The Scent of Prey

Story by Samhuinn on SoFurry

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I haven't written an erotic story in many, many years, so I thought I'd try my hand at it again.

This is a story between two League of Legends champions: Volibear, the Thunder's Roar, and Rengar, the Pridestalker. This is Volibear in his "Thunder Lord" skin. That's the skin I use in-game, and I think the dark fur works better against Rengar's white fur.

Be warned: It's a fairly long story, the first half of which is nonsexual. If you're just interested in getting right to the eroticism, run a search for: "I have earned you" and it'll take you right there. If you're not interested in pawplay, run a search instead for "I'd rather hear you roar", and it'll take you a little further past that.

Warning tags: M/M, bondage, rape, foot fetish.

Comments and criticisms always welcome. Please enjoy!

The Scent of Prey

by peppygrowlithe

Volibear was victorious.

As though there were any doubt, the great bear mused to himself. He padded across the dried grass and stepped out into the lane, his big paws leaving circular imprints in his wake. I am the Chosen of the Storm. The wise fled; the foolish were crushed, underfoot or in my jaw. A decimating victory.

The dark-furred bear walked on, past the den of the dragon and toward the middle lane. The battle had ended nearly an hour ago, but the stench of blood and sweat still lingered in the air. His teammates and enemies were resting after their gruesome fight. Grudges tended to not linger long in the League of Legends; enemies one day were often allies the next, and most champions recognized that the games were too important to let petty disputes affect their judgment. Grudges lingered hard, of course; the bear himself may have made a special exception for Zilean, but he found he more or less got along with even the most vile of the League's participants. Patriotism ran deep for some, but for others, unlikely friendships - or at least tolerances - were constantly being formed. Volibear would not have been surprised to learn that Renekton and Ahri were sharing a spa, or that Karma was helping Sona stitch up a wide tear in her dress caused by a well-aimed arrow of Ashe's.

He ducked through the brush, taking a long look down the middle lane toward the southwest, then to the northeast. He pressed onward. Summoner's Rift was generally not open to champions between matches, and while his teammates were congratulating themselves on a game well-fought and preparing to spend their evening training or relaxing, the Thunder Lord spent the better part of the hour "persuading" the judges to allow him an hour or two to look around. Intimidation and diplomacy came naturally to the Ursine chieftain, and he was eventually permitted within the realm once his stubbornness had become clear.

He could not rest yet. Though he had given the excuse that he needed to seek out a new jungling route, Volibear's true reason for wandering the battlefield was because of the League's newest champion, the Pridestalker Rengar.

I could not smell or see him coming, the Ursine thought, his maw creasing back into a frown. He took a look into Baron's den, then turned his gaze south. He padded onward into the jungle, his shining blue eyes narrowing on every patch of brush he passed by. He tore through Ashe and Ahri as a mountain lion through rabbits. Were it not for him, victory would have been achieved in half the time. He alone made this a battle worth fighting.

Though monstrous and brutish in appearance, the great bear was known for surprising cunning and wisdom, and as he padded around Summoner's Rift, he kept an eye out for new places from which he would expect the leonine hunter to ambush. Volibear was a predator in his own right, but whereas he would use his might to overpower his enemies, Rengar employed subtly and stealth to set up vicious and swift kills. Were it not for some lifesaving interference from his companions Karma and Shen, Volibear would too have fallen more than once beneath the Pridestalker's sharp claws.

The Thunder's Roar smirked at the memory. It blended together in a sort of harmonious chaos, of spells and weaponry flying through the air, barked commands rising above the din of metal clashing against metal. He remembered charging forward, sweeping aside the Void Walker as he charged into the fray, toward Ashe's aid.

And then that snarl...

Volibear shook his head, snapping back to the present. There was little use in doting over it now. The battle was won, even in spite of the Pridestalker. Next time, he and his companions would be even more ready. After all, the bear thought with a widening grin, there is more than one way to skin a cat.

As he stomped through a thick clump of grass, something wrapped around Volibear's big foot. The hulking Ursine stopped at once, but, distracted by his own thoughts, he did not think to leap away until it was too late. A snap, a whir, and the leaves shifted in the trees overhead. Volibear felt a rope lash around his right ankle and tug. Despite his massive size, the bear was pulled effortlessly upward, heels-over-head as his leg was yanked fifteen feet into the air. With a panicked roar, Volibear lashed desperately to grab hold of anything, but the grass snapped between his fingers as he was pulled out of reach of the brush.

Dangling helplessly, the upside-down bear started to thrash about. "What is the meaning of this?!" he snarled, bobbing and shaking around in the air. There was no response. His sharp claws rent the air as he swiped. "Let me go at once, or face Freljord's might!"

