Caring for Your Epic Mount 1 of 2

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - The OWlette

Writing - Runa!

Dasa - Dasa

Melodi - Runa and Greenwing

Caring for your Epic Mount 1 -

Caring for your Epic Mount 2 -

Wanted/Needed something to post today, so I Wrote the first half of the tale of Melodi and her epic mount. In this story, Melodi is a princess of a mostly gryphon tribe about to be taken over by an invading army of other species, or maybe not. Either way, she needs to take her Epic Mount Dasa with her and investigate the motives of the army that seems to be surrounding them. Thing is, Dasa isn't any ordinary mount, he doesn't follow orders unless you keep him happy in a very specific way, which melodi is expected to do at every opportunity.

Not the longest story, at least not this part of it. Thing is, This isn't even half of the plot. The comic is two pages, and I needed to split it all up somehow, so I did the introduction, a bit of a tease of sex, as well as a cliffhanger that will lead into an act two conflict followed by the climax and resolution. There may be less than 4000 words here, but it sets up the story the way it's supposed to, and it'll end up being around 8000 words by the time it's done, which is my obligation to Dasa.

Though once I'm done editing it, I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up over 10k, since when I edit IT end to add a lot of little details.

When I post part 2, I will be re-editing this part and posting it all as one with both comic pages as one and the entire story edited in one spot, so there will be many ways for you to enjoy this.Edit

Finished editing part 1, and I have updated the prose within to reflect these changes to give more details, streamline some parts, and just overall tell a better story. Also, yes, I added 1600 words. I'm not a very good editor, evidently :P

Things were not looking good for Melodi or her tribe. Over the last few days, an army of sorts had been slowly encroaching on her homeland to surround the village where the lived on all sides. It was up to Chief Storm to decide what to do about the whole situation, and he was having a hard time deciding if this army that was taking residence in the forest around their village was a threat or not. After much deliberation between he and his council of elders, it was decided that Melodi - his lovely princess - was tasked with doing a bit of scouting. She was to leave and investigate the army's intentions silently, and use her stature as princess as a bit of leverage to negotiate peace if need be.

Despite her status as princess, she wasn't the pampered, weak, or useless type you'd expect. On the contrary, she had plenty of skills in combat, and had been trained with all manner of weapons and had been taught how to use a variety of different body-part oriented martial arts, becoming especially proficient with her talons. In a fight she was one of the better warriors in her tribe and she also possessed great potential with magic. Above all else, she was the only one who was able to tame and ride Dasa, the Devil Dog that was the fastest and most dangerous mount in their stables.

Well, not in the stables. Such a regal beast would not tolerate being put in a stable. No, he was always trailing behind Melodi or exploring the village at his own will. He was larger and smarter than the horses and far stealthier - not to mention more deadly, as he was useful in combat beyond just carrying his rider - so the various avians and felines of the tribe had no problem letting him wander. He was a well revered beast. In reality, they had no choice in the matter. It was either that or the beast would take the cattle as meals or rape the horses at will.

See, Dasa wasn't like the other mounts. He wasn't obedient like a dog or horse, both of which saw their riders as a sort of herd master or pack leader. Wolves look up to their alpha, horses to theirs. Dasa was not like those feral beasts. You didn't earn Dasa's loyalty by feeding him, sheltering him, or protecting him from the elements - he was plenty capable of fending for himself and he hated being confined in any sort of shelter for any reason. No, if you wanted Dasa's respect, you needed to respect him as you expected him to respect you; if you failed to give him what he wanted, the results could get violent. You were to treat him as an equal, regardless of his lack of communication skills and tendency to get aggressive if he didn't get what he wanted.

It was a very unstable relationship between he and the rest of the tribe, a relationship Melodi was able to foster and control by giving him what he wanted, and knowing when to say no. Now, Dasa bowed only to her, and it was time for the two of them to put their combined skills to work and investigate the army that was almost certainly surrounding them for an attack. Dasa was quick and stealthy, so the two of them could cover many kilometers of ground very quickly, plus she had the varied skills needed for pretty much anything that was put in front of her.

