Peach's Double Life

Story by BlakeTheDrake on SoFurry

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#3 of Fanfics

King Bowser kidnaps Princess Peach, then Mario rescues her. 'tis an eternal dance, one that has repeated itself countless times. But why? What lies behind it? Why does Bowser always return from his (often gory) defeats, and always try again? Why doesn't Peach ever beef up her security? Why doesn't Mario just give up and find a less kidnappable girlfriend? Read this story, and you will know. Behind it all lies an eternal romance, an unwavering heart, and one man's undying loyalty to his loved ones. It's just that the actors aren't all playing the roles you might think...

Peach's Double Life

The castle collapsed behind them as Mario, with a mighty leap, carried the both of them to safety. Over the explosions, they could vaguely hear Bowser's scream of rage and defeat. "That's-a that!", Mario proudly declared, putting Peach back on the ground. She smiled beatifically at him. "Thank you, Mario! I knew you would come to rescue me as always. Hopefully, that is the last we'll see of that awful Bowser..." Mario nodded eagerly. "That's-a right! Though I still a-wonder how Bowser can keep-a coming back from all those defeats..." Peach nodded and sighed. "I guess we'll never know..."

Then, with a naughty smile, she leaned back against the warp-pipe that would carry them back to the Mushroom Kingdom. "How about I give you your usual reward right here and now, my fair knight?" Her classic, pink dress had been torn and burned a bit during the escape from the exploding castle, and it revealed rather more leg and shoulder than usual. Mario swallowed nervously and looked around. "Out here-a?" Peach smiled. "Why not? There's no-one around - you defeated all of Bowser's minions. And if someone should see us... so what? I am merely giving my knight a proper reward for his selfless service to the kingdom..."

She leaned up against him and delicately undid the buttons on his blue overalls. As they slid down, they revealed his cock, already rock-hard. She wondered if he'd been aroused by the idea of having sex outside, in a semi-public place like this - or if he'd just been straining against his trousers since he entered Bowser's dark castle, knowing what would come? It was, after all, far from the first time that she'd 'rewarded' him thus. It was almost becoming a routine - though she did what she could to spice things up when possible. And Mario didn't seem to mind - at least, he'd never complained...

Stepping away from him, she turned around and leaned over the warp-pipe, pulling the tattered remnants of her dress up around her waist, showing off the cute panties with the pink hearts that she knew he liked. "Come on - you're a plumber, aren't you? How 'bout inspecting MY plumbing? There's a pipe here that needs cleaning... a deeeeeep cleaning..." She smacked one of her butt-cheeks, making it jiggle pleasantly, and winked over her shoulder. Mario's grin widened under the magnificent moustache. "I'm on-a the job!"

His calloused fingers, clumsy with anything more subtle than a hammer, fumbled for the edges of her panties, and pulled them down, revealing the gentle globules beneath. Reaching back, she parted her ass-cheeks with both hands, showing the puckered, brown hole in the middle off. Her tits were dangling over the edge of the warp-tube as she leaned her midriff on the edge. "What are you waiting for?" The note of eagerness in her voice was unmistakable. Stepping closer, Mario licked his lips. "Needs-a more lubrication..." With a 'Pthew', he spat a fat drop of saliva down on her ass-crack, where it slowly ran down to pool in the half-open hole. His thumb quickly worked it around, gently massaging the sphincter, coaxing it open. She heard him spit again, this time into his own hand, and the squishy sound that followed told her that he was busy applying lubrication to his tool.

Apparently satisfied with the level of lubrication, he leaned over her, one red-sleeved arm landing beside her, white-gloved hand gripping the tube's edge, while the other hand - outside her field of vision - guided his throbbing member into her asshole. She felt the bulbous head push against the sphincter, which swiftly and easily parted before it. The shaft followed just as easily despite its significant girth. She had plenty of practice, after all. She moaned as he pushed it deeper and deeper, reaching the bottom while his dangling testicles slapped against her pussy.

She felt his weight over her and behind her, forcing her into the warp-tube. He wasn't holding on to the edge anymore. Instead, both of his hands had reached around to grab onto her dangling tits, massaging their swinging mass while lightly pinching the nipples. He was pretty good at it - lots of practice, once again. Delightful sensations radiated from both ends of her body as he started slowly thrusting into her ass, with long gentle strokes stimulating every square inch of her anus.

His breathing was heavy, but steady. Running around and stomping on things every other day, as he did, had given him a superb constitution - perhaps his best trait, in her opinion. He just didn't get tired, ever. And now, he was building up speed, gradually accelerating his thrusts, adding more power to them. His raw strength wasn't half bad either. He was being more gentle than normal - perhaps unsure of the unusual position they were in. Didn't want to push her right into the warp-tube, after all. Damn, that would be embarrassing, winding up back in Mushroom Kingdom like this. The thought made her giggle.

But the position was more stable than it seemed - her legs was spread wide, her high heels dug into the ground for traction - her pink-hearted panties still hanging around one ankle - and Mario's short, strong legs were the very image of stability. As he realized that, Mario grew less gentle. Every thrust of his hips pushed her thighs into the edge of the warp-tube, occasionally bringing her aching clitoris into contact with the cold, green metal as well. The sensation made her shudder. His hands on her tits were also becoming rougher, mauling them freely. She could feel his great strength through those hands, squeezing and pulling on her tender tits. She knew that if he really let loose, he could seriously damage her. But the thought merely aroused her, and she called out for him to go faster, to be rougher, even as her orgasm grew closer. She knew that he'd never really hurt her. Not ever.

Nonetheless, he fucked her with wild abandon, the friction making her asshole burn while her tits were eagerly mauled. She felt his cock contract inside her, felt it spew its white sperm deep into her ass, and she let herself go, cumming gloriously while her sphincter rapidly contracted around Mario's cock, milking it of every drop while she screamed with joy. After a minute of this, they were both still, trying to catch their breaths. She could still feel him, hard as an iron rod, despite the huge load he'd just pumped inside - even now, she could feel it bubbling in her belly. Oh, he'd been waiting for this, alright. Eagerly, she pushed her hips back against him, grinding her ass against his pubic-hair, saying - without words - "More, more!"

And of course, Mario obliged, ever-obedient to his princess. With what felt like a gallon of slimy cum lubricating her insides, the sounds emerging from her ass was downright obscene, but neither one of them let that get in the way. Instead, Mario just took advantage of the added lube to thrust faster than he had before - losing some power and weight in the process, but it was a fair deal. His hairy ass was nearly a blur as he rapidly fucked Peach, pushing the both of them slowly back towards the peak of Orgasm that they had so recently vacated.

This time, Peach beat him there and then some. Rapid-fire orgasms shook her lithe body as drops of sweat formed on her delicately-shaped forehead. She was breathing heavily nonstop now, marveling once again at Mario's inhuman constitution - he was doing most of the work, after all, but he was barely short on breath despite the incredible, constantly-maintained pace. Unfortunately, in order to maintain it, he'd had to reposition his hands for a better grip - they were now locked around her hips like an iron vise, leaving her dangling boobs feeling somewhat left-out, despite the rapid swinging that the constant thrusting had pushed them into. She was tempted to move her own hands, which were still clutched tightly around her ass-cheeks, keeping them apart, but she knew that if she let her bubble-butt fall back to its natural place, it'd take a good inch from Mario's thrust-depth, and she wouldn't want that. She could feel his cockhead bouncing up against the bend in her lower intestines, the absolute barrier of anal-sex depth, and that's just where she wanted it. Feeling the thrusts radiate all the way up through her internal organs with every blow was well worth the exertion.

