A share of misery

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#3 of Lockup

Poor Roger meets the boys

A share of misery

Roger stumbled along numbly between the two big canine guards, the young Stallion couldn't believe what had just happened. The jury had found him guilty of his girlfriends shotgun murder, Roger had tried to explain that it had been a gruff voiced intruder. But the District Attorney had pointed out, that there were no signs of a break in, that the gun had only his prints on it. No sign's that there was anyone there but him and her, the young straight Stallion had been to ashamed to tell anyone about his own anal rape. The two big guards escorting him stopping at a sterile sickly green painted door.

"He's all yours." The guards growled to the fat Bull who was standing there waiting for them. The big Bovine nodded and gestured dismissively to the guards who grin wickedly at the young Stallion. "Have fun." They joked as the Bull closed the heavy steel door, locking him in the room.

"Ok bend over the table." The big Bull ordered the sleek naked Stallion, as he opened a jar of lube, before slipping on some latex gloves. Roger pranced forward and slowly bent his sleek naked body over the table at the waist. "Now grab both of your ass cheeks with your hands and pull them apart." The big guard ordered sounded bored, obviously he'd done this many many times. Roger hesitated for a minute and then lifted his tail, reached around and pulled his bubble butt cheeks wide, so that his tight tail-hole was clearly visible to the big Bull.

He felt a big hot latex gloved covered hand pull at his fat low dangling ball's, and then something blunt poked at the tightly clenched muscles of his pucker. "Wider." The Bull's gruff voice snorted, sounding more excited now that the Stallion's little shiny pucker was fully exposed. The helpless Stallion pulled those sleek butt cheeks apart harder, even as his pink plucker clenched and spasm-ed. A thick finger pressed harder and harder against those clenched muscles, until Roger whimpered in pain and pulled his hips forward. "Stand still." The big Bull guard barked roughly, driving his thick finger even harder against that tight ring.

Roger bit down hard on his lower lip, it hurt and the big bovine guard knew it. It was also highly embarrassing for the straight Stallion to have his taboo orifice invaded. Even in the county jail, where he had been held during the trial they had never done a complete strip and body cavity search on him. He still couldn't believe he'd been convicted of a crime he hadn't committed, convicted on fake evidence. Framed by the real killer, who had spent hours raping him in his own bed as they waited for his girlfriend to come home.

Finally the pressure against his asshole was too much for those quivering muscles, and the guards thick finger slipped past them. The big Bull guard drove his thick finger all the way in, Roger let out an involuntary gasp at the sudden shock. The Stallion's long pink rut stick slipping from it's sheath dangling semi hard between his wide spread thigh's. Making the big Bovine chuckle lewdly, quickly the Stallion shut his mouth trying not to show any emotion to his molester. And then the guard started to wiggle his finger around, feeling for any hidden drugs or even weapons that prisoners had been known to try to smuggle in.

Roger felt his big pink nose tingle with blush, growing dark red as he panted for breath feeling violated. He wanted to die right then and there, as he thought about the last time a male had violated him like this, stunned that he couldn't help getting aroused. Roger struggled to remain calm telling himself that this would soon be over, however he felt himself tremble anyway. The big Bovine guard wasn't making this easy, it wasn't that he was rough. However he was very thorough, taking his good old time examining the inside of the Stallion's rectum. And then he felt it, that big finger touched something and it was like an electrical shock of pleasure raced thru his whole body, ending at the tip of his cock which jerked up stiffly.

"Oh No!" The big equine moaned, even as that thick finger hit the same spot again and again, Roger knew from his rape what was happening to him. It felt so damn good, his long thick cock leaking and jerking stiffer. That big finger rubbed the spot again and again, he was ashamed of his reaction and tried, but couldn't keep his reaction secret.

"Likin' that huh?" The big Bull guard chuckled in amusement, as he fingered the Stallion's magic button again.

"Ummmm yes!" Roger grunted between his clenched teeth now that his secret was out, even as a long string of slimy pre-cum dangled from his cock tip.

