A Bare Planet

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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#4 of The Night Sky

Zack takes Anthony to a planet where clothing is banned. They bump into a fox. Naturally, everyone can probably guess what happens after...

Also thanks to Ice-Hero (at http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ice-hero/) for drawing such a d'aww picture of these two <3

A Bare Planet

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Nakira Prime. Anthony saw a whole hodgepodge of organic bodies of all shapes and sizes, even more than he'd seen in the segregated little bipedal section of the Omnimart he'd meandered through, and he felt nearly no insanity. The mostly dissimilar crowd was enjoying the sandy beach of the vacation planet much like humans would on Earth, except for the fact that every single individual was nude and showing skin, fur, scale, plant wall, or whatever else their bare bodies were made of.

He didn't even raise an eyebrow. He was quite sure by now that the circuits in his brain responsible for processing bewilderment had long overloaded and burned out. It had probably happened the day he'd left Earth, now that he thought about it.

Zack, the grey dragon who had uplifted him from Earth, scanned the human's face for any shock, but none surfaced. He supposed the man had seen enough crazy things, relative to his mundane human life's framework, that more new things would have difficulty demolishing his already shattered sense of normalcy.

Still, he had expected at least a little blush or something. The dragon must've exposed his companion to far too much of his reproductive anatomy for the new view to matter, he guessed.

Indeed, Zack had intended for Nakira Prime to be a massive culture shock to the human since, in his world's culture, clothing was considered a requirement for any public social interaction. On this planet, however, clothing was strictly illegal.

And so it was that Anthony, instead of having his sensibilities tied and flogged, found himself curiously browsing every individual alien, either admiring their bodies or, on occasion, averting his gaze from particularly hideous creatures.

He naturally looked more at the bipedal aliens, taking special notice of their genitalia since it was something he had not typically seen before--clothing was not required in most intergalactic cultures, but since they were a source of trade and profit, companies and corporations made sure apparel was trendy and desired, resulting in most of the galaxy having at least some skin covered.

On Nakira Prime, of course, those influences had no power. Thanks to the law of the world, Anthony learned of humanoids with four and more testicles (and some with none), two or more penises, extra pairs of breasts, and many creatures he could not tell the gender of. At the end of his scan of the beach, he decided that he liked looking at his shiny grey dragon the most.

"Two balls and one stick," Anthony said. "I got lucky with you, didn't I?"

The dragon let out a quick burst of laughter. "Actually, no. I'd say the majority of Alorkinoid life has that configuration. We just happen to not be in eyeshot of any Alorkin or Alorkinoids, except for you and me."

"I see."

"Well, this certainly wasn't the reaction I expected. Then again, it does make sense in a way. You've adjusted to interstellar life quite well."

"Heh, thanks. I think it's just because I realized at some point that the only other way would be to freak out all the time, and that would get old real fast."

The dragon pointed a dull finger-claw at the ocean. "Fascinating," he said. "Always thought it would be a fun social experiment, introducing someone to the universe at large. Well, if you're fine with all of this, then let's have a bit of fun in the sun, yeah?"

Anthony looked around, taking in the familiar scene of people and not-people doing the same things they'd do at a beach on Earth. He nodded and went along with the dragon towards the waves, the soft warm sand weaving delightfully between his toes along the way.

The dichotomy was rather disorienting at first, but Anthony managed by not looking back. It was like a parking lot behind them at the beaches back home, except these were multi-layered docking platforms for all sorts of vehicles which fared in either air or space and even ground. Actually, it was not quite too unusual--he supposed the beaches back home would eventually have to turn their lots into looming parking structures to accommodate a growing number of tourists, but the clash of (highly advanced) civilization and the familiar splash of sea crashing upon sand was still rather disheartening to look at.

"What's so interesting back there?" Zack asked.


"You keep looking behind us."

"Oh. It's just kind of sad, I think. The beach feels so artificial with all that crap back there."

"Huh, never thought about it that way. Actually makes sense that you would, though."


