[COMMISSION For MeisterLi] It's Not A Dream This Time, Bou!

Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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#2 of Commission Stories

Contains: F/m, growth, destruction, sex, transformation (goo/slime)

And so another commission from one MeisterLi done.

For an overview. This one stars once again my vaporeon character Misao and meisterli meisterli 's character Bou the squirrel. Based off an RP setting where the two are training to become superheroes!

Now previously, Misao would reject Bou's advances, but he finally caught a lucky break and now they're a couple! This begins with a little spar between the two and gets into something a bit steamy and experimental. Therein, Misao's water absorb ability takes an amusing spin on her growth talents, and she loves every second of it.

Misao belongs to me

Bou belongs to MeisterLi

Misao and Bou squared off on the rooftop of a tall college building for another sparring session, both stood on opposite ends, staring down each other.

"You're not going to cry if I hurt you right?" The vaporeon taunted while adjusting her leotard, teasing the squirrel by turning to the side slightly and snapping the rear of it against rear.

Bou felt a warm blush at his cheeks, but held his light hammer over his shoulder and tried to keep himself from being flustered that easily, "I should be asking you that. I won't go easy on you just because you're a girl."

Misao placed her hands on her hips and smirked, "Good. I hope you won't feel like any less of a boy because you got beat by a girl!" Shifting the gauntlet on her right arm into a glowing arm blade, she leapt with a surprise burst of speed that caught the poor squirrel off guard.

Bou uttered a panicked "EEP!" and fearfully held up his hammer to block her strike, forgetting how scary she gets when she's aggressive. Misao persisted with a wild flurry of slashes and thrusts with a devious grin on her face, poor Bou forced to awkwardly defend against each blow, "H-hey! This is just practice right?!"

"Awww, what's wrong Bou?" She taunted, "Is this poor little girl too much for you?"

"N-no it's just...hey look over there!" He quickly pointed behind her. She did turn around, but only to catch him off guard and kick backward into his stomach; knocking the wind out of him with a grunt and forcing him to stumble backwards, leaving him open for Misao to take a swipe at him with her blade and knock his hammer from his hands.

"You're not taking this seriously at all, are you?" She said while glaring at him, holding the tip of the blade to his neck.

Bou gulped, "O-of course I am! You're just really strong you know!"

Misao smirked and stepped back from him, "Fine," her gauntlet returned to normal with a shrug, "I won't use any weapons, now come and get me! Be serious, Bou! Pretend I'm trying to kill you!"

Bou nodded softly with a gulp, walking over to pick up his hammer and clutched it tightly, "You wouldn't do that...would you? Plus...I don't want to hurt you."

Misao grinned, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Plus you're not that tough anyway." She giggled, "Now come on, give it all you have."

Bou took a deep breath and rushed at Misao with his hammer raised, taking a wide swing at her head.

The vaporeon widened her eyes from such bold strike, but came to her senses quick enough to narrowly leap back from the swing. "That was close!" She exclaimed, thumbing over the tip of her nose and lunged forward with a blast of water clearing out from behind her; tackling into Bou with a high speed Aqua Jet tackle.

Bou was knocked clear off his feet upon impact, landing on his back on his back in a daze. Misao certainly wasn't letting up however as leapt to land upon him with a diving fist.

With quick thinking, Bou activated his bubble shield of light; the vaporeon bouncing off of it like a ricocheted bullet, landing on her side a few feet away with a grunt.

"Hah!" Bou stood up while grinning proudly, "You didn't see that coming now did you?"

"Bou how could you?" Misao whimpered as she sat up and looked to him with wide, sad puppy eyes, "I never thought you'd be so rough," she sniffled.

Bou gasped and quickly ran over to her, removing his shield, "Oh no! I'm so sorry! Where does it hurt? I'll take care of it right away!"

Misao's expression changed on an instant as she quickly rose up to her feet and leapt up to wrap her legs around his head, giving a firm squeeze with her thighs, "Oh Bou, you're way too soft," She laughed, flipped backwards, dragging the squirrel along with her momentum to flip him off his feet and over onto his back; mounting him and pinning him down with her hands firmly pressed down to his shoulders.

