Experiment Log 11234.5478

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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#1 of ACS


Location 06.54

Experiment 11234.5478

Senior Rese...


Location 06.54

Experiment 11234.5478

Senior Researcher 02316.2


Artifact may have some effects on the mental stability of Test Subject. Artifact may attempt to use his mind and body to [REDACTED].


TS 12527.21



Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 03/06/1983

Race: Caucasian

Weight: Approximately 83 kg

Height: Approximately 1.87m

Volunteer: No

Allergies: Green Tea





ARF 136325.mtx


Found in Cambodia in 1964 (Recovery report 122, hard copy, archives). Registered no activity. Was archived and forgotten. On 14/06/2008, someone in the archives on another matter noticed a change in the appearance of the artifact, specifically, the appearance of several glowing runes. (Rsh report 741852.014.mtx) Artifact duly examined and added to testing queue.

Artifact resembles an egg, approximately 12.7 cm in width and 22.3cm in length. Weighs approximately 2.17 kg. Opaque to all conventional and non-conventional means of determining contents. (Experiment Logs attached toARF 136325) Surface texture, aside from its green tint and glowing runes, resembles that of a standard platypus egg. After rune translation, suspected to have some kind of connection to [REDACTED]. Activity was noticed after the events described inCoRe report 4414.2841.mtx.


Level Two BioHazard Testing Facility


24 JAN 08 1900h Zulu T0000.00 Experiment starts.

T+0000.01 Air sample collected.

T+0000.05 Subject introduced to test area.

T+0000.10 Artifact introduced to test area.

T+0000.11 Air sample collected.

T+0000.12 Subject notices artifact.

T+0000.15 Subject watches artifact.

T+0001.05 Subject ignores artifact.

T+0001.23 Subject makes gesture with middle finger towards camera. Further exhorts observers to masturbate.

T+0002.08 Subject begins to examine perimeter of room, being sure to keep as far from the artifact as possible.

T+0005.49 Runes on artifact begin increasing and decreasing luminosity to a regular pattern. Comparison with subject's heartbeat confirmed a match.

T+0005.54 Air sample collected.

T+0006.12 Subject stops examining perimeter to sniff.

T+0006.40 Subject turns to face artifact. Subject's heart rate increases. Runes glow at corresponding rate.

T+0006.45 Air sample collected.

T+0006.53 Subject approaches artifact.

T+0007.12 Subject picks up artifact and presses it to his chest. Subject's heart rate increases.

T+0007.15 Subject looks surprised.

T+0007.27 Subject opens mouth. Subject's breathing rate increases.

T+0007.45 Subject cocks head, appears to be listening to something. Audio only records subject's breathing.

T+0008.02 Subject removes shirt.

T+0008.23 Subject begins rubbing artifact on his chest.

T+0008.53 Artifact begins secreting a green gel.

T+0009.41 Subject becomes visibly aroused.

T+0010.17 Subject places artifact on the floor, then begins rubbing gel into torso and arms.

T+0010.47 Hairlike growth begins to appear on subject on areas touched by the gel.

T+0011.08 Subject collects more gel from artifact, applies to head and neck.

T+0011.37 Subject's hands and head begin to alter.

T+0011.42 Subject's ears move toward the top of his head and lengthen.

T+0011.47 Fur is now visibly white.

T+0012.18 Subject's eyes turn red.

T+0012.25 Lapin features visible.

T+0012.30 Air sample collected.

T+0012.41 Subject's spine reshapes itself. Subject briefly winces.

T+0013.13 Subject appears to "listen" further.

T+0013.56 Subject says "Yes."

T+0014.04 Subject removes shoes, socks, pants and undergarments.

T+0015.23 Subject applies gel to legs, hips, and genitalia.

T+0016.02 Fur begins to grow. Feet and legs begin to alter.

T+0016.17 A tail begins to grow.

T+0016.47 Subject seats himself on floor.

T+0016.50 Lapin features complete. Subject resembles a rabbit-human hybrid.

T+0017.01 Subject reorients himself so penis is facing observer window.

T+0017.10 Subject: "How you like DEM apples, mother[CENSORED]!"

T+0017.17 Subject picks up artifact.

T+0017.25 Subject presses artifact to perineum, small end first.

T+0017.30 Air sample collected.

T+0017.32 Runes on artifact glow brighter. Several new runes appear. (Analysis attached to ARF 136325.mtx)

T+0017.38 Subject appears to be struggling.

T+0017.42 Subject: "Get...IN...me..."

T+0017.42 Artifact begins to enter subject.

T+0017.47 Air sample collected.

T+0017.48 Runes from artifact begin to appear on subject's skin, concentrating themselves on the penis. Several runes appear on the forehead and palms.

T+0018.03 Glow consistent with runes visible in area of subject's perineum.

T+0018.22 Insertion approximately 60% complete.

