Last Den in the Valley

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - Owlette

Writing - Me

Eske - Owlette

Ceylon - Me!

Yeah, this one has a bit of a story behind it. Basically, when I posted my last story (Betrayal), I showed it to Owlette and she complimented me greatly for my writing. Now, I think I'm pretty good at writing (I'm nothing special, but I think I'm good), but having her compliment me made me enthusiastic to offer her a trade with her: Art for writing. I didn't intend to trade right then and there because I had owed people some writing as it was and I didn't like making them wait, but the proposed plot I came up with in thirty seconds had her even more excited!

So, having just finished my last piece and having not yet moved onto my next story, I proposed she do a 'colored sketch' in exchange for a 5000 word story! She loved the idea, I had a bucket full of motivation, and we did it as a race! She actually won, but this is what happened!

In this story, Ceylon needs to seek shelter from a storm, and Eske - the wingless hen who had a den in the largest tree in the forest - offers him a place to stay for the night, but there's a catch. She's lonely and unable to find proper mateship, so he must please her if he wants a safe place to stay! he's naturally hesitant at first, but who can resist a petite gryphon hen with more enthusiasm than her body can back up?

Last Den in the Valley -

Radiant Needs Part 1 -

Radiant Needs Part 2 -

What an absolutely miserable night to be flying. Night was bad enough on its own for Ceylon - he was a diurnal gryphon who did his flying in the day - but this night was marred by a violent storm filled with rain, lightning, and terrible winds. His wings were weak, his feathers were soaked, and he could barely see thanks to the clouds blocking what little moonlight he would have been able to utilize. Just absolutely miserable.

Normally he'd never even consider flying at night, let alone in this weather, but he had places to be and the distance between Iorre and the next closest populated district was incredibly vast; he was either going to sleep in a tree or just power through it and hopefully enjoy a night in a tavern or inn in Iorre.

A sudden gust of wind threw him for a loop as a crack of lightning exploded less than a Kilometre away, practically bursting his ear drums from the powerful sound. It hit a nearby mountaintop, so at least he was safe from it hitting him. He couldn't fly much higher for fear of becoming a target for whatever beast was hiding above the clouds to pelt the land in shocks and rain.

Once he got his bearings to level out his wings, another gust threw him to the side and a sudden swell flipped him in barrel rolls. Once again, he flapped and tried to regain his composure, but the wind had disoriented him enough that he fell many meters and was now at the same level of the trees; due to this sudden drop in altitude, his wing tip cracked off a tree branch and sent him tumbling downwards into the bush.

He didn't want to break his wing, so he curled them up tight and reached out with a claw, trying to grab a hold of anything that would slow his crash. The gryphon found himself completely jumbled, his vision blurred in a swirling mass of needles, leaves, bark, and raindrops mixed in with the occasional crack and flash of thunder and lightning. The trees in this region were immensely thick and tall, so he had a long ways to go between the branches before he hit the ground if things went on like this.

Luckily - or unluckily, depending on one's perception - he soon found himself wedged in between two thick tree branches, the impact knocking the wind out of him and shocking his mind into a dizzy mess.

His talons and claws grasped idly at the branches until he righted himself, lifting his broken body up to the crotch of the branches. It was hard and painful for the gryph, as he feared he may have cracked a rib and he was having a hard time catching his breath. Once his eyesight returned, he saw he was actually still quite high up in the tree's upper branches.

He blinked and looked up, battling with the drips of rain that cascaded down the leaves and into his eyes to see that the tree he'd hit was probably the tallest in the forest. His current location was about half way up the height of the tree he was in, and that put him just below most every other tree in the valley. Beautiful view, or at least it would have been if he wasn't beaten with mangled plumage, ruffled wings, and ragged fur, fighting for each breath with what he was increasingly sure was a broken rib.

"Good job, you arrogant bastard burd." He muttered to himself, cursing his foolish decision to fly at night when he knew a storm was coming. And to think, this was all for some vague promise of mating a gorgrous northern green gryphoness. Imminent courtship was a powerful motivator for any gryphon drake to make foolish decisions, especially if the hen was rumored to have glowing green flesh!

Regardless of the exotic mating he was anticipating, this was just plain stupid and he could see that now. After an uncomfortably long period of him trying to get a perch in the tree's branch near the trunk that was so thick its diameter exceeded his wingspan, he managed just enough comfort and stability to extend his wing to properly preen at it, realigning its feathers so he could perhaps fly again. There was nothing he could do for the fur around his rump and tail, but he did find that his breathing was getting easier with each passing breath. Perhaps he wasn't struggling with a broken rib.

Just as he finished up preening his first wing, he thought he heard a voice calling out to him in the howling wind and intermittent thunder. He quickly dismissed it as his imagination getting the better of him and he resumed preening his second wing Despite convincing himself that the voice was in his head, it seemed to persist. "Hey!" "Gryphon!" And "Listen!" it seemed to keep saying.

Once he was done preening, his curiosity got the better of him and he started looking around; maybe there WAS a voice calling out to him! But of course, even if there was, it was pitch black, the rain and wind would have obstructed his view regardless, and his eyes were nearly useless at night. Silly gryphon. Why would he even bother looking if he couldn't see anything.

But he could see something. He had no idea what it was, but there was definitely something waving at him from below him on the same tree, a few branches down! He raised a single ear to accentuate his hearing and point it towards what he thought was the source of the voice, and sure enough, there was someone with a high pitched voice calling "Hey, Listen! Gryphon!" at him. His eyes may have been useless in the dark and his hearing may have been masked by the roar of the wind, the torrent of rain, and the boom of the thunder, but he could still hear!

