The Guardian's Daughter

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Sequel to The Guardian by popular vote, decided to have a bit of fun with this and try something a little more outside what the carrun do. ;)

I'm going to be disowned. Mina squeezed her eyes shut and rested her beak on her knees as she tucked them up as close as she could go.

Not that they could rest all the way up against her chest, not now, her lower belly was swollen and drawn taut with the eggs that had been steadily growing harder in her belly. Her normally trim figure was showing the normal changes of a breeding female, her body more curved and padded along the edges. The eggs had started out leathery and malleable, when she had pressed her fingers along her lower belly she could feel the give on the shells, but they hadn't stayed that way. They had rapidly became harder and her stomach had grown rounder, plumper as fluids had built up to cushion the orbs. Liam hadn't tried anything more for her, he had gone back to his normal playful self, leaving her to carry a clutch she had never wanted. And there was nothing she could do to stop it from happening or reverse the effects.

They were changes she stared at in the mirror every day and the terror rose, she didn't know what she was going to do, or what she should do. Her parents were not in the country, there was no one she could confide in, at least not without destroying her house name. She had relatives, but none that she could contact close by, only write letters to and pray they went unread. Even then, they might not arrive in time to offer her aid or help. She even had to avoid most of the servants in the house, they were sworn to her family, but such a scandal would destroy everything that her father had tried to build. Her best bet was simply to have the eggs and make sure they never hatched. It wasn't all that uncommon to have females do such things, especially not with egg bearing species' where ensuring no young came was as simple as not brooding them.

The sound of blunt claws on hardwood echoed down the hall as Mina kept the door firmly shut and pressed her back against it. At first, she thought it was Liam, the pacing was almost right and her stomach turned slightly before she nearly jumped out of her feathers when there was a knock on the door. She dropped her feathered ear tufts down and stiffened, moving to stand up, but awkwardly. Her belly was heavier now, everything weighed more than it should have and she had to struggle to get up, her paw pressed against the door, trying to swallow down the feel of alarm that was rising up in the back of her throat.

"Miss? I have breakfast for you." The soft female voice made her relax slightly and she let out a soft puffing breath.

One of the maids, that was all, not the carrun doing his normal attempt to get past her bedroom door, his whining and growling in his attempt to get close to her. She was no longer comfortable with him, no matter his happy and eager personality made him seem like a puppy, he was no longer a friendly creature to her. She was all too aware of what he could do and what he might do if he found her in this situation. The only time she saw him was when she had to leave her suite, and then she moved swiftly and ignored his invitations to play or pushed him away when he snuffed at her.

"Leave it, Marie, I will attend to it shortly." She answered dismissively, her tone just a bit too high pitched as she did so.

"Miss, you have been locked in your rooms for quite some time." There was the sound of the tray being settled on the small table outside of her room. "I need to clean."

"That won't be necessary." The hen replied shortly, her slate grey feathers flattening down to her head as she did so.

"I'm afraid I must insist, Miss." The maid's tone went sharper and Mina flinched, folding her feathers as flat as they would go. "Master left strict instructions."

"I wish privacy." Panic rose up in her crop and Mina snapped her beak at the air angrily. "You understand why!"

"I'm sorry, Miss, I must insist." The maid repeated, this time a bit more forcefully than before, there was an edge to her tone. "You have not come out and your father was firm in saying that we were not to allow you to have free run without someone to accompany you. You have also been locking Liam in the garden, which leaves me no other choice, you have ostracized yourself from the entire household."

Just go away... The hen leaned forward and pressed her forehead against the wall, trying to find a way to hide herself and the state she was in.

"I'm fine, I'm in heat, I don't want to see anyone right now. So get out!" She snarled the last words, deliberately being rude, hoping to shock her out of trying to get into the room.

"Open the door." The voice became harder and the edge to it made her tense up.

She knew that voice, the aging barn owl that cared for the household. She was sharp and unrelenting, having clutched enough youngsters that she was well sought after in houses like House Goshawk where young women were coming of age. Nyian was absolutely unrelenting, she was like a hound on the scent when it came to protecting her wards, she always knew when something was up and would not let it go until she had snuffed out the truth. It made it so that young females, such as herself, couldn't end up sullied by some stable boy or man servant.

"Nyian, I am fine, please! I only wish to be left alone, I'm miserable and irritable." Mina tried again, this time with an weary edge to her voice, one that she was almost didn't have to fake in the least, she was weary, exhausted, ready to drop at any moment.

"Then I will see to your cleaning and that will be an end to it." Nyian spoke shortly, the voice holding a clicking edge as she snapped her beak.

"Please, just go away." Mina closed her eyes, her hand moving towards her gravid stomach, she just wanted to be left alone.

It happened in an instant, a push and a nudge, a forceful wedging of the door that made the gryphoness stumble backwards with an outraged cry as the barn owl forced her way through the door. The older female was silver tinged on her feathering, ragged, not scruffy, just an uneven edge to her feathers that showed her age. Her worn beak clacked angrily as she swept into the room, her eyes not on her charge, but sweeping over the room with accusation, as if she were expecting to see a male just standing there. Mina froze, she didn't know how to hide what had happened, or if there was any way for such a thing to be covered up. She just stood, frozen as the maid's eyes flicked towards her and immediately swept down towards the obvious swell of her belly.

