy again...but after Nargalath put in some good words for us, we were taken to some old catacombs where the legend pieces had supposedly been hidden. Flora and I were also given these things, the QuantuJournals (finally...but now I have to get to where we are currently, we've been here in Arcadia for a while), and for the next week or so we updated these journals, as you've been reading so far. But now this is in the past. Now at long last maybe I can completely update to the current time. I won't bore you with the catacombs browsing; it was actually really boring, more like a museum trip through a tunnel with thousands of holes in the walls. Security in here was incredibly tight; guarding the catacombs was like a sacred tradition here because of the valuables. History was not taken lightly in Arcadia. The tomb-holes in the walls were split up into groups, and each group had about three guards. I think someone told me that half of Arcadia's employment is focused into this place...but we were taken to most of the legend pieces that resided in the catacombs. These dragons despised the name of Aznor, but even more so the other Lords of Negative Emotions. If Aznor was fighting his fellow Lords, that was good enough for Arcadians, they wanted the others dead. After we got those pieces and had them secured in a strong vault, I did a bit of research on the locations of the others. Apparently, what we had currently were just small armor pieces, elemental focii that would give off a protective field. However, we were loooking for the big stuff. Flora had found one small weapon in there; an armband like Dorchar's where the top plating swivelled into a fighting blade. What we needed, though, were sniping weapons mostly. In my research, and through Aznor's confirmations, I came to the conclusion that Aznor, before his dark days, had been a highly influential leader of the senate here in Arcadia, and had devised many important laws that were still in effect. So that was why the dragons were so willing...but now we come to where Flora called me away from the last chapter. She had found, by some stroke of luck, an old, tattered book bearing the exact locations of the pieces we were looking for. We would need what we'd found already in order to get them...the next morning we were off, decked out in gold and silver legend pieces and equipped with holographic map devices and some...what are they...they're like whips, but they latch onto your target, and the cord stretches nearly ten times its own length if needed...well whatever the hell they are, we had one on each wrist. Technology, always so confusing...

Things got interesting that night. We were three days away from our target location, snuggling together under a big willow tree by a small stream. As the sun set Flora fell into her typical randy mood, and pretty soon she was standing over me, deepthroating my penis and happily suckling on it with my tongue deep inside her tunnel. I kept feeling like something was near, but ignored it and gave my attention to pleasing my mate.

"Well well, Flora," came a sneering voice nearby and we both froze. "Seems you'd rather suck off a bastard than come to bed with someone far more pleasing."

Flora gagged in surprise and I pulled my erection out of her mouth, quickly standing up. "Who the hell are you?!" I demanded.

"Legend pieces...this should make the fight all the better."

I felt a sudden sense of fear inside me, but it wasn't my fear. It was Aznor's. Gale, watch out, he has an Orcharis crystal!

"What do you want from me?"

The dragon laughed, still hiding in the long shadows in the dim light of the setting sun. "I want your burden, Gale. Ever since I informed Daran of your possession I've been hunting down the means to steal Aznor from you. You don't deserve such powerful allies."

"Fuck off, Gormath."

"I did before I got here," he said with a smirk. "Ooooh was she delicious..."

Flora gagged again. "WHAT?!?"

"No I'm not a cannibal you retarded dix, but nevermind. I hear you're heading off to find more legend pieces. I'm here to either fight, or strike a bargain."

Unknown to him I was charging up my barriers. "What kind of bargain?"

"Simple. I know your plan; you intend to kill my uncle Glorthnaz with anti-evil legend pieces. He doesn't know, though; my goal is the same as yours. That damn bastard can go to hell for all I care. But, you see, I need those pieces same as you do. I'm not one for teaming up with a nemesis, Gale, so how about this. You find the legend pieces and bring them to me, I'll let you keep Aznor and Flora."

"You're after the Lords aren't you?" Flora asked angrily.

"Why else? That's Gale's goal too, subconsciously. You can deny it all you want, Froststar, but you carry Aznor; you want to increase that power."

"NO!! Gormath, I'm sick and tired of your assumptions and your snide beliefs that you know everything! Who's the one here who openly admitted he can't admit being wrong? You're assuming your thoughts are correct so you don't feel like you're wrong."

His pause, though brief, told me I'd hit the mark dead-on. "Whatever. My offer still stands. Legend pieces in return for your bitch and powersource."

Flora roared in anger and a powerful arc of electricity shot from her and smote Gormath right in the head. He screamed and flew backwards, his armor unable to withstand her sudden powerful outburst. "YOU CALL ME A BITCH ANYMORE AND I'LL RIP YOUR FUCKING THROAT OUT AND STRANGLE YOU TO DEATH WITH IT!!!" she screamed. Electricity flew from here again and pinned him to the ground. "I'LL BITE OFF YOUR WINGS AND SHOVE THEM SO FAR UP YOUR GAY ASS YOU'LL BE THROWING THEM UP TWICE OVER IN YOUR GRAVE!!" Where I stood, the three of us---me, her dad and Aznor---were needless to say, terrified of her.