Several orgasms later, Mario came again, depositing another load - not as big as the last one, but still satisfyingly filling - deep inside her ass. Even he was breathing deeply at that point, and she could feel that he was slowly going soft inside her. And yet, she knew that she could get one more load out of him if she acted quickly. He'd released his grip on her hips as he stood still, leaned heavily over her, catching his breath. She knew just what to do.

Releasing her own grip on her ass-cheeks, she quickly grabbed the edges of the warp-tube instead, and lifted her high-heeled shoes out of the dirt. Pushing off with one arm and one leg, she rotated her body as Mario made a surprised exclamation, rolling over on her back with his semi-erect cock still inside her. Quickly, before either one of them could lose their balance, she lifted her other leg as well, and scissored them together behind him, locking the ankles together. Her upper body teetered dangerously on the edge of the warp-tube for a second, before she curled her stomach-muscles and pulled herself forwards, grabbing his shoulders with both hands. She always made sure to keep in shape. It came in useful from time to time.

"You're not done yet, are you?" She smiled up at him, licking her lips with her very-naughtiest expression splayed across her face, making full use of her incredibly-long eyelashes. At the same time, she used the leverage of the new position to squeeze his softening cock like a steel vise, feeling it hardening satisfyingly under the treatment. "I suppose I've got-a one more left in me..." Mario grinned, and reached down to run a hand over her stomach before tightly gripping both sides of her midriff. She wondered if he could feel her intestines bubbling and groaning from the mass of thick, slimy cum that had been forced into them. She certainly could.

He lifted her off the warp-tube altogether, and she felt her entire body-weight bearing down on his cock, forcing it deep inside her - an indescribable sensation. She threw back her head and moaned as her fingers curled around his shoulders. With deliberate strength, he lifted her several inches up, his cock leaving the tight confines of her ass with a 'slluuurp', lines of cum dripping from the tight seal of her sphincter, connecting it to his hairy balls. Then he pushed her down again, shaking her entire body as the combined forces of gravity and his copious strength drove his cock inside of her to the bottom once more.

Again and again, she was lifted and smashed down on his rock-hard cock with teeth-rattling force. She knew his balls would be empty after the last two loads. It would take a while for his balls to produce a fresh batch. She reveled in the thought. Feeling the reassuring strength of his arms around her waist, she released his shoulders and let her hands stray to her neglected boobs, slim fingers wrapping around the sensitive nipples, squeezing and pulling. She came, again and again. Her ass was on fire - the friction, the tightness, the strength of the thrusts, it was drowning her mind with pleasure.

She lost track of time. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her breath was rapid. Again and again, her body was brought down on that stiff rod like a jackhammer, his pubes tickling her pussy in the split second before she was lifted again. She didn't even realize that she was talking... well, chanting, more like it. A steady stream of "Yes, yes, deeper, harder, more, yes, yes..." rolled from her lips, with the same rhythm as the thrusts. Her numb fingers were pulling her nipples out hard enough to make her soft boobs almost triangular. The painful sensation merely mixed with the stream of pleasure radiating from her distended anus, making it all the sweeter.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the movement stopped, and she came to a rest - with all of her weight resting squarely on her ass, mind - while Mario's cum spurted into her for the third time, pushing around the bend and deeper inside of her to join the two that went before. As her eyes refocused and her senses returned, she saw that large droplets of sweat had formed on Mario's forehead as well - even for him, this had been a significant exertion. Releasing her now-sore tits, she rested her hands on his shoulders again, taking over some of the effort of holding her there. As she regained her breath, she then smiled naughtily and pulled herself closer to him.

She still felt very hot, the aftershock of several dozen orgasms vibrating in her body, Mario's slowly-softening member still lodged inside her ass. Leaning her head forwards, she sought out his mouth under the moustache and kissed him deeply, her tongue playing with his, tugging playfully at his meaty lips. A quick gesture of appreciating for the ride he'd given her. But her work wasn't done yet, and she'd best get on with it before he got TOO soft.

Maintaining a grip with her hands, she released the scissor-lock that she'd kept Mario in for the duration of the ride, and set her feet down, using her superior height to simply lift herself off of Mario's half-iron, before stepping backwards as his hands reluctantly released her waist. His cock stood straight out from his body, bobbing slightly with the rhythm of his pulse, positively covered in a slimy mix of sperm, spit, and ass-residue. She didn't hesitate for a second, immediately dropping to her knees as her torn dress fell back down to cover her cum-stained ass.

She licked her lips as she leaned forwards, already smelling it - rank and bitter. Daintily, she stuck out her tongue and licked a dollop of cum from the tip of his cock. It jerked, aiming once more towards the sky, before drooping back down to being level with the ground. She could hear Mario breathing heavily above her. She knew that it aroused him, even though it had never been his idea. No, it was her initiative, as always. And, she reflected as she leaned forwards to encircle the cum-dripping cock with her lips, ultimately her favorite part of their sessions.

Oh, sure, the countless orgasms from their energetic sexual acrobatics were great, no question, but she always got so utterly absorbed in the bliss, that she just didn't have the presence of mind to fully enjoy it. But this, this was different. She was fully conscious right now, feeling the heat of her own ass on the turgid cock, tasting the bitterness mixed in the cum. It made her feel so dirty and sluttish... so deliciously dirty. Her fingers were busy between her legs, digging into her sopping cunt. The juices were running down her inner thighs in rivulets as she debased herself, taking the cock that had left her ass mere seconds earlier, all the way into her mouth. The cockhead tickled her tonsils while her tongue ran circles around the base. Moving her head back and forth, she cleaned every inch of it, leaving nothing behind.

She came twice while carefully cleaning the shaft, her skilled tongue keeping it from entirely deflating, though even that could not breathe life back into the falling beast. They weren't the sort of mind-blowing, all-absorbing orgasms that she'd had during the sex - rather, they were light, pleasantly drawn-out waves of pleasure, washing over her and magnifying her enjoyment without carrying her away entirely. As she finished with the shaft, she released it from her mouth, shiny with saliva and perfectly clean, and moved on to his balls - they had been fairly coated with cum during that last, violent ride. The black hair that grew from his dangling nutsack was matted with it, glued together by the slime.

Gently, her tongue massaged the sensitive sack, her lips straining those last, delicious drops of cum from the tangled hair, tasting the bitter sweat behind it. He'd been running and jumping around for the last several days, she knew, all while wearing the same pair of blue overalls. She could smell it. She could taste it. And like before, the feeling of self-inflicted humiliation aroused her, as she sucked each of the sweaty, cum-covered testicles into her mouth, suckling each in turn, leaving them as clean as the cock that now hung softly between them. Pulling back, she felt the taste of stale sweat, bitter cum and residual ass-slime tingling on her tongue, and for a second, she was tempted to move lower, to push his muscular legs open and let her tongue caress the edges of his puckered sphincter, to taste the bitter ass-sweat...