The dark liquid black eyes seemed to sharpen while the hen immediately moved her hands down to try and cover up her belly. It was a useless gesture, it hid nothing from the sharp eyes as the barn owl's wing arms flexed and her feathers went down flat to her body, making her look smaller and leaner, but not an ounce less intimidating as she strode forward. Mina went still as one hand reached out and cupped right against the swell of her belly and curled the fingers lightly and traced the sharply defined outline of the eggs that were maturing inside of her. The palm cupped firmly against the apex of her belly and pressed down making the hen let out a short whimper.

"And just what is this?!" Nyian's voice was harsh and accusatory. "I can tell why you didn't wish to go with your parents, then you might have to answer for your actions!"

"I... I didn't mean for this to happen!" Mina let out a squeaking noise as the fingers gripped a bit more firmly, right near one of the orbs.

"Who is he? His family will have much to answer for. And you, you were told that you weren't supposed to leave the estate. Was he here? Or did you slip the fence line?" The owl ruffled her feathers up, bristling them with her outrage.

"It's not someone from town!" Mina swallowed and felt heat rushing up to her face. "I n-never wanted this to happen!"

"Obviously not." The barn owl's words were thick with sarcasm. "You just wished to have an itch scratched and didn't want to pay the price. But there is always a price to be paid, girl, always. Behaving like a harlot doesn't come without a price! Was it at least a decent drake of good parentage? Or did you find the nearest boy to slake your unnatural lusts with?"

Mina's nares were burning and blushing hot, she nearly snapped out who the father of her clutch truly was, trembling in place to defend herself. She couldn't, though, what would be the lesser of two evils? That her maid thought she had found some handsome, perhaps noble, drake and had given into his charms or that she had been impregnated by an animal? She could argue that she hadn't wanted it, that she had fought, but it wouldn't matter. Even those who expressed sympathy and assured her that carrun were uncontrollable when they hit puberty, wouldn't truly believe. There would always be some part of their mind that envisioned her giving into the unnatural lust for an animal of her own free will. She felt her stomach churning with nausea.

"I.. I didn't mean for this to happen." She swallowed the urge to defend herself, while her maid gave her a piercing look.

"And just what were you going to do?!" The owl strode further into the room, turning up the gas lights to send light spilling around her chamber. "Throw the eggs onto the rubbish heap and look your future husband in the eyes, lying to him in front of the gods?"

Mina flattened her ear tufts down against her head, turning her beak to one side as she couldn't answer, not and be truthful. She had intended to do just that, but how could she admit it out loud?

"Well." The owl turned back around and clicked her beak again, it was a loud snapping sound that showed just how angry she was. "I hate to disappoint you, but you will do no such thing. Aborting eggs is an affront to the gods and I will not tolerate you destroying what you created. It is not _their_fault that you behaved against the gods' law."

"B-but I can't let them hatch-" Ice ran down the line of her spine, she was ready to confess who the sire was, what the sire was. Everyone would assume what Nyian was assuming, they'd see her little bastards and whisper behind her back.

"They will be raised by a wet nurse, no one need know they are yours." The owl began to move around the house, fluffing and shaking out her covers as he did so. "But you, and your parents, will know. They will remind you of your sin and to strive to make amends to the gods." She finished piously.

Mina could only watch as her maid continued to putter around, let the eggs hatch? Offspring from carrun tended to take after the mothers, not the fathers, though there were always some markings that came from the sire. Her heart began to beat faster, imagining the feral creatures that would no doubt crack their shell. But she had bought herself some time, and there was always the chance she could shake the eggs and scramble the contents before they ever had a chance to hatch. She would not shame her family name any more than it already was.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Seventeen Years Later

~ ~ * ~ ~

"The red, not the burgundy." Mistress Anamina's voice was almost bored sounding as Tarin bundled up the heavy gown in her arms and draped them over her fingers. She swallowed a little bit, dipping her head down low before turning back to the wardrobe.

The sound of music filtered from the grand ballroom echoed up to the private quarters of her mistress, lively and brisk sounding in the spring air. It wasn't simply a celebratory party that was heralding the end of winter, it was the day that Anamina Goshawk would be taking her side and she would take up the name Lady Goshawk, the heir of her mother's house and fortune. The elderly Lady Goshawk would be stepping down, the grand lady had been aging slowly in the last few years, each new molt had brought in white feathers instead of the slate grey. It was a long time coming, and the entire household was celebrating the event, a week long gathering of nobility from around the country that would be offering gifts and currying favor. Most of the household staff had even gotten the day off, but not her.

Tarin served the noble house through the celebration, only receiving liberties when it came to the extra amount of food she received and the hours she could spend sleeping in as she served the evening events. She didn't mind, she had always served the Goshawk House, from the time she could remember she had toddled behind her mother and helped in the kitchens with her brothers. She had thought it was a normal life to help care for the spit and learn to make bread, it wasn't until she was older that she realized how odd her early life had been. She had been raised by a crow, certainly not the same species as she was, as any of her siblings were.

They were one and all gryphons, though, she had been told it was more a genetic fluke than noble blood that had produced their eggs. It wasn't until she was entering her teens that she really looked at herself and saw that she was different from the other servants. She was more like the nobles, though her feathers were a deep copper color instead of slate grey or white or black. Her feline body was marbled with various swirls and patterns of dark copper and lighter copper so that red highlights ran over her in the bright sunlight. She was showy and even had a set of broad wings on her back, not vestigial wing arms like avian servants had, and her brothers were the same. There was no questioning in this house though, it wasn't allowed, one never questioned.

