WindSwept: Chapter 6

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#7 of WindSwept Adventure


(*yawn*....damn, I fell asleep during my break from this...didn't realize I've been recording for a good 24 hours now. Let's see here...where did I leave off...Oh right, that weird dream...oh wait, which weird dream? Aznor? No...pretty sure it was...OH!! the one where I first met...nevermind, that comes later. I know where I am now. ...I think...)

Flora groaned and yawned on me as she woke up...I'd spent hours trying to feel the air for any signs of demons nearby. She stretched and noticed I was awake.

" long have you been awake?"

"Too long..." I stood up and shook myself, and she watched me oddly. "Flora, something's not right...I keep feeling like there's something powerful nearby."

"Is it Ocardology or something?"

"Possibly..." I walked to the mouth of the cave, jumping up through the hole in the ceiling (OH SHIT!!! so sorry...I'm ahead of myself here, I forgot that there were two dreams like the last one. Damn it...I know where I left off last time now, trust me on this one.)

(*ahem*...guess I'll let it read my memory, I've already fucked this up enough...)

Flora yawned and stretched, nuzzling Gale with a content sigh as she felt him under her. He was still fast asleep, and she lay her head on his chest and just stared at his face as her mind kicked into gear. Gradually he groaned and stretched his forelegs, and looked up at her, squinting as his vision slowly cleared.

"What time is it?"

"Morning, dummy." Flora poked his arm with her claw. "Guess it's time to head out again..."

"Yeah..." I could tell what was on her mind, and pulled her into a loving kiss. "I know you're wanting me again..."

She hesitated. "I'm sorry...I'm holding us up."

"What? Something wrong?" She shook her head. "C'mon, I know something's wrong. What're you wanting?"

" I a sex-freak?"

"A bit." She looked away, but I turned her face to mine. "Why?"

"I just...I feel so demanding of you and I don't like it. But it feels so good I can't...I can't help but want more..."

I nuzzled her nose and she looked at me in confusion. "Why be unsure of something I feel the same way about?"


"Flora, like you said, we're mates. I've come to look forward to you asking to mate."



She smiled and rested against me. "Do we hafta go out again?"

"Yes...Dorchar'll come after us if we don't...and I'd much rather be able to have kids later on." She laughed as my hind legs tensed at that.

"I've been meaning to ask you that..."



I tickled her and she giggled, brushing my claw away. "Hey, I wasn't sure about it until I met you and realized there was more to life." I ran my tongue over her forehead and she sighed happily.

"For a few years now I kept asking myself if I'd ever have kids of my own..." I felt her mind work quickly and she suddenly shivered.

"What is it?"

"I can't...I can't have kids yet...that damn curse, I'd kill myself if my babies took their own lives..." She stared blankly at the wall. " that why mom..." She started crying and I hugged her tight as her old memories suddenly flooded her head.

"'s okay, Flora...I'm here, it's okay..." After about half an hour they were ready to leave, but Flora was still a little upset. The fresh air seemed to help her, however, and fairly soon she and Gale were again chatting quietly. Gale helped her down the mountainside, but now it was even tougher; the rocks were very badly weathered and many of them slipped out from under their paws as the two dragons tried to pick their way down. Several times Gale saw another dragon nearby, but if he got a clear view of them he always saw Final Resistance armor coloration. They stopped for a break around midday, and Gale used his ice breath to provide water. As Flora sucked on a piece of ice, absently flicking it around with her tongue, she stared at the sky and watched stormclouds overhead slowly gather. Gale brushed against her. "Flora? Something wrong?"

She just stared at the sky and Gale sighed and sat down. Eventually she looked at the ground sadly. "Sorry...just...can't forget mom..."

"If I can ask...what happened to your dad? I've never heard about where he went."

"I don't know." She flicked a pebble into a patch of grass and watched it roll away. "After my oldest sister died, my oldest brother did, and then the next oldest...and Mom took herself as well...I guess that just sent Dad over the edge. He left, leaving me and Daran, and we never heard from him again...I guess he killed himself too but didn't want us to see."

"I don't know, Flora, but something...something tells me he's out there. I have no clue how, but..."

