c-snakes: infiltrator

Story by Nequ on SoFurry

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#5 of B-Snakes

The c-snakes were getting impatient.

The meat's mind had indicated that ...

The c-snakes were getting impatient.

The meat's mind had indicated that this...nightclub...would be a good place to find new prey, and they had prepared accordingly. They had made the host borrow some "appealing" apparel, appropriate to the club, and arranged transport.

They had been sitting there for almost five minutes now, and none of the humans and non-humans in the room had paid them any attention. The host was getting antsy. The c-snakes had started wondering if some more aggressive action was necessary when an older woman sat down at their table.

"D'you like this music?" she said, with a smile. She was tall and slim and confident with a body that she definitely took good care of. Everything else was just details.

"Um...yes?" the girl. The snakes pumped some blood into her cheeks, and she hoped the woman, whoever she was, could not see her blushing.

"I like it. I know I'm not s'posed to like popular music, but I'd rather not think I'm getting old."

The girl just kept nodding. She figured that anything she tried to say, such as "please, take me now", would come out sounding like she was having a seizure. The c-snakes simply figured that appealing to the meat's ego was the fastest way into her shiny, shiny pants.

The older woman threw back her drink and set the cup on the table. "So," she said in a significantly huskier voice, "would you like to go someplace a little more...private?"



She rose. Her body under the jacket was clad in the same slick material, and as she leaned over the table she looked sinuous, something like a snake. The girl felt confused and and needy and scared, all at once. But she mostly wanted the older woman, right *now*-

It was the closest the snakes could get to love.

They had done this before, of course. Many of them had. The host barely remembered them, recalling only vague disappointments. They had convinced her-making it seem like she was convincing herself-that this one, *this* one was going to be *the* one.

Not, this time, that they needed to do much work. The host was almost climbing into the Woman's lap, and the snakes themselves were just longing to rid her of her officious tone.

They wanted her on her knees, begging for mercy.

So when she reached for the girl, no persuasion at all was required. The woman didn't even *need* to run her tongue along a pierced ear.

The girl was hers.

Soon the woman would be theirs.

Her hand was cinched tight around the girl's wrist as she pulled the younger woman to her feet, and the younger woman had a distinct feeling that she was being pulled along by events faster than she could keep up. And she was just fine with that. The c-snakes were wondering when they'd be able to stick themselves in something. Or somethings. They weren't picky.

Something occurred to the girl.

"What do you *do*?"

"I'm a doctor. Come on then..."

"What's your *name*?" The host was having qualms about moving so fast. The snakes released a few endorphins, to quell her fears.

"You can call me 'D'." She nodded at a guard, and they entered a private room. Perfect. Once the meat was taken, they would be able to use this secluded area to take more meat, which would in turn allow them access to more seclusion and more meat-

"Are you all right?" D said, catching the younger woman as she stumbled. The girl smiled up at her, liking the sensation of the arm around her waist. The c-snakes inside her cursed their loss of control, and urged her to the seat, to await whatever was coming. They would gain the meat's mind, of course,

If the girl had been thinking clearly, she would've wondered why the older woman bent so far over to lock the door, pulling her pants tight around the round curve of her rear. If she had thought. If she had even been capable of thinking at that point. The c-snakes inside of here weren't exactly making battle plans; it was a wonder they didn't both slide off the couch onto the floor in a puddle of pink goo.

It wasn't the first time D had made someone whimper, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

"Now! I'm going to try something a little kinky. Not painful, not really, but you might not be up to it. D'you mind?"

Great. Even more time before being able to convert this sexy, powerful woman. Well, they'd try anything once.

"I don't mind."

"No, I was asking if you'd mind taking your clothes off." She produced a large jar from a bag that had been hidden behind a couch. "I need to prep you."

"Oh. Right. Of course."

D was very good at undressing. She managed to turn the removal of her jacket and boots into a burlesque act. That left only the bodysuit, which covered her nearly-perfect body without seam or stitch.

It occurred to the girl that D had *very* cute toesies.

The young human wasn't nearly as accomplished as D, and her awkward, stumbling removal of her clothes would've reduced any self-loathing strip-club patron to helpless laughter. It wasn't helped by the impatience of the c-snakes, who just wanted this to be *over* already, and they could all go home and watch tv or whatever meats did.

"I'd like to prep you. Is that okay?"


"Good. Please stand still."

There followed a few minutes of D running her hands over the girl's body.

"Have you ever done this before?"


"It's always good to start slow. The most common mistake is trying too much too soon."