"Hah ya sure are." The big Bull chortled, as he continued to massage the Stallion's prostrate gland, moving his finger in a slow powerful motions. Roger was panting for breath now, it was like having sex with someone and never having anyone touch his cock. Yet his cock reacted exactly as if some one was stroking it or sucking on it. It felt so damned good, he knew he was going to shoot a load pretty damn quick if the Bull didn't stop. He wanted to say something, but with the guards fat finger rammed up his ass. The normally very masculine and aggressive Stallion was feeling far to passive to do so, and there was no way to escape. So he decided to just keep his mouth shut and even that wasn't easy as bolts of pure pleasure were racing from his balls to the tip of his cock.

He was breathing heavier and heavier, could feel his nuts tightening up against the base of his cock. A few more strokes against his prostrate and he was going to cum all over the floor, and felt that he'd better warn the Bull. "I... I'm gunna spurt." Roger closed his eyes, a slow moan slipping between his lips he could feel the muscles in his balls getting ready to contract. Any second now he would be in heaven, but just as he was going to shoot, it all stopped. That thick hot finger was ramming in and out of his ass roughly, the big Bull guard snorting.

"Yer not gunna mess up my floor." The big Bull snickered, as he grabbed the horse's long erect cock and pulled it up to his muzzle. Slipping that big blunt cock head between his lip's, as the young Stallion pranced in place on his thick finger.

"WWWEEEHEHEHEEE!" Roger whinnied as he blew his load into the Bull's mouth, watching in shock as the guard gulped it down with gusto. And then stood up and strolled across the room, leaving the Stallion's sated cock dangling and dripping slowly. 'Enjoys his job.' The handsome Stud couldn't help but thinking as the guard dumped a bundle of bright orange clothes in his arms. Adding a pair of white jockey shorts and topped them with a pair of tan flip flops. He pointed at the holding cell door on the far side of the small examination room. "Stop at each door, stand back and do not move until the door has been unlocked, step though and wait until the door is relocked. At all times you will walk ahead of me. You got that?" Roger nodded his long narrow equine head in reply, not trusting himself to speak for a moment.

"Can I get dressed first?" The big Bull guard snorted and lifted his fat hand, pointing at the door.

"You can get dressed in yer cell now march." The fat Bovine snickered as he shove the smaller Stallion towards the heavy steel door. The amused Bull snickered as he opened the heavy door and pushed the embarrassed horse through it. Roger reluctantly walked ahead of the big guard, embarrassed at his nakedness and at the same time realizing he was going to have to live with it. The big Bull unlocked the doors as they went, relocked them until they came to one of the main cell block. "This is where you'll be spending the next eight years, get use to it, cuz it's your new home. The fat Bull's voice sounding sarcastic, almost laughing at him.

And then the jeers and the catcalls started, as the other prisoners lining up at their cell doors on both sides of the cell block. "Ooh pretty boy got off having a hand up his ass!" A huge leering Tiger purred, as the slender Stag walked by his cell door.

"Have you got a nice tight hole pony?" A short ugly canine asked as he reached out trying to grab the Stallion ass.

"Put'em in here." A fat Bear growled as he watched the Bull lead the sleek Stallion down the cell block. "I'll keep him warm." Roger froze dead in his tracks, his butt muscles tightened, even as he felt his cock really shrink. They were all yelling at him, in his wildest nightmares he would never have imagined standing naked and defenseless in front of a hundred lusty males. The big Bovine guard shoved him hard in the back, and grunted gruffly into his ear.

"Keep movin' Mareboi... left side, towards the end." It was as if time had stopped for the frightened Stallion, it seemed like it was all never going to end. Massive predatory males yelling at him, licking their lips as he went by, making obscene gestures, laughing at his nakedness. His long slender legs started to tremble, and he fought to keep control of himself. Finally the guard stopped at a cell door, unlocked it and held it open. "Get that sweet ass on in there..." He snickered, watching as the frightened Stallion slowly walked into the cell. "Home sweet home."

Roger stopped in shock at what he saw, he'd imagined a cell to himself, or maybe one that he had to share with another prisoner. However this small grubby cell held four bunk beds, two on each side and three other inmates. The big guard correctly understood the look on the Stallions stunned muzzle.