"I hope he's alive," she sniffled. "He was so much fun...the little that I remember of him when I wasn't escaping the family..." She grinned sadly at Gale. "You'd like each other, he always thought ice dragons were cool...he was fun to be around." A tear rolled down her face and it sent a sharp pang of sympathy through Gale. He rubbed against her, putting his wing over her, but to his confusion she pushed him off. "I'm sorry...we should get moving, nothing to be done about dad..." She wiped her eyes, sniffling badly, and Gale followed her as she headed out again. No sooner had they rounded the nearest corner of rock, though, when a huge swirling mass of dark energy flew at them and grabbed Flora. She screamed, and Gale was on her attacker in a heartbeat with a vicious roar. The demon grabbed Flora's neck and she gagged as it tried to choke her, and suddenly Gale and Flora fell to the ground, the corpse of the demon falling down the mountainside ledge they were coming up on. Gale was panting heavily and growling, and Flora backed away from him, still trying to catch her breath. He caught sight of her, and suddenly...longed for blood. This scared him badly and his rage backed off, leaving him shaking from his own scare.

"Flora..." he groaned, and she timidly approached him as he lay there, his eyes wet and wide with fear.

"Gale...what was that?"

"Oh Flora I don't know!! I'm so sorry!!" He burst out crying, hitting himself in the head. "I almost wanted to kill you for no reason!" She stared at him as he started demanding himself "What the hell is wrong with me?!" Flora tried to console him, but he was so scared of himself he just lay there until she tricked him into following her by pretending she'd seen another band of demons. By nightfall he was fine again, and after finding a cave and having another healthy round of sex Flora fell asleep on Gale, with his cock buried inside her. Gale purred to her as she fell asleep, but as the night drew on he started sensing things...what they were, he didn't know. He finally fell asleep...

I was thrown into another weird dream...I don't remember much of it, because it was all flashbacks...or were they visions? I don't know...I remember seeing watching Flora through someone's eyes as she played tag with a phoenix chick...than it suddenly but fluidly changed to watching a young dragoness of similar build playing claw-tag (a combat training method) with a dummy; she was clad in thick armor and looked ready to burst out crying, but she kept going at the target...then I cringed as I watch a dragoness a little older than myself threatening me (though I couldn't hear anything---I could still only see) and then suddenly picking up a sharp branch and running herself through the neck with it... That scene quickly switched to watching an evil field of energy settle on a dragon warrior, and the only way to save his friends was to do that same action I'd just seen with the dagger he held. What the hell was this?!? It was like I was seeing the same scenarios, but from two completely different time periods! I was suddenly cast headlong into a world of fire and anger, but like last night, a strange being of light suddenly pushed it all away and I was washed in a soothing warmth that faded into the cave ceiling with one of Flora's fins across my face as her head rested under my chin. I was so scared...what the hell was going on with me?!

Flora groaned and yawned on me as she woke up...I'd spent hours trying to feel the air for any signs of demons nearby. She stretched and noticed I was awake.

" long have you been awake?"

"Too long..." I stood up and shook myself, and she watched me oddly. "Flora, something's not right...I keep feeling like there's something powerful nearby."

"Is it Ocardology or something?"

"Possibly..." I walked to the mouth of the cave, jumping up through the hole in the ceiling and pushing through the moss and stuff I'd laid across it. Flora groggily followed me into a world of wind and rain. The sky was dark, and not too far away a band of ferals was sniffing around for food. They noticed us and hissed, getting ready to spring.

Well, I'll cut it down, seeing how the next two weeks were very uneventful after that fight (which we won with minimal injury, of course). A runner had told us to take our time, that Ocardology was sending out scouts and that we should slow down until the threat was gone. Flora and I spent the better part of three days sealed up in a cavern, and...well, I guess you know what happened in there, or you should by now. Flora still had months to go before she went into heat, so we were safe for the time being. After another bout with a cave full of ferals, and driving them out, Flora wandered over to the nearby stream and bent down for a drink. I smirked and crept over to her...we were so comfortable with each other by now I knew what she wanted and when she wanted it.

