The Ultimate Switch

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - The Owlette

Writing - Runa

Mare - Anubkin32

Stallion - Dark_Stallion

Gryphon - Runa

Done as a YCH auction for the winners Anubkin and Dark Stallion. Not too long ago I had an incredibly strong desire to either mount a mare or be mounted by a stallion, and once I had the idea of doing both in one scene, I sent the idea off to Owly for confirmation, and she LOVED it. However, the original plan was for me to put Melodi in as the mare and my buddy Vasmeth in as the stallion, but then I realized I honestly had run out of money. Too many MLP figurines and other random Amazon purchases. Well, we then altered the idea a bit so that the mare and stallion would be YCH entrants, and this is what came out!

In this story, Ceylon actively pursues a team of blended equines in a courtship blitz!

Yes, the unicorn in Anubkin made me shoehorn in an MLP-styled Trifecta of equine variants: Horses, Pegasi, and Unicorns. It actually works quite well in the context of my world and I expect to use it again in the future! Read on to find out!

It had been boiling inside me for a long time now, and it was time it came out.

I'd long since struggled with my natural urges ever since I was young and my masters used to put me out in the stables. Back in my developing years, the humans, jysar, and oaira all thought me to be an ignorant, feral beast of a gryphon due to the fact I hadn't yet learned to speak until I was over a decade old, so they treated me like such a beast by putting me in the stables alongside the horses. The steeds.

While there, I developed something of an unnatural obsession with my feral equine companions. I would play with them, I would bond with them, I became their alpha despite the fact that I was a gryphon as opposed to a horse. Horses understood me, and I understood them, even before the sentient races felt the same connection to me, and even though I've long since evolved beyond my feralistic roots, I've always maintained a long-lasting, healthy relationship with horses.

As I grew and read books and learned of my species, I found that gryphons were naturally attracted to horses, both as meals and as companions. Evidently, it was natural for me to develop such an affinity for my hooved brethren given how much time I spent with them. For this reason, I maintained my relationships with the various equines I'd met up with even when my sentient companions demanded my attention. I continued to sleep in stables and spend time in pastures as long as it afforded me more time with the feral beasts I'd grown to admire.

I'm also not ashamed to admit that, yes, those affinities manifested themselves physically.

Another one of the things I learned and developed as I grew up from a chick to an adolescent was the ability to make minor changes to my body, most notable of my transformations involved a fluid gender shifting ability. I was born without genitals, so I wanted to emulate male and female forms from an early age and that was one of the first transformations I mastered.

From there, I also learned to emulate the more intimate details of courtship and mating, and attempted to recreate what I felt was the most appealing set of genitals I could fathom: the vulva of a mare. I learned to recreate the aroma of the mare in heat, as well as the musk of a stallion ready to rut. It was a long, drawn out process, but in time I found myself not only the alpha of the herd I grew up with, but also the alpha of pretty much any of the herds I came to acquaint myself with. AS the alpha I was expected to mate with as many of the herdmates as I could.

Stallions, naturally, will mount anything that presents to them so it was easy enough to manipulate them into taking me when in my female form, but the heat scent that I could turn on or off at will certainly helped lubricate matters. Mares were a little different, since they evidently liked being mounted by a dozen or more stallions in rapid succession.

Little known fact about mares: They chose their proper mate to be the father of their foal, but then let the other stallions mate with them too so that each and every stallion gets the impression the foal is his. True fact. Bizarre to think that any stallion would be violent towards a foal not his, but I've witnessed it first hand, and it's the kind of thing that is easy to manipulate. Simple: let the mare copulate with the one she chose as her colt's father, then get in on the subsequent action when she lifted her tail for the other stallions.

They never minded that I was a gryphon. In fact I swear some of them actively looked for me, because my male parts were considerably different from the stallion bits. If nothing else, it was a nice change of pace for them and the knotting action was often quite a treat for me, too.

However, as time went on in my life and I continued to mature and express the intelligence that so few knew I had, I was expected to slowly grow apart from my equine brethren. It was considered odd for me to be out in the pastures or fields alone with them, and fewer and fewer people let me sleep in their stables when visiting. An excuse like 'it's just what I'm used to' held less and less weight as my transformation abilities allowed me a bipedal form that convinced people I was an equal to them.

