Stray Skunk part 2

Story by pyrostinger on SoFurry

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#2 of Stray Skunk

Part two of Stray skunk! Not much more to say, other than I hope the third part won't take seven months to write. Though I already have a beginning for it, and the planning is done.

Icon comes from this appropriate picture. Used with permission (I think).

Stray Skunk (part 2) by pj wolf

Kappy and Lily Ann belong to Kappy Leon and Ivan belong to GlitterPills Concept by GlitterPills

The first week was bad for the weed supply. Though that was entirely Kappy's fault.

Anxiety pushed her to blaze through at least half of it on her own. The problem was that being high allowed her to compartmentalize her oppressive guilt, which was nice seeing as nearly every night was either sleepless or a wet dream with Ivan's tireless cock at the core of it. When she realized that so much has been used on a limited supply, she imposed some sober days for herself. Those were rougher, especially when Leon continued to smoke until he saw what she was doing.

Being with Leon was a comfort. She didn't want to talk to him about what was truly bothering her, and though he seemed to see that something was up, he didn't press. He was, however, as accommodating as possible, especially as his hours finally began to come down. The two of them opened up some collaborative commissions, which helped a little bit. But overall, the economy was affecting everybody. Leon had taken to do a little job searching, though that was turning up empty for the most part.

Week two had Kappy going a little stir-crazy. Those words of 'thinking about it' were truly prophetic. Going for walks helped, but as much as she tried to block out Ivan, he only came back with a vengeance. Perhaps it would have been better if she weren't obsessing over it, but the comparison was inevitable, and riding on her dildos only provided some relief. On Friday, the phone rang.

It was morning, and Leon was at work. Kappy lay on the bed, panting and curled up, one of her toys just by her butt. It was still vibrating a bit and she hadn't the energy to turn it off quite yet. Eventually, the phone went to voicemail, but then it rang again. Groaning, the skunk reached out for it. "Hello?"

"Hey girl! You alright over there?" asked Lily.

Kappy made a face, wishing she hadn't picked up. Lily had been sending her text messages fairly frequently, most of which went ignored. "I'm fine, Lily. What do you want?"

"What? Oh c'mon, why so grumpy? You get your smoke in yet?"

Pulling her ears back, Kappy sighed and tried again. "What is it?"

"Well I just wanted to invite you out to lunch! I haven't seen much of you lately."

Again with the lunch offer. "As much as I might like to, Lily, I just can't afford that right now."

"Oh that's fine. I'll pay."

This made Kappy sit upright. "What?"

There was a sigh over the line. "I said I'll pay. I actually have a job now."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah! Didn't you read my texts?"

Kappy blinked. "Honestly? No."

"Well why the hell not?" Lily didn't seem mad, just bewildered.

"I thought you'd be hitting me up for cash, really... or asking to go clubbing and wanting me to pay the cover. Things have been tight for me so..."

"Good thing that I have some income now! So tell ya what, why don't you meet me at 1:30 around that new place that opened up. I heard they got tons of veggie options for you, so we can both eat there. Okay?"

Kappy didn't have much more to say than "Okay."


In typical Lily fashion, she was late. That didn't really bother Kappy any. But when she did stroll in twentyish minutes late, she was smiling and looked pretty good. "Sorry I'm late, got a little caught up. C'mere..." Lily beckoned for a hug and Kappy obliged, squeezing.

Something in the other skunk's scent made Kappy pull back. "You been hanging around Ivan?"

"Yeah, actually." Lily smiled and motioned for the both of them to sit. "I told you, he's a good guy!"

"Yeah... well... usually when you hang around a dealer, you don't look so..."

"So what?"

'Radiant' seemed a bit much, so Kappy went with "Good."

Lily smirked. "Yeah, well, Maxi wanted to keep me high whenever I stayed over there, so I tried to do it as little as possible. You hear he's getting arraigned today?"

Kappy waved that off. "Yeah, but, like... do you and Ivan just... I mean..."

"Do we fuck?" Lily asked, grinning a bit at Kappy's inability to spit it out. "Yeah."