Gormath suddenly started laughing and Flora's electricity backfired and shocked her. "It'll take more than electricity to bring down an earth dragon," he sneered viciously, readying to lunge at me. I saw a black crystal mounted to a vambrace on his left foreleg...if I was touched with that vambrace, Aznor would be drained from me and I'd be crippled in the aftermath! The first thing Gormath did was kick up a sudden sandstorm and then lunge at me. He wasn't expecting my counterattack, a small blizzard of rampant ice shards sprang up around me and sent him off-balance as they stuck into his hide. It barely hurt him, though; his tail caught me in his followthrough and sent me skidding into Flora.

"Here!" she said, and zapped me. It hurt like hell but my armor pieces acquired a full charge, just in time to avoid an earth blast from Gormath's mouth. He went to wing-punch me, but I caught his wing in my mouth and bit hard. He yelled and pulled back, his blood dripping from my mouth. Gah, nasty...I spat it at him and he roared as it hit him in the eye. Flora snuck up behind him and whipped her tail at him, lifting her rear at the right moment to curve her tail's flight upwards. I winced as Gormath roared in pain...her tail had whipped his crotch. Even with the protective scales of our sheaths, a sharp whip or hard impact still hurts...but I was amazed at her skill. Gormath however was incredibly pissed off and Flora shrieked as an all-body earth aura suddenly suspended her. She just barely had time to charge her own armor pieces before Gormath slammed her hard onto the ground. He turned back to me and narrowly avoided the charged ice blast I'd prepared for him with her distraction. He suddenly bolted forward with unbelievable speed and slammed into me, throwing me to the side. He went to back-fist me with his vambrace, thinking he had me, but his arm fell short as my mouth flashed and coated his arm in a thick layer of ice. It threw him off-balance and he fell onto his side, right onto a sharp stone. Even through his tough hide the impact hurt him badly enough to make him cry out in pain. His eyes flared at me with a savage red light...he was going insane.

"YOU WILL GIVE ME AZNOR!!" he roared. Flora and I stared in horror as he levitated into the air, his body writhing as dark matter coursed all over him.

"OH FUCK!! FLORA RUN!!!" I shouted, and we both ran as fast as we could as a low howling sound like several demons all screaming at once started filling the air around Gormath.

"What is that?!" she shrieked in fear.

"He's found a possession technique!"

"GET BACK HERE!!!" he roared behind us, his voice echoing in strange, foul languages. I looked back briefly and saw him hovering in the air, totally transformed into a four-winged demonic dragon.

"Well he's pissed...there's only one thing to do."


I stopped and Flora doubled back. "Flora, I can't touch that armband of his. You need to shatter it or at least get it off his arm. I'll distract him, but do your best to keep him from hitting or otherwise touching me with it." She nodded, albeit still terrified of Gormath's new power, and flew towards him. I followed her, taking his opposite side. To our surprise Gormath suddenly moaned in pain before we could get to him, and he simply fell from the air and passed out on the ground, turning back into a normal earth dragon as his dark power seemed to turn to smoke as it left him.

"Uuhhh...okay?" Flora asked as we cautiously circled Gormath, thinking this may be a trap.

"Oh...I get it now. His new power drained him beyond his limit. What an asshole." We flew down and Flora took the armband off his leg, and we both carried him to the stream. He hated water, so what better way to wake up than to roll into the stream? Flora got an idea and strapped the armband to his neck, extending the straps around his throat and then welding the whole thing together with her electricity.

"Little embarassment when he waked up," she smirked. "Although...if we kill him now, he won't bother us again."

"Bad idea, that he's found some demons to assist him, killing him would only strengthen him. Right now his strength is limited by his own body, but killing him would allow the demons to control his body...and those things are supernaturally strong." With that we flew off as quickly as we could.

Flora sighed in disappointment. "I was looking forward to that little snack," she said with a sly sideglance. "Ooooo...I just had an idea..."

"Lemme guess, you wanna have sex while flying?"

"We haven't done that before," she said hintingly.

"Sure sounds like fun," I replied, and she flew to the ground and rolled onto her back. I swooped down and quickly started licking her pussy, loving her soft moans and the way they always got me good and hard. I stepped over her and we both watched her snatch spread around my girth as I slowly pushed into her. She purred excitedly as I hilted myself completely inside her, and she wrapped her legs around me and held on tight as I took off, a bit awkwardly now that she was under me instead on on top of me and was in the way of my legs. When we were airborne I held onto her and she moaned as I started humping her, using my wingbeats to power my hip movements. Oh gosh this felt so good! Flora held onto me even tighter, her face clenched as she moaned with every thrust, her pussy getting wetter and warmer that faster I went.

