
Story by Tredain on SoFurry

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It's not quite Easter but I figured I'd get in early on that fun. This wasn't written explicitly for the holiday; in fact, it was written a couple weeks ago but I figured I'd sit on it a bit just so I could post something bunny related close to the bunny holiday. (and because I 'finish' something once in a blue moon >>)

Nothing too deep here. It's pretty much porn for the sake of porn because for a while I've had the idea of a quiet, kind of apathetic rabbit roommate that wanted a good boning and -then- one weekend not too long ago the idea of a beefy bunny popped into my head (Helped in no small part by Ephorox with this darling piece And I like the idea of size difference on occasion, particularly when the bottom is the bigger fellow.

So, Blake was born. I actually have some inclination to continue this, I like the character and pondering where it can go from here.

The icon, because I know someone will derpily ask, is from one of my old commissions by maxblackrabbit seen here:

So yeah happy bunny hump day for those that celebrate it however you do (And Happy Easter for those that do it seriously) Enjoy the explicit smut :D

Comments ALWAYS appreciated, even if it's as simple as 'that's hot'. I -feed- on comments, every one is a lil more encouragement, trust me, don't worry about having anything insightful to say!


It was a quiet, sunny Sunday afternoon. The sun was out, the sky was clear, and the air was crisp and clean with the promise of an approaching summer. So, of course, I was inside the apartment playing a game in the living room. What did you expect? I'm a 24 year old college junior with no boyfriend and no job, why wouldn't I waste time on the weekend before the school week started up again?

I settled into the couch while I worked on hour three of my day long game-a-thon with a 2-liter of soda and the remains of lunch (I made tacos) on the coffee table. Homework was done, I'd gotten groceries the day before, and I'd showered this morning so I didn't have much else to do that day but dick around and work down the pile of games I hadn't beaten. Three FPS games were done and by then I was working on a cheapie RTS I'd picked up from a few years back, Command and Conker. It was kind of strange, but oddly fun.

About twenty minutes in the door to the apartment opened. It was either my rabbit roommate Blake or the building superintendent, as neither knocked and both had a key, but the heavy scent that washed in with him turned away any doubt of who it was. My nose twitched as male musk and the tang of sweat tickled it.

"Hey Blake," I said, not looking away from the game. He responded with a soft 'hey', dropped his gym bag by the door, and walked straight into the bathroom. That was a little odd, I thought. Blake wasn't much for words but he usually managed a 'sup' at least. I listened to the shower come on and didn't think much of it for the next ten minutes. I was halfway through the game and the teddy monsters were getting a hell of a lot more aggressive so my attention was pretty focused on that.

My ears perked when the shower shut off and the door opened up again. I glanced, caught Blake in the corner of my eye, and kept playing.

"Hey," he said again. I kept playing but answered with my own 'Yo. Sup?'. He paused for a bit, I think to see what I was doing but I could never tell with him, before he followed up with "You wanna fuck?"

I paused the game. Without looking at him I furrowed my brow a little.

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I asked.

"Broke up," came the reply. I looked over at him.

Now let me stop the narrative a little and tell you what Blake looks like. As I said before, he's a rabbit. A BIG rabbit. You think of most bunnies and think slim twinky giggly types. Obvious stereotype, right? Yeah, somewhere along the line in Blake's family came some combination of bull, bear, and maybe wooly mammoth because he is HUGE. Like near 7 feet, unless you include his ears and then he's totally over 7 feet. And the guy works out pretty heavily so he's thick all over. The whole shebang: arms, legs, pecs, a six pack you could crack a two-by-four on, dude is just big. All covered in soft, plush grey fur with the typical rabbit buck teeth (which NO ONE makes fun of him for).

Compared to him I'm 5 foot 9 nothing. Not exactly skinny but not that fit either. Ok I have a tiny paunch but I'm just not the type for working out, ok? Still, it's kind of unnerving being a wolf and having Blake for a roommate. But we're cool. And we do screw on occasion, so his request wasn't totally unheard of.