Equal or not, the allure of a mare or the sheer power of a stallion was something I never left behind me. I couldn't. It was a part of my life growing up and even as an adult, I never had a partner that could hold me tight and massage me like a mare. A few of my closest friends knew I maintained that affection, but they had the courtesy to keep that bit of knowledge to themselves when I disappeared for days at a time to fly over the fields that I knew always had wild horses.

The region south of my home was a vast, open plain with scattered bush and tiny lakes all connected by a series of streams. From there, you could actually see the mountain I called my own on the horizon to the north, and I could often be found stalking the plains for a herd - any herd - that would pass by.

I was feeling one of my more ravenous desires on this particular day, so I hopped down off the edge of my cliff to glide over the Great Saff'Raldian Lake and around the mountain towards the southern plains hoping to find myself an equine partner. I didn't care what kind of horse I got, they were all fun and some even had added abilities.

While most equines worldwide were your typical, run-of-the-mill horses, there were rarer breeds of unicorn and pegasus that were found in remote locations. My home Saff'Rald was world renowned for its diverse fauna and flora, and is the only nation in the world that had horses, unicorns, and pegasi. There really wasn't much difference between the three, as all of them shared a nearly identical body type and all could be any color or pattern you could imagine. The primary difference was that the pegasi had limited flight and the unicorns had a high concentration of ademane in their horns that gave them limited magical powers.

Like I said, I had no preference, but a winged pegasi gave me all the fun I enjoyed in a horse with the majestic wings of my own species that I found so appealing and comforting, and a unicorn could tickle me with their magic in a way only another gryphon could. Even if I didn't enjoy those perks, the horses were stronger and tended to be a bit bigger, so there's nothing wrong with a dominant stud or a mare that could squeeze cum from a rock hard knot.

As I crested over the final peak in the foothills of my home, I seaw the vast open plains fill my vision from all sides. And there were herds. At least a half dozen of them. Pegasi herds, unicorn herds, and many teams of horses all travelling in various formations, reacting to one another by avoiding the other groups, mingling with the other groups, and I even saw a few of them mounting one another. Clearly, mating season had hit, so I was in the right place at the right time, and my beak hadn't even picked up the scent to lure me here!

Lucky me!

I swept down low and circled around a few times to see if I could find any stragglers to court with. I saw a massive clydesdale with dark brown speckling on his rump grazing off in one direction, but he was quickly met by a chestnut and white shire so I avoided him. Saw a glorious red-coated mare trot away with tail held high, but she had a swarm of studs of both horse and pegasi kind trailing her. Finally, I saw a series of a dozen different stallions of all colors and races frolicking together, manes swaying in time with the long grass in the wind. I wasn't sure what made me think so, but I got the distinct impression either an orgy or a dominance battle was about to take place, so I stayed out of it.

I continued to sweep overhead, back and forth across the many teams of the various races before realizing that the shadow of my wingspan was actually making them scatter, scared of a predator, and therefore kept me away from singling any one equine out. Of course that was smart of them, gryphons were known to prey on horses as readily as mate with them, so it wasn't uncommon for a drake or hen to lure a stud or mare into sexual excitement only to turn around and bite at the neck. Cruel, but effective.

However, I wanted these equines to know I had no interest in devouring them. I was no feral beast, I bought all my meat from the market or hunted it myself in the forests. I couldn't dare end the life of a beast that I could derive such pleasure from. No, that would be a waste on multiple levels. Either way, I had to fly away and approach them on foot. A winged beast flapping in broad, powerful strokes could really only scare them, and there was practically no way to approach them from above that didn't resemble a hunting strike.

So I glided off to the north and gently landed in the middle of an open field filled with wheat grass, flowers, and moist earth. It may have been a vast, open plain, but this would have made the perfect farm land. The soil was rich, and various grains grew naturally and readily enough to feed the dozens of herds that were known to migrate through here. Unfortunately for the local farmers, I personally forbid such ravaging of the land. As far as they're concerned, I'm just some crazy environmentalist, but in reality I wanted my own personal hunting grounds to remain active and lively.

