[COMMISSION FOR Inforiel] Close Encounters

Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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#16 of Commission Stories

Contains: Giant space kitties, tiny little humans, taunting, insertion

Summary: Space faring earthlings on a quest for peace run into a crew that's not so peaceful.

A commission for Inforiel

I had some fun doing it! Would have liked to finish it before Vegas but that's just the way it goes.

It was around the year 2153. Human kind had advanced their technology far enough to be capable of adequate space travel. No longer were they restricted to their own galaxy. They could branch out further to other clusters, other galaxies; they could observe other planets and discover other life forms.

The latter goal was the duty of the Peacemaker; a fast and efficient space worthy vessel, manned by a team of ten. Most important of the ten was the captain, David Khan; who was not only tasked with being the captain of the ship, but also the ambassador to speak on behalf of human kind. Khan and his crew were tasked to seek out other life forms and determine if they were hostile or friendly. Regardless of the former or latter, Khan's job was to live up to the ship's namesake, to form peace between the two species or at the very least, a truce. In the likely event that things don't go as planned, the ship (and its crew) were well equipped to defend themselves if need be.

It was once again the Peacemaker set out in the name of peace and exploration in the name of human kind; a new journey and a new mission. What awaits the crew this time around?


"Captain's log. The 25th day of May on the Earth calendar. The Peacemaker has arrived to the Xianshi Cluster fully intact with no incident. Within this cluster we expect to find the Tau race's home planet in hopes to negotiate peace. This should be a non-issue, as reports have stated they were a peaceful race. That is all for now. Out."

The captain sighed contently, hitting a button on his console to deactivate his voice log and slumped back onto his seat. He stared blankly at the main screen that projected what was in front of the ship; the open emptiness of space. Nothing but stars, planets and planetoids to look at; a welcome tranquility compared to the madness of everyday life on Earth. It should all be an easy and simple mission.

Well it should have been.

"Captain, I'm picking up some odd readings," said a young, blonde haired woman. Her eyes darted back and forth from behind the frames of her glasses as she studied her monitor.

"What kind of readings, Navigator?" asked the captain in response.

"It's big...r-really big. Huge! Massive! It's coming out of a space jump! We should be able to see it..." She slowly trailed off as she looked up from her screen to the observation window, "....soon."

"What IS that?" yelled out another crewmate.

"It's a ship..." replied the Navigator.

"That's a ship?" asked the Captain, "It's the size of a planet! What kind of crew could be on that thing?"

"Billions easily. That ship is bigger than Earth," said the ship's Scientist.

All eyes were on the unfathomably large dreadnaught that appeared before them. To remark on all the immediate details would have taken hours, but two things were for certain: it was massive beyond belief, and it packed enough firepower to overthrow an entire planet.

"Do we know who that ship belongs to? Or...what it belongs to?" questioned the Captain.

"If I knew, I would have told you. No ship name, no idea who built it, no idea who mans it, nothing," the Scientist said with a rather sharp tone.

"What are we going to do captain?" asked the panicking Navigator, her fingers furiously tapping away at her console.

"Is it possible we haven't been noticed yet?" asked the Captain, "Perhaps the size difference can work to our advantage."

"It might be possible...we might even be able to initiate a jump," replied the Navigator, still furiously tapping away at her console, swiping from screen to screen; trying her hardest to figure out a solution. "Maybe...we could try that...if only..." she muttered.

"Well?" queried Khan.

"I...uh...give me a few seconds!" She replied with her cheeks aflush with nervousness.

"It doesn't matter!" yelled out another crew member, "They've already got a lock on us!"

The Captain's eyes widened at this sudden development. It was as if the knife had stabbed right through the tension of the situation and into his stomach, "They're...they're going to open fire?!"

"It doesn't seem like it...maybe it's a scan? Or maybe...whoah!" The Navigator was interrupted and thrown from her console as the ship suddenly shook with a violent tremor.