Tarin flared out the gown for her mistress, watching as Mina dipped down so that it could be slid over her. In the mirror, they looked like nobles, both of them, but not quite. Where as Mina was donning a silk gown and her feather tips died to match the color, Tarin wore only the soft blue servants dress that everyone wore, the home spun material soft enough, but worn around the edges from hard work. She had no paint in her feathers, no edge of silver melted on the tip of her beak to draw attention to the sweeping curve. Her wings were clipped, the long feathers trimmed so primaries wouldn't be scuffed or made ragged by her hard work. No noble would ever be seen with clipped feathers, she wasn't a noble. She was a half-breed, a mix between a feline and bird, not a pure bred gryphon from a long and noble line. Just an anomaly that had been taken in to act as a servant.

"Is this right, Mistress?" She stepped back as the gown settled into place and Mina looked at herself in the mirror, carefully not looking behind her.

"It will do. I want you to see to the kitchen, I expect to have a small selection of treats awaiting me at the end of the ball." The Lady turned her hips slightly, letting the edge of the dress flick this way and that. "And feed the carrun."

"I could bring him in, Mistress, it will be raining tonight." Tarin stepped back as Mina turned her hips around again, checking the length of the hem as the edges brushed along her soft feline paws. The mention of the guardian made her stiffen and the dark red eyes swung over to glare at her.

The moment Tarin said it, she regretted it, the anger in the lady's eyes made her flinch and flatten her feathers in silent apology. She knew any mention of Liam would get an aggressive reaction from her employer, but she still brought it up. As she had come up the stairs she had seen the copper-tan carrun sitting under a tree, the water from the rain running off his scales. He wouldn't suffer from the rain, they were built to handle all sorts of inclement weather in their duties, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it. He was a valuable animal, they all were, and most homes treated them like nearly royalty, they were given everything they needed, elaborate kennels that were better than most servants housing. They cost a small fortune, but not in this house. In this house, Liam was treated like another one of the hounds in the stable, and nothing more.

"He will be fine." The words were flat, almost emotionless, but also dismissive. There would be no use asking further, the response would only be anger.

"Yes, Mistress." Tarin dropped her head a little, her voice soft and submissive as she turned away from the grand noble woman and to the door.

The last thing she wanted was to start an argument. Mina could be extremely volatile on certain subjects, her temper could snap at an instant and she was always a favored target. Ever since she had come to serve in the main household she had found herself the subject of the hen's whims, her anger and her temper, her happiness and generosity. It always came in spurts, for a week straight she would be snarled and snapped at as she struggled to do her work and for another she might offer Tarin old, but expense, clothing, give her lessons in basic reading, talk with her gently. The moods swung back and forth until there was little doubt in her mind why her brothers had all taken positions in other households.

They say it's because her father left... She thought to herself as she padded down onto the main floor, listening to the rush of music that greeted her, the sprightly violin that made her swish her tail back and forth.

No matter the quirks of her job, she was paid very well and had a set of rooms all to herself. Mostly she was paid well due to the fact she looked so much like a noble born gryphon, if no one understood her true lineage they might believe her to be from some other household. That meant that House Goshawk had been able to purchase her from a lesser family, or at least that was what others thought. They couldn't know that her father had been a feline and her mother a hawk. Not that she knew them, she had never known her parents, she and her brothers had been from an abandoned clutch. She could only imagine that her mother had been ashamed of the mixed lineage, an attempt to cover up an affair or rape. She hoped it was the former.

Her mind dragged away from those disturbed thoughts, turning her head towards the back door that let out towards the broad lands of the estates pastures. Liam was kept there, on guard all day every day. The carrun was a sweet beast, gentle in his own way, but protective over the house and lands. The aging Lady Goshawk was the one that commanded him, though she knew that the former Lord Anar had been the one to raise the beast. Liam obeyed orders well, he was unfailingly polite to those that came within his territory and was quite caring with those under his care. Even to a lost bastard such as herself, he had always been gentle and tolerant of her, even when she had been little more than a hatchling. Perhaps that's why she was sent to tend him so often. It was certainly easy work, and he never complained if she was too slow or chatted as she worked.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Mina stared after the girl that left and felt a twinge of guilt mingled with pity. She shouldn't snap at Tarin, though she found herself doing it more and more often. As the girl grew older, it was more and more apparent that they shared some of the same blood. She had never had to recognize the clutch as her own, they had been given to a nurse from the day they had been laid, or rather removed from her. She hadn't wanted anything to do with them, neither had her mother. It wasn't just that they had been forcibly pushed upon her, they had divided her house with a near violent fight that had erupted from the moment her parents had returned. Her father had left, he hadn't been back, not since she had been forced to reveal who the sire was to her clutch.