I shook my neck feathers of the dust and loose down as I folded my wings up, almost immediately trotting southbound towards the closest teams of equines - a group of horses and unicorns. As I got close, the errant scent of earthy equine tickled the nares at the base of my beak and I felt a familiar twinge in my nethers that began to wake them up. At this point I wasn't yet sure if I'd snag a stallion or mare, so I closed my eyes and focused on the glands in my back end that emitted the emulated scents. Part of my under carriage smelled of horse musk, and the other of estrus mare. I was luring something one way or another.

In I went with my head held high, wings folded neatly on my back and tail raised in an arch over my spine with the fleshy floof at the end practically tickling the back of my neck. I chattered my beak in a smile and chirped gently in a way that almost sounded like a whinny to endear my equine prey.

Almost instantly, I saw a meek, crimson-haired mare slip out from the crowd to eye me. She had a sky blue mane and a black-haired rump with the same crimson colored spots dotting her hindquarters. She was a unicorn, and a relatively small one at that. Well, smaller than the equine herd that her team was mingling with. She trotted up to me and thew her head back, nuzzling at my neck and nibbling at my feathers with her lip as I felt my legs grow weak.

What can I say, mares will do that to a gryph. I'm not the only one, I promise!

I lifted a talon to paw at her withers, but she playfully reared up and bounded away, gently kicking as she swayed back and forth with head and tail both raised high. That mare offered me a whinny and a sigh before lowering her head and squatting down to lay a puddle of her scent behind her.

The acrid-sweet aroma practically stabbed my nostrils as every drop splattered in a creamy mess between her hind legs. I couldn't help but hop forward with my wing tips aflutter and bury the tip of my beak in the puddle under her tail that was quickly soaking into the soil. I managed to catch a lick before the creamy estrus fluid soaked into the ground and I was surprised with another few drops that were squirted onto the side of my beak.

Startled, I shook my head and snaked my tongue out to lick up the mess before raising my head up high enough to nip at the underside of her powerful thigh muscles. It shouldn't have surprised me one bit that she hopped up and gave a playful kick that landed on my breast before bounding away with her tail flicking up and down to spread her powerful scent.

Not sure why no other studs were chasing after her, so I was more than happy to give chase.

I was growing increasingly sure that today's companion would be a mare, so I lowered my tail to cover my back end and focused some of my own abilities to shift my genitals into the male formation. The loose-hanging skin of my belly scrunched up into a ball, and I felt my pleasure centers slip through my undercarriage to fill the fleshy tube that was becoming my sheathe as the flesh of my urogenital slit swelled to form two meaty gonads, slit still open and dripping in anticipation.

It was right then as I hopped back over behind the mare that another eager stud separated from the herd, most likely having scented the estrus fluids and aroma that were wafting in the golden-yellow clad clearing. This stallion was even larger than I was. He was mostly a robins-egg blue throughout, but his mask, legs, mane, and tail were all a dark gray that was bordering on black. He also had black spots dotting his flank and hips.

He wasn't the least bit shy about exposing himself, and that proved to excite me more. I could see his meaty shaft swinging gently between his legs as he trotted over, head held high and lip curled back to help him absorb as much of the scent as he could. Stallions always looked silly when scenting for the mares, but it always led to something absolutely delicious, and that anticipation had my reverting my shift back to a more feminine form.

I felt the twin orbs seem to melt and disperse into my body again as my sheathe flattened itself to my belly, leaving a couple of puffy, sensitive nipples on either side. I felt my pleasure centers - the rod of flesh that was about to form my drake-hood in my sheathe - rearrange itself so that the very tip was pressed against the anterior crook of my urogenital slit, forming my clit.

The stallion raised a hoof and stepped forth, rearing his head in dominance before eventually resting it on my shoulder, one hoof on my back. I had to ruffle my wing feathers to ensure he didn't put too much weight on the bone, but it grew quite comfortable and relaxing until I felt a powerful pinch grabbing onto the flesh of my neck through my feathers. The stallion was biting down on me as he realigned himself behind me!