"How much... have you bought doing that?" Kappy asked, her ears going back.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about," Lily said. Whatever she was going to say went away as the waiter came and took their orders. He was gone in short order, and Kappy looked at Lily expectantly. "What?" she asked.

"What did you wanna talk to me about?" Kappy said.

"Oh! But yeah, by this point I have so much of a credit that there'd be no reason for me to do that again ever, if he decided to honor it. Point is, he started up a website."

Kappy blinked. "You guys are... putting that online?"

"Oh yeah," Lily said, buttering up a roll. "Ivan figured we could make some money off it, so we started on one of those sites where you can cam and people can tip you through gold or something? And we made some money that way, so after Ivan threw up a little site with a paywall. Problem is that the site looks like ass, and I thought since you were an artist you might be able to make it look better."

Kappy blinked. "Well... I might, but I still have some commissions--"

"It's paid work." The other skunk took a bite out of the roll, immediately grinning. "They got good rolls here," she said around the bread.

"Oh. Did he say how much?"

Lily shook her head. "Not ta me, but, like, I bet he'll talk to you if you come over. So how do you figure we go there after lunch?"

It certainly seemed reasonable enough. "Well... alright, sure."

"Cool. I'll text him and let him know." Lily pulled out her phone and started to type out a message.

While the other skunk did that, Kappy rubbed the back of her head. Why did she get the feeling that she didn't know exactly what she just signed up for?


The downside to editing a porn video is that you found out exactly how loud your friend can squeal. There were few upsides, where Kappy was concerned.

"Redoing the website" had been a job that she'd finished and been paid pretty well for. But then Ivan hired her on to maintain the website, which meant she was handed the raw videos. She took it upon herself to edit them, and then when the site started to get a little bigger she took to handling the chat room. It essentially turned one job into several, though in and of themselves they weren't bad. It was just... a bit bothersome.

It wasn't that the pay wasn't good. The skunk had to rely on freelance artwork less, because Ivan paid and paid well. It helped that Lily was so very enthusiastic, and willing to show off her body while getting fucked by the puma, and that Ivan happened to have the kind of porn star dick that attracted people. The site was definitely getting traffic, helped by the occasional live stream with people paying directly to see Lily get fucked.

No, the problem was that watching all this porn... well, it was having an impact on Kappy herself.

The filming was the worst part. Usually, Ivan simply wanted the camera pointed somewhere in the direction of their mashed genitals, which didn't require much effort on Kappy's part. But then there was some clamoring for more dynamic views, which required her to pick up the camera and more actively film them. Which meant she got the front row seat to watching Ivan plunge his cock into Lily, hips powerfully flexing as Lily hung onto the puma's built arms, her legs clinging around--

Kappy shook herself. Was she... fantasizing now? She stopped the video and rubbed at her eyes. How long had she been at this anyway? It was almost as if she was having a difficult time distinguishing reality from video, as she could have sworn that she could still here Lily--

A sudden yelp came from the other room, drawing Kappy's attention. Of course. Sometimes they just fucked anyway, like some kind of horny couple. This was the primary reason why she ended up being the cameraskunk -- to catch the two of them in the act and record it for the website. There was even a special series for it: "Caught in the Act:" Viewers seemed to like it for the spontaneous nature of it, since most videos usually started with the camera person opening a door and finding the two stars already involved.

But instead of grunts, there were just more giggles. Less disturbing, then, as she simply started on something else site related. If it was drugs they were doing, then chances are they'd be a lot more mellow. Though sex could happen. It was times like these that she wished she'd remembered to bring her headphones on her way over today, if only so she could drown them out.

A door opened a moment later, heavy footsteps crossing the door. Musta been Ivan, and judging from what she could smell under the sex and Lily was weed. Alright, well a little bit of a toke break. That actually sounded kinda good right now.

As if on cue, the cougar's paw landed heavily on the skunk's shoulder. "You are tense."

Kappy flinched. Damn his perception. "I'm fine. Just working on some website stuff."