There was no response.

His heart pounding, Volibear started to inspect the trap he had gotten himself stuck in. The tree to which he was now bound was the largest in Summoner's Rift; it extended up toward the sky, and from this position, he could not see its top. The rope connected to his ankle wrapped around a branch about twenty feet off the ground, thick enough to hold even despite Volibear's massive weight. It creaked and churned as the bear wriggled, but did not snap or bend.

Within a minute, the blood was rushing to Volibear's head. Tucking his back, the Ursine struggled to reach the rope that bound his foot to the tree. Still garbed in his armor of the Thunder Lord, the task was too much for a hulk of his size; it gave him too little mobility, and parts of his darkly-furred body got pinched between the gaps.

Grumbling under his breath, Volibear fought his growing nausea. He tugged off his yellow-winged helmet and golden shoulderpads, tossing them toward a tightly-packed row of piney bushes to minimize damage. He had taken off one armguard and was halfway through removing the other when he caught a glimpse of something white moving quickly nearby. With a start, the Ursine jerked his head up and stared, but saw nothing, not even so much as the rustle of a blade of grass. "Who comes?" growled the chieftain, cracking one hand into a fist. "Get me down from here. I will be in your debt... if you have had no part of this."

Nothing moved.

Volibear glowered hard for a long moment. His vision was starting to blur, and looking at the world upside-down was irritating him. Frowning, he continued undoing the bindings of his second armguard. He pulled it off and tossed it toward the rest of his armor.

From behind him, a clawed hand lashed out, snatching the armguard from out of the air with a resounding thunk. Volibear took in a sharp breath through his nose. The Ursine twisted and jerked his body, rotating around to set eyes upon his assailant. His jaw opened, shock quickly changing to fury as recognition set in.


With a loud snort, Rengar tossed the gold-plated armguard from one hand to the other and back again. His expression was nonplussed, his one good eye half-closed in bored disdain. Like Volibear, the white lion was still garbed in his armor from the fight, and streaks of blood still matted the leather and stained the long metal talons extending out from his glove. He said nothing, merely watching the dangling Ursine.

"Is this your trap?" Volibear demanded, writhing about frantically in the air. The branch overhead moaned. "Do you think me another of your trophies? Untie me now, Pridestalker, or you will see why they call me the Thunder's Roar."

Rengar's expression scarcely changed. "You flatter yourself, bear," the hunter stated plainly. Pursing his lips, Rengar gave Volibear's armguard a final look, then cast it aside without a further thought. "You are no trophy. You're like an overgrown cub, to fall for such a simple trap." Rengar snorted again, the corners of his mouth pulling up into a slight smirk. "I thought 'wisdom guided you'."

With a bestial roar that shook the trees, Volibear clenched his massive paws into fists. As he opened them, sparks of yellow-white lightning danced along his padded fingers and gathered on his claws. Snarling, Volibear lashed at the air toward Rengar, sending jolts of lightning scattering in the feline's direction. Blinded, he squinted against the light, but did not deter himself. He followed with a second swipe, with a crackle of blinding energy and sizzling smoke.

When the last of the lightning bursts had faded, Volibear creaked open his eyes, expecting to be met with the sight of a fried cat and assaulted by the smell of burnt fur. Instead, he saw only the grass and the bottoms of tall trees.

Where is he? The Ursine shifted, kicking his unbound foot upward to twist himself around and get a better look of the area. The branch moaned above, but the jungle was otherwise silent. Did I hit him so hard he scattered to the wind? Volibear wondered, entreating the possibility. So it seems, even a bound Ursine is a match for-

A flurry of movement. Volibear instinctively turned his head toward the blur, just in time to have a white-furred knee slam into his nose. With a sputtering roar, Volibear lurched back, one hand swiping in front of him as the other went up to clasp over his face. Rengar effortlessly leapt back out of range of the larger champion, his one-eye half-closed and vaguely amused.

"You're wasting my time, bear," the Pridestalker snarled. He had withdrawn his bola and was casually spinning it around his wrist. "I wasn't planning on killing you. Don't give me an excuse to rethink that."

"Liar!" Volibear scowled, wiping his wet black nose clean. He shook his head, claws twitching as his body tensed. "A liar, and a fool. All in the League know of your 'hobby', Pridestalker. Collecting mementos of kills, immortalizing your prey. You are but a vain cub. Release this trap, and perhaps I will find mercy for a conniving scavenger as yourself."