As if a giant baby had snatched the vessel and mistook it for a rattle, the crew members were jostled about the bridge as a bright light enveloped the earthling ship. The crew was too busy trying to hang on for dear life to notice they were caught in the bigger ship's tractor beam; being harshly pulled into the larger vessel for what seemed to be their capture.


"Is everyone alright?" asked the Captain in the wake of the event, pulling himself up from off the floor.

"Sure, a broken behind is nothing a little more bionic surgery can't fix," snorted the Scientist who was helping other crew members to their feet.

"I...I think so," grumbled the Navigator, adjusting her glasses and quickly resumed her place at her console to try and determined where the crew was.

"Are you picking up anything? I'm not getting much by looking outside...just some kind of black wall," said the Captain.

The Navigator shook her head slowly. "Mm...nothing, nothing at all. Everything seems to be blocked by a weird signal, including communications.

"There hasn't been word for us to come out either. They're probably waiting on us to come out," explained the Scientist.

Upon hearing those words, the Captain perked up, "Which means we have a chance to make this a peaceful encounter!" He said while clapping his hands together, "Alright let's suit up. I'll take the Navigator and Scientist with me. The rest of you will be on standby and be prepared for any hostility."

"Sir!" the entire crew replied.

The trio quickly suited up in their sleek, snug fitting spacesuits, complete with protective headgear and small, but long lasting, oxygen tanks. They were made to deal with harsh atmospheric conditions that humans couldn't handle, and the Captain didn't want to take a chance an unknown ship.

The group waited anxiously for the automated air pressure control system to finish as they stood before the bay doors, each wondering what to expect. What kind of aliens would they meet? Would they be greeted with weapons pointed in their face? Have they actually been captured? Their questions would quickly be answered as the doors opened and the walkway lowered itself to the ground. With a deep breath, the Captain led the team down the ramp; Earthling boots making first contact upon alien ship material.

"HOLY HELL!" yelled the scientist.

The three could not believe what they saw once they exited the ship. Standing far above them, absolutely looming over them were two, golden furred creatures...anthropomorphic lionesses to be exact, humanoid in body type, but that's where the similarities ended. Huge was certainly the main word to describe them; one could have easily crushed the ship into a heap with her hands alone. The two sported very particular space suits; the feline directly in front sporting a black colored suit and the one to her right sporting a light blue. Both suits showcased a particular set of symbols around their shoulders and along the shape of their left breasts; a symbol of rank it seemed. The one in black had more impressive symbols than the one in blue, allowing for the safe assumption that the one in black was of greater importance.

The suits left their heads exposed, but hid the rest of their forms beneath that strange, unknown fabric. Save for what was on their heads and faces, no other trace of fur could be seen, but did very little to hide the gorgeous shape of their bodies; the suits seeming more like a second layer of flesh if anything else. The material was certainly snug around their shoulders and served well to show explicit detail of their bosom, yet the nipples were oddly hidden beneath the smoothed out surface. Did they manage to sneak in a bra under there? Or maybe they lacked nipples? The only way to know was to intimately find out.

From their low vantage point, the trio had to agree the view was impressive. An incredible view of those mountainous breasts hovering overhead (and almost threatening to smash them into bits and a nice showing of the creatures' well maintained abs. Even their belly buttons were on display as a testament to how tight those strange suits were; and downward still to showcase a nice set of hips and smooth thighs.

The situation was dire however, it was nice to ogle, but it was hard to forget the terrifying threat of giant predatory creatures looming over you. The one in black's eyes dug deep, her eyes sharp as they were green. The one in blue however, had a more curious look; observing the group and their ship more so than anything else.

They all seemed to stare back at each other for what felt like an eternity, until the one in black decided to speak.


Her voice was heavy and powerful like thunder; almost shaking the very air around the Earthling group, but her words were unintelligible. She spoke a language that couldn't be understood. Luckily the one in blue noticed the confusion on the team's faces and leaned over to whisper something to her assumed superior.