"You were living practically in nature. Raw and untouched on a primitive world. This should make you feel sad."

Anthony thought back to the little cabin in the woods in the isolated mountain range. He wondered if he'd live long enough to come back to see the whole place torn apart for industry, and the idea made him feel a little nostalgic. On the other hand, he could've returned to what it was before, and his cabin would've long crumbled and returned to the forest.

A lot could happen in a thousand years. Life had a way of being ironic and unexpected, however, and it's possible it could pull a surprise and change very little.

That was a line of thought which bothered him. Doubt bubbled around his mind, and he imagined a future where Zack would never return his affection in that particular way. Friends forever, but nothing more.

"Hey," the dragon said, "don't look so down. We can go to a more affluent beach if you'd like. They've got cloaking devices which make the parking structures invisible."

"Oh. No, that's okay. It's what we do that matters." Together, the man added in his mind.

"Okay. Ever make a sand castle?"

Anthony grinned as good memories came back to him. "Yeah, when I was a little kid. My dad helped. We'd make sand fortresses, not some little pail-forged keep." He looked down at the smooth sand on the not-quite-so alien beach. "He was always a kid at heart."

"Sounds like the opposite of my dad," Zack said. "He's always droning on about his mining business and trying to get me into something just as lucrative."

"Heh, yeah. My dad was an animator for children's movies. He encouraged me to be as creative as possible, and go wherever my heart wanted." Anthony spread his arms wide. "He'd love it here. Some of these aliens look like creatures he might've worked on at Disney." He chuckled. "Being nude might be a bit too much though."

Zack nodded politely, pretending to know what a Disney was, and tried to divert the topic away from going down a path he knew his friend didn't like. "Are there beaches like this on your homeworld?"

"Nudist ones? Yeah, but they're pretty rare."

"Very odd," the dragon said. "I'll never quite fully understand the why behind such reasoning. I mean, where did the shame in showing what you're made of come from?"

Anthony shrugged. "Well, I don't really know now that I'm here in the midst of all of this. I can't really explain it either."

Zack laughed. "It's okay. A lot of behavior from all living beings makes no sense. If we were all logical reasonable beings, I probably wouldn't have a degree in sociology."

"What about Mary? She seems to have a bit of a personality too."

"Ah, now that's artificial intelligence for you. It's a funny thing, really. They started out as perfectly logical beings, and then they were developed to be more, well, like us. Flawed and unreasonable consciousness." The dragon scoffed. "That's Mary for you, and they call it perfection in AI technology. There's a whole pseudo-field of specialization in sociology for them, but I haven't a clue about that."

"It's like Data finding his emotion chip."


"Ah, nothing, just a thought."

"Okay. You're not too cold, I hope? Your species has a relatively low tolerance range for temperature which I've noticed is probably why you like wearing clothes."

"I'm good. It's really nice, actually."

"Great! I picked a sector where they keep it at eighty degrees--"

Someone bumped into Zack's shoulder, the force knocking the dragon slightly into his companion. They both looked around and saw a bright orange-furred humanoid fox smiling at them.

"Sorry," he said, "I was just jogging past when I was blinded by the sexiness here!"

Zack tilted his head towards his friend. "Wow. I didn't expect to get hit on so quickly."

Anthony felt like he should've been disturbed by the fact that the fox was so upfront about what he wanted, but then he remembered how life was out in the universe and decided it was probably not as unusual as he'd been raised to expect.

"Oh my gosh," the fox went on, "you two are adorable! How long have you been together?"

"A few weeks," Zack said automatically. "Wait, we're not actually--"

The fox started touching his chest, his paws gliding over his thick scales in a very particular manner which gave away exactly what the vulpine wanted. "My my, you're quite a hunk," he said, mesmerized by the dragon's chest. He glanced at Anthony without really taking note of him. "Lucky lucky."

"Umm," the man quipped.

The fox turned his head to actually look at Anthony and was rather surprised. "Oh, oh my," he said, "look at you! Alorkin? But so rough around the edges, so wild_and _feral! What's in your bloodline?"