Rengar smirked. He flipped the bola into the air and snatched it with the other hand. "It's hard to sound tough when you're upside-down like that, isn't it?" The leonine hunter sighed, taking a step closer to his ensnared rival. The Ursine instinctively struck, but hit only air. "Bear, I'll say it again, and you'll do well to listen. I'm not going to kill you. I don't know how this place works." Rengar gestured toward the south, indicating the resurrecting platform. This was both the entryway and exiting point for participants in the league... and was the location upon which fallen champions were once more given life in the middle of a game. "If I kill you here, you may end up back at your den. And leave me without my catch."

"It does not work like that," Volibear growled, though in truth he was uncertain.

Rengar rolled his eye. "Are you trying to convince me to kill you?" His tone was droll. When Volibear didn't reply to that, the lion shook his head, his dreaded mane shifting. "No, bear. Even if I knew it would work, I would not kill you. You fought like a dragon." Rengar flipped his bola up once more, catching it in mid-air and swinging it playfully around his fingers. "I hope to fight alongside you one day."

Volibear growled. He twisted, kicking the air with his unbound foot and trying once more, in vain, to break free. The blood was rushing to his head, and his vision was starting to blur. "Insolent kitten," the Chosen of the Storm snarled. "I will never fight alongside you."

"Tell that to me in the afterglow."

Volibear blinked, not comprehending. His maw stretched open, but the words caught in his throat. Rengar, in turn, slung his bola over his shoulder and raised his left hand, revealing in full the long, sharp prongs of the metal claw.

"I have something different in mind for you, bear. I'm going to mate you."

Volibear sputtered his astonishment. He stared wide-eyed at the smirking great cat, shaking his head in disbelief. Rengar stood watching, letting his words sink in. Silence reigned for several long moments, without even so much as the creak of the branch overhead to break it. Volibear remained still, up until the moment he spoke.

"I am waiting for the punchline, Pridestalker."

"Not a joke," the lion replied, shrugging his shoulders. "You aren't going to tell anyone. Who would you?" Rengar swept his right paw outward, palm upward. "You're too proud, bear. That's half the reason I chose you in the first place." His teeth showed as his maw pulled into a grin.

"Depraved cur," Volibear snarled. His thrashing redoubled. He swiped at the air desperately, mustering up small crackles of electricity that faded within seconds. He had exhausted himself during that last barrage, and his mental acuity had dulled over the minutes with the blood rushing to his head. He was dizzy, and it was only partially from Rengar's blasphemous threat. "Even were you female, I would not touch you, save to rend your head from your shoulders!"

Once again, Rengar rolled his eye. He grimaced at the writhing warrior. "Seems to me you don't have a choice," the lion mused. He tapped at his chin with the tip of his talon. "So I'll give you one. If you promise you will not attack me, I will let you down from there." He canted his head. "Fair?"

Volibear snarled, showing his captor his teeth. After a moment, his expression softened, weariness seeping into his eyes. It seemed like a long time before the Ursine nodded his head, closing his eyes in shame.

Rengar ran his lips along his chops. He looked up at the rope keeping Volibear tethered to the tree. His legs tensing, the hunter sprang up nearly a dozen feet into the air. With one clean swipe, he cut straight through the rope. Volibear tumbled with a loud roar, hitting the ground on his hands and dropping onto all fours.

Rengar landed on his toe-heavy feet, and Volibear wasted no time in charging. Springing upward, the mighty bear bound across the grass, lunging for his assailant.

His speed was surprising, but Rengar's was blinding. Anticipating Volibear's attack, Rengar snatched off a bola on his belt and swept it toward the larger champion's ankles. The Thunder Lord stumbled forward as the projectile swirled around his legs and bound his feet together. With a roar as confused as it was enraged, Volibear continued forward, his momentum carrying him toward the lion.

Rengar leapt up high, and Volibear toppled to the ground beneath him. He slammed down hard on the Ursine's back and pushed him into the dirt. Wasting no time, the hunter yanked out a second bola and crouched, wrapping it around Volibear's right wrist and moving to bind this to his left.

Naturally graceful as he was, it was hard for Rengar to keep balance. The bear writhed beneath him like a great bucking bronco. Volibear rolled over as best he could in his prone position, swiping upward and landing a sharp frenzied blow along the side of Rengar's neck. The lion reared back, grunting in pain. Volibear seized the opportunity, slamming his free hand down upon the ground and pushing upward, knocking Rengar off of his back.

The hunter landed in an unsteady crouch, his clawed hand gripping the grass to keep from toppling. He watched Volibear furiously squirming about, biting and scratching to try to get the cord undone. Rengar's predatory eyes widened, and he lunged once again. He shoulderchecked the Ursine, ramming him back onto his side. Volibear tried to lash out in retaliation, but Rengar grasped him tightly by the wrist. The lion then jumped up onto the the larger male's back, still gripping him by the arm. He punched forward past Volibear's shoulder with his clawed left hand, bringing the razorlike metal talons up to the Thunder Lord's jugular.