Above all else, Melodi was the only one in the village - aside from Chief Storm himself - who was permitted to make decisions on the tribe's behalf without the approval of a counsel.

The plan was for her and Dasa to leave early in the morning, remain stealthy until they met up with a regiment or whatever they could find, and get what information she could by any means necessary. She was trusted to use her judgement deciding how to get said information. Options she was considering involved reconnaissance, torture, and other, more diplomatic but less interesting solutions.

She already had her bow on her back and a halberd in one hand when she let out a long, wailing whistle to call to Dasa. She was alone in one of the long cattle fields on the northern end of the village, with the sun just barely cresting the horizon, so nobody would see her. Not only was she far from any homes, but it was early and only the feline servants would be awake at this hour - not like they'd take not of her unless she was in direct control of them. She had already hauled out the saddle and enough rations to feed her for three days on her journey, which would supplement any game she caught on the way.

It didn't take long for her to see the massive canine-equine hybrid hop over the fence and proceed to slink his way towards here, trying his best to hide in the tall grass of the pasture. He was crawling, because he wasn't some foolish dog who would hop and bound his way through to get to her as fast as he could, goofy grin on his face. No, he had more dignity than that.

"Come, Dasa!" Melodi commanded with one of her feathered forearms to the sky. That was an instruction to come quick, not to dawdle and waste time.

Reluctant but still willing to obey her command, he stood tall and walked at a brisk pace towards her, the massive size difference between him and her appearing more defined as they got closer. Melodi was by no means a small hippogryph, but even so Dasa completely dwarfed her. Once they met up, her beak barely made it to his chest, despite her being the largest of all the avians in the tribe.

As soon as he got close enough, he lowered his head and gave her a curious sniff. Like all canines, his sense of smell was impeccable and could catch onto things that others would not. Once he had sampled her aroma, he immediately stared her in the eyes and growled gently at her. He could smell that she was coming into season, and he knew that they were leaving alone on a trip. Normally, such an occasion would be a cause for a celebration in his loins, as this was all part of the ritual that led to solitude during most of her seasons. Her given loyalty-earning ritual often started early in the morning on a field in the outskirts of the village, and always ended up with him happy and willing to do pretty much anything she commanded of him.

Feeling his compassion bubble up a bit, he leaned into her and pressed his chin down on her shoulder in an act of dominance, a gentle grown escaping his lips, but she pushed him away.

"No, Das. Not right now. We have things to do, important things." She was never sure if he understood the words, bur he always understood the tone, and her stern assertion just made him growl more, even if it was just a show of disappointment. Once she was sure he was calmed down, she turned to grab the saddle from behind her and toss it up on the beast's back, but he hopped away so that it fell to the ground. She clacked her beak in frustration and stared at him, her own yellow eyes meeting his intense stare. "What's wrong with you? Don't fuck around, Das, I told you we have things to do."

In response, he leaned over and buried his snout between her legs, nuzzling enough to get in under her tunic. He let out a deep rumble of a snort that tickled her inner thighs before she pushed him away again.

"Dammit, not now, Dasa. You know I won't leave you hanging, but the safety of the tribe comes first, before you or I. Now, stand still for a moment and let me mount your saddle." Once again she grabbed his mane fur and tossed the saddle over his back; this time it stayed on him so she tied the buckles and locked the clasps before filling the saddle bags with the food, arrows, and various other amenities before giving him an assuring scritch behind the ears. "Good. Sorry to leave you like this, but let's go." With that, she hopped up onto him and settled into the saddle, aiming him towards the woods and digging her heels into his flank ever so gently to get him going. He yipped at her, but then hopped towards the northern end of the field, hopping over the fence and disappearing into the woods with a heavily armed hippogryph mare on his back.

Once in the forest, the devil dog barely stopped for the majority of the morning. His endurance may not have been on par with the horses, but he was faster and as long as he had a moment to drink or relieve himself, he could cover comparable ground in a day's journey. In addition to his speed, he was also far more dextrous thanks to his paws, so he could climb over fallen logs and rocks with greater ease, and his fangs and claws made him a formidable force in any scuffle.

There was a very good reason Melodi was willing to sacrifice herself for his loyalty.