T+0018.31 Subject's vulva visible. Runes visible on labia majora.

T+0018.38 Runes disappearing from egg as they reach subject's labial folds. Runes appearing on subject's skin at the same time they disappear from egg.

T+0018.52 Subject making noises, movements, and speaking in a manner roughly consistent with sexual intercourse.

T+0018.57 Air sample collected.

T+0019.06 Insertion approximately 80% complete.

T+0019.09 Subject's penis increases length and girth.

T+0019.13 Breasts observed developing on subject's chest.

T+0019.21 Subject begins to masturbate with one hand. Subject's other hand continues insertion.

T+0019.26 Air sample collected.

T+0019.31 Subject's waist begins to shrink.

T+0019.43 Subject's muscle development in arms, torso, and legs shifts toward that of a human female.

T+0020.02 Breasts cease development.

T+0020.04 Waist ceases development.

T+0020.06 Muscles cease development.

T+0020.10 Insertion complete.

T+0020.13 Subject thrusts genitalia upward. Subject continues to masturbate.

T+0020.15 Air sample collected.

T+0020.35 Air sample collected.

T+0020.55 Air sample collected.

T+0021.02 Subject orgasms from penis and vagina.

T+0021.32 Subject collapses.

T+0021.43 Subject lies on floor panting. Runes are visible on subject's tongue.

T+0022.23 Air sample collected.

T+0023.23 Air sample collected.

T+0024.13 Subject sits up.

T+0024.18 Subject stands.

T+0024.21 Subject moves rapidly towards observer window.

T+0024.24 Containment breach.


TS 12527.21, redesignated ARF 401136.325


Name: Refers to self as [REDACTED]

Gender: [ERROR] More below

Acquired: 25 JAN 08

Weight: Approximately 72 kg

Height: Approximately 1.77m

Subject appears to be a female-based hermaphrodite human-Lapin hybrid. It is covered in white fur, and has red eyes. It has no trouble communicating using standard North American English, consistent with that of Test Subject 12527.21.

Subject is apparently extremely fertile in both male and female capacities. This was determined by laboratory testing.

Subject's heart generally beats somewhere between 72 bpm and 130bpm. Its internal anatomy is arranged in a fashion resembling both rabbits and humans, with the significant difference of an oviduct and an organ designed to produce an unknown liquid. This liquid is connected to the ejaculatory duct, and mixes with semen during orgasm.

Subject has also undergone significant hormonal changes, with several unknown chemicals in their body, being emitted by previously unknown glands. Subject also has significantly altered pheromone production; any sentient being within inhalation finds it, at minimum, mildly attractive. This effect is consistent as low as five parts per million. At will, the subject can intensify this effect to the point where any sentient being in range feels an overwhelming compulsion to copulate with it, regardless of previous sexual preference. Robotic handling and/orBioHazard Level One reccomended.

Subject seems content to simply masturbate all day if allowed. Has occasionally made attempts to escape, then returned to Containment, obeying the directions ofCoRe and research personnel. Asks to "go out and play" and "get to know [personnel] better". Suspected to be probing our systems on behalf of [REDACTED].

An interview is yet to be conducted. There has been difficulty performing an MRI, due to machinery not being designed to fit a rabbit-human hybrid.


ARF 401131.325


Artifact found by CoRe after events described in CoRe report 4513.8711.mtx. After containing ARF 401136.325, artifact was discovered from debris.

Artifact resembles an egg, approximately 13.2 cm in width and 24.5cm in length. Weighs approximately 3.2 kg. Opaque to all conventional and non-conventional means of determining contents. Surface texture, aside from its white tint and glowing runes, resembles that of a standard great auk egg. After rune translation, suspected to have some kind of connection to [REDACTED].

As best as we can determine, the artifact was laid by ARF 401136.325 during the containment breach.


ARF 401132.323


Artifact is several vials of white fluid, apparently semen, collected after the events described in CoRe report 4513.8711.mtx. Chemical testing is ongoing. Thaumic testing scheduled.


ARF 401133.323


Artifact is several vials of red fluid, apparently blood, collected after the events described in CoRe report 4513.8711.mtx. Specifically, damaged sustained on ARF 401136.325 by CoRe personnel. Chemical testing is ongoing. Thaumic testing scheduled.



***You are not cleared for material at this security level. Please contact your systems administrator if you think there has been an error.***


Containment/Recovery handled breach. See CoRe report 4513.8711.mtx for more details.

Recommend stepping up to Level One BioHazard for any further experiments and containment of/involving ARF 401131.325 and ARF 401136.325 and any byproducts thereof.

Recommend further investigation of the link between ARF 136325, ARF 401131.325, ARF 401136.325 and [REDACTED].

Recommend further experimentation with ARF 401136.325 and ARF 401131.325. Possibly with women.


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