Zack cleared his throat. "Actually, he's called a human from a developing world. Class-three. I'm guiding him around the universe."

The fox nearly touched the man with his nose, startling him and making him back away, but the orange-furred alien would have his smell. "Mm, such a heavy scent. So exotic. Class-three, though? He doesn't bite, does he?"

"Umm, I'm not a wild animal," Anthony said.

"I'd actually set him firmly in class-two if it were up to me," Zack said.

The fox backed off and shifted his eyes between their bodies. They could tell they were glazed with something not quite innocent. "Well," he said, "I'd love to show you both a good time. Yes?"

"Maybe later," Zack said, half-interested but willing to shove him off for the sake of Anthony's norms.

The fox leaned in and winked. "I'll wait for you in the special section of the beach. Ryan, by the way."

"Zack," the dragon replied.

"Anthony," the human said.

Ryan turned around and resumed jogging, but he made sure to flick his tail in a seductive way. He was very sure they were both going to show up later in spite of the dragon's hesitation.

Once Ryan was lost amongst the crowd, Anthony asked, "Did that guy just do what I think he did?"

"An invitation. Yeah. Welcome to Nakira Prime, and the universe-at-large."

"Err, so...are we actually, you know?"

"Going? I don't know, what do you think?"

"Well, I thought he was a bit attractive, but I can't say I approve of that."

"Just a quick fling. For fun. I did it with you, yeah?"

"But you're my friend." Anthony blinked. And I love you, he wanted to say, but the dragon already knew and he didn't want to push.

"We can make friends," the dragon said. "But I'm asking you if you want to."

"Maybe we can go for a swim first?"

"Of course!"

Anthony had only stayed in the crisp water for a minute before he had to get out of it. The family of slug things wading by his way was simply far too disagreeable with him even with a mind more open than possibly anyone who had ever lived on Earth. Zack merely made a minor mental note of it before joining his companion in a sand castle war.

True to his word, Anthony had built a veritable fortress on the beach, a behemoth compared to the dragon's boxy, well, box.

"That's not even a building of any sort," Anthony remarked.

Zack smashed his sand shape with a sweep from his tail. "I'll be the first to admit that I fail at this sort of thing," he said with a laugh. "You, on the other hand, look like you could build that big white city in that movie we watched in your cabin if I gave you a few more hours!"

The man grinned. "Is that a challenge?"

"Well, that depends. Do you want to spend the next couple of hours playing with sand? There's a horny fox waiting for us, you know?"

The forwardness of the dragon did make Anthony's cheeks flush a dash of red, and Zack saw that his experience with the man had only barely begun to crack his powerful aversion to sexual behavior. He wondered if the fox would be the hammer to break that foundation, and he found himself wanting to accept the canine's not so gracious invitation even if his companion was a bit resistant to the idea.

"But," the dragon quickly added, "we don't have to if you're not comfortable with it."

The man looked away and mumbled to himself for a moment. "Umm..."

"A no and we can go right back to smiting each other's, err, castles."

Anthony scratched his head and looked back to his friend. "Oh screw it, when in Rome, uhh, outer space, do as space aliens do, eh?" He had to admit the fox was rather cute, too, but his heart was set for only one as of now.

The dragon gave him a nice grin and beckoned at him. "This way," he said. "Naturally, the particular part of the beach the fox is waiting at is under a cloaking field."

They made their way to, well, nowhere in particular, but Zack seemed to know the way rather well. The crowd of aliens became less and less dense as they moved toward wherever they were heading. Anthony, as they approached the location of the hidden sex area, noticed a red dashed line appear beaming on the sand as if it was projected by a light. The boxed off area, as far as he could tell, extended to about as far as a football stadium.

The dragon stopped a step away from the dashed line. "Alright," he said, "if we step through the boundary and you don't want to go through with it, just let me know, okay?"

"Okay." Anthony realized his fingers were shaking on his sides and stopped them, but his nervousness must've been noticed already.