While she was on him, Dasa did as he was told for most of the trip. He jumped over logs, weaved through trees and rocks, and even was certain to crawl low to the ground when Melodi felt that she might have heard someone in the distance, even if every bit of caution was for naught. She barely even needed to speak to him, her subtle movements while on his back were enough to convey her desires to him.

Eventually though, even the most loyal of devil dogs tend to expect compensation for their loyalty and service.

As they crested a hill to bound into an open clearing, Dasa skidded to a stop, nearly making Melodi crash off the saddle, her beak pressing against the back of his neck before she regained her composure. She shook her head and clicked her beak in anger before digging her heels into his sides again. "Go!"

But he was protesting. Rather than leap forth into a stride, he shook his back and growled until she fell from the saddle, landing with a dull thud beside him on the ground, much of the supplies from the saddle bags along with her. She coughed until she regained her vision, and when she looked up she saw Dasa's intense yellow eyes staring down at her as his chest heaved with each heavy breath. "Dammit Dasa, What's gotten into you?"

As a response, he roughly jerked his head down to use his teeth on the buckles wrapped around his belly, unclasping the binds to let the saddle fall to the ground. Once he was free of the leathers, he stepped over Melodi andnuzzled into her legs again, this time pressing his tongue out to drag his canine flesh up under the drape of her tunic, cleaning the bits of tangy moisture from her nether lips.

She had to resist the urge to moan, since she knew that the needs of the people were more important than her personal needs. Despite her mind being clear, her body was protesting as much as Dasa was, as her vulva was swollen and tender due to her estrus. It was a natural worry when travelling alone with Dasa, the devil dog could smell her heat from the other side of the village, and when she was warm he always demanded a taste and a feel.

This was the negotiation. He would do as she asked, as long as she let him have his way with her whenever she was in heat. She didn't actually need to wait for estrus desires to take her to want what Dasa had to offer, but as a form of conditioning she'd trained him to only expect it when she was in this fertile season.

It was a great way of keeping him in check, but it also meant that he expected something from her every time they were in any sort of position to enjoy the pleasures of one another. The conditioning may have been effective if she had of thought to not give him the expectation of consistent estrus mare pussy. If she didn't give him what he wanted, he wouldn't give her what she needed, which meant that unless she once again sacrificed herself for his desires, she wouldn't come close to finding what she was looking for.

Unfortunately, that meant their little scouting trip would have to take something of a detour. With great exasperation, she sighed and pulled the string of her tunic, peeling it off her body to fully expose her soft, meaty lips as she stared at him, the tips of her other fingers prying the flesh apart to rub on either side of her equine clit.

Melodi wasn't an expert in canine-equine facial expressions or body language, but she was quite certain she saw the beast smile a devilish grin the moment her clothes were peeled back to expose her swollen pussy. Even if not for the subtle grin, she knew he was happy because his crimson tip was poking out from his sheathe, and his knot was already bulging within it. She may not have known much of his species, but she knew Dasa well, so she was expecting the rest of the trip to leave her partially uncomfortable while on the saddle.

Conditioning could be very effective, but sometimes it was a little too effective.

She rolled to her side to get to her feet, but as she did so, he laid a paw on her rump and bit down on her shoulder, holding her in place with a mean-spirited growl. She knew she wasn't going to care much for this at the moment, but only because she had other things on her mind and that wouldn't stop him from being as rough as he always was. Her heat was screaming for flesh, but her mind was hoping this would get over with quickly. Cognitive dissonance is something of a true bitch.

Once he had her shoulder firm in his jaws, he pressed his chest down against her, holding her in place as he inched forward. He continued to growl and bite down on her with every movement, but she still did as she was forced with little in the way of resistance.

All she could do, really, was splay her legs out and lift her tail, keeping herself on all fours so he could have his way with her. Her sex was moist and literally dripping with estrus fluids and lubricants, so it wasn't like she was without a sweet aroma to tease him with; her body was practically screaming at the beast to mount her. In a way she blamed herself for not taking care of this beforehand and washing out to minimize the effects of the heat and the scents/tastes that came with it. Still, she kept her tail hiked up and pried to the side to ensure no fibers of hair got shoved in when he thrust. Now, she just waited for him to take advantage.

