The Scent of Prey, Part 2: Embrace the Storm

Story by Samhuinn on SoFurry

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It's been over a year, but I felt it was high time to continue this story.

This fic features two League of Legends champions, Rengar and Volibear. Volibear is in his Thunder Lord skin, giving his fur a deep black color that I thought would contrast better against Rengar's white.

If you'd like to read the original, please click here. Thank you!

Warning tags: M/M, bondage, rape, foot/paw fetish, submission/domination

The Scent of Prey, Part 2: Embrace the Storm

by peppygrowlithe

He saw a flicker of movement, and in that moment acted on instinct as he had done a thousand times before. The river water sprang high as the great paw smashed its surface. He withdrew it as the water fell back in, a gray-scaled carp clenched tightly between the pads of his fingers and palm. Volibear snorted. The task was too simple to give him any triumph, but it was satisfying to know that a snack was moments away.

The mountains of the Freljord rose high, their bases lined by trees both pined and barren. Even in the warmest months, a constant sheen of snow graced the hills, and the skies were ever gray. To most of Runeterra's denizens, it was an inhospitable land of eternal winter; to a hardy few, it was home.

As the fish wriggled its last, Volibear picked himself up from the water's edge, smacking his lips and yawning silently. Moisture touched the tips of every one of his dark furs. He glanced over at the pile where his armor was set, and unbidden he felt the pride surge in his chest. He was naked, and the river water dripped from his body and matted his fur. He wet his fangs with a quick roll of the tongue and snorted once more, lumbering across the snow toward the golden armor of the Thunder Lord.

This rest has done me well. He lumbered onto land, his huge hindpaws leaving wide tracks in the snow. I will return to the League stronger than ever. What few doubt my claim as Chosen of the Storm will soon see reason, if they do not see me charge upon them first.

The thought caused him a small smile, though it faded in moments. He had in truth enjoyed his week off, though much of it had been spent dealing with his tribe. As the now-undisputed chieftain of the Ursine, he had spent many long hours reviving their battlebred culture and encouraging an alliance with Sejuani, a fellow champion of the League of Legends and the leader of the Winter's Claw tribe. It was a different sort of exhaustion than the one he felt when he quarreled for Summoners in front of men and mice. The League was a test of endurance and strength; the political back-and-forth was a test of wisdom and charisma. It was wearisome work, but he knew a shaman of the Ursine must be strong of mind as well as body, and it was a responsibility he carried without complaint.

Still, he appreciated these brief moments of solitude, where he could shed the burden of his armor and think of nothing but himself, the Freljord, and his eternal hunger. When these moments came, however, it would never be long before a visage formed in his mind. A shadowy, sneering face, with a glowing red eye and long sharp teeth.

The Pridestalker.

Volibear bristled, and he nearly squished his fish into pulp as the lion reappeared in his thoughts, not for the first time. With it came the usual swell of anger, of indignation, of rage and regret, and the subsequent need to keep those emotions down. With my return to the League, so too will return my need to confront that beast.

No others knew of the events that had transpired months ago between the lion and the bear, how Rengar had tied the Ursine up and bred him without consent. The memory infuriated him, filled him with humiliation and shame and other emotions he had no words for. He had kept silent on the matter. Had the Pridestalker spoken of it to another? Had someone been spying on their rutting? Volibear did not know, but he suspected not. He had not been treated any differently, with any less respect or fear. Yordles still quivered when he approached. Even the most demonic and vicious of his fellow champions gave him fair breadth. It was as though the encounter had never occured.

Why, then, was he reminded of it every day?

Volibear snarled, stamping his great foot into the snow. No, he commanded himself. I will not think of this now. Night comes soon, and with it the Freljord's embrace. I must--

He heard a rustle, and he turned. The frost-touched branches of nearby shrubbery glistened in the fading light. The Ursine scanned the area, but, seeing nothing, shook his head and turned back to his armor. He had likely heard a rabbit or a fox, but it made no difference if it were in fact a hungry wolf or angry boar watching him at this moment. It would not attack, and if it did, he would strike it down with one mighty blow. No mere beast could stand against the Chosen of the Storm.

A chilling wind ran down the river, and despite himself, Volibear frowned. His was a body bred for intense chill; he had been raised to endure the cruellest winters, and he wondered why he should even notice the bite of this breeze. The warmth of the League's lodging has softened me, he realized with a shake of his head.

Gathering up his armor, Volibear scoured the area once more. The armor of the Thunder Lord could absorb a great deal of cold, but it would stick to his fur if he put it on without warming up first. He had claimed a cavern some hundred yards out earlier in the day, and he walked toward it now with his equipment piled between his massive black-furred arms and the dead fish acting as a cherry on top. He walked on, past massive trees of pine, around wide hills and over slippery rocks. The wind beat at his ears, a constant rush of sound, and he heard his heavy feet plodding loudly in the snow crunching the grass. Otherwise, it was silent.

He came across a bush and chose to push through it. Perhaps if he had not been carrying so much, he might have seen the trap that lay in wait for him. As his foot came down upon the circle of rope, it caught around his ankle and tightened, snaring him within it. The Ursine let out a great surprised roar as he tumbled to the ground, landing heavily on his chest and stirring up a great cloud of snow. His equipment tumbled forward, spraying this way and that before him. He growled his rage, rolling over onto his back. His naked body thrashed and his right leg kicked with all his might, but the rope had him securely bound.