She heard me creeping up, and grinned and tried to whip me playfully with her tail, but I caught it and held it up. "Mmmm...I think someone's vaginal canal needs a little exercise..." I said, eyeing her undertail. Flora laughed and glanced back at me with lidded eyes.

"I think someone's penis needs a little work with my ass." She bent down a bit more and lifted her rear with a lustful grin. I was a bit surprised.

"You're really gonna let me take you there?"

"Of course!" Her privates were quickly washed off and slicked with water in her usual fashion of cleaning herself, but I had plans for her.

"Let's try something different," I said, and gently pushed her onto her side. She pulled her leg back, giving herself to me, and I licked my fingers and slowly pushed them into her tight pussy. She moaned as I worked her until she was dripping with her own juices, and I quickly stepped over her and gave her a few thrusts with my hard cock, getting it good and slick. Her vagina felt different but still delightfully tight and warm when she was on her side. She groaned as I pulled out of her, and watched excitedly as I slowly pressed into her tailhole, letting her adjust as my girth entered her. She gritted her teeth and hissed a bit with the pain, but after a while of letting my member stretch her she relaxed and bucked her hips against me. I enjoyed watching her face as I mated her tailhole, and she gasped and watched as my tail sank itself in her warm folds and started rapidly doing her while I slowly thrust with my hips. She stretched on the ground, shivering in sheer pleasure, and she moaned again and started rubbing her clit with her paw. She cried out and tensed up under me, and I pulled out and watched in hazy bliss as she violently orgasmed, squirting her fluids behind us. It was so arousing that mere seconds later I roared and came inside her, filling her with my thick cum. She whimpered in her afterglow with each pulse of my cock inside her, and finally I fell on top of her and kissed her. We lay there in our afterglow until Flora had the strength to stand up.

"Your balls empty yet?" she asked with a sly grin, and I returned the grin and shook my head. I pulled out of her and she licked her lips as she eyed my seed-covered cock. "Hey, you just had that up my ass, go wash yourself off!"

I laughed and ducked into the stream, and she giggled as I washed myself off and jumped back out, still stiff. "Good enough for ya?"

"Mmmmm...hell yeah." She came over, eyeing my penis, and she licked her lips and ducked under me, taking my length into her warm maw and wrapping her tongue around it. After some sensual licking she got me to drop my balls from my sheath and she detached from me and grinned. "I think I need some more practice."

I lay down on my side for her, and she bent down and started sucking me off. I was in total paradise...she knew even after only a few tries with this how to please me. Her fingers caressed my sac as her tongue wandered all over my erection. She purred and the vibration just sent me overboard. "Oooooh Flora don't stop...oooh yes..."

"Mmm...I couldn't if I wanted to," she mumbled, her tongue still wrapped around my member. "You taste so good, Gale..." With that she really started sucking on me, and I couldn't help but shiver as pleasure wracked my body. She kept purring as she bobbed her head along my length, and finally I couldn't take it anymore and I let loose with a low roar. She murred and closed her eyes in contentment as I shot my cum into her mouth, and her paw still fondling my balls only added to the ecstasy until my climax died off. Her cheeks were a bit swollen and I smirked as she very slowly swallowed. Finally she finished her "meal" and grinned at me. "That was so good..." She was gyrating her hips a bit, and I laughed when I noticed.

"What're you doing?"

"Call me weird, but I like the feel of your cum moving around in me," she replied with a sly grin. I was exhausted but still raring to go, and she went to the stream for another drink. I stood up and walked behind her, and she moved her tail to the side and spread her legs a bit. "I was wondering when you'd think of it..."

I just laughed at how well she predicted me, and she purred again as I mounted her and quickly hilted myself inside her warm pussy. "You read me like a book, you know that?"

"You know I can't read well."

"It's an expression." She moaned happily as I slowly humped her.

"Gale...quick question; back at the camp...oooooh yeah...back up there, what did...aaahn...what did the medic say? Ohhhh..."

"Nnngh...he said that...oh damn you're so tight...he said my penis was twice the normal size...mmmph..."

She tensed around me in shock and looked over her shoulder. "Really??"


She smirked and turned back to the water. "Well then shove that big boy deep in me, what're you waiting for?"