"Hello?" He called back at the faceless figure.

"AH! COME! Come down here, gryphon! Get out of the rain!" They called back.

This moment was decidedly confusing for Ceylon. On one wing, he couldn't bare the wind and storm any longer, but he'd learned his lesson long ago to not go into the homes of anyone he didn't know intimately. Rather than decline their offer, he just turned away and hunkered down, feathers puffing out to keep him warm in the storm - a cute ball of gryphon high in the branches of the Kerolioan valley bush.

"Hey! I said come down here! There's no reason to stay out in this weather!" the figure called back to him. "And don't just curl up in a ball and ignore me, mister!"

Wait, how in the world did this person know both that he was a he and that he'd curled up in a ball. "Who are you?" He called back, looking down over his body to see whoever it was on another branch below him. They had apparently jumped up and were closer to him.

"I live here! Stop bein' all stubbourn and get your feathered rear out of the rain! No gryph deserves to be out here in this shitty weather!"

The more this person talked, the more sure Ceylon was that it was female. Female was a gender that greatly interested him right now. Perhaps it wouldn't be so foolish a decision to go see what it was she had to offer. "Okay, okay!" he called down before hopping off the branch, spreading his wings to slow his descent as he rebounded back and forth off each branch until he made it to the branch she was on.

She was tiny compared to him. A Tiny little owl gryphoness smaller even than an average human and she was wingless. Far as he could tell, she was brown with a white belly and darker brown stripes wrapped around her shoulders and sides. Pretty face with poofy hair and pert, round ears. Tail was cute, too; super thin with a floof on the end and a tuft of feathers at its base. Pretty gryph would be prettier with wings. "So, hi."

She didn't even bother introducing herself. She just grabbed Ceylon's chest feathers and pulled him into the tiny little hole that presumably led to her den. Even with his wings tucked in tight to his torso and his belly pressed firm against the ground, he was barely able yo crawl into the space. This made him very uncomfortable, since he didn't like enclosed spaces at all, but he went along with it anyway since at this point anything truly was better than fighting the wind and being pelted with rain.

"Hurry up, gryph! Get in here and out of the rain! Silly bird. What osprey-type flies at night? Sheesh?" She threw her talons up in exasperation as she let go of his feathers to walk across her den to the fire that was it in a stone-walled fireplace. Yes. She had a fireplace in the hollowed out trunk of a massively thick tree in the valley.

Once inside, her home was quite roomy. The trunk of the tree had a greater diameter than Ceylon's wingspan, and her den was almost as wide. The tree's form twisted around this place that the wingless owl had dragged Ceylon, so it actually gave it a cavernous feeling. Suddenly, Ceylon's Claustrophobia dissipated as he found himself arching his neck to loop upwards in awe.

"Oh, stop bein' all shocked, gryph. Just sit back and relax, enjoy the warmth for the night! Want a tea?"

"A Tea?" Ceylon asked. He hadn't had a tea for a few months now. "Do you have Honey?"

She laughed. "Actually, I do! I don't usually get honey, but I did get one on a whim earlier in the week! Let me get you a tea with honey!" She darted off up a flight of stairs down to what Ceylon presumed was another story to the den. A multi-layered den? What an odd concept! What kind of gryphon - owl or otherwise - needed a multiple layer den in such a huge tree?

Regardless, Ceylon had a few minutes to take in the surroundings of the den he was in. On one end was the opening he came in through, on the opposite wall was the stairway that took her downstairs. Ceylon was nestled in a rounded out area opposite a fireplace with a picture of his host and her family in the den, which was amazingly warm and cozy. Despite it being smaller than he was normally comfortable, he found it quite pleasant and the fire was quite warm and amazingly not igniting the entire twisted wood wall above it. To his surprise, he was able to lay on his side and sidle up to the gently curved wall he was leaning against; it was very comfortable. The gentle swaying of the tree in the powerful winds was a little nauseating and the distant patter of rain on the branches and leaves was distracting, but it was still greatly preferable to being balled up in the storm on a high branch in a tree that was not exactly comfortable.

A few moments later, the wingless hen hopped up the stair well to the open den area with two steaming hot cups of tea, one of which had a clear taste of honey wafting out with the steam. She practically bounded across the room with a wide smile on her beak as she laid it down on the ring-patterned wooden floor in front of Ceylon. "Here ya go sweetie! Drink up!" She smiled a broad smile that curved the sides of her eyes up as she took a sip before slumping down with her legs crossed.

What a cheerful, perky little hen.

She wasn't wearing clothes and Ceylon didn't mean to look, but unlike most gryphons, her slit was clearly visible between the mounds of fur between her legs. He felt quite self conscious about it so he shook his head and concentrated on grabbing the cup without burning his talons or spilling as he asked her name. "So, I'm Ceylon, may I ask what the name is of the kind hen that has invited me into her home?"

"OH!" She instantly put her cup on the floor and hopped over it, extending one of her talons forth to shake with Ceylon. "Name's Eske! Nice to meet you Ceylon! May I call you Sir?"

A rather odd and precise request, but it seemed harmless enough. "Sure, call me whatever you want, m'lady!" He shook her talon and she sat back down, cross legged once again to show her moist lips protruding from between her legs. Once again, he shook the naughty thoughts from his mind and went back to trying to distract himself with proper, respectable conversation. "Anyway, thank you so very much for letting me into your den. Not very often anyone will let a wandering gryphon into their home, especially not one as large as me." Even by Gryphon standards, Ceylon was a large specimen, standing a full head or two above average sized gryphons.