"Oooooh GALE!!!" she screamed as she reached an early orgasm, whimpering in bliss as her body convulsed under me in pleasure-wracked spasms. Her vagina wildly massaging my cock sent me overboard and I roared and let loose inside her, sending her into another orgasm as my hot ropes of cum jetted into her. Exhausted and contented we located a place to sleep for the night, and Flora watched with a grin as I pulled out of her tunnel, our juices spilling out onto the ground. "Wow...I don't think we've climaxed that quickly before..."

"Felt good though," I said with a smirk, lying down next to her. She nodded and rolled over, leaning against me and purring happily as I draped my wing over her back, hiding her body almost completely in my wingskins. She lay her head on the ground and I lay my neck over hers, both of us purring to each other as we fell asleep.

You'd think the artifacts would mean us going through an elaborate maze or some epic complex platforming temple...we were sorely disappointed. Three days after that fight with Gormath, we found that the temple had been laid to rubble. Using my x-ray sight power I located a trapdoor hidden under the rubble. It took us two days to dig our way through the ruinous remains of the building, but we finally made it down there and opened the door. Flora charged our armor pieces and they lit up, giving off a faint greenish aura around us. We headed down the ancient stairway, which went down fro quite a long time before we ended up in a green-lit room. Flora tried to walk through, but her armor-charge had faded and the green light of the room kept her from entering. She charged her armor again and followed me inside. The pieces we were looking for lay right before us, on a dragon statue. The Evil's Bane Assassin Vambrace, for sniping, I put on my left arm; the Helm of Stealth Flora helped me strap onto my head; the Chestplate of Breath Defense Flora again helped me strap on; and the Good Thief's Pauldrons, I placed on my lower back so the armor protected my hips and thighs. It was a bit small, made more for a build like Flora's, but it was something. Flora outfitted herself with the armor pieces I couldn't wear now because of these new accessories. Deciding to try the sniper's tool I went up to the stairwell and breathed ice energy into the vambrace. The energy made it glow and an arrow of pure energy appeared along the top. I aimed it up the stairwell at the door way up at the top...and spent the next fifteen minutes trying to figure out how to get the damn thing to shoot. Sadly it's hardly like videogames where your character automatically knows how to use the new weapon...finally though I had a good idea of how it worked, and I was really surprised too---with the right shot, if Glorthnaz's evil field didn't disable my shot, I could probably kill him outright without even having to enter combat with him. These things went DEEP! We spent most of the remaining day training these new artifacts and discovered that to an extent, I could focus a sharp blast of energy into the armor pieces and generate a short-distance shockwave. By the end of the day I was exhausted from the elemental strain of the experimentation, and Flora took the opportunity to cuddle with me, getting comfortable on me as we started chatting about a potential family. It was the stereotypical setup; I wanted boys, she wanted girls...but we both agreed that we couldn't do anything until at least the Aznor issue was resolved.

Flora's father proved more useful than Aznor; he alerted us that Gormath was after us in full fury, and was leading an armada of demons. We tried to edge our way around his path, but he knew where we epic battle ensued, and boy was he fucking PISSED.OFF. Apparently his lust for power had driven him mad...I now had a true nemesis.

"DO A BARREL ROLL!" Flora shouted, and I rolled to the side in the air just in time to avoid her second lightning attack. She caused a fork to branch off and fuel my armor, but Gormath's shadowy tail knocked me out of the air and sent me crashing to the ground. The impact knocked the wind out of me and I passed out.

_data_view: change

entry: username "Flora Mortsleam"_

Flora paused in shock as she watched Gale hit the ground, his armor barrier absorbing some of the impact but not enough. He gasped for air and passed out, unable to breathe. Gormath used the distraction to nab her.

"Maybe I should use you to get to him," he said with a malicious sneer. Flora writhed in pain as the shadowy tentacle extending from his paw oozed with poison. "I'll implant you with this gem and create a power link so Aznor is siphoned to me...that sounds good."

"You're just...GRAH!!! stalling to poison me you bitch!" she screamed.

"How dare you call me a 'bitch' of all things! I AM MALE!!"

"You fucking pussy!"

In his anger he flung her towards the ground, but with a few powerful flaps of her wings she cushioned her fall enough to regain her balance on impact with the ground. Gale's breathing was shallow and erratic as he wheezed loudly, his unconscious body trying to draw in enough air to stay alive. Flora quickly charged her armor again and glanced up in time to avoid an arrow of dark energy headed straight for her heart. "STAY STILL YOU DAMN DIX!!" he shouted, creating a flurry of arrows around himself and diving at her.

