three days part 6

Story by decemberchrome on SoFurry

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this is part 6 i may not up load some more for some time but i hoped you like this and i hope you will be excited for part 7

the guys and master splinter quickly help me and and take me to a room and did all they could to help and 9 hours later i wake up and i barely could raise my body i seen Donnie sitting over at the other side reading a book.

(December) "mmph Donnie where is everybody?"

(Donnie) "December rest and there out getting the tree."

(December) "why didn't you go with them?"

(Donnie) "lets just say that i told them i would stay here to make sure that you will be ok and safe and i told them i would tend to your injuries."

(December) "* i feel one of my stab wounds and feel in great pain that it still hasn't healed* shit, that hurts.... hummmm the way you said that makes it sound like you have a crush on me."

(Donnie) "....... December *he looks at me* i don't know why but ever since you came here i have had feelings for you * he comes over to me and sits next to me* but i haven't told you because i thought you would be upset about it."

(December) "i can tell you right now i'm not upset about it."

(Donnie) "you're not."

(December) "no i'm not so don't worry *kisses Donnie on the lips*."

he blushed and kissed me back his hands slowly came up my body and he placed them on my cheek as we kiss more. we pulled back Donnie still blushing he smiled shyly and hugged me tight and just hanged onto me for a while until we heard the guys. so he quickly backed away and read his book and i laid back down when the guys out up the tree they walked into the dojo which is where i was and so was Donnie.

(Leo) "December"

(December) "yes"

(Leo) "oh good you ok we thought that you wouldn't make it.

(December) "same here, i wonder why i'm not healing as fast as i should by now i would be on my feet walking around enjoying life but yes here i am still hurt like shit."

(Leo) "well since you're not healing right just rest December until you are able to move back around."

(December) "i will don't worry guessing since yall got the tree i'm sure y'all want to go decorate it so go on and do that i'll just rest here."

(Leo) "alright December, cmon guys lets go."

one by one they all walk out and go decorate the leaving me in the dojo to rest. i lay there and and look up and just think on how am i going to get the alcohol made i closed my eyes and i focused on my wounds. a few minutes later i get and and unwrap my body and not a single cut or scar i put my robbing back on and seen that master splinter sowed it again so i walk out and head to the kitchen and i grab all the ingredients and i start to combine them to make some strong alcohol in the process i put it in a trash bag and i put a towel in a box and i put the trash bag in the box and aired out the bad then tied it and i too the book out of there and i placed it far from where they live so the smell does not get to the guys so they don't know. i head back and sit on the couch and watch them, them not even noting that i'm better.

(December) "HELLO guys hehehehe"

(Mikey) "what the *falls off a small latter*"

(Donnie) "December you ok *he smiles and blushes a deep red*"

(Leo) "wow you head pretty fast i mean you were just so banged up a few minutes ago and now you're walking around wow just wow"

(December) "like i said i'm a fast healer, i just thought i was going to die because well there was a stab wound going through one of my lungs and one through my heart but hey im still here huh so i'm happy."

(Raph) "shit man you should have seen you self you were wet and bloody as hell it took a long while to get your blood off the floor."

(December) "hahaha very funny Raph."

(Raph) "hey hey just saying no need to get all butt hurt."

(December) "hey don't talk to me about being but hurt *grins and walks out of the room and into the dojo."

(Raph) "shut the hell up!"

i sit in the dojo meditating for hours then i felt someone sit behind me and wrap their arms around me so i held there hands as they nuzzled me i opened my eyes and look and seen that it was Donnie with a cute little smile on his face.

(December) "*low voice* well hello Donnie how have you been?"

(Donnie) "lonely since i couldn't be with you."

(December) "that's cute *kisses him on the lips*

(Donnie) " i will always be cute for you *he smiles*"

(December) "so i'm guessing the others are sleeping huh."

(Donnie) "yes they are but i still don't have much time so could we have sometime to ourselves."

(December) "as you wish *i turn around and kiss him*"

(Donnie) "mmm i love how your lips taste icon_redface.gif"

(December) "hehe i know you love them."

(Raph) "cmon Donnie your patrolling with me this time."

(Donnie) "alright Raph *he gets up and hurries to Raph and leaves*"

(December) "so much for some alone time,....may be i could go check on Mayuri and see how the weapons are coming hopefully there done."

i get up and head to Donnie room and i get on his computer and see he had put up a whole new system in it so a whole new way of hacking to get involved. so i put the headphones on and i started to hack it and about two minutes later i was through it and i quickly hack back onto the 14 court guard squads secret cameras and i appear once more on the screen and i see Mayuri looking at the screen.

(Mayuri) "oh my what do you want now."

(December) " i wanted to see how the weapons are coming."

(Mayuri) "there done if that is what you're asking."

(December) "show me then."

(Mayuri) "*he has someone bring them and shows them to me* see all done and made with the finest material gold,and so on and so forth there quite strong and durable."

(December) "good now do you think you can bring them to me?"

(Mayuri) " well i guess i can but you have to be there and ready to take them i will not wait and waist my time i have other things to do."

(December) "good see you tomorrow and i will be waiting all night there so dont take to long."