Scowling, the bear rose into a sitting position. He looked around precariously, his blue eyes narrow as he scanned the area. He saw nothing unusual, heard nothing beyond the babbling of the stream and of the everpresent wind in his ears.

He shook his head. Lurching forward, he hurriedly tugged at the rope with his massive fingers, black claws picking at the yarn. When it did not loosen, he snarled, slamming that same claw down to with intent to shred clear through the twines. As his palm hit the snowy ground, Volibear stared with rising indignation and fury when he found his claws, nails that had more than once cleaved through stone, were unable to pierce the rope. He struck again and again, but could not cause even a fray.

"Some fool hunter's trap," he muttered, his rage giving way to uncertainty. Snares were not unheard of in the Freljord, for the human tribes were forever wanting of the land's bounty, but their traps were metallic, sharp-toothed devices that could nearly pierce a stag's leg to the bone. Volibear didn't doubt he would have been able to pry himself free from a trap like that -- perhaps amidst some blood -- and he found himself begrudgingly impressed that this seemingly more simplistic trap was more effective than the jaws of a typical bear trap. Mere metal, he could bend. This material was unbreakable.

He pulled at the knot, he sawed at the yarns, he tugged with all his might with both arms and leg, but even the great Chosen of the Storm could not sever this binding. What is this made of? This is stronger than chain. I am left with one option.

Lifting his dark-furred arm toward the sky, the sitting bear raised his lips into a snarl. He heard the thrum of energy in the air, felt the electricity crackle and tug at the tips of his furs, saw the streaks of purple electricity coiling up toward his palm. He held it high, relishing in his strength.

Distracted by his own power, he did not hear the quiet thumps of padded feet coming up behind him until it was too late. He turned, just in time to feel the sharp knee smash into his chin. The force of the strike knocked him back onto his rump with a cry. "Ungh!" The lightning he had summoned crackled and leapt up to the clouded skies, fizzling in the air. He roared, brandishing his claws as he turned his torso and laid eyes upon his assailant. His grinding teeth slowly parted as his jaw began to drop, unable to believe what he saw.


The lion stood tall, fur white as the snow, one eye red as dawn. Tendrils of braided hair coiled down his back, coming to a bladed end near the base of a long, thinly-haired tail. He crossed his toned arms over his red-clad chest. Leather and metal covered much of his body, though signs of wear and tear were abundant. Flecks of rust dotted the blades that protruded from his pauldrons, and the cloth was frayed around the leggings. The hunter had been through much. His good eye half-closed in disdain, his mouth creased into a disapproving frown. He looked over the trapped Ursine, canting his head one way, then the other. He began to snarl.

"The people of Zaun have a saying about fooling someone twice, bear. Have you heard it?"

Volibear snapped his jaw shut. His eyes blazed with fury as he slammed his hands into the ground. His fingers dug deep into the snow and the frozen ground as he pulled. He hurtled himself forward, seeking to pounce the predator and crush him once and for all. But the anklebinding caught him before his hindpaw was a foot off the ground. It pulled taut, and the Ursine collapsed onto his big belly with limbs splaying. Snow flew up in a cloud around him.

Rengar tilted his head up and barked his laughter. Arms still crossed, he began to approach the fallen Ursine, his bare feet leaving pawprints in the snow. Clenching his teeth, Volibear looked up, glowering at the approaching creature. He swiped at the predator's ankles, but Rengar kept just out of the bear's reach with mocking ease.

"You haven't changed, bear. Still easier to trick than a blind cub. To think they call you Chieftain. Tell me, what if I had meant you harm?"

"Release me, Pridestalker," Volibear spat. He pushed his paws against the ground, lowering his eyes. "Your motive is transparent. But I will not let your despicable whims transgress a second time."

He craned his back as he started to rise to his knees, but Rengar moved too fast. The lion sprang forward, landing with a resounding thump on the bear's back that knocked him back onto his stomach. Volibear thrashed on the ground, arching his back to swipe blindly at the predator on top of him. Even prone, Volibear could feel the predator staggering as the Ursine's massive paws thumped him by the thigh, the leg, the side. Volibear gripped the ground and started once again to push himself up and gain more leverage over the lion on his back, but he froze in an instant the moment he felt something cold and sharp brushing along his scrotum.

"Relax, bear," Rengar growled from behind him, and understanding slowly dawned. Volibear sucked in breath through grit teeth, his eyes widening as he froze. He felt the hunter's talons scraping gingerly, casually, threateningly along his ballsac. "For your own good. Neither of us want me to do anything drastic."

Volibear was silent, his heart thumping in his ears. He shook his head finally, mustering every scrap of courage he had into his deep and rumbling voice. "You don't have the guts, Pridestal -- hnngh..!"

The increase in pressure on his scrotum was slight but noticeable. He felt the lion scratching a little deeper across the furred surface, digging his pointer finger between his two balls.

"I do," the lion responded, though he sounded almost bored. "I could, and if you insist on making this difficult for me, I will. I could leave you for dead out here, and nobody would discover your body for days."

"They would find you."

"How?" Rengar snorted. The metallic touch of his clawed weapon lifted. A moment later, Volibear could feel the lion's paw carressing him, so gentle it was tickling. "I know how to cover my tracks. What reason would anyone have to blame me for your bloody demise?"

Volibear grunted. He shifted his weight, but Rengar moved with him, keeping the bear's heavy ballsac dripping onto his open palm. "Will you see no reason, Pridestalker? Release me. I..."

