The Catgirls Quadrilogy, Chapter 4 - Got Goth?

Story by BlakeTheDrake on SoFurry

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#4 of The Catgirls Quadrilogy

The last chapter of the Quadrilogy... turns out, sometimes two catgirl sex-slaves just ain't enough. Spend enough time with them, and you might find yourself developing a taste for something a tad more... exotic, no? Something a bit... darker.

Incidentally, the new catgirl that appears in this one? She's based on a girl I used to know. Just a fun fact.

CatGirls 4 - Got Goth?

Okay, it all started one day, while I was looking through my old porn-collection on my computer... I know what you're thinking, "Why would you wanna look at porn when you've got two gorgeous, 100% real sex-slaves around the house?" Well, the truth is, I was feeling a bit nostalgic, basically just taking a stroll down memory lane to the time where my only lay was Mrs. Thumb and her four daughters...

So, while looking through the maze of carefully cataloged and indexed porn - I tend to keep my files more tidy than my house - I found some pictures I hadn't seen in years... rather softcore, compared to most of my other stuff (I've always been quality-oriented, even when it came to porn) but nonetheless carrying more impact than all the rest. Simple pictures of nudity, they caused the memories to come flooding back. A girl I'd chatted with over the internet, back when I was just a horny teen... she was a few years younger than me, and what you'd generally call 'pretty weird'. Which fit me quite well, since I'd never been what you'd call normal, myself.

For starters, she had the whole 'goth' thing going, with black hair, pale skin, and purple makeup... for another, she had a complete catgirl costume, with ears and tails... which certainly aroused my interest - my catgirl-fetish isn't exactly new. We spent many a night chatting, and since we were both hormone-charged teenagers, the chatter often got fairly naughty. Eventually, she sent me some naughty photos she'd taken with her webcam, and even though I had much more hardcore stuff, even back then, it was just totally different when it was someone you actually knew and had talked to.

I'd lost contact with her many years ago, but the pictures she sent me were still there, hidden away in the depth of my porn-collection. And those were still a seriously nice pair of tits. For a moment, I just sat there, thinking about nothing in particular as I looked at her boobs. Then, something clicked. A quick search through my desk turned up the very same CatGirls CATalog that I had originally ordered Katt and Purr from, and a quick look through the index confirmed my memory. Leafing through it, I found page 5...

Goth Catgirl

Feeling dark and moody? Dig chicks with long canines? Do you prefer to hang out upside down? Is your bed a coffin surrounded by black candles? Then this is most certainly the Catgirl for you!

Features: Goth Pattern - a unique pattern of light and dark fur provides that 'goth' look.

Moody - while all other models are perpetually cheery, this one will experience mood-swings.

Piercing Wit - the 'Body-mod Freak' special is included in this model, free of charge.

BDSM Fan - just loves those dangerous games.

Vampire Wannabe - extra-long canines makes you look around for the nearest wooden stake.

Nocturnal - when she sun goes down, she's just getting started.

Just $600, and your darkest dreams come true.

I looked from the illustration in the CATalog to the picture on my computer-screen. Then, I brought up my bank-statement. Sure, I could spare 600 bucks... and I still got the 10% off... 'course, as I'd found out after getting Katt and Purr, there were also regular expenses attached to having a Catgirl - especially when you insisted on feeding them well. But, it should still work out... especially since I'd caught some vibes from the boss, lately, indicating a possible promotion and pay-raise in the near future.

Not wanting to give myself time to wise up, I logged on to the CatGirls, Inc website and brought up their online order form. Chose the Goth Catgirl... fur color and pattern was preset, of course... using the old photos for reference, I set the eye color to green, and the chest size to 38C - I'd never been able to figure out that system, but I remembered her telling me in the old days. It corresponded to a size 'large' on the more male-friendly scale, but I remembered her telling me that number, back then.

Finalized the order, input my credit-card number - which immediately identified me as a GenCorp Employee and subtracted 10% off the price. Seconds later, I was 540 dollars poorer, and one catgirl richer. The confirmation e-mail I automatically received informed me that my order was currently in stock, and would be shipped the following day. So the 'package' would probably arrive Friday... not exactly optimal. But it could be worse. Could be Monday. I briefly toyed with the idea of asking my boss if I could have the Friday off, but doing so would almost certainly screw up my chance of promotion... so I'd just have to try and manage. With a bit of luck, the delivery would be delayed to Saturday...