But she restrained herself. He was still in denial about enjoying her ass-to-mouth treatment. He'd just get freaked out if she tried something like that. Maybe at some later point... maybe the next time she needed to reward him. But for now, this would do. Leaning back, she lifted her juice-covered fingers up to her mouth and noisily sucked each of them clean, throwing a coquettish look up at Mario while he awkwardly tried to dry his spit-covered cock off before pulling his overalls back into place. She, meanwhile, simply retrieved her pink-hearted panties from where they'd fallen during the scissor-hold maneuver, and pulled them back on. The cum leaking from her ass - and the juices leaking from her pussy - soaked through the sheer fabric instantly, and she enjoyed the wet sensation against her skin. Even more, she enjoyed the knowledge that when her subjects welcomed her back to the Mushroom Kingdom, led by dear old Toadsworth, she'd be wearing those cum-soaked panties, barely concealed under her torn and ragged dress, barely preventing the vast quantities of sperm that Mario had blasted into her ass from dribbling down her legs in front of them all...

Several months had passed since her last rescue. Toadsworth had once again tried to commission a squad of bodyguards for her in case of another attempt on her personage, but like all the other times, she'd shot him down, with the same reasoning as ever: Bodyguards would merely be targets, if Bowser returned again - needless victims. SHE was safe - he'd never kill her - but anyone trying to protect her would wind up beneath his clawed feet, or tasting the brunt of his flaming breath. She did not want such needless death on her conscience. Only Mario - and perhaps his brother, Luigi - could hope to stand up to Bowser's might. If Bowser indeed returned, all they could do was to call on those brothers for aid. Toadsworth then suggested that it might be wise to arrange quarters within the royal palace for Mario, so that he would be ready to leap into action in case of future incursions, but when she blushed prettily and mumbled that "It's too early for that still...", Toadsworth had immediately turned beet-red and dropped the subject.

Now, she was sitting on the balcony of her royal quarters, feeling lonely and horny. She'd had Mario around for 'cake' the previous week, and it had certainly been enjoyable, but his intermittent visits just weren't enough for her. Nor were her fingers, or the 'toys' she had hidden away in her dresser. She played with the idea of asking Mario to bring his brother, Luigi, by - for a slice of 'cake'. The poor guy was absolutely smitten with Princess Daisy, her cousin, but that prim-and-proper choirgirl probably wouldn't put out 'till her wedding-night, and surely Luigi would be blueballed enough by now to consider alternatives. The thought of feeling both of their dicks inside her asshole, sliding inside and stretching her ass much wider than Mario alone could manage, made her face turn hot and her pussy drip.

But, she didn't know how either one of them would react to a proposal like that. Had Mario even told his brother about the naughty things they did on a regular basis? She'd never asked him. Maybe next time they were together, she would... just to test the waters. Getting two for the price of one certainly would be enjoyable. Ahh, but it wasn't truly what she needed right now... she needed more. She needed... nastier! What WAS taking him so long?!?

Suddenly, an explosion broke through the evening quiet. A flash of light penetrated the twilight, from the direction of one of the borderland guardposts. She strained her ears as the echoes of the explosion died out. She could hear it, just barely - the familiar humming of the airship engines. Bowser's airfleet was coming!

Already, she could hear shouts of panic from within the castle, and she could see Toads running around on the grounds, confused and disorganized. No matter how many times this happened, they never seemed to get used to it. She could hear one of her guards pounding on her chamber door - fortunately, she always locked it from the inside, just to make sure that nobody would walk in on her playing with herself - shouting at her to open up. She hurried to the door, and called through it - in her most noble and commanding voice. "No, don't come in! He's coming for me - it is better that nobody else winds up as a victim! Just go - run, and find Mario! Tell him to come and save me! He will find me, wherever that terrible Bowser may take me!"

The guard, clearly overwhelmed by her self-sacrificing attitude, acknowledged the order in a thick voice, and ran off down the hallway. Breathlessly, she turned from the door and looked over her chambers, making sure everything was neat, in case anyone got in here while she was away. Nothing incriminating lying around anywhere. Briskly, she walked out on the balcony again, and watched as Bowser's airships approached at full speed. The kingdom's air-defenses were picking away at them, but their thick armor easily weathered the storm of cannonballs, with smaller, more agile ships circling around and taking out the air-defenses wherever they could.

As the flagship came to a rest in front of the castle, she raised her arms, as if trying to ward the castle behind her. But she knew what was coming. A pair of Lakitus, riding their cloud-steeds, zoomed out of the ship, wielding heavy steel chains. As they threw them out, the living metal weaved through the air like a snake, and the manacles closed around each of her wrists. She could feel it, cool and hard, through her long, sheer gloves. As they lifted her, she felt her weight resting on the chain, dangling helplessly beneath, and enjoyed it - with a little added jab of amusement coming from the thought that any of the toads running around beneath her right now, shouting and pointing up at the ships, could look straight up her skirt, and see her panties. It was unlikely that they'd be able to tell, from that distance, that they were utterly soaked in her juices, though.

As the Lakitus dropped her on the deck of the ship, she was swiftly surrounded by armed Koopas, baring their weapons - and teeth - at her. She did her best to look scared. "Take her to the cell, and chain her up!" One of them barked. "Make sure she doesn't cause any trouble as we carry her to the new fortress. King Bowser awaits us!" She squirmed as they dragged her into the hold. She'd expected Bowser himself to be on the ship. He usually handled these abductions personally.

The cell was small and dark, and she was swiftly manacled to the wall, unable to move either arms of legs more than an inch. She struggled against the steel as the door slammed shut and the lock clicked. It was well-made, and enchanted to boot. Even using the 'Star Magic' at her command, she wouldn't be able to break them. She groaned and tugged impotently at the chains. Her panties was utterly soaked through with anticipation, her pussy tingling and aching. She needed to touch herself, to bring herself to a quick orgasm, just to lake herself over. But she couldn't! With the manacles around her ankles holding her legs spread, she couldn't even rub her thighs together. How long would it take for the ship to reach Bowser's castle? It wasn't moving very fast, she knew that... and more to the point, in the tiny, dark, windowless cell, she had no way to do more than loosely estimate the passage of time.

Hours passed... of that, she felt sure. She could hear the soft hum of the airship's engines somewhere behind her, and a constant dripping. It was coming from between her legs. Her unreleased arousal had only been further increased by the feeling of helplessness and imprisonment, the sensation of the cold, unyielding steel around her wrists and ankles, and the arousing feeling of having her legs forcibly spread, being unable to close them no matter what. Her panties were completely soaked through, and the pool between her legs was growing. She could hear it - the sound of water hitting wood gradually turning into the sound of water hitting water.

More time passed. She moaned and struggled with the chains, but the metallic clinks just served to maintain her arousal. How far away WAS this castle? On one hand, further away meant that it would take that much longer for Mario to come and rescue her. On the other hand... she felt like she'd go completely insane if she was left like this for much longer. She strained her body against the wall, hoping to move it in a way that could cause her panties to rub against her sensitive pussy. Her clit was completely out of its hood, straining against the wet fabric, as it had pretty much since she was carried in here. But the soaked fabric clung tightly to her skin, and refused to move even a millimeter. There was no friction, no relief to be had.

