
Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - Danza

Vinn - Greenwing

Shikan - Shikanaconda

I won't lie. This was just an element of my selfishness.

Basically, when I saw this being posted for the first time, I thought the snake was a rendition of Leera. Vinn was the commissioner, and Danza didn't know who the snake was either, so I just fantasized about it being Leera. Well, when I did talk to Vinn and found out who it was, I asked Shikanaconda, vinn, and Danza if I could post it to my pages as though it was Leera in exchange for a 5000 word story. All parties agreed that, if I wrote a story for the commissioner and stars of the comic, I could post it to my page.

So, I wrote the 6000 word story and I'm posting it as sort of a gift in exchange for the right to pretend in my head that the snake is LEera. It's not, but I get to post it to my page and pretend it is. I think I lucked out because I Absolutely adore Danza's vore art and so few artists can do snakes.

So in this story, Vinn makes the mistake of not feeding his hungry pet snake and leaving out some growth pills that lead to...well, you'll see. Shikan grows in mass and intelligence and decides to pay his master back by making him a meal!

In the alternate version where it's LEera...well, I dunno. Probably not gonna write the alternate version and I'll just instead leave it as is. the snake is Shikan and he's huuuungry! if it was Leera, she'd do it as a gift to Vinn and she'd know a lot more about his dreams and desires throughout.

Starring: Vinn and Shikan

What an awesome day at work! Started out with Vinn arriving early to enjoy a coffee, only to find out that the coffee had been spiked with a hyperactivity drug that gave Vinn all the energy and motivation to get an entire week's worth of work done in only a day! While he managed to do all his paperwork and experiments in the fraction of the time it usually took, he did still have one outstanding task to complete: testing of the growth serum he was assigned to test.

NoThEn Labs were constantly testing new drugs, potions, and magical enchantments on various objects, and the latest was a pill that permanently increased a person's size and mass, designed for those who had a particular love for bulging muscles or extreme size difference. The first versions of this pill were effective but painful and the effects didn't last long enough. The combination of chemical compounds and magical enchantments actually doubled the subject's muscle mass and elongated bones within a matter of hours, but it was intensely painful and when the body went back to normal size, their skin and muscles were left loose and weak. The new version that Vinn was testing was said to be without pain, and with much longer lasting effects, though it took much longer for the pills to make any change in the user's body. It was more of a long term investment, but it was also safer and more pleasant.

This is why Vinn was told to take one pill per day before an exercise, it would facilitate muscle growth and keep the added pounds on his form so he could impress his pets and masters.

However, the spiked coffee also meant that he went a little overboard.

Once he'd finished his day at work, he went to the on-site gym to do his daily exercise, but he had so much extra energy that he experienced a well-above normal growth for the day. His pecs were bulging, abs defined, and shoulders broad; all far more than he was supposed to grow. Luckily for him - or unlucky, depending on how you viewed it - his energy ran out after a few hours of intense exercise and he encountered a rather intense energy crash, resulting in him barely being able to stumble his way back to his room, bottle of growth pills in hand.

"Ugh, wow, that was not what I expected." He grumbled to himself as he stumbled through his open door, barely able to stand straight as though he were drunk. His room was in the dormitory wing of NoThEn Labs, so he was never far from his work and he was granted all the amenities of daily life, paid for by CEO Ceylon himself. It was a beneficial arrangement, but it did occasionally lead to Vinn feeling trapped in the lab, even though he was free to leave and spend time with friends whenever he wished. He just loved his work so much that he rarely left!

His room was rather simple, with little more than a bed, dresser, Television, and end table in it. He had his own personal bathroom off to the side and a mini kitchen as well, but it was rather bare-bones and small, so it always felt a little cramped. He did, however, have a pet snake to keep him company. Shikan was his name, a mutation of a common green anaconda that had him with bright red spots around his eyes and a series of subtle suckers all down his belly. A very peculiar and unique specimen of anaconda, he proved to be a wonderful companion of Vinn's. He also had measurable intelligence, just on the side of sentience and intelligent enough to engage in physical conversation with Vinn. The snake lacked the ability to speak, but was still able to communicate. Unfortunately for Shikan, however, he was still classified as feral and therefore was expected to remain in a glass enclosure while Vinn was away, even though he slithered around the room when Vinn was home, like an eager dog.