The great bear's struggling stopped the moment he felt the cool, sharp tip. His eyes widened, and he swallowed; the lump pressed uncomfortably against the talons. He was helpless to resist as Rengar worked his left arm out from under him; it had gone numb from his own bulk.

From there, it was a simple matter for Rengar to tied Volibear's right wrist to his left. The bear collapsed onto the jungle ground, exhausted and nauseous. Volibear writhed on the jungle floor, growling deep in his chest, his hands bound tightly below his shoulderblades, legs tied at the ankles. Rengar stood atop his victim for one proud moment. Then he dropped to Volibear's back, sidled up to his ear, and spoke, voice halfway between a growl and a purr.

"You lied to me," Rengar whispered. "I thought you to be more honorable than that." He reached his neck in and nibbled on the prone bear's ear. "At least you are as predictable as expected."

"Pridestalker," Volibear murmured. His deep, gruff voice struggled to retain its dignity. He turned, struggling to look at Rengar over his shoulder. "Do not do this. A willing female will lie with you, no matter your animal appearance. Strength speaks."

"As do you, and too much," Rengar snorted. "I don't want 'a willing female', bear. I want you. I have earned you."

Volibear growled, though it lacked fury. "The Ursine frown upon rape, Pridestalker. You will find me an unwilling partner."

"We'll see," Rengar snarled. He bit Volibear's black ear one last time, then pushed away from the black-furred creature's neck. With a series of snaps and twists, Rengar removed both weapons from his hands. He cast them aside, then smirked down at Volibear's head. "You should try to enjoy it, bear. You could stand to loosen up a bit."

The lion's eyes dropped to Volibear's back. The Thunder Lord was mostly bare by now, having stripped off most of his clothing while ensnared. Thick metal leggings still covered his rump and part of his thighs, with only a hole encarved for his short round tail. "Where should I start..." Rengar toed at the leggings for a moment ponderously. "Ah, of course," the lion growled contentedly, cutting a gaze down the bear's legs. "Why don't we get you in the mood?"

Rengar stepped across Volibear's back and sat down on the bear's rump. The lion's tail flickered, anticipating. Volibear craned his neck to see what was going on, but couldn't look past his thick shoulders. "What are you doing?" he demanded, and to his credit, there was no fear in his voice.

"Your paws," Rengar replied. Leaning forward, he gripped Volibear's legs above the shins and pulled them up, bending him at the knee. Volibear fought in vain to escape the lion's grasp. Rengar reached around the Ursine's bound ankles with his left hand, keeping him still, and took a good, long look.

Volibear's hindpaws were huge, each one easily as big as the lion's head. They were heavily cushioned, with two huge dark brown pads upon each sole and smaller ones marking each of his four toes. Rengar tilted his head down at them, marveling for a moment as Volibear's toes twitched, squirming to get out of the lion's hold.

"Your paws," Rengar repeated, sidling into a more comfortable position. "Have you ever had them rubbed?" When Volibear didn't reply, the Pridestalker continued on. "Didn't think so. You ice-bears don't seem like the sort to 'massage and tickle'." Amused, Rengar began to pluck the pieces of grass out from between Volibear's pads. "A shame." Volibear's pawpads were smooth and tough, but even without his metal talon, Rengar's claws were sharp. He dug in, not enough to draw blood, but enough for the bear to feel through the tough pads. He then held the larger male's foot with both hands, cradling it on either side and rubbing hard with his thumbs. "Try to enjoy it, bear. Maybe next time, you can rub mine."

"There will be no next time," Volibear growled. His voice was fierce, but internally, his mind was reeling. There was no denying it. Volibear was angry and humiliated, the bindings rubbed at his ankles, and the ground smelled of dirt and blood. He didn't want to admit that the feeling was pleasurable, and at first, it was not. He had not been touched down there since he was a cub, and it was initially unsettling. His toes twitched, and he squirmed to struggle out of Rengar's grip. The lion had moved to his other foot by now, digging his thumbs deep into his pads.

A minute passed, and Volibear uncomfortably had to admit to himself that the massage felt good. Real good. His heart was pumping too fast and he was too angry at Rengar to be relaxed, but, unable to escape or even move much, he couldn't deny to himself that it gave him some comfort. He had finished a long battle less than an hour ago, and had spent most of the time between then and now walking around. The rest of his body was tense and agitated, and it was hard to keep his face off the ground. But his paws were sore, and the rub was just what they needed.

As Rengar moved up to stroke the bear's toes, a quiet grunt escaped the Ursine's chest before he could catch the noise in his throat. The lion paused, glancing over his shoulder with his good eye. "Did I hit a nerve?"