"They don't waste much money on prisons in this state." He explained moving forwards to lay a huge hot hand on Roger's shoulder. "Now get in there... I aint got all day." Roger stepped into the cell and the heavy steel door slammed shut behind him. He was now officially a prisoner doing time in the state Pen, Roger gulped as he listened to the big Bull's hoof steps walking away. While the three furs in his cell looked him over with curious stares. The Goat on the bottom bunk to his right, was naked except for a tight pair of grungy white jockey shorts. He was in good shape, like he had been working out a lot. And was about a few years older than Roger, who was only eighteen after all. The Goats name was David, but was known to everyone on the cell block as Davy.

The Stag in the bunk above him was bigger, and seemed familiar for some reason. Like Davy below he was wearing grungy jockey shorts and a wife beater prison tee shirt. One look at him and you knew he had been working out a lot, because he was all muscle. His name was Jake, and he hadn't been in there but two years. Still he'd learned a lot in those few years, and it wasn't nice or sweet things he'd learned.

The third fur was in the bunk above the empty one, he was the oldest, and the biggest of the three. A massive gleaming black stallion, and he scared the hell out of Roger. There was something about that long muzzle and those big dark eyes, he looked mean, nasty. Somebody you didn't mess with, or at least if you did you wouldn't do it twice. His name was Jerome, but most of the prisoners just called him Sir it they had the nuts to speak to him. The big Stallion sat up in his bunk, one brawny knee raised, he was wearing absolutely nothing.

"Well, what do we have here?" The massive black Stallion snorted as Roger dumped his prison clothes on the lower bunk.

"My name is Roger..." The sleek Stallion started, but was cut off before he finish as the big Stallion looked down at him more carefully.

"Whatcha in for kid?" Jerome sneered, his thick upper lip making it clear he didn't think much of the newcomer.

"M... Murder... but I... I'm innocent." The sexy young Stallion grunted trying to sound impressive, as he watched the huge Stallion absently scratch his big velvety ball pouch.

"Hahaha... yeah me to!" The big Stag behind him laughed loudly as he looked around at the others. "Aint you Davy?"

"You know it Jake." The thickly muscled Caprine snickered as he watched Jerome play with the young Stallion. "I was totally framed... wasn't you Sir?"

"Yeah sure." The big Horse snorted as he looked down at Roger with a big sneer on his long muzzle. "How long didcha get?" Jerome asked, as he shared a laugh with Davy and Jake.

"Eight years." Roger answered reaching for his crisp white issue jockey shorts, and lifted his leg to put them on.

"Hold it." The big black Stallion grunted lustfully as the sleek young Stallion froze looking up at him surprised. "Turn around real slow... and lets see what we got."

"Ummm no." The proud young Stallion spat, raising one leg to step into his shorts. And then the next thing he knew, the big Stallion had leaped off his bunk, grabbing Roger's right arm twisting it behind his back.

"Gotta learn boy..." Jerome warned his voice harsh and rasping in Roger's ear as the young Stallion struggled. "When I tell you to do something... you do it. You understand me?" Roger savagely struggled to pull away, but the big Stallion just increased his grip on his arm twisting it until Roger bent over in extreme pain.

"You understand me?" The big Stallion repeated slowly, the younger Stallion wanted to tell Jerome to go fuck himself. However the pain racing up into his shoulders convinced him that it wasn't at all a good idea.

"Yeah alright, I understand." Roger breathed as he stopped struggling, knowing the big horse was just waiting for a reason to hurt him more. The big black Stallion slowly let go of Roger's arm, and then leaned back against the top bunk smirking.

"So turn around boy, real slow like." The sleek young athlete felt like a hunk of meat, as he dropped the clean shorts to the dirty floor. Before slowly starting to turn around, the eyes of all three males checking out his pretty young male body. When he had finished turning Jerome gave him a little smile that scared the hell out of him. The big stud turned to the other two furs grinning lewdly, as they shared a knowing look. "Nice body, sweet round ass." He looked over at the Stag on the other top bunk, both of them licking their lip's. "Looks like its yer lucky day Jake ol'boy, your ass has been replaced." He reached down and ran one huge hand over Roger's bare butt, making the young Stallion jump slightly. "With any luck he's got a nice tight hole." Jerome looked over at the Goat on the bottom bunk sharing a wicked grin. "What do you think Davy?"