"Oh, I always welcome passerby into my home! Being wingless keeps me from being able to explore very much, so I invite anyone I see in for a visit!" She was trying to keep her beak a wide smile, but a gentle crack in her facade came through as her eye twitched. "Not a lot of people come around these parts, so when they do I am more than happy to invite them in! Gets lonely, though." She lowered her gaze into the reflection in her tea as she lapped at it gently.

It was a pretty clear plea for attention on her part, but that didn't stop Ceylon from being sympathetic to her cause. A wingless gryphon stuck high in a tree this massive had every right to be upset about her living conditions. "So, you made this den perfect to make up for the fact that you weren't the most mobile gryphon in the world?" Ceylon offered, taking a sip of his tea as well. A little too much honey, but he wasn't complaining; a warm beverage was welcome on a night like this regardless of its flavor.

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yep! Been working on this den for years now; have to make it perfect and big and warm and cozy or nobody will come visit!"

"How many visitors do you have? How do you get goods and food? Why not just move to Iorre or something?"

She paused and flicker her ear, tail swaying out behind her as she thought about how to respond to that. She really didn't know how to, so the silent pause was more than a little awkward for Ceylon. Once she did speak, it was in her usual chipper voice with a smile spread wide across her beak. "Well, I have a few gryphon and dragon friends who visit from time to time, they take me into town for food and stuff. As for why I don't move, well, this is my home!" She aimed her hand at her walls, showing the pictures and art works set into the curved wood of the wall. "See? All mine. All of it. Besides, I can't leave here. Lots of predators and parasites out there waiting to swoop in on a den like this and call it their own. Snakes and spiders and nasty crow-types. Just terrible thugs, the lot of them!" She shuddered at the thought of her home being invaded before taking another long sip of her tea. As soon as her tongue darted back into her beak, she smiled again and asked Ceylon, "So tell me, what brings you all the way out here to the Kerolioan Valley?"

Ceylon may have been harboring a bit of grumpiness over the crummy weather, but it was so hard not to have her infectious smile spread to him. He didn't even mean to smile as he told his tale, despite how sleazy he knew it made him look. "Oh, just going up north. Was headed to see a friend I've been exchanging letters with. Beautiful gryphon hen with, get this, glowing green flesh! I was trying to fly north to Iorre in one long trip so I could enjoy a long weekend before going back home to Saff'Rald for work! Can you imagine that? Glowing green flesh!"

Eske chirped a light giggle as she imagined green glowing flesh. "Wouldn't that mean she was poisonous? I'm not so sure I'd want to get too close to a gryphon that color."

A common misconception. Ceylon had to correct her. "No no, that rule only applies to saurossins. Reptile and amphibian types. Not avians. This hen, she's unique in all of Dalon, so of course I wanted to meet her. It's my job to know about all the interesting people in my world!" He took another long sip of his tea and chirped as he smiled. The longer he stayed inside, the happier he became, and the company was pleasant.

"So, Sir Ceylon. Tell me, were you planning on mating this gryphoness?" She winked at him as she took another sip, shifting her leg position to show the reflections of the fire on her slightly engorged vulva. They had to be engorged, why else would they show through her fur?

Ceylon once again had to hold back his invasive stare to look back up in her pale, turquoise eyes. Finding an answer to her inquiry was hard not because of the question itself, but because Ceylon wasn't sure if he should be offended by her bluntness or refreshed at it. He sputtered over his words a bit, beak chattering gently before he cracked out a whimper.

"What's the matter, Cey? Is that too intimate a question for you? I always thought Gryphons were known for their legendary libidos!" She shuffled closer to him and smiled as she took another sip of her tea.

"W-well we are, I suppose, but it's still a little weird having such a question asked by a total stranger."

"Pshaw, I'm no stranger anymore. You're in my home! My den! No reason to be shy here. Besides, I think it sounds like a wonderful story to tell. An intrepid gryphon drake flies thousands of Kilometers north to meet his mate for a weekend of intimacy! I could paint a picture of that and sell it in Iorre! I bet that would sell for a few thousand coins!" She raised her talons to form a frame as she sized up Ceylon's body, one eye closed to focus on the image in her head.

"I take it you're an artist." Ceylon observed as his ears perked up.

"Indeed I am, and we artist types are generally eclectic. Don't let it bother you. So tell me, Sir Ceylon, were you planning on mating with this lovely glowy gryphoness? Because that could certainly make for a delicious painting."

Ceylon chuckled. "Don't worry about being eclectic. As a writer I'm known to be a touch kooky as well. I'm no stranger to the strange looks when I'm acting silly. But since you and I seem to be likeminded, yes! Yes I was planning on going up to mate with her. She sounded like a wonderful hen, and to be honest, I'd love to see what my rump looks like tied to a creature that glows! Call it curiosity, call it typical drake horniness, I don't care! Besides, she was eager to meet me as much as I was eager to meet her. I am a large specimen, after all. You know what they say about gryphons with big wings, don't you?"

"Actually, I don't. Duh. I don't get out much, remember?"

"Good point. Anyway, I suppose I'll let your imagination fill in the blanks. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy this wonderful berry tea you've made me as I dry off near this fireplace. Still a little damp from the rain." He raised his mug with one talon as though he was toasting his host before shaking his shoulders clear of some of the moisture and taking a sip.

"Oh heavens no, that just won't do!" She sat her mug down on the ground for a second time as she hopped across the floor back to the stairs before disappearing into the lower level. Ceylon's ears perked up as he tried to pay attention to what was going on as he heard her slamming things, dropping stuff, occasionally cursing at her clumsiness, and eventually coming back up the stairs. She was carrying a big, bulky blanket over her shoulder that looked so big on her that she practically disappeared into the fabric's folds. "Now this is more like it!" She hopped over towards Ceylon and dumped the blanket on his side, covering his wing and flank from rump to shoulder. It was a massive blanket.