The first thing Vinn usually did upon returning home was to open up the aquarium and let Shikan out to enjoy the freedom offered by Vinn's full living quarters. They would snuggle, Shikan would coil around Vinn, and they even engaged in some sensual fun from time to time, but they kept that little fact to themselves, knowing that other lab technicians and employees would likely look down their snouts at such intimacies.

This day was not the same as most days. Rather than stumble over to the aquarium to let his excited pet out of his enclosure, Vinn absentmindedly laid the pills down on the dresser top as he walked right past it into his bathroom, completely ignoring the snake's gape-grinned excitement within his enclosure.

Shikan was smart enough to know that, some times, master was tired and didn't want to play immediately, so he waited patiently as Vinn enjoyed a shower. He curled up into a ball and pressed his snout against the glass of the aquarium, flicking his tongue out to detect if maybe Vinn was excreting pheromones or was expecting a mate to visit. No such indicators were present.

Disappointed, but still hopeful, Shikan laid his head down on one of his coils and flicked his tongue idly, waiting for the door to open and Vinn to return to open his enclosure. Minutes passed that felt like hours to the eager snake before Vinn returned, naked and thicker than usual. Shikan raised his head again and gaped open his maw in a smile, tongue hanging out like a dog's.

But Vinn wasn't coming over to the enclosure; instead, he stumbled over to his bed and fell down face first onto the covers without even covering himself up! Had Shikan been able to sigh in disappointment, he would have. Instead, he closed his mouth and let his head rest on one of his coils as he slurped his tongue back up in its sheathe.

Hours passed with Vinn not doing so much as stirring in his bed. It would have been like he died, had his chest not still been heaving slowly with each breath. Eventually, Shikan lost any home that Vinn would wake up and let him out for a cuddle, so he turned away from the glass and buried his snout in his coils, preparing to sleep for the night. He could hear his belly grumbling and feel it quivering - he was incredibly hungry and it had been weeks since his last meal. Not uncommon for a snake, but meal time usually also came accompanied with a gentle mating, so he'd been conditioned to associate hunger with food, and food with sex.

There was nothing to worry about. While he was in fact hungry, his metabolism allowed him to survive for months on a single meal if need be, so he could certainly live without some tasty morsel in his belly. Instead of pining about hunger, he covered his eyes with his tail and lapsed into a light dream - more like a memory - of his body coiled tight around Vinn's, the base of his tail pressed against the underside of Vinn's to push both his hemipenes deep within his reptilian master. In the dream, however, he opened his maw wide to swallow Vinn's tail, swallowing it bit by bit until his master's survival instinct kicked in and the tail detached, giving the snake a delightfully musky-flavored snack.

Right as he yawned, in dream, he felt a sharp stabbing at his tail, jerking him awake to see that his own maw was dripping with saliva, wrapped around the back end of his body with part of his tail forced down his gullet.

He gagged and gaped open his maw, tensing his muscles to pull his teeth up tight against his gums, letting his tail slide out of his throat to land with a splat between his coils. He shook his disbelief off and realigned his jaw as he turned to look at his master, who was now coiled up in the fetal position on his bed, tail still attached and hanging over the side of the bed. He was whimpering and kicking gently, hips bucking and tail tip flicking. Like Shikan, he must have been having a rather pleasant dream.

As Shikan watched, Vinn rolled from side to side, extending his legs and tail before curling back up. At one point he rolled himself in his blanket and thrust up into it, both of his members protruding from his slit to pitch a tent in the coiled blanket before it slipped off him to dangle beside the bed again, exposing his fully nude form. Once the blanket fell off him, re-exposing his body to the cool air of his dormitory, he rolled onto his side with his glistening members pointed right at his pet snake, the dim light reflecting off them to make them look bigger and juicier than they were.

Shikan pressed his snout and a few feet of his body against the glass, the tentacle-like suckers clinging to the smooth surface as the reptile tried to force his way out so he could get a taste of his master's seed. Taking him by surprise, the glass of his enclosure slid a bit to the side as his body tensed up tight, opening a slit to the side.