"Yeouch...you two Misaos sure play rough," He said with a goofy, dazed and dizzy look in his eyes.

"Aww, my poor Bou." Misao smiled and leaned down to give him a little kiss on the nose.

Bou smiled with a soft blush, "Hey, when I'm done seeing double, can you wrap your legs around my head again?"

Misao giggled with a warm blush, her heavy, thick tail starting to sway back and forth, "Maybe, if you're a good boy." She shuffled her legs against his and stared down into his eyes, rubbing her hands over his chest, "Although right now, you're being pretty bad." She smirked, her thigh brushing over a bulge in his groin, "Just couldn't resist, can you?"

"I never can when I'm near you," Bou smiled, leaning up and bumping his nose against hers.

"A regular cheeseball as always," She laughed, turning her head slightly to lean down and press her lips against his in a warm kiss. He didn't hesitate in returning the favor, eagerly closing his eyes and kissing back; those warm hands of his drifting along her smooth, athletic form; the only article of clothing being her leotard.

Misao drew in a deep breath and exhaled warmly, a rush of warm air shooting out from her nostrils as her own excitement began to build; shedding her tomboy nature for the needy girl underneath, enjoying the feeling of being touched all over. Her heartbeat quickening, her body heat rising. She wrestled and ruffled with Bou's shirt and pants, her body squirming on top of his; grinding her hips against his, pressing down against him and smishing her breasts into his surprisingly strong chest.

Bou moaned softly along the passions and Misao's actions, almost ready to question of this sort of thing being out in the open where someone would see them, but he threw away such thoughts; not being stupid enough to pass up this real chance. It wasn't a dream this time. He squirmed out of his clothes amongst the foreplay, tossing them aside and leaving himself exposed for her enjoyment.

Misao broke the kiss gently and giggled softly, smiling down to him, "I guess this time had to come eventually hmm?" She ran her smooth, blue fingers through his chest fur and licked her lips, "I'm going to make this special for you and me both. She liquefied slightly, her leotard slipping through her and being expelled from her body which puddled slightly over Bou's lower body.

Bou gasped among his panting and looked to her with a worried gaze, "Misao...you're...melting?!"

"Shh...relax. I'm a vaporeon remember?" She giggled and leaned forward, kissing at his chest while chuckling in between, "This might be a bit different than you expect, but you'll like it, I promise." She leaned back, positioning the warm, moist purple nether lips over the squirrel's pulsating cockhead. Her legs slowly melted, engulfing his legs and footpaws to provide Bou with the sensation of a constant massage; warm hands squeezing and kneading at his thighs, calves, soles and toes, along with an ever so teasing caress at his sac. "Touch me," She groaned.

Bou obeyed, reaching his paws up to caress and knead her breasts, rubbing the pad of his thumbs along her dark purple nipples and smiling as he heard the sounds of her lustful moans in response to his attentions. The vaporeon squirmed a little from the tingles of pleasure that shot through her form, lowering herself to do the deed, taking in Bou's member into her tight, virgin folds; which then melted around his member. She took his hands and gently placed them down at his sides with a tiny smile, "Lie still," She whispered, her entire body melting and wrapping around him up to his neck, leaving him engulfed in thick, vibrating goo.

Bou was unsure what to make of it at first, but that was until he was overwhelmed with incredible pleasure. In an instant, he felt her all over his body; her warm smooth hands caressing and touching him all over. Squeezing. Kneading. He felt her kisses all over his body, her lovely touch at his sac, and an incredible focused attention at his member; a sensation that could only be described as a tight squeeze that massaged every single millimeter of his length and girth, along with multiple hot, wet, smooth tongues dragging over it; a strange combination of a handjob, a blowjob, a footjob and who knows what else? All the squirrel knew is that he was being driven wild with pleasure, Misao in total control with him inside of her, and couldn't hold on much longer; his balls twitched and his body spasmed, hitting his climax.

