three days part 5

Story by decemberchrome on SoFurry

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this is part 5 of three days i hope you like it and there will be more soon and also tell mt what you think blow. also be at least 14 or 15 if you are reading this please and thank you

(December) "sup Mikey."

(Mikey) "hey December."

(December) "so whats up."

(Mikey) "just taking a shower.... i have noticed something and it is getting me suspish."

(December) "like what?"

(Mikey) "i think Raph and Leo are going to play a prank on me."

(December) " is that so."

(Mikey) "yes i mean they are acting different, i don't like it."

(December) "i see."

(Mikey) "its true they have been acting different i do believe that they will but when they do ill get them back."

(December) "ok Mikey i see where you're coming from but don't worry yourself like that it is not good for you."

(Mikey) " ok i wont but i swear if they do."

(December) "i get it Mikey and im done taking a shower now so ill see ya later."

(Mikey) "alright talk to ya later man."

i walk and grab a towel and dry off and put on my robbing and i seen that there was the black top of my robbing so i put it all on and i see not a single hole on any part of my robbing. i walk out finally fully clothed and i walk to the couch and look at the blank screen of the tv then i see master splinter sit next to me.

(splinter) " i see you found the rest of your robbing."

(December) " yes and there is not a single hole did you sew it back together in the places that it deeded it?"

(splinter) "yes i did actually it gave me something to do then meditate."

(December) "well thank you i feel much comfortable now."

(splinter) "You're welcome and that is good."

(December) "so i have something planned for Christmas."

(splinter) "is that so you only have a week."

(December) "don't worry."

(splinter) " ok December but me and the boys are going out to get a tree you can join us if you want."

(December) "i would love to go."

(splinter) "very well, i'll be retiring to my room now."

(December) "ok master splinter i mean father."

(splinter) "heh good night my son"

as he walks out i smile and walk to the kitchen and do a quick survey of everything in the kitchen looking for candy,yeast,fruit,juice and a lot of other stuff to make alcohol out of them some food.

(December) "yea this place need to be stocked ehh i guess i can do that too hehe."

i grab a little note pad and i write down everything i'm going to need and i put it in my pocket and i feel something round i pick it and hold it up and see that it is a seed like pill that brings me to a physical and visible form to the ones that can't see me. i put it back and save it tell later knowing that i don't need to do that yet but i will have to soon. i walk to the dojo and get in the same corner and quickly fall asleep. and the next day i wake up and hear.

(Donnie) "December was you in my room last night."

(December)"*rubs my head* no i was in Raphs me and him were listening to music and then i went and took a shower seen that master splinter sow up the hole in my robbing and then i fell asleep in here."

(Donnie) "good i don't appreciate it when my computer gets missed with i have private stuff on there."

(December) " icon_biggrin.gif what porn haha."

(Donnie) "*blushes and walks away with a slight chuckle*"

(December) "i see that you're the first one in here i guess the others are eating still huh."

(Donnie) "yes they are."

(December) "weird normally i am up pretty early."

(Donnie) "well it is 7:34 in in the morning."

(December) "still i'm up a lot earlier where i'm from i woke up at 5 in the morning at least but i guess that is too early for a place like this."

(Donnie) "well that is pretty early."

(December) "yea i guess, i'm gonna go get some food i'm starving."

(Donnie) "ok see ya in a few."

i walk out of the dojo and head to the kitchen and see Leo having some tea and Raph reading the newspaper and eating some cereal and Mikey eating cereal. i walk to the counter and grab banana and i take the peeling off and start to eat looking at everybody just relaxing.

(December) " so what are we gonna go get a tree."

(Leo) "some time later tonight maybe around 10:00 pm."

(December) "alright sounds good ill be sure to be prepared."

(Leo) "all right you better be *gets up and heads to the dojo*"

(December) "uhhhhhhh what's wrong with Leo?"

(Mikey) " idk man i guess he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

(December) "Raph do you know what's wrong with him?"

(Raph) ".........."

(Mikey) "ahhhh i see that got in a fight that explains it all,i'm gonna go to the dojo see yall later *walks to the dojo."

(December) "*sits in a chair* Raph i want you to tell me what happened."