Within seconds of her getting her tail out of the way, Dasa let go of her shoulder and reared up, standing tall over her as he crouched his hind end down, pressing the tip of his sheathe against her hips, the fleshy protruding segment of his cock pressing against her moist lips. He kept both is paws on her haunches as a way to show dominance as he gave his first gentle thrust. She immediately noticed that this was considerably kinder than he would normally have been.

Much to her chagrin, her heated, slick sex betrayed her. As soon as his slick tip pressed it very end on her tender lips, she felt a wink contort her canal and fold out her vulva, exposing her tender walls to his girth to give it a bit of a massage so that when he gave his first thrust, her lips peeled his sheathe back and he buried half of himself in her. She clamped her beak shut tight and she held her head to the ground, whimpering gently as his member stretched her canal flesh far beyond what it would normally be able to accommodate.

A combination of pain and discomfort welled up in her as she felt herself subconsciously reassuring herself that any of this would only last a few minutes before her body adapted and she'd be able to enjoy it. Yes, she was looking forward to enjoy it. Her mind was clouded in pain, but her walls were quivering in anticipation as her muscles clenched in such a way it practically sucked him in deeper.

However, Dasa wasn't the type to just push it in slowly and leave it at that. No, he was still mostly canine. Wolves tended to thrust until the knot slipped in, only then would they calm down. Dasa may not have been all wolf, but enough of him was that he started to violently thrust, paws wrapped around to keep her in place as his gargantuan member pummelled her, stretching her from lips to womb before slipping out to leave her feeling empty only to repeat.

"Hhhhhhngph!" She grunted and clenched her eyes shut pushing back into it so the assault wouldn't get enough room for a thrust. She wanted to just keep it inside her until she was ready, but every time he slid into her, he immediately withdrew until only his tip was resting between her lips so he could repeat. At least every violent thrust into her hurt a little less to the point that it was starting to feel nice. Her flesh was secreting more lubricating fluids and the muscles were alternating between being too weak to clamp down and being even more eager to massage his veiny cock within.

In between each invasive insertion, she felt her walls slicken, her muscles tighten, and her lips spew a bit of fluid down onto the ground between her knees, splattering against the underside of his member as he continued to push. Now that her body was adapting (rather quickly), she was getting into it, rocking back and forth in rapid succession so that each shallow thrust felt twice as deep - that in time she would feel his bulging knot slapping against her distended lips and pursed out rump.

Dasa growled and lowered his head, arching his back to give a bit more leverage to his thrusts, claws digging into her hips as he pushed her back onto him. He was having a hard time keeping the angle right, as her canal was contracting with each thrust and making it harder and harder for him to slip back into her hot depths. Still, the force of his thrusts ensured no muscles could keep him out.

Sensing it was okay to enjoy a bit of a quickie, Melodi reached around back, tail still pulled to the side, and rubbed against his sheathe, popping it back over his knot to expose it to the warm morning air. She wrapped one of her hands around its base with her forearm feathering tickling at its bulges as she got a solid grip on it.

Instantly, Dasa stopped thrusting. With the pressure around the base of his knot, he felt properly tied, so now it was time for his throbbing cock to start spewing cum into her, one silken strand at a time. He let out a growl of pleasure as he bit down on her shoulder again, even with her still reaching back between the two of them to hold his inflating, bulging knot in the palm of her hand.

Even though his girth was a bit too much for her to take most of the time, the gentle throbbing massages expanding in time with her own contractions were quite pleasant, and the hot seed was certainly therapeutic. If not for that, even the pulsing of his heartbeat inflating his knot one contraction at a time would have been plenty to satisfy her. She loved to feel his bulges in her palm, growing firm like a sport ball in her hand, so she relished every moment of it and every sensation in every part of her form. Once it was at full inflation, the veins and arteries and tiny little ridges intensified and she could feel each ripple and bit of texture he had to offer, and she wished it was in her - all of it, not just the bulging shaft.