"You are still tense." He squeezed on her shoulder. "You should come, smoke with us, yes?"

"Thank you, but I just really wanted to get this thing done..."

"You work too hard, you get nothing done," the lion said, pulling her up. "Come."

"I said I was busy, Ivan."

"You take break now," he said, gently tugging on her. The grip was firm, but he wasn't trying to yank her up.

"Fine," Kappy relented, getting up with the cougar. He wasn't wearing a shirt. Whatever, it was his house. He lead her to the back room, and the scent of weed and sex got stronger.

"Hey Kaps. Finally decide to join us?" Lily fingerwaved at her, leaning against the wall on the bed. Kappy stopped short, because Lily was quite naked, aside from clearly high. The whole room was starting to get hazy. "C'mere, sit," she went on, patting a place beside her in the bed.

"Shouldn't you guys crack a window or something?" Kappy said, as Ivan let her go. She tried not to stare at Lily, since Lily was not only quite naked but also post-sex, seeing as Kappy was pretty sure there was a mess drooling out from her sex. And if that wasn't enough, Lily's lady parts were-- abruptly, Kappy looked back up at Lily's face. "It's pretty musky in here," she said, going to open a window herself. The fresh air was welcome, though initially a bit chilly to the heat in the room. Or was that just her?

Behind her, she could hear a lighter sparking, and someone inhaling and blowing smoke. "Heh... is good, this," Ivan said. "You want to try, Kappy?"

Kappy looked then, ears pressing back further. One of the cougar's hands was outstretched, offering the lit blunt. The other was towelling away at his crotch. "I prefer bongs," she said quickly, looking down and away. Everything felt warmer all of a sudden.

"Is same weed, no?" replied the cougar reasonably. He passed to Lily, who inhaled deeply, opening her mouth to let the smoke flow out on its own. "You've been working very, very hard, and website looks very, very good."

"Site's amazin', Kaps," Lily said, taking another hit. This one she held and coughed out, gesturing to the other skunk. "Just c'mon and relax a lil', huh?"

"Do I have to be naked?" Kappy turned toward the two, as Ivan got onto the bed on the other side of Lily. She passed to him, and the cougar took a single hit before passing it back.

"Of course not! Just come over here, alright? Smoke a bowl with us."

"Pass it, then," Kappy said, moving toward them. The blunt was soon in her hand, and she put it to her lips and inhaled. The smoke flowed into her lungs, then through her nose as she blew it out, managing to cough only once. "'kay that's... pretty good," she said, already feeling a bit more mellow, the stress and tension starting to fall away. Sitting on the bed, she took another hit, passing it over to Lily. It continued for a while, with Ivan trying and failing to make smoke rings to the amusement of the two ladies. In general, conversation was minimal, though the cooler air did make Kappy feel as if she had to cuddle up to Lily, something Lily commented on but left alone for the most part.

She wasn't sure when it happened, but Kappy found herself roused from her sudden dozing by Lily's movement. She turned to complain playfully about it when she noticed that Lily had bent over Ivan's lap. She didn't really need to hear the sucking sounds to know what the other skunk was doing. Now, she was flushing and frozen, unsure of what to do.

It didn't last long, however. Lily came back up, a hand stroking the cougar dick as she rubbed her jaw. "Dammit, this is no fun," she whined up at Ivan. "My jaw's sore from the face fucking."

"You do not have to," Ivan replied, amused.

"Yeah, but this cock needs a good sucking..."

"If you say so," he said, chuckling softly. Then his hand was reaching over, brushing Lily's butt, making Kappy flinch backward. "You are awake," the cougar said, grinning to Kappy.

"Oh!" Lily turned slightly, still with her hand stroking Ivan's twitching shaft.

Maybe it was the weed, but something occurred to Kappy then. It was the other reason that she got so squirmy watching Ivan and Lily have sex constantly: she was maybe just a little bit jealous of her. That line of thinking quickly made her feel guilty (what with Leon and all) but... still. "...sorry," Kappy said. I should leave, Kappy thought. "...You two are always having sex," Kappy said, which was what she meant to think, instead of say. The wires got crossed, which might have meant she was still high. Fuck.