She's so blunt... I thought to myself with a grin, and she moaned loudly and clawed at the ground as I made love to her. It didn't take long before my body demanded release and sent me roaring as I emptied myself into her. She hadn't climaxed this time, but she slumped under me and rolled over with a tired smile. "Sorry Flora, but we need to wash up and head for shelter before we can cuddle. Something's approaching."

"Awwww..." We forced ourselves up and washed each other off in the stream, then headed into the cave we'd cleared out. It smelled a little weird, but it wasn't overpowering, and I lay on my back and Flora draped herself over me. I wrapped my legs and wings around her and she purred as she pressed her nose against mine. I purred back to her and we slowly fell into a quick nap.

Not even my naps were a respite...I was quickly cast into a laboratory like the old one I worked at, and I was walking among rows and rows of glass columns filling with synthetic amniotic fluid, in which various distorted creatures were floating amid cascades of small wires. The whole lab was white and yellow, with glowing blue wires making designs all over every surface that wasn't commonly used. As I walked away from one tank holding a mutated infant feral...I stopped dead-cold. The next one CHILD?!? I watched my shaking paws reach up to the glass, looking at the little dragonling missing a foreleg as it slept in the fluid. Shaking with rage I watched my paws fly over the nearby controls and bring up a holographic display of what had happened. I felt tears pour down my face when I read that the little one had been found alone, abandoned in the wilderness, badly injured...and the screen suddenly went static and blipped off as my claws rent the machine, my eyes repeating the last entry. They'd used him for experimentation...then the dream violently dragged me to that swirling hallway of darkness and fire...I watched my legs and wings mutate and grow darker, growing spines and shimmering with the heat of my intense anger...and I watched again through someone else's eyes as they faced a gigantic dragon in a huge throne-room, only to be defeated. There was more to it, though...Whoever I was seeing through, they were taken to an iron chamber, and suddenly I felt alive yet lifeless. Then my vision was hurtled to another, fighting a huge dragon with six wings and wielding dark magic attacks that kept raking through my body until I was a mere ghost. Then to my confusion as I stood there glimmering with heat-waves, I saw a dark cloud and a cloud of light suddenly fighting against each other, and I was in the middle...what the hell was going on?! Things began flashing through my head... I saw this lone...what was that thing? It stood on two legs and wore clothes...whatever it was, I saw it all alone outside the gates of a large village...then I saw another of those creatures slay a dragon and then turn on me...then I saw Flora looking at me with teary eyes.


"Flora, wake me up," I called to her, she seemed very far away.

"You are awake dummy!" she laughed, and I blinked and looked around, very confused. Flora was straddled over me, her tail wagging over mine playfully as she looked down at me. "You've been looking around for the past few minutes."

"Owwww..." I rubbed my eyes and she licked my nose with a cute giggle.

"What's wrong?"

"Such weird dreams...and I keep seeing the same damn things over and over..."

"Aww c'mon, get up already, it's so nice outside!"

"What time is it?..."

"It's just a little past mid-afternoon."

I fell back with a groan. "Why can't we just sleep a bit longer?"

"I dunno, I just wanna get outside and enjoy the day!"

"What is it with you?"

"What is it with you? C'mon!" She grabbed my neck in her mouth and pulled me up.

"Flora, you're cute and all but I need time to wake up and sort all this out..."

"Oh stop worrying about everything and get your ass outside!"

"Are you in heat or something?"

"Not for another four months at least. And with you, you'd be in paradise if I were in heat, Mr. Sex-freak." She stuck out her tongue at me playfully and walked out of the cave, swaying her hips and tail with each step. What is it with her all of a sudden? I asked myself, then shook my head and followed her. We wandered through a field of tall grass, taking care to be very silent since we couldn't tell what might be here. Night fell and the brownish haze of daylight faded as the clouds above dissolved. After taking a drink at a small pond, we cuddled underneath a shady willow. Flora sighed and looked up at me. "Gale...whatever happened to Gormath? We haven't heard from him for a while now."

"I know, that's what worries me. I can't have scared him so badly he'd go into hiding...he's been one of my most persistent enemies to date."

"You said Daran said he said something about you not knowing what you are..."

"I think he may have been talking about this whole 'Aznor' thing."