"A lot of nice girls think they can't be into this kind of thing," D remarked conversationally. She lifted the girl's arm up like she was fitting a dress. "Hold still. please." Something cool touched the girl right where her pulse met the skin of her wrist. Something cool and wet. "They're wrong, of course. You'd be surprised at what nice people will do if they're properly motivated."

Tracing up to her elbow, still one finger.

"Sometimes people want something dark, and they hold it in, and it eats them from the inside. Best to let it out."

The web between D's thumb and index finger pressed against the girl's skin, the fingers themselves wrapping around her arm, pulling back towards the wrist.

"Um, why?"

D let go and leaned back. "Imagine a dam. No dam can hold back a river for long. If the dam collapses, it may cause a flood. Do you understand?"

The snakes weren't sure if this was innuendo.

"What's your name?"

"Al-I mean Anise."

"Anise." Emphasis on the second syllable. "I want you to tell me..." Her hands glided across the girl's flesh, cupped her modest endowments. "...does this hurt?" She pulled the nipples outward suddenly. Not enough to hurt, just enough to-

Anise's jaw dropped and her eyes unfocused. She stood on her toes, arching herself away from D-

"You haven't answered, Anise. Don't you know you're supposed to answer when your *Teacher* asks you a *question*?" She pulled harder with the emphasis, and the girl bit her lip. Neither seemed to notice the pink goo leaking through D's fingers.

"Looks like I'm going to have to punish you." The older woman abruptly released her hold, and Anise sagged into her, gasping. "After. After we finish."

"Couldn't we-"

"No, no, no, we have to wait. You, little one, have to learn patience, and I think I'm just the one to teach it to you."


"Hold still." There was iron behind her voice. She stood up, frowned for an instant, then kissed the girl. It was only a second, but it was enough to hold Anise transfixed as D worked her way down.

"Just because you may like what I'm doing to you-you do like it, don't you?"

"Oh, yes," the girl said, as D's slicked thumb traced the curve of her obliques, heading down, down-

"-just because you like this, doesn't mean you'll like everything else kinky. It's like...if you like mint, you won't necessarily have a taste for chamomile."

"But this feels so good!" It did, too. If the snakes had been capable, they would've made a mental note to try this again later.

"I know, I've had practice." The meat ran her thumb, ever so lightly, over the host's mons, coating it in blackness. Her breath warmed the host's skin, and the girl shivered.

"I think we're going to need a safeword," D says as she stands up.


"Snake?" D does the bending-over thing again, this time getting something out of her bag. "That's an odd word."

"It's the first one I thought of. Is that okay?"

D stared at her. "It's...fine. Now put on this gag."


"Do you want this or not?" D was getting more than a little antsy.

Anise had the vague sense that if she did this, something would change about her, she would never be the same person again.

Anise lowered her head and submitted to D's tender care. The leather was soft against her skin.

D crossed the girl's arms behind her back, and wrapped something else around it. Now she was all but helpless. She stepped around to the front to admire her handiwork.

"One last question; how long ago did you infest Anise?"

There were a few seconds of shocked silence before the c-snakes surged out of of Anise body, fully intending to take consume convert kill-

Except they couldn't. All of the girl's orifices were held shut, and the snakes just writhed around in her skin, making it look like she had a *really* bad case of gas.

"Sorry, you're all corked up. That wasn't...*quite* liquid latex."

The older woman pressed a button on a remote she had gotten out of nowhere, and noseplugs shot of the gag and into Anise's nose.

"Please don't fight; you don't know how much that gag cost me. It's amazing how often you suckers fall for it, though" D collapsed onto the couch, grinning. "The hardest part is always the gag. I'm all nervous, thinking you won't do it, and you usually do. And none of you ever get it! Isn't that amazing? How would I be able to hear the safe word through a ball gag?"

The girl, her eyes blank and glazed with pink, staggered toward the door.

"Oh, feel *free*. The room is soundproofed. It's also psy-shielded, in case clientèle want to carry on conversations without any pesky...mmm, eavesdroppers."

The girl stopped kicking the the door.

"Kind of a fire hazard, I know, but it's worth the risk."

The blank eyes were somehow frantic now. They spotted D's bag and rushed toward it.

"Don't bother, there's nothing you can cut your skin on. Before we started-before this joint even opened for the night-I took every single sharp object out of the room." She paused. "No, wait, I missed one."

The knife she took from her leg sheath wasn't particularly long, and it wasn't very sharp, but the girl whimpered and pressed herself against the wall, even before D pressed the button. A flush of amber ran up the blade.