Lily giggled. "Yeah, but that's the job, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but, like," Kappy began. I should probably stop talking, she thought, and opened her mouth to say "You must really like your job because you do it a LOT." Dammit.

"It's fun, though," the other skunk said, leaning against Ivan's chest while she stroked the thick shaft. Kappy flushed and tried to look away.

"Is very fun," Ivan chimed in, his eyes starting to lid.

"Yeah, but, like, if the point is to do it for the camera, you guys are losing money cuz you fuck so much and I can't film it all." She found it a bit easier to stare at Ivan's face, if only marginally. His damn cock kept trying to pull her gaze down. "Like... like now. Now would be a good scene, maybe. Or at least more footage I could use."

"What, are you just jealous?" Lily smirked, squeezing at the base of Ivan's dick and shaking it.

A little, thought Kappy. "No!" said Kappy, though probably a lot more forceful than she meant to. Fuck. "I mean..." Her brain was moving a lot slower than she was used to, though it was speeding up as she blushed harder. "L-look, I'm just saying that you guys fuck a whole lot --"

"--And you wanna get in on it too?" Lily said, grinning still. Movement drew Kappy's eyes, and Lily still had her hand around Ivan's cock, waving it. It suddenly got a lot hotter in the room, despite the window. Shit.

Kappy pulled her ears back. "Look, that's not the point. The point is that we could be getting more footage if you two let me know when you were gonna do it. I mean, the 'Caught in the Act' series is good, but if I was to have some warning--"

"Mebbe you could fap to it?" Lily went on.

"Dammit, Lily, stop that!"

Lily giggled. "Sorry, it's just... I can smell ya, ya know." Kappy couldn't imagine a scenario where her ears could get hotter or redder. "I figured you just wanna suck off this big cougar dick, huh?" Unless Lily did that. "Maybe you can do it for me? Since my jaw's all sore and everything." Or that.

"...If you guys are gonna fuck, then I can just get the cam--"

"I give you bonus."

Kappy's eyes went from the floor to Ivan's lidded ones, the cougar's face almost impassive. Only his swinging tailtip betrayed his interest. "You... what?"

"Bonus. I give you bonus."


"Helping Lily. Also, is good way to know when to film."


"Is work, no?"

She hadn't thought of it like that. "I... guess?"

"Is simple. I add to job description. Assistant, yes?"

The skunk knew she shouldn't. She just.. shouldn't. This was a bad idea, a really bad idea. "I..." Just find a way to get out of this. "...need to get the camera."

"Camera later."


"Not everything on website, yes?"

"Ah, well... no."

"Then come. Camera add pressure. Consider this... job interview." And there, there was that damn little smirk, appearing at the corner of Ivan's mouth.

When Kappy looked back, she pinpointed that moment as when it started. She had been able to rationalize to herself that it was a job, and that she could have always used more money. That's what the skunk told herself, anyway, as she crawled onto the bed toward the pair, taking over while Lily had a break. Of course, then Lily chose to get in on the action, and with Kappy already on a hair trigger it didn't take too long for the other skunk's fingers to do their job, forcing Kappy to come up for air so she didn't bite on Ivan's dick. Then, sheepishly, she went right back at it until Ivan blew in and around her mouth, after which point she excused herself and escaped toward the bathroom. Cleaning herself off helped her calm down, and after that she finished editing the video before leaving to the sound of the two going at it again.

The ride home was uneventful, and she was thankful that Leon had the day off so that she could pounce him as soon as she got home and ride him hard and fast. After a mutual orgasm and a lazy make out session, Kappy felt just a little bit better about everything.

In the morning came guilt, and all its associated evils. She managed to keep them from Leon, even though he suspected something was up. It was evident when as he left for work, he caught her arm and looked into her eyes. "I mean it," he said. "I love you, and you can tell me anything, okay?"