This presented a rather clear opportunity for Shikan, who was very interested in getting a proper taste of his master. With his suckers still on the glass, he pushed the glass panel open wide and slipped his head through the opening, pulling his body out with it as he gently bumped the bottle of pills that were laying on the table in front of him. He froze solid as the bottle rocked back and forth, but his stillness didn't stop it from falling over, top popping off and pills spewing everywhere. They had a pretty sweet and tasty scent; curious, he flicked his tongue over one to flick it back into his mouth, swallowing it with some effort.

It was subtle, but the taste was quite pleasant and made him want another, so he kept flicking his tongue in and out to capture and swallow every errant pill on the table before realizing that the only ones left were still in the container.

Well, that would be a simple enough problem to remedy!

Shikan curved his head to the side and wrapped his upper and lower jaw around either side of the pill bottle, lifting it up high so that each and every pill landed on his open gullet before being swallowed up as one big mass. The pills were still a tiny bulge in his throat only half way down to his belly when he started to feel his body getting limp and loose, muscles inflating around bone and other muscles as his bones creaked. His mass continued to grow until his coils were pressed tight against every wall of his enclosure, so he tried to slither out but found that the walls were too tight around him to move!

There was a gentle creak as a spiderweb of cracks exploded across the glass thanks to the snake's bulging and growing form pressing against it. He knew this was about to get serious. Thinking fast, he rotated his body up and to the side so that his suckers pressed against the glass, clinging to its surface just in time before it exploded outwards, the panes shattering while attached to his belly. Luckily, the suction kept the glass from making a loud sound as it broke, and the glass was thick enough that it didn't slice him up upon it's bursting outwards.

Now partially free from his enclosure, Shikan's coils spilled out over the table and he landed on the floor in a heap of scales and glass, body still bulging outwards as he slithered away from the desk.

He was going to be in so much trouble for eating master's pills and breaking his tank.

Ashamed, he darted in beside the bed, coiling up in a ball over the heat vent - a favorite place for him to be when exploring the dormitory. The warmth from the vent billowed up between his coils to keep him warm and comfortable as he shook off the remaining shards of glass to slip between the metal grates. His tongue flicked out to taste if his master had woken up or became disturbed at the muted sound of the glass breaking, but he neither saw nor tasted any difference in the air.

But he was still growing!

The snake's muscles continued to elongate and bulge out, even as he tried to keep himself coiled up in a ball over the vent. He was easily twice his normal length and an even greater magnitude thicker, and yet he was still growing! How big would he get? What would happen if he grew to the point he was too big for the room?

Panicked, Shikan slithered up and poked his head over the side of master's bed, nudging at the reptile's hips with his snout, trying to wake him up to show him what was happening, but Vinn was having nothing to do with it. He was quite tired - the exhaustion and sweat smelled this close to his body had a distinct flavor to the snake - and was clearly in a deep sleep, dreaming about whatever it was lizards dreamed about. He just rolled onto his side away from Shikan, exposing his tail and rump to the snake, who gave it another nudge; this time, he also gave a tongue flick followed by a gentle nibble. Shikan bit his master's tail near the base, teeth sinking into scales ever so gently to wake him.

But he didn't wake. Vinn did not wake up at the feel of snake teeth biting at the base of his tail. Instead, he bucked his hips backwards and tried to lift his tail, exposing his rump. He was liking it! What kind of dream was he having? Was he fantasizing about snake bites some how? Shikan didn't know a lot about dreams, but he did know that real world actions on the dreamer had palpable effects on the dream, so a bit would translate to some sort of a bite in dream.

Or not. Wait, there was no way Shikan would know that; he was intelligent for a snake, but not that kind of intelligent. Self aware, but he didn't know words like 'palpable' or 'translate', at least not usually. It wasn't clear to him at the time, but the growth pills also increased his brain mass along with his bones, muscles, and skin, so his mental capacity increased greatly. A flood of memories born of his many days and hours with Vinn came back to him, and he seemed to pick up on the meaning of words he didn't understand before with ease. Vore. Fetish. Fantasy. Noms. All terms that once seemed like idle chatter suddenly made sense.