The bear trailed into silence, but Rengar leapt upon it. Volibear could not see his face, but he heard the sinister smile in the feline's voice. "You what, bear? You beg of me?" He snickered, froze, then began to laugh. "Oh, try it. It couldn't hurt your chances, could it?"

Volibear grumbled, wriggling around again. He tried to pull up onto his knees again, and this time, Rengar let him. The lion slid his hand further up his scrotum, brushing the tips of his fingers along the larger creature's black-furred sheath. "The Ursine do not plead, Pridestalker."

"Of course not. Pity." He heard the sound of something being removed, and he craned his neck to try to see. He barely caught sight of the hunter's dangling bolas, and he grimaced, his shoulders raising. "You may not beg, bear, but I know you can obey. Lie down and stay still."

Volibear did not comply. His bare knees ground against the snowy grass, and his powerful arms locked straight. He remained still, stubborn, defiant. Rengar stood up, his padded fingers brushing along the bear's crotch as he rose. He paced around the bound chieftain's hindquarters, tapping his chin with a frown. After a moment, he placed his hands on the Ursine's lower back. He rubbed and prodded, massaging just above the base of his short tail.

"What are you doing?" Volibear demanded, struggling to see over his broad shoulders.

"Looking for something," Rengar muttered. His fingers slid over the coarse hair above the bear's buttocks. "There's a nerve that -- here it is." With that, the lion reared up only to come smashing down. He rammed his elbow just above the Ursine's tail and ground it in, gritting his teeth from the effort. Volibear spat out a loud and choked cry. His limbs gave way beneath him, sending him sprawling back down onto his stomach. The lion wasted no time in settling down on the bear. He stradled him, butt on top of butt, facing the back of the bear's head.

Volibear grunted and growled, feebly attempting to swipe at the lion. His noisy protest grew only louder when he found he was partially paralyzed; he could hardly move his back, and his legs were nonresponsive. Anger swelled up within him.

"You cur!" he snapped, trying with all his might to wriggle but mustering only a lackluster rocking motion. "What trickery is this? Is it not enough that y--"

"Shut it." Rengar's hips gyrated around the bear's sides, settling comfortably into place. Once he felt secure atop his mount, he leaned forward, reaching for the bear's arms. He picked each one up in turn, shaking them, testing their weight. He raised them up over the Ursine's head with unhuried deliberation, then used the bolas to tie him securely at the wrists. Moving with quick precision, the lion reached out with the other end of the bola. He secured it quickly to the roots of the closest bush, tying the bear to it. Volibear thrashed, and Rengar actually helped him, attempting along with the Ursine to tug the shrub free. Their combined efforts could not dislodge it, and Rengar smirked.

Volibear let out a low whimper, squirming as much as he could. His chin was buried in the snow, and flakes swirled up in a cloud every time he snorted or panted. Feeling was already returning to his lower legs. He could feel the grass scraping beneath his legs as he regained some control of his limbs, but it was too late. By now, three of them were bound.

Rengar snickered at his prey's plight. He leaned forward until he was lying down on the Ursine's back and nestled in close, rubbing his cheek along the bear's scruff and breathing on the back of his ear. Volibear was the larger of the two males by far, and Rengar could only just touch the tips of his claws together as he wrapped them around the Chosen's chest, his inner elbows nestled firmly into the bigger male's pits. The weight of the bear's bulk pinned his arms to the ground.

"Have you been thinking about last time, bear?"


"I figured as much. I would have thought you would have reflected enough to have learned your lesson." The lion snuck his head forward. He bit down on the lobe of the bear's ear and held it tight. It tugged as Volibear struggled to pull away, but the Pridestalker's grip was strong. "Prey must know its place. Fight, protest, struggle, and your insolence will be punished. You don't have to be without pain for me to get what I want out of you. You don't even have to be alive."

Volibear swallowed. He tried once again to turn his head away. This time, Rengar let him, but only so he could bury the bridge of his muzzle against the bigger male's taut neck. He nuzzled him with mocking affection. Even out here in the frigid Freljord, Rengar could feel the intense heat seeping out from the dark bear's fur. A quiet growl welled up deep in his chest, an almost imperceptive thrum against the snarls and indignant snaps of the Ursine beneath him.

"You are wretched," Volibear spat, still struggling to move his head away. His big belly grinded against the snow-covered grass. "I do not understand your -- obsession with me. I have spoken it before--"

"Yes, bear, over and over. You talk too much."

But Volibear continued on, heedless of the lion's previous warnings, even as he felt the tips of the predator's sharp claws starting to sink into his chest. "You are a champion of the League. You will find a thousand willing partners, male or female. Even an Ursine may go to you were they desperate enough."

Rengar pulled back, his claws raking across the bear's chest. He retreated from the bear's neck only to bring his maw back down and clamped down hard on the bear's scruff, eliciting a small whine from the prone champion. He repositioned himself, pushing his groin hard just below the base of the bear's stubby tail, and Volibear could feel the gradual swell beneath the lion's leggings bumping against it.

Still biting his captive, Rengar began to undress himself. Volibear struggled to see, and caught only out of the corner of his eye the articles of clothing as they came off: his razorbladed armlets, his spiked pauldrons, his leather ankleguards. It took less than a minute. Now exposed to the elements, Rengar nestled in back close to the bear, his erection sliding up between the larger male's furred buttcheeks and poking at his stump of a tail.

He let go of the Ursine's scruff, his voice a low warning growl. "I do not relish repeating myself, bear." His sharp claws traced a line starting just above the bear's exposed armpits and heading down to his hips. "I do not want a willing partner. I want you. I have tricked you, bound you, captured you. I have earned you, and I will do with you as I please. Your survival is dependent upon my whim. You have control of only one thing."