How she wished it was in her. That wonderful, thick, throbbing knot resting within the tensing canal that matched his every other heartbeat in muscular contractions to squeeze around it in time with his own eruptions of that slick seed. To her, it was like a choreographed machine of repetition. Heartbeat, contraction, heartbeat, squirt, heartbeat, contraction. She did clench down on him with all her orgasmic, carnal desire, even if only on his shaft. It was enough to make her flesh quiver in delight as yet another strand of cum exploded into her womb.

With her hand still wrapped around the base of him and his jaw once again clamped down around her shoulder, she lowered her chest to the ground and reached between her legs, teasing her winking clit with her free fingers to curl her toes in pleasure. With a long, drawn out groan, she felt her entire lower body clench down on the veiny cock within her, lips winking around the crest of his knot that she was holding against her rump cheeks. "Fuuuuuuuuck!" she grumbled into the grass, eyes rolling back as another twinge of pleasure rocked her from cunt to chest.

Dasa finally let her shoulder go as he hopped off her, content with his temporary satisfaction, but Melodi didn't let go of him. Instead, she found herself dragged backwards a few meters before the beast realized that she was still stuck to him, his cock now bent backwards between his hind legs. He panted heavily and whimpered a pleased semi-howl as he spread his legs and pushed back into her, forcing their rumps together.

"Good Das." She assured him, still rubbing at herself with one hand while the other kept his knot pressed against her cheeks, the resulting lubrication soaking her rump and the base of her tail, his balls laying on her wrist.

Eventually, though, she had to let go. With a reluctant gradual weakening of her thumb and fingers, she felt him pull away from her, knot sliding over her fingertips as his length pulled from her with something of a suction-effect on her womb. Once the bulging length escaped her with a wet, sloppy squelch, she felt a cool air tickle her canal as she remained gaping, the suction pulling almost all of the cum from her to dribble over he clit and splash in a tiny puddle between her legs.

Like any canine post-knot, Dasa rolled onto his side and cleaned himself off as his knot deflated, slowly sucking itself back up into his sheathe, the tip of said sheathe sliding the lube and cum off his length to keep it in a little daub for him to lick up.

Beastly as he may have been, Dasa was also a sort of gentleman pup. He saw Melodi bent over with tail raised and chest to the ground with her legs spread and pussy drooling the thin, milky fluid he'd put in her, so he sauntered back over and buried his snout in her, lapping up at the juices with his long, soft tongue. Each of his licks was slow and deliberate, sliding up her clit before pressing into her slit to capture every drop.

Only a few licks later, she was completely cleaned off/out with only his saliva moistening her lips, so she finally got up on weakened legs and put her tunic back on. She tried her best to give Dasa a stern look, ready to chastize him for demanding her when it wasn't appropriate, but then she remembered how much she liked it and how she wanted more, so she just pressed her beak against his snout, rubbed his chest, apologized for saying no, and hopped back up onto the saddle.

Once she'd mounted him - legs weak and slit still trembling with every slight motion - the two of them quickly left the open field and continued travelling northbound through the forest with Melodi armed and ready for a fight. Travel wasn't as smoothe as it was the first half of the trip, as Melodi's weakened legs gave her less control to communicate her desires to Dasa. Luckily he was able to figure out the basics and they did eventually crest a hill where they had to halt progress.

Down in the valley, she could see hundreds upon hundreds of troops in a camp, milling about a series of tents. She was finally here.

With her beast now fully tamed - at least for the time being - Melodi hopped off him and commanded the beast to slink back in the bushes on the other side of the hill so that nobody from the camp could see them. She found a divot in the ground deep enough to ensure that she wouldn't be seen, as it was a slope on one side and a fallen log on the other side. Once she was confident in her position, she built up a fire and had him lay down next to the fallen tree so she could snuggle into his belly. It wasn't a cold land nor was she the kind to get cold, but this was another part of their bonding ritual so she felt obligated to cuddle.

As she lay there, the sun setting to the west and her ears picking up bits and pieces of chatter over the hill, she found herself idly scritching at his sheathe. Once again she suffered cognitive dissonance, as she wasn't sure if she should do something so foolish so close to what could be a few hundred soldiers and knights that wanted to kill her, but she could feel him growing again, and that excited her.

