Leo the Lifter - Web Toon TF

Story by Tredain on SoFurry

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And the final fic I'm gonna post for the weekend. Saving 1-2 for next weekend :)

So while not a direct continuation of the last 2 it's another victim of Leo's power. I was mostly trying for a different voice here and tried to make the guy pretty obnoxious (if you haven't noticed, Leo is more prone to turn jerks and otherwise not-great people into Toons). Funnily enough the big cat himself isn't present just the photo blog of his but you can see the effect he has regardless ;)

Hope you folks all enjoyed the fic splurge. I've got some more in the works, some more with Leo and his gang and some original content of my own :) Will keep working to try to get everything out. Thanks for reading!

Leo the Lifter belongs to Zia McCorgi and is used with permission.

Web Toon TF

By Tredain

So bros! I found like the gayest shit ever! I mean, my bros and I like to go troll around sites looking for funny shit. 4chan, somethingawful, you know, all the regular places to find awful stuff. You find some real gold mines out here, people being stupid, weird shit, fucked up shit.

So one night a buddy and I were just browsing round looking for shit to laugh at when I found this blog. Some loser named 'Squeaker' had set up a whole blog dedicated to this toon lion named 'Leo the Lifter'. I mean what a joke right? Some guys just get so obsessed with things. And a toon? C'mon. You can just turn on the TV and see toons. It was just tons and tons of photos of this big lion toon. There were a lot of pics of him at the beach and around the local campus; a bunch of them were just close ups, from his pecs to his abs and even a couple of his butt.

So yeah, we had a good laugh. I mean, really, you can find anything online these days no matter how sad or pathetic. A toon blog is just so ridiculous. I can't think of a worse waste of time, right? They're not even real or sexy. But some fags will jerk off to anything I guess.

But you know? My buddy took off and after a little while watching TV I couldn't help myself and I went back to it. It did have some pretty funny shots of the guy. One had him twirling what looked like 600 lbs on a barbell with just his pinky as some bodybuilder guy looked on totally embarrassed. And hitting a life guard with a pie was pretty funny; it looked really sticky and creamy.

That was around when I started noticing little things. The longer and longer I looked at this stupid thing the more I started to see... well, like, nipples and bulges. At first I just rubbed my eyes and when I looked back it was all normal ink and paint toon bodies again. Toons didn't have those things. Well, like, some did I guess, but most aren't drawn so anatomically correct and shit. It was getting late and all, so I had to have been seeing things. I went to bed and tried to put it out of my mind but I still managed a couple chuckles thinking of that big guy.

The next day I didn't think about it at all until I got home again. I came in sweaty as hell from the gym and dumped my duffel bag at the door and that's when the urge hit me. I just wanted to see that big cat again. Crazy shit right? I guess I just wanted a laugh after a workout so I pulled up the site again. Right away I start seeing him all detailed, hard nipples, big bulges, so many ass shots! I just keep scrolling through more and more, there's like hundreds of shots of him. This Squeaker guy really takes some good shots.

So yeah I start touching myself. One hand on the mouse so I can keep browsing through the pics I bring my other one into my shorts and just start squeezing myself. I mean for a toon he's pretty hot, not that I'm into dudes or anything but you gotta admire a big guy so dedicated to getting himself bigger! I mean I work out a bit, like I said I was just at the gym when I came home, but just to keep myself fit and stuff right? This dude was -dedicated-. Well, I mean, he's a fucking toon so he was drawn that way but... well, nevermind. He's just kinda hot.

I settled on a pic of Leo's pecs and just started tugging myself there in front of my computer. They were just so fucking perfect, right? Just these big curved mounds and those thick nipples all perky, they looked like two hard slabs with a bit of golden fur, you gotta respect pecs like that. I totally lost it just staring at them, my whole body bucking at once and I let my spunk spray all over my tank top.

And that's about when I realized I just jerked it staring at some stupid ass toon's pecs. I mean, holy fuck, how queer is that? I just clicked the site off feeling kind of gross with myself and yanked my clothes off before I got in the bathroom and jumped in a shower. I wasn't that kind of guy, I didn't dig dudes. I scrubbed the cum off my chest and just sat in the water for a bit. It kinda made me think of some of the shots of Leo all sweaty. He was a toon so sure he had fur but he could work up a pretty thick sweat too. A number of shots showed his muscles just dripping from exertion.