Shikan couldn't be completely sure of his master's fantasies, or dream state, but he did put a few things together quickly. His thrusting into the silk sheets of his bed, the pleasure of being bitten by a snake. Yes, Vinn appeared to be having a vore dream. A dream Shikan needed to wake him from. Pleasant an idea as it may have been, the snake's body was still growing to the point he was as big around as Vinn's chest was; head bigger than his master's.

He pulled his body up onto Vinn's bed, resting half of his girth alongside his master, as he rested his head on his chest, tongue flicking out to test and see if Vinn's mood changed with a massive, thick snake pressed up against his back, scales rubbing on scales.

There was a change in mood from Vinn, but not the one Shikan hoped for or expected. He could taste arousal in the air, and as he looked down he saw his master's hemipenes both poking out of his slit and hard as they could get. Vinn rolled over onto his side and wrapped his arm around the snake's body, pressing his crotch against Shikan's girth, rubbing both members on the snake's slick, bulging scales.

Shikan was getting a little frustrated. He wanted to wake master up, not mate. Mating was usually quite fun, but this was not the time for that. Having run out of ideas, he pushed away from master's grasp and thrusts to slither over him, putting his full weight on the reptile's torso before falling with a gentle thud on the ground. He slid his entire body down to the foot of the bed and rose up, maw gaping open wide to plant a big bite on his master's tail. Maybe with a tug, he'd pull the tail right off and THAT would wake master up. His maw was wide open when his belly began to rumble, reminding him how hungry he was and how angry he was with master for neglecting his appetite.

His maw began to water as he descended on Vinn's tail. His maw - totally soaked in saliva - wrapped around the very tip of reptilian tail as his teeth snagged on his scales.

Contrary to what normal behaviour was when a giant snake bit down on your extremities, Vinn smiled and rolled onto his back, spreading his legs and rubbing at his cocks, still deep in sleep. It was clear he was still sleeping because he was mouthing words with his tongue lolled out and eyes closed. Very peculiar.

To send a stronger message, Shikan arched his neck and detached his upper jaws from Vinn's tail and lurched forward to bite down harder, forcing Vinn's tail a bit deeper into the snake's throat. Once again, Vinn writhed in pleasure as he rubbed at his cocks, a gentle moan escaping his lips as his hind talons curled up and pressed inward.

What a delightfully good opportunity to teach master a lesson about not feeding his snake!

Shikan rolled his body to the side and gaped open his maw again, stretching out as his muscles bulged to trap one of Vinn's hind talons with one side of his upper jaw followed by his other hind talon with the other side of his upper jaw. With one lurch, his lower jaw slid forth a few inches before both upper and lower jaw clamped down to hold Vinn's feet in place.

Rather than panic or kick at the hungry maw wrapped around his feet and tail, Vinn squished his toes into the soft, moist flesh and curled the talons downward, using the saliva to rub his heels together; meanwhile, his tail tip swayed back and forth, sloshing about in the mess of throat flesh and saliva creating a tiny, fin-shaped bulge in Shikan's throat. He also continued to rub at his members and idly thrust his hips up into the air every few seconds, spine pulsing in a wave from neck to tail tip.

Well, clearly this wasn't working, perhaps a deeper lesson would be better.

With another stretching heave of his gaped open maw over the limbs of his master, Shikan pushed forth and swallowed down a few more inches of Vinn's legs and tail. The feeling of having master's feet and tail poking out at his stretched throat flesh was oddly pleasant, and helped to alleviate his hunger just a tiny little bit. He also noticed that his muscles had stopped bulging and he'd stopped growing, so he was free to pull the tasty lizard further down his throat without worries of harming him. His teeth were like dozens of tiny needles, but still managed to not draw blood, which would have been unpleasant for Vinn and Shikan both; Shikan didn't care for the taste of blood and certainly didn't want it dripping onto his tongue.

So he kept it up, slowly and gently walking his upper jaw sides along Vinn's body with his lower jaw slipping forward underneath the lizard with every maw-tug. His pink flesh was secreting thick gobs of saliva to moisten and lubricate Vinn's scales, making his extremities slip with ease down the snake's stretchy throat as he curled his toes, rubbed his talons together, and swayed his tail back and forth. It almost felt like struggling to the snake, who felt an incredible urge to not let go. He'd planned to only go up to the hips and spit master out, but now he had to enjoy his meal fully!