There was a brief period of apprehension in me as I decided what to do next. I could just spread my legs, raise my tail, and make it easy for him, but I kind of got an extra kick out of teasing him, so I dug my talons into the ground and pulled away, leaving the blue-haired stud to fall on the ground, squirting bits of his precum all over the wheat grass that created thick, goopy strands from the grain to the ground.

I chirped and threw my head back, ruffling my feathers like a pegasus before spinning my back end around away from him. As I spun, I bumped back into the mare who skitted away, tail still hiked. I was no longer emitting the stallion pheromones to excite her, but the stud that was trying to mount me was getting her plenty excited! I knew because she squatted and forced some more squirts onto the vegetation with a powerful wink.

That wink. I love when mares do that. I've been emulating it for as long as I can remember, and it's heaven from the vulva to the womb. Not only did it force bits of fluid - both for scent and lubrication - out from within, but it also clamped down on whatever was inside enough to massage any beast into a premature climax. I wouldn't dare assume that, but I know from experience that no beast can withstand the muscular contractions of an orgasmic mare. Gryphons are supposed to last all night, I'm lucky to last ten minutes with a mare.

Seeing her cherry pink flesh exposing a slit of itself punctuated by a meaty bulb of clit made me nuzzle in between her rump cheeks, licking idly at the juices that were splattering against her flesh and cheeks. The scent that was being blasted directly at my nostrils almost made me drop sheathe again, reverting back to male form, but just as my tongue slipped in between her folds to sample a scent, I felt the stallion bite at my rump cheeks again, a single hoof digging into my lower back.

As if by instinct, I curled my tail up and exposed my own tingling nethers as I tensed my muscles to force out a few spurts of fluids on his withers to dribble down his front leg. My own wink was maintained for a few seconds instead of the intermittent winking most mares did; I wanted to have my tender flesh as exposed to the air as I could to ensure he got a big blast of estrus scent in his face.

Honestly, I forgot there was easily over a hundred other equines surrounding us in groups, all going their own separate ways, milling about and munching on the lush vegetation. To me, it was just a gryphon, a mare, and a stallion. I couldn't be happier than I was this very moment, even if my hind end couldn't make up its mind between male and female formations.

One trick I was still learning to master was the ability to maintain both male and female parts at the same time. I could do it, but when I tried, I found they weren't sensitive enough for the most part. I read a lot about male vs female anatomy, and one thing I managed to piece together was that for every part on a male, there was an equal part for a female, and that when I transformed or shifted from one or another, it was easier to just relocate the existing parts in whatever looked most like a pair of lucious pussy lips or a sheathe and balls. The pleasure centers could really only be in one place at a time, so it was either a clit or a cock.

That's why, at this very moment with the stallion about ready to hop up on me and my beak buried under a mare's tail, I couldn't decide for certain what I wanted to do. Did I want to mount or be mounted? I couldn't do both, at least not at the same time. In reality, the solution was simple. I could continue to suck on those juicy folds as the stallion had his way with me first - after all, I could hear the slapping of his precum-soaked cock against his belly - he was ready now, and she might have still needed to warm up.

No use wasting time with indecision. He won this little race. I widened my stance and held in place as the mare side-walked away from me with her head rearing and mane flowing in the wind. Beautiful sight, but my mind was focused on the stallion biting at my backside.

Once he was sure I wasn't moving, he realigned himself and hopped up, slipping off the first time before trying again and wrapping his powerful front legs around my rump. He laid his head down on my back and bit down on my neck again to help pull himself forward so his hips would be closer to mine. The bite hurt, but that was all part of the experience. In the heat of the moment, the pleasure of pain is welcome, and the mess is more like a declaration of affection.

I pushed back into him and forced another few drops of my own lubricating fluid to soak my lips and splatter on his cock as he thrust indiscriminately. Poor guy couldn't really aim - then again I was a bit smaller than the mares he was likely used to. HE just kept thrusting at me, pressing his rock-hard length against me, the soft flare squishing against my hind quarters with each failed attempt at penetration.