So, as I was saying, I looked over at him. He stood in the bathroom doorway with his usual white tank top and gym shorts on and his towel slung around his neck while he held each end in his paws. His expression was.. well. Blake. His eyes were always half lidded and stared at you passively; he always looked kind of bored and tired with everything. But the corners of his mouth were perked up just so, the way I came to figure was his normal smile since he never liked showing off his teeth much (though they still kind of showed whatever he did).

"Again?" I asked. This had been Blake's fourth boyfriend in as many months.

"Yah," was all he answered before heading into his room. He left the door open and just left me there in the living room with my game still paused. It took my all of five seconds to decide 'what the hell' and I followed after him.

I stopped in the doorway. Blake's room was always kind of spartan; he never spent a lot of time in it because he was always in class, at the gym, or screwing around with his current boyfriend. He had a dresser, a small closet, a big chest he kept a lot of his personal stuff in that sat at the end of his bed, and a few bodybuilding posters on the wall. The bed was crammed in the far corner and Blake was already laying over it, belly down, and naked from the waist down. He propped himself up on his elbows with his legs bent and long feet dangling over his bare ass.

I really couldn't help myself. I popped a tent for him right then and there. I'm not huge down there or anything, bout six inches and some (not like I measured it or anything. Only self conscious guys do that and all. Ok, I totally measured it and it's exactly 6. Shut up.) but my underwear got a hell of a lot tighter. His lips perked up a little higher and showed more of those big teeth.

"So. You wanna fuck me?" he asked in that low, casual drone he spoke in. I chuckled and stripped my shirt off as I stepped into his room. By the time I made it to the bed my dick was wagging and bobbing in the open air and my clothes were on the floor.

"If you're up for it. But y'know," I hesitated, though still took the moment to grip and stroke my cock. "I'm not always going to be your rebound fuck, Blake."

The big rabbit rolled his shoulders in a shrug.

"I know. You're not. I just need a cock in me, y'know?" he answered as he stretched his legs back until they touched the wall. He arched his back, his grey leaf-shaped tail twitching over his toned cheeks, then bent his knees and started to rise up on them. He lifted up on his arms and scooted toward the end of the bed to make room for me, both of his paws resting on the wooden board on the frame.

I climbed up on the bed behind him with one paw settling onto that broad, muscular butt of his.

"Well yeah, you say that, but we've done this every time you've broken up with a dude. Not that I'm complaining or anything," I kept stroking myself and played with the base of his tail with my free paw. "You want me to lick you?"

He groaned beneath me and arched his back more, both of those trunk-like legs going wider apart until his cheeks spread before me. He looked back over his shoulder at me with a smirk.

"Naw. Lubed in the shower. Just poke me dude," he said and pressed his ass back. How could I deny such a sweet disposition? Keeping one paw on his solid ass cheek I gripped myself at the base and rubbed up and down his hole. I could feel the slickness along his crack so I rubbed into it until my tip was good and wet before I pushed in. I slipped in pretty easily, both because of the lube and because Blake practiced constantly with toys. That was what took up some of the space in that chest at the foot of the bed actually; the guy had stuff that made me wonder how he didn't just break in half or suck up chairs sitting down. I mean, nothing extreme, but nothing I could take without uh..

Yeah, anyway, I pushed into him. The both of us groaned a little. I'm not huge but Blake said he always liked my size so who was I to complain? Even with all that practice he still felt great and gripped around me as I slid in. I sank in slowly until my knot pressed against his hole.

"So, why'd you break up?" I asked. Maybe not the most appropriate time to ask but Blake and I were like that. Screwing was... just screwing. He waited for me to pull back before he answered.