Ceylon lifted his wing a bit to push the blanket off his side, but Eske hopped onto him and started rubbing the blanket into his fur and feathers to dry him off. He wanted to be upset or angry about her practically attacking him with a blanket, but he picked up on her intentions rather quickly so he let her do her thing.

He didn't want to say anything, but she really was messing up his coat.

"There we go! All nice and dry!" She declared, having only done half his flank without even touching his legs.

Ceylon just sipped at his tea, which only had a few mouthfuls left in the mug.

"How about I do your paws! They look all matted and gross. Got some bark in your claws, too. Here!" She grabbed a corner of the blanket and wrapped it around one of his hind paws, using it to dry his fur off while her fingers slipped between his toes and under his claws to clean them of the errant dirt and bark that had gotten stuck in his pads. She seemed incredibly focused on the task at hand as she brushed bits off and dug her own talons up deep within the cracks and crevices.

Just as her claw dragged over the thick central pad, Ceylon yanked his paw up away from her. "Hey, that tickles! Be careful!" He didn't mean to sound mean or angry, but he was not fond of being tickled. She couldn't have known that, but that didn't stop his voice from bellowing in the tightly enclosed den.

"Sorry, sorry!" She apologized as she grabbed his foot again, giving it another rub around the top of it as she flicked out the remaining bits of bark. She leaned down in close and took in a deep breath, seemingly sniffing at his pads.

"What's up?" He asked, gently pulling his paw away from her beak, a little confused.

"Oh, I just like paws. You'll have to forgive me. So soft on one side, but hard and rough on the other. Demonstrates what a gryphon can be. Gentle and fierce! Strong and sensual. Just, lemme finish cleaning yours. Everyone likes a pawdicure, I've never met anyone who didn't." She reached for his paw again and he reluctantly let her have it, but he did shake his body to let the blanket fall off his side and onto the wood floor.

His tea was cold now so he set his cup off to the side and clicked his beak. He wasn't entirely sure how he'd go about letting this eager owlette gryphon hen play with his feet. He did enjoy the feeling and it was nice to have someone else's talons digging around between his toes to clean him, but she made it clear this excited her. Ceylon could still see her juicy, engorged lips poking out from between her legs. It was an omnipresent image in his view that he just couldn't look away from. He was, in fact, heading north to mate with his long distance friend, so a hen's sex was certainly on his mind and clouding his judgement, and that's why he let her continue rather than push her away like his instincts were telling him to.

"Thanks Sir." She cooed at him, pressing his paw pad up against her chest, toes spreading around her breast mound as he wiggled his claws. She nipped and preened at the fur around his ankles as her thumbs pressed against his pads and in between his digits, giving a little squeeze to expose his claws as she cleaned each and every one of them of the bark and dirt that had accumulated there. When she was done with his hind paw, he was spotless from the ankle and below. "Good gryph. Now give me your leg." She pulled at his limb and laid his paw in her lap, using her own avian talons to rake through his fur to get out clumps of dirt with one hand as her other held his paw pads pressed tight against her lips.

Ceylon noticed this and could feel the moisture of her sex on his hardened flesh, but he didn't say anything, not even when she started undulating her spine to press her nethers against him. She may have been using his paws to pleasure herself, but she was doing such a wonderful job cleaning his legs that he didn't let it get to him.

Not that it would have bothered him. He was a drake, after all.

"On your back, drake." She whispered at him, gently twisting his hind paw to apply the gentlest bit of torque.

Ceylon hesitated but did as he was commanded. It was a little weird that this tiny gryphon hen was bossing him around, but physical affection was pleasant regardless of who it came from, and he could read no ill intentions from her, so he let her have her fun. Once on his back, his talons were folded up on his chest and his wings were spread just a but out around the wood floor to keep him stable as his hind paws were up aiming at Eske's flat-faced beak. "Is this what you mean?"

She offered a solemn nod as she got to her feet, each hind paw on either side of Ceylon's thick tail. She grabbed at his clean paw and pressed it up against her chest as she buried her beak in between his toes, careful to not jab or preen at his foot pad since she knew that would upset him. A gentle rumble of a purr emanated from her chest as she did so, the sound transforming into a coot out her beak and into his paws.

Ceylon was totally taken aback by this. It was incredibly odd for a female to be so forward and borderline aggressive with him like this - usually he was the sexually aggressive one - but her massage was just so pleasant he dare not push her off. Each nibble sent a shiver up the back of his leg to twitch at the end of his tail, clenching his rump and sheathe. He was only a little self conscious about his exposed sheathe, but the feeling did well up in his cheeks in the form of a blush. It didn't show, though; his flesh was ebony and his feathers didn't outwardly express colour unless he consciously wanted them to.

"I see you like that, Sir." She cooed into him, taking one of his toes in her cute little beak to nibble at it before licking between it and the one beside it.

Ceylon had to hold back from jerking his paw again like he had when she first prodded at his pad. "C-careful, Eske!"

She purred and leaned into his paw as she pushed it down her form to tickle at the feathers of her chest, the mounds on her breast, and the fur on her belly before squeezing his toes to drag each of his sharp claws down over either side of her exposed lips.

The drake noticed what she was doing and was very careful to make sure his claws didn't catch on her flesh; that could have been disastrous. She seemed to know what she was doing and it was little more than a tease to her, so she let his paw fall to the ground as she shifted her weight over to his other hind paw. This one was still dirty with clumps of dried mud on the leg and bits of bark in and around each and every claw. Like the first paw, she paid very close attention to Ceylon's mess as she plucked the bits of wood and bark from underneath the claw, using her talons and beak to preen and straighten the fur around it as she got each and every speck out.