With a sigh, I turned off my computer. Thinking about my old girlfriend and the catgirl who was, even now, being prepared for me had made me more than a little horny, so I hurried off to my bedroom to see if Katt and Purr couldn't do something about that. Judging by the sounds, they had started without me... naughty, naughty. I'd have to punish them for that... in some creative fashion.

The following day, I was so wound-up by expectations that I basically ate, worked, fucked and slept - nothing else happened the entire day. Well, apart from me telling Katt and Purr that they'd be getting a new sister, and ordering some more piercing-supplies over the internet. The stuff I'd originally bought from China along with my more exotic bondage-equipment has mostly been used up, and I knew that this one would definitely need some body jewelry.

The morning after, right on time, just when I was about to head out the door, the delivery-men arrived with a 'package' for me. They looked somewhat nervous. I could understand why. Apparently, somebody at CatGirls, Inc. had a sense of humor, because rather than being sent in a plain, wooden box, like Katt and Purr had been, my new Goth Catgirl was being delivered in a coffin. Made from some kind of dark wood, too - completely unadorned, but clearly coffin-shaped. And just in case somebody might not get the idea, it had a big sticker on the front that read 'Property of GenCorp. Handle with care.' The delivery-men were carrying it like it was filled with crystal glass and fine bone china...

As soon as they'd (carefully) deposited the coffin in the hall, and I'd signed for it, they hurried out of the door and drove away at slightly above the speed limit. I grinned a bit about the whole thing, and then pondered the situation. I just knew that if I opened the crate now, I wouldn't be getting off to work today... and since I work at GenCorp, I also know that all geneslaves are shipped with air-supply for at least 48 hours, usually a bit more, even for overnight delivery. And so, with a pining sigh, I yelled up to Katt and Purr that they shouldn't touch the crate, and went out the door to go to work.

And naturally, today turned out to be the day where everybody had to work late - crunch-time, deadline, all the fun stuff. However, the thought of what was waiting for me back home kept me going after most of my colleagues were about to fall over where they stood, and when we finally finished work, the boss pulled me aside and said that after seeing my dedication today, he'd put me up for a promotion and a raise - and he had no doubt that I would get it. With a grateful handshake - I had been spending an awful lot of money lately, after all - I left work and rushed home.

By the time I arrived at my house, the sun had gone down, and the street was quiet and dark. The moon was full, and hung like a pale face just above the horizon... around me, lit windows peeked from dark houses like malevolent eyes, and the streetlights somehow seemed very dim. The fact that there was an unopened coffin waiting for me back home sent chills down my spine. Finally, I turned into my driveway, where I instantly noticed that the house was completely dark. Sure enough, catgirls have excellent nightvision, but they nonetheless usually turn on SOME lights when I come home after dark.

Entering the dark hall, I could barely make out the coffin, laying where the delivery-men put it, apparently untouched. This somewhat calmed my runaway imagination, but then I noticed the flickering light of a candle, emerging from my study/library... what was going on here? As I walked towards the room, I could hear a voice emerge from it, and I unconsciously began to sneak - since I was walking around in my socks after discarding my shoes by the door, that wasn't actually very hard.

As I got closer, I recognized the voice as Katt's... but it was somehow different, more rough, almost aggressive... the door to the study was only slightly ajar, so I could only make out scattered words and occasional sentences. "When the Master returns... thirst... blood... from the shadows..." My heart started beating faster as my hyperactive imagination went into high gear, but I quickly suppressed it with a burst of logic. Whatever else happened, Katt and Purr were hardwired to obey me. They could not resist a direct command from me. Nor could they ever hurt me.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door. The sight that met me was not quite what I'd expected... Katt was sitting on the couch with a large book in her lap, while Purr lay next to her, a fascinated expression on her face. The light of several candles lit the room. Even as the girls noticed me and jumped to their feet, I recognized the book and realized what I'd been hearing... Katt had been reading aloud from the vampire classic 'Dracula', and presumably added the candles for atmosphere. And changed her voice for the spoken parts in the style of any good storyteller.