He hates water, she said to herself, remembering what Gale had said. She sent up a powerful dome of electricity around herself to catch his arrows, and then blasted him again with lighting as he came into range. His arrows vaporized and he screamed in pain on contact with the dome and the electric blast, but his momentum made him slam her into the ground under her. Her whole body coursed with pain, but she forced herself up and with a loud roar she drenched both herself and him with scalding water. "YOU HURT GALE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" she screamed at him. Being a water dragoness it didn't affect her, other than a soothing warmth, but Gormath gurgled in absolute torture in his watery prison. His darkness faded and he passed out again, and Flora released him. He was out cold, but she made sure of it and zapped him again, leaving some good burn marks. "Fucktard," she hissed, then cried out as her legs suddenly gave way under her in a wave of pain. She forced herself to crawl over to Gale. He was growing cold, and in a panic she placed her paws on hiss belly and started faintly shocking him while pressing down with storng, rapid thrusts. He suddenly coughed violently and his breathing turned to normal, but he was still out cold. "You're okay..." she whimpered in relief. "I thought I'd lost you..." Exhausted, she fell on top of him, whimpering to herself as her body ached and throbbed from her beating. Gormath was heavy...was that stabbing pain in her gut a broken rib?



"Oh Flora, shhhh don't move...oh my poor baby girl...don't move. I'm gonna go see if I can get help."

"Okay daddy..."

"Listen, you stay here with Gale and try not to move. If Gormath tries to get up, call on me; I have a few tricks I'd rather not use but will have to against him."

"My belly hurts..."

She felt something against her cheek, it felt like her dad nuzzling her. "'s okay Flora. I won't be long. I'll be back; I don't really have any place else besides Gale here. Just stay here and rest, don't move or it'll hurt worse."

"Okay..." She felt him leave, like a source of warmth quickly moving away. Flora lay there on Gale, feeling his heartbeat under her, slower than normal...feeling the tears of her physical pain running down her face...something vile but strangely warm came close.

"This I don't understand..."

"Who are you?" Flora asked, her exhaustion making her mind hazy, but the presence left her. Presently she passed out.

I woke up slowly and painfully, my side throbbing dully and making it painful to breathe. The first thing I saw was none other than Flora, sleeping by me on our bed, the colors of a setting sun illuminating everything. It hurt to move so I just lay there, trying to remember what had happened. Of course...Gormath had knocked me out...he was gonna get it for that, I would see to it.

_Good to see you're awake, Gale.

How long was I out?

Flora's been looking after you for three days...Gormath's poison is just beginning to wear off.

Ow...but...did Flora...did she beat him?!

Yup, that's my little girl...she found his weakness. Water. It rids him of his corruption, or rather, his dislike of it breaks his focus. You both did well against it._

I looked at Flora...she looked like she was in a lot of pain. _Is she alright?

Yes, but she was poisoned too...more heavily than you were. She's fine though; her body is apparently processing the antidote quite well. She has a cracked rib though; he dove at her and she zapped him but he still crushed her to the ground. I'm surprised it's just one rib.

Oh my gosh...

The medics set the bone very well, Gale, no need to worry. She just needs to heal. They also took Gormath into custody and destroyed his bracelet, but the gem has been sent to a high-security area to the south.

Damn...if only Marzak were here...his bonecure worked wonders for her bruised leg._

Yeah I saw that. Unfortunately he's not the way, that reminds me. What was that offer he gave you after administering the potion? was probably a stimulant. For...y'know...

I figured as much.

Yeah, but that was how he got into the business actually; he discovered that certain plants have that effect, and after a lot of experimentation he devised not only, but several cures for simple injuries like bruises and such. That really got him going.

Well, I think he should enter the real medical field, he'd get funding and lots more things to experiment with for sure.

After seeing what I was going through...he'd much rather not. He's made that clear to me; he prefers being a hermit.

Flora yawned and I smiled softly and rubbed my nose against hers. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes, the setting sunlight coloring them an ever deeper lavendar color. "Gale? You okay?"

"Yeah..." I forced myself to stroke her arm gently, loving the silky feeling of her dark-blue scales. "Your dad just filled me in on what happened...I'm proud of you for taking him down."

She giggled faintly. "He hurt you, I wasn't gonna let him get away with that."

I felt Aznor's presence become stronger, but I also felt a bit of confusion from him. "Something up, Aznor?" He didn't respond. "Heh...oh well, snooze ya lose. How's your rib Flora?"

She gently touched it with her claw and hissed. "Still hurts..."

"That brings to mind...our diets aren't very calcium-rich, that's what we really should be eating for these hard knocks."

"What's calcium do?"

"It strengthens the bones, basically. I think you of the two of us need a more calcium-enriched diet."

She smirked and closed her eyes. "Does your cum count?"

"No, you goof."

"What makes sex-juice sweet though?" she asked.

"There's a chemical called fructose, it's a sugar basically. There's a few others too but that's what makes it 'sweet'."