Misao's upper body rose up at that moment, shivering as she watched and felt Bou's white seed float through her. She took a deep breath and slowly returned to normal, lying on top of Bou with a wide grin on her face, "So how was it?"

"Quite different...but not bad at all," He said while returning her smile, "Though I do prefer you like this."

"Never hurts to experiment, hun." She giggled with a sway of her tail, "And besides it--" She gasped suddenly, feeling an odd tingle and twinge inside her body, "Ooooh..." She moaned.

"What happened? What's wrong?"

"I feel kind of...tingly, a bit weird..." Misao murmured.

However Bou would quickly notice before Misao did, with her on top of him, he'd notice she was becoming heavier and her body was giving off a soft dull vibration. Then it became clear as day for them both; her body was slowly swelling in size. Misao groaned in a different kind of pleasure, the sheer sensation of her body stretching out, a feeling that seem as if she was being tugged on all sides, being pulled to grow larger. Her hips filled out, her breasts became rounder, larger, and heavier. Her muscles bulged larger, tightening, becoming more toned.

"Oh...god...I'm growing!" She exclaimed rather excitedly.

"That's wonderful," Bou said with a painful groan, "You're also getting a lot heavier!" He choked out, trying to squirm out from underneath her.

But it was to no avail, she became lost in her own excitement; pushing her hands down on the smooth concrete of the rooftops and curling her toes, flexing them tightly as she grew bigger and bigger, a slow teasing growth accompanied with the squirrel wriggling madly underneath her. She shut her eyes tightly and arched herself, unintentionally pushing herself harder onto him, getting the most of it as she slowly felt it come to a stop, allowing her to come down from her high to notice the frantic struggling underneath her.

"Oh no! Bou!" Misao quickly bolted to her feet, glancing down to the poor squirrel laying on the now slightly cracked service.

Bou slowly stood up, heaving a sigh of relief and now finding himself face to face with Misao's glistening womanhood, staring at those purple nether lips in awe; the thought of him probably now able to stick his own arm in there coming to mind, but he quickly snapped to attention and slowly tilted his head back to look up at her. His eyes drifting over her now well toned, flat stomach and massive bust, up to her cute and confused face, "Phew...any longer and I would have been a pancake, now what the heck happened to you?!"

Misao looked over herself in awe, doubled in height from her usual five foot six to a solid 11 feet tall. She cupped her breasts, marveling over how much bigger they were from their previous C-cup size; those larger hands with longer and thicker fingers drifted over her more muscular and curved form, thicker hips and thighs, her legs longer, stronger. She became a sort of Amazon in nature, a small smile coming to her face as she glanced down at Bou, "Water absorb...but this wasn't any simple water...it was your seed."

She knew it and Bou too now knew it. Misao already learned for herself that she could grow by absorbing water and moisture, and constantly practiced on doing it. But she always grew in perfect proportion; only in height, she was never able to shift her form in any other ways to make only specific things larger. But here she was now, thicker, more muscular, massive breasts and huge hips instead of just a bigger version of her slimmer self.

Bou had seen her at this height before, even bigger, over 100ft even, but he's never been more intimidated than until now. There was a much stronger presence in her form, and if she grew even larger with this shape...the squirrel could only gulp.

"What's wrong Bou?" Misao tittered, bending down slightly with her hands on her thighs, grinning at him with powerful sways of her larger, thicker tail, "You look nervous."

"Well...um...you look great! But a little kind of scary, so big and powerful like that." He laughed nervously with a slight blush.

The Amazonian Vaporeon giggled, patting him gently with a hand big enough to palm his entire head, "You know, I kind of like it, it's a bit different from the usual bigness, wouldn't you say?"

Bou meeped quietly under her hand, "Very different."