Laughing inwardly at my own foolishness, I greeted the girls, who had been so absorbed in the story that they hadn't noticed me entering, despite their otherwise sharp ears. The book was instantly discarded, and they flew into my arms, purring merrily. "You're finally home, Masssterrr..." said Purr delightedly, rubbing her head against my chin as she squeezed her full tits against my chest. "We really wanna see our new sister, even though that coffin is kinda' spooky..." she peered past me into the hall, and her tail fluffed up a bit as a shiver ran through her lithe body. "I can see you've been keeping busy, though..." I replied, nodding in the direction of the book that lay discarded on the couch. Katt grinned and pulled away from me to put the book back on the shelf where she found it. "Vampires are cool." She said by way of explanation.

"Yes, very much so." I agreed. "But shouldn't we go open the package?" No sooner had I spoken those words than Katt and Purr rushed past me like a runaway train, making the candles flutter in the slipstream. With a sigh, I blew out all but two of the candles, and picked those up as I moved out into the dark hall, where the girls were now crowding around the coffin. Might as well maintain the atmosphere since Katt had gone to so much trouble to make it...

As I kneeled by the coffin, I handed the two felines a candle each, and they silently took them. As I fumbled for the coffin's clasp, I really did feel kinda like a participant in one of those old vampire-flick... good thing there weren't any sharp sticks around, or I might have been caught up in the drama. Finally, I found the clasp and flicked it open... I took a good grip on the edge of the lid, and slowly pulled it open. It even creaked right...

And there she lay, the feline queen of the night... her skin as pale as the moon that still shone from the dark skies above, and creating a stark contrast with her jet-black fur. Only the short, fuzzy fur on her face was different, most of it completely white, with a pattern of dark purple around her eyes, and the same color on her hairless lips, which were arched in a dark smile as she slept. Her hands were crossed on her chest, while her long, black tail was wrapped around her waist. The hair on her head was long and midnight-black, with a pair of black cat-ears rising from it, covered in downy, black fur. And from her upper lip, a pair of sharply pointed fangs emerged, reaching down across her lower lip.

For a moment, I was so caught up in the illusion that I didn't notice that there was no sign of an oxygen-bottle... however, a quick look around found it, strapped to the lid - when I'd opened the coffin, I'd also lifted the breathing apparatus off of her. Now THAT was customer service... going that extra mile just to give the right impression when the box was opened.

And of course, with the sleep-inducing gas gone, the newest addition to my harem was now stirring. And, befitting of her rather unique properties, she awoke in a way quite different from Katt and Purr... suddenly, her eyelids just shot open, and I was looking into a pair of emerald-green eyes. Then, she opened her mouth in a yawn, and I backed away a bit. She really had an impressive set of fangs... it'd take a bit to work up the courage to let her give me a fellatio.

She then arched her back as she sat up, and stretched out her arms, showing off the fine interplay of dark fur and pale skin, before settling down and looking straight at me. "Are you my master?" she asked quite plainly, in a voice that was decidedly more mature than either Katt or Purr's. I nodded in reply, and she shrugged, looking around. "Okay. Do I get a name?" I cleared my throat. "Yes... your name is Kayla." She seemed to taste it. "Kayla... okay, I kinda' like that." Then, she rose to her feet with all the grace of a professional ballet dancer, and stepped out of the coffin, to stand straight in front of me. I was, incidentally, still on my knees, so that put my head on about even level with her naked pussy. "So, wanna fuck me?" she asked.

I arched an eyebrow at her attitude, and got to my feet as well. "Sure. Hey, Katt, Purr, run on ahead to the bedroom and light it up with some more candles..." somehow, it just seemed that turning on the electric lights would break the spell. I grabbed Purr's candle from her before they ran off, Katt shielding her flame with one paw to keep it from being blown out as they rushed up the stairs. Leaving me with one goth catgirl, a coffin, and a single candleflame. I could hear the girls rustling about upstairs, presumably pulling out that large box of candles I've got lying around in my bedchamber... ehm, in case of power outage... y'know?

