04. Burglar Games

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Iron Author

Iron Author submission for Heru

A fox named Cale and his partner in crime, a croc named Bruce break into a rich man's home in the hopes of finding riches, instead they find a trap that pit them lustily against each other

"Burglar Games"

"So, which one is it?" Bruce asked over the sound of the wind that had suddenly whipped up around the two of them. Cale was staring through a set of night vision binoculars and took several seconds to respond.

"It's that one." He said, handing the heavy technology over to the large reptile, who glanced through. "Fourteen twelve Elm." He whispered, the aged fox said, taking the binoculars back just as Bruce had caught a glimpse of the small white house near the corner leading down Elm Street. "Easy peasy." He snickered and shoved the binoculars into his bag, slinging it over his shoulder.

"What makes you say that?"

"Because according to my research Peter Galloway is one of the richest men in the city. Investments and his own jewelry business included, he's worth upwards of seven-point-four billion dollars."

"And he lives in this little town?" Bruce asked. "That seems like a setup, doncha think?"

"Nah, nah. The way I hear it, Galloway's a really trusting sort. An older human who's sentimental about the whole hearth-and-home crap. He's as easy a target as one of the old geezers in a nursing home."

"But we wouldn't steal from them why would we--" He caught Cale's awkward gaze. "No, you didn't!"

"Fuck 'em. He won't need that Rolex anyway."

"I know you've always been a high dime pick pocket, when'd you start getting into the big time?"

"Just shut up for a minute, will you?" Cale whispered. "My sources tell me that Galloway's off in Norway at some big gala, meaning his place is free and clear."

"You don't think he'd keep it guarded?"

"He's allergic to dogs, or he fears them I'm not sure which. Most he's got is going to be a security system, and that's why you're here."

"There are still some systems I can't override." Bruce whispered, but the fox was already on the move. "Hey! Hey, wait up!" He said tumbling and running after him.

The fox's feet were light on the ground and up again, his black outfit rendering him invisible to the croc's keen eyes as they ran down the street, remaining undetected by the darkened houses they passed until they reached their target. Creeping up the porch steps, the fox quickly checked the obvious hide-a-key spots, coming up with nothing readily available while Bruce checked the windows for the trip wires of the alarm, finding several slight indicators.

"The doors are sealed by the security system." He whispered. All light and heat sensitive, but I might be able to open a three second window for you to get inside and turn it off.

"Three seconds isn't a lot of time." Cale admitted.

"Think this'll be worth the trouble?" Bruce asked.

Cale thought a moment and nodded. "Let's do it."

Pulling a small electrical device from his bag, Bruce set it up and pulled a long wire antenna from it. He tapped a few lines in. "Okay this is the Mark 7 Home Safe security system. If it was the Mark 8 we would've been up shit creek because it resets after thirty seconds without a code. We should be able to do this..." He typed in the commands as the fox readied himself at the door. "Okay the switch should be near the inside of the door, bright blue with an 'off' switch. Just hit that in three seconds and we're golden."

As Bruce hit a switch on the box there was a sudden pop and the door swung open. Quickly, Cale swung in and his entire hand hit the blue plate and the light shut off. Both men sighed. "Piece of cake. C'mon." Cale said as he stepped into the house.

It was much larger on the inside of the house than it looked on the outside. The front rooms were joined into a long room spanning a living room, a long dining room, and a den with a fireplace separated by glass from the entry hall. A flight of stairs spiraled up to the second floor and just off to the left, the fox could see a marble countertop, likely the entrance to the kitchen. The ceilings were vaulted with a visible overlook from the second floor just above.

"Nice place." Bruce said as he stepped in and admired the atmosphere.

"Hey, we get enough out of this, you could buy one on your own." The fox winked. "Let's see if we can't find Mister Galloway's safe, shall we?"

Another series of rooms off the dining room led to a second living room area that came complete with a large at least 80 inch television and a massive system of games. A large portrait of a man hung over a second fireplace in this room. As Bruce took out a large black sack and began to push the expensive equipment into it, Cale pushed the portrait back, revealing a wall safe behind it. "Hey. Gimme a leg up." Cale said, the croc obliged him, hoisting the fox easily onto the mantle and he began to ring in the dial for the combination, using his sensitive ears to hear when the number clicked part of the lock open. After a few minutes, a fourth click rang through the safe door and the fox turned the small wheel on the door. "Here, get me down!" He whispered as Bruce came over and allowed the fox to stand on his shoulders as they both yanked the door open.

Suddenly a forceful shove from the vault filled the room with a strange smell as the vault exploded open, throwing both Cale and Bruce to the floor.

"What the hell was that?" Cale asked looking up to see that the vault that had opened was actually empty.

"Ah visitors." The face of the man in the portrait appeared on the television. He was dressed at least from the chest up, in a blue tie and black suit jacket with a white shirt underneath. He was well groomed with silver rings on both of his pinkie fingers, a sharp silver goatee dangled down a bit from his chin and his index fingers met there as he smiled at them. "So good of you to join me this evening. Just so you know the alarm system is the Home Safe Mark 9 application and within thirty seconds of activating this failsafe the doors will reseal themselves."

Both Bruce and Cale scrambled to their feet to make a break for the door, watching as the windows' metal rollers came into view, closing down on them as they dashed. The door slammed itself shut and locked just as Bruce grabbed the handle and he slammed his body weight into it with a loud yell of pain.

"Escape is no longer possible, but I do hope you enjoy the company, you'll have plenty of time to spend together." The voice called the two back into the room as Peter's image glanced at them and then smiled as the screen turned off.

"Do you realize how fucked we are now?" Bruce said with a growl. "I knew we shouldn't have come here! Now we're going to jail and it's all your fault!" He shouted as he stormed up the staircase.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm looking to see if I can find a backup power system for this damn security system!"

"And what am I going to do?"

"Sit on a dick for all I care."

As he watched the gator stalk up the stairs, Cale sniffed the air. Something smelled like flowers to him, a smell he hadn't detected until the vault was opened up. Curiously he felt oddly lost all of a sudden.

Bruce ran his arm along his snout as he walked along the hallway, checking in each of the rooms he passed for a clue to where their security system's box would be located. But he couldn't get that odd scent of water out of his nose. He turned and stepped into one of the rooms which looked like it could be the master bedroom; a large four pillar bed sat near the back of it against the wall, an image of Peter Galloway sat on the nightstand beside it, and an extravagant dressing mirror stood on a chest of drawers reflecting the curtains hanging from the bed's rails. He glanced at himself in the mirrors, noticing that his eyes were bloodshot and he was feeling a bit tired, and a bit more than usual anxious. He didn't know what really possessed him to adjust his pants, but he'd realized they'd tightened around his cock which had swollen somewhat within the trousers. He tried his best to ignore the feeling as he turned around and slid his hands along the soft sheets of the bed, pushing back the curtain to see a large, plush king size bed on the other side. He lowered himself to his knees and checked under the bed, but still nothing caught his eye.

Slam! Bruce looked up to see that the door had shut on its own, he swallowed a dry lump in his throat as he started to return to his feet.

Suddenly, something had reached around and grabbed him from behind. Expertly the hands had tightened shut around his snout, leaving him unable to scream in surprise as a furry lean body slapped hard against his rigid back. Lewdly, someone ran their tongue along the back of Bruce's cheek and he went stiff as he felt a hand slide up under his shirt and caress his chest in the most sensitive areas. "Give in..." The voice sounded familiar, it couldn't have been Cale, he was downstairs, wasn't he? He struggled to fight his assaulter off and the room suddenly went pitch black. The assailant released Bruce who swung around in the dark, missing whoever it was and he fell onto the floor as the lights flickered and came back on. He spun and saw no one behind him. No evidence that someone had even been in the room with him. Looking at the mirror though he saw the same cryptic message whoever it was had just told him, written in red someone had written "GIVE IN" his heart was pounding so hard that Bruce put a hand on his chest to try and calm it down before he realized he felt more aroused now than he'd ever felt before.

It was growing hot in here, Cale didn't like being confined like this, the sweat was making his fur itch and to correct it he had pulled his shirt off. Looking at his reflection on the television monitor he sighed and looked at himself, running his hand down his flat chest until it reached the slight bump of his belly and he groaned to himself. "Well, Cale old buddy. At least you'll have time to work this out in a prison yard." He said, trying to lighten the moment.

There was a flash of what looked like lightning that filled the room, but none of the windows were open and the room had gone dark. A heavy weight slammed suddenly against Cale and he felt himself double over a short couch. A pair of rugged hands grabbed his pants and tugged them down before a long, wet tongue suddenly crawled its way up his ass and against his hole. Clutching the couch, Cale cried out when a massive arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him against the massive body. The sound of muscle mixed with the slap of Cale's back against it made him gasp in shock. "B-Bruce?" He asked.

"I want you, Cale. Give in to your desire." The voice growled back.

"Let me--GO!" He shrieked as he fell and the entire room went black again. Cale reached up and pulled himself back to his feet and started to pull his pants back on when he heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Cale? Something really weird happened to me upstairs and--" Bruce's voice cut off as he stared at Cale pulling his pants on. The fox couldn't see the croc's blush, but he saw that contortion of anger. "Why--WHY YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He roared as he charged toward the fox. "It was you! What the fuck is your problem?!"

He swung his massive claws and Cale jumped back in shock, kicking himself over the top of the couch. "ME?! What did I do? You were the one with his tongue in my ass!"

"What are you talking about? You fucking grabbed me upstairs and pretty much begged me to fuck you! And here's my fucking answer!" The croc roared as he leaped over the couch and tackled Cale. Both of them hit the ground and rolled around. Cale managed a low blow to Bruce's stomach, Bruce responded by thrashing his tail and shattering a glass table near where they were rolling. Clearly the croc had the upper hand in the fight but Cale was definitely making him fight for it.

After a good five minutes, Bruce finally managed to pin down Cale's arms to keep him from squirming. Both of them were breathing heavily and panting as they glared at one another. Bruce was sweating more visibly than the fox whose coat kept it hidden, it had grown so hot in the house. They laid there for several minutes just staring at each other, hardly moving, only breathing. Cale's pants were still unfastened and hung halfway down his crotch, his erect cock pressing against the croc's own clothed bulge. It happened in the course of a shiver felt between the both of them, Bruce leaned down and dragged his wet tongue along the fox's chest. Cale gasped loudly, clutching Bruce's hands as he writhed under the other male's tongue. They couldn't kiss, obvious reasons prevented it but the fox's chest expanding out and lifting up to greet the tongue was reciprocation enough.

Growling, the croc grabbed the small of the fox's back and began to run his tongue lower, the end of it twining around the exposed tip of Cale's shaft and making him shake in anticipation. He reached up around Bruce's neck and grabbed the back of his shirt's collar, remorselessly shredding it apart and exposing his thick green torso as the shirt tore away almost too easily. Bruce's fingers slipped down into the fox's pants as he shifted and tugged them down, returning his large palm to push against Cale's balls, his tongue found its way to his muzzle and he wettened the fox's cheek with it as his fingers began to idly tease and squeeze at it. Cale gasped and almost spasmed at the touch, raising his hips needfully as the croc smiled, indulging in the moment.

Another smell had reached the both of them, he must have been on the second floor watching the entire thing. Peter Galloway didn't appear to be some old man as he stepped into the living room naked, his cock was erect with a brass ring that shined at the base of his shaft. Putting his hand on the croc's head would have normally been a dangerous move, but instead, Bruce recognized his master and suctioned his lips around the offering, making the man smile and moan softly as he grasped it, feeding it to Bruce by slowly sliding himself in and out of the sharp toothed maw.

"You've done so well, my pets." He said, stroking the fox's muzzle and bending down to take a kiss from him.

"H-how...?" Cale asked, rolling his eyes back and the his neck.

"Does it matter? I've had you under my influence." He activated the television which displayed Cale "assaulting" Bruce in the bedroom and mindlessly writing on the mirror, then one of Bruce licking the fox's hole and holding him over the couch before fleeing back up the stairs. "Neither of you knew you were seducing each other for me. The scent you released from my vault was actually a powerful aphrodisiac that made your minds open to my suggestions, fed subliminally throughout the house." He stroked the fox's head and kissed him on the lips again. "Did you like displaying yourself for Bruce?"

"Ye-yes, master."

"And Cale, you've wanted to fuck him the moment you met him, right Bruce?"

"I-I have..."

"And I've always had a thing for... big reptiles myself." He said as he slipped around behind Bruce and tugged the croc's tail back, revealing his exposed balls and hole underneath. He ran his tongue along the crack, taking special care to taste the inside of his pet and making him moan loudly. The noise was wet and loud and Peter enjoyed watching Bruce's claws as they dug at the floor, his cock growing harder, drooling precum all over the fox's body. "Please your master and fuck Cale while I enjoy fucking you." Peter whispered and got an immediate response.

Bruce's tongue found its way to Cale's ass, it pressed inward though the fox wasn't sure exactly how the croc would fit, he was so much larger than him. With each deep thrust of Bruce's tongue though, he began to figure it was worth the pain of it as he arched his legs upward and leaned into the lusty scaled male's hips. He felt the wet shaft slide along his thighs as Bruce looked for the mark. He leaned up further until the tip pressed directly against his ring and Bruce almost instinctively thrust forward. Cale cried out as he felt the croc penetrate him, almost immediately going full hilt and shoving him across the floor. Growling, Bruce's claws dug hard against the fox's fur and Cale panted as the pressure almost made him climax immediately. The way Bruce was bent made it easier for the human to take advantage, after spreading the croc's cheeks further and getting another long taste of him he stood up and began to press himself against it. Bruce's tail wagged a bit, his hips wiggling in the anticipation which only stopped when the man asserted his pressure and forced Bruce to stop.

Sliding into Bruce was much easier than the human had expected. Their size difference really made for little contest, but still Bruce had a virgin hole and the croc cried out despite their size differences. The man grunted a bit and slide in further, coinciding his thrusts with the lunges into the fox. Each time Bruce drove down into Cale, the fox cried out and the croc groaned, twitching his tail hole until it was almost unbearably tight on the human. Peter put his hand on Bruce's back, turning somewhat to the side to accommodate that wildly flipping tail. He could feel the reptile's balls slap back against his own, they churned and carried a hefty weight and soon both were coming down almost straight on top of Cale.

It happened almost at the same time, first Cale let out a stifled howl and came between him and Bruce, making a pretty intensive mess, then Bruce and Peter came at once, each filling their respective fuck until they were each flooding and spent. Exhausted, Bruce and Cale collapsed together to the ground, the croc spooning the fox as they fell into a deep sleep.

There was no one home when they awoke, Cale and Bruce saw the doors and windows to the house were open, all evidence of the night before gone. After a few awkward minutes together, they gathered their clothes and departed their separate ways, each of them remembering what seemed to happen to them the night before. From his room upstairs, Peter watched them go. They would be back, the lure of money always brought them back, he just needed to know the right way to do it.


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