"You're verrrry good at this, Eske!" Ceylon complimented her as she continued her sensual work, holding his paw against her chest as she plucked at the clumps until they broke up and dissipated.

She didn't really respond, she just kept to her low, droning purr and coo as she nuzzled in between his toes, plucking at his fur to get the mud out of it. She leaned into him and slunk down onto her knees, feeling his paw slide over her neck to rest where her wings would have been if she'd been born with them. She continued to pluck at bits of mud further and further up his leg until she was right at his crotch, the back of her talon rubbing against his exposed orbs as she got the last little bits of mud out of his coat.

Once again, Ceylon wanted to protest to the borderline invasive procedure, but the closer she got to his sex, the more sensual her rubbing and scritching became. The closer she got, the closer he wanted her to get.

"Do you like that, Sir?" She whispered, voice barely audible over the steady drone of the rain pounding the outside of the den. Eske had noticed that his member had begun to bulge within his sheathe, a universal symbol that he was excited. The tip of it hadn't emerged, but she knew that with the gentlest of rubbing, he'd be exposed.

Ceylon, for the first time in months, was rendered speechless. He didn't nod, he didn't whisper an affirmation, and he didn't thrust into her dextrous talons to tell her he liked it. Instead, he just whimpered as he buried his beak in his plumage.

She giggles and lened into him as both of his legs lowered on either side of her. She pressed her talons down on either side of his lower belly, giving a scritch as she broke up wads of mud from his fur, starting wide at the hips and working her way inward until she was plucking at either side of his sheathe. She could feel his firm girth inside it pressing out against his stretchy, white-furred ebon flesh, so she wrapped one talon around it and gave a rub.

He whimpered again as his hips bucked up. He didn't do it on purpose and was actively trying to not let his excitement get the better of him; he was saving that for his nuclear firefly - the gryphon hen waiting for him in Iorre - but he couldn't help it. Eske was just so cute and her talons were so very nimble to dance around his nethers like that. He curled his toes and flicked his tail with slight agitation as he resisted the urge to roll onto his feet and bound out the tiny little door to the storm that continued to rock the tree gently.

Was he resisting her advances, or resisting the urge to leave. The longer she rubbed and squeezed at him, the more confused he was.

"Oh, don't be so shy, Sir." She cooed, trailing her talons down either side of his sheathe to tickle at the base of his furred orbs. "I've only begun to get what I need from you." Before Ceylon could comprehend what she was implying, she cupped each of his orbs and buried her beak in the crook between them and the base of his sheathe, nibbling and preening at the fur there as she rubbed the crest of her beak up and down the multi-lobed knot that was forming inside.

He groaned and let his head fall back onto the wood floor as she massaged at him and tugged at his seeds. The lasted a few moments of sensual thrusting and grinding into her until she slowly walked one of her talons down to the gryph's pert, fleshy rump and slipped a finger into it. His eyes shot open as his muscles tensed down, nearly pushing her digits from his flesh as his tail curled up to instinctively cover and protect his soft flesh.

She smiled up at him and gave the underside of his sheathe a long, sensual lick as she twirled her finger around inside him, using his natural moisture and a bit of the water from the rain to slip a second inside and thrust her talons in and out. His rump was massive and tender compared to her lithe little fingers, so she rotated her wrist and forced a third finger into him. She continued to lick at his sheathe and nuzzle into his belly beside it as she pried open his rump with her three fingers. His flesh was moist and tender, so she pushed in with her entire hand and found it slipped in with relative ease.

Ceylon's body tensed up as her knuckles slipped in through his meaty rump to his tender insides, the added pressure on his inner pleasure button to almost fully inflate his knot in his sheathe, creating a massive bulge for her to rub and nibble against.

She didn't keep her hand inside him long. Instead, she balled it up into a fist, spun it from side to side as she used his inner lube to alleviate friction, and she pulled it out with one powerful tug, leaving his rump gaped, a star of pink in the middle of his ebon ring. She crawled backwards and laid on her side, pressing beak against his fleshy insides and daring her tongue in and out as her thumbs pried him open.

That was what kind of threw Ceylon over the edge. She was just getting so incredibly kinky with him, seemingly hitting all his pleasure points with her tongue, fingers and fist. He had to know why. Reluctant as he was to deny her another taste of his backside, he scooted out away from her and curled up onto his side, one talon up and wings flared as his chest heaved. His position let her still see the black ring of drooling flesh at the tip pf his sheathe as the deep red tip poked out.

"What's wrong, Sir?" She asked, crawling on her knees, practically begging for more.

"Nothing's wrong, Eske." he replied, trying his best not to sound like he was unappreciative while still maintaining his disbelief. "But I have to know, why?"

"Why what? Why do I crave your cock? Why do I desire to please you and give you massages and clean your fur? Why do I so eagely rub and prod and poke at your backside?"

"Can it be all of the above?"

"Yes it can, Sir. And Ceylon, I'm lonely here. There's nothing more to it than that. I told you, I don't get out all that often, I'm stuck high in the tallest tree in the valley, and there aren't many visitors, especially fellow gryphons. You seem more than willing to share your seed, I'm at the tail end of my heat, and you're stuck here for the night unless you want to go freeze your feathers off in the pouring rain, so I suggest you get over here and let me pleasure you if you want a warm nest to curl up in tonight!" Her tone shifted from needy to apologetic to downright demanding. "And I want your cock. I want it all, you see. I don't care how crude that makes me seem, I need it in me, so you better bend me over and make me your own personal hen."

Ceylon did not know if he was scared or turned on.