Volibear grimaced. He hesitated to reply, but Rengar kept his silence. It hung in the air between them, before at last, the chieftain chomped at the bit. "What is that?"

Rengar grinned, and his response was immediate. "How much you enjoy this. Isn't that obvious?" He shook his head, and his chin brushed along the furs of Volibear's back. "You're simple, bear. That's why this works."

With that, the lion peeled himself off of the bear's back. He pushed himself up onto his knees and from there onto his feet. He stood upon the prone bear's back, pacing around, his erection strong even in the Freljord wind. "Now, where do I start? Hm." He extended one of his hindpaws, and even as the bear wriggled, he kept his balance on one foot as the other poked at the bound one's rear. "I could take you as you are. Maybe flip you over. Oh, or I could start as I did last time." He stepped forward and dropped into a crouch, perching himself on the bear's rump. He looked down at the Ursine's massive hindpaws, upturned with pawpads exposed. He grinned as he reached out, brushing the backs of his fingers along one of the soles and watching the bear's leg twitch in response.

"So many choices," Rengar murmured, pushing himself back up to his feet. He strolled along the bear's back indolently, taking his time as he feigned to think hard about his next course of action. "Yet, I seem to remember us having a deal. Last time, we agreed you would rub my hindpaws this time. Am I remembering that right?"

Volibear snarled. Comprehending the precariousness of his situation had dulled much of his ire, and while he was not afraid of the predator on his back, he knew that discretion would see him through this better than indignation or intimidation. Even so, he could not keep the rage out of his tone as he barked back, "We agreed upon nothing, Pridestalker. I have no desire to give you any pleasure."

"Bear," Rengar sighed, rolling his good eye. He stepped toward the bear's head and sat down upon him, stradling his scruff. His plump erection slid up behind the bear's neck, his inner thighs brushing along his ears. "You are a fool." Clamping Volibear's fuzzy head between his legs, Rengar began to ruffle his hair with feigned affection. He heard and felt the bear growl with fury and humiliation, and it only caused him to smile more. "I passed you the chance to escape. Perhaps if you had agreed, I would have untied your hands. You could have struck at me then. Tried to escape. Used your lightning magic. Instead, you insist upon this... stubborn, tiresome denial."

Volibear frowned anxiously. He made feeble attempts to move his head away from the lion's kneading claws, but by and large was helpless to resist the predator's petting. He felt Rengar shift, and his eyes jerked to his left as he spied the feline's toe-heavy footpaw creeping toward his face. He took in a sharp breath of air just as it lifted and smeared against his cheek, rubbing the snow and bits of grass against his face.

Volibear tried to move his head away, groaning with shame, but Rengar moved his foot to close the distance. The lion sniggered, watching with rapt interest as Volibear had no choice but to rub the side of his face against the aggressive paw. Desire coarsed up the predator's body, and he felt his hips plunging forward against the back of the bear's furry head, his erection sandwiched comfortably between it and his own lithe belly. He gripped the hair on the bear's head and forced him to remain still. "Now rub. And no teeth, or I'll snip off your balls and hang them on my wall for a trophy."

Volibear growled, scrunching his face up against the foot dragging itself along his face. He let off a quiet sigh, closed his eyes, and turned. He pressed his cold nose against the biggest of the lion's footpads and took a small sniff before he felt the paw pushing against his muzzle. The scent was not unpleasant; the lion smelled predominantly of snow and dirt, though Volibear could sense between his toes something distinctive, a faint musky odor, wild, masculine. It was not what Volibear had expected, and he found himself sniffling with a little more intrigue as his crept between toes and was clenched beneath them.

Initially, Rengar did the brunt of the work. He forced his hindpaw against the bear's face vigorously, mercilessly, denying the Ursine a chance to breathe air that was not covered in his scent. His good eye opened slightly once Volibear's protesting slowed. His grip on the bear's fur lessened, and he began to instead pat the Ursine soothingly, encouragingly. His aggression diminished; instead of forcing his foot forward, he responded to Volibear's movements. His toes splayed as that cold nose touched them and tried to wiggle in between the cracks, and his arch pulled taut as it brushed along the Ursine's mouth. Rengar actually spat out a soft laugh as he felt the bear's lips purse and kiss his sole, and he pet him more.

"You see, bear? I reward prey that knows its place."

Volibear snorted, rolling his eyes. He turned his head and suckled the waist of the lion's padded foot, then lowered his nose and made for the instep, grumbling all the while. He felt the sting of humiliation in his face and in his chest, and his wrists and ankles were starting to chafe. He was uncomfortable and livid, but he was also hungry, and the more he sniffed and licked at the lion's paw, the more he found he begrudgingly liked the taste. The Pridestalker's scent was almost peppery, but it was subtle, not pungent. His pawpads were softer than Volibear would have expected, and they squished under his lips and against his cheeks as he nuzzled them. He did not like the lion stroking his hair, but it was better than being tugged and scratched, so he endured it.

Still, he had no intention of letting Rengar know that he was enjoying any part of this, so he kept quiet and dutiful, rubbing the lion's left foot as best he could. He didn't see the Pridestalker's right foot until it was already smushing against his cheek. He grumbled but complied without being commanded, turning to attend to this new paw.