Misao grinned, drifting her large fingers down his smaller body, delighting in how much smaller he seemed like this. It wasn't just size, but also presence, and watching him squirm excited her, "Aww you're so adorable." She drew him into her arms and hugged him against her chest, cradling him against her large, soft breasts. Bou let out a small squeak of surprise as she pulled him into her, but quickly relaxed as he was rocked against her; though it wouldn't be too long before his arousal returned to him, be so close to those enlarged vappie tits, thoughts of being wedged in between them. This would result in the vaporeon's own purple nips hardening, thoughts of her own filling her head as she eyed Bou's member hungrily.

"Um...Misao?" Bou began to ask as he noticed Misao's hardened nipples bigger than his face.

"Shhh," She hushed him, taking his shaft between her large thumb and index finger, stroking lightly.

"Nngh, hey hold on, what are you doing?"

"I want more Bou...I wanna get bigger."

"B-bigger?! That's a nice thought, but don't you wanna hold off?"

"Mmm...no, now just be quiet and give me what I want..." She said simply, rubbing her smooth fingers over his member with quick, firm motions; eager to get that cream, "Don't you dare hold back on me, just give me what I want...besides you'll like it." She murred softly while rubbing his head against her breast, "Don't you like this new me? Or how about these huge, lovely breasts that you could almost lose yourself in?"

"W-well I do but--mmph!" Bou grunted as his face was suddenly pushed into the warm, soft blue flesh of Misao's bust; his member reacting with a powerful throb which she felt at her fingertips. She spent a few more moments rubbing as his warm, pulsating pink member until the squirrel finally gave in, spilling his magical seed against her fingers.

"Mmm, now that's what I'm talking about," She churred quietly, bringing her sticky, gooey fingers to her lips; suckling on them one by one with exaggerated sounds of pleasure. As she sucked her fingers clean, she could feel that tingling sensation returning. She pressed her thighs together and squirmed in excitement as that tugging feeling return to her, "Oooh, it's so much STRONGER than before!"

She held tightly against her shifting form, the squirrel able to feel the vibrations in her body as she started to grow once again, her breasts pushing into him as her arms grew bigger around him; his body being smashed into her as she hugged him tightly and writhed in ecstasy. Her growth was quicker this time, faster, more intense; her body rapidly swelling in height. 15ft, 20ft, 30ft.

But the more she grew, the heavier she became, the concrete underneath her feet started to sink in lightly, crackling and breaking apart. Bou noticed, flicking an ear to the sound and slowly glanced downward, "Misao! Watch out!" He cried out.

"Wha?" Misao quickly snapped to her senses, gazing at her feet and found herself sinking, "I'm getting too heavy!" She quickly tossed Bou aside as the roof broke apart underneath her, sending her falling with a loud shout. Her ever expanding body crashed through each floor of the four story building until she landed with massive thud that shook the building.

"Misao!" Bou cried out, peeking down the hole, "Are you alright?"

The squirrel would get his answer by two loud crashes on the opposite sides of the building. Bou quickly grabbed his pants and went to the edge of the roof, peering over to see Misao's legs sticking out from the building like something out of Alice in Wonderland. "This isn't good," He muttered to himself as the building shook from another crash, the vaporeon still growing and tearing right through the building.

Bou began to panic, not being eager to go down with a crumbling building. He attempted a mad rush to the other side of the roof to leap to the next building, but was knocked off balance from another structure rattling crash as he neared the very hole Misao fell through. The ground crumbled away underneath him, sending him plummeting down a 40 foot drop.

The squirrel flailed about in midair screaming until he landed snuggly between two large, warm, blue spherical surfaces, "Uhm..." He blinked and slowly looked upwards to see a huge grinning face, blushing intensely as he quickly realized where he was.

"Typical Bou, but I guess it's a nice catch on my part." Misao boomed over head with a giggle, her enormous breasts vibrating against the squirrel. While Bou didn't have a complete view of her, he could certainly tell she had an even more incredible figure. He judged her to be about 50ft tall now, give or take, having an even more powerful shape.

"So going to keep staring or what?" She grinned.

"I just can't believe how big you've gotten!" Bou exclaimed, "That's more than twice the size you were before. Not only that, you're much more powerful looking too."