Zack set his scaled hands on the human's shoulders. "Just one glance and we can turn back, yeah?"

Anthony nodded. "Yeah. Okay. Let's do this."

They crossed the red line.

Anthony saw scattered beach towels. There were, thankfully, not too many of them. On top of the towels were what he'd describe as piles of flesh, writhing and moaning. His eyes naturally diverted away from the more nauseating displays of coitus towards more humanoid beings, and they happened to settle right onto the fox who was sitting on a folding chair next to an empty white towel.

Zack leaned into his vision, his wings flexing open slightly to block most of the sexual imagery. "You okay?"

"Uhh, yeah."

"You sure? Your cheeks are on red alert."

The man covered his face with his hands. "Oh."

"Do you want to go back?"

"Uhh, no, not if you don't want to."

"But I don't want to do anything you don't want to."

"Umm, no, it's fine."

The dragon let out a small laugh. "We're going to keep on asking in circles, aren't we? Let's just go, then."

"I'll follow you."

The man kept pace behind the dragon, walking slowly but firmly through the largest gaps between the scenes of sex. Anthony kept reminding himself that it was a perfectly natural desire and need, but there was a sharp sense of embarrassment trying to burrow its way to the top of his consciousness.

They reached the fox before he could chicken out. The first thing he noticed was a rather prominent redness lying between his legs.

The fox caught the man's eyes and smirked. "My my, you two made me hard just from watching you walk over here. I knew you'd come sooner rather than later!"

Zack shook his head but bore a grin. "Show a bit of restraint, will you? My friend here is new to public pick-up sex."

The fox got out of his seat and took a step towards Anthony. "Oh? Don't have this sort of thing on your world?"

The human had to force himself to look at the fox's delightfully cute face instead of down there. "N-no," he stammered.

The fox ran a paw along the man's cheeks and down his shoulders. "Anthony, isn't it?"

The man nodded and remembered the fox's name was Ryan. "Y-yeah."

"Don't you worry one bit. I'll take extra good care of you." Ryan eyed Zack without turning his head and gave him a toothy grin. "And you...you seem like you know a thing or two about, mm, ravaging."

The dragon responded with a friendly glare. "Come on now, I said to show a bit of restraint."

"Hah! Then I ask you to sit down and watch me help your friend get accustomed to life beyond his little class-three world."

The dragon accepted and sat down onto the chair. "Be slow. He was reluctant to come."

Ryan pressed his nose against the man's smooth chest and inhaled deeply. "Damn, your smell is strong. Please, don't be scared or anything, you're too lovely to just run away."

Anthony knew it was a bit too late to turn back now, but the way the fox was touching him had cemented his feet for sure. "Erm, I won't."

The fox started bending his knees slowly, letting his delightfully mushy nose glide along the man's belly. Anthony's had a slight muscular build as almost guaranteed from a solitary life in the woods, but he wasn't anything like someone who worked out every day. Still, there were faint crevices outlining where his six-pack would've developed if he had a gym in the woods, and the fox used them to guide his nose down to the human's pubic hair.

Anthony had expected him to pause and say something, but instead the nose went straight around his rapidly hardening cock to his balls. Before he could react, he felt two paws on his butt hold him in place while the nose mashed against his sac and soaked in his scent.

"Oh gods," Ryan said, "your musk is so incredibly sharp compared to a pure Alorkin's. So feral, so hot!"

The fox started licking Anthony's hardened shaft while Zack watched patiently. The dragon's member was also emerging from its slit as he stared at the scene unfolding before him. Anthony was acclimating very well, and his light moans when the fox took his cock into his maw made the dragon forget about the whole hammer and foundation business. Instead, the grey dragon worked his hands on the problem growing between his legs.

Ryan's treatment was incredibly effective, and Anthony had practically forgotten about where he was. The only things that mattered to the human were the pleasure emanating from the warm maw suckling on his loins, the owner of that experienced mouth, and, most importantly, the dragon, who he loved and hoped was having a good time watching him.