So I jerked it again. I didn't think I was even recharged but damn if the little guy wasn't just standing at attention already and I'd just fucking tugged it in front of the comp. Those big beautiful pecs just filled my head again and I couldn't help myself, I almost felt like a teen in high school again. I hadn't rubbed two in a row in a while. And this one lasted! I got to thinking about that big curved butt and how his speedo wedged in just right to hug his cheeks and goddamn I just started yanking myself like a monkey.

When I finally came again I was bracing myself against the wall and really moaning as I tugged another full load out into the drain with the water still pouring all over me and shit. Really I was kind of amazed how much I got out, usually I could just pull one big load and the rest would just be little squirts. Not that I'm not a man but a guy has gotta recharge, y'know? So I was kind of impressed I could squeeze out another load. I kind of wondered if Leo would be proud and then I wondered why the fuck I would care what some fag toon lion would think of how well I jerked it thinking about his big hot body.

So I got out of the shower and toweled myself off. I thought to put some clothes on, maybe get some homework done, but decided screw it. It was a Friday anyway so I had the weekend to dick around my apartment, which then got me thinking about Leo's dick. He had such a big package, I mean he had to be totally fucking huge down there right? Guy drawn like that had to have a big pecker.

Pecker? No I meant Dick. No, I didn't mean that either really. I didn't think about guys' dicks, especially not some big hunk of a toon lion like Leo the Lifter. So I plunked myself down in the computer chair and brought the blog up again. All those shots of him, maybe there were some dick shots? I started browsing again, y'know, just to check it out, out of curiosity and shit. I just decided to do a manual search for 'dick' and bam, dozens and dozens of shots of thick hard lion schlong. It was almost eye-poppingly hot! I can't even guess how big it was, it kind of seemed like it changed from shot to shot but it always looked 'big', it was long, thick, pink, and veiny all over.

There were shots of him stroking it, shots of him just baring it all and letting it bounce as he lifted, shots of it peeking up out of his speedo, a couple of him bursting out of it, and man like a shit ton of it cumming. The thing was a friggin geyser! And those balls! They were like grapefruits! Big, round, full sac just hanging down, I'm kinda surprised they ever fit into his thong without popping out all the time but I guess being a toon gives you that advantage? Still, impressive as all hell.

Again I couldn't help myself and just started tugging. It felt so good staring at this big pink tool of his and tugging myself. It made me feel kind of small, really; I wished I had a big tool like that to swing around, make all the guys at the gym jealous. Or just getting to touch it myself, being on my knees before that goddamn big toon lion and just... just what? I shook my head again but my hand just kept pumping. It was so weird I kept getting all these thoughts and fuck was I getting hornier and hornier? I swear it felt like m dick was getting bigger too.

I mean, nothing like Leo's. His was just so damn big but mine, mine felt.. I looked down at it and fuck if it wasn't growing! I don't mean I was getting so hard it was just a bit bigger either I mean we're talking like full on swelling and inches getting added. My hand looked all funny too, not so much flesh but.. drawn? But it felt so goddamn good tugging myself with it. I stared at it, watching that ink and paint look crawl up my arm and over my cock, then just laid my head back and closed my eyes as I stroked more and more. It was looking kind of like Leo's dick, only not as big, and fuck if I wasn't getting even hornier.

I started to bite my lip and growl and tug one of my nipples with my free hand thinking about the boss. Er, I mean Leo. Damn I just wanted to bury my face in those big perfect pecs of his and feel their heat and sweat against my fur. I mean skin. Skin. I'm a guy. That thought kept kind of echoing against the back of my head but it just kept getting fainter and fainter every time I pulled my hand across my johnson.

It took me a while to notice the gloves on my hands now and all the fur that was starting to grow up my arms. I mean, I was wanking, why should I be asked to notice shit that wasn't important right? It wasn't like I was growing elsewhere. Well, I guess it was. I mean, I didn't notice at the time because it just felt too goddamn good tugging my pickle like that and thinking of that hot toon sausage rubbing up between my own big pecs. I kind of heard my chair creaking under me, it was just this old wood piece of shit I'd scored back home from a garage sale before moving out to college, but didn't pay it any attention, I wasn't a big guy.

