Chapter 7 - Sergei's Big Day Out

Story by Children of Gaia on SoFurry

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#8 of Main Storyline - Children of Gaia - The Beginning...

Later in the afternoon, after everyone was well rested, The Grocery shopping needed to be done. This time it was Felicity the Cheetah's turn to do the shopping. She went garbed in her normal a blue sports styled top and a pair of blue adidas track pants and sneakers. Her hair was tightly braided to the point where her hair almost looked like Dreadlocks. She was not alone on this mundane excursion as Sergei, the bear that was extracted from last night went with him. He was much harder to garb being seven feet tall. Doctor Moreau had to go out to purchase a set of clothes for him just so he could accompany her to the store. He was in an oversized black polo shirt and a pair of Khaki pants held up by a simple black leather belt and a pair of simple sneakers. As Sergei pushed the cart, their second passenger for the excursion was Professor Prozac, who had taken off his outfit in order and currently garbed in a simple white button up shirt and khakis with a pair of brown loafers on his feet. He stood on the end of the cart, facing inward toward Sergei as they pushed up and down the aisles.

"Thanks again for helping us with our Grocery Shopping Sergei," Felicity chimed in with a smile crossing her face. "Even though it's funny to watch Prozac to struggle picking stuff up, it does tend to take us longer to get everything done."

"It is my pleasure!" exclaimed Sergei with a smile, "Back in old country, we didn't have store like this. It was so much... let's just say America has cleaner stores and more of a selection."

"Where are you originally from Sergei?" she asked curiously.

"Kazan, Decently populated. Though stores are still sparsely stocked. Especially during the cold war."

"Cold War?" The racoon cackled wildly, "The Cold War was developed by the American government in order to make themselves look like Russia was up to no good!"

"Say what you want Comrade Prozac..." he said, almost drifting off into his own mind, "But Russia had it's share of secrets... Myself and Fox merely two of them."

Felicity raised her eyebrow, "What do you mean by that Sergei?"

"Nothing..." he quickly replied without hesitation. "Where is Raccon?"

In fact when they both looked for the toony raccoon, he was missing. Felicity knew full well that means one of two things. He went to get his own items, or he was up to no good. Sure enough he came back with a bottle of Coca-Cola and a package of Latke mix.

"HERE! this is the prime example of what happened with the cold war! America is represented by America and Soviet Union is the Latke mix..."

"Why Latke mix?" Sergei asked with a raised brow.

"Latkes are made with potatoes, and potatoes are the national vegetable of Russian, being everything out there is made of them, including their clocks."

Sergei sighed at the comment, obviously becoming agitated by the subject matter.

"OH! we're Murica, the cowboy country Yippe kayay motha fuckas!" the raccoon mocked with a southern american accent. "Da! We are soviet Russia! For the motherland!" he continued in a mocked Russian accent. "We, being bought by capitalist pig corporations, Don't want you commie bastards to come over hur and start spreadin you're everybody's equal bullshit!" At this point, the raccoon popped open the coke bottle and the Latke mix. He start pouring the coca-cola into the latke mix. "NIET!!! America is attacking, what do we do Comrades... they overwhelm us when we take no military action!" Eventually, the bottom of the box gives way and spilt the strange mixture all over the floor at the raccoon's feet. "God Damnit... CLEAN UP ON AISLE 4!!!!!"

Felicity couldn't help herself but chuckle at the Prozac's goofy analogy. Sergei on the other hand was obviously not amused. Sergei clenched his teeth and suddenly grabbed the raccoon and lifted him so the two were eye to eye. Prozac could see the sudden rage deep within the eyes of the kodiak as he slammed his back against the aisle, causing Felicity to gasp in shock at the bear's reaction.

"Listen and listen well Raccoon... Drop subject or there will be more than just soda and fake potatoes on the floor. That includes no mention of conspiracies, cold war or military action in my presence... is that clear?"

Prozac had never seen someone act like this before. For the first time in a very long time, he was frightened. He gave a simple nod to the bear in understanding, too afraid to even speak. Sergei finally let the raccoon down and huffed as he walked off.

"A... Are you alright?" Felicity asked.

"Y... Yeah... who knew that would have been a hot button issue with him." He said hesitantly. "I'm sure he was in the military at sometime..."

"What makes you so sure." she asked curiously.

"Those eyes," he replied as he watched the bear walk off. "Those eyes were cold, unfeeling, unrelenting. He had the eyes of a stone cold killer. He may try to hide it, but his eyes betray him."

The three finished their shopping in silence. After paying for their groceries, at least two buggies worth, The three to the parking lot towards Dr. Moreau's Jeep Grand Cherokee to load the groceries in. As Felicity started on the cart that Prozac picked up, she noticed something strange about his load.