Anthony looked at his friend often: the dragon was stroking his jet black cock, and the sight was more than enough to fuel his own need. Before long, his hips were bucking gently into the fox's mouth and his breaths became more laborious.

Ryan was experienced enough with threesomes to not forget about the sexy hunk sitting on his chair. He had sneaked a few glances here and there without losing any concentration on the hot meat inside his mouth, but once he saw the dragon's dark shaft at full mast, he had to shift positions. The human's cock was great, but it was only satisfying one side of him, and he couldn't leave his ass empty when there was such a hot beast to fill it with.

The fox stopped his blowjob and looked up at Anthony. "Come kneel down on the towel," he said, and then he laid himself down on the fuzzy white cloth with his elbows holding himself up.

Anthony did as he was asked and spread himself down on his knees until his cock was back at the canine's mouth level, the sand a soft enough cushion to let him stay in that position for quite a while.

Before the fox resumed sucking him off, however, he swiveled his head towards Zack and lifted his fluffy orange tail. "Hey, why don't you use that thing instead of wasting it on your hands?"

The dragon stopped stroking his cock. "Hah! Where's the lube?"

The fox grinned seductively. "What did you think I was doing while I was waiting? It's already applied in me."

Zack snickered and took his place behind the slutty fox. "Tell me if I go too fast."

"Never! I want you both to go at your own pace. But you must know, I really want you both roasting the hell out of me as soon as possible. Rough and hard." The fox refocused himself on Anthony and stared up at his face. "Don't be shy, I want my throat to feel bruised!"

"Err--" Whatever potential objection Anthony had was silenced by the fox's mouth taking his cock again, the vulpine tongue aggressively swirling around his sensitive member.

The fox didn't skip a beat when he felt the dragon's cock slide easily into him. It grew wider the deeper it went, and the ridges and textures became very noticeable. He felt a scaly texture hold onto his sides, and he helped the dragon go balls deep into him by pushing his ass back a bit.

The dragon was big, but Ryan was used to having big things shoved up his ass. He let out a pleasured moan around the cock in his mouth, purposefully making it loud enough for the dragon to hear.

And hear it he did. Zack knew what that sort of whimpering moaning meant.

Fuck me. Breed me. Mark me.

It wasn't the same as the sounds Anthony made when he was sharing sexual pleasure with him. Zack wasn't exactly sure, or perhaps he didn't want to hear, what they meant, but a few phrases did pop in his head when he heard them.

I need you. I love you. I want to be yours and only yours.

The words, the sounds, and the man they flowed from...they had an effect on him when he was having sex with him. He was always slower, gentler, and he always avoided the act he was so nonchalantly doing with the fox's ass right now.

Zack was afraid of it. He was afraid of the 'L' word. He was scared of fucking Anthony. Because a friendly fuck could so easily turn into making love. Especially with him. Blowjobs were safer.

He had expected a few more centuries of being a carefree bachelor, a loose cannon having fun wherever he could find it. The road to that future was going to hit a split at a crossing sooner now rather than later, and he knew he'd have to give the human an answer before he'd hurt him forever.

The dragon forced himself back into the moment, the here and now. It wasn't Anthony's ass he was pumping into right now. It was a random pick-up, a guy who only expected one thing from him: a good fuck.

He was a good distraction from thinking about how serious he could become with Anthony.

He thrust back into the fox and started fucking him proper, letting the pleasure from the fox's slick rear wash away his fears and doubts. There'd be a time to face them later.

Anthony, meanwhile, let himself flow into the moment and became more enthusiastic as his friend took his place opposite of the experienced fox. Before long, he was happily driving himself into the canine's greedy maw, his balls swinging against his furry chin.

The rhythm went on with the dragon pounding against Ryan's ass, forcing the fox's entire body to bounce forward. When the vulpine was knocked forward, Anthony's thrusts would send him right back against the dragon's hips.

