A Game of Cat and Mouse

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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A mouse is chased into a slightly familiar magic store

A Game of Cat and Mouse

Webb took one look around and knew that he was in trouble. Being a mouse, he was always a lot smaller than those around him. It was common for his fellow classmates to believe they were superior and always push him around. Being the lowest on the pecking order somehow constantly made his life that much more difficult. Closing in on him was a group of cats lead by a calico named Skeller.

He quickly calculated, the sidewalk he was on was a busy one, but that didn't mean that anybody would come to his aid. He could cross, but that would put his life at risk in ways he didn't even want to consider. He was about to turn around and run in the opposite direction, even with short legs he could probably outrun these overweight cats if he needed to, but there were more behind him.

This left only one option. Webb jumped to the side, making his way into a store in the hopes that someone working there would be nice enough to help him out. Inside, the place looked deserted. There were rows and rows of shelves containing all sorts of goods, but no store owner in sight. Webb heard the bell above the door ring and turned to see the cats following close behind. He didn't stick around long enough to count how many had followed, he scampered into the nearest row of shelving and began to climb his way to the top.

"Hey Webb, come out and play!" Skeller's voice echoed through the store. From his vantage point, he watched the cat sniff at the air and indicated to a few of the others to make their way through various aisles. One, a tabby, made his way down the aisle in which Webb was currently hiding. Webb did his best to remain calm.

"Here little mousy." The tabby took one long sniff at the air and then their eyes locked. Webb was in trouble. He jumped to a higher shelf and in the process, knocked one of the items over. The clang of glass against the concrete floor was surely enough to alert everyone else in the store. Webb ran a bit further out of reach, pumping as fast as his little legs would go, weaving in and out of the things on the shelves. When he finally stopped to look back, he noticed the tabby was no longer right behind him. He climbed up on top of a jar and looked down at the broken glass. Nobody had come to check on the commotion, maybe they hadn't heard it? The tabby was nowhere in sight, the glass shards had spread out in a small circular pattern with a single object twitching in the center.

Webb jumped down, curiosity getting the better of him as he made his way back towards the mess. As he got closer he saw that the object in the center was nearly the size of his hand. It was small and pink and was covered in barbs. Just below it, hanging in a fur covered sac were a pair of small orbs. It was definitely a cat penis, why would anybody keep something like that in a jar? A small note sat next to one of the broken shards, it had to be a label. Webb picked it up and examined the piece of paper.

CT Formula 1: Instant all-purpose CTF formula. What better way to tell someone they are a dick than to turn them into one?

Webb leaned over and picked up the twitching cock laying on the ground. Had the tabby really been reduced to nothing more than a penis?

"Where am I!? What did you do to me?" He heard the tabby's voice in his head. He dropped the cock and instantly the connection between them was severed, the screaming ceased. He picked it back up and could hear the tabby once more.

"Quiet, you got turned into a cock." Webb tried to communicate by directing his thoughts at the squirming member in his hands.

"What!? How!? I'm going to kill you!" Webb gripped the cat member firmly around the tip and whacked the sac against the floor.

"Quiet, I'm in charge now." Webb grabbed a piece of string nearby and tied it just underneath the sac, pulling the loop tight as the cat whined and howled in pain. He made a makeshift necklace and dangled the member around his chest. He had to assume that as long as the other cats weren't in contact with the thing, that they couldn't hear him crying out.

Webb took a moment to look around at the various surroundings. It appeared he had chosen to dash inside some sort of magic store. He couldn't believe his luck. A noise behind him caused him to jump and run away from the broken shards of glass, the member swinging from his neck weighed him down as he rounded a corner. He scurried up onto another shelf, trying to read the bottles and items that he was passing by.

"Got ya!" A sleek black cat pounced down from above. Webb flipped over and brandished the dick like a sword. It must have caught the black cat off guard because he stumbled, just long enough for Webb to grab hold of a small can.

"Sam? What did you do to him?" The black cat stared at the member in shock that the small mouse might have nullified his lover. Webb didn't stop to explain. He pointed the canister and sprayed the black cat directly in the face.

"I'm right here Brett!" The cock tried to yell to his friend, who was now frantically wiping the foreign substance out of his eyes. The hands he used to paw at them were slowly receding into his body, his fur falling out and covering the shelf until he was completely pink and bald. As he cried out, his body elongated and shifted, bloating out in some areas and becoming small and thin in others. Bones cracked as his shape reformed into a solid shiny pink mass. From tail to head he became a series of beads increasing in size, the bead at the front bore a striking resemblance to his face. His eyes looked like they had been painted on, with a mouth frozen in complete shock.

Webb reached out and put a finger on the forehead of the cat/anal beads. Sure enough as soon as the contact was made, he could hear the cat screaming out for help. He held the cat up to a makeshift mirror to let him see what he had become, only eliciting further screams and wails. The interesting part was that the cock and the beads didn't seem to have a direct line of communication between each other. Webb was about to experiment with touching the two of them together when a third cat made his way around the corner. He set the beads down, they would be far too heavy for him to drag around, he'd have to come back for them afterward. Plus, it was nice to be able to think again once that connection was severed.

He silently sat at the top of the shelf for the third cat to make its way up the aisle. This time he wasn't randomly throwing something and hoping it worked. He carefully selected an item, it had an eye dropper, he waited for the cat to line up just beneath him before letting loose a single drop of the substance. The cat turned its head up toward the ceiling where Webb waved to him. He pushed the heaviest jar he could find over the edge. There wasn't enough time for the cat to register what was happening, the jar fell into him and squished him into the floor. For a moment he was sure that he was dead, a loud crack rang out as the jar hit his back and pushed him down. His body was like clay, partially flattened out on the concrete. Webb jumped down off the shelf and landed on his head, stomping down all around him until the head was completely flattened into the floor. Then he set out stomping the rest of the cat's body flat, all the while hearing him moan. Unlike the others, he seemed to actually be enjoying what was happening.

Webb flipped the flattened kitty over to see a flat erection hanging somewhat limply from between the cats legs. He laughed inwardly, not wanting to attract any other attention. This cat was helpless, he wouldn't be able to move again until his bones reformed with the antidote. Webb reached out and grabbed the helpless kitty by the cock, pulling hard and fast, it snapped off like a strand of silly putty. He balled it up and kneaded it between his fingers, the entire cock becoming a ball of pinkish brown flesh and fur. All the while the cat was moaning and sighing. He popped the mound into his mouth and chewed on it like a piece of bubble gum. Every so often it would release a deliciously sweet and salty flavor. He blew a small bubble and popped it, hearing the cat shudder in ecstasy. This was getting to be a lot of fun.

"What did you do to my friends?" Skeller growled from behind. Webb nearly jumped out of his clothes, he backed up against a wall. He should have never let his guard down. Another blast of salty kitty cum exploded into his mouth, he would have welcomed it had he not been so paralyzed by fear at that very moment. The cock around his neck was screaming for help, but he knew that Skeller couldn't hear it.

Webb quickly glanced from side to side, looking for something, anything that could get him out of this. The calico closed in.

"I think I'm going to enjoy torturing you." He claimed in a sing song voice. That's when Webb saw it, a small doll sticking out from beneath a couple of otherwise discarded and seemingly ordinary things. He grabbed it and pulled it in front of him.

"Aww, that's cute. Does Webb need his little dolly for protection?" Skeller continued to close in. Webb read the tag that stuck out from the doll's leg. Say the name of your target and have a mental picture of them in order to bind them to the doll.

"Skeller" Webb announced and watched the cat freeze in his tracks.

"What? What just happened?" Skeller tried to pull himself forward but found that he couldn't move his legs. Webb lifted an arm of the doll and watched Skeller's arm raise with it. He lowered the dolls arm to its crotch and the calico followed suit. It was a voodoo doll. Not only that, it was a working voodoo doll. So many thoughts crossed his mind all at once. This was a magic store and everything in it was completely and truly magical.

"Stop that!" Skeller yelled out and Webb noticed that he had been forcing the cat to rub himself. Skeller stood in front of him rubbing a paw along his growing crotch. Webb smirked, just a little while ago these guys were going to bully him, and now he had the upper hand. He pulled the dolls arms out to full length with both of his hands, then gave a small yank, ribbing them off of the doll's body. Skeller watched in horror as his arms popped out of their sockets and fell to the ground. There was no blood, the magic taking full effect, making it as though his arms had never been attached. On the floor one of the paws wiggled, they were still mentally linked, just not attached to the body. Oh this was certainly going to be fun.

Webb stripped the doll naked, Skeller's clothes falling off to the ground, exposing his body. Webb spread the doll's legs apart, reveling in the sight of Skeller spread eagle on the floor in front of him. He pulled the doll close and lifted the barbed cock around his neck, pointing it at the doll's tail hole.

"No, please. I'll do anything."

"You weren't going to let me go, now you want me to be lenient? I don't think so." Webb plunged the barbed member deep into the doll's tailhole. Skeller howled in pain as he felt the phantom cock fill up his virgin hole. Webb almost felt bad for being so rough. He knew nobody else was around, it was only the four of them. And now they were his play things. He pulled the doll's head until it separated from the body, Skeller's own head hit the ground with a small thud, his body still wriggling as though it were trying to break free of the large appendage inside.

"Just so you don't get any funny ideas." Webb pulled out a small cardboard box and gathered the parts inside. He found another piece of string and tied the doll around the feet, clamping the body tightly around the member so that it wouldn't fall off. Webb set out through the store to gather the other cat and take stock of the situation. He couldn't help but feel as though the store had been trying to protect him somehow.

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