But he did acknowledge that she was right. He was horny, she was a gryphon who was probably lonely due to her lack of wings, and he would rather be her pet for the night than sleep in the rain. He didn't appreciate the blackmail, but there were certainly worse threats than 'let me pleasure you or you can sleep in the rain.'

"You win, Eske, but I really don't think it's in your best interest to be mounted by me. I'm a dozen times your size!"

She stepped up to him and pointed at the floor at her feet. "Cock or Rain, your choice."

He slunk back against the wall and held his wings close to his body, the smaller, wingless hen's pale turquoise eyes feeling like they were shooting fire through his skull. The drake was weighing his options at this point. He could just leave, or he could fake it to please her. Maybe he'd just lay in her den until she was done nagging at him. Regardless, he had options. This led to a realization that he had to fight dominance with dominance. He could certainly be dominant and only liked playing submissive to those he loved and trusted. This tiny hen was cute and had a certain energy about her that few others commanded, but she was still only about as big as one of his hind legs, his cock was bigger around than her thigh!

Gaining his composure and confidence, Ceylon rose to all four feet and looked down at his generous but demanding hostess over the crest of his beak. His voice boomed - an ample change from his meek whimpering from before. "Fine. I will happily give you what you want, but you need to understand that once you unleash the beast, you had better be ready to deal with it."

Her glare melted into a wide smile as she hopped up and down, clapping her talons as she leaned in to hug Ceylon, beak nuzzled into his chest plumage. "YAY! Oooooh, Sir Ceylon, this is going to be just....rrrh!" She hopped back ad balled her talons up into fists as as leaned over, beak gaped and eyes clasped shut in pure, unadulterated joy! "Thank you sooo, SO much, Mr Drake!"

But Ceylon wasn't giggling or laughing. Now he was horny and he'd allowed his carnal lust to take over. His gentlemanly side was still inside, watching the scene unfold from a cage within his own mind as he pounced at her, pinning her to the ground on her back.

She looked up at him with wide, hopeful eyes as he growled at her, his talon pressed down on her chest, his weight keeping her from drawing the deep breaths she wanted. His power was intoxicating and his sudden shift in mood took her completely by surprise. She tried to press up into his talon but she was pinned down completely, only able to move her arms, legs, and tail.

Ceylon's eyes narrowed as he leaned down close to look her in the eyes, his sky blue gaze far more intense than the soft colors would indicate. A deep growl escaped his beak and his breath tickled at Eske's plumage and hair as he slipped his talon up so that his digits wrapped around her shoulders and clawed at the wood beneath her.

"Well hello! This is a bit more like it, sexy gryphon!" She giggled a bit and reached around his talon to cup her palm over her mound; the moisture emanating from it soaked her velvety talon so she gave herself the gentlest of rubs, only to stop and scold herself for not letting Ceylon do that.

He gently released his firm grip on her chest and stepped over her so that his massive member - still deeply entrenched in his sheathe - was hovering almost directly over her. He practically barked at her as he raised his tail and lowered his hips, the motion peeling a few inches back over his barbed tip to splatter her with a concoction of his lubricating fluids.

She didn't need any more demands than that. She hopped up to her feet and pressed her beak against the side of the opening of his sheathe, feeling the slick, barbed tip smear fluids across her cheek as she licked at the ebon-fleshed opening. Her tongue plunged into his flesh between cock and sheathe to give her a proper taste of his bestial nature. It was bitter and powerful, but she liked it, and would have liked it more if she could take it into her beak, but it was just too big for her!

The drake hissed gently as his hips bucked forth, his member prodding her face and knocking her off balance as he stepped forward to press his hips down on her, once again pinning her to the ground. This time, she had his belly, sheathe, and balls holding her against the wooden floor of her den, with the sheathe pressed up between her breasts to poke at the underside of her beak, balls on either of her thighs.

Eske's small form was kept trapped against the ground, leaving only her arms and head able to move, so she used them to wrap her talons around the end of his sheathe and pull it back, tongue lapping at the prickly barbs that lined his tip. She paid close attention as his stretchy flesh spread wide around the bulge of his member, lines of fluid trailing down its length and glistening in the reflection of the firelight. What a beautiful sight to have such a delicious looking bit of juicy meat dangling down on her, resting between her breasts and poking at her chin. She chirped happily as she pushed the skin back as far as it would go, giggling as it slid around Ceylon's bulging, six-lobed knot.

"Oh, I see you found it, hen, now tell me what you want to do with it!" Ceylon cracked a grin as he bucked his hips forward, rubbing his massive member between her breasts, the knot resting heavily on her belly. His sheathe skin was peeled back and bunched up around the base of his knot and his entire length was oozing thick, natural lubricant to completely mess up her fur and feathers.

She didn't mind one bit. Instead, it just made her all the more eager. Her lips were moist and swollen - even wetter and thicker than they were before - and her breasts were tingly and sensitive, so she mashed them together to cup around the underside of his shaft, rubbing it up and down as he thrust. She was enjoying the pressure, but Ceylon pulled off her for some reason, leaving her whimpering and needy. "Ceylon, what are you doing?" She cried at him, reaching up to get one last grasp of his member before it was too far away.

He hissed at her and nudged her over with his beak, pinning her to the ground again. With one quick motion, he nuzzled under her side and flipped her over so that she was on her belly, followed by another prod between her legs to prop her up on her knees. Her tail remained wrapped around her rump to protect her sensitive areas, at least until she felt his deep, hot breath tickling at her rump, which flipped a switch and her tail lifted straight up.

"Don't question me, hen!" He demanded as he rubbed the crest of his beak up and down her petite lips, his tongue snaking out from his beak to sample her taste.