Misao laughed, "Only powerful looking? Brace yourself." She shoved her arms forward into the remains of the building and spread them, as if she was forcefully opening a double door. She easily pulled the remaining structure apart, sending debris flying everywhere as the rest of the structure crumbled into rubble and dust at her feet. She placed her hands on her hips, admiring her handy work with a grin, "That was easier than I thought."

Bou gulped as he watched from his vantage point, drooping his ears, "I don't think you should have done that."

"Oh please, it was half destroyed anyway," She replied as she glanced around for another challenge on the college campus, those blue eyes looking over various dorm buildings, "Now these on the other hand..."

While the main class building was empty, the dorms certainly were not. The giant vaporeon's presence was certainly known now as the student body was driven into a panic; the masses trying to flee off campus as those large vaporeon feet thudded toward their homes away from home.

"H-hang on Misao, I think this is getting out of hand!" Bou called up to her, but his cries would fall on uncaring ears as she approached one of the buildings, flexing her toes tightly in anticipation before finally lifting her foot and resting it on top of the roof. The structure seemed to spew out dust in response as the roof cracked and caved in slightly underneath what little weight she was applying.

"Misao! Cut it out, you might hurt someone!" Bou cried out again, worried that this was all going to his head, but at the same time; there was something incredibly sexy about it all. He could only hope she didn't notice, or else she might try to make herself bigger!

Once again, the vaporeon ignored him, becoming rather full of herself as she could feel the structure ready to give in underneath, "Can you believe this? I'm hardly applying any pressure and this thing is ready to fall apart. I thought these buildings were supposed to be made of strong material, but this is about as resistant as a soda can, hmph." Her thigh and calf muscles flexed as she started to push her weight downward, crashing her foot down through the crumbling roof; driving that blue footpaw down into the two story structure, smashing number of dorm rooms under that blue paw of hers and ruining plenty of others. She smirked down at the large hole in the building in the shape of her foot, folding her powerful arms underneath her massive bust, "Y'know, it'd be cooler if I could crush the whole thing underneath my foot." She glanced down at the squirrel resting in her cleavage, "I want to get bigger, Bou."

He was afraid of that.

"I think you had enough," He said nervously with a slight chuckle, "Maybe it's better if we worked on getting you back to normal." He always feared her wrath, knowing how easily angered she could become, even more so than now; he was almost fearing for his life.

Luckily for him, Misao just rolled her eyes, "Sheesh Bou, you really need a sense of adventure."

Bou gulped and looked up at her rather sheepishly, rubbing his paws together nervously, "I-I'm adventurous! I just think this is getting out of hand a little."

"Oh relax." She dipped her fingers down into her cleavage to pull Bou out, holding him by his sides, "This new power could be valuable you know. I'm just testing it out. I'm not going to hurt anyone if that's what you're worried about." She snickered, "Plus they're smart enough to get out of my way. So come on, off with those silly pants. Give me what I want and you can go back to being right near my breasts like you want." She brought up her other hand to press a large, blue fingertip to his groin, giving a satisfied smile at the little bump she felt, "Good, it's all ready for me. Now take them off before I do it for you," Her voice heavy and sharp with command.

Bou felt a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach, she never ordered him like this before. He placed his hands at the waist of his pants, but decided to give another try at reasoning with her, "P-please Misao. Listen to yourself, this isn't like you."

"Guess I'm doing it myself," She grinned, easily ripping them off with ease, with much discomfort to Bou, those pants weren't meant to rip so easily. Within that instant, Bou was exposed again, his member hard and throbbing, like he never had released twice in the past 20 minutes. "I swear, where do you get this stamina from?" She teased, "I guess it's that persistent nature of yours."

Bou began to squirm against her fingers, which only forced a tighter grip on him. He was overcome with mixed feelings; it was no secret that he was head over heels in love with Misao, he found her incredibly sexy, even more so now that she was so huge and powerful. But at the same time, he was easily terrified of her when she wasn't turning down his advances, teasing him, or bopping him over the head. She was different now, she had a hunger for more power and he was the key for it.