"I love you, too," Kappy said back, and leaned in to kiss his nose. "Have a good day."

Leon didn't look particularly happy that she didn't spill then, but he left, leaving Kappy to deflate on the couch, wondering what she had gotten herself into.

That day, Ivan didn't nudge Kappy into anything else. He and Lily continued to have sex, and Kappy continued to maintain the site, as normal. The next day, though, Lily dragged Kappy into the bedroom, but before filming, she talked Kappy into giving Ivan another blowjob, while the cougar grinned above. Instead of running out when Ivan came, Lily pressed Kappy up against the wall, fingering the skunk in front of Ivan, which got him hard again. Then, Lily jumped on the cougar, leaving Kappy to try and film somewhere from the middle of their tryst.

Ivan had something to go to that evening, so he left the two there, with Kappy finishing up and Lily smoking up. Kappy waited until the door closed before she turned and glared at Lily. "What?" the other skunk said.

"What is wrong with you?"

Lily blew out some smoke, picking up a brush. "Could you be more specific?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!"

"Not really."

Kappy made an exasperated sound. "Why do you keep pushing me to suck off Ivan?"

Lily shrugged. "Thought you were having fun."

"Lily, that's not the point!"

"I thought it was. You looked like you were having a hell of a time."

"You know I have a boyfriend, Lily."

"Yeah, what about him?"

"He's my boyfriend!"

"And weren't you complaining about how much he sucks in bed? How he's got, like, one, two moves at most?"

Kappy flinched. "You asked, though!"

"So you don't deny that he sucks?" Lily grinned, clearing some hair from her eyes.

"He does suck, actually," Kappy said, crossing her arms. "Best tongue I've ever had between my legs."

"But that's not what I'm talking about, Kaps, and you know that."

The darker-furred skunk's face faltered. "He's fine in bed!"

"Ivan is amazing."

"Leon is still my boyfriend," Kappy insisted.

"That's fine. Just go home and ask him if it's cool."


"Look, you keep going on about how awesome he is, right?" Lily said, rolling her eyes. "So just ask him if you can sleep with Ivan. You know, every now and then." She put the blunt to her lips and inhaled, exhaling through her nose. "That way, you won't have to be stuck with just sucking Ivan off all the time."

"I shouldn't even be doing that."

Lily waved away the concern. "Don't even tell him about that. Just say that Ivan offered and you said you'd ask. No big deal."

They were silent for a moment, Lily content with smoking before she heard Kappy again. "Hey Lily."


"You never answered my question. Why are you pushing me to suck Ivan off?"

The pale skunk grinned. "It's like a preview for the main event, Kaps. If sucking Ivan makes you that hot, then imagine what fucking him will be like. Which I can tell you right now will be exhausting but in the best way."

Kappy blushed, irritated. "I can't believe you," she said, turning back to the video editing. She even slipped on some headphones, immersing herself in the familiar sounds of thrusting and moaning. In a way, it was the worst sort of distraction, because what she was denying herself was busy pounding at Lily.

The scent of weed and skunk grew closer, granting Kappy a bit of a warning before the pale skunk shifted the headphones off one ear. "I'm surprised you haven't gotten a vid of him doing me in the ass yet."

Kappy flinched, her ears folded back. "Lily, I'm busy right now."

A hand dropped over her shoulder and squeezed on her breast, making Kappy sit up straighter. "Lily!"

"Ask him."

"What?" said Kappy, briefly confused.

"Wasn't your boy gay before you sunk your teeth into him? Or something like that?" Lily's finger twirled around the darker-furred skunk's breast, spiralling toward the peak. "Pretty sure he's already open-minded. Worse is that he says no, and if he says yes then..." Lily shrugged, and Kappy glanced over to find her grinning.

Flustered, she shook her head to clear it. "You guys are bad at telling me when you're going to do anal." Lily laughed, and Kappy just put on her headphones again, glad she was almost done editing.