Time stretched on, seemingly into infinity. Her breath was heavy and her body sagged against the chains, exhausted with futile efforts. Tears rolled quietly down her cheeks. The unreleased longing in her loins had reached the intensity of being outright painful. She felt like something as little as a breeze across her panties would be able to set her off by now, to give her that much-needed release... but the air in her cell was stale and unmoving. She barely even noticed when the engines went silent. When it did, she instantly straightened herself up and strained her ears, listening for the heavy footfall on the wooden boards outside, which would tell her that he was coming.

The minutes seemed endless. What if he didn't come? What if he just left her down there for a while, alone and without relief? The thought made her sob, redoubling the insistent ache in her pussy. Finally, she heard it. Those heavy footfalls, far too heavy to be an ordinary Koopa. She strained against the chains again, eyes wide-open and starring at the locked door, willing it to open.

And open it did. After so long in the darkness, the light of the hallway outside hurt her eyes, but most of it was blocked out by the hulking figure of the King Koopa, Bowser. He grinned in at her. She starred at him, her face tear-stained, and threw herself against the chains, as if attempting to pounce him. "Haw! Still as feisty as ever, little princess..." he taunted, turning to guffaw with one of the guards that walked besides him. "Doesn't look like she's enjoyed her stay much, either." The guards laughed along with him, delighting in the discomfort of their hated enemy.

Broad shell scraping the edges of the doorway, Bowser stepped into the cell, filling it completely. His head hovered over hers, broad and animalistic, crowned by bright red hair. His scent was overpowering, manly and musky. She could feel her body shuddering uncontrollably, making the chains rattle. "Afraid, are you?" He grunted as he lightly touched the chains holding her to the wall, causing them to spring off immediately. Keyed to his presence, clearly. "Good. You should be. Your stumpy little friend won't save you this time!" The guards cheered and voiced their agreement from the doorway as Bowser grabbed her around the waist with one, huge hand, and hoisted her over his shoulder.

He carried her like that, out of the ship, and into a huge, imposing castle that seemed to float freely in the sky - a Skyfortress. Certainly no easy target, even for Mario. In the courtyard out front, most of Bowser's army was assembled - Goombas, Koopa Troopas, Bob-ombs, Hammer Bros and many others were crowded all around, shouting, jeering and cheering at the success of the mission, and the capture of their enemy. "Princess Peach is our prisoner!" Bowser roared across the crowd, causing a great cheer to rise up. "And this time, Mario will not stop our plans! Our defenses are ready, and I am counting on the courage of each and every one of you! Go to your posts, defend your sectors, and believe in your comrades! Victory will be ours! No matter how many times the Mushroom Kingdom and their executioner, Mario, casts us down, we shall RISE AGAIN, STRONGER THAN BEFORE!"

The cheering was deafening, but Peach barely heard it. There was a light breeze blowing across the courtyard, playing across her skirt, and her groin was being ground against the rim of Bowser's shell as he held her. The accumulated tension from the hours she'd spent in the cell was finally released, and in front of the cheering crowd, she came, explosively, screaming at the top of her lungs as her body convulsed in Bowser's grip. The crowd jeered and laughed, thinking that she was screaming in fear and struggling against her captor. Panting, she relaxed her body, laying lax across Bowser's shoulder as he carried her the rest of the way into the castle, delivering a few more inspirational words on the way.

Finally, after climbing a long, spiraling staircase, they reached his Royal Quarters, secured with a heavy, iron-bound door. The room was large - to scale for a giant like Bowser - and the bed, with its sheets of royal purple, could've held two of him. As soon as the door slammed shut behind him, he lifted her off his shoulder, and threw her at that very bed where she bounced once and rolled to a stop. "So, how DID you like the trip, my love?" He asked playfully as he approached the bed. She pushed herself up to a crouch, and threw a handy pillow at him. "You MONSTER!" She shouted jestingly. "Do you have any idea how frustrated I got in that cell?" His predatory grin broadened. "I think I have an inkling, from the way you were acting back in the courtyard. Did you enjoy getting off in front of all my men?"

She threw herself back into the bed, and breathed out heavily. "Did I EVER... what a rush." She stared up into the ceiling for a bit, then sprang back up again. "So, where's my stuff?" He pointed over to a dresser and wardrobe at the other side of the huge chamber. "Right over there, just waiting for you. Better hurry up and change - it's been a while for me too, y'know." He grinned wolfishly, and she returned it as she jumped out of the bed and ran over to the wardrobe as quickly as her long, awkward dress would allow.

Sure enough, all of it was there. Feeling Bowser's hungry eyes on her, she quickly stripped off the pink dress and shoes, as well as her underwear, leaving only her crown. From the wardrobe, she took her favorite clothes... a glossy black corset, which would keep her boobs buoyant without obstructing the view, along with a pair of thigh-high black stockings, with garterbelt in the same style. Her white, lacy gloves were replaced by a pair of long, black silk gloves, reaching as high as her upper arms, and pair of black stiletto heels completed the look as she stretched her body, enjoying the freedom of the near-nudity.

Then, from a small jewelry-box on the dresser, she picked up 6 silver rings, and - after sitting down on a nearby (human-sized) chair - started putting them in place. She only wore them when she was with Bowser - the piercings themselves were practically invisible without the rings, so nobody else even knew about them. She remembered when she'd gotten them... the steel, heated glowing-white by Bowser's breath to cauterize the wounds so that they wouldn't grow back together again. The pain had been mind-numbing, but worth it.

A ring went through each of her nipples, crowning her chest and drawing even more attention to the two melon-shaped globes. The other four, she slipped through the 4 holes in her outer labia while spreading her legs widely, knowing that Bowser was watching it all. Pulling elastic straps down from the garterbelt, she attached the locks at the end of them to the rings, and felt her pussy being pulled open, wide apart, leaving her completely exposed - for the duration of her stay, if she could get away with it. The feeling of the air moving across the tender skin of her inner labia kept her pleasantly aroused at all times.

Everything in place, she stood up and walked over to Bowser, enjoying the feeling of her outer labia wrenching slightly with every step, swaying her hips to magnify it. He was sitting on the bed, smiling at her. His cock was all the way out - huge and imposing, yellow-green and veiny. Nearly the size of her arm, and throbbing hard... for obvious reasons. Around the base of the shaft, he'd attached a black, spike-studded ring, matching the ones he usually wore around his wrists. It was a nice image, and he knew how much she appreciated the added hardness and increased staying-power. Indeed, her mouth - and pussy - was watering copiously at the mere sight.

Dropping to her knees in front of him, she gently fondled the huge shaft, licking it here and there. "You've got no idea how much I've missed this..." she sighed, pulling it closer, letting it rest between her tits as she licked the veiny surface. "Mmmm... me too, love. Me too." Bowser sighed, leaning back to enjoy her gentle ministrations. "But it's not like you've gone entirely celibate without me, is it?" He then continued, in a playful tone of voice. She snorted. "Of course I haven't. It'd have exploded from sheer horniness if I tried."

Releasing the huge cock, she climbed up to stand on his knees, gently pushing him back. "But I haven't betrayed you, and I never will. You know that." She bent her knees slightly, feeling the huge cockhead against her open pussy, feeling his heartbeat through it. Bowser strangled a moan. "Yeah, I know. He's happy using your ass, still?" She nodded. "Yep. I think I've got him convinced that I'm such a completely bizarre slut that 'ordinary' sex bores me." She giggled, and Bowser answered with a ringing laugh. "Hah! Well, at least that's HALF-true."