The giant Amazonian vaporeon opened wide, her warm breath washing over the squirrel and tickling his sensitive manhood as well. Wasting no time, Misao quickly slid her hot, warm, dark blue/purple tongue in between Bou's thighs, licking and slurping hungrily at his sac and over his throbbing shaft. She moaned with excitement, her large tail swaying back and forth heavily in the air, "Mmm...you know...you don't taste so bad..." She lapped over his groin once more; that mixed taste of his sweat, seed and natural flavor teasing her taste buds, "Not bad at all."

If Bou was focused enough to pay attention to her words, he would have freaked as one of his biggest fears was being devoured by her at giant sizes; but there was no fear too be had as he was once again caught up in such incredible lust. He moaned and groaned, shuddering with pleasure as that warm tongue lapped at him, feeling the tiny bumps of her taste buds.

Though Misao wasn't doing this to savor the moment and play with him, no, she wanted more of his empowered seed to help her grow even more. She pressed her lips up against him, pulling with a suckling kiss at the front of his body and most notably; at his member, with that tongue continuing to do its work, giving the squirrel the biggest and most intense blow job of his life.

Bou could hardly resist for too long; his body began to squirm and writhe against her cool, soft lips (which was quite an outstanding contrast compared to her tongue), unable to contain himself and giving up the goods against her awaiting tongue, causing her to giggle with glee. She slowly pulled her lips away from him with a loud slurping sound, parting them to reveal the puddle of his magical seed on her tongue with a loud "Aaah~" before gulping it down.

Misao set down the once again spent squirrel down on the soft grass, letting the tingles take her over once again; far stronger than they were before. It amazed her once again; the bigger she became, the more intense those sensations were. It tingled all over her body, from the tip of her head fins down to her toes. She hugged herself and squirmed in excitement, moaning loudly in gleeful pleasure as she could feel the changes happening once again.

Her body swelling. Expending. Growing ever so larger. Her breasts filling out even more, becoming firmer, her figure becoming slightly more buff; more toned, more tight. She cried out into the sky as she savored that sensation, digging her expanding toes into the ground; trying to contain herself as she grew and grew. From 50 feet to 60, then 70, 80, 100...120...150, it didn't show any signs of stopping soon!

Bou looked up with a mix of amazement and horror as he watched her grow right over him. He was caught between her paws that were rising higher and growing longer on both sides of him. He just watched as she shot up higher and higher, no longer able to see her face due to the obvious, and soon just those cute, puffy, navy blue nether lips and the curve of her handsome rear as he was now directly under her.

Once she hit about 270 ft, her progress began to slow; much to her annoyance, she'd knew her growth would stop soon but it didn't bother her too much, as there was plenty more where that came from. She opened her eyes with a pleased sigh, her growth ceasing at 300ft, quite the improvement over her previous 50ft. "Mmm..." She moaned, taking a look at things from her new vantage point, most structures as far as she could see only coming up to her knee at best. This was good, this was real good. "Now where was I...?" She murred, her toes wiggling excitedly and flexing near the squirrel down by her feet.

She took her first step at her height, Bou being able to watch the whole awe-inspiring motion of those powerful muscles in her leg flexing as she began to move; her paw swinging over and crashing down into the soft ground ahead, watching in sink deep into the ground and push off, leaving completely flattened grass in a massive paw print. Something so amazing for Bou was nothing for Misao as she repeated this action by simply walking along.

It was figured that she wanted to crush another dorm completely this time, but in truth, she didn't care anymore. She merely strolled along, towards the buildings but not stopping to deal with them. She merely walked through them; her paws carelessly smashing through the dorms, toes tearing through the walls and smashing up the rooms, a simple flick of them sending debris flying fast and far in various directions. Her tail easily swept away the lingering remains of the building; large heavy sways of her tail fin sweeping up chunks of the ground behind her and them flying. Misao was highly pleased with what was occurring. There was very little effort on her part, which left an almost permanent grin on her face.

