[REQUEST FOR MeisterLi] Dreaming Of A Blue Beauty

Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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#1 of Story Requests

Contains: F/m, same size sexual encounter, macro on micro sexual encounter, growth

I had this done a while ago, but I never posted it anywhere so I'll throw it up here. This is based on our characters in an RP setting. His being Bou the squirrel and mine being Misao the vaporeon morph. The gist of it is Bou has the hots for her, but she constantly rejects his advances. She's also capable of growth by absorbing moisture or water.

Bou belongs to Meister_li

Misao belongs to me.

"That silly squirrel...what could he be up to this time?"Misao thought to herself as she looked through her closet to pick out something nice, "He's obviously trying to make this out to some big date...but it sounds so serious this time. Wear something nice? Can't say I'm not curious." She giggled to herself as she pulled out a nice, black, party dress with long slits at the side, "Hmm this seems good. I've only worn it maybe twice."

She slipped into the dress and smiled while posing in front of a mirror, "Looks like he's going for a romantic dinner. This should be a laugh, Bou's hardly the type." She mused as she went to get some jewelry from her dresser; a nice pearl necklace, a gold anklet on her right ankle and a pair of earrings...well...fin-rings in her case.

Bou was as ready as he'll ever be, the squirrel looking to play hard ball to win over the vaporeon's heart. He bought himself some nice clothes, expensive cologne and got a reservation to a fancy restaurant. A nice candle-lit dinner and some cheesy romantic lines that should certainly do the trick! He might even get a kiss this time!

Without further hesitation he knocked on Misao's door, taking a deep breath, "Hey Misao! It's me! Are you ready?"

"Just a second," She called out, finishing the final touches before opening her door with a bright smile, "Well don't YOU look nice? I didn't think you could clean up so well, looking pretty good there."

Bou blushed and gave his usual grin, "Well I could say the same to you...I mean...well you always look good, but right now you look amazing!"

Misao tapped him lightly on the nose and playfully brushed passed him, teasingly rubbing her large tail against him as well, "Shall we get going?" She asked as she held out her paw to him.

He glanced down to her paw and then to her lovely blue eyes, "You...wanna hold paws?"

"It's a date, isn't it? So let's do this properly then." She winked.

Bou nodded and proudly took her hand, "Right! Let's go then!"

Everything was going as planned for Bou. Misao was enthralled by the location of dining, the food was great, and they even had a little to drink. Misao was rather impressed; she didn't have it in her heart to give him a hard time this time around.

The restaurant wasn't particularly high class, but it was rather fancy with a neat gimmick. The two story building was sat on a special made gravity lift that would slowly lift the restaurant into the sky, giving its patrons a view of the city night.

After the meal they retreated to the park, Misao half guiding Bou to a special spot of hers in the woods where there was an open meadow with a large lake which was just gorgeous at night with the moonlight reflecting off of it. They sat beside each other in front of the lake, Misao resting her head on Bou's shoulder.

"This is nice..." She murmured, gazing out at the water. "Didn't think you were such a romantic, Bou."

Bou smiled and slipped an arm around her shoulders, "Well you gotta give me some credit. I ran out of ideas to win you over, so I thought I'd save up some money and go all out."

Misao snickered and looked to him, "Oh? Now who said you won me over?" She nudged his side playfully with a grin.

Bou started to open his mouth to whine in protest, but Misao quickly put a finger over his lips. "Shhh..." She whispered and leaned up to press herself up against him, adjusting her dress just so to tease him with a good view of her cleavage which he didn't hesitate to look at. She forced more of her weight into him, causing him to lie down on the grass with her on top; her ample bust squishing into his chest.

"No whining this time." She giggled while leaning in close and pressing her nose to his.

Bou gulped and blushed intensely, always finding her rather frightening when she got seductive like this. Was she playing? Or was she for real? Either way it was terrifying, but very exciting at the same time.

"So Bou...ever kissed someone before?"