She glanced down between us and giggled. "You're not hard."

"I know...I feel like shit. Your dad says Gormath poisoned me with that impact."

"He did...he also got me too, he grabbed me in the air with a shadow tentacle and started monologuing as he poisoned me. Felt really gross..." She shivered and then hissed as her rib throbbed. "Oww...the medics said this'll take two weeks to heal at most."

"Flora...I need to ask. Are you intending to follow me into Glorthnaz's dwelling?"

"I want to, but with this cracked rib I can't."

I ran my paw along her cheek. "Listen. I want you to stay here and recover, okay? When I'm ready to go again, I'm heading out to deal with him and bring your father back. Apparently his lair is only half a day north of here."

"But...what if you don't come back?"

I grinned. "I will. I have a very strong feeling it'll take more than a sniping raid and an encounter with a possessed dragon to take me out before this is all over."

"Don't get cocky." She hugged me, pressing her face against my neck. "You're all I have, Gale...I don't want you to leave me too..."

I sighed and forced my body to hug her in return. "I'll do my best to stay in this world for you, Flora. You're all I have too, but sometimes in order to protect what we have, we have to put ourselves on the line."

"I know that...but I at least wanna bear your children."

"Our children."

She purred and nuzzled me, then yawned. "I think I'm gonna fall asleep again...'night, Gale..." We both fell asleep, purring to each other. For once...I actually had a normal dream. I don't rembmer it well, but it was mostly a memory recap of my happy times with her in the past...all I clearly remember from it was us lying together on the cliff that night I took her up to see Narcnos.

A week later I was ready. I had been training again with the armor pieces...Flora couldn't tag along to assist elementally, which was better I guess since I wouldn't have to worry about her being captured or killed while trailing me, so I had to get to know the charge gaps of the armor pieces and just how much force the barriers could take before being knocked out. I got a few of the trainers to attack me with elemental breaths and attacks so I could test the Chestplate of Breath worked like a charm, but I would need to make sure it was charged well in advance; the delay between charging and operation was about a second, which is actually slow in battle. The Helm of Stealth and the Good Theif's Pauldrons were both anti-evil elusion devices, capable of sneaking through a strong detection field without so much as a slight disturbance. I was lucky I had found these. I woke up early the morning of my departure and slipped on the gear, looking at my reflection on the Evil's Bane Vambrace...a pair of soft paws wrapped around me from behind and I grinned and lay my paws on them, feeling the soft dark-blue scales.

"Good luck," Flora whispered. I turned around and smiled sadly at her...she looked so cute as she sat there looking me over proudly, her chest wrapped in bandages with a small cotton pad against her wounded side. I didn't want to leave her...if I couldn't snipe Glorthnaz with one shot, I might be entering the hardest battle of my life. I scooted closer to her and hugged her with my wings, wrapping my neck partially around hers.

"I love you so much, Flora...I'll be back." Glancing at the scar tissue on her shoulder I lightly pressed my teeth against her shoulder, feeling them fall into the scar-grooves.

"Go ahead," she whispered, and hissed a bit as I quickly bit her with a controlled snap that only pierced her scales again. She washed off the wounds and I applied a bandage to her shoulder.

"Something to remember me by just in case," I whispered, and she smiled and kissed me. We sat there, our lips bonded together in a loving kiss, for about five minutes, not wanting to stop.

"I'd give you a goodbye fuck but the doctor says I can't have sex until my rib is more fully healed..." she said sadly.

"Maybe that's a good thing...I don't need a distraction, even if it's a pleasurable one." I pecked her on the nose and hugged her again. "I'll be back as quickly as I can. With your dad." With that I headed out into the hallway, suddenly feeling lonely. Quite a few others had heard about my mission by now and they were there to cheer me on and wish me luck. I flew off to the north, turning and seeing Flora sitting on the balcony in the rising sunlight.

"Be safe, Gale...I love you," she whispered as he disappeared.

I flew as quickly as I could, following her dad's directions. Aznor was unusually was strange. Apparently he was hiding so that he couldn't be detected by the evil fields, but even during my training he had been brooding on something. Finally I was flying over a broken, barren part of the landscape, and soon enough I found the cavernous hole in the ground that led straight to Gormath's lair. The air felt dry and dead here, like all the life had been sucked out of it..."zombie air", if air could be alive and then killed. The usual brown haze of the sky was darkened here too, limiting my lighting conditions, but I had my x-ray sight for that...even in darkness I could snipe him if needed.

_Gale, his chambers are directly below us. He has a skylight that opens magically around this time of day to let more air in and also charge this air out here with his dark power. Do you have the powders?

Yes. Aznor has the packets sealed and ready for his use; they're by my tail._

He laughed. _Oh-ho-ho-ho plan to fart him to death? It's the only place where my armor isn't in the way.