Liam was no longer welcome in the house, he had gone from a treasured and valuable guardian to something that she couldn't look at. Her father hadn't taken Liam with him, he had been disgusted and not wanted the beast, but the carrun was still bonded to this family. They couldn't simply sell him and hope he'd transfer his affections. Her mother had been forced to overtake his care. They had sent out feelers to hire on a cousin, a blood relative, who might wish the beast, but their family was old and had become smaller as time went on. And those that were out there were rich enough to afford their own guardians and one couldn't own a pair of carrun for long. They were stuck with him, and so he lived outside, remaining in the kennels when he wasn't guarding their home. But at times... she still saw him watching her, he'd sprawl outside of the windows, his eyes following her, almost as if he were remembering or thinking of what they had done.

Some of the happiness drained from her as she adjusted her gown, her ears folding flat to her head. Three eggs had managed to hatch, two drakes and a hen, and they had all looked like nearly pure gryphons save for small details. Their forearms were scaled, not noticeable to most people, but the scales were more reptilian than avian. They had strange eyes, almost feral looking when they had been younger, it had taken them longer to learn how to speak, how to behave. They had been raised no differently than any other servants child, but some knew what they were when they were looked at. To those that bred carrun, to those that understood the beasts, they knew that their blood was tainted. There was little doubt in her mind that the drakes had been hired on by breeders of the rare creatures, hoping to breed back into the carrun line and bring about a new hybrid, though she doubted that would happen.

Only Tarin remained in the house, and Mina had taken her on as a house maid. She couldn't just let the girl work in the kitchens, it was demeaning even if her father was a beast. She tried to be nice, tried to treat her daughter with at least some kindness, but whenever she did, she saw the red eyes and something of Liam in her and snapped out. She couldn't see the hen as her daughter, couldn't look at her without thinking about how her life had been ruined. For fifteen years she had lacked any suitors, any hope of a marriage. Though they had never spoken of her bastard clutch, it was still spread about that she had clutched by someone and her family refused to name them. Her reputation was in tatters, as it was, she was lucky to be able to attract a drake that would look past the rumors and whisperings.

She lifted her head in the mirror, she didn't love him, she didn't even like him that much, but he was well connected and it would confirm her as the head of her house. She might even be able to pull together her ragged reputation and make something of it. She needed an heir, a real one, one that was able to take up the mantle of her house's name. Her husband would be able to provide that, she would finally be able to put what had happened to her in the past where it belonged. If it weren't for the fact that Tarin could handle Liam she would have sent the girl away, retire her somewhere or let her go to another House. But, like it or not, the girl had the bloodlines that she could work with Liam and save her mother and herself the task.

And better to keep her close to home. I know where the males went, I don't want to lose track of her. A bastard is still noble blood, even if she doesn't know it._Mina ran her talons lightly through her head feathers, arranging them before turning away from the mirror. _But for now.... A start to my new life. Finally.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Down! Stop that!" Tarin tucked her beak down as the carrun wruffed at her and drooped down to all four paws, his large tail swayed back and forth while his dark red eyes focused on her. "Do you want to play?"

Liam's head went up and he bumped her roughly against the chest, letting out a deep trilling sound of affection that made her smile. She reached up and rubbed along either side of his cheeks, feeling the softness of his scales along the edge of his cheeks and worked up towards the curve of the heavy horns. He continued to trill at her, leaning against her as he always did when he was feeling affectionate and she leaned right back in turn. His scales were muted in the darkness, no longer a brilliant copper, they looked almost red with the lights from the main building filtering out against him. His red eyes were almost brown as they looked up at her and he let out another chuffing noise. With a grin she reached down and pushed his shoulder, playfully rocking the beast back and forth.

He let out a rumble and flopped down on his side, wriggling and pushing his large forepaws out against her with a playful trill. He was damp from the rains outside, it was still dribbling down his outer scales and dripping off him, but he would warm up soon enough. She hated when he was stuck outside in the elements, though rain was by no means the worst of it, snow was always worse. He should have been pampered and cared for, groomed and oiled with a large set of rooms to himself to come into. Or perhaps sleeping at the foot of his owner's bed, treasured. Still, Tarin couldn't help but feel privileged for the time that she did get to spend with him. He always looked forward to seeing her, always seemed gentle and sweet when she gave him basic commands. He didn't growl or ignore her like he did other servants.

Probably because I'm a gryphon, or look like one, he must think I'm one of the family. She smiled a little to herself and picked up a braided bit of leather to tease him with.

The game only lasted a little while, the massive beast was easily able to yank and twist the toy out of her hand and began to trot around in the covered pagoda, shaking his head roughly. He was too old to truly abandon himself in play, but there was still a bit of brightness to his eyes when she coaxed him with his toy. It was hard to see the powerful warrior beneath the swaying tail and the tongue that occasionally lolled out from his squared jaws. She had seen him in full display mode, a few years ago there had been a thief that he had captured and he had been terrifying. She'd never imagined the lazy easy going beast could turn into snarling teeth and rippling muscles. The sound of his howl had woken up the entire estate, not that there was much to do, the thief had been more of a red smear in the grass than a prisoner.

With another fling of his toy, the hen tried not to recall what she had seen and simply concentrated on the relative peace that came with being out of the house. The music from inside the ballroom still filtered out, laughter and soft voices that seemed half a world away as she continued to play with the beast. The rain pattered on the roof above, the soft noises soothing as Liam occasionally stopped to push his head against her with an entreaty to be rubbed or scratched. It was a peaceful time for her day, no one would bother her out here, no one spent any measure of time with the carrun. It was peaceful, soothing after a long day of work, until the beast was worn out enough that he dropped down against her and tried to push his head into her lap.