She nodded. "Yes... and I know you love it. But it serves my purpose - I don't need to come up with excuses to keep him away from my pussy..." With a deep breath, she lowered herself down. She'd rubbed her drooling pussy over the throbbing cockhead for about a minute, and it was thoroughly lubricated, but it was still a strain. Her inner labia protestingly parted, and she felt the huge head enter her, followed by an inch of the hard, vein-covered shaft. An ecstatic moan escaped her lips. "My pussy... is yours and yours alone, my love... only your huge, beautiful cock is welcome there... it's yours to do with as you will."

Bit by bit, she sank down the shaft, feeling her birth-canal being stretched for each inch. That was the one good thing about their month-long partings - it gave her pussy time to relax and tighten up again. Each time he 'kidnapped' her, it felt like the first time all over again. With a deep breath, she bent her knees more, and more, and more... sinking deeper, feeling it enter her, pushing deeper into her pussy, enjoying every throbbing inch of it. Finally, the head came to a rest beside her womb. She was kneeling on top of his thighs... maybe 2/3 of his full length was inside her, the last bit still poking out. Many times, she'd tried to get it all inside - she felt like she was failing him, in being unable to welcome all of the cock she so loved into her body. But it was futile, as well she knew. Didn't stop her from trying every time, though.

She gentle breathed out, and then smiled naughtily down at Bowser, who was lying with his hands behind his head, just enjoying the sensation of having her wrapped, tight as a glove, around his shaft. "Of course, all my OTHER orifices, and for that matter the rest of my body, is ALSO yours to do with as you will..." She leaned down, feeling his hardness inside her, resting her hands gently on his chest as she lowered her head, kissing his lower lip, caressing his mouth - so big that it could bit her head off in one bite, should he want to - with her soft lips. Her tongue ran up one of his huge, sharp fangs, and she felt his tongue - as big as her hand - come to life and push into her mouth. She eagerly sucked on it, letting her own tongue lick across the underside of it, feeling their spit mingle, and just enjoying the feeling of being utterly filled by him, in both ends...

After a minute of this, his tongue withdrew, leaving her panting as a line of drool briefly connected them before snapping. "As is my heart and soul, beloved..." she said, pushing herself down on his cock with all her weight, willing it to fit, wanting to please and pleasure every last inch of him, forever and always. If only the Power of the Stars that she wielded was enough to stop time, she'd do it right now, with the two of them together like this, end enjoy that moment for all eternity. To please him with her body was all she wanted from life. She knew in her heart that she would die if he asked her to.

And yet, she could not even accommodate all of his cock within her. It just wasn't fair. With a grimace, she grabbed both of her own ankles, and lifted, pulling her knees up from Bowser's thighs, and briefly hovering there, supported only by his rock-hard cock. She could feel the pressure inside, the weight of it, pushing against the unyielding tissue. It was painful - she could feel her body protest. But it was a pain she deserved for failing her love. That, and more.

It lasted only a moment, however, before she lost her balance, tipping forwards and landing on her knees again. She drew a shuddering breath as she released her ankles again, and a single tear rolled down her cheek. "It just isn't fair..." she murmured, as one of Bowser's large, clawed hands reached up to gently pat her on the shoulder. He knew the drill, and he didn't blame her, a fact she was well aware of. But she still blamed herself, and her own body, for betraying her - and betraying her beloved Bowser - in such a fashion.

"You know..." he said quietly, drawing her attention away from those internal recriminations instantly. "If you're really so set on having more of me inside of you... there IS another way." She licked her lips in anticipation. This was new. "Really? Please, don't keep me in suspense..." He grinned up at her. "Well, it's this new trick I've learned... a little bit of applied Koopa-magic. Try this on for size..." He closed his eyes and drew in a huge breath - she could see his chest rising. Then he grunted.

Nothing happened right at first. For a moment, she was afraid that it hadn't worked, whatever it was. Then, she started feeling... tight. Like his cock was growing even bigger. Looking down, she realized that it WAS growing bigger - along with the rest of him. In front of her, under her, and inside of her, he was slowly but surely getting bigger. Bit by bit, her birth-canal was stretched even wider, and she felt the steady push beneath her womb grow greater and greater as the increasing size lifted her further up. Her inner labia, wrapped tight as a fist around the shaft, slowly dragged over the veiny surface as it was pushed further up.

She felt like she was about to burst, like she would just crack right up the middle under the pressure... but she knew that she'd gotten bigger things through there at least once. She knew that she could handle it. She reveled in the pain, the stretching, knowing that there was, indeed, more of him inside of her now, an ever-greater girth filling her body completely. And still, it was growing. Looking down, she saw it emerge from her pussy like a fortified tower, as far around as her thigh by now. Her breath was coming in short bursts. The thought of asking him to stop never even crossed her mind. Her body was his to play with, or to break, as he desired.

But just then, it stopped. Bowser himself had grown several feet in height and width, and his cock had gained nearly a foot in length, at a loose estimate. It was, of course, hard to tell, since it was partially buried inside of her. But where before she'd contained 2/3 of its length, she now had maybe half of it inside - though, of course, that half was several inches further around than before. Her knees weren't even close to touching his thighs anymore - her feet dangled uselessly against them, barely taking any of her weight, and only serving to balance her as she sat upon his mighty tower. It seemed like it was wide enough, by now, to support her without toppling. The pressure on her womb was as heavy as ever as she rested her weight upon it, but it wasn't insufferable - the sheer tightness of her pussy around his gargantuan cock was taking a lot of the weight - so rather than her weight resting on just one point, it was resting on her entire pussy. And she liked it.

"I wasn't sure exactly where to stop..." Bowser mumbled, eyeing her widely-stretched pussy. "Guess it would be foolish to wait for YOU to say 'when', eh? But you seem to still be in one piece." She could only nod. The feeling of being stretched, filled to absolute maximum, near bursting, was so intense, she could barely breathe. Her arms hang loosely at her side, jerking slightly now and then as muscles randomly fired. Bowser raised an eyebrow. "...maybe a BIT too large... guess I'd better shrink a tad."

Her eyes focused, and she quickly took several breaths, willing herself to regain the ability to speak. "No... please, don't. This size... this size is perfect. Please, please, fuck me like this... fuck me hard. Please!" Bowser sucked his tongue. "As far as I can tell, it's barely fitting inside you... moving it against that sorta' friction... your body won't stand for it." She shook her head wildly, and lifted her arms, joining her hands together in front of her chest in a gesture of supplication. "I know! I'm begging you, don't make it any smaller - fuck me like this. Fuck me hard! Fuck me brutally! BREAK ME! Break my body with your huge cock! I want itttt..." The sentence trickled off as the last of her air whistled from her mouth. She had to make a conscious effort to draw in more.

Bowser sighed, shaking his head in disbelief. "You've brought more, I take it?" She nodded eagerly. "Yes! In my dress. Plenty. Please, please, don't worry about me, just DO it! I'll do anything in return! I won't ask for anything else, I promise, just FUCK ME HARD!" Spittle flew from her lips as she shouted the last part out, and with a final sigh, Bowser nodded. "A'right, fine. You want it rough? You'll get it rough. And I won't stop 'till I'm spent, no matter how much you scream." She nodded eagerly, her eyes shining. This would be the ride of a lifetime, she just knew it. Her pussy was aching and throbbing just from accommodating the arm-sized intruder. If Bowser put his entire, bone-breaking strength to work...