In an effort to help him aim, I scuffled side to side and kept pushing back against him until I felt him press the spongy mass of his cock tip against my clit, the crook of his urethral opening rubbing on me and practically smothering my fleshy knob all at once! I threw my head back, expecting him to slip into me, but instead he pulled back again, unsure of his aim.

There was really no choice but to relax my muscles and hold off on the wink before exhausting myself, but then I felt him scuffle forth and thrust again, his powerful cock forcing itself into me in one slick motion. I felt my walls quiver in delight as his girth stretched me, and it was especially powerful at my absolute depths where his flare inflated to full thickness inside me. My walls clamped down hard around him, trapping the flare deep inside and massaging his length right up to the ring of flesh near the base of his cock.

He gave another thrust deep into me, forcing himself deeper to the point I could feel the wrinkles of his sheathe tickling my lips, the median ring throbbing inside me as I clamped down with all my might. I had no choice but to grunt deeply and push back, arching my neck backwards with a series of fluttering chirps, the involuntary contractions squeaking a few air-releases from my depths in a juicy queef.

I relaxed for just a moment long enough for him to pull back so his flare was pressing out just inside my opening before violently forcing it back in to press against my back wall. His thrust was powerful enough to actually dislodge me from my stance, making me stagger forward before regaining my posture and composure. I felt my breath growing ragged and weak as I pushed back again, clamping down with all my might and swaying my hips gently to feel his flesh shift and rotate inside me, the ribbed rim of his flare tickling my depths.

It didn't take much at all for him to explode into me. He gave another few shallow but deep thrusts with his veiny cock slipping deeper into me with every motion followed by his own tensing that matched the pace of my contractions to spew a series of thick, gooey strands of seed into me.

Some people can't feel the actual cum inside them, just the cock contracting within them. I can feel the warmth filling in the cracks of my depths and bloating me from the inside out. I can feel the sensation of flesh on flesh being replaced with a thin layer of viscous seed lubricating the passage. I could feel the warmth of his hot cum splashing against me as I released the last bit of air from my passage to vibrate my lips around his sheathe.

And like that, his cock softened and his bite grip on my shoulder weakened. He stayed in place as I leaned forward, the gentle motion pulling his shriveling cock from my depths. The eager stud was still partially hard when I felt his bulbous, flared glans slip from my depths with a wet squelch followed by a stream of his slimy seed that trickled over my clit to soak my inner thighs. Problem was, I wasn't yet satisfied. My pussy was properly ravaged, sensitive, tender, and tingling in delight, but I wanted more. I wasn't done.

It was that very moment of need I got an odd, strange idea. My transformations weren't creating something from nothing, but rearranging myself to create the form I wanted. I could use this knowledge to my advantage, even amidst the shocks of pleasure that were rendering my back end weak and my knees wobbly.

With my tail still raised and beak chattering in a whimpering orgasm, I focused my energies in my nethers once again and felt the flesh melt and reform, but it was a different feeling than usual. My pussy walls were still twitching in orgasmic delight, so the magics coursing through my flesh only amplified that for a moment or two as the passage closed itself up, forcing the mass of seed to slip out to my winking opening.

Only it was no longer an opening. No, instead I had closed up the slit and sealed it shut, forcing the strands of balled up cum into two orbs on either side of my inner walls. I felt my flesh distend and reform into a weighty ball sack that pressed heavily against my inner thighs. The skin continued to stretch and displace until they were hanging between my legs rather than up under my rump. Happy with their relocation, I lowered my tail again and forced my pleasure center to once again shift through my torso to press down against the flesh of my belly. A small opening split apart and the red-fleshed girth emerged from its confines in one lunge, the form of it developing slowly as I re-focused my attention on the crimson-haired mare.

She nickered and hopped playfully now that I was once again emitting the stallion musk she must have been used to by now. I held my head down low as I continued to focus my energy on growing my male parts to the kind of length and girth she would respect and admire, or at least get pleasure from.