"Stop this, Pridestalker," Volibear grunted into the grass. He writhed around, trying to look up over his shoulder at the hunter atop him. "I am no witless cub to be... pampered, and massaged."

"Well, you're certainly not a cub," Rengar replied, shrugging his shoulders and turning back to Volibear's feet. He leaned in and sniffed the bear's soles. They smelled mostly of grass and dirt, but with his sensitive sense of smell, Rengar could detect the trace of musk - the distinctly masculine smell Rengar could only presume was shared by all Ursine males.

Holding Volibear's hindpaws in place with one arm, the leonine warrior leaned in and started licking the Ursine's right foot. Rengar's tongue was rough and scratchy, easily felt even through the tough pads. Within seconds, another soft moan escaped Volibear. His toes wiggled pleasantly against Rengar's lips as the bear made another feeble attempt at escaping. The lion redoubled his efforts, furiously lapping and nuzzling the soles of Volibear's hindpaws until he could hear the bear breathing hard. The hunter smirked, wondering if that sign of excitement meant what he thought it could.

"Do you see now, bear?" Rengar murmured, pulling his head back from Volibear's feet. They glistened with his saliva. "What other predator would give his prey such... royal treatment?"

"I am not your prey, Pridestalker," the dark-furred champion rumbled, his voice broken by slight gasps for air. Despite his seething fury for the lion and his increasingly uncomfortable position, Volibear found he kept imagining the eager tongue of a big husky female of his race, sucking his toes and worshipping him zealously. Only once Rengar stopped and spoke did Volibear realize, to his horror, that there was tightness welling up around his groin. Snarling, the bound Thunder Lord spat back at him, "And once I am free and have clawed your body to shreds, I-"

"Shut it, bear," Rengar sighed. He stood up and slammed his foot down upon Volibear's back, silencing the Ursine. "You don't want me to gag you. I don't want to gag you. I'd rather hear you roar."

Volibear's nostrils flared. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words died in his throat as he felt something heavy and hard hit him in the back of his neck. It toppled off him and to the side, and the bear blinked down at short leather leggings. It took him a moment to understand what had happened, and another moment to muster the urge to crane his neck around to see.

Rengar stood naked from the waist down upon Volibear's back. His erection jut proudly outward, though the Ursine could spare only a momentary glance before the lion shifted out of sight. A moment later, he felt Rengar's strong paws gripping him by the side of his thigh and forcing him over onto his back. Naturally, he struggled in the Pridestalker's grasp, but couldn't help but be rolled over. He writhed with arms tied behind his back, staring up at Rengar's toned body. The one-eyed creature was grinning toothily, gently running the tips of his fingers along his penis a couple feet over Volibear's chin.

"You still look so worried," Rengar muttered, shaking his head as though disappointed. "It doesn't suit you. Do you still think I'm going to kill you, bear?" When Volibear didn't reply, the lion shook his head. "Stubborn as a mule. You're fortunate that I like that about you."

"Pridest-" Volibear started, but froze as Rengar dropped down to his knees. The hunter stradled the bear around his thighs, delicately undoing the heavy metal plate around Volibear's groin. The Ursine tried to wriggle free, but pinned as he was, he could get little leverage. Rengar's sharp claws sheared through a series of leather clasps keeping the crotchplate bound together. Amidst a quiet, whining protest from the huge beast, Rengar peeled back the armor and revealed Volibear's crotch in full.

As was to be expected, Volibear was remarkably well-endowed. His black-furred scrotum dangled over his tailhole, each testicle large and distinctly visible. His sheathed malehood was mostly flacid, though there was a hint of pink just peeking out from the tip. Bound for hours within its metal prison, Volibear's crotch was musky and warm in a way his feet were not, and the scent assaulted Rengar's sensitive nose the moment the bear was undressed.

Volibear stared down his body in disbelief. He started to shake his head in warning, yet again struggling against his bindings. "Pridestalker," he whispered. "You must not-"

"Must not what?" Rengar reached out and pet Volibear's sheath, his hand gentler than the Ursine would have expected. He stroked the great bear with affection, the corners of his mouth tugging back into a wider grin. "I will make you enjoy this, bear."

"No," Volibear protested, and his head fell back onto the grass. He did not know what he expected, but it was not this. Rengar's fingers were soft and playful, barely tickling the fur scabbard housing his pride. Sometimes the lion would stroke lower and carress the bear's big testes, and the Ursine couldn't help but shift on his hands.

After some time, Volibear felt himself stiffening against the lion's touch. His penis slowly elongated out of its sheath, and Rengar moved to encourage it. The bound bear growled quietly, his teeth clenching as Rengar carressed his swelling head.