Rengar clamped his toes around the bear's black nose. He snickered, and they wriggled. His erection squished against the back of the Chosen's head as his hips ground against him. "That's a good bear," he grumbled pleasantly, closing his good eye and lifting his head. His fingers tightened around the larger male's hair as he humped. "I've been tracking you for days now. It's been a long trek." He slid his right sole up the bear's face, forcing his heel up against his mouth; the other foot bumped at the Ursine's left ear. "Next time, perhaps we'll try it without the ropes."

Volibear bristled. He shook his head, spitting out the lion's paw and craning his neck to stare up at him. "There will be no--"

Using his foot, Rengar jostled him in the cheek. "No next time, I know. I don't like repeating myself, bear, but the way you repeat yourself is much more grating." He kicked the prone champion one more time, eliciting a surprised yelp from the chieftain that grew into a rumbling roar. He set his feet to the bear's shoulders and stood up on his broad and musculed back again. He tapped the bear beneath him a couple times with his big toe, then lightly leapt from him and landed in the grass.

Rengar dropped to his knees. He wrapped his toned arms around the Ursine's left leg, nestling his arm comfortably underneath the mighty bear's genitals. Volibear squirmed and grit his teeth, but did not protest even as Rengar spoke. "Roll over," he commanded, then began to tug. Volibear did not comply immediately, even as he felt his great bulk slowly but surely being lifted. His leg tensed as he prepared to protest, to kick, to thrash, to knee the Night Hunter in the face -- just as he felt the sharpness of the lion's claw just barely grazing along his inner thigh. He swallowed audibly. His hips wriggled and his breathing rate increased, but he bit the urge to fight. Still bound with wrists over head and one ankle secured to the ground, he let himself be rolled over onto his back, though he did little to assist the process. The rope around his ankle caught, twisting it uncomfortably. It burned as it scraped at the fur fiercely, and he let out several low, miserable grunts at his plight.

Rengar noticed immediately, his good eye trailing down the supine champion's naked form toward that bound leg. He glanced at the bear's free one, then looked up his body. If anything, Volibear had grown in mass since their last encounter. His thick, black-furred arms were tense and full, detailing every contour of his muscular physique. His great round gut stretched out above his chest, and each thigh was thicker than the lion's torso. Rengar noted, that one eye widening slightly with intrigue, that the very tip of the bear's pinkness was sprouting from his black sheath. Something somewhere along the lines had at least given the bear an inkling of carnal pleasure.

Rengar looked up into Volibear's face. The bear tried to mask the pain in his leg with rage, and he returned the feline's placid look with an icy glower. "Bear." His expression didn't change, even as Voli snorted his rage and chomped his teeth. "I'm giving you a choice. I'm going to untie your leg now." He heard the bear's irate growling quiet somewhat, and he fought the urge to smirk. "If you kick at me, I'll tie it back up and cut off your toes one by one and stuff them in your mouth. I'd rather you didn't." Still on his knees, the Pridestalker scooted closer to his legs. He set both hands down upon the knot binding the Ursine's foot, pressing down on it firmly. "I confess I'd hate to have to mutilate them."

Volibear swallowed. His jaw went slack as his mind raced, his whole body freezing up. He watched with uncertainty as the lion's deft fingers easily plucked away at the rope and let it fall lifelessly to the ground. His leg remained still as Rengar's hands crept up the ankle. His right one latched to the top of the bear's foot while his left one reached for the bottom. A promise and a threat, he poked one of his claws at the base of the bear's pinky toe, then dragged it along toward the big toe -- enough to tickle, enough to warn.

Rengar's chest was suspended precariously over Volibear's knee. It would have been easy for the Ursine to suddenly jerk his leg up, smash the Pridestalker in the solar plexus, maybe even kick him in the face. But the attempt would have been futile, and Volibear knew it. So he bit down his rage, squeezed his eyes shut, and endured the touch, even as he felt the lion's padded fingers pressing at his sole -- rubbing between his toes -- gripping him by the sides and digging into his arch.

"Do you know how easy these things make tracking you?" The lion lifted his right leg and crossed Volibear's left, stradling the leg. He waited for any motion, half-expecting the bear to jerk up suddenly and hit him in the groin. When Volibear did not, a devious smile formed on the hunter's face. It was proof that the domination he had over his prey was more than physical. The thought pleased him, and he lurched forward, rewarding the bear's stillness with series of firm rubs along his pawpads. "You leave huge prints with every step. Were you at all trying to be subtle?" He felt Volibear thrash beneath him, but quickly realized it was an automatic response to the touch of his claws. "A baby rabbit could stalk you. You must truly be afraid of nothing out here."

"I am not," Volibear retorted, though the lion's complimentary words served only to further muddle his brain. It was happening again, as it had on that last encounter. The lion's touch felt good. His sore paws had known no comfort in months, and there was a firm yet comfortable pressure to the Night Hunter's kneading fingers. He felt his toes splay, and he let off a gentle groan as Rengar seized the opportunity to start rubbing at their bases.

Hearing that sound, Rengar turned, glancing over his shoulder. Intrigue took him over, and he craned his neck to peer below his shoulder, checking the state of the bear's arousal. An inch more was peeking, and Rengar knew in no uncertain terms that he had won. He rose up triumphantly, setting the bear's heel back on the ground and turning toward him. His penis bobbled with the movement, and Volibear could see glimmering in the fading light a bead of wetness dotting the lion's tip.

"It isn't hard. Is it, bear?"

Volibear squinted up into the lion's face, frowning. He gave him a warning glare, but said nothing.