Gesturing with the sputtering candle, I headed towards the kitchen. "Come on, you must be hungry. Let's get you a bite to eat before we get down to business, eh?" She shrugged, absently running one paw through her long, black tresses. "'kay." However, despite her cavalier attitude, she dug into the raw beef I found her with a great deal of vigor. Her extra-long canines allowed her to tear through the meat with impressive efficiency, and in a surprisingly short period of time, she'd completely consumed the beef. Then, she drank a whole bottle of milk - it does a body good, right? - before a call from upstairs interrupted us. "Masssterrr, the bedroom is ready!" I gestured for Kayla to rise, and she did so, gracefully, and followed me as we went back into the hall. Enough light was coming from the upstairs bedroom to see by, so I blew out the candle I'd been carrying 'till then, and put it on a nearby table before heading up the stairs with Kayla by my side.

The bedroom was a sight to behold... between 20 and 30 candles of varying sizes were set out on all surfaces, including the floor, arranged in an artfully random fashion - no two similarly-sized candles side-by-side anywhere. The bed was covered with the black satin sheets, presumably fixed that way by the girls at some point during the day, and a pair of shackles hung from the hook in the ceiling - just for atmosphere. All in all, it was hard to imagine a better environment for breaking in a goth sex-slave. With that thought in mind, I quickly pulled off my clothes, throwing them outside the door where they wouldn't be in the way. Kayla seemed enthusiastic for the first time, her eyes lighting up as she licked her lips... she was goth, all right, but she was a sex-crazed goth. And looking quite delicious by the candlelight...

Moving forwards, I simply pushed her down on her back, on the bed, and climbed in after her. There'd be time for plenty of exotic positions and games later - right now, I just wanted to fuck her. And she apparently wanted me to fuck her, too - reaching up, she gripped my shoulders with her paws to pull me down on top of her, and I was in no mood to fight her. My cock was in full erection, throbbing so hard I wouldn't be surprised if the girls could actually hear it. It required no guidance to find Kayla's hot cunt, which was already dripping wet - maybe the surroundings turned her on. Or maybe I did. Or maybe she was just plain horny.

With a slimy sound, her pussy-lips parted before my descending cockhead, allowing it to easily slide in an inch and a half. As the labia closed around my thick shaft, I felt the thin membrane of her virginity touch my hyper-sensitive cockhead. Stopping for a moment, I looked down on my lover. Her face was distorted with pleasure, and her mouth was open as she panted in expectation, her fangs looking a lot less intimidating now. Leaning down, I covered her mouth with my own, our lips locking and our tongues intertwining in a long, hot, french kiss. I embraced her, holding her tight, squeezing her tits against my chests, and digging my fingers into the thin fur on her back. Then, I flexed my hips, driving my cock to the bottom of her sopping wet pussy, tearing through her virginity. A small mewl was silenced by my lips as her lithe and muscular body momentarily tightened, and then gradually relaxed as the pleasure of her first full penetration seeped through the brief flash of pain.

Feeling the bed move, I looked up to see Katt and Purr climb onto the black satin sheets, both obviously fully aroused. With their eyes glued to our mating, they began to feel each other up, kissing and petting, and all-in-all looking incredibly erotic. Well, enjoy the show, I thought, and returned my attention to the sultry beauty below me. She had already started moving her hips around as I lay still on top of her, obviously relishing the feeling of my throbbing man-meat inside her, and wanting more. And I happily gave her what she wanted.

Her pussy was tight as a glove, but the lubrication was plentiful, so it offered little resistance as I withdrew my cock for a second stroke. As I paused with only the head inside, I lifted my head from hers, breaking the kiss, and looked down between our naked bodies. My shaft was shining from the lubrication that covered it, and blood-red traces of Kayla's torn virginity were visible as well. Then, fastening my eyes on her face, I plunged my manhood into her again, delighting in the expression of deep pleasure that contorted her face. A deep purr vibrated from her throat, and she started undulating her body against mine in impatience.

Apparently, she wasn't all that interested in slow, leisurely lovemaking... from the insistent way she ground her pelvis against me, it was clear that she wanted it hard, fast, and deep. I'd originally planned to gradually build up speed - a technique that always drove Purr crazy - but it was Kayla's first night, so I decided to just give her what she wanted. Shifting my grip to her slim waist, I took a deep breath and jammed my erection into her hot depths once again. Even as she moaned and ground herself against me, I pulled back for another thrust, going as far back as I could without risk of dropping out. Then back into the delicious tightness.