She worked her fingers along the nape of the neck, running her fingers down towards the curve of the shoulders and ran down towards the line of the spine. She stroked gently, tracing around the scales one at a time, feeling the hard edges one after another. Ever since her brothers left, Liam had been the only creature in the house that she felt comfortable with. She had no friends among the servants, no one that talked to her casually, the nobles looked at her like a servant. But the guardian didn't care about her species or birth, he simply enjoyed getting attention.

"Poor beast." She murmured down at him and leaned forward to rub her beak against his forehead. "Neither one of us belong, eh?"

Liam let out a low churr and pushed his head up, flicking out his broad tongue to flick out to curl along the edge of her jaw line and swiped through her feathers. His vibrating rumble thrummed against her chest as she stroked her fingers down over the broadness of the shoulders and worked her trimmed claws against the scales, scrubbing harder as he rolled against her. She had seen him kill before, but under her touch he was as harmless as any well trained hound, basking in her affections as he pushed his head up and bumped his muzzle right against her breasts. His muffled rumbles thrummed through her chest as she worked around the base of his horns. His body loomed over her as he tried to crawl into her lap, just as he always did, the same edge of desperation always there. As if he counted on these moments and was desperate to soak up every ounce of affection.

"It's raining out there, no one is going to attempt anything with the house filled with nobles and guards." She murmured softly and reached down to cup his chin. "It's cruel to leave you out here in the cold and wet."

"Rrrrr?" The carrun licked at her fingers with interest, pushing his muzzle against her palm busily. She wriggled out from under him and he ran his tongue wetly over her beak, a soft whine escaping his throat as he tried to push against her. Normally this meant she would go back in, leaving him to his rounds, but not tonight.

"Liam, come." She gave a tap on her hip, the same that she had seen the elderly gryphoness using to command him, she could only hope he trusted her enough to listen.

The big beast came to her, his head quirked to one side in confusion, but he didn't protest as she stepped towards the house and he followed after. She had a large enough room he would fit there, he wouldn't be wet and cold in the darkness, he'd be comfortable and she'd feel not so alone.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Tarin slept fitfully to the sound of the music in the ballroom, the slow sensuous sounds of the flute and violin mingled with the piano, giving her no peace. The party would continue well towards dawn, but she was used to it, she slept fitfully, slipping off whenever the songs grew sweet and soft and waking when they became lively. Liam slept next to her small bed, sprawled out his full length and she occasionally heard the sound of his rumbles and deep breathing. It was peaceful, she felt safe, relaxed, able to let her mind drift. Every time she woke up, it was like being caught in some sort of dream that left her warm feeling, happy. Her dreams strange and drifting from one scene to another as the music dropped her back down to sleep.

In her dreams she wasn't alone, the low rumbles and soft noises of the carrun mingled with something else entirely as she shifted in the bed. Dreams of a drake, his feathered form caressing her own, his scaled hands sliding along her body. She could feel every trace of the claws that slipped over her sides and the warmth of his breath along the curve of her neck. It was a dream she had had many times, of a lover that slipped through the darkness and teased her. She never saw his face, never knew his name, but that was what made it so terribly erotic and forbidden. The run of his rasping tongue along her clothed chest, the way he shifted above her and the heat that was making her heart start to pound faster as she squirmed under him.

There was a ripping sound, he was so eager, he tore at her night clothes and parted them to either side of her chest and belly before his tongue laved right along the soft fur along her belly, tracing over her navel. She arched into him, letting out a soft cry as teeth brushed to either side of her stomach and pulled lightly as he worked downwards. No beak, teeth, the thought made her stir slightly, that was wrong. It was always a gryphon in her dreams, some forbidden romance with a young noble who had seen her and wanted her. As she struggled to pull from her dreams, the teeth hooked along her small clothes and gave a pull, something hot and slippery pushed down between her thighs and flicked right up along her tender mound.

That brought her eyes snapping open, the dream wasn't fading, it was only growing more intense as she felt the heat of the tongue pushing right up along her outer lips. She came awake with a low whimper as the tongue tip flicked upwards right along her clit. Tarin struggled upwards as the tongue pushed forward and began to wedge into her passage, spreading the walls open so that she let out a whimper, her inner passage started to contract down as she looked down in confused panic. It wasn't a handsome gryphon, it wasn't a stranger that had managed to sneak into her bed. Liam's broad head was dropped down between her thighs, his tongue pushing forward and rasping through her passage with firm wet strokes that made her writhe against the covers.

"L-liam! Down!" She tried to protest, squirming her hips backwards, only to have him chuff against her soft mound and his tongue pulled slowly from her passage.

He lifted his head, but not away from her, he began to work his tongue in firm rolling strokes right along the plush outer lips. A shudder ran down her spine, feeling a forbidden spike of pleasure at the way his tongue tip worked around the edges and made her hips give a little twitch. The gryphoness went to push his head away, but he pushed his tongue back into her and made her let out a short cry. He stroked through her, the barbs rasped smoothly, running over sensitive nerves so her hips arched higher up in the air. The slippery wet heat was worked around the edges of the tongue as she stopped her hand and felt him pushing his tongue in deeper and deeper, spreading her passage open and making her inner walls contract and squeeze. The hot breath panted out against her inner thighs, the warmth curling along the crease of her ass, making her body shudder in place.