Another slow lurch forward and the snake felt his snout rest up against the underside of Vinn's twin members, feeling the lizard's own lubrication on his snout and gumming up his nostrils. It wasn't too big of a deal, since Shikan's maw was soaked in saliva and his wind pipe was pressed forward between Vinn's tail and leg for ease of breath.

Vinn, still idly rubbing at his twin members and squirming his limbs in Shikan's throat, rolled over onto his side a bit; his body shifted onto its side but his legs kept in the same position due to the fact that the snake's teeth held him in place. He didn't seem to mind the clamped down jaws around his hips, as his cocks remained at full mast poking straight up.

Shikan shifted to the side to flick his tongue out between Vinn's leg and tail, sampling a taste of his master's arousal while also poking in between to prod at his rump, which made Vinn squirm in delight a bit more, still in dream land and enjoying the sensations of Shikan's maw smothering his lower limbs. The snake's maw was drooling thick, gooey strands of saliva around Vinn to form little puddles in the bed's sheets before getting absorbed into the fabric, letting his lower jaw slide with even greater ease along Vinn's underside.

He could feel Vinn's muscles tensing as his cocks throbbed, bobbing in pleasure with each gentle heave of the snake swallowing him inch by inch. He continued to move his body in gentle waves, capping each motion with a curl of his toes and a flick of his tail deep within his pet's soft and stretchy but tight throat. Shikan's scales bulged out ever so gently to show the motions inside him, even though the snake's body was thick enough that the lizard inside only made a slight bulge.

Shikan pushed forward again, lower jaw slipping around the bulge at the base of Vinn's tail and upper jaws both clamping down on either side of Vinn's members, letting each hemipene rest gently in between one of his gums, the tips of both just outside of the snake's maw.

Feeling the clamping down from the snake's powerful, fleshy, and moist jaws and gums, Vinn thrust up into the flesh as though it was a welcoming and loose hole, rubbing his flesh on the ribs of Shikan's gums as the snake's teeth dug into the flesh between and around his slit. He tried to retract his teeth so he wouldn't harm his master, but Vinn's thrusts were strong enough that they forced the teeth into the scales around his opening.

"Ooohn...ooooh!" Vinn was heaving as he let out a series of gentle whimpers, still very clearly still asleep and enjoying the sensations. Shikan's mouth was just smothered in saliva and had the softness and flesh of any normal maw - even one not hungry for lizard flesh - so to Vinn it was like enjoying the deepers and most powerful oral sex a snake could offer, teeth and all. Enjoying the sensation despite having released a thick stream of seed down the side of his belly and onto Shikan's lower jaw, Vinn reached down to stroke at himself and got his hand stuck in the toothy trap of his pet's maw.

He showed a bit of discomfort as he tried to pull back out, but easily found himself relaxing into position as he brought his free hand up to rest it under his head, comfortable as the cool, fleshy blanket slowly swallowed him bit by bit. To him, in his dreaming state, this was both a fantasy and the simplicity of a sleeping bag tightly wrapped around him, the snake's teeth acting like zippers or something. The dream was quite surreal and pleasant, so the details were hard to decipher and the pleasure was all that mattered.

Upon tasting the thick musk of his master's seed dribbling down on his tongue, Shikan let out what could best be described as a moan mixed with a hiss as he gaped his maw open wide again and forced his body up farther, the stretchy flesh of his jaw spreading wide around Vinn's hips, belly, and arm as he forced more of the lizard down his gullet. Vinn continued to squirm and rub his legs and tail back and forth inside as his fingers idly prodded at his still-erect members to poke at the back of Shikan's throat; it was an odd sensation feeling the two shafts jabbing into the soft flesh against the snake's spine, but there was enough of his bulging muscle to keep it comfortable for both reptiles involved.

Another powerful lurch later had Shikan's maw gaped open wide, his top jaw hovering over Vinn's chest and drooling all over his master's scales as Vinn's eyes fluttered open, finally waking from what was an incredibly pleasant dream if his cocks were any indication.