(Mayuri) "you better be."

i quickly get off the computer and make it look like i wasn't there and i leave the room and head to the dojo and see Leo in there. i sneak past the dojo and head out once i get out of where they live i run as fast as i can and then i get to the point where i can leave. i climb the ladder and sneak out and i start running to the building and once i get there i vanish and appear on top of the roof and i sit and wait for him.

i sit there for hours waiting, the sun started to rise and i still haven't seen him i wonder how long it will be till he gets here.

(December) "*sighs* when will he fucking get here."

(Mayuri) " my my well if you acting like that may be you don't deserve them."

(December) "Mayuri sorry i just got a little impatient please just give them to me."

(Mayuri) " fine but don't ask for anything from me in a long time *he tosses the bag they are in to me*"

(December) "*i catch them* thank you i really needed them."

(Mayuri) "it was nothing but i must return no and go back to my studies."

(December) " alright i'll see you later *vanishes and appears in the sewers* finally i have them."

i quickly run to where i have the alcohol and once i get there i lay the bag down and i lift the sheet that was over the pulpit and seen that it ain't there no more.

(December) "i guess it dematerialized."

i walk back to where the guys are and i hop on to the couch and relax as much as i can and i slowly drift asleep. days later i wake up and see that i'm on the dojo, i get up and walk into the main room and see that it is more decorated than the last i seen it. i look around and i see the guys sitting on the couch wearing Christmas hats.

(December) "*rubs my head* so it's Christmas eve i'm guessing

(Raph) "hey December about time you got up."

(Leo) "yeah we thought you would never get up."

(December) "yes you don't have to worry about me so are you guys going to have a party to night."

(Leo) " yes we are it's going to be a blast."

(December) "i bet it will."

i walk out of the dojo and i head out and i go deep into the sewer and pick up the box and i head back to where they live and i go to the kitchen and i open it and a strong scent of alcohol spreads through the room. i then pull out the trash bag and i pour it into a large jug with a drainer on top of it then i take the drainer off and i put the non-fluid stuff back in the trash and throw it away and i leave the jug on the counter for later and walk to the guys.

(December) "ok guys you're probably wondering what that smell is, that's homemade alcohol and that stuff is pretty good so save it for...... what time is it?"

(Raph) "an hour before the party so i would recommend getting ready for the party."

(December) "ok yea."

i walk out of there and into the dojo and i feel a little sick and i collapsed on the floor and pass out. i wake up in the head captains headquarters with him in front of me.

(head captain) "December you have traveled to a new place in search of hallows. but it is time for you to go back to where you were."

(December) "but head captain."

(head captain) "do not question my orders hurry up and head back ."

(December) "yes head captain."

i wake back up in the dojo and i quickly get up and walk out of the dojo and i see that they guys want in there but in their rooms getting ready. so i head out and go the their weapons and i grab the bag and i grab it and head back and once i do i take it to the dojo and i lay the weapons out and i find a piece of paper and pin and i write down a note them explaining why these are here but not why i'm leaving. after i write it ii stand and i make sure i have everything and i head out, once i get to the above ground i start to walk back the snow falling something that i seemed to enjoy as i keep walking i have little flashback of the first few days i was with them.

i kept walking day and night tell i get back and with a bit of relief being back i head to the house i was staying and i walk in and look around and seen that nothing has changed. i walk to the bed and i plop onto it and i get comfortable and fall asleep on the bed, hours later i wake up and take my robbing off and i head to the shower and i turn on the shower and slowly got in and took a shower. as i stood there the warm water hitting me i look at the wall wondering what the guys are doing. after a few minutes i get out of the shower and i walk to the living room butt naked then i hear a little ringing coming from the bedroom i quickly walk in there the sound has gotten louder but i don't see it anywhere. i looked closely and seen my robbing had a little glowing spot on it. i picked it up and reached in the pocket and pulled out a little phone.

(December) "well i guess they gave me my Christmas present humm * looks at the screen* i have text from them *looks through them* damn there distort about me leaving especially Donnie *puts the phone on the bed and puts my robbing on* life is life guys get used to it."

i walk around the house in soul reaper form wondering what to do once again. so i sit on the couch and turn on the TV and watch the news and see nothing is really happening,then i turn it to the discovery channel and seen that nothing good was on so i got up and went to in to the kitchen and started to cook to keep myself busy. i cook up some eggs,steak,bacon then i put it on a plate and sit at the table with it and eat thinking of the guys but slowly my mind fades them away and then i remember the other world.

(december) "ohh yea i remember i need to find that place but i have no leads on how to find it, well i have nothing to do so maybe i'll find it today and then i can explore it and figure out who throws figures were."

i finish eating and i head outside with my sword to my side and i walk in to the woods. i walk around just looking for that tree so i could find that cave and just explore.

three days part 5

(December) "sup Mikey." (Mikey) "hey December." (December) "so whats up." (Mikey) "just taking a shower.... i have noticed something and it is getting me suspish." (December) "like what?" (Mikey) "i think Raph and Leo are going to play a prank on...

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three days part 4

we sit there and watch the movie but after the movie Donnie and Mikey went to there rooms leaving me,Leo and Raph in there as the credit played. (December) "i seen that guys and that was adorable" (Leo and Raph) "what \*they blush\*" ...

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three days part 3

(December) "hey watch out on how you eat it or your going have a belly full of pain \*i walk back into the kitchen and grab another bowl and a glass of sweetened water\*" i walk to master splinters room and walk in and lay the food in front of him and...

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