It was like nothing she'd ever experienced. The tongue that plunged forward wasn't smooth and small like an avian tongue, it was broad and barbed, catching along sensitive passage and worked inwards. The carrun's jaw spread open wide, almost cupping her loins gingerly while his forepaws shifted to either side of her. Her clothes had been pulled off, or rather ripped from the powerful jaws, her covers rumbled to one side as he worked his tongue in as deep as he could possibly go. He was thicker at the base, so unlike her fingers, the appendage curled and twisted, gathering up the wet arousal that clung to the edges of his muzzle.

Tarin squeezed her eyes shut and muffled a soft noise, he was an animal, she needed to push him away, but she couldn't. All she'd ever experienced was her own exploring fingers, nothing as intimate as this, nothing as pleasurable as the rolling turning tongue that flicked upwards and pulled back out of her body. She pinned her ear tufts flat back and let out a muffled cry as the scaled muzzle pulled back and the tongue slipped outwards, gathering up her arousal greedily. Liam huffed hotly and lifted his muzzle, panting shallowly while he licked and worked his tongue over the bridge of his nose. The glistening wet strands clung to the front of his muzzle, soon swept away as he lifted his eyes and crooned at her low in his throat, a deep noise that was unlike anything she had ever heard out of him. His muzzle hung just above her belly, his breath panting out along the soft fur as she trembled against the bed.

She didn't want him to stop. She'd never had a lover, servants weren't allowed them when they became lady's maids and those who had any interest in her did so with an eye to using her or destroying her chances in the lady's house. She knew how to pleasure herself, she certainly understood her body, but she'd never worked herself to the point that every part of her body was trembling and electric. She could feel her own wetness building between her folds and she squirmed in reaction while he lowered his muzzle again to sniff at her. She bit her lip and fought the urge to arch her hips up, she didn't want to humiliate herself, but she wanted his tongue again. Her nares heated up in embarrassment, this went against all the gods' virtues and teachings, but she wasn't thinking of morality at that moment. She was thinking only of her loins.

It didn't take long before the large head dropped down and snuffed against her again, one of the paws moved and suddenly pressed right against her stomach. It was large enough he nearly covered her, pressing against her as she squirmed in place, feeling a start of alarm before the tongue suddenly pushed outwards. Liam worked right over her folds, stroking and rolling until she let out a low whimpering groan of pleasure. She felt him pushing forward insistently, rubbing along her furred outer lips and prying inwards again. The paw on her belly flexed, talons curled along the edge of her stomach as she reached down to wrap her hands around his ankle.

He explored her, the thickness of his tongue rolled through her, his saliva clinging in strands with her own arousal as he wedged her folds open and worked towards the source of the slickness. His eyes were bright, the pupils nearly hiding the red edge as he rumbled against her, vibrating until she cried out and arched upwards. Her fingers moved higher up on his foreleg, not trying to drive him away, she couldn't help but feel the rapid beating of her own heart thudding against her chest, building upwards as he worked his tongue ever deeper. The thickness of the base began to pry her open again, his tongue tip swirling around in places her fingers had never reached. The gryphoness writhed in place, twisting and squirming, wriggling her hips and arching upwards as she let out short noises under her throat. She'd never imagined a tongue could feel so terribly good, her dreams hadn't come close.

He's an animal... Some part of her mind tried to struggle into the forefront, but that thought was pushed away by the heat building up in her loins.

She wriggled and twisted, trying her best to arch her hips up against him, her eyes squeezed shut, thinking of every dream she had ever had of a lover invading her this way. The carrun let out another croon, vibrating her soft folds before he pulled his tongue backwards again. His hot breath teased over her before he let out another noise, one that brought her feathers up in alarm at the low vibrating growl that erupted from his throat. She jerked upwards and found him watching her intently, his paw sliding away from her stomach before darting his head down. It was a light nip that had her squirming for a moment before his muzzle pushed firmly against her and he let out a low noise in his throat. She knew what he wanted, she couldn't even lie to herself about what he was after, she could see it under him.

He jutted forward, the thick length of him pushed out from his vent and gleaming in the light as the heavy taper tip oozed out a bit of gleaming wetness. She squirmed for a moment, slipping her hips backwards a little bit as the tongue suddenly pushed upwards against her plush folds and he turned his head to nip against the curve of her hip again. The powerful snapping jaws were softened for her, just barely scraping through the softness of her fur before the beast let out another low growl. He didn't try to do anything more, but he did step forward a pace, his forelegs splayed open to straddle her lower body as the bed creaked beneath them, straining under their combined weight.

She ground her beak together, flushed and embarrassed, ready to be ashamed, but her shame was held back by the fact her body was throbbing with hot fiery need. She wanted his tongue again, she wanted to feel him probing and exploring her, claiming and driving into her body with his tongue, but he only nipped at his other hip with short powerful snaps. The teeth raked her, teasing through her fur and she wriggled after a few moments. She had to flatten her clipped wings down tight to her body as she rolled over in the bed. Her covers were thrown to one side and off the bed, her torn clothing fell down about her as she moved her arms beneath her and ended up with her chest pressed against her pillow. Liam didn't wait for her to settle, his heavy forepaw curled against her hip and yanked her upwards.