Still groggy and not sure of what was going on, Vinn wiggled in place and tried to pull his arm out of the snake's gullet only to have his elbow catch on the back end of one of the snake's many rows of sharp, pointed teeth. "Wh-what's going on?" He murmured, mostly to himself as he looked down his moistened chest to see the wall of Shikan's upper maw flesh glistening in the dim light of the dorm. The snake's form relaxed and spread apart, letting him get a good look right down to his hips where his cock was pressed firm between throat flesh and his belly, arm trapped in beside the snake's massive jaw muscle.

Due to his dazed stupor, Vinn didn't really register the gravity of his position and instead opted to enjoy the sensation of his pet's gullet pressing down on him from all sides. He slipped his hand up and around his hip to press down on both cocks - one finger on each - to push them into the roof of the serpent's gullet, giving an idle thrust in between the bulbous folds to rub his member on the slickened flesh. His legs tensed up and his toes curled as his knees came upwards in alternating jerks like a bicycle pedal, whipping up a gentle froth of saliva from deep within the snake's body. Bits of foam sputtered up between his cocks, arm, and torso to smother him even more fully and he found that it tingled a bit. The added sensation made his members extra sensitive just long enough for him to spend his second seed into the frothing mass around his belly.

He wasn't really one to go off too easily, but he was half asleep and in the middle of a furious fantasy session from his waking dream, so he was already close once he woke.

But now that his climax was spent to float in the mess of saliva and fluids forming a puddle around his midsection, he found his mind clearing enough to really see what was going on. Regaining his lucidity, he glanced around the room to see the broken glass and bottle of spilled pills; it took only a split second to put the pieces together and figure out this snake was his own pet, Shikan. He loved his snake and knew Shikan loved him back, so he demanded he be spat back out. "Okay darlin', you've had your fun, now let me go and we can get you-"

He was interrupted mid sentence as Shikan closed his maw over his form, forcing the concoction of slick fluids to seep out between the snake's jaws, soaking Vinn's bed. Shikan's teeth all dug right into Vinn's upper body, lower jaw bones and ligaments stretched wide around his master's form as the many rows of teeth adhered themselves to his scales.

"Come on now, Shikan, time to let me go." Vinn brought his free hand up to push against the snake's thick-scaled lip, hoping to free himself from the powerful trap that he was almost neck deep into. The massive snake's muscles were far too much even for the muscled and enhanced Vinn's body to compete against. He tried to raise his legs to get the leverage against the inside of his pet's coiled body, but the movement just urged the snake's muscles to contract around his hips, forcing him in deeper as the maw opened and extended upwards to clamp down around Vinn's face.

Shikan held his maw closed as best he could, streams of saliva dripping off his teeth to soak Vinn's head and neck fin. He could feel his prey struggling against his throat and skin, knees and tail tips and talons all pressing out against his scales only to be held in place with one well-timed clenching of the muscles. The feeling of Vinn's hand on his lip was little more than an annoyance, but he still opened his maw wide to peel away from it.

Seeing this new opportunity without the snake's teeth digging into him, Vinn tried to pull himself out with the tiny bit of leverage he had with his free arm, only to feel the snake's body lifting him up off the bed and angle his maw upward. Now, rather than his free arm being the only potential way out, it was the only insurance that he wouldn't let gravity tug him down into his pet's tightly confining gut. "Shikan! Stop! Let me out NOW!"

No. Shikan would not let Vinn go. Shikan was hungry and this is what Vinn got for not feeding his pet!

He clamped his jaws down tight around his master's face again, extending his body to feel his master disappear in his gullet, leaving only the very tip of his snout and arm protruding out between his jaws. Another long, drawn out swallow had Vinn slipping ever deeper, getting only one last glimpse of light as the snake's flesh smothers his eyes and clamped down around him.

The angle was too much, so Vinn had no choice but to let go of the serpent's lips, instead trying to wrap around the crook of his maw - the thick muscle that connected upper and lower jaw - but that didn't work either. Another powerful contraction of snake flesh from head to tail forced him in deeper and there was so much saliva and fluid lubricating Shikan's maw that there was absolutely no chance of clinging to life. He looked up and saw tiny slivers of light between the tender mounds of pink surrounding him and he could feel his wet hand in the cool moist air of his dormitory. Even that bit of freedom was soon overcome by the claustrophobic moisture of Shikan's maw closing down over his fist.