"Probably...but I'm scared. What if he comes after me again?"

"I'll kill him if he touches you."

Silence fell, and she giggled to herself. "Mind showing me that big penis of yours?"

"Sure." She rolled over on me and looked down as I dropped my penis from its sheath, taking it in her paws and slowly kneading it between her fingers. "But you gotta show me your vagina if you wanna continue." She laughed and repositioned herself, and purred a bit while I ran my fingers over her soft folds.

"So...what did Dorchar want us to do again?" she asked, rolling and pressing my meat in her paws.

"I forget, actually," I replied, running my finger between her lips lightly. "Actually...I don't think he really asked us to do...oh wait. That messenger we saw last; we're supposed to try to find out what exactly Ocardology is doing here."

"What were they doing when you last worked with them?"

"They were trying to artificially replicate the DNA structure of a dragon."

"...Uh, Common Tongue please?" She giggled as I lapped quickly at her slit. "Common Speech you idiot." She started jacking me off as my penis grew stiffer, and I reciprocated by pushing my fingers into her puss.

"DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, is what makes everything unique. Your DNA carries the code that makes you a dragon, but it also contains enough variance to make you completely unique. What they were trying to do was create their own DNA, completely from scratch, for use in cloning. That's why I left. The last time they'd cloned a dragon, they'd used artificial sperm and stuff and the result...many of us who left still think it was possessed. Even when shot lethally it kept going. Poisoned, shot...finally had its head severed and even then the body kept going like it had a mind of its own."

"Did it?"

"No, it was a copy of a dragon. The only change was that they sped up its growth; everything else about it was as normal as the average dragon."

She sped up a bit, pulling on my erection. "What do you think they're doing here?"

"I have no idea, honestly." I twisted my paw, rotating my fingers inside her back and forth. "Unless they're in league with our enemy...I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. Given the opportunity they'd side with anyone to shave five seconds off an experiment run. Oooohhh..."

She giggled as my legs tensed, and wrapped her mouth around my penis as I came. Enjoying her "late-night snack" she spread her legs a bit more as I rubbed her clit vigorously. "I hope Gormath isn't with them...oooohh yes...harder..." She sighed happily and I watched her legs twitch a bit as her insides spasmed. She turned herself around and we hugged each other tight. "I kinda wish we could fly away and just get away from all this..."

"Well, if we did, we'd have hell to pay." She reached between us and grabbed my cock, and we both pulled our hips back a bit as she pushed it down. I brought my hips back to hers and she grinned as my penis slid into her tight vagina. "Mmmm...even with all the sex you're still nice and tight."

She cuddled against me with a happy purr. "Mmmm...your scales are so soft and warm..."

"Hey, that's my line."

"I stoled it."

"Well I gived it now."

"Aww you're no fun..." She gasped a bit and murred as I thrust my hips slightly against her. "Nevermind."

Gale and Flora lay silent and still behind a large clump of thick thorn bushes, watching armored guarddragons pacing back and forth around a dig site. They weren't too far from the Ocardology base, but couldn't get any closer to it without being seen. Flora sighed and lay down, rolling a stone around for amusement. "Gale, how do we get in?"

"If I remember right, they should take a midday break where everyone gets some time to rest. We'll have fifteen minutes to slip in." They had encountered two Ocardology spies attempting to loop around and locate the secret campsite, and after a vicious fight Flora stunned them both and they stole their armor. Now they were waiting for the perfect time to use their disguises to slip in...they didn't need to wait for long. A scout from their camp knew what they were up to, though they didn't know about him, and he took a stick of dynamite and lit it, running as fast as he possibly could after throwing a good distance. The explosion startled everyone and within mere seconds the guards were rushing off to find out what had happened. "Lucky break! Run!" Gale hissed, and he and Flora ducked into the outpost and hid behind some large garbage bins as more guards rushed outside. "Ocardology protocol still...this is too easy. C'mon." He and Flora ran as fast as they could down the hallway, timing their stops to hide from the guards. Near their last stop was a dressing room full of various clothes, and they quickly changed into laboratory garb and slipped into the underground research areas. Gale knew where the central control room was, but Flora stopped with a horrified gasp as they passed an open room. "Flora?" Gale asked, doubling back as she wandered into the room. I watched as she walked up to an electronic platform, eyeing a grotesque, pulsing blow of flesh-like material.