"There we go," Rengar mumured as Volibear was growing erect in his hand. Still fondling the Ursine's penis with his right hand, he reached out and rubbed around the bear's tummy with his left. Volibear must have liked it, because before he could stop himself, he thrust upward once into the hunter's fingers. His stomach was fuzzy and warm, pulled taut by his arms behind his back.

Before long, Volibear was fully aroused, his malehood extending up past his belly button. He was thick and long, appropriate for his size. He had not fully resigned himself to his fate, although his struggling had diminished and he seemed more confused than angry. Rengar's grip tightened around his length, and Volibear raised his head and looked up just in time to see the lion begin to pump him off. He had remained silent as long as he could, but as the masturbation started, Volibear could not keep inside a low, gruff moan.

"You're enjoying this, bear," Rengar remarked in his snarling tone. He started jerking Volibear off faster, his good eye watching the Ursine's dick intently. Every so often, the bear would thrust upward, and Rengar's smirk would grow a little wider. "Is this your first handjob?" The hunter himself was thoroughly erect, still stradling the supine bear with his thighs; the tip of his cock was about six inches away from the bear's scrotum. The lion was leaking pre - had been for several minutes now - but possessed the self-control to ignore his own arousal and focus on the bear's. For now.

After a few minutes, Rengar witnessed the sign he had been looking for. Volibear throbbed, and with it came a small bead of transparent precum, just dotting his cockhole. The lion glanced up toward his prey's face, but Volibear seemed unaware of the intensity of his own arousal. Rengar shifted now. He started to rise, only to lift his legs over each of Volibear's and kneel between his knees. The Ursine was still bound at the ankles, but he was large enough that the leonine hunter could nestle between his thighs. Rengar moved his head in closer to the Thunder Lord's groin. Rengar mused that if the bear was still willing to protest, it would have been a simple matter for him to ram his knee into the lion's side. But Volibear remained docile, staring down his light-furred body in fear or anticipation of Rengar's plans.

The Pridestalker slid his hand beneath Volibear's penis, cradling it. The bear shifted, and Rengar could feel the bear's thighs tensing around him. "You've given in, bear," the hunter growled, lowering his head closer to the Ursine's groin. "The prey knows his place. I should reward you for that."

Volibear opened his maw to respond, but all that escaped was a surprisingly loud groan as Rengar started to lick along the bear's length. Rengar's tongue was scratchy and rough; it would have been uncomfortable if not painful for a human, but Volibear was thick and tough-skinned, and the sensation along his penis was even more pleasureable than the lion's paw. The larger male stiffened in full, helplessly releasing more drips of pre. His thrusts came a little more often now, pushing his dick upward into the feline's face.

Rengar had to admit, to his leonine nose, Volibear's smell was even better up close. His musk was primal and pungent, and distinctly male; Rengar would have known the Ursine's sex by scent alone. Sandwiching the penis between his hand and his face, the lion kissed and lapped at Volibear's length, his other hand gripping the bear's side to keep himself steady against the Ursine's rocking.

Rengar made his way up the side of the bear's penis, only to come back down with it inside his maw. Volibear reacted. With a loud, helpless moan of pleasure, the Ursine tilted his head upward, arching his back as he thrust up into the lion. Rengar's mouth was warm and wet, and his tongue lapped eagerly at the precum gathering at the tip of the bear's penis. This only encouraged him to leaking more freely into Rengar's mouth. The lion didn't seem to mind; the taste was as good as the smell.

As he became more aroused, Volibear also grew louder. His grunts came more often now, gravely and deep, and Rengar could feel his body shake with each one. His eyes were tightly closed, his impressive row of sharp teeth clenched and showing. This pain was a pleasure Volibear had never known, and the predator in Rengar knew it.

Finally, Rengar could restrain himself no longer. His own dick was aching for attention. He gave Volibear's penis one last slobbery kiss before withdrawing his head. He puffed for air, staring up the bear's muscular body and up into his face. Volibear stirred, creaking one tired eye open to look down with hesitant confusion. "We aren't done yet, bear," Rengar promised, and then moved into place.

Volibear may have been one of the heaviest champions in the league, but Rengar was as strong as he was swift. Still on his knees, Rengar nestled forward and propped Volibear's thighs up onto his own, pressing the tip of his wet malehood against the Ursine's ballsack. The bear's warm furred legs squeezed him tight, but Volibear made no effort to harm the lion; he only groaned his puzzlement, straining to see what was going on. Rengar smirked. What more proof did he need that he had won?

"I know relaxing is a hard feat for you, bear," Rengar goaded, staring up Volibear's chest. The Ursine seemed lost. He squirmed a little, his glistening dick still thoroughly erect; it jut upward, parallel to Rengar's torso. "... Try."