"Guy was just needy. Kept wanting me to top," he said, pressing back as I pushed in. I couldn't help but watch my dick sliding in and out of his hole. He had such a perfect ass it still kind of amazed me I got to fuck it from time to time. Really, it still amazed me he was such a prominent bottom. He was built like a semi-truck so you'd think he'd be this big growly dom or something. He could do that, I'd watched him one time at this party and... yeah, not important. But he liked taking it in the ass pretty frequently. In fact, he'd never screwed me yet, as often as I'd offered to return the favor. He was kinda thick but not so much I don't think I couldn't take him.

"You do top though," I said as I gave him a rough thrust to sink in quicker. He actually groaned, grinding back into me until his ass was pressed completely in my lap.

"Pff, yeah, but not all the time. Too much work," he pulled forward and slid himself off me, squeezing down on me in a way that just made my toes curl. I leaned my weight in and thrust again. This time I put both of my paws on his lower back for a grip and started to work my hips so I just slid in and out smoothly. Blake let out a low, content sigh and encouraged with a soft 'ya, like that'. I grunted and thrust harder so my crotch started to slap against his muscular butt again and again. He barely moved. I could throw my whole weight in against him and he wouldn't budge from it if he didn't want to, though we had made the bed pretty noisy from trying. He was just solid head to toe, like fucking a hot, sexy boulder. Ok, maybe that's an awful analogy but Blake is just built and I can't really describe him any other way.

He let out a longer groan and hung his head as I pumped harder; every thrust tapped my knot, which had started to swell, against his pucker. He really loved taking my knot, though even at full size he could pop off of it like it wasn't even there. He never touched himself when I fucked him either. I'm not sure he ever did when any guy did but I'd never watched him with anyone else (certainly not for lack of wanting). He gripped the bed frame and rocked himself back against me, pressing down on my knot harder and harder until I slipped inside and his ring popped over it again and again.

"Shit. Ah. Is that all?" I asked, still able to keep my mind on something besides his ass, which was really nice. He groaned with his head down again, working my cock with his backside, before he lifted his head up.

"He was kind of a dick too. Didn't like you," he answered. A response tried to form in my head but he started to pick up his thrusting then and was really working my dick over. He even sat up and backed into me until he was bouncing himself in my lap. I growled and just hung on to him as if there was much else I could do with him basically pinning me down under all that bulk. We were both panting and growling as I pumped up into him. Or he slammed down on me. We were both kind of trying to do each other but either way it felt great.

Like every other time I'd humped him, I came first. He didn't give me any chance to ease up into it either; that big rabbit ass hammered onto my pole again and again and gripped me every time I sank all the way inside. I leaned back against the headboard with my hands gripping onto his waist and just let loose a loud howl as I thrust into him as deep as I could and felt that wave of pleasure crash into me like a brick wall. Every pulse made me shudder and we both groaned and ground against each other as my knot swelled up full size and every pulse sent another jet of cum into him.

Blake pressed down into my lap and just pinned me against the wall as I came. His loud, low groan matched my whimpers and moans with that firm butt of his grinding down onto me. Finally, he let out a content sigh and lifted his head.

"Order a pizza?" he asked. I was busy breathing heavily and trying to get my muscles to turn back from jelly so I just nodded and mouthed the word 'sure'. He gave me that slight smile again and got off of me, my swollen cock popping out of him and making me jump. He climbed off the bed, leaving me resting back against the headboard, and I couldn't help but look at his hole gape as he stepped back onto the floor. It was kind of obscene. Then he was standing upright again and all I could see were those big muscular cheeks as he stretched his thick arms up to the ceiling.

I looked down between my legs to watch my swollen cock throb and dribble. My knot was completely engorged and he'd slipped off of it like it was nothing. The dude just amazed me. That was when I saw the pool of spunk cooling on the bed before me. I had emptied completely into him and hadn't seen much dribbling out yet. It had to be his own that he'd milked out of himself riding me; his hands had never touched his dick. He really liked being fucked.

That was when the thought struck me.

"Wait. You broke up with him because of me?"

He didn't say anything but just looked over his shoulder at me and smiled a little as he stepped out into the living room.

(That's it for now. ;) )

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