The one in black rolled her eyes and sighed in sheer annoyance, looking down to the three and parting her lips to speak once again, "You puny things at least speak basic, do you not?" Her voice was still mighty, but her accent was quite appealing with such sultry and exotic tones.

"Y-yes!" The Earthling Captain finally spoke up, "And such a relief, I was afraid we wouldn't be able to communicate easily."

"Good. I am providing you with a few moments to explain who you are, where you are from, and what you are doing in my sector," the lioness replied with a tone that fit her demeanor.

The Navigator took a step forward from the Captain's side, "YOUR sector? But the nearest planet belongs to the Ta--"

Before she could finish, the lioness' hand slammed down right in front of her; the sheer impact blasting the three clear off their feet and onto their backs. "I did not ask you and you do not speak unless spoken to. I need not a single weapon to crush you like the insect you resemble, understand? This is your only warning."

It took all of the Navigator's willpower and more to keep from pissing herself after that display. To see something so huge maneuver that quickly was terrifying to say the least. It defied almost everything the Scientist had learned about physics. The comparison was made clear; like ants and flies were to humans, they were now the same toward these giantesses. The point was made even clearer just by a simple glance around from where they stood; watching others of the same species and size go about their business.

"Shall we try this again?" asked the giantess, followed by a low growl.

The Captain laughed nervously as he stood back to his feet, "You'll have to forgive us. The situation is very tense and conflicts with our data and--"

"I said you only have a FEW moments to explain," interrupted the lioness.

"Ah right. I'm Captain Khan of the SS Peacemaker from The Planet Earth. We're on a mission to create and promote peace between us Earthlings and other species. We arrived in this sector to meet with the Taus...and now here we are. You'll have to forgive us, we didn't expect such creatures of your magnitude," the good captain explained, "But this presents a good opportunity, we could discuss peace between your kind and my own."

Narrowing her eyes, the lioness bent down slightly and leaned in closer to the three with a low growl; her rumblings causing the very air to vibrate around them, "I don't have to forgive anything," she said in a low whisper, and then suddenly her expression started to change. Her eyes widened and her lips pulled back to reveal a sharp set of pearly white teeth; each tooth as big as a large door, "but I do find your little diplomacy quest to be quite adorable."

"Oh good!" exclaimed Khan, "Then does that mean you're open to such discussion?"

"There is something you need to learn about my kind," the lioness said while standing back up straight, "We do not do diplomacy." She raised a fist and grinned, "Take a look around you, take a look at my ship. Diplomacy is not how we do things," She slammed her hands down on the surface the humans stood upon, bowling them over once again, "Such things are for weaklings who no longer have the means or the will to fight. The Taus learned of us the hard way."

Khan couldn't find the words to respond with, and even if he could, fear had gripped his throat far too tightly to allow him to speak. He was trained and prepared for hostile situations...but that was intended for species around his size. The available ordinance might be able to deal with one, and that was a big if, there was no way they could deal with a ship that could house millions of humans full of these giants.

The lioness grinned once again, eyeing her prey with a self-empowering predatory gaze of dominance. She had them right where she wanted them, and they both knew it. "I can tell by your silence and scent of defeat that you understand the situation you're in. However, I am a fair woman. I shall present a challenge to you, puny captain."

Fingers easily able to wrap around the truck of a tree and crush it came to rest against the giantess' stomach, then slowly slid upwards along the exotic fabric and stopped where the suit ended at her neck. She pinched the neckline and started to pull down; the suit starting to peel away down the middle as if there were an invisible zipper. Without a single care she was steadily exposing herself to the tiny earthlings; her fuzzy breasts bouncing freely after being released by the suit's embrace, and further down she peeled, revealing her lighter colored fur down the middle of her body. She continued her removing decent, only stopping after her sex was full exposed and presented in front of her prey.