She felt his huge hands close around her body, pinning her arms to her sides. The hands felt completely different from the gentle, comforting touch that landed on her shoulder earlier. They were rough and hard, an unbreakable, unyielding hold that would not be denied, far stronger than the petty muscles and tissue of her body. As they lifted her, she looked down, past the huge, green fingers, and saw the gigantic shaft slowly emerge from her widely-stretched pussy, slick with her plentiful juices. More and more of it emerged, and it seemed ridiculous that it had all fitted inside of her - that it would be able to EVER fit inside of her. But it kept emerging, until only the throbbing cockhead - easily the size of a volleyball now - remained inside her, resting heavily against her inner labia.

Then, with titanic force, she was brought down again. The foot-long piece of juice-slicked cock disappeared into her in an instant, causing her inner walls to screech in protest. The cockhead smashed against her uterus with enormous force, and she could feel it being squished by the impact. Waves of pain and pleasure spread throughout her entire body, drowning her mind in mixed sensations.

Again she was lifted, and again she was brought down with an earth-shaking impact. She was spreading her legs, now - as far apart as they would go, wide enough to make the muscles in her thighs ache. Anything to make the entry easier. To make it deeper. She was still looking down, seeing the shaft beneath her, seeing the part that didn't get inside. She wanted it all, every inch of it. Why wasn't her pushing harder?

On the third thrust, she felt her womb dislodge. It was an odd, tearing sensation. She saw another two inches of the shaft disappearing between her pussy-lips, and her head rang with triumph. When he lifted her again, the pussy-juice that covered the shaft was flecked with blood, but it didn't matter to her, except as additional lubrication.

Again and again, he thundered into her, shaking her body. The thrusts were coming faster now, and they weren't entirely straight. Her pussy, filled to absolute capacity, didn't really have space for that. One slightly-lopsided thrust later, and the edge of her pussy tore. The elastic attachments on her outer labia pulled the wound open, sending flashes of blinding pain through her mind. It was easier going, now. The thrusts were easier, and came faster. That was good. The flashes of pain was like a tasty spice on the pleasure she was deriving, both from the constant stimulation of the entire internal area of her pussy, and the knowledge that she was serving her beloved to the best of her ability, beyond even what her body would allow her to. Her treasonous body would not stop her from pleasuring him totally and completely! Her every orifice was his, and if they were too small for him, they would have to be made bigger.

With the outer hole no longer slowing the passage of the shaft, and the free-flowing blood adding further lubrication, the thrusts could now become even faster, and even more violent. Her head bounced back and forth with each impact, and her legs - having lost their strength to stay open - dangled uselessly like the limbs of a puppet with its strings cut. Her dislodged womb was repeatedly hammered, and was pushed further and further up inside her body as her birth-canal tore under the force of the assault. Inch by inch, the huge cock disappeared further inside, gradually coated more with blood than with pussy-juice, but every further inch she was able to absorb filled her with elation. She could feel the pain inside, of course, but it was a remote, unimportant thing.

The assault continued for half an hour. The spike-studded cockring was doing its job well, delaying the inevitable orgasm for longer than would have been otherwise possible. The thrusts were completely brutal by now, tearing into her insides. She was taking nearly ¾ of it now. She was so proud. His grip was tighter than ever. Ten minutes before, both of her arms had snapped like twigs when he squeezed down for a particularly powerful thrust. They were each broken in three places, though she couldn't know that, of course. Nor did she know that the repeated impacts had torn her womb entirely apart, leaving it to float around in her body in several pieces. The severe hemorrhaging caused by the ruptured birth-canal was only kept from spilling out across the bed by the still-tight seal of the middle part of her pussy - not torn like the outer ring, nor pushed open like the top.

Her head lolled loosely, a string of drool emerging from one corner of her mouth. She was completely lost to the world, feeling nothing except the repeated, bone-shaking thrusts. Every now and then, she'd cough up blood. His cock was deep enough inside her now to hit her stomach, jostling it repeatedly.

She heard the ear-splitting roar as he came, though. Felt the hot, viscous cum flood her body. On some level or other, she could feel it entering her tissue. Mixing with her blood. If only she could replace her blood entirely with his cum. How wondrous that would be - to be truly his, to have his essence as part of her body. He wasn't moving inside her anymore, though. Or rather, he wasn't moving her up and down anymore. Her knees were no more than a couple of inches from touching his thighs. Was it over?

He stood up, with her body still hanging from his cock, unmoving except for the occasional muscle-spasm. Then, he turned around, and leaned forwards, letting her back touch the bed. She could feel a wet spot under her ass. Cum, blood and juice, dribbled down between his legs as he used her. He was over her now, his body filling her entire field of vision. His hands painfully pinned her broken, useless arms to the bed, and he began to move again, a squelching noise emerging from her torn pussy as cum and blood squirted out around the edges.

She smiled through blood-flecked lips. Even when she was this broken, she was still useful to him. Her body could still pleasure him. That was all she wanted. And now, she could feel his entire, immense weight in every thrust. That huge, masculine body. Maybe he'd be able to push her body far enough now, to force it to take his entire size, his entire manhood. That would be good.

As the thrusts poured into her body, causing more and more damage to her organs and bones, she smiled beatifically, knowing what she had achieved. Her will was stronger than her body. No matter how her body protested, it would serve Bowser until the end, as long as there was the least spark of life left in it. If all her limbs were broken, she would drag herself to his side by her teeth, and offer herself up for his pleasure. She would have him hack off her useless limbs, close the wounds with his fire, and place her in a closet so that he could take her out and user her in whatever way he wished, whenever he wanted to. As long as her will held sway over her body, she would serve him to the absolute limit, in every way. The most humiliating and denigrating tasks gave her the greatest possible pleasure if only they served him...

With thoughts like these, she slipped into unconsciousness, passing from thought to dream in a smooth transition. She barely sensed it when Bowser shot another load into her, and simply laid on the bed, breathing shallowly and coughing up clots of blood with every other breath, while he pulled out his blood-covered - and rapidly deflating - cock. With a sigh and a shake of his head, he trundled over to the dresser where she'd left her pink dress, leaving a trail of blood behind him, shrinking back to his normal size as he walked. Even then, it was hard for his large, clawed hands to search through the delicate dress. Fortunately, he already knew roughly where the hidden pocket was - a secret, extradimensional storage-space, created by the court-wizards of the Mushroom Kingdom.

After a minute of fumbling, he found it, and pulled out a large, green mushroom, nearly the size of a human head. Walking quickly in spite of himself, he returned to the bed, where Peach was still breathing shallowly, a steady flow of cum and blood running from between her legs, and dropped the mushroom on her chest, before turning around and walking towards the Royal Bathroom. He badly needed to wash his dick.

Half a minute later, Peach's eyelids fluttered open, and she took a deep, shuddering breath. Look down, she saw the mushroom on her chest, rapidly shrinking as its power was absorbed through the pores in her skin. The vitalizing energy flowed through her body, healing, fixing and repairing, filling her with renewed strength. Within another minute, its job was done, and the mushroom had shrunk to a fraction of its previous size - no more than a tiny, dried husk. Peach, meanwhile, was as good as new, all the damage undone, the pain but a memory, and barely that. Even the blood pooled between her legs was gone, having been absorbed by her body to aid in the regeneration... there still was a fairly significant pool of it left on the floor, though, where it was out of the magic's reach.