Kappy didn't ask Leon that night. It was too awkward, and she felt bad enough for even broaching this little half-truth. The husky was as accomodating as ever, and they watched a movie together on the couch before retiring for the night. It was relatively early for them, but Leon said something or other about something job-related, and it wasn't until the skunk woke up the next morning to Leon rushing around, that she remembered what it was.

"Oh thank goodness you're up, babe. Can you help me find a tie, all I found is this weed one." Leon was nearly dressed in a suit, holding up a green tie with black weed leaves on it that Kappy had gotten him as a gag gift. A moment of searching later, Kappy found the tie stash, helping the husky with it while juggling the suddenly whistling tea pot and a few other, assorted things. Leon kept apologizing for waking her, despite her many assurances he didn't, which led her to the real issue.

"Babe, you're gonna be fine," she told him, smoothing down his shirt. "You look good, you don't smell like weed, you're gonna have a great interview." Leon's leg kept jumping as he ate, his ears telling her all she needed to know. "I'm serious. You're gonna look at that interviewer, and you're gonna tell him--"


"--you're gonna tell her all about you, and she's gonna think that she can't run her business without you."

"And how do you know?" he whined.

Kappy kissed the dog on the nose. "'Cuz I know you. You're gonna do fine, you're just nervous," she went on, adjusting his tie. "And I know a great way to help you with that."

Leon pushed away the rest of his food. "Kaps, you know I can't smoke up right before an interview."

"Who said anything about smoking up?" she said, hiding a grin.

He tilted his head at her, looking confused until she started sinking to her knees. Leon blushed, his ears flicking outward. "Babe, I can't be late..."

"Don't worry, you'll be on time," the skunk replied, opening the nice dress pants. "Won't make a mess, either." She fished out his growing hardness. "Looks like someone doesn't mind all that much..." She looked up at him, grinning openly. When Leon simply whined, she grinned wider before her tongue drifted up the husky length as it started leaking.

Even with the knowledge that he had a deadline, Kappy took her time, loving the expression on Leon's face as her tongue ran over his length, playing around the tip before she finally sank down on him. Besides, she also knew the long, sloppy blow job was liable to get him off harder, something she perversely desired. Head tilted to the side, she bobbed along his length, her free hand slipping into her own pants to take care of a sudden need. Which was, of course, another thing that she knew he liked: knowing she was fingering herself as she blew him, that it got her so hot she had to take care of it.

Another look upward and she knew he was close. The husky's scrunched up features, and the grip on the table, announced just how close he was. Kappy grinned, dragging it out even more, her tongue slowly lapping up the stiff cock, ending with little swipes at his tip before she sank down again, head tilted to better keep an eye on his face. When he reached the point of no return, she was at his tip, swiping at it with her tongue, lips loosely holding him while her hand slid fast over his shaft. With a strangled bark, Leon hunched over, and a split second later the skunk tasted his seed. Kappy already had two fingers jammed into her, and she just rode herself harder, leaning her head against his thigh before an orgasm crashed through her, leaving her trembling.

Resting for a moment, the skunk stood on only slightly unsteady legs, fingers rising from between her legs and introduced to Leon's mouth. After the husky got a good suck of them, she leaned in close, pushing a bit of his cum to him while she tasted herself. The myriad flavors had her at her most dog-like, keeping their lips locked when she licked and shared, swallowing every now and again.

Kappy broke the kiss when her feet were completely under her, resting her nose against Leon's. "You're gonna do great at the interview. Knock 'em dead."

"Thanks, Kaps," Leon said, grinning. He stood, and got almost to the door before he felt her hug him from behind.

"Never forget that I love you."

"You make it impossible for me to." He kissed her forehead. "Love you too."

It was only when the door closed that Kappy felt a little wiggle in the back of her head. Frowning, she could have sworn she had something to ask him.

Stray Skunk part 3

Stray Skunk (part 3) by pj wolf Kappy and Lily Ann by Kappy Leon, Ivan, and concept by GlitterPills/LeonHusky Leon's phone rang as he got to the door, making him pause as he put the key into the lock. It was from an unfamiliar phone number, but...

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