With no further warning, Rengar gripped Volibear by the upper thighs and rammed himself right up into his tailhole. The Ursine let out a slobbery gasp, automatically humping his hips forward in a desperate move to accomodate the lion now inside of him. Rengar took advantage, pushing balls deep into the supine bear on the second thrust. Despite Volibear's size, he was a comfortable fit, and warm, too; Rengar grunted with pleasure, pulling back only to thrust forward again.

Volibear squirmed uncomfortably, his expression growing furious as he spat words of protest. It was too unfamiliar, having somebody that deep inside of him; he shook his head, struggling once again to separate himself from his assailant. "Pridestalker... I demand... you stop this," the Ursine snarled through his teeth, using his hands behind his back and his bound feet to try and inch away. Rengar gave him no quarter, still thrusting hard into him. The Thunder Lord's penis bobbled with every push. "You have gone too far. You can't... can...nnnn...nnnnggggghhh-"

With a sigh, Rengar pushed down on the Ursine's dick, sandwiching it between his hand and the bear's stomach. He rammed Volibear hard for a few seconds, then paused, remaining inside him. He reached out and began to stroke the bear off. "You're too high-maintenance, bear," Rengar muttered, openly irritated. "Next time, I'm going to make you pamper me."

"No... next..." Volibear grunted, but then Rengar gripped him hard near his cockhead and started masturbating him furiously, and the gray-furred chieftain's response made way for open deep moans of pleasure. He could make no more attempt to mask his arousal.

The bear was placated, and Rengar grinned toothily. He clenched the Ursine's erection tight in his right paw, giving him leverage to resume humping into him, stronger and faster than before. His balls brushed along the bear's round fuzzy tail with each press. His left hand extended, rubbing the tips of his claws along Volibear's tight chest, made taut by his arms tied behind his back. Thoroughly aroused, the bear started to thrash around, ramming up into Rengar's grip and grinding his tailhole against the lion's hips.

Rengar didn't need to say it. They had crossed a milestone; Volibear was enjoying this. Though the Pridestalker was mostly silent, the bear was loud enough for the both of them, moaning and panting and gulping and slavering. His dick pulsed with every thrust, leaking voluminously from his tip. Rengar could feel his own precum dripping inside the Ursine, and his penis glided effortlessly within his tailhole.

As Rengar's climax neared, the Pridestalker pushed his body in closer. He stradled the bear's furry buttcheeks and leaned forward, hovering over his body. Volibear's erection shot upward and pointed at Rengar's chest. The lion was still jerking him off fiercely, and the Ursine's cocktip would sometimes brush along the soft white fur above Rengar's belly. The lion's free hand gripped Volibear near the armpits, steadying himself for his final thrusts.

Rengar snarled, his good eye narrowing intensely as he approached his threshold. He could feel his orgasm looming, and he growled, a backdrop against the bear's moaning. Rengar's thrusting pace slowed, but what it lacked in speed, it made up for in power. Volibear's big body was rocked with each forceful push. Just as Rengar was about to hit his climax, Volibear tilted his head back and roared, a primal, thunderous noise that shook the trees and Rengar, too.

It was too much. Rengar opened his toothy maw wide and echoed Volibear's roar. "Hnnnngggrrrrraaah!" He put all his strength into one mighty thrust, ramming as far up into the bear as he possibly could. The tip of his dick burst into wetness, and he felt himself fill the Ursine up with the first squirt. He grit his teeth and rammed again, shooting a second load into the bigger male, then a third. Milky white cum dribbled from Volibear's tailhole, trickling down and dripping onto Rengar's scrotum. The lion was still fondling the bear, carressing and stroking him wildly, savoring the feeling of his maleness.

Volibear panted for breath only to open wide and split the heavens with another thunderous roar. He buckled his hips upward against Rengar's paw, writhed on his hands, and pushed as hard as he could. Rengar realized what was happening just as it started. He looked down just in time to see the tip of the bear's penis explode in white, spitting out an enormous load of thick white cum into Rengar's padded fingers. With a mighty thrust, Volibear ejaculated again, and the semen shot past the lion's hand and coated his dark-furred chest.

The distinct scent of Volibear's sperm assaulted Rengar's nose, and, still cumming inside his prey, the Pridestalker watched with intense, lustful pride as Volibear climaxed. The bear's maw was wide open, his blue eyes slitted to nearly closed. His hips buckled automatically against Rengar's hand.

The third of the bear's shots hit Rengar along the cheek, narrowly missing his good eye. The lion groaned, smelling and tasting up close the salty, musky scent, the resolute maleness of it all. He refocused his efforts, gripping Volibear near the head and masturbating him furiously, encouraging further squirts of hot cum. Volibear rolled his head backwards, stretching his throat taut just in time to coat it in his own fluid.