Pushing herself to her feet, Peach took an unsteady, teetering step as she familiarized herself with her newly-repaired body, and then walked briskly towards a door next to the bathroom. She could hear Bowser in there, and knew what he was doing. The least she could do was to take care of HER share of the cleaning, and she knew that he always kept the cleaning-supplies in a small room next to the bathroom. She'd visited several different versions of his bedroom by now, and knew the pattern.

While she fished a mop, a cleaning-rag and a bucket out of the locker, filling the bucket from a handy faucet set into the wall, she let her mind slip back to the recently-finished session. Her eyes unfocused slightly as she briefly relived those feelings. She'd never been so far down before. So far inside her 'submissive' personality. It wasn't the first time that she'd cajoled Bowser into 'breaking' her - he did not enjoy it all that much, and she was a bit guilty about that - but she just loved the feeling of floating away, surrendering herself completely, becoming nothing more than a toy in his hand, a masturbation-aid... and those extra inches in length and girth had made a real difference. Or maybe it was the added strength that had come with his upscaled body. She just knew that it had been an out-of-this world experience. Well worth mopping up a pool of her own blood for.

Bowser emerged from the bathroom, his newly-cleaned cock deflated and quickly disappearing into his shell, the cockring removed. "Already up and about, hard at work?" He said lightly. She winced a bit, but nodded. "Yes... the restoration is instantaneous, as you know, my love. After all, it's thanks to those mushrooms I keep smuggling you, that you keep surviving your battles with Mario." "True." He nodded. "But that's one thing. I don't entirely like using them in this manner..."

She looked at the floor, feeling ashamed of herself. She knew that very well. But once he'd felt his overgrown cock inside of her, she'd lost control, and ended up pushing him into it anyway. She quickly wiped up the last bit of the blood, depositing the bloody rag in the bucket. "I know, my love... I know... and I'm sorry I pushed you into it. I'm awful... I'm always telling you that I'll do anything for you, but in the end, I end up pushing YOU into doing things you don't like."

He sighed and ran a huge hand over his face as he sat down on the bed again. She quickly picked up the bucket and carried it towards the bathroom to empty it, not feeling up to facing him. "But... I wasn't lying!" She called over her shoulder. "When I said I'd do anything in return. Or when I promised not to ask for anything else. I meant it." He didn't answer - probably didn't feel like talking to her back. She quickly got the bloody water flushed down the drain, and put the cleaning-tools back in their closet, before returning to the bed to face the music.

As soon as she got close, he grabbed her and pulled her into a tight embrace. She could feel those muscles, all around her body, strong enough to turn her into mush... so carefully controlled, to gently and comfortingly squeeze her. "That's not the problem, love." She heard his voice rumble right above her head. "It's not like I don't enjoy it. I do! But... the aftermath. That's what I can't stand. Seeing you like that. Broken. Dying, even. I know that the mushrooms heal you instantly, and completely. Even if you died, you'd bounce right back as long as I got a mushroom to you within a reasonable space of time. I know all that. But... I still can't stand seeing you like that. It hurts me. Even though it doesn't make sense."

His voice was thick, and she could feel the embrace becoming slightly tighter, his muscles vibrating with the effort of keeping his strength in check. She gently extricated her arms, and reached them as far around his huge shell as she could, returning the hug as best she was able. "I'm sorry... I know how you feel. I do. I've seen you die a dozen times. Every times, it breaks my heart. And afterwards, I have to reward your murderer. It's crazy. And I know I'm a terrible person for putting you through that, just for my own amusement... I just... can't control myself sometimes."

Lifting one huge hand, he ran it through her golden-blonde hair, sighing. "It's all right, love. I know what you're like. I knew when we started this. It's a crazy world we live in. Look... it's okay. Don't worry 'bout it. Let's just talk for a bit, then we'll do something else. Something... soft. Okay?" She nodded, knowing that he couldn't see her down there, and then sniffed back a tear she hadn't even realized she was crying. "Okay. We'll do that."

He released her from his embrace, and rolled over to lie on his back. She clambered over him and lay down beside him. Their fingers intertwined, keeping the contact, unwilling to let go of each other. She sighed and looked up into the ceiling. "I wish we could just stay like this forever..." She'd said it a dozen times before, but it was still worth saying. Bowser mirrored her sigh. "I know... me too. But this is the best we can manage. The Mushroom Kingdom would never accept a Koopa as king. And as long as Mario is around, I can't keep you for long."

He rolled his head back a bit, starring at the headboard. "I still remember when we first eloped. It all seemed to perfect. I told my followers that you were a prisoner... kidnapped a buncha' Toads and locked 'em up in separate locations as a smokescreen... it would take years for the Mushroom Kingdom Armies to sort it all out, I thought. Who could've guessed that a plumber from another world would bust in here and rush off to 'save the princess'? Or that he'd be so damned GOOD at it..."

She nodded. "Nobody could've known. It's just lucky that I brought those green mushrooms when I ran away with you. I knew, even then, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. And that meant making sure that you didn't die. You're the only one who've ever accepted me for who I am. Even if you don't always approve, you never try to change me. Never tell me to 'act more like a Princess'. This is the only place where I'm free to be myself... whichever 'this place' it might be."

He lifted his hand to caress her hair again. "I know... I know. But, y'know, while this situation is far from ideal, we're making it work, aren't we?" He grinned. "At least, it works pretty well on my end. D'ya have any idea how fast those Goombas breed? And the Troopas are no better, laying eggs in clutches. If Mario didn't routinely stomp half of them flat, we'd be up to our necks in them... and there wouldn't be nearly enough food for them all. It'd be chaos, anarchy, and destruction all 'round."

She nodded. "Yes... I suppose it's for the best. I know that you were planning to run away with me back then - to run away from it all, to escape your doomed role as the 'King Koopa', and I love you for it. But I guess we both have responsibilities we cannot escape." He nodded and sighed, and they were quiet for a minute. Then she continued, to keep the conversation going, more than out of any real curiosity. "I know you've got the tougher job, though. The Toads don't need much governing, and what actual work there is, Toadsworth takes care of. I mostly just have to trot out on festive occasion, smile and wave, looking good for the crowd. You... got all this to do. All the building and construction. How many castles haven't Mario trashed by now?"

Bowser laughed. "Oh yes, lots of construction. But that works out quite well too. I've based most of my economy around it. Mostly everyone who isn't in the army, works in construction. We're ALWAYS building. Even now, I've got people hard at work building the NEXT set of fortresses, the NEXT fleet of airships, for the next time I need to 'kidnap' you. It keeps everybody occupied. I tell ya, if Mario ever stopped rescuing you, unemployment would spiral out of control almost instantly. Our economy would be ruined!" He half-raised himself from the bed to say it, gesturing wildly, then falling back into the pillows with a hearty laugh. "It's a crazy world, all right. But we're making it work. Somehow."