The squirrel widened his eyes and swallowed hard, "Who? Me? No...I mean only in my dreams..."

"Mmm...well that's too bad, but it's okay, it'll be interesting for both of us."

No further words were exchanged as she leaned in to press her lips to his. What started off as something gentle slowly erupted into more passionate as her kisses became deeper, hungrier, and harder. She squirmed on top of him and quickly guided his hands to her hips and her thighs, giving him the okay to touch her. Bou was initially shocked but slowly gave in, closing his eyes and kissing back as he caressed her legs.

For Bou, he would have never known it was all a first for her as well. Her lips were so soft, warm and wet; she was a fantastic kisser. Their first kiss, their first make out session, but not the first time he became aroused for her, which she would probably notice by the way she was squirming on top of him.

Misao merely giggled and brought her hands up to his cheeks to deepen the kiss, moaning softly and slipping her tongue into his maw to wrestle with his while squirming further on top of him.

The vaporeon continued to hold the kiss until she could no longer take it. She was becoming hotter and hotter from feeling that lump in Bou's pants throb lightly like a heartbeat. She broke the kiss with a sigh and murred to him, a small trail of saliva going from her lips to his.

"Naughty squirrel," Misao teased, leaning up and straddling his waist while teasing the bulge in his pants with her fingers, causing Bou to whimper and squirm lightly underneath her. "Is this a gift for me?" She whispered, moving to fumble with the button of his pants to undo them, tugging them down to reveal his superhero themed underwear; his excited, stiff member throbbing underneath.

Bou just simply flushed a deep red as he watched and waited in anticipation, holding on firmly onto Misao's thighs as he secretly begged that she wasn't messing with him this time.

"Well let's unwrap this little surprise," She grinned as she scooted back, pulling back his undergarments to reveal his excited member. "Oooh!" She exclaimed, leaning down towards it and getting a good whiff of his musk, causing her to blush deeply and shudder. "I've never been this close to one before." She giggled and stroked it lightly with a finger, "It's pretty cute...soft and warm too."

Bou squirmed and let out a quiet squeak of a moan as Misao toyed with her member, still in disbelief of this actually happening. Infact, it far exceeded his expectations. For the longest he would have longed for a kiss from her, and maybe touch her breasts, but to come this far...this was what...between 2nd and 3rd base?

Misao continued playing with his member, stroking and prodding it while gently blowing cool air over it. "Hehe, it's so cool. It throbs like a heartbeat! And it's so adorable!" She pressed her lips up against it to give it a sweet kiss, "Mmmmwah! Hehehehe." She gave Bou a teasing grin and tittered, "Well I guess I should get down to business hmm?"

"B-business?" Bou sputtered.

Misao decided to let her actions speak for themselves and dragged her warm, wet, blue tongue against the length of his organ with a sigh. She took a few more long licks and kissed it a few more times, slowly slipping further into the mood as she lowered her lips to his sheath, kissing at his sac and then upwards long his length to the top of his goods, breathing out a warm sigh against it as she opened wide to take in the tip and part of his shaft into her maw; suckling warmly and closing her eyes.

Poor Bou didn't know what to think as he was thrown for a complete loop. It felt SO much different compared to masturbating, so much better. He closed his eyes and began to moan as her lips pulled and caressed at his cock; her warm wet tongue swirling itself all around it.

Misao kept this up for a few more minutes, bobbing her head on his member while watching him, grinning inwardly and pulling away with a sigh, tasting at some of his pre-seed on her lips, "Mmm."

Bou shot his eyes open and looked at her with a deep sweat, "H-hey...why'd you stop?"

"I...I think I want it." The vaporeon replied sheepishly.

"Want it? You mean..."

Misao exhaled and rose up and slipped out of her dress, tossing it aside, leaving nothing but matching black, lacy undergarments, "Yes...I want it in me..." She sighed breathlessly while unclasping her bra and slipping off her panties; her adorable little cunny dripping wet with excitement. She hovered over him with a lustful gaze in her eyes and slowly lowered her hips down, taking his throbbing member into her tight, hot, warmth with a loud moan.