Well breaking wind would probably help spread the chemicals...

Please, I need to concentrate. How do I get down there?

Slowly hover, that's your best bet. Camouflage yourself so there's less chance of being seen. There are no guards stationed here, and no way for others to see you except from here and below. There's a decent ledge to perch on and snipe from._

"Flora...this is for you," I said to myself, and hovered my way down. The air was very opprevvise here, and I felt the evil field around me waiting to detect intruders but luckily the power of the helm and pauldrons kept me hidden. On the way down I charged my armor and the vambrace, having figured out how to do so and keep the energy fields from becoming visible. I was incredibly nervous...if the one shot missed, Glorthnaz might kill me with just a glance; I had to be precise. Hey, what kind of dragon is he? Earth?

No, fire.

That makes this easier...I know the perfect killspot on the neck. I finally landed on the ledge and came to the skylight. Through the transparent dome of glass I saw several dragons on a throne. My position was just perfect; I had a clear shot of the nape of his neck. I gave the vambrace and armor another charge and waited for the window to open. It was torture...I felt like I couldn't breathe, the air was so heavy...and the dragons below me just talked and talked. Gah...just hurry up and open it already...I must've been there for an hour or so before the window hissed and slowly lifted up.

Make this quick, Gale; the window closes in five minutes. The rush of evil air upwards was distracting, but it dulled down quickly and I took aim. The distance was closer than I had trained for, I could do this easily...just had to be calm and not move...

"Flora...I love you," I said on the intake of breath, and at that moment I released the bolt.

Flora sighed as she flipped through a book, reading it slowly. One of the nurses came in with her daily bonecure dose. "Miss, are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh...yeah..."

"I'm sure he'll win. How'd you score such a guy, you're so lucky!"

Flora chuckled to herself and sighed. "Yeah...I am. Gale and I met because of an accident..."

"Oh? What happened?"

"He was hunting a deer, and almost had me for breakfast instead when he mistook me crouching behind a bush for a deer hiding from him."

The dragoness laughed. "Yeowch..."

"Yeah, had he not been more careful he would've snapped my neck. Back then, I didn't really like him...I didn't really like anyone."

"But then how'd you and he get together?"

"Right after that incident some demons attacked me and bruised my hind leg-bone, and Gale fought them off. I was such a bitch to him...he'd offer to help and I'd snap at him...but he helped me anyway, even going out of his way to make sure I was fed and okay. I got to know him better...I got to like him. Then one night he took me up to a mountain waterfall to watch Narcnos rise...oh it was so beautiful up there..."

"Aaawwww, he's such a sweetheart!"

"He is..." She sighed with a smile. "I really hope he makes it out of there okay, I wanna start a family."

"He seems like he'd make a great dad."

"He would," she replied with a giggle. "He's so caring...I'm glad he's my mate. I can trust him even more than I trust myself..."

"Awww..." The nurse handed her the potion. "Here, drink up."

"Eeewwww...I hate this crap so much..." Setting her face she gulped it down quickly, then shuddered as her throat and gut clenched. "EEEURGGH...soooo fucking nasty..."

The nurse laughed. "Here, I brought this this time." She handed Flora a sweet-smelling beverage.

"Mmmm...this is really good! Thanks." It made her instantly feel a lot better, almost forgetting the urge to throw up.

"It's my mother's recipe for upset stomachs." She watched as Flora slowly drank some more. "Ummm...not to...not to be rude or anything but...have you and he...y'know, mated?" Flora merely nodded as she drank. "Is it...really what everyone says? Worth the wait?"

Flora pondered her response for a bit as she let the drink sit in her mouth, savoring the flavor. "All I can say is yes. With your mate, it's the best thing you'll ever feel in your life aside from the love. I'm so glad he was the one I shared my first time makes mateship so much more than just knowing each other." She glanced at the pink-scaled nurse. "Got someone in mind?"

The dragoness nodded, staring out the window. "I haven't known him for very long...we both just got out of school...but...I don't know how to say it...he feels like the right one. It's like...all I want is for him to be happy...and I think he feels the same about me."

"In a good mateship, you should feel like you're always giving. That's what it's your love, yourself to the other, completing you can both be whole. That's the best I can put it."

They chatted for a little while longer until Flora noticed that it was afternoon. Gale had been gone for half the day...the medic came in to inspect her healing process, finding her again reading a book. Her paw was wandering over the scabs on her shoulder. "Flora? I'm here to see your rib."

"Hmm? Oh, right..." She quickly unwound the cloth bandage around her midsection and lay on the bed, and he stood by the bedside and felt her rib gently.

"Hmmm...coming along nicely, but I think the bonecure dose is a bit too low." He sighed and stepped back down. "Flora, I know it may be a bit awkward to ask you this, but I've seen how open you are with yourself...would you possibly be willing to assist my apprentice with female physicals?"