It wasn't long at all before I felt the lobes of my gryphon knot swell up against the inside of the sheathe, but it didn't last long before the thickness popped out with a slick drool of my own lubricating fluids. I was fully formed, and I was ready to feel what I'd just done to that sky blue stallion a moment before.

The mare was a bit more immediately compliant than I had been with the stallion. Instead of teasing and pulling away, she spread her legs and held strong, tail hiked up high and pussy lips peeled back to force a thin stream of cum out onto the grass.

There was no way I could hold back. My knot was already almost at full girth and I hadn't even felt her flesh yet! Not wanting to waste any more time, I hopped up onto her from the side and shifted my hind quarters around until my hips were beside hers. I was much larger than she was, so I was careful to wrap my front talon around her withers to keep her in place. I wasn't rough, but I was stern and very strong.

I felt a little self conscious of my chosen shape when I started thrusting only to have my weighty cock bob back and forth, stabbing at her rump. A gryphon's member wasn't exactly meant for penetrating a mare, and my tapered tip actually slipped into her rump for a moment, startling her! She tried to pull away, but my talons were wrapped around her withers to keep her in place, so she was unable to move.

Somewhat scared, the mare reared her head back and tried to buck at me, but my weight held her down. I didn't want to drag this out, I cared for her pleasure and I couldn't dare hold off on cumming any longer, so I lifted one leg up onto her rump to further hold her in place as I gently shifted my hips and tensed my cock muscles around until I felt her tender flesh kiss my tip, the warmth massaging me ever so gently as she winked in pleasure.

Nope. Couldn't hold back any longer at that point.

With a single violent, aggressive thrust, I forced myself into her. I felt her muscles quiver in weakness as my tip stabbed through her. I felt her walls clench as I passed through her canal and penetrated the firm ring of flesh that was the opening to her womb. The gentle ribs of my cock's length felt every intense sensation of her walls closing around me in one powerful clench, then my knot parted her lips until the tip of my sheathe was pressed against the underside of her clit.

She nickered and threw her head back in what could have been pain or pleasure, but the winking sensation and fluids that seemed to be secreting around my knot told me that it was more pleasure. Good. I didn't want to hurt her, but when a drake is in a state of heightened desire - be it hunger or arousal - he gets what he wants.

My instincts took over and I clamped my powerful beak around the back of her neck, holding her in place as my back arched in brisk, shallow thrusts, forcing my knot in deeper and more of my length into her womb.

This was why mating a mare was unlike any other feral beast. Their wombs opened up when in a state of arousal, but then clamped shut once the first stud had deposited his seed, that way only the first stallion would have a chance of creating a colt. Being the first for a mare's season was something of a special treat for me, since it allowed my cock to slip into her womb, and my knot to force itself just in past the tightly-controlled muscular contractions just a few cm inside her, thus keeping me in place. That was my favorite, when her walls clamped down in such a way it allowed a proper tie - even if only for a moment.

That was precisely the treat I was granted. With my final thrust, I felt my knot press against her cervix, but not go any further. Unlike her tender, battered pussy walls, the cervix had a very distinct and unquestionable limit to how far it would stretch and what it would allow in the womb. That's why my knot forced itself into her and past her clenching muscles, but went no further.

I actually felt my eyes roll up in my skull as her rhythmic contractions practically sucked every bit of seed from me. I could feel my own spastic contractions that spewed the stallion's seed into her. I felt the gooey warmth of it that I'd deposited in my own makeshift testicles slip through the tubes and down my shaft. It was far thicker and more viscous than the fluids I created for myself, and gave a much more satisfying feeling as my balls emptied.

She whinnied again and pushed back into me as I forced the horse's mass of cum into her. I could feel it pooling in her womb, bloating her and trying to slip its way into her sex through the cervix, which it would have done if not for the fluid-tight seal formed around the top of my knot. The opening to her womb clenched down around my shaft as her body readied itself to seal off so the next suitor wouldn't be able to deposit directly into her, and the added pressure helped coax another gooey strand of the stallion's cum into her.