It was brand new for the vappie as well, as this was rather different from masturbating, as fun as that was. Feeling it fill her up and throb like that was amazing, in addition with Bou's nervous movements. She began to rock back and forth, building up a rhythm for herself before starting to bounce on him, grinding her hips into his as she shut her eyes and moaned out into the forest. She rode him for minutes after minutes until Bou reached his limit.

"I...I...Misao...I'm...eeeep!" He squeaked out as he hit his climax, cumming hard into the vaporeon with a loud groan. "Oh Misao I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to...I mean I was excited from earlier and..."

Misao giggled and bapped Bou playfully on the nose and then rubbed at his chest, "Silly boy. I'm not THAT kind of girl. It's alright." She leaned over and kissed him softly, "That was pretty fun..."

She pulled off of him with a groan and giggled, "We better clean up." She said as she slipped into the lake with a content murr, sinking down to relax.

Bou used the down time to clean himself off by the lake, holding back a giddy smile as he looked over at Misao. This had to be the single greatest night of his life. A wonderful dinner and now this; maybe now they can be an official couple!

"Hey um," He started to speak up, "Misao...I really want to thank you for tonight."

She slowly opened her eyes and looked over at him with a smile, "You're welcome Bou. You're not so bad yourself. Who knew that you weren't a dork all the..." Her eyes suddenly widened with a gasp and she clutched her stomach, "Ugh!"

"Misao?! Are you okay?" He quickly went over to pull her out of the water, holding her in his arms, "What's wrong? Did you get a cramp?"

"No...I...something just feels...weird." She clenched her teeth and winced in pain; her entire body starting to shake, "It's like something is welling up inside me..." She shut her eyes tightly and groaned while clutching herself tighter, "It doesn't hurt, but it's like...I'm being filled up like a balloon and...AAAH!" The vaporeon felt as if something popped and her breasts started to swell in size, squishing into Bou's chest.

"Wow!" He exclaimed. The squirrel not knowing what to think and merely blushed and backed away nervously, but he quickly noticed that he was slowly losing his grip on Misao and instantly realized it...she was growing. It wasn't the first time he seen her grow, but it surprised him every time, and THIS time it was slightly different. Her body shape was changing, becoming curvier, sexier as opposed to merely getting proportionally longer.

For Misao, the process went from initially shocking to rather...arousing. She grew larger and larger, her body becoming more shapely and curvy, her boobs and hips swelling out to the right size. She finished topping off as a 60 foot bombshell, slowly opening her eyes as she caught her breath, slowly looking around.

"Misao," Bou called out to her, waving his arms frantically, "Misao are you okay?"

She took a deep breath and nodded her head, "Yeah...I'm fine...I'm just...wow that was strange...I felt like...oh god they're huge!" She exclaimed, cupping the now more than handfuls of her breasts. She began looking herself over, both surprised and pleased. "Wow what happened?"

"Did your water absorb go nuts again?" Bou asked, trying hard as possible to focus. With a 60 foot sexy vaporeon in front of you like that, it was hard to concentrate.

"I...I don't think so. I did feel a bit odd the moment I slipped into the lake, but I didn't really take in any water...the only thing different was that...oh gross." She giggled, "YOU did this. When you came in me...something went haywire and made me like this!"

Bou blushed deeply and pointed to himself, "M-me? But...how?"

"You know...when you finished in me. I guess your uh...liquid had a special effect on me." She grinned with a soft chuckle, starting to lean in over him. "Though it left me feeling a bit...funny." She smiled, wagging her large tail behind her.

"F-funny?" Bou squeaked from within her shadow.