Ryan was in heaven. The fox was moaning around the human's cock, and the dragon shaft impaling him was rubbing in all the right places. He especially loved the scaled texture on its lower side, and each edge of every plate dug right into his love button as they slid back and forth.

The fox could tell what was going to happen with him. He usually couldn't cum without touching himself, but the dragon's unique cock was going to pound a mind-blowing climax out of him.

Even though he could feel a prostate induced orgasm coming, Ryan didn't forget to share in the pleasures of their flesh. His tongue lapped enthusiastically along Anthony's member as it drove in and out of him, his skilled mouth working to bring the exotic human alien closer to the edge. The human was lucky to have such a hot dragon Alorkinoid, the slutty fox thought, and he hoped he'd be able to get their numbers after.

Anthony, meanwhile, was dangerously close to putting together a few fragmented thoughts, but they were scattered easily by the skillful vulpine maw milking his member. Still, the sight of one of his only true friends taking a stranger's ass so easily was unnerving and only forgiven by the fact that there was no deeper emotion in the dragon's motions--the fox was just a horny fucktoy to him.

Did that mean he was more to the dragon? More than an interesting sociology experiment, more than a convenient mouth for when he was horny? Maybe he didn't want to mate their bodies the most intimate way they could because he was afraid of loving him? But that meant he did love him anyway, and he was only running away from that feeling.

The dragon had claimed he wasn't ready for a relationship. Anthony shook his head even as the fox brought him to the verge of orgasm. Zack would be ready when he was ready. Doubt would only make his mind run in circles. For now, there was just--

Ryan drank down the human's rare essence, the delicious white seed flowing in small spurts into his maw. It was rather different from what he was used to, salty and sweet at the same time, and he loved swallowing all of it.

When the tap had run dry, Ryan let go of the human's cock and momentarily stopped meeting Zack's thrusts. "Damn," he said, "I wish you made more of that tasty juice. Come, lie down and let me nuzzle you while your friend finishes up."

Anthony took a deep breath and let his afterglow creep into him. He laid down on his back perpendicular to the fox and released the breath, feeling content spread throughout his body. A warm furry muzzle followed after, the vulpine chin rubbing all over his lightly toned stomach.

The rubbing quickly became more chaotic as the fox dug back against the dragon's tool. He lost control of where his muzzle went, and he let himself be bashed wherever the dragon bucked him towards.

Ryan groaned and moaned as he was stuffed with dragon meat, and then he yelped when he felt a new bump against his ass. It took a few thrusts to clear the confusion, but he knew what it was.

Oh gods! This guy has a fucking knot too!

The fox forced himself back harder. He needed that cock to tie him, and he needed it now. His own knot was fully engorged, and his cock was so close to blowing his load.

Zack felt the canine bump harder against his thrusts, and he knew what the horny devil wanted. He wasn't afraid to give it either: the fox's hole was lubed and definitely experienced enough to take his bulbous base.

A brief image flashed before his eyes, the fox disappearing but the sensation between his legs persisting. He was on the edge of his bed in the RV and having sex with Anthony. The man was laying on his back, his cock flopping against his belly as the dragon humped into him. Their eyes were locked staring at each other, the dragon's brilliant blue pair swimming in the sight of Anthony's earthly brown set.

The dragon's subconscious mind was calling to him. It could be like this, you know. This could be your future. You must admit you've wanted it, haven't you?

What? Love? I do, but not so soon. Not when there's still so much to explore, so much to research, so much to discover.

But you could do it with him, you know. If he really loves you, he'd go to the ends of the universe with you.

I--I don't know.

You know he's been hurt. He's felt loss you've never known. You don't even like your parents that much. You can't understand what he feels, but you know you're the only good thing that's happened to him in a very long time.

What about it?

You know what. You're just trying to avoid it. You want to make him feel happy. You want to shelter him. Why? You hide under excuses.

Go away.

You'll have to figure this out eventually.

But not now.

Fine. But you won't have decades to decide.