Eske's eyes fluttered as her body shook, a twinge of pleasure trailing up and down her spine to explode in the tip of her tail. She spread her legs and pushed back against him, hoping the powerful drake would slip something into her, maybe give her some tongue work. To enhance her sensations, she reached up between her legs and gave her engorged clit a rub - it was still a tiny knob of flesh, but it was hard and incredibly sensitive.

"No no no!" Ceylon scolded her, reaching around her side to grab at her arm with his beak, yanking it away from her tender sex. "You wanted to be pleased by a drake, you're going to let this drake please you!" He didn't hesitate to return to her swollen, puffy lips, rubbing back and forth with his tongue exploring her depths, the very tip of his long, tapered tongue probing her womb.

She immediately stopped struggling, instead curling her toes and talons in pleasure as she pushed back on Ceylon's invasive muscle. Her beak chattered and her eyelids continued to flutter, even as his thumb claws pressed on either of her lips to spread her open, further allowing his tongue to disappear into her sex. She tried to vocalize - perhaps to encourage or moan - but she just couldn't. All she could feel was his hot breath tickling at her rump as his dripping wet tongue soaked her nethers.

Once she was fully soaked with saliva and her own excitement, Ceylon hopped back, then hopped back forward to have all four of his feet on either side of his hen. He pressed his hips down against her and she pushed back, his cock resting heavily on her hips. With a growl, he swayed his hind end back and forth, smearing his cock's fluids all over her fur and the tuft at the base of her tail, gumming it all up and creating a sticky mess.

And she loved it. The feeling of having that thick, throbbing cock against her was tickling her in just the right way, his barbs snagging at her fur and raking through the mess he was leaving. She tried to lean forward so his cock would slip off her rump cheek and prod at her slit, but he pressed a talon down on her chest and pinned her there with a grunt. Once again, she wanted to vocalize her enthusiasm, but the pressure on her chest kept her from doing so.

Ceylon growled a throaty roar as he reached down and clamped his beak around her neck, holding her in place with maw and talon as he repositioned his member against her opening. His girth was throbbing and hot, anticipating the wonderful sensation of having slick, hen sex wrapped around it. The barbs were splayed out, stabbing and poking at her swollen lips as he tensed his muscle to bob it up and down, occasionally prodding at her rump. Testing the flesh, he gave the slightest, gentlest of thrusts to prod at her sex, feeling her lips spread wide around his tip, but her muscles were nowhere near malleable enough to accommodate him.

Immediately, her eyes went wide as the gryphon's abrasive cock tip speared into her, barbs catching on the wrinkles of her flesh before tugging and stabbing. She let out a long, strained chirp as her resolve diminished. "C-ceylon, I think, you're too big!"

Too bad for her.

Ceylon didn't respond to her protest, at least not with an apology or any sort of remorse. Instead, he just pushed harder, the tightness of Eske's sex compressing his flesh and pinching his girth to half its normal thickness. She was soaking wet and her muscles were clenching down in resistance, but Ceylon cared only for his own pleasure now. She wanted his lusty side, now she got it.

"C-Ceeeyyyylooon! STOP!" She was whimpering now as her lips burned with the friction and tension of the massive cock that was forcing its way into her. She felt like she was being split in half, with the barbs stabbing at her flesh making it ten times worse. She was balling her talons up into fists as she tried to push away form him, but he still had a large amount of his weight pressed down on her chest keeping her from movement. She even tried to reach down and grab at his shaft to forcefully tug him out of her, but he was too big, too strong, and far too eager! He just kept pushing against her, his slick cock slipping through her fingers and lips to slowly spread her out, inch by inch.

His beak tightened around her neck and his talon pressed harder against her back as he gave another firm thrust to feel his barbed tip slip through her depths to prod at the opening to her womb, the firmer flesh stopping him from going any further. His pointed glans rested gently in her opening, ready to plow through. Her taut flesh wrapped tightly around his member was throbbing rapidly, her pulse being felt contracting rhythmically. He could actually take her pulse with his cock! He gave another push, but to no avail.

The pain was so incredibly intense for the once over-eager Eske, who was now wholly regretting her decision. Her eyes were closed tight and her beak was clamped shut as a single tear rolled down her cheek to get absorbed in her facial feathers. Her tail tried to press down between her cheeks to dissuade the drake form thrusting any deeper, but it just made her fur tangle with her flesh to increase the friction, so she kept it pulled up and to the side to minimize the pain. Her walls were quivering as they weakened, no longer able to clamp down and squeeze the invading member from her depths, so she relaxed, hoping to lessen the strain.

This proved to not be the best idea.

Ceylon could feel her walls loosening, so he gave another powerful thrust, and this time his barbed tip slipped through into her womb, the rounded glans expanding deep within her as his barbs flared out to catch on the inside of her cervix, ensuring that no matter what happened, he could not be pulled from her depths until he'd gone flaccid. His knot was swelling, the upper lobes of it pressing out against her lips for added pressure, even though he was completely unable to slip his bulge into her. No knotting. What an absolute shame. This hen deserved a proper tie!

She whimpered again as she felt the drake's hot seed oozing into her womb one stream at a time. His heat and her flesh were melting into each other as her belly bloated a bit with the added seed. The more of his cum flowed into her, the less her sex burned; it appeared as though his offering was numbing her because the barbs even stopped hurting after a few throbbing heaves of ejaculate. Her expression melted from shocked and pained to strained but pleasured. Her sex was quivering in delight rather than pain, and things just felt right. Perhaps a little uncomfortable, but right.