"What the hell is this?" she whimpered.

"Genetics." I walked up to the writhing mass and poked it, and she gulped back vomit as it jumped. "We were told by our Creator not to tap into genetics like this...enhancements, cloning, crossbreeding/chimeras...and sadly, this is how we find out why He said no."


"Yes. You don't fuck with creation or it'll fuck you up one way and down the other. Playing Creator, as the created, only leads to this." I shielded her face from it with my wing and gently pushed her outside.

"But why? Why can't we create things without horrible repercussions?"

"Because there is so much we don't understand yet; things we NEED to know before delving into the forbidden. Not knowing beforehand, is guaranteed self-destruction and failure... The things we NEED to know are not granted to us, because if we knew...well, I don't think anything would exist anymore. Fucktards would eventually get the knowledge and mess it up to the point of no return. As seen here. They think they know what they're doing...but we can never truly know what needs to be known."

"What things do we NEED to know?"

"I have no clue...but every single thing that has gone wrong has done so because no one knows how to control the outcome of the experiments. What makes life? What makes consciousness? There's more to it than science; hundreds of years have been spent and only getting the scientific side, which is not the only side, but many want it to be and thus, like here, they go on that. It's like making a two-page recipe and only using one page because the other has things you don't agree with. Without that other page, the recipe cannot be successful no matter how hard you try. Science and 'reality' are not the only things to go on...but unfortunately, the other side has been shunned and almost forgotten."

"What's that other side?"

"Something that we're not. Beyond this physical realm. There's a spiritual component to everything...but most others just scoff at that. And look what's happening because of it. It's like putting together a puzzle but ignoring pieces of a certain color, and then trying to fill them in with other pieces you like. It doesn't work."

Flora and I walked down the hallway away from the horrendous chamber. A researcher came out of another lab and merely glanced at us on his way down the hall. Obviously unfamiliar faces were not uncommon here. That was good, that made it easier for us. Another scientist passed by and cocked an eyebrow at Flora.

"Something wrong?"

I cleared my throat. "She's new; she happened to glance into the lab back there."

"Ah yes, it's a shock for any newcomer. But it's essential research."

"Where would we find the director? He asked us to meet him but I was unfamiliar with the office designation."

He looked over his shoulder at the far door. "Three floors down, straight down the hallway. You new here as well?"


"Thought so. Carry on, get her something for sickness, she may need it." He walked past us in a bit of a hurry and I guided Flora to the elevators. She gave me a small grin despite the churning in her gut.

"How long did you work for them again?"

"Long enough. Why?"

"That was really good back there, I kept expecting them to call us off."

The elevator shot us down three floors and finally we reached the central control chamber. Now we were playing it dangerously. We had no reason to be down here, and I didn't haave a summon number for identification, which invalidated the whole "the director called us down" story. Flora was awed at the expanse of technology around us, but I paid it no mind, I'd seen it already. We flew over the security gap in the floor and then had to hide from the cameras. "Flora, this is highly dangerous now; I want you to stay here with this control pad." I indicated the pad on the wall.


"I know the paths they use for these chambers, and only one may go at a time. I need you to keep pressing the number '12' on that pad every time the light turns red. it'll keep me from being flagged as an intruder."

"Won't someone find me or you?"

"That's why it's dangerous." I slid the huge trash bin in front of her to shield her from sight of the hallway. "I shouldn't take too long; they always have a mandatory backup drive sitting by the computer, that's what I need. It'll have all their data as of last week updated and stored."

"How do you plan on getting it out?"

"I'll be a mute." With that he ran off, and she nervously pressed the '12' button. It was a half-minute delay for the lights on the pad, but to her it felt like half a week. I know it did to me as I dashed along the maze of paths in the vast chamber beyond. It amazed me that they could construct these bases so quickly and efficiently, but then again Ocardology also researched unstable environments where such rapid construction was the difference between life and death. Finally I reached the computer chamber. As I'd expected, no one was in here, but they would be soon judging by the blips on a nearby map. I wasn't a blip, as I didn't have an ID card. I snuck over to the main computer and grabbed the tiny backup drive out of the computer, reaching into a drawer and sticking a new one in to let it update itself while I retreated. It was really very simple, but have you ever done something secret and kept looking over your shoulder at the slightest sound? Imagine that fear tripled; if Flora and I were found we could be killed. Or worse.