With a yelp she was pulled higher in the air, her hips forcibly lifted upwards into the air while her tail flipped upwards as she was lifted and the weight of the carrun pushed over her. Teeth snapped down to grip her scruff, burrowing deep into the thickness of her neck feathers and gripping down tightly. Painfully tight, she could feel them nearly bruising her as the heavy weight rested over her. The heat of his breath, the claws that curled along her hip and even the press of his lower stomach on her back were all distracting, but not distracting enough to take away from the feel of the weight suddenly pushing right up along the curve of her ass. The heavy slimy cock rubbed along her as the powerful hind legs spread open to cup around her haunches and she heard him purr down at her.

It felt, natural. It felt beautifully natural and her pulse fluttered rapidly as she felt the cock dragging backwards and smearing against her fur. A jerk and rock of his hips and suddenly something tapered and hot pushed right up against her glistening mound, the tip wedged hard against her, making her cry out. Her beak gaped open wide in a silent scream as the cock tip suddenly pushed roughly up against her, prying her folds apart with the forceful rock, splaying her outer lips open until the narrow tip nudged right into her soft folds. The size was intimidating she couldn't quite keep herself still as he spread her cunny open wider and wider, her own arousal smearing over him as he drooled a hot puddle of precum into her body.

She had to react, there was no way around it, her walls quivered and clutched, she locked down around him tightly and pulled him in deeper as she arched her back and let out a ragged noise, not caring if anyone heard her or not. The powerful beast pushed forward harder, tugging on her scruff as the weight of him pried her open and eased through her passage. Her walls rippled and ached as a rough thrust burrowed several thick inches into her, her eyes flashed open wide and stared into the darkness of her room as the scaled hips rocked back and forth. He was forcing her to adjust, working to make her body accept something so large that her body contracted and tried to push him back outwards. Too big, too much, and all the while he found every vulnerable and achingly sensitive nerve of her body to caress and tease over.

The ridges slipped in one by one, working through her as she arched and squeezed her eyes shut, the next thrust rocked him in deeper and suddenly one of his paws wraped around her. The claws bit roughly against her stomach, squeezing and yanking her backwards as he forced his cock into her, her swollen cunny lips formed an obscene O around his shaft, the throbbing thickness pumping ropes of precum into her body, flinging it deep inside of her as his tip shoved roughly right up against her cervix and ground against her. She felt split in two, and even through the pain she felt pleasure, the strokes rubbing through her, the caresses and rubbing along her outer lips while his hips rocked back and forth, almost like he was trying to force another inch into her, but there was no more room for him.

And then he pulled back, the smooth withdraw brought her head up high, feeling the teeth clenching down hard enough that a trickle of blood escaped around his muzzle. The cock pulled nearly all the way free with a wet noise, sticky strands of wetness clung from her to him before the beast lunged forward again in a powerful thrust. Her body rocked forward, the bed was creaking and bowing under the powerful movements that rammed his shaft back into her body. The breeding spire burrowed right up against her cervix, bowing the slippery flesh inwards before he dragged back out again. When he pulled back her walls tried to hold him inside of her, feeling the way that every bump, every ridge, teased through her.

She dropped her head down and clamp her beak against the pillow, muffling her cries as the hips slammed forward again and forced her ass higher in the air. There was a lewd wet noise, squelching out the arousal along the edges while thick gooey ropes of precum were flung against her cervix before he drew backwards again. Every ridge that pulled out made her let out short high pitched whimpers and bit against the pillow harder. He was too big, too strange, but it felt right. It felt as if he fit perfectly inside of her as she drew her knees up higher in the air as she pushed her ass up against his thrusts, feeling the powerful scaled hips driving against her with loud slapping noises. His low growls erupted out rapidly, snarling against her feathered neck as he drove his tip right up against her vulnerable cervix, hamering against it as the thrusts began to speed up.

Every time he hilted, his cock wedged against her cervix, the thickness of her base started to pry her open wider and wider, stretching and straining her muscles, but that was nothing compared to the fact his narrow tip was prying the opening of her cervix. The rough powerful drives became shorter, hammering against her as her stomach cramped up at the pain of the tip hitting against her cervical passage, but it was pushed away in the rush of pleasure that was building up in her chest. He was teasing through her, the throbbing length growing larger and thicker as his base wedged inwards and pushed right along her g-spot, caressing over it as her back arched upwards and her claws bit down hard enough against the mattress to tear into the clothe and the padding beneath.

Her shriek erupted out of her throat, barely muffled as her entire body shuddered in the rush of her orgasm. Her vision darkened, nothing mattered except the throbbing of her vulnerable passage, the way her muscles milked and pulled around him. The thickness of the base started to splay her open wider and wider, growing larger as he writhed and squirmed under him. With a snarl Liam worked his jaws around her neck a bit more, pushing her down against he bed as the tip wedged just into the dilated opening of her cervix and slipped inwards, sliding his tapered tip into the narrow opening. The flash of aching pain was nothing compared to the pleasure that filled her, put the thoughts from her mind of anything except for pushing back against the carrun and ensuring he was firmly hilted inside of her.