My beak cheattered gently as I felt her try to pull away from me like any mare would, only I wasn't a stallion. Her tensing muscles held me in place and tugged at my knot, but not with enough pressure for me to slip out. Instead, I meekly fell off her side and lifted my leg over her rump so we'd tie, butt to butt.

The look on the mare's face made me think that she was in pain, but her constant, peristaltic contractions sucking on me from knot to tip made me think she was just overloaded with pleasure. At least that's what I think was happening. At the time my focus had been distracted from the look on her long face or any of her body language, because all I could feel or care about was the hot flesh massaging my cock.... least for a few moments. Again, I never last long with mares. Luckily for her, she relazed just enough for me to slip out of her with another sloppy squelch followed by a wink that pushed any of the excess fluid from her canal.

I spun around - cock dangling and bobbing between my legs and bits of stallion seed dripping out the tip of it - and buried my beak under her tail as she squatted and let loose a stream of creamy fluids. I knew the stud's seed was deposited in her, so this was a combination of lubricating fluids of she and I, but also the orgasmic cream that came with it. I didn't mind. I hated that kind of thing unless a mare's pleasure fluids were involved, then all was forgiven.

Eager and still needy as could be, I nuzzled into her pussy and buried my tongue in her, letting her force out a thick stream of creamy cum right into my beak, which I happily swallowed up.

Once she was content and finally relaxed after her encounter, she forced her tail downwards and walked away, leaving my own shaft to shrivel up and slip back into its sheathe. She wasn't done though. As soon as she'd gotten far enough away from me, I saw her nuzzling at the stallion that had mated me before I mounted her, tail once again raised and squirting bits of estrus fluid all over the ground between her feet.

Stallions may not have the most endurance, but they can certainly go for multiple rounds, and this sky-blue haired stallion was ready for another round with the mare.

Ironically, her womb would be closed for business, but the seed that was nestled inside her was of the very stud she was about to lock out. Funny how that happens.

I watched intently as he nuzzled at her and popped back up, thrusting violently towards her rump with an eager gusto that was even more vigorously than he had with me. He cock was still slick and dripping with the fluids I'd left on him, so it slid around her flesh and easily penetrated her after only a few idle jabs.

He plunged into her with one steady push, his girth spreading her almost as far as my knot had, just like he had to me. My avian eyes saw every little detail of her flesh distending, every wrinkle of his cock skin folding up on itself near the sheathe, and even the gentle throbbing of the veins as the member stiffened, and every tiny little detail planted a phantom pleasure in my own non-existent cunt.

And that memory was enough to tide me over for the night. I watched intently as he continued to thrust and force himself into the petite mare, the both of them grunting in unison as they rocked and paced back and forth together. He lasted a lot longer with her than he did with me, but since he'd already spent himself in me - and subsequently her - he didn't quite have the gusto to cum as quickly.

I had no doubt in my mind they both loved that sensation. Stallions never lasted all too long in the first place, and I knew from experience that mares were quite fond of extended sessions. It was my duty to pleasure each and every mare and stallion in this herd, this team.

I kept a sideways glance at the two I'd courted with as I turned and walked away, disappearing into the thriving mass of equine flesh that was a combination of horse, pegasus, and unicorn. The last thing I saw was the azure stallion's cock slip from her depths as she squatted down, forcing the half-mast flesh from her canal with a clenching orgasmic wink of her own.

An Offering of Peace

"Dammit hen, I said move!" Chief Storm commanded his gryph-mare princess as he yanked on the chain that was attached to the thick metal cuffs she wore. He was leading her down a well-ridden trade route that connected his village to the village he was...

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An Egg-Laden Tie

Dammit, I didn't want or need to be courted. I just wanted to bask in my nest and enjoy the warmth before I passed the eggs. Instead, my buddy Cygnovum decided to come over just a few moments before my body decided it was time for the eggs to come. He...

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Olfrin Stormfin (Not his real last name)

His name is Olfrin Stormfin. Well, that's not entirely true. He is known as Olfrin Stormfin, but 'Stormfin' is just a moniker he gave himself early in his reign as one of the Dalonian Gods. His actual last name has been lost to time and even he isn't...

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