There was a pussy's pussy joke that would have been fine to crack if not for the severity of the situation, even the stripping of a creature that crush you like an insect or devour you as if you were some bite sized treat had its own value of terror; watching something so huge move so fluidly was an experience to say the least. She brought one leg up onto the table, then pulled herself up and brought along the other before resting on her knees with her legs curled underneath her with her thighs spread, exposing her goods to all before her.

To accompany the human's terror was a mix of confusion and surprise. The group of three and the spectators from the Earth vessel didn't know what to think of the giantess' action. What challenge could have involved this woman to readily pose for a porn magazine spread?

"A fairly simple challenge, my little Captain. If you manage to satisfy me, I may show mercy. I might even let you and your puny kind carry on with your silly quest depending on your performance," spoke the lioness as she reached out with one massive hand to snatch Khan up in her clutches, "All you need to do is prove you can handle me. Only then will I consider you of worth."

She quickly made it clear that he had no say in the matter as she pressed his suited body against one of her breasts; pushing him nice and firm against an exposed pink and pert nipple. He felt her body quake as she shivered with pleasure, sighing contently while she dragged him down the expanse of her torso until Khan made alien contact with her awaiting sex.

With a simple titter, she held him against herself while using her spare hand to pull her suit back up; slipping off the table as she did so. She stood up straight among the rest with her suit in her former state and her hands on her hips; the only difference was a squirming, human-shaped lump in between her thighs.

"Mmmph...well well, he sure has some life in him, doesn't he?" purred the lioness, still doing well to keep professional composure while tingles of pleasure shot through her massive form, "As for the rest of you, I'm leaving an open communication line for you to contact your home planet to inform them that you are my prisoners and I will soon take your planet for my kind. Your leaders can fight back if they wish, I'd be glad to crush them."

"But wait!" piped the Navigator, "The challenge isn't over yet!"

"You are naïve as you are pathetic," replied the lioness, bringing two fingers down to her groin to press against her little captain within, "but your faith in your Captain is admirable. You see he won't make it through the challenge. He may be able to satisfy me, but he isn't worthy. No insect can dominate me, but he may have his uses, even if it's a one time use," she said with a chuckle to herself, "Now use the time I gave you wisely. You can call for help if you like, how you decide your end is up to you. I also don't recommend trying to escape, even if you managed to escape being crushed with your ship into a heap, you'd be blasted into oblivion the moment you reach open space."

The Navigator began to speak again, but the lioness simply turned her back and looked over to her companion, "#&@*$%*%$&*)#&*(@&*!(*@($#*&(%" she said in a commanding tone before walking off, leaving the Earthlings to her crewmate.


The lioness wasted no time slipping out of her suit and into her bed upon reaching her quarters, continuing to mercilessly grind the little squirming human against her hungry sex. Even through his space suit he could feel the intense heat of the sex, he couldn't imagine how much worse the experience would be without it, but in the grand scheme of things, the heat was the least of his worries.

"Mmm that's right, fight with everything you have Earthling, unnf!" She moaned loudly, arching her back while forcefully shoving Khan deep into her depths. She bucked her hips and pressed her inner sex down around the human, feeling him struggle against the tightening walls. "Aaaah! Yes!" She cried out into her room, curling her toes and balling her hands into tight fists.

The lioness' pleasure was equal to Khan's suffering, who was unsure of how longer he could last. Each contraction squeezed the life out of him, the heat was becoming unbearable, and the lioness' juices were filling up all around him. His oxygen tank was crushed, his helmet was cracking around his head, his will to fight was leaving him, and his consciousness was fleeting. It was a grateful thing to have passed out before he was finished by his captor's powerful vagina; that final contraction doing him in by crushing him in its relentless grip as the lioness climaxed.

There was nothing left of the good captain as his remains went along with the giantess' juices, something that was simply cleaned up and thrown away.

The feline basked in the afterglow, purring contently to herself, "Guess you Earthlings are useful after all...I'll be looking forward to conquering your little planet."

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