The massive drake's climax continued to spew into his hen, filling her with his seed as he daintily let go of her neck with his beak so he could roar an avian screech of dominance that was synchronized with a particularly loud clap of thunder, his wings shooting out and knocking their half-full cups of tea over onto the wooden floor. He could feel his member shrinking inside her already - an unfortunate side effect of not being able to properly tie this petite hen. Had his knot swelled inside her, they would have been tied for the night, unable to part ways until long after the storm had subsided. He'd have preferred that, but a quickie was always nice, too. He raised one of his hind talons up to press down on her hip, angling is cock in such a way to keep it inside as his head drooped, the last burst of seed erupting into her.

Eske cooed at him and nuzzled up to his beak, lower beak quivering as her strength gave out. She fell to her side and rolled onto her back, letting Ceylon's massive, barbed cock spill out form her, leaving her gaped with a flood of his deposit tricking out her sex to make a mess of the underside of her tail. She could feel the hot air emanating from his shriveling member tickling at her insides deep into her womb, the pleasure curling her toes as she sighed contentedly. She brought her paws up to prod at his orbs and bat at his member with a giggle before he pulled away from her.

His gentle-drake side reemerged from his carnal lust, and he felt an intense wave of regret. His cock was sore, and her flesh was so beaten, battered, and tender that it remained open as she relaxed on her back, legs spread and tail flicking gently. He whimpered in response and hopped back over her, eyes affectionate and beak clattering. "I-I'm so sorry! I warned you! Here! Accept my apology!" He leaned down and buried his beak between her legs, slipping his tongue deep into her, rotating inside to lap up all the mess he'd made, swallowing it down before pushing into her again. He missed some, letting it dribble over her tail, so he stuck his lower beak into her and let it pool between his gums before swallowing.

Her sex slowly closed around his tongue, cervix trapping remnants of his seed deep within her to fertilize an egg as her canal clamped down to force the thick cream out between her puffy lips. She was still gasping heartily as her tender flesh returned to normal - albeit far more sensitive than before. The simple pleasure of tongue prodding between her lips was just heaven, and despite how thin it was, it felt so big to her hypersensitive flesh. "Th-thank you Ceylon. I needed that." She reached down and rubbed at his fluffy ears, which immediately drooped to her touch.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let that part of me out. Are you okay?" he gave her tender flesh another gentle lick and a nuzzle before rising up above her.

"I am okay. Yes. Just, in the future, please be a bit gentler." She cooed and curled up on her side, feeling the thick mass of cum sloshing around in her womb. Her tail flicked gently as she gave her clit a gentle rub, hoping to maybe enjoy one last wave of pleasure before the soreness of post-coital bliss took over. Sadly, it was too late and she could barely keep her legs together; even the slightest touch made her feel sore, tender flesh recoiling in pain. There were worse ways to mate.

Ceylon stepped around her, his shrinking cock slipping back into its sheathe as the stretchy flesh rubbed all the cum and fluids from his tip to drool on the carpet, leaving a distinctly musky scent in her den. He nuzzled at her neck and laid down beside her, curving his form in the opening opposite the fireplace. He offered one last apology before insisting he get some sleep, the storm roaring outside and the massive tree they were in still swaying gently back and forth in the wind.

Her legs were too weak to walk due to the absolute pounding she'd endured, so she grasped at Ceylon's plumage and nuzzled into him, purring gently as the last bits of cum trickled from her sex. She thanked him for persisting - much to his confusion - and they both fell asleep amidst the back drop of the roaring storm.


The next morning, Ceylon gently woke to find Eske curled up in between his legs and belly, still purring steadily. Her leg offered a gentle kick as she grasped at his plumage again, making him smile. She really was cute, and surprisingly tough for such a small gryph. Being born without wings in this valley was certainly some pretty intense adversity to overcome.

Not wanting to wake his host, he shifted his form until they were no longer touching, and he got to his feet, stretching his wings out as he glanced outside. It was a beautiful morning. The sun was almost directly shining into the den's opening, and the gentle fog left over from the storm was hovering in the forest below with pointed treetops peeking out from it.

Beautiful day.

He got one last look back at Eske before walking out onto the branch, spreading his wings, and dropping into the air to glide off into the distance, continuing his flight to Iorre.

She shifted in his absense, waking up with a sudden jerk as she realized the drake was no longer there, offering his warmth. She was disappointed, of course - she wanted to make him some breakfast as a thanks for his willingness - but this worked too. As she rolled to her feet, she found her legs were still a little weak and she stumbled, leaning against the wall as she laid her talon on her belly. She felt a very firm bulge in her torso, so she gave it a tap, testing it.

Much to her delight, she was gravid! She wasn't used to eggs forming so quickly after mating, so this was quite a peculiar twist of fate!

A smile spread across her beak as she picked up the two cups that had tea in them the night before, taking them to her kitchen and carrying on with her day. One thought that crossed her mind many times was that she hoped Sir Ceylon would pass by upon his return home after that lucky green-fleshed gryphoness had her way with him.


Starring: Vinn and Shikan What an awesome day at work! Started out with Vinn arriving early to enjoy a coffee, only to find out that the coffee had been spiked with a hyperactivity drug that gave Vinn all the energy and motivation to get an entire...

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A Fitting Pair

Fitting Pair Seems Ilorek just couldn't catch a break. For the longest time, he couldn't find any partners that he loved, finding them to usually fawn over his dick only to find it too big to take comfortably. Eyes bigger than their holes, as it...

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Sampling in the Stalls

Sampling in the Stalls "Come come!" Ilorek urged, practically dragging Vinn behind him into the stables. "I've got something to show you!" The much larger hippogryph was roughly pulling and yanking on Vinn's arm, urging him into the barn out back of...

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