Screwing around with Katt and Purr on a daily basis had strengthened my hip muscles and boosted my stamina to no end, and I put all that to work as I screwed Kayla the best I could, pouring the thrusts into her with all my strength. She did what she could to help, pushing her hips up to meet me on every entry, displaying the tireless strength of a true catgirl. Soon, I was sweating and panting with the exertion, but it was worth it as I felt the contractions of her inner walls grow more frequent - a surefire sign that she was about to experience her first orgasm.

Looking up, I could see Katt and Purr mirroring the violence of me and Kayla's furious fuck, in a classic doggie-style position. Purr had her eyes unblinkingly focused on us while Katt was leaning over her back for a better look, mauling her full tits while continuously flexing her hips with all her strength. Looking from those two sexed-up kittens, to the beautifully contorted face below me, I felt my balls tighten. And as Kayla screamed in orgasm, and her pussy clamped down on my cock like a vise while her fingers dug into my back, I hit my climax as well. With one last, culminating thrust, I buried myself in her to the hilt, while my pulsing shaft shot wad after wad of hot cum deep into her womb.

Our mouths found each other again as we glowed with shared pleasure. Her slender, furry legs wrapped themselves tightly around my haunches, holding me in as she pressed her body hard against mine. Connected at genitals and lips, it felt like we were fusing together into one. Finally, however, her taut muscles relaxed, and she came down from the orgasmic high. Her legs and arms released me and fell to the sheets, drenched in sweat. Pushing myself up off of her body, I wiped the sweat off my brow and looked down on her as she basked in the afterglow of her first climax, with no small degree of pride. Sure, she was created for my pleasure, but a real man always gives as good as he gets. And I think I did that.

Getting off the bed, I wandered over to the closet and got out the piercing-kit I'd originally used to give Katt and Purr the jewelry that now adorns their bodies. I'd used up most of the supplies in it, but there was still two rings left - they'd provide a nice preview to the fun I'd have with her body when the new piercing-supplies I'd ordered the day before arrived. Looking over all the bondage-equipment in the closet, I briefly considered chaining her up first - just for effect - but then discarded the idea in favor of a simpler, and equally erotic, possibility.

Turning around with the piercing-kit in hand, I winked at Katt and Purr, who were resting next to each other on the bed - having, apparently, climaxed shortly after me and Kayla. "Katt, Purr, hold her still..." Kayla lifted herself halfway off the bed in surprise at hearing that command, but the girls immediately jumped at my word, grabbing her arms and locking them behind her. Since I hadn't given HER any commands, and I was not physically involved yet, Kayla was free to struggle against her captors - which she did, vigorously. But she was still fresh out of the vats, her muscles not yet running at full capacity, while Katt and Purr were highly fit, and working from the better side of a two-against-one situation.

Demonstrating that the build-in programming of a catgirl includes wrestling, the two catgirls expertly lifted her off the bed and forced her down on her knees on the floor, pinning her ankles while retaining their holds on her arms. The position practically thrust her chest forwards, with the large, well-shaped boobs jiggling and bouncing about as she struggled futilely against the combined strength of Katt and Purr. I set out the necessary supplies in front of her, preparing the two rings, and finally pulling out a long needle with an isolated handle. Infections were, of course, not a concern when dealing with a catgirl - and with a simple nipple-piercing, there was no real need to cauterize the wound either. But since I was literally surrounded by burning candles, I decided that I might as well go ahead and heat the needle anyway - after all, it did add a certain kinda' edge to the actual piercing, too.

I held the needle over the flame until it glowed nearly white. Then, I seized one of her large breasts with my left hand, and quickly jabbed the searing-hot needle through the erect nipple. A feral scream came from her lips as she writhed in pain, but I steadfastly held on to the needle for another couple of seconds, while smoke rose from the wound as it was burned shut. When I pulled the needle out again, not a single drop of blood followed, and the wound did not close. I slipped a ring through it, and then began to reheat the needle for the second piercing, while Kayla slumped back against Katt and Purr, sobbing quietly.