The next thrust forward pushed her almost all the way up to her foot paws, her clipped wings spread open as she cried out roughly. The heavy beast worked every last inch into her splayed cunny, her muscles wrapped around him eagerly as the first throb ran along the length of his spire. The hot heavy rope of cum spilled out of his tip, a rush of the gooey ropes of cum were flung inwards in thick strands. They hit hard inside of her vulnerable egg chamber, flooding her, rushing through her while she let out weak cries and pushed backwards against him. His scaled hips pushed roughly against her ass cheeks, pressing hard enough that her ass was forcibly held up in the air. The wet warmth spread through her lower belly while the knot thickened it's full width, plugging her closed so there was no hope any drop of it would escape her.

Tarin closed her eyes, panting shallowly against her bed as the jaws left her neck and the tongue started to lav right along the back of her neck. The warm slippery length flicked and worked around the shoulders as he crooned down at her, the sound soft and soothing as he gave occasional little bucks forward. They syrupy cum continued to run deeper inside of her, she could almost feel it filling her to the point of her stomach creating a bulge. She didn't move her hands to find out, she didn't care. She didn't care about the guilt or embarrassment, all she cared about was the feeling of contentment that ran over her, loosening her muscles and making her finally release her pillow and simply rest her head against the softness.

As the carrun shifted his paws to straddle her chest, standing above her with his tongue lolling out from his exertion, the sound of lively music filtered in from the hall.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"I told you to leave him outside." Mina's voice rose up, the outrage filling her even as her distaste and fear lurked beneath the surface.

She had risen just after noon to return to her daily duties, husband or no, the businesses needed attended too and there were many cards and invitations to look over. She had been confronted by Liam outside of the servant's hall door, the massive carrun had been sound asleep with his head on his forelegs as if he belonged there. She knew the moment she'd seen him how he got there, and her fear of the creature had turned into pure anger. How dare the girl disobey her? The carrun was not allowed in the house, guardian or not, his place was outside and locked away from any who might do harm. She was angry enough that she invaded the hen's bathing chambers to snap at her, giving the girl barely enough time to cover herself up.

"I... it was cold and there were already guards in place, he was here in the servant's hall, Mistress." Tarin's damp feathers flattened down against her head, her nares flushed red while she clunt to her towel. "I thought it would be better for his health."

"You work here!" Mina ignored the pang of guilt she felt at snapping at the girl, but seeing Liam and now her, made the memories deep in her mind stir uncomfortably. "You do not run this house, you obey those who employ you. How dare you step out of line and take a valuable beast!"

"I didn't take him, Mistress! He was her all night." The girl looked panicked, her eyes bright as she backed away and Mina let out an unladylike growl.

"Liam is the House's carrun, not a pet, not your dog, not your property! Is that understood?!" Mina's voice rose up in a slight shriek, she couldn't stop it. "He is to do his duty and guard, which will be done OUTSIDE!"

"I..." There was panic in Tarin's eyes, a bit of fear as Mina couldn't stop the anger in her tone. Anger born of fear, the beast had been in the house last night, he could have been moving freely about it. He could have came to her room.

A low growl rumbled through the room and the creak of the door being pushed entirely open, a growl that had her swinging around with her wings snapping down flat against her back, her feathers going down as the copper colored guardian stepped into the bathing room. His lips were curled back in a growl, showing the sharp white teeth as he oozed around the wall, his eyes centered on her. Those eyes had haunted her, remembering what he'd done, and he advanced towards her with his head lowered and his tail held high, a sign of aggression.

"LIAM DOWN!" She snapped the words out in the harsh tone she had always used to make him obey, but the beast only snarled higher as Tarin shrank away from her. "I SAID DOWN!"

The carrun bared his lips and snapped the air towards her before stepping between herself and their bastard daughter. He lifted his head up higher and shoved his body back against her, pushing her away as he imposed himself between them. He didn't snarl or even turn his head as she reached down to rest a paw on the curve of his back, he only had eyes for Mina, the threat. The noble gryphoness trembled slightly and snapped her beak shut, taking a slow step backwards from the threatening beast watching her.

"Stop Liam!" The girl spoke softly as she touched the scaled back. "Sit down! Please!"

The carrun dropped his haunches down and closed his lips over his fangs, but his eyes still watched Mina aloofly, his eyes still threatening. He wasn't looking at her as he always had, a wistful loyalty and sharp intelligent attention, he was watching her like a threat. A threat against Tarin. He stood in front of her in a typical wary display of a guardian near a threat. Mina blinked her eyes rapidly and stiffened, snapping her fingers down towards her side in a silent command for him to come. He didn't move, he continued to watch her while pressing backwards against the hen behind him, keeping most of his body in front of her protectively. Keeping his body in front of his Mistress.

A carrun bonds to his family and their immediate bloodline... The thought made her flinch, ears folding back to her elegant head. She no longer had control of the beast, she never would again.

Unicorn's Destiny: Chapter 7

Seeing Emily was a turning point in Lance's life. It was a bright spot in the midst of his confusion and upset, where the world could make sense to him, where things were stable and solid. It was a part of his life that he could cling to as he did his...

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Bondage 101

Lert grinned as he watched the slight burnished copper dragoness squirming in the chair across from him, her vibrant red eyes were lowered and staring at her paws instead of at him, her entire body tensed and ready to bolt. They were always ready to...

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Born This Way: Chapter 9

Running, I was running. I was running so fast that my lungs were burning and my legs feeling the ache of stretching out too long under me. He was behind me, I knew he was, I could hear him, I could hear his breathing and the sound of his paws hitting...

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