Ryan had ignored the fact that the hunky dragon behind him had become sluggish with his thrusts, and the fox had shoved himself back until he bore himself down over the knot, and his balls felt the scaly texture of the dragon's larger pair. The massive bulb popped into him and opened his ass to a level even he wasn't entirely used to, and the fullness in his rear was too much for the horny canine. The fox spurted all over his towel, his creamy seed darkening the white cloth in heavy streaks. His muzzle had found itself digging into Anthony's armpit as he came, the heavy human male musk adding even more fire to his orgasm.

Zack didn't cum as soon as his knot broke through--he was a bit too distracted for that. But now the fox's ass was rippling all around his cock, the well-used tunnel tightening as its owner stained the beach towel beneath them, and there were very few things that could've driven the dragon's attention away.

The grey dragon initially didn't really feel those tight fleshy lips clamp down on his knot, but he sure as hell could feel the walls around his cock tighten and flex now. He could only hold on for just a few seconds before he roared and came, his cock pulsing and spilling his seed into the fox who had probably had many loads soaked in there before.

Zack's tail thrashed into the sand as he stuffed the fox's insides with fresh cum. Ryan's ass was relentless and kept milking his erupting cock until it was sure it had drained all it could from the dragon, its muscles squeezing and vibrating to suckle out every last drop of dragon seed.

Just as his balls were about empty, Zack felt the fox collapse into a heap. He was dragged down too, his knot taking him wherever the fox's tailhole was going, and he let himself drop down on top of the canine.

For a long time, there was only the sound of heavy breathing. The three bodies lifted and dropped visibly with each others breaths until they settled back to a comfortable idle rate, but they still stayed silent for a while longer, no one wanting to break the moment.

Ryan was the first to speak. "Damn."

"Yeah," Zack said.

Anthony gave them a little grunt.

The fox brushed his furry head lightly around the human's smooth chest, his big ears occasionally twitching. "You guys are hot. Damn hot. I need your numbers."

The dragon gave his hips an experimental tug to guess how locked he was with the fox. The vulpine ass was lubed with something expensive, and he figured he could've plopped his cock out without too much effort if he wanted to. "Sure," he said. "I can send it to your mobile implant later."

Ryan purred delightfully. "Good...gods you feel so great inside me..."

Zack let out a light chuckle. "Thanks."

The fox rubbed his snout a little more vigorously on Anthony's body. "And you're so silky smooth," he said. "I could lie against you all day."

Anthony patted a friendly hand over the fox's fuzzy head. "Mm."

The man could feel the fox's mouth curl into a grin. "Up for round two?" Ryan asked.

Zack pulled his cock out of the well-used canine. "You're a horny devil," he said teasingly. "I'm up for it."

The fox lifted his head and winked at Anthony. "How about you, hot stuff?"

Anthony scratched his head. "Umm, wow, err, maybe a break first?"

Ryan rubbed one of the human's nipples sensually with the tip of his furry finger. "Sure thing, hon. You can add your essence to your friend's next!"

Anthony didn't move his head, but he did point his eyes towards Zack's blue pair. They, without having to say it, mutually agreed that the fox was one damn horny slut.

Not that it was a problem or anything. Even Anthony would later admit that he had fun on Nakira Prime, and they'd visit Ryan occasionally whenever they passed by the planet's star system.


_Omnimart_ _ _ Anthony stood absolutely bewildered by the planet-sized superstore. It had begun with the parking lot. Spindles of metal arms and tubes extended out from the planet sized superstore, the docking and transportation railways spread...

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_Dominion_ _ _ Cairn took another sip of his sweet wine as he watched the hunky dragon sitting several chairs away reject another potential lay. The suitors were all smaller than he was, and they all had the scrawny submissive look. Most of them...

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A New Day

_A New Day_ So here I am, wandering the universe with a humanoid dragon. Actually, the fact that he was humanoid or a dragon didn't seem so weird now. Nature, as Zack had explained to me, is actually pretty lazy. The vast majority of sentient life in...

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