Perhaps it was a sign from the gods, but as she was rubbing and tickling at his member through his sheathe, she heard some voices coming up the hill followed by a series of snapping twigs and some angry shouts. Instantly, she stood to her feet to peek over the hill and get a look at what was coming towards them.

Dasa was disappointed to see her pull away from him, as he'd wanted more attention, but once he got a whiff of the air he could tell someone was near, so he also rose to his feet and crested the hill along with Melodi.

The two of them were met with precisely what they were hoping not to see. It was about a dozen well-armed knights plodding their way straight towards them, all in blue, red, and orange armor with yellow and green patterns and highlights, with one undressed female feline being kicked over and taunted by the knights. From what Melodi could tell, three of them were equine, four were canine, and the remaining five were all either feline or human. This would definitely be interesting if they were going to attempt any sort of sexual abuse on this poor, gray-furred feline.

Melodi had no real interest in causing a fight, her preferred method of information gathering involved either quiet investigation or interrogation - neither of which involved open conflict. Unfortunately, rape was not something she'd accept unless it was in exchange for the loyalty of a dangerous and intelligent beast, such as Dasa.

She reached over to her mount's saddle bags and plucked her bow and a few arrows before hopping up onto the top of the hill where the knights would be able to see her. She readied an arrow, levelling it at the biggest of the knights. The apparent leader - a massive equine - raised a fist and shouted for them all to halt before raising his mask and getting a look at the avian that dared challenge him.

"Who are you, what do you plan on doing to this poor woman, and what are you doing in my land?" Melodi demanded of the leader, an absolutely massive Equine that was even taller than she was. It wasn't the smartest move for a scout to raise a weapon to those she was trying to investigate quietly, so she offered him a gesture of good faith by lowering her bow slightly and waiting for his response.

"Your land? This entire wood is the land of the King, ser Olliwan the third. Our business with this whore is none of yours, so stand down before you get hurt." The leader started walking towards her, so Melodi readied her bow again, aiming it at his neck.

"Don't think I won't shoot you." She warned him. "And my business is the protection of any peoples who are unjustly abused."

He slapped his breast plate and laughed as he lowered his faceplate again. "How pathetic. She thinks she has any say over what we do with our entertainment boys! And look at that, using a bow? What are you gonna do, to three layers of armor with a bow?" He continued to walk slowly and menacingly towards her, unsheathing a massive sword as he took a few deliberate steps.

"You have about three seconds to stop or I will shoot." She warned, drawing the bowline back as far as it would go - as far as she needed it to pierce the chainmail that was underneath the armor. Her aim would be good enough to hit her mark.

Rather than heed her warning, the leader took another three steps.

And Melodi squinted her eyes for only a moment before letting loose her arrow, which slipped through two chinks in the horse's armor right at the neck, the power piercing through the chain mail to penetrate his flesh, a gush of blood escaping his artery to flow down the chest plate before he fell to the ground, dropping his sword to clutch at his throat.

It was no use, he could do nothing as long as his helmet was still on.

There was a moment of stunned silence from the other eleven knights as Melodi sighed and readied another arrow. "I told you I would shoot." She reassured them as the equine leader gurgled in bloody protest before falling face first on the ground.

The relatively tiny feline escaped the clutches of the wolf that was holding her down and ran away as best she could before each and every one of the other knights unsheathed their swords. The wolf that was still stunned enough that he let their plaything get away finally screamed at Melodi with all the rage he could.

"You will pay for that! Get her!"

Caring for Your Epic Mount 2 of 2

With her beast now fully tamed - at least for the time being - Melodi hopped off him and commanded the beast to slink back in the bushes on the other side of the hill so that nobody from the camp could see them. She found a divot in the ground deep...

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Viking Hatchday Bash on the Beach

Despite their friend Ruco's insistence, the trip was not going well at all. Kloog and Lars both were promised an incredibly fun weekend for their hatch days (both were within a month of each other so they often celebrated together). However, it seemed...

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Rigorous Testing Needs

"What do you mean?" She asked, legs idly crossed as she stared at the massive gryphon that stood over her. There was still a gentle stream of cum dribbling out to soak her vulva and inner thighs, turning the azure gem on her piercing a cloudy...

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