When the needle glowed white once again, I moved to the remaining tit and held it still as I positioned the needle next to the nipple. I could see her body go rigid as she felt the heat radiating from the needle, but when I quickly jabbed it through, she didn't scream - rather, she issued a drawn-out, painful moan, shaking all over as the piercing was finalized by the hot needle. Once the wound was fully cauterized, I put the needle back in the set, and slipped the second ring into place. Both of her large boobs were now crowned with a golden ring, just like Katt and Purr.

"You can let go of her now." I said offhandedly while I packed up the piercing set and put it back in the closet. The girls obeyed, and Kayla fell forwards on her hands and knees, before struggling to her feet. Hefting first one breast, then the other, she looked at her new adornments, and licked her lips. "That was totally worth it..." she said, eyes shining. "Actually, I kinda' liked it... can I have more?" I grinned broadly... the 'Body-mod Freak' modification certainly seemed to be working. "Certainly, my dear, but not tonight... now, let's get on with the party. Kayla, get up on the bed, on all fours, with your ass towards me."

Eagerly, she complied, while the other two girls took up position on the other end of the bed to watch the show - they wouldn't have to restrict themselves to just watching for much longer, but they didn't know that, of course. Still smiling broadly, I climbed up on the bed and got to my knees behind Kayla's upturned backside, grabbing the bottom of her tail to steady her, and getting a good look at her wonderfully well-shaped butt-cheeks. My cock, which had gone almost completely soft while I'd worked on the piercings, leaped back to action and stood proudly from my groin. It was still somewhat slippery from its earlier visit in Kayla's cunt, and besides, all catgirls have build-in anal lubrication as part of the standard package. Of course, she was still a virgin there, so would probably still be a fairly tight fit... well, a bit of friction wouldn't hurt. At least, it wouldn't hurt me.

Guiding my erect member with one hand, I pressed the bloated head against her tiny opening, and delighted in the feeling as it slowly parted before me. She murred (a mix between a moan and a purr - catgirls do that a lot) as the head popped inside. I held it there for a bit, just enjoying the feeling of her tight sphincter choking my cock, and pressing against the sensitive lower ridge of the head. Then, tightening my grip on the base of her tail, and steadying her abdomen with the other hand, I thrust forwards forcefully, grinding my full length up her ass in one movement. She gave a surprised scream at the sudden pain, but seconds later, she meowed in a pleased fashion, and pushed her ass back at me, trying to get a bit more of my cock inside... obviously, she enjoyed the feeling of having my hotly throbbing man-meat stuck all the way up inside her shit-chute.

Shifting slightly to get a better position, I started fucking her slowly, the mediocre lubrication and the extreme tightness ensuring that we both felt every inch of every thrust. The sphincter was pulled along every time I pulled out, causing her ass to bulge outwards obscenely. However, as her excitement rose, the lubrication became better, and soon I was sliding in and out easily. That was just what I'd been waiting for. Keeping my cock embedded firmly inside her rectum, I pulled my legs together, and slid my knees in under Kayla's abdomen, pushing her ass down to follow my movement. She gave a surprised meow, not understanding what was going on. Then, I reached forwards to take a good grip on her waist, and lifted her off the bed, pulling her up to the vertical. "Kayla, lift up your legs and spread them... use your hands to hold them." She obeyed, of course, lifting her legs off the sheets as well, grabbing under each knee to keep them in place, exposing her pussy and breasts fully. This, of course, also caused her to sink down on my cock to the very root.

In front of us, Katt and Purr had been getting it on as usual - Katt was sitting sideways, her neck craned to keep an eye on the action, while Purr sucked her off from the side, allowing her to watch me and Kayla go at it while she bobbed her head up and down. "Oh, Katt..." I called out. "Why don't you come and join the fun?" She eagerly pulled her hugely erect cock out of Purr's mouth, and bounded over, leaving her younger sister just sitting there with a heartbroken expression on her face. Katt, of course, needed no further prompting or directions. She kneeled in front of us, and scooted forwards 'till our knees touched. Then, she could simply lean into Kayla, penetrating her until-recently virgin pussy. She was, of course, a good deal more well-equipped than me, reaching new depths and stretching her further than before as she thrust herself into her to the root. I could feel the entire length of her cock through the thin membrane that separated the two orifices, as she could feel mine, boosting the pleasure of us both.