Flora laughed lightly, trying not to hurt her rib. "What is this, I'm a magnet for sexual stuff?"

"If I'm bothering you, pay it no mind, I won't ask--"

"No no, it's fine, I'll do it. It's just...nevermind. I just seem to be a target for sex-related stuff."

The medic chuckled. "Well it's kind of easy to see why. You're very free with yourself when you move, and most dragonesses try to cover their tailbases when on their backs or around others yet you make no effort in the least; you're very confident with yourself. You're also a very attractive young dragoness. I hope Gale is triumphant, I'd hate to see you lose such a good relationship."

Flora sighed and stared at the ceiling. "I hope so too...when would I be needed for this training though?"

"In about an hour or so; is it okay if I bring him in here?"


"Thank you very much. I appreciate the help." He walked out, and Flora went back to her book to pass the hour. The medic came back with his assistant, a shy young ice dragon with pale-blue scales. "This is my apprentice, Orthos. He'll be practicing while I guide him, okay?"

"Okay." They had to be careful because of her injury, and it went rather slowly because the medic had to guide Orthos through several steps like feeling the neck for swollen lymph nodes. Orthos was very nervous as they drew closer to cheking her tailbase, but Flora was very encouraging. "It's okay, Orthos," she said as she pulled her leg back as she lay on her side. He tried not to look at her slit as she parted her scales. "What're you afraid of?"

"I've...never...touched a female there..."

"I won't bite," she laughed. "It's okay if you touch me, Orthos; besides, it's a medical exam, not some dirty action."

Orthos finally got himself to inspect her. The medic watched over his shoulder. "If you don't mind me saying so, Flora, from a medical standpoint your vagina is really a good example."

"Is there also a personal impression?" she asked with a laugh.

He chuckled. "Yes, fine...but see Orthos, the pink coloration of her flesh? That's the ideal color; more redness would indicate an inflammation, whereas a more pale color would indicate either abuse or infection."

"I'll hafta keep that in mind for Gale..."

"Actually yes, since you've both been dwelling in the wilderness, I'd suggest training you to give each other rudimentary physicals."

Orthos cleared his throat nervously. "Do I...hafta do anything else?"

"Yes, actually, you need to feel the scale patch for possible tumors." Flora watched as Orthos hesitantly felt around her tailbase, kneading her scales gently and searching for any abnormalities. "She's in good condition, you won't feel anything with her. But at least you know what a dragoness should feel like in good health."

This could be taken soooo wrong, Flora thought to herself with a giggle. Finally Orthos watched her roll her tail to check for kinks in the joints, and the medic dismissed him.

"Thank you so much for your cooperation. He's normally not that shy, I don't understand why he was so hesitant."

"I wouldn't really know, but I'm glad I could help. Is anything else needed?"

"I was about to ask you that myself. No, I don't need anything else, but should I send a waitress up here for you?"

"Yes please, and thanks...I'm gonna lie down, the medicine's kicking in."

"Do that, you need rest while you heal." He headed out into the hallway and Flora fell onto the bed. Now she was feeling a little randy after having her treasures touched...her paw wandered down to her slit and she started rubbing herself softly between the lips, finding her clit and playing with it while thinking of Gale.

"Oh Gale, I hope you're okay..."

Night fell and passed by, and Flora kept hoping Gale was okay. The next day passed and night fell leaving her more worried than before...but somehow, she knew he was okay. The following morning, there was a dull roaring of voices outside, and Flora slowly opened her eyes as it reached her ears. She rolled onto all fours and stretched, wondering if there was some kind of rally outside or something. Stepping off the bed and hissing slightly she walked out onto the balcony.

"Hey gorgeous...wrong way."

She whipped around in surprise, and then yelled with joy as she saw Gale standing in the doorway. She raced up to him and hugged him with her wing, crying onto his neck. "Oh Gale..."

"Ow, easy..." She backed off when she heard his tone of voice, and noticed that he was covered in deep bruises and cuts, several pieces of armor dented but the main artifacts unscathed. He was also standing with one paw off the floor.

"Gale...I'm so glad you're alive..." she said, tears of joy running down her face. It had only been two days but it had felt like forever.

He smiled wearily. "I said I'd come back to you, didn't I?" He limped up to her and kissed her, and she purred, moaning as she pressed her lips against his happily.

"What happened? You're a wreck..."

He looked himself over and chuckled. "Yeah...Glorthnaz is dead. I killed him with the initial snipe-strike."

"But...why're you so beat-up?"

"Glorthnaz's death made his chamber crumble, and I was up in the skylight opening right above him." He turned and she gasped, clapping her paws over her mouth at the gash in his side. "This is what happens when glass falls on you from thirty feet up."

"Oh Gale..."