With a loud half-grunt half-sigh, Volibear pushed into Rengar's hand one last time. The last squirt of his seed dribbled from his tip and slid down onto the lion's fingers. For a minute or more, the two males stayed still, Rengar still firmly lodged up inside Volibear. Both were panting hard, with the lion hunched over the bear, visibly exhausted. His mane had become disheveled, and white hair draped over his shoulders and fell along his cheeks.

Finally, Rengar withdrew himself from Volibear's tailhole, only to lurch forward and collapse onto the bigger champion's chest. Puddles of semen squished between their bodies as Rengar slid up closer, pressing his groin up against the bear's. He snuck his muzzle up under Volibear's throat and lapped up some of the spunk congealing there. Volibear twitched, but didn't try to get away.

"Feel any better, bear?" Rengar growled pleasantly. He rose up over Volibear and pressed his wet nose against the bear's. "It was a good mating."

Volibear snorted into Rengar's face. He creaked one eye open and glowered at him tiredly. "Wasn't a true mating," Volibear growled. "There was no lightning."

Rengar stared down at the bear, his good eye narrow. He was still for a moment. Then he threw back his head and roared with laughter. "Next time, then!" the lion barked.

Volibear snarled, part of his upper lip curling as he bristled at the Pridestalker's works. "How many times must I say it, Pridestalker? There will be no next time."

Rengar smirked. He leaned in, and before the bear could shift away, he gave him a quick lick along the cheek. "You won't have a choice."

With that, Rengar pushed off of the bear and rose to his feet. He snatched up his leggings and stepped away. His head was low, and he brushed his fingers along his sperm-coated chest with disgust. Still bound on the ground, Volibear watched the lion's back without a word. It was the first real good look he had at his assailant. The Pridestalker's heavily braided mane draped down his toned body, stopping just before the base of his long, tufted tail. As though knowing the bear was watching, Rengar flicked his tail, revealing in full his toned, firm butt that -

Volibear snorted suddenly, shaking his head. I will not see him this way, the Ursine thought. He grit his teeth and growled. "You have had your fun, Pridestalker. Release me."

Rengar stepped inside his leggings and was in the process of tying them. He turned, just glancing at Volibear out of the corner of his eye. "I could leave you there," the lion mused. "You did nearly spill your seed in my eye, bear. Very rude."

Volibear snarled. "Exit this jungle, and you leave me no choice but to explain to-"

"Yes, yes," Rengar interrupted, rolling his good eye. He turned toward the bear with a frown. "Though I must say, it would amuse me to no end to have a champion come upon you like this." He peered over the black-furred bear's body, bound and naked. A helpless grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. "What is that little one called? Teemo? He..." Rengar chuckled, loudly and boistrously. "He would have a heart attack, I wager. Or do you think he would take advantage of you?" The lion tossed his head up and roared with laughter now.

Volibear was not amused. "Pridestalker," he warned. "I am in no mood for jesting."

"No," Rengar agreed, wiping the makings of a tear out of his eye. "No, you're in the mood for a bath and a big fish. Isn't it so?" When Volibear didn't reply, the lion grinned. He stepped forward near the bear's legs. "Predictable." He grabbed the bola that bound the Ursine's ankles together with one hand. With the other, he reached out and pet the bottom of each of his padded feet, just enough to get Volibear squirming again. Then, unsheathing his claws, Rengar sheared right through the bola cord and freed Volibear's legs. The bear's toes stretched and flexed gratefully, and his legs already started to move apart. Before the bear could move to kick him, the lion leapt to one of Volibear's sides, dropped low, and - using both hands and one of his knees - rolled the black-furred beast onto his stomach. He clawed right through the bindings on his wrists, freeing up the naked bear entirely.

"Finally," Volibear roared. He slammed his palms down onto the ground and lurched himself up to his feet. Even disoriented, the Ursine was ready for a fight. He stomped harshly on the ground and turned with a roar. "Pridestalker," he snarled menacingly. "You are-"


The bear's angry expression fell into confusion. His paws fell to his sides. He looked all around the area, padding over to get a better look into nearby brush. There was not even so much as lion prints in the mud. Rengar was gone.

Growling fiercely in his throat, Volibear stomped over to where his Thunder Lord gear had been tossed. He snatched up his crotchplate first, wondering how he'd explain the broken leather straps to his armorer.

"Next time," the Ursine grumbled to himself. Next time, he will regret testing my patience. The storm comes unbidden, and he will not be able to weather it.

But first, a bath, and a big fish.

Can't All Be Winners

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Long Way From Home

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No Way Out

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