Even as Kayla moaned in pleasure at being so thoroughly filled by our two cocks, full penetrated in both pussy and ass, Katt took advantage of her flexibility to bend her neck in a way that would have been rather painful for a human to maintain for any length of time, and started nibbling at Kayla's tits. Her hands were also busy, running all over the ample bosom, claws lightly teasing the sensitive flesh without ever drawing blood. I could feel her entire body shake as Katt sucked one of her nipples all the way inside her mouth, ring and all, to play with it with her rough tongue - those nipples were probably still extremely tender after the piercings, so every sensation was magnified...

Looking around Katt, I noticed Purr sitting back, left behind, digging into her pussy with one paw as she sought to bring herself off. It was just heartbreaking... then, I remembered something and looked up. Sure enough, the shackles that Katt and Purr had attached to the hook in the ceiling, just for the atmosphere, were pretty much directly above us. In a sudden flash of inspiration, I called Purr over. "Hey, Purr, if you jump up and grab those shackles, you should be in a fairly good position, don't you think?" She jumped up, eyes afire, and nodded eagerly. Quickly judging the distance, she leaped from the bed to nimbly grab each shackle in one clawed paw, spreading her legs wide and bending her lower back to avoid hitting the back of Katt's head as she swung forwards. Kayla, who had been absorbed in her own pleasure, looked rather surprised when she saw a juicy pussy rapidly approaching her face, but when Purr wrapped her legs around her neck, she didn't resist. From where I was sitting, I had a first-class view as she got her first taste of pussy...

However, cunnilingus was - obviously - among the basic skills that were preprogrammed into all catgirls, and as such, she did a masterful job. Her rough tongue dug deeply into Purr's wide-open, juice-dripping cunny, and I could just imagine that she'd be able to pick up some traces of the loads Katt had pumped up there earlier. And from the way that Purr was gyrating above us, I would hazard to guess that she was enjoying it, too. Then, she suddenly stiffened up, eyes flying open, before squeezing closed in obvious orgasm. Craning my neck, I saw why - Katt had lifted her head from Kayla's tits to dig her face in between Purr's buttcheeks, giving her an unexpected but obviously welcomed rim-job - maybe her way of apologizing for leaving her so eagerly just before.

Kayla wasn't complaining, though... now that we finally had the whole complicated arrangement set up, me and Katt could start thrusting at long last. Katt somewhat regretfully stopped teasing Kayla's nipples to help hold her body steady, as we began a furious piston-fuck into Kayla's eager body. Katt would pull out as I thrust in, and the other way around, ensuring that Kayla had at least one cock inside her at all times, and also enabling us both to feel the other's movement on the way. Katt matched my rhythm perfectly, speeding up in tandem as I accelerated further and further. Unfortunately, the position didn't allow us to move really fast, but we did work our way up to a respectable speed, buffeting Kayla between us, and - by the looks of it - bringing her to at least half a dozen orgasms. Through all those, however, her tongue never stopped working over Purr's pussy - apparently, she enjoyed the taste.

Since it was my second round that night, I lasted roughly 20 minutes. I dare not hazard to guess how many times Kayla and Purr came between them in that time, but it was many. Finally, I felt my balls contract as my cock began throbbing, spurting my hot seed deep into the darkness of Kayla's ass. I don't know how Katt managed to time it, but just as I started cumming, she made a last, culminating thrust as well, burying herself fully in Kayla's convulsing cunt before pumping her sperm into her womb to join mine from half an hour earlier. As both of her holes were being filled, Kayla apparently experienced a climax far greater than the ones that had gone before it - at least, that's the only explanation I can think of for the gurgling scream of pure pleasure she released into Purr's pussy, sending vibrations of carnal joy up the hanging catgirl's slender spine.

Huffing for breath after the exhausting exercise I'd just gone through, I sat back on my haunches - pulling Kayla, who was still impaled on my gradually softening cock, with me. It caused her to slide backwards off of Katt's still-hard dick, though, and I could feel globs of her hot catgirl cum running out of Kayla's pussy, down to cover my balls. With the two of us out of the way, Purr dropped unceremoniously down from her lofty perch, flexing her arms - they were probably a bit sore after hanging around for that long. Both her and Katt looked expectantly at me, but I