Misao quickly reached down with her thumb and index finger to pluck Bou up by the collar of his shirt, letting him dangle before her face, "To put it simply...I'm still horny, and I think I'll have fun with my little squirrel boy here." She giggled and moved her fingers to grip his waist and she promptly tore his shirt off of him, "You won't need this..." She said with a murr and set him warmly into her cleavage.

Bou's fur turned a bright pink as he blushed intensely, squirming slightly between the large, soft, warm mounds. It didn't take too long for him to get excited again, but Misao planned on prolonging the fun this time.

She bent her head slightly and gave him a warm kiss before laying down on her back and promptly pressing her breasts together, smishing Bou in between them. The squirrel began to squirm excitedly much to her delight, causing her to rub those mounds around some more with gleeful gasps and giggles.

She finally let up after a few more moments of this play and grinned down at him, "Mmm...you okay in there, little guy?"

Bou giggled, obviously a bit dizzy, but extremely aroused, "Wow...never better."

"Good." Misao reached in between her breasts and cupped her fingers behind Bou, moving him up along the curves of her massive mammaries and closed her eyes, "C'mon now, keep wriggling." She moaned as she started to rub him over her breasts with the squirrel squirming as commanded.

She massaged, squeezed, and kneaded at her breasts with such passion, taking the squirrel along for the ride. Her nipples swelled lightly and stiffened, causing her to rub Bou up against them, "Mrrr...use that big mouth of yours why don't you?"

Bou didn't hesitate and began working her nipple, licking everywhere he could and nibbling; using his hands to rub at them.

Misao's arousal continued to build with louder moans and deep, heavy pants; her hand pressing down on Bou to squish him into her tits. "Oh if you only knew how good this feels..."

"If you only knew how good I felt," Bou gave a muffled response.

As Misao continued, she fell deeper and deeper into her own sea of lust, never having pleasured herself in this manner before. It was intoxicating to use someone like this for your own pleasure, but he enjoyed it as well so there was no moral dispute.

Misao was at her hottest, fighting the urge to literally melt as she squeezed her thighs together, "Ooooh...alright Bou...it's my turn now." She managed to whisper, slowly dragging him down along the curve of her breast and across her smooth stomach towards her inner thighs where a hot, wet, vaporeon sex was waiting for him.

Bou couldn't help but feel a bit worried, starting to cry out and squirm harder, but this only excited her more as she spread her legs and rubbed him up against her, nice and slow; moaning hotly from his wriggling.

She continued rubbing, slowly going faster and faster before whispering out, "Oh God...you're going in me right now!"

Before Bou could even protest, her thumb and index finger came down in front and behind him to clamp down on his waist and slip him in legs first with a quick shudder. Bou wasn't sure what to think as his head instantly went hazy from the sheer heat and the thick, intoxicating scent. He could only make sense of the feeling as he was slowly pushed in. To him it was as if he was dipping his legs into a hot tub of sticky, musky fluids, but with an odd sensation that his body might literally melt due to the snug heat. He was pushed in further and further, from his waist, to his chest and then finally his head, disappearing inside, trapped against living walls that squeezed firmly at him and one blue index finger keeping him company and moving him about.

"More! More!" She cried out, pressing down harder in him with her cunny and fingering madly, rubbing him about within her, bucking her hips and crying out, keeping up the pace until..."I'm...I'm! I'm gonna..."

Bou gasped and shot his eyes open, quickly sitting up in his bed and looking around, "Awww...it was a dream?"

"Hey Bou are you awake yet?" Misao called out before opening his door and peeking into his room, "Hurry up, Kotto's threatening to have us train with Ossan if we don't hurry....what is that smell...?" She narrowed her eyes slightly, looking to him and then the wet spot on his blanket, "Oh gross!!"

[COMMISSION FOR Xipher] Exhibition

"You want me to do what now?" questioned a 300ft Umbreon lounging near the outskirts of a city. He laid facedown upon his stomach, head propped up by his hands, propped up by his elbows; staring down as the tiny (in comparison) suited canine proposed...

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