It was all so simple, but all so incredible. As she stepped out into the main streets, strolling through the suburban areas, she delighted in it all even more. The heavy thuds of her feet smacking against the pavement that submitted to them, crackling and caving in to the shape of her foot. She chuckled lightly as each step blew parked vehicles off the street from the sheer force of her steps alone, those powerful legs pumping with strength from each footfall. Each simple step released powerful shockwaves that blew out the windows of the vehicles and nearby houses, garbage cans blown away, fences falling over; all from the simple stroll the giant, powerful vaporeon took through the streets. And for those vehicles that weren't flung out of the way crunched lightly underneath those smooth, blue, heavy soles; a delightful crunching and cracking of metal and plastic that never stood a chance against those careless steps. The houses weren't spared either; that long, thick, tailfin of hers swaying behind her battering through houses and flicking vehicles left and right, leaving a path of destruction in her wake; Misao getting a fit of giggles as she glanced over her shoulder at what was left behind.

Chorus of screams broke out as Misao made her way to the busier sections of the town. Humans and furs forming thick crowds fleeing for their lives, piling into their vehicles and speeding off into an expected traffic jam. Misao has no real interest in harming anyone, but she didn't really care if she did either. She just wanted to test herself, to see if she had the power to match her look and how she felt. Was she truly empowered? Or was her new found shape, those muscles, that size, those curves, everything; a lie? She held no malice; she simply was enjoying the experience and the wonderful sensations that went along with it.

And what amazing sensations they were.

She marched toward the center of the city, her main target. She didn't consider those puny house and small apartment buildings any test of her ability; simply done in by one step or a simple swat of her ever swaying tail. Vehicles were merely crushed flat as if they were made out of paper, however she did give buses credit, those actually took some effort, but nothing that took more than two steps. She wanted to exert herself, and since there didn't seem to be any giant monsters around, she could only hope the much taller office and apartment buildings would allow her to break a sweat at least.

Misao rounded the corner into the busy downtown section, gripping the side of a tall apartment building, peeking out with a mischievous grin. "Aww, look at them all. You little ones sure have this panic thing down to a science don't you?" She rounded the corner and swung her hips into the building next to her, the simple bump causing a good chunk of the building to fly into itself causing it to cave in after and collapse into a pile of debris. "Aww you poor little building, I guess you can't handle a tough girl, hmm?"

She glanced down the street, a small two lane road with walls of tall buildings on both sides. "Hmm, now that looks like a tight squeeze, I guess you big bad buildings won't make room for a lady, hmm?" She playfully ran her hands down along her enlarged hips and grinned. She began to press forward, pressing her hands on the two buildings in front of her, giving a powerful push, "Move! Make way for Vappiezilla!"

The buildings seemed to obey her order, topping over backwards and crashing down into the smaller structures behind them. Misao dusted off her hands and grinned, bracing herself with a stance and proceeded to just tear through the tight path; her large, muscular form dragging through the buildings, like large walls that darkened the small, two lane roads being torn down as her arms and hips tore through them like they were made of wet paper. She crashed through each building one after another, reducing them to tiny fractions of what they used to be with her tail taking care of those tiny messes as well.

Misao glanced back to admire her handy work with a proud grin. She had a good time show casing her power, but she couldn't deny herself that lingering feeling for more; a tickling urge to be even bigger and stronger. She could only wonder if this is how it was for her siblings who achieved their own methods of growth; her brother Moonlight who had the time of his life at such large sizes, her sister Rika who overthrew an entire army on her own at large sizes. She felled another building, wiggling her toes and crunching up debris in between them. Her thoughts wondered to what it would be like to have actual buildings between her toes, to crunch and mash them up to bits; to be so huge she could step on entire city blocks!

Those thoughts aroused the vaporeon beyond belief, forcing her to bite down on her lower lip to stifle her moans. She curled her toes and dug them into the ground while hugging herself tightly, a strong, deep blush rushing to her cheeks; her dark blue nipples hardened and her dark purple cunny dripped lightly with her fluids. She couldn't stand it any longer, she needed to be bigger.