(Raph) "that is none of your business December just fucking back off *gets up and walks into the dojo*"

(December) " well now if he was in the 14 court guard squad that would have gotten him in some hella trouble."

i look around and decide to go get the ingredients and i stand up and head outside. i can feel the cool breeze blow against my fur i reach in my pocket and pull the soul candy and pop it in my my mouth and swallow it, the next thing i knew i felt like i was fully alive. knowing that i have taken this and as long as it in me i know that i am not able to use my normal powers so i just walked to the store. once i was in there i walked through all the nails and get all the ingredients and buy them and leave,

once i got back to the sewers i head back to where i was staying with the turtles and splinter and i put all the grocery on a cabinet and put them up and keep some certain ingredients and then hide them. i head to the dojo and look in there and see everyone training Leo and Raph having the i'm pissed off look on there face so i just head back to the kitchen and cough of the soul candy and i split from the body and i put the candy in my pocket and i look the the lifeless body that i use then i have the card in my body.

(December) "what do i do about this *puts my paw on my head and sit on the counter?"

i look at the puppet like body and wander what i should do with it because i know this will freak them out. i pick up the puppet like body and i walk out of there and head further into the sewer and find a little blanket and i lay the poppet down and cover him. i quickly head back and i see the guys in the kitchen going around it looking at all the stuff i got.

(Mikey) "man where did all this food come from man this is awesome?"

(Leo) " this is quit an offer considering that Christmas if in like 6 days."

(Donnie) " man this had to of cost some major money i mean look see these berries there way out of season."

(Raph) "*drools a little over some cereal that he loves* wh-what."

(December) " you're welcome guys."

(Mikey) "awww man you got this stuff *runs and pounces on me and takes me to the ground along with the others.*"

(December) "ahhh hahaha very funny guys."

(Mikey) "how did you get all of this?"

(December) "i had some money and i decided to go get some stuff."

(Leo) " thank you December."

i quickly escape from under them and sit on the couch and lay back relaxing when Donnie and Mikey say they are going to the junkyard to look for suppliers. Raph and Leo sit in the came chair and leo sit on ralph's lap making raph blush a lot in pure happiness.

(December) "hehe that's pretty cute guys so once again i'm going to ask, when are you going to come out to them."

(Leo) "* gets up and sits in another chair and looks at me* we will tell them when the time is right."

(splinter) "tell who what Leo."

(Leo) "father!!!"

(splinter) "well my son."

(Raph) "well you see-."

(Leo) "Raph i'll tell him, dad Raph and i are in a relationship and nothing can or will make me feel any different about him so you,or anyone will make my leave him."

(splinter) "hummmmmmmm..........."

(Raph) "*whispers* shit hes going to fucking kill us."

(splinter) "ok i don't mind that you two love etcher and Raph i'm glad you was able to attach yourself to someone that can better for you,and i hope to see you two show off yalls live at our little Christmas party."

(Leo) "uhhhhh we will try i guess dad."

(splinter) "so you knew of this December."

(December) " yes i did but i was not going to tell no matter what."

suddenly i felt a strong power coming and i quickly got up and ran out of the door and ran. when i got out of the sewer i could see it floating above the city i quickly vanished and appeared up there and i grabbed a horn that is on the hollow and i spined around and threw him far and over to the ocean and i pulled out my sword and appeared there and i look at the hollow seeing it had more trying to come off of it. i ran over to it and started to cut the extra heads off it and i tried to slash it mask like face but i end up getting his and thrown into the water. the force of the impact of the water cut up both of my arms due to the sudden impact, i quickly get out of the water and i run to it again and i slashed and right when i touched it i was stabbed with a spike that launched out at me.

i stood in the air with a stab wound and i started to get light headed but i would not let myself fant no matter what. i quickly ran and got stabbed again with two one going through my left lung and the other one going through my heart, once they retracted i feel to my knees the blood flowing out of me and into the water blow i got up and a raised my sword.

(December) " bankai cadano and kuna."

whip like beams of light and dark grabbed the hollow and and tightened around it and strangled it and it disintegrated a sign showing that it has died. i headed back to the sewer and i got under still bleeding wondering why i haven't healed yet i kept walking and headed in to there they guys are blood still pouring and then i realized that i have been stabbed in two of the main things that i need to live. i walk over them then i collapsed in front of them my blood spreading all over the floor.

three days part 6

the guys and master splinter quickly help me and and take me to a room and did all they could to help and 9 hours later i wake up and i barely could raise my body i seen Donnie sitting over at the other side reading a book. (December) "mmph...

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three days part 4

we sit there and watch the movie but after the movie Donnie and Mikey went to there rooms leaving me,Leo and Raph in there as the credit played. (December) "i seen that guys and that was adorable" (Leo and Raph) "what \*they blush\*" ...

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three days part 3

(December) "hey watch out on how you eat it or your going have a belly full of pain \*i walk back into the kitchen and grab another bowl and a glass of sweetened water\*" i walk to master splinters room and walk in and lay the food in front of him and...

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