I wanted to be though. God it must be so fucking awesome to be huge like Leo. I just kept thinking how fucking big he was and how big I wanted to be. My dick felt HUGE and I just kept tugging harder and harder, making this wet sloppy *schlpschlp* noise every time my paws passed up and down it. My tail started thumping against my desk as it poked out through the back of the chair. I just wanted to cum so bad, my balls felt like they were ready to burst I just wanted to cum like Leo, like a geyser all over and just get a big sticky mess everywhere!

I felt my nose swell up and turn all bulbous as my mouth stretched out into a muzzle. At least I think I felt it, I wasn't really aware at the time, by then I was just yanking myself with both hands. All I could think about was Leo the Lifter and his big hard body. I wasn't as big as him, I don't think I ever could be, but I wanted to be! I wanted to try. I wanted to pump iron day in and day out like he did, I wanted to be HUGE and I wanted to get all the other guys jealous of me like him.

I howled. No really like I really howled when I came! My big toes curled up and my whole body bunched up as I gripped my big schlong and just started unloading into the ceiling. Rope after rope of thick cum just shot out of me and into the air and my dick felt so fucking big, it swelled and got so rock hard I felt like I could crack a diamond with it! Every pulse made me howl louder I was sure the whole apartment could hear me. But would that be so bad? They could see how big I was now. How sexy and toony I was. I bet I could get some laughs out of them!

I shuddered and hunched forward, holding onto my new big johnson, and chuckled at the big sticky mess I'd left all over the ceiling and the carpet. The stuff was just dripping down in long streams and I'm sure there was going to be a stain. I got up out of the chair, which totally fell apart the moment my big toony ass came out of it, and walked into the bathroom.

Not bad, not bad, I said as I looked in the mirror. Leo would be proud I bet, I thought. I mean, I don't really know what kind of dog I was, the fur was black, the muzzle was long, I had a big toon nose and a bushy tail. Maybe a wolf? I dunno. I'm not that bright, I never was very good at animals and stuff. But damn was I good looking! Big muscles rippled under my arms and chest. I flexed my pecs just like I saw Leo in those shots. My dick was still friggin huge too, it hung down limp and drooling still. I was hot! I was a toon! I mean, I've always been a toon right? Toons aren't made, they're drawn! I felt kind of silly not even knowing what kind of critter I was, but I wasn't that bright, right? Just a big meat head, me. I gave a goofy kind of chuckle and flexed again. Maybe Leo knew what kinda dog I was.

Yeah. Leo knew. He knew everything, he was the boss! He knew I wasn't that bright. He just wanted me bigger! Me and the other sidekicks, we were all going to be huge! I flexed myself in the mirror some more. Well, maybe like an hour. You can't really do it too much right? All those big muscles, it's hard not to admire them! Maybe I could even get a blog from Squeaker if I was good! He took so many good photos of Leo.

I made my pecs dance some before I decided I should get going to the gym. The boss would be waiting after all, sidekicks like me, we're not very bright, we gotta listen to the Boss so we can get bigger! Wagging the whole time I pulled out a pair of bright red speedos and squeezed myself into 'em. It wasn't easy! There was a lot more of me now to fit into 'em. I don't even remember wearing them before, actually, I wore... what did I wear? Pff, naw, I always wore these! What else would I wear when I was so big and hot like this?

I passed back into the living room, right by my computer, and paused. Man, I bet my friend would get a laugh out of this. Sure, I bet he'd love to see me all big now, we laughed at Leo's blog right? I picked up the phone and started to dial, maybe he'd get a big kick out of it all.

Leo the Lifter - Protein Shake

Leo the Lifter - Protein Shake It was a few days later when I started to get annoyed with the toons again. True to his word, Leo began bringing in more of his kind into the gym next door. Big hulking critters like him, though never as big as he was....

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Leo the Lifter - The New Neighbor

Leo the Lifter - The New Neighbor I've never been a big fan of toons. Now, don't get me wrong, I was a little kid once too and used to like seeing them perform on the street or watching them every Saturday morning. But the older I get the more I see...

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Blake It was a quiet, sunny Sunday afternoon. The sun was out, the sky was clear, and the air was crisp and clean with the promise of an approaching summer. So, of course, I was inside the apartment playing a game in the living room. What did you...

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