"That's right." The older woman said, and fire was reflected in her eyes. "One standard-issue UNF plasma-powered heat blade. Renowned for it's effectiveness in cauterizing wounds. Also, it's very, very good against c-snakes. Which, I believe, includes *you*."

There was no way to run, nowhere to turn as the meat advanced. The snakes screamed something through the gag.

"Because nightclubs are good places to pick up people. I've been following you two for *weeks*. This look-and looking this hot takes *work*, let me tell you-this look is specifically so every sentient being in sight, especially those with horny macroviruses, wants into my pants *real* bad. The massage was a way to cover you in b-snakes and seal off your exits, so there'd be no nasty little surprises before I convert you."

She planted her foot on Anise's chest and grinned wickedly. "Also, it was kinda hot."

Converted? What did the meat mean? She was *not* going to use the hateful blade?

Before Anise's eyes, D's clothes peel off her body, forming strange black things, not unlike the c-snakes themselves. These things, however, were black as night, and without any features at all. They turned their tips toward the girl, and the c-snakes had the uncomfortable feeling of being watched by the eyeless creatures. D stroked the head of one of the tentacles.

"Open wide."

Anise's vagina suddenly unclenched, allowing one of the snakes-just one-to surge out and at the older woman. It spat its pink go at her, to leave her writhing and ready-

One of the black tentacles spat its own glob, and the two substances collided in midair and fell to the ground. The few drops that spattered D provoked no reaction, to the c-snake's puzzlement. No matter; they would enter her mouth and take her-

Just as the snake gathered itself to spring, several of the tentacles lashed out at it, wrapping it in darkness. No matter how much the c-snake wriggled, no matter how much goo it secreted, it could not escape. Its comrades in Anise watched as the snake eventually went still, except for the occasional twitch.

C-snakes could not feel horror. They could not be scared. They were a barely sentient virus, so the shrinking away they did as their friend turned black Anise did had to be some of the host's remnant personality.

The worst part, for them, was when the other snake went dead in the hive mind, cut off like a radio. They saw it secrete the slick goo D had rubbed all over Anise, and they wondered.

The tentacles placed the former c-snake softly in D's right hand. She raised it, and it turned towards Anise.

"C-snakes, meet the b-snakes," D said. "Or have you already met?"

"Even while she spoke, the area of her catsuit around her crotch writhed, suddenly thickening from flat latex to more tentacles, which pulled away from her mound. The folds parted, revealing a familiar black shape.

When Anise's coating opened up this time, nothing came out. Not even a few drops of pink goo.

D propped the unresisting body up in the proper position. "I've never been particularly good at this," she said. "The...leverage is all wrong. I generally just let the snakes take over." Her smirk abruptly faded.

"If you're in there, Anise, I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry, but this is going to *hurt*."

Taking a deep breath, she hilted herself in the girl.

Inside Anise, the c-snakes crowded themselves into the upper body as the black sought them out. They didn't even bother converting Anise's mind, so she was fully aware of the wonderful, wonderful feeling of being freed, inch by inch, from a corruption she didn't even know she had.

Of course, it helped that it felt a lot like sex. Hurty sex. But sex nonetheless.

D felt the girl arch under her. Strictly speaking, she didn't *need* to grow a dick to save Anise. But it made it easier.

It also made it a lot more fun.

The older woman pulled out and finished all over Anise's heaving body. She paused for a second, and clamped her hand over the girl's mouth in the instant between when she caught her breath and when she began to scream.

"Be quiet!" A hiss like the snake Anise had thought her, earlier. "I just saved your life. Notice how you can move your limbs, how you have all your memories back?" She lifted her hand.

"I do?" There was a familiar unfocused look in the girl's eyes, finding all the memories that had been lost, that her focus had just slid off of like glass-

"Saiva, what have I *done*?" Anise screamed.

"A lot of things." D wrapped the crying, unresisting, girl in her arms. "But you have the tools to fix this. I gave them to you, like I've done for so, so many people."

Eventually, Anise's sobs reduced themselves to whimpers, and then occasional sniffles. It was a familiar diminuendo, and D patiently awaited a question.

"What do these things do, exactly?" the girl asked.

Well, that was unusual.

"It'd take too long to explain. You can just let them tell you."

"What are you talking about? And where are those voices coming from?"

"That's them." D stood up. "Just don't let them yank you about and you'll be fine."

Anise shrugged. She still looked pretty, even with the tears just *ruining* her makeup. "So...now what?

"We could have sex."

"I don't think so."


2008 Nequ. Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0.


Based on C-snakes, a fictional species created by Alyn Gryphon.


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