Well that was it for him. He could feel his feet tingling and getting a bit irritated as the snake's flesh contracted around him, forcing him in deeper. Without the bit of hope that came from the snake's maw and the bit of resistance he had, Vinn slid through the snake's body to rest comfortably in a slightly roomier cavern in a pool of burny fluid that made his slit and cocks feel tingly and more than a little irritated. This was his pet's stomach. Vinn's last stop. Luckily he had nearly half an hour's worth of lung capacity before he'd be forced to take in a breath and feel his heart stop.

Shikan smiled and hissed as he gave a long, drawn out yawn, body curling up tight around his meal to keep it in place. He slipped back up onto the bed as the last bits of his saliva drooled out the crook of his mouth. Very good. Very, Very good. That will teach that selfish lizard to not feed him!

He curled up into a tight ball with only a few feet of his tail hanging off the side of the bed, finally resting even with his meal struggling and kicking against his form from within. He paid it no mind and fell asleep, as any snake was expected to.

The next morning, Shikan awoke to the banging of heavy fists on Vinn's door. Instantly, he felt guilty for making a meal out of his master, but now he was just worried about who it was at the door and what they wanted.

"Open up! Lab Security!"

Of course it was lab security. Vinn must not have made it back to work on time so they were coming to investigate! Shikan slid over the side of the bed with a thud and tried to hide underneath it, but there was a set of loud beeps going off as the officeres barged in, having clearly used their key cards to enter.

They saw no Vinn, only a broken aquarium, an empty bottle of growth pills, and a messed up, soaking wet bed. If not for the bit of tail poking out from beside the tennants bed, they'd have assumed he just wasn't here and had moved on. However, that telling appendage got them to flip the bed, exposing Shikan's form with a distinctly Vinn-shaped bulge.

"Dammit, Vinn, what did you get yourself into this time?!" One of the security attendants whined.

Shikan tried to slither away but found it incredibly hard to mobilize with a belly full of master and a floor with little to push off of.

The other security officer grabbed a tazer and applied it directly to Shikan's midsection, sending a powerful bolt of electricity through his form to tense up each and every one of his muscles, forcing his belly to reject his meal in a loud, gooey belch with maw gaped open and a puddle of fluids preceding the sloppy mess of Vinn.

Once the displeasure of being tazed wore off, Shikan found himself unwilling to look at Vinn, who was probably a gross mess of lizard.

Instead - and much to Shikan's delight - Vinn coughed and hacked up the fluid and smacked his pet on the snout. "BAD! BAD BAD BAAAAD SHIKAN!" he chastised in between coughing and slapping fits.

Shikan coiled up tight and buried his snout in his coils, ashamed of what he had done.

But Vinn wasn't quite as angry as he'd led his pet to believe.

With the security officers making sure he was well, Vinn grabbed the bottle of pills and scooped up some of the gooey mess he'd been spat up alongside and sent it to the lab for testing. He also had the two officers call for help taking Shikan to the labs so he could be reverted back to his normal size.

Sadly, the pills were permanent, and they could not find a solution to the growth serum, so they left Shikan as he was. Many weeks passed as Shikan did all he could to prove his newly expanded intelligence, and was soon thereafter declared sentient, but Vinn still wanted him as a pet and Shikan felt he owed it to his master, so he allowed it.

As an added bonus, the pills had a particular effect on Shikan's body. For some inexplicable reason, they also gifted him with breathable digestive fluids that kept Vinn alive that entire time. IT could still digest, but it took three or four times as long as normal digestive fluids.

Naturally, this led to Vinn and Shikan enjoying many, many more experiences similar to the first, only now they were a bit more careful about it.

Oh, and it's still hard to communicate with a snake who is unable to speak.

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Sampling in the Stalls

Sampling in the Stalls "Come come!" Ilorek urged, practically dragging Vinn behind him into the stables. "I've got something to show you!" The much larger hippogryph was roughly pulling and yanking on Vinn's arm, urging him into the barn out back of...

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Completing the Cycle

Completing the Cycle It had been a truly awesome day for Tritus. He started the day in the coils of his buddy Yetzer, a friend he'd made soon after first visiting the Vore House, only to move on to his daily vore-whoring to the people of Klyneth! Both...

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