"Professor Prozac... All you got is cheese puffs, soda and crunchy peanut butter. That can't be healthy for you..."

"Felicity, I am a literal god damned cartoon. I'm technically a self contained, self sustaining organism without a need to eat, sleep, breath or relieve myself of waste. If I'm gonna eat anything in my life, I am going to enjoy myself!" he said with a playful tone.

That kinda cut the tension as Felicity gave a tittle of a laugh. Sergei was not paying any attention to the conversation. He was staring at a mother who was holding her young son's hand as they crossed the street. He noticed the boy stumble a little bit, couldn't be older than seven. Sergei's eyes widened as the mother looked up from trying to help the boy up to notice a speeding 18 wheeled truck speeding towards them and about to run through it's red light to strike them.

Sergei clenched his fists tightly as he watched. Sure, he was a hard ass at times, but it showed at this moment his heart was in the right place. Without further hesitation, he bounds toward the helpless mother and son as they knelt on the ground. He didn't have time to grab both of them, so he ended up doing what the only thing he felt appropriate. He stood between the barrelling machine and lowered his shoulder. He gave a loud scream as at the last possible moment, shoved his shoulder right into the front of the truck. Metal crunched and glass shattered spraying all over the street. The mother quickly shielded her son from the glass that was sprinkled throughout the intersection. As she looked up her savior, she noticed he was uninjured and standing defiantly in front of the twisted metal that used to be the front bumper of the truck. The front end literally had folded around the bears like it would if the truck had hit a pole. The woman stared in amazement as the bear slowly turned his attention to them with a gentle smile.

"Are you alright?" he asked as he kneeled before her, both her and the child up in his powerful yet gentle arms.

"Y... Yes," she finally muttered with tears running down her face. "We're fine... Thank you!"

Without further hesitation, the shorter woman, while carrying her son in her arms, gave the bear a hug as best as she could around his waist. She quietly sobbed into the bear's chest, both because of the fact she almost lost her son, but because they were both saved.

"Thank you Mr. Bear," the child chimed in, sharing in the hug.

Sergei's smile widened, seeing both the child and woman safe. This what he had been missing. This was the first time he ever felt gratitude for any of his acts. He gently pats the mother and son on the back. "Just... be careful next time... alright?" he finally choked out as a small tear ran down his own cheek.

Suddenly, the door to the cab flew upon from the truck and out popped a rather thick man, made mostly of muscles. He was middle aged and had black hair covered up by a black hat. He had on a pair of blue jeans, a white undershirt, and a striking orange tech down tech vest. it was obvious the man was on his phone as it was still in his hand.

"HEY BEAR?!" he exclaimed as he pointed. "You ruined my rig! tell me how you gun' pay for that?"

"Are you an Idiot?!" the woman began screaming as her attention met his along with Sergei. "You almost hit us!"

"This doesn't concern you lady!" he exclaimed right back.

She stepped forward as to say something else, but Sergei reached his arm out to stop her. "He's right... this is my fight." he said calmly.

"Damn Straight it's your fight! Now how you gun pay for my rig?"

The bear gave an audible growl as he grasps the man by the neck and slammed him against his own truck, lifting him up into the air as they stare face to face. The man's gusto quickly melted away into fear as he saw the anger in the bears eyes. The bear grabbed the man's phone and held it up to his face. "Perhaps it is because you were on phone that you didn't notice child in road..." With that, he crushed the phone in the one hand he had, sprinkling the little pieces all over the ground. "You have nerve to start a fight with me little man... I who stopped you truck with but a thrust of my shoulder, when clearly you were at fault to begin with. You will one day pay for your negligence here comrade!"

Sergei dropped the man to the ground to allow him to finally breath, stepping backwards from him, but keeping his eyes fixed upon him. "Next time... I will not be so pleasant about such things." He quickly turned to notice the astounded faces of Felicity and Prozac at his heroic deed. They simply stared as they watched him stride passed them and head towards the car.

"I believe it is time to go home Comrades..."

Chapter 8 - The Rabbit and the Ghost

Meanwhile, back at the Mansion, The snowshoe rabbit known as Geist, AKA Justin wandered around the sub basement level of the facility. He insisted to Dr. Moreau that he be down here. He had literally just woke up from the previous night's mission. He...

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Chapter 6 - The Test

Deadeye, the new fox, found himself wandering around the mansion, wondering the hallways. His eyes darted around the first floor sub basement of the facility to explore and familiarize himself with the house. He eventually found himself in a very long...

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Chapter 5 - Downtime

After the team's dismissal, Jace, the otter known as Riptide, made his way back to his room. As he closed the door, he did not hesitate to take off his uniform to quickly discard it into the corner as he heads to his dresser. The room was rather...

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