Rengar took a step forward, his white-furred foot landing in the snow beside Volibear's knee. He learned forward and planted his hands on his hips, like a chiding schoolteacher. "I do not enjoy causing you pain. Perhaps this surprises you." He snorted, lifting his chin, good eye unblinking. "I do not torment my prey like some bored housecat hunting mice. I strike to kill and leave them no time to suffer. This is similar. It is my honest intention to cause you no harm."

Volibear spat back, his voice louder than he intended, "You are a lying cur. You have scratched me, hit me, tugged me, threatened mutilation--"

"A means to an end," Rengar replied, but his voice was bored and he seemed to be losing interest. He took another step forward, dropping onto his knees before the bear. Volibear squirmed, but still did he not use his powerful legs to attack the approaching predator. "If you had behaved -- resigned the moment I revealed myself, why..." He smiled, but there was no mirth. "We would be done by now, and you would be off eating that fish. But I had to earn your surrender, didn't I?" He shook his head. "You are stubborn and full of pride. I had to break you down."

Volibear's eyes widen, and he took in a sharp breath of air through his teeth as he saw the lion's paw creeping closer to his groin. His bound hands writhed and struggled in vain to free themselves. "Pridestalker. Let me go. I will not -- uh -- no-- unnnn...! Don't -- unnnnngh..!" He closed his eyes, his jaw going slack as the lion's paw brushed along his fat sheath. He felt the smoothness of his pawpads rubbing at his tip and the pressure that soon followed. He tried to shift his hips away and ended up only grinding into Rengar's hand.

It took about a minute before he began to swell, inch by inch, growing upward into the lion's willing fingers.

Rengar held the bear's burgeoning erection with possessive admiration, his good eye widening as he watched the Ursine thicken. He stroked down the shaft to the sheath, gave the base a squeeze, then slipped further down, cupping and carressing his balls. Volibear's pungent scent grew with his penis, and Rengar took in long, indolent sniffs, savoring the musk. The bear's odor was much stronger than his own. The tip of Rengar's penis glided along the bear's inner thigh just above the knee, leaving a thin trail of pre in its wake. His cocktip was never more than a few inches from the Ursine's scrotum.

Before he knew it, Volibear was erect, his maleness hovering over his belly button. He made every effort to keep himself quiet, but could not deny himself loud, rasping breaths for air as his heart began to beat faster. Rengar's sensitive ears could hear it pumping away inside his chest, and it only encouraged him more. Whenever he felt Volibear hump upward into his hand, he would push back, forcing the Ursine to thrust upward into his fist.

Presently, Rengar stalked forward, closer to the Chosen's body. One knee on the ground, the other suspended over the bear's leg, he set the tip of his malehood against his prey's soft, furry scrotum. He thrust himself forward, bumping the head of his cock against the Ursine's stealth. His hand rose up Volibear's length to squeeze him at the head, and he felt the bear respond suddenly and vigorously, humping upwards and spitting out an echoing groan. He pressed his advantage, dragging the underside of his cockhead along the bear's erection. His body moved with him, and Rengar dropped down onto his knees, stradling his captive at the hips, shaft pressed tightly against shaft. Rengar's ballsac nestled warmly against the bear's. He could feel the size difference between them. Volibear's scrotum was larger, and while their malehoods were of similar length, Voli's was thicker, and his head throbbed as Rengar dribbled his pre upon him.

Grinning toothily, Rengar began to grind against the laying bear. He licked his lips, watching the larger champ roll his head around and struggle against him, only serving to mash his penis harder against his assailant. The Night Hunter leaned forward, clasping his hands on the bear's unprotected sides. The bindings around his hands pulled his chest and body taut, and the Ursine snorted piteously at the touch.

Rengar ground against Volibear for several minutes. He made little noise, but Voli was loud enough for the both of them, groaning, gasping, grunting, occasionally spitting out a protest or a demand for the lion to stop. The bear's robust belly rose high, nearly bumping against the lion's chin; after some time, Rengar slipped his paw up the chieftain's side and give his tummy a rub, and he couldn't help but smirk at the helpless squirming it elicited.

"You're entertaining, bear," Rengar spoke at last. His breathing was deep but controlled, hardly audible over Voli's rumbling. He pricked the bear just above the belly button, then dragged the tip of his claw down his side. Volibear groaned and thrashed, pushing his hips upward against the lion's crotch. "Like a dancing bear in a circus. Hrah! To think, the mighty Ursine warlord has a ticklish belly like some newborn cub." To prove his point, he smashed his palm against the bear's stomach and dragged it across. His pride besmirched, Volibear grit his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut and forced himself not to budge. As he felt the lion's pads brush along his navel, he just couldn't help it. He twitched, his whole body shifted, he mashed himself against the lion's body with an automatic pleasure. He struggled to look as he felt the feline's fingers drag down below his belly button. They lifted to clasp him at the cockhead, and Voli was caught off-guard to find himself wet at his tip.

Rengar barked out a quick laugh, and Volibear scowled at him. "You wanted this from the beginning, didn't you? The prey knows his place. And as I recall..." Gripping the bear at his dewy tip, the Pridestalker dragged himself forward, sliding his ballsac up along the topside of the Ursine's shaft. Rengar released his grip as he positioned himself over the bear's heaving chest, crouching above him. He leaned forward until their noses were a foot or two apart, his good eye gleaming with primal pleasure. "That deserves a reward."

Volibear shook his head, his ears going flat against his scalp. He grimaced and made a feeble effort to wriggle away, but he was powerless to resist as Rengar set his rear back and nestled the pucker of his tailhole up to the bear's tip. He swelled against the lion's opening, feeling his preseed wet the stalker's opening.