To make a long story short, we miraculously escaped the outpost, and when we were safe enough I finally took the drive out from under my tongue. Flora giggled. "You looked really uncomfortable towards the end there."

"Try keeping your tongue in one position for fifteen minutes...bleh..." I flexed my tongue, and to my surprise Flora's head shot to mine and she snatched my tongue into her mouth with a playful giggle. I couldn't help but smile, and gave her the kiss she wanted.

"Now to get back to the camp."

"Not just yet. They'll find out about the theft within the next fifteen minutes, and this whole field will be flooded with guards. We need to fly low and fast to the east and then double back to the mountains."

Two days later we were still avoiding guards. They were smart now---they'd lined up outposts along the mountain bases. Now, not only could we not easily get up to the camp, but the scouts and spies couldn't easily get down to where we were. As we lay basking in the hazy light and heat of the typical midday brown-clouds, Flora rolled on top of me with a heavy sigh and I wrapped my legs around her. " haven't told me what your dreams are about. You said you would."

I stared at the sky, trying to recall everything. I slowly told her what I could remember, and when I finished I found her looking at me oddly. "I know, it all sounds weird, but that's how it is...I have no clue what's going on or what I've been seeing."

"What about that white light that keeps ending your dreams?"

"It feels familiar, like I know what or who it is, but...then again I don't. I can't really explain it. But whatever it is, it gives me a very calm feeling."

She lay her head on my neck. "That reminds me of my dad...he had a nice calming effect on others..." She sniffled and clung to me. "I really wanna see him again..." As I hugged her and petted her I suddenly I felt Flora, but then I felt like I was in a cold cavern, and a sudden, painfully strong sense of srrow shot through me...a sense of longing and despair and sadness. Flora looked up at me and I realized I was crying. "Gale? Are you...sympathy crying?"

"I don't know," I said, wiping my eyes. "It's happening again...I suddenly felt like I was someone else, and they were so miserably upset..." I suddenly felt, on top of all that, a sense of frustration, like I was ticked off at someone as if that someone didn't understand. It was really weird and very freaky---what the hell was going on with me?!

An hour later we were back to fleeing from the scene, trying to cover as much ground as possible while still staying near the mountains. Like that night I'd shown Flora the planet Narcnos, we were flying as fast as we could, but then again it wasn't as fast as possible; we didn't want to leave much trace of our passage, and keeping low would mean the blasts of air from our wings would imprint on the tall grass below us. Finally we were clear, and by nightfall we scaled the mountainside, fighting off a small swarm of demon-like creatures. They weren't very powerful, but damn they were annoying, and for our situation dangerous; to distract us and disarm us they emitted high-frequency screams that we couldn't quite hear yet bored on us like sharp drills. In a mountain setting, such noises not only echo, but shake loose rocks and can start rockslides. And the echoing might get picked up by Ocardology scouts. Needless to say it was a very harrowing trek, but we finally found a place to seal ourselves into for the night.

(note: I'm gonna cut this off for now and get some rest, I'm feeling tired again and Flora's been calling me.)



WindSwept: Chapter 7

PART 7 (_OY!! So sorry, Flora called me and then a bunch of crap happened. I'm finally back but wow...yeah, I'm behind now. This part's gonna be really long because I'm gonna wrap up the previous arc and then next part I'm gonna begin what...

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Crisis of Power, Chapter 6

sorry if it seems a bit short, the next one's longer CHAPTER 6 Amber's heat grew worse and worse that day and the next, but she controlled herself and we had a great time walking by the falls and exploring the caves, taking pictures...

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LBT -- Great Valley Reunion

A fanstory that's been raging in my perverted mind X3 Forenote: Unlike my other writing, this is almost purely spur-of-the-moment writing with not much layout planning, so it may seem awkward or hasty or whatever compared to my other works. It's also...

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