Olfrin Stormfin (Not his real last name)

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - Wemd

Character/Story - Runa

I just want to say I absolutely adore this rendering of my latest character design. Wemd has done an exemplary job on it (and I truly apologize for my constant harassment...poor guy was probably sick of me asking 'is it done yet' like a puppy waiting for a bacon strip every time I saw him on).

Either way, this is absolutely perfect. One of my eleven Dalonian Gods, Olfrin here is a dolphin-shark hybrid who loves to show off, and loves to compare society and culture to chemical reactions, as he has specialized in anthropology and chemistry, two very different yet (according to him) very similar studies! So enjoy! I have loved every bit of this character come to life and you should ALL go over to WEMD to give him ALL your love and admiration because his skill is steadily improving, and this might be his best pic yet (which is interesting because I Said the same thing about his last picture he did for me).

His name is Olfrin Stormfin.

Well, that's not entirely true. He is known as Olfrin Stormfin, but 'Stormfin' is just a moniker he gave himself early in his reign as one of the Dalonian Gods. His actual last name has been lost to time and even he isn't sure if his memory serves him right.

Olfrin is a member of the Nolse species - a seafaring, underwater amphibious hybrid of shark and dolphin; how those two species cross-bred to create a sentient race is a mystery to all, though it's believed that the ceteaceans are closer to fish than originally thought.

After mastering the particular elements of his own species natural, cyclical transformations, he helped Ceylon understand the depths of his own transformation ability that he'd developed independently of the nolse, becoming something of an accomplice to the God of Transformation himself. It was his superior intellect and Ceylon's uncanny magic ability that helped unlock the prime magic spell that helped the gods attain immortality.

From the time he joined the travelling mage-scientists, he acted as sort of a messenger and purveyor of knowledge from the different groups worldwide; his ability to swim across oceans without having to stop like the fliers made him an asset, just like the fliers helped him to get around land masses.

See, the Nolse don't have to remain underwater to be comfortable and healthy, but it certainly helps. If they stay on dry land, their skin eventually dries out despite their thin layer of mucous that's intended to prevent that very thing.

Their race are known to be quite large, often ranging from 8-12 feet long from beak-snout to tail tip. Olfrin is an average sized member of his species, but he likes to pretend he's much larger because the seafaring race of nolse barely interact with the rest of the races.

In fact, it's said that the nolse possess technological and scientific knowledge greater than the terrestrial races by a factor of anywhere between 5-10. Their brains were better developed than the humans, Oaira, and Jysa, and since the terrestrial and aquatic races advanced completely unique to one another, it's only natural that they're in very different places along their evolution.

And maybe there's something else involved in the disparity.

Regardless of those hidden truths, this is Olfrin Stormfin. Master of the seas, God of the Flow of Knowledge, and an immensely influential creature. Don't worry, he's been around long enough that nothing can shame him, he's not shy, and he's something of a party animal, even if his interest in such social get togethers would mostly be for the anthropologic knowledge he would gain.

See, Olfrin - like the other Gods - is a scientist first and foremost. His chosen method of study is that of psychology. He studies people, he studies culture, he studies history, but he also studies physics and chemistry, so he's not without his credentials.

One of his favorite games is to compare social interactions to chemical or physical reactions. He loves comparing people to volatile chemicals.

But don't worry, he also loves to explore the ins and outs of each and every species there is to know. Remember, he's descended from dolphin kind, which means that despite his intelligence, he's not without his immensely horny side.

The Nolse have a unique physiology that Olfrin has learned to control and subsequently master. See, unlike most races, individuals are neither male nor female. Instead, they cycle through the genders in much the same way most mammalian females cycle through a menstrual cycle, though the gender cycles last much longer in the nolse.

Every member of the nolse race has a cycle unique to them, though the cycles are usually very consistent to an individual once they hit puberty. They remain one gender for an indeterminate period of time until the body's hormones run out, and the other gender slowly takes over during a period of sterility known as the 'shift phase', until they are completely the second gender. This is why, in nolsian culture, they don't believe in homosexuality or heterosexuality, only sexuality. Since every member shifts from one to another, it's natural to have interest in both genders lest you be left mateless for whatever period the individual's genders don't match up.

For example, take Olfrin. He is seen here in his male form. He will remain in this form for a period of about three months before his female features start to take over. While in his male form, his vaginal canal is fully sealed and as hard to penetrate as a cervix not loosened by hormones; his nipples will be completely sealed away in slits on either side of his urogenital slit.

However, when the male hormones run out and the female hormones begin to take over, the vaginal opening will loosen to allow penetration and the nipples will expose themselves, all while the phallus remains functional but sterile. This is the Male-To-Female shift phase. This phase - typically - for him lasts about 10-12 days. Once the shift phase is complete, the Phallus will be unable to grow erect, save the top inch or two that acts as the urethra and 'clitoris' in the female form and can be stimulated via the vaginal canal much like a G-spot.

During this female period, the female genitals and breasts will be fully functional, and the body will grow smoother and more akin to the dolphin half of the equation, while the male version is more aggressive like the shark. This period lasts about the same length as her male form before the female hormones run out and the now-biologically-banked male hormones start to take over.

The female-to-male shift phase is practically identical to the male-to-female shift phase, except it's happening in the opposite direction. The Vaginal canal slowly clenches shut to become too tight to penetrate, and the phallus slowly expands and slips out.

Luckily, they live in the oceans so it's always clean.

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