Rengar began to growl, a quiet thrum deep in his chest. He taunted the bear, wriggling his butt without letting the champion beneath him penetrate. The lion was leaking steadily by now, and a small pool of translucent goo was pooling on the bear's stomach below.

Try as he might, Volibear couldn't help but gyrate against the warmth of the Pridestalker's rear. He felt a stab of pleasure in his gut each time he felt his tip start to sink into his tailhole and a subsequent wave of indignant disappointment when the lion shifted away. He knew he was being teased, but carnal desire forced his hips to buck and his body to thrash and his throat to churn out deep, agonized grunts. "Unnnngghh..."

The bear's desperation excited Rengar. He found himself smirking as he teased the bound male, and his tail swaying around behind him. Voli's thrusts were getting stronger now, more determined, and Rengar finally relented. He arched his back and sunk himself down, letting the bear's head smash against his tailhole and sink inside.

Voli held nothing back. Finally catching reprieve, he thrust upward with a triumphant roar, ramming as much of himself into the lion as the latter would allow. More than half of the Ursine's shaft disappeared into the predator's tailhole on the first stab, which only encouraged the chieftain to thrust again, harder, stronger.

Gripping the bear tightly around the side, Rengar narrowed his good eye, glowering down at the Ursine as he started to ride him. His legs parted as he slid down the bear's length until his knees pressed into against the ground, the tops of his toes lining the grass. He stradled Volibear at the hips, his own penis jutting out over the bear's large belly. It bobbled with every one of the bear's mighty thrusts, and globlets of viscous precum splattered over his massive bulk.

Rengar kept the bear wedged inside him without reprieve. Every time the Ursine stabbed upward, Rengar would push back against his thrust. The effect this had was transparent; Voli would give off a loud satisfied groan, or he'd jerk his body just so, indicating a raw pleasure that he could never confess in words. Before long, his tongue was hanging out of his slack jaw, tendrils of drool connecting his fangs. His bound arms shifted and twisted over his head, and his eyes were closed more often than not. And still he plowed upward into his assailant, churning him with all his force.

Though Volibear's body was chaotic, Rengar remained poised, controlled. He watched the bear closely, taking in every movement, every scent, every sight of the bear's powerful body flexing and moving beneath him. Inch by inch, Rengar leaned forward until his forehead was suspended over the bear's chin, looking down into his agonized face. He didn't break his humping pace for a second. The lion's left arm snaked around the bear's right armpit, holding him; his right went down to his own crotch as he began to masturbate. Their faces were only inches apart, and Rengar's words were a whisper, audible even against the noisy bear's throaty sounds.

"Give it to me, bear."

"Hrrrgggggh... hrrrnnnnnnn..!"

"I demand it as my right. Give it, bear."

"Unnnnnn --- hnnn -- hrrrrrr...!"

"Now! Do it, prey!"

"Hrrrrr--- rrrrggghhhhhhhaaaahhh!!"

Arching his back and pulling his chest as taut as it would go, Volibear churned his hips and smashed upward into Rengar's body as hard as he could. His mouth was frothing by this point, a near manic expression on his enraged face as his rumbling grew higher in pitch. Rengar braced himself, holding the bear tight as he felt him cross his threshold. A steady groan grew into a staggering roar as Volibear squeezed his eyes shut, tilted back his head, and came hard inside the lion. Roils of sticky hot cum splashed around inside Rengar, and the lion permitted himself a long, deeply satisfied groan. Volibear humped upward again, and Rengar felt himself filled to the brim by this second blast. White wetness squezed out of his tailhole and dribbled down the bear's thick shaft, collecting around his sheath and in a thick pool on his balls.

Gripping himself at the base of his dick, Rengar felt his own pleasure cross the point of no return. He squeezed his fist hard, ramming forward into his own pumping fingers as he drew himself toward climax. His teeth were set, his expression intense as he stared down at the long-gone bear. The predator snorted and snarled, pelvis rocking backward against the supine bear's thickness and milking him dry. He allowed himself a steely grunt, his cheeks puffing and his maw upturning as a second louder, raspier grunt forced itself up his throat.

Rengar squeezed his good eye shut. He cracked open his mouth with the intent of speaking, but he could manage only breaths. His fist was stroking higher up now as he jacked himself off with great fervor, driving himself toward the inevitable. Sticky trickles of his pre splattered around as he pumped himself furiously, no longer able to manage a controlled, deliberate backward thrust against the bear beneath him.

Digging his knees into the snow, Rengar drove himself hard into his climax, just as Voli's was waning. The bear was groaning inconsolably, his rumbling baritone spitting formless words from his open mouth. He felt Rengar's left claws start to dig into his sides, and he peeked his eyes open just in time to see lion's first cumshot against a backdrop of angry growling. The milky whiteness jettisoned from his tip and splashed all over the bear's black chest, hot as a geyser over his body. Volibear twisted as a second stream hit him in the neck, and he heard it fall like rain down his body almost to his belly button.

Rengar held on tight, both to his sheath and into the bear's furry sides as he drove himself through his apex. He felt his body sinking lower, desperate to push as much of the bear's cock up inside him as he could, and his balls scraped against the underside the Ursine's fat stomach as he came. The combined smell of their sex was pungent, and the noses of both males twitched as it assaulted them. It only drove Rengar on, and he opened his maw wide into a predatory grin as he felt himself shoot again, and again, and again, making an active effort of trying to coat as much of the laying champ's body as possible.