"I think its time I got my rocks off." The lewd Goat grunted as he slid off his bunk and stood up next Roger. The straight young Stallion backed up against the bunk beds, looking back and forth between the three massive males.

"No... Ple please don't." His voice felt shaky and he started to panic looking for some place to get away. He had heard about prison rapes before, but he didn't really believe they happened much. Not with prison guards nearby, but these three were scaring the hell out of him. The Goat suddenly reached down and grabbed Roger by the balls, yanking and twisting them savagely. While Jerome grabbed the young Stallion from behind and shoved him towards the bottom bunk. It happened so fast that one minute Roger had been standing and the next he was lying on his stomach. Jerome's knee was in his back while Davy's hands were now holding his flailing legs down.

"Hey Jake ya want first go?" The big black Stallion snarled as Roger lay there to stunned to struggle to get away. "After all he is tha guy who was fuckin' the lying bitch who put ya in here."

"Wait wha... Jake... yer that Jake." Roger choked looking over his shoulder at the Stag, who slid down off his bunk and stripped off his grungy shorts. "Wait... wait please... I... I told her that wasn't right... told her..." The helpless horse pleaded, as he watched the Stag fondle his huge erection.

"You knew... you knew and you never told anyone." Jake spat as he straddled the helpless Stallion's trapped thigh's, and jerked the Stallion's long flowing tail up out of the way.

That was when Roger started screaming for the guards, making Jake laugh roughly into his ear. "Yell as hard and as long as you want. The guards won't come... cuz they don't give a damn what we do to you, cuz that keeps us from doin' it to them." The young jock Stallion struggled as hard as he could, but the three horny males had completely over powered him. "Still lubed up from the fingerin', didn't ya wonder why Fred hustled ya down here so fast after he finished his search." Jake laughed, as he rubbed his big mushroom shaped cock head between those sexy ass cheeks. Roger cried, and screamed out for help, but instead heard laughter come from down the cell block. A rough lustful voice yelled back at them.

"Fuck the little bastard hard." Another voice yelled to Roger telling him to learn to take it like a Mare. A wave of relief washed over him as he heard hoof steps coming towards his cell and then the big uniformed Bull looked in smirking.

"Have a piece for me." Fred snorted, as he wandered on down the cell block whistling a happy old tune. And then Roger felt it, something poking at his tight little butt hole hard. Something huge and blunt, something very hard and very persistent Roger knew it wasn't a finger this time. He tightened his ass muscle as much as he could, but he was no match for the horny Stag's desire. He felt his sphincter muscles start to give way, and then he screamed as Jake's cock plunged into his ass. "If you think that's bad just wait until Jerome fucks you. Funny I got put in here because your girlfriend lied about me raping her and you didn't say nothing, now here I am raping your ass and you can tell everyone in here and all it will get you is more cock." The big Stag wasting no time driving his long cock balls deep into that tight little fuck hole. But then instantly reversed course pulling out until just the massive mushroom shaped head remained inside, before plunging back in all the way.

Roger couldn't believe this was really happening to him... Jake started to pick up speed, slamming his hard body brutally against Roger shapely butt. It normally took the big stud a long time to get his rocks off, but the excitement of mounting and fucking the Whores boyfriend push him over the edge. The big Stag breathing harder and harder as he felt his massive balls tighten up. That mighty cock head quivering within the Stallion's hot ass, putting even more pressure on his ravaged prostate. The muscles in that brutally beaten prostrate starting to quiver, and then next thing he knew Roger was crying out. As he began to shoot his first load onto the sheets, the pleasure of it stunning, but thankfully erasing the pain. The young Stallion could feel hot stud milk blasting deep inside of him.

"Ohoo Fuck... Fuck fuck!"

"The Mare just cum!" Davy snickered, even as Jake climaxed hard himself, shooting spurt after spurt into Roger's tight ass.

"Alright ya had yers... now its Ma turn! Jerome grunted, as he and Jake changed places the big Stallion seeing Roger's eyes widen in horror at the sight of his mighty erection!


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