They laid there for a bit longer. Bowser's hand had stopped caressing her hair, and gradually moved lower, first teasing her nipples, then find its way between her thighs, where one of his fingers - easily the size of Mario's whole dick all by itself - gently burrowed into her moist whole. She eagerly spread her legs, inviting him further inside. His nail scraped against her sensitive insides, sending familiar signals of pain and pleasure, those two sensations that are so different, yet complement each other so well. Much like her and Bowser - on the surface, they could hardly be more different - but deep down inside, they fit together perfectly.

While quietly enjoying the sensation, she remembered something. She quickly counted the days, and a smile spread across her face. "Say, beloved..." she said offhandedly. The answer was a simple "Hmm?", while the finger kept rummaging about her insides. "This is actually a good time of month for me." The finger stopped. "Meaning?" His voice was cautious. "Meaning, how 'bout we set to work on getting Junior a younger sister?" Her voice was both playful and seductive.

Giving birth to Bowser Junior had been the happiest moment of her life, and not just because the sensation of his softly-spiked shell passing through her birth-canal nearly brought her to a very un-motherly orgasm. It had been tough, hiding her pregnancy during her stay in the Mushroom Kingdom, between the two 'visits' to Bowser, but it had been worth it on so many levels. She wanted another one. And, as an added bonus, she knew that she was, at the same time, pandering to Bowser's two kinkiest weak-spots.

Firstly, he loved her when she was pregnant. REALLY loved her. He'd barely been able to keep his hands off of her during the final stages of her pregnancy, last time. The discomfort of carrying around a huge, unwieldy belly - and the near-tangible pain of being unable to service her beloved with her already-occupied pussy - had faded entirely before the feeling of having his eyes on her at every minute, always hungry, his hands never far behind. Her ass and mouth got plenty of exercise, and she used to joke that the diet of thick, juicy cum that she nearly lived on, would help their son grow big and strong.

The other kink was even naughtier, and had even given HER pause at first, if only for a split second: Incest. No sooner was their son old enough to understand that the pointy thing between his legs could do more than just pee, than Bowser had offhandedly suggested that she could help him figure it all out. And so, of course, she had. It had been one of the very few times where Bowser had been the one to take the initiative for a new sort of play, and her submissive personality had soared with joy. She'd thrown herself into it with gusto, showing their son every sordid technique at her disposal. Being shared by the two of them... and the knowledge that she was doing something so utterly taboo, while pleasing her beloved in a whole new way... had been indescribable.

Junior had enjoyed it too... maybe a bit TOO much. Not long after, HE had kidnapped her, apparently deciding that if dad could do it, so could he. That, and he was horny. Bowser had learned to get by without her during her absences, but Junior was still young and impatient. The whole situation had been a bit of a nightmare - well, she HAD enjoyed sating Junior's needs, but he was just too young at that point to understand the whole 'game', to play along with Mario's 'rescue'. He nearly blew the whole thing, in the end, but through a combination of her playing stupid, and Mario being more inclined to think that the kid was just cracked, they'd gotten things fixed in the end.

Ever since then, Bowser had kept a tight leash on his son, though - including teaching him restraint. Right now, he'd be out in the field, playing general to his father, and helping to set up defenses that would slow down Mario. Later, he'd join the fray himself - and lose, predictably, but slowing Mario down in the process. And he'd do all that while knowing that his mother was waiting in the castle, with several available orifices. Poor kid. He'd still come by to join them inbetween, though, and she was definitely looking forwards to that... to see how much he'd grown since last time. In every area.

Either way, in the end, there was nothing Bowser could say but "...sure. Of course, you know that that means no more 'breaking' for the next several months." She just nodded. "Yes. That's another reason why it's good timing. I need to stop pushing you to do that. Being pregnant will keep me away from it for a while, at least." With an 'oomph', Bowser pulled himself upright, and turned around to put his feet on the floor so that he was sitting on the edge of the bed again. Peach simply got to her feet, swaying slightly as she tried to balance on the bed. Two quick steps, and she draped herself over Bowser's shoulder, feeling the spiked on his back poke into her stomach and boobs.

Her mouth, right next to his ear, whispered seductively. "So please, my love, fuck me gently... and fill my fertile womb with your cum. Knock me up again. Make my stomach swell with your offspring. If it's a girl, I'll train her to be a good and obedient lover, so that she can see to your and Junior's needs when I can't be here. If it's another boy, we can all have fun together... I so want to try what it's like to have king-sized Koopa-cocks in all three holes..." Looking down, she could see his cock growing and hardening with every word, emerging from his shell as strong and as solid as before.

She slipped around his shoulder, and was ready to lower herself down on the huge member, when he grabbed her around the waist. "Not so fast, love..." he grinned up at her as she stood beside him. "Gentle isn't really your cup of tea, generally speaking... I'm not sure if you'd be able to get off on it, really. Maybe if I warmed you up a bit first." She felt herself blushing, and licked her suddenly-dry lips. Did he mean..?

With a quick push, he sent her stumbling down to the floor, while he leaned back and spread his legs wide. "You've got a sweet mouth on you... always know just what to say to get me in the mood. How 'bout tempering that sweetness with something bitter?" She was on her knees in front of him, a hand on each of his muscular thighs, before the sentence was even complete. Absently, she licked across his huge testicles a few times. They weren't hairy or wrinkled like Mario's, but smooth and tight-skinned. Straining with delicious, fertile cum. To get it, she merely had to serve her beloved's desires, in every way, with every part of her body...

"Well, get to it! Clean my nasty asshole with your tongue, you dirty little girl..." his voice was taunting, but strained. She knew that he had a hard time 'talking dirty' without laughing at the sheer absurdity. Nonetheless, she was glad at the attempt - it set the tone properly. "Yes, Master..." she mumbled as she lowered her head, taking in the rank odor of sweaty asshole, her tongue reaching forth to caress the tight circle, cleaning the rim, and pushing into the center. "And when you're done, I'll need to empty my bladder - it's getting strained. And your mouth is a lot closer than the toilet." "Yes, Master..." she replied, mumbling as her tongue continued its job, licking the puckered asshole with relish. A smile played across her lips before she leaned forwards to kiss it fully. She'd get warmed up, all right...

Near the borders of the Koopalands, Mario looked out across the sturdy defenses with a determined look in his eyes, and a broad grin under his moustache. His cock was already straining against his blue overalls with anticipation as he contemplated the 'reward' he would receive once he'd rescued Princess Peach again - and he'd get to stomp some more of those dirty Koopas on the way, to boot. With practiced ease, he leaped from the top of the wall, ready to engage the defenders with a well-worn warcry. "It's-a me, Mario! Let's-a go!"

The End

Nemesis Mk. II

**Nemesis Mk. II** The scientist jumped slightly when his manager suddenly addressed him. "So, professor, how's it going?" The man looked briefly over his shoulder, and then returned to studying the creature in the tube. "Fairly well. It seems...

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The Catgirls Quadrilogy, Chapter 4 - Got Goth?

CatGirls 4 - Got Goth? Okay, it all started one day, while I was looking through my old porn-collection on my computer... I know what you're thinking, "Why would you wanna look at porn when you've got two gorgeous, 100% real sex-slaves around...

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The Catgirls Quadrilogy, Chapter 3 - Cats and Dogs... and Horses

**Catgirls 3 - Cats and dogs... and horses** I awoke with a smile... yes, now I've learned how to do that, too. Life was good, after all. My work at GenCorp had gone well, so well in fact that I'd recently gotten a raise. I still wasn't sure...

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