The timing couldn't be more perfect as Misao started to head back to where she left him; Bou rounded the corner, walking right into the shadow of her descending foot. The squirrel looked up and let out a soft "Eeep!" as he saw that foot slowly coming down, but then quickly paused right before it made contact.

"Bou?" Misao squinted, peering down in a gap between her toes, "Oh good I was just looking for you! Now I can...wh-whoa!" In her excitement she failed to keep her balance, not entirely used to the weight difference in her new body. Arms flailing, she went toppling forward with a loud cry; and of course Bou was certainly not willing to be squashed by his girlfriend, put his shield up and made a run for it, aiming to get between her legs as she fell.

He didn't quite make it.

Luckily, Bou's shield kept him safe so he wasn't harmed, but he found himself under a bit of pressure as he was pinned under Misao's crotch, pressing him lightly into those warm, wet, sticky purple folds of hers.

"Nnngh...Bou? Where are you?" Misao cried out, but instantly got a response by some frantic movement within her womanhood. Already fired up from her powerlust, the attention at her sensitive nether regions almost drove her into a frenzy. The blush at her cheeks deepened as she gasped hotly, pressing her toes into the pavement and curling them, digging up bits of the ground and crushing them amongst her toes. "H-hey...stop moving so much..." She groaned, shutting her eyes and clawing at the ground as she began to squirm and press her thighs together.

For Bou, it WOULD have been a dream come true, if he wasn't panicking. Squirming wildly to inch through the incredible tightness of Misao's dark purple insides, he made his way deeper into her, providing quite an incredible experience for the vaporeon herself. It was so unusual and foreign for her that Misao didn't know how to react. The sheer feeling of having someone moving around in there, in addition to being able to feel every single movement drove her nuts. She uttered loud groans of pleasure as she squirmed and writhed about on the street; more and more of her juices spilling out onto the damaged road. "G-get out of there..." she whispered, shutting her eyes tightly as he went in deeper, she could only be grateful that no one was watching...hopefully.

Bou persisted in his frantic squirming, fighting against the warm, soft yet powerful walls that pressed down tightly on him and those oddly delicious sexual fluids that washed over him; each "wave" more intense than the previous one. Misao couldn't take it much longer and cried out loudly from an intense orgasm; a powerful climax that released an intense amount of her juices, enough that it flushed Bou right out of her, leaving him in a giant puddle of vappie fluids.

Misao gasped as she once again felt that strange tingling sensation. Did Bou release inside of her? No...something was different this time. The sensation was the same, but the results were different. She could feel her breasts diminish in size, her muscles leaving her, and her overall size being cut down. "I'm...shrinking?!"

Indeed she was, shrinking down little by little as she returned to her normal size, accompanying Bou in the puddle of her juices. She looked down at her hands, frowning, "What happened?! Don't tell me it was temporary!"

"Well," Bou began after wiping away Misao juices from his face, licking up any tasty remains around his muzzle, "Maybe since you took in all my fluids...you removing yours probably got rid of it!" He smiled.

Misao was ready to argue how ridiculous that was, but it strangely made sense. She sighed, "Well...I know what caused it, so it's not all a bad thing." She grinned at him, leaning forward and slipping her arms around him in a tight embrace, "Isn't that right my messy squirrel?"

"Uh...uhm...yeah sure! But uh...maybe we should get out of here before anyone shows up..." Bou blushed.

[REQUEST FOR MeisterLi] Dreaming Of A Blue Beauty

"That silly squirrel...what could he be up to this time?"Misao thought to herself as she looked through her closet to pick out something nice, "He's obviously trying to make this out to some big date...but it sounds so serious this time. Wear something...

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[COMMISSION FOR Xipher] Exhibition

"You want me to do what now?" questioned a 300ft Umbreon lounging near the outskirts of a city. He laid facedown upon his stomach, head propped up by his hands, propped up by his elbows; staring down as the tiny (in comparison) suited canine proposed...

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