It was over far sooner than it started, and, spent, Rengar allowed himself to collapse against Volibear's seed-soaked stomach. The bear's belly rose and fall drastically with his heavy breathing, and Rengar closed his eyes, taking a blissful moment's solitude as he felt his head rise and fall along with it. The bear was still firmly wedged up inside him, and even when he retracted his hips and dug his butt into the ground, gravity alone kept the pucker of the lion's tailhole safely secured against the bigger male's sheath. So they lay for what felt like many minutes. Rengar recovered his breath much faster than the supine champ. He pushed himself up into a more upright sitting position, staring at his catch through blurry vision. He wriggled his nose, then, disdainful as a housecat, grimaced and started to wipe some of his own spunk from his cheek.

"Feeling better, bear?" Volibear made no response. Rengar shrugged, licking the back of his paw and brushing off more of the semen collecting below his chin. "Your arms are probably killing you, aren't they? I bet you want nothing more than, what was it? A bath and a big fish? But if I let you go, you'll..." He shrugged again, lifting his head and looking around. "Shoot lightning, or claw off my head, or..." He waved a hand dismissively. "Whatever bear thing it is you do. As I recall, you have a tendency to break promises that involve me letting you go."

Volibear did not speak. He only frowned, hot in the cheeks, his mind and his vision blurry from the dizzying afterglow. He took in a breath, but only let it out in a ragged sigh. He shifted his weight.

Rengar sighed as well, mocking his prey. He thumped down both of his paws upon the Ursine's stomach and pushed himself up to his feel, slowly dislodging himself from the bear's shaft. It caused the larger male to grunt. Semen trickled out of the lion's tailhole as he stood up, and he made a satisfied grunt as he pulled himself up to full height. He stood over the bear, scratching himself indolently, still making a show of pondering how to proceed.

Without another word, he stepped over the bear and leisurely strode over to the clothes he tossed aside. He picked up his cape and talons and leather-and-metal armor, hoisting it all up into a pile. He paused for a moment, then, spying Volibear's own Thunder Lord's armor strewn all over the snowy ground, stepped over to it.

A surge of indignation coarsed through Volibear's body. His voice was a roar. "Pridestalker! Step away. You have taken what you came for. An Ursine's armor is his life's blood. Leave it be, or you may as well slit my throat where you stand!"

"Tempting," Rengar replied, not looking back. "But I don't think it would fit me. No, there's just one more thing I will take from you."

Balancing his gear in one hand, Rengar bent over easily and snatched up that long-dead fish from the ground. He speared it between his claws, then brought it up, taking a sniff. "Mackerel? Not my favorite."

"My fish," Volibear spoke, and though he tried to keep his voice strong, he sounded as piteous as a cub.

Rengar couldn't help but turn back and laugh.

"It's mine now. Payment, and punishment for dragging this out longer than it needed to." He shook his head chidingly, looking down at the bound bear. "I've half a mind to leave you just like that. In fact..."


But the title fell on deaf ears. Rengar started nibbling at his fish as he walked off into the underbrush, still naked. Volibear could see the lion's firm butt blocked by his swaying tail as the Night Stalker stepped off into the Freljord and disappeared from sight, leaving Volibear entrapped.

Arrogant cretin! Volibear tried to muster up all his rage, but he was spent. I've no doubt a Winter's Claw hunter will find me by dawn. But what am I to tell them? Even as his wrists chafed and his back was freezing with the snow, he had half a mind to take a nap and decide how to escape upon waking up.

He heard a swish of movement come from his right, but before he even had time to move, he heard it slice through something. He winced, bracing himself for the stab of pain his reflexes had taught him to expect, but it did not come. He budged, and to his surprise, he felt his arms move, and he jerked them down protectively into his chest. He pushed himself up into a sitting position and whirled around. He spied a rusty dagger wedged into the ground. He looked up instinctively, but he knew immediately that he would catch neither hide nor hair of his 'savior', and he was right.

Grumbling, he tore the tattered strands of rope off his wrists and began to rub them. They were sore, but armorclad as he was for most of the day, he knew the discomfort would not linger. He sat there on his butt for a long moment, shaking his head and scratching himself. He pushed himself up to his feet, growled with automatic fury, then stomped over to his clothes.

I'll kill him someday. On my honor. But the words lacked conviction, and he frowned, puzzling at his own hesitancy. He decided to shake it out of his mind for the moment, to be grateful that he left with his life and all body parts intact. He thought maybe he would head back to his cave and sleep, but then he caught the faintest whiff of that mackerel taken from him, and at once he heard the bubbling of the big stream.

But first, he thought, sighing loudly as he stepped back through the snow. A bath, and a big fish.

The Scent of Prey, Part 3: The Thunder Calls

** The Scent of Prey** ** Part Three: The Thunder Calls** by peppygrowlithe The tree split diagonally with a deafening crack. Splinters of wood scattered as it teetered, lurched, and finally toppled. Volibear pulled back his fist, watching with...

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Raised in Blood

Breathing hard through grit teeth, Kasik Scraphide wasn't sure how he was going to get out of this one. The Separatists numbered three now, from what was once six. The biggest among them still lived, a bearded man appearing more norn than human and...

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The Scent of Prey

**The Scent of Prey** by peppygrowlithe Volibear was victorious. _As though there were any doubt_, the great bear mused to himself. He padded across the dried grass and stepped out into the lane, his big paws leaving circular imprints in his...

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