"Then his guards came in...the falling bricks took them out, but I couldn't move; I was on Glorthnaz's body, and something had triggered an exchange of power. Aznor was absorbing the power of the two Lords Glorthnaz had fused with. That's where these come from..." He pointed at a few spider-web patterns in his scales. "The power overloaded and shot out from my body a few times...the marks will heal in a few days, but holy shit they hurt."

"Are you okay after that?"

"Flora, this may surprise you, but I think Aznor did that to save me and your dad, instead of letting the Lords dissolve into the ether and wreak havoc in the chamber."


"Yeah...he's been really quiet though, I'm starting to wonder if he's just been thinking or if he's plotting something."

"What about dad?"

Gale sighed and rubbed his neck. "About that..."

She choked. "Is he dead?"

"No, no, far from it...after Glorthnaz died most of his attendants, aside from a few gaurds and his higher elites, were freed from their evil bonds and helped me get his body here. seems our mission to break your curse isn't complete."


"Yeah. He's still with me, Flora, but his body is here and the healers will do what they can for him. Luckily his curse is a suspension one, so he can't really die. But it's linked to your family curse...there's a certain stone we need to find...oooohhh..."

"Gale?!" Flora yelled in surprise as he fell over and passed out. The medic came into the room just a few seconds later.

"Shit, a bit too late..."

"Will he be okay?" she asked nervously as the medic inspected the unconscious ice dragon.

"I think so, he seems very exhausted." Flora helped him remove Gale's armor, treat his wounds, and then move him onto the bed. "Flora, I'll leave him to your care for now. We're doing what we can about the crowd wanting to commend him, I'd suggest locking the balcony doors before they find out we're locking the third floor."

Flora closed and locked the sliding balcony doors, then hopped lightly onto the bed by her icy mate, lying down by him with a proud smile. "I'm so glad you're okay..." she whispered, and he smiled in his sleep and whispered "Flora..." faintly. She wrapped her legs around him with a happy sigh and pressed her face against his neck, admiring his sleeping breath.

Flora's last week of healing went by recovery, though, was patchy. I was really fucking lucky; the glass shard that had impaled my back had left no chips in the wound, but the dark power infused in it from the daily outlet of dark power from the chamber had poisoned me and the healers were confused by the nature of the infection. It finally subsided, though, and I was able to fully heal after that. Flora surprised me; she'd had professionals literally carve out the bit marks on her shoulders and turn them into piercings...I couldn't bite her there for a while though, her scales needed to thicken the scar tissue. I didn't really want to either...

I found Flora watching the medics tend to her father's body, a strange look on her face. I nuzzled her softly. "Hey...something wrong?"

She just shook her head and watched them until they left. She walked in and ran her paw along his side with a sigh, resting her paw over his heart. He had no heartbeat, wasn't breathing, didn't react to stimuli, yet his blood was flowing in his body, he was exhaling somehow without breathing, and had been reported to sometimes speak in his coma. "Dad..." She turned away slowly and pressed herself against me for comfort, and I draped my wing over her. "I really want him back..."

I leaned my head against hers. "We'll get him back. At least now the controller of his curse is dead."

"Where do we go though?"

Gale sighed and led her out of the room. "Flora...after a lot of searching in the library this past week, our helpers have found that the stone...lies byeond 'human' territories. There's no way for dragons to reach it without encountering these creatures."

"I thought humans were just myths?"

"I'm afraid not; I have no clue what a human is but we need to be careful, apparently ferals and wyrms have plagued their cities in the past and they harbor a hatred towards dragons."


"They're a feral breed from ancient times. To put it visually, we're flying lizards, but wyrms are flying snakes. Wyverns are feral dragons that only have four limbs: their wings and hind legs."

"Do we...really have to encounter humans?"

"I'm afraid so, unless we can avoid their villages entirely by going on foot, but then again human hunters are apparently able to avoid even our detection, so we're in trouble if they find us." She looked at the floor with a sigh. "C'mon, let's go update our journals and relax, we can talk about this later."

Well, we are updated now, though not completely. Next part begins our next journey. Sorry for the long read here but I had to get this done.



WindSwept: Chapter 8

Part 8 _I believe I made a mistake in the previous chapter, but then again I was rushing to get it done. It wasn't Nargalath that gave the speech, it was Murdon; Nargalath was our trainer at the mountain base. Anyway, here's the...

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Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 16

Well, sorry for the long delay guys but it's not gonna get any better...with work, college, home life, and looking after my new little pet, time is scarce. However, it'll be compensated; most of the remaining chapters have large sections already...

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WindSwept: Chapter 6

PART 6 (_\*yawn\*....damn, I fell asleep during my break from this...didn't realize I've been recording for a good 24 hours now. Let's see here...where did I leave off...Oh right, that weird dream...oh wait, which weird dream? Aznor?...

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