Family Bonding 2

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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Seti wakes up to find himself in pieces, luckily his fathers are there to comfort him.

Family Bonding 2

Seti awoke with a jolt, trying to put the pieces of his dream together like a puzzle. He remembered walking in on his fathers and being told that his body was modular. We kept it safe for you. Then they played with it, in front of him. His penis. The thing looked so foreign having never seen it before. What a strange dream.

The wolf attempted to scratch his familiar empty crotch but found that he couldn't seem to move his arm. He wiggled a finger and felt it scratch at the back of his head. Funny, it didn't feel like his arm was underneath him. He slowly opened one eye and saw something dark and furry directly in front of him. In the haze of sleep, he couldn't quite make out what it was, a small rodent perhaps? Once more he tried to move his arms, but it was no use. The thing in front of him curled and became clear, it was a wolf foot.

Seti screamed. Within moments a light flew on in his room and the picture around him illuminated. It was a wolf foot, and directly next to that was a wolf paw. Pops ran over to the bed and let out a small gasp. Seti tried frantically to move, to pull himself up out of bed and away from the gruesome scene. A few of the parts in front of him jostled and shook.

"I... I can't move!" Tears streamed down the wolf's face as he lay there helplessly.

"Don't worry son, this isn't the first time you've fallen to pieces. We just have to put you back together again." Pops tried to hide the worried look on his face as Seti's other dad entered the room.

"You know, we almost nicknamed you 'humpty dumpty' when you were younger." The older wolf laughed. The realization that it hadn't been a dream crashed into the younger wolf in full force. What happened last night was real, he really was modular. That meant this wasn't just some wolf foot he was staring at... it was his own. He wiggled the toes a bit and found that it was his left foot specifically. Moving a couple of the parts away to clear himself a spot, his wolf father sat down on the bed next to his son. Seti could do nothing but watch as his father lifted his head up high in the air so that they were looking at each other eye to eye.

"You are just the cutest, you know that?" He ruffled the young wolf's head fur and set him down on his lap. Seti felt a pair of hands grabbing at various body parts, setting them down on the bed. He blushed at the predicament. Here he was, just a head in his father's paws while his other dad was handling the rest of his body.

"Hey, do you remember what we used to do when he refused to take a bath?" Pops gave father a sideways glance, to Seti it almost seemed as though they were having an entire conversation telepathically. His body was just starting to come together, even though it was all still separated, the pieces had been laid out in such a way to make it look like a full body with gaps in between.

"I think that's just what he could use right now, a nice warm bath." His wolf father smiled and winked at pops. Seti didn't understand what was going on, he hadn't taken a bath in forever. Usually he would take a shower in the morning and a quick one at that.

"I agree." Pops gathered up all of the pieces he had put down and carefully placed them in an empty laundry basket. Seti realized a little late that he was going to take a bath whether he wanted one or not, just not in the way that most people take baths.

"Are we going to follow him?" Seti asked, his wolf father didn't show any signs that he was going to be getting up. The sound of rushing water indicated that Pops had begun to draw a bath.

"Nope, we are staying right here. You never did like baths all that much, so whenever you fell to pieces like this we always saw it as an opportunity to wash the various pieces without you knowing what we were doing. I'd stay here and have some personal time with just your head and Pops would scrub you from head to toe. Back then I used to put on some music and sing to you to keep you calm, but now that you're older I think I have a better idea." His father set his head down on the nightstand and stood up to unbuckle his pants. He let them slide down to the floor, revealing his naked body for the second time that night.

"It used to take about 15 minutes for him to bathe your small body and I'm guessing it will take twice as long to bathe you now." His father's penis began to grow longer, the pink part pushing through the fur flap like it had before. He moved closer to the nightstand, Seti's eyes lining up with the member. He looked up into his father's eyes, remembering what the older wolf had done earlier in the night to his own detached organ. The member seemed massive from this angle.

Off in the other room, his finger twitched as Pops plopped it down into the warm water. Seti had no time to react. His father placed one paw on the back of his head and slid him forwards along the smooth surface. He closed his eyes as the cock entered his mouth. It filled his maw completely, and he tried not to gag as it reached the back of his throat. Cautiously he reached out with his tongue and tasted the intruding organ. He tasted his father's salty sweat and breathed in the musk of a wolf in heat.

The rest of his body submerged under the water. He could feel Pops lathering up various body parts and cleaning them up with a washcloth, but it could have been miles away for all he cared. Right now he was distracted in the moment, tasting his father for the first time. Every few minutes a sweet oily substance would flow out of the appendage, his father told him that it was pre-cum, something that comes before the release he had felt earlier when his father had done the same to him.

He could tell when he was doing it correctly because his father would let out a moan and say 'yes' a lot. The older wolf bucked his hips into the younger one, constantly pushing deeper to test the limits of how far he could go. Seti instinctually relaxed his throat and acted almost like he was swallowing a large banana. Somehow the thing began to grow even larger, the base of it swelling up like a balloon, pushing his teeth apart. His jaw unhinged to allow for the increase in size, possibly another side effect of being modular.

Then he heard a sound he had only heard once before, it was one that escaped him earlier that evening, a low wolf moan mixed with a bit of a growl. All at once his maw was filled with a much stickier, much saltier substance. He hadn't been expecting the torrent of cum coming from his father, as fast as he tried to swallow, it seemed impossible to keep it all down. A little bit dripped out and down onto his chin. His father pulled out and the Seti smiled, hoping he had made his dad happy. His father wiped up the little bit he couldn't reach with his tongue and gave the young wolf a kiss on the cheek.

"It should go without saying that we don't mention a word of this to Pops, agreed?" It seemed more like a statement than a question. He would have nodded if he had a neck and shoulders to support him. He could keep it a secret if his father wanted it that way. After all, the old man was technically in control of his dick still and if keeping it a secret meant more sessions like the one before he went to bed, then he was all for it.

From the other room, he felt a hand take firm hold of the appendage he had only just found out was his. Pops must have decided to wash as much of him as he could. Seti let out a small sigh as the hand closed around it, not knowing that Pops had something other than a bath in mind for the detached appendage.

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