Chapter 9 - The Good Doctor

Story by Children of Gaia on SoFurry

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#10 of Main Storyline - Children of Gaia - The Beginning...

The light flowed through the large paned window that overlooked the elaborately decorated breakfast nook of the above ground mansion As Lani finally made her way to the room in question. Dr. Moreau sat with a cup of tea in his favorite leather chair. In front of him, on the other side of the coffee table was a young man garbed in a simple pair of blue jeans, a black t-shirt and sneakers. His slim figure gave way to a handsome face with short black hair and his eyes giving a sort of blank stare to them. He too had a cup of tea that were served generously by Honoo, the phoenix.

"Lani?" Dr. Moreau spoke up as he stood up, placing his cup on the table. "This man claims to know you from your online classes..."

At this, the stranger slowly stood up and gave a smile. He looked directly to her with the same blank stare in his eyes, but with a smile. "Lani... It's been so long..." he said as he approached.

"And you are?" she asked as she crossed her arms, staring at the stranger.

"Oh, my appologies... It's me Dr. Chase Andrews. We shared Dr. Morgana's botony 111 class online."

Her expression softened when he finally introduced herself. Chase had been in her study groups, they shared theories and ideas online, Even after the class they shared. She gave a gentle smile back and a blush. She never told anyone, but she had a crush on him for a while. It was a relief to her that he was cute. "Oh... Chase... wow... how long has it been?"

"Five years..." he chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Dr. Moreau noticed it was getting a little uncomfortable for them. "I will make my leave, you can call me through Hard Drive if you need me..." With that, he quickly stepped out of the room towards the kitchen so the two could catch up.

"How did you find this place?" she asked, "I mean... It isn't exactly simple to find this place..."

"Damndest thing... I was trying to find out what happened to you after all these years and suddenly, my friend who was helping me..."

"Helping?" she echoed in confusion, a single ear dropped and the opposite brow raised.

"Yeah... about two years ago, I was diagnosed with genetic degenerative retinopathy. By the time they found it, it was too late and could not be treated. I'm Blind, Lani."

"This wouldn't happen to be a look for sympathy is it?" she asked.

"Of course not. I really wanted to finally meet you, Just wished I could have done it with perfectly good eyes."

"So you were saying before?"

"I can fill in the Blanks" hummed a new voice, which threw Chase of guard. Hard Drive's image would appear beside the two as he spoke up.

"Who's is that?" Chase said without looking in the directions.

"Don't mind him, That's just Alex... He's... the hired help around here."

"How come I didn't hear him come in?"

"My apologies for disturbing you Dr. Andrews. To continue your story, I found he was attempting to contact you through the internet. Through which I was able to send him an anonymous E-Mail of where he would be led here to the facility. I hope this doesn't make you angry Lani."

"Not at all Alex" she said with a slight sheepish smile.

"A Hacker huh?" Replied Dr. Andrews. "You must be really good if you're able to pick up from a simple search."

"Good would imply that I make mistakes Dr. Andrews. I am the best, and that is not a boast, this is merely fact."

Chase's face scrunched in confusion, "You sound like your voice is synthesized, like you're a computer model of some sort. Normal ears wouldn't be able to pick it up."

"In a way I am a computer model, but I know not if I can trust you with the full details at this time." he replied. "Anyways, I will leave you to your catching up." Just as sudden as he appeared, the hologram quickly phased out to once again leave the two to their devices.

Not that chase would notice, but Lani blushed slightly as she moved closer to the young human before her. "I apologize for him, Alex can be a little... blunt at times."

"I noticed." he said softly. Without warning, he slowly raised his hand to touch the doe's cheek. Seeing the movement, she quickly shirked away from him. What would he think of her if he knew she was a mutanimal? "Lani? Where'd you go?"

"Why did you try to touch me?" she asked suddenly, keeping her distance from him.

"It's the only way I can see you know, and I really want to know what you look like."

The skin under her fur blushed beet red as she heard his reply. She shook her head quickly to herself to try and throw off the shivers she suddenly got up her spine. "No... I don't feel comfortable with that just yet Chase."

"Please Lani?" he asked sincerely. "I promise I won't make a big deal about how you look in a negative manner."

Lani shuttered again. This was the perfect time to meet her crush, while he was blind and couldn't find out she was a Mutanimal, but now he wants to "see" what she looked like. Her ears lowered shyly as she slowly approached. "You promise you won't make a big deal?"

"I promise." he repeated.

She blushed once again as she came finally within his reach. Chase once again extended his hand painstakingly slow towards her cheek. She tensed as the hand crept closer to her until it finally landed upon her furred cheek. Chase gave a gentle smile as he ran his hands through her soft fur. She slowly eased into the touch as she placed one of her hands gently over his. She was still a bit unsure of what he thought. She felt his hand creep down towards her muzzle, memorizing every strand of fur, measuring the length and width of her mouth. he placed his other hand at the top of her head and began feeling through her hair, becoming extremely delicate when it came to her ears. He felt the length of her left ear slowly and precisely.

"A Deer..." he finally murmured. "Are you a Hybrid?"

She blushed again as she closed her eyes. "Y... yes... I'm a mutanimal."

"Don't use that term!" he gave a low scold. "I find that term offensive and hate mongering. Hybrid is a little more politically correct."

She looked up into his blank eyes and gave a gentle smile. "You approve?"

"Of course I do Lani." he said softly. "I wouldn't be much of a friend if I didn't."

"You have no idea how relieving that is to hear Chase." As Chase's hand once again traced back to her cheek, he could feel a small streamlet leading from her eye dampen his index finger.

"Tears, Lani?"

"Joy," she whispered to him after a short silence. "Tears of Joy Chase..."

Chapter 10 - The King's Rage

Darkness enveloped the office of Gene Norwood. This was the one place he didn't have to worry about hiding from the world. The office made him comfortable, made him feel safe. The dim light the shone from the many candle stands throughout the office...

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Chapter 8 - The Rabbit and the Ghost

Meanwhile, back at the Mansion, The snowshoe rabbit known as Geist, AKA Justin wandered around the sub basement level of the facility. He insisted to Dr. Moreau that he be down here. He had literally just woke up from the previous night's mission. He...

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Chapter 7 - Sergei's Big Day Out

Later in the afternoon, after everyone was well rested, The Grocery shopping needed to be done. This time it was Felicity the Cheetah's turn to do the shopping. She went garbed in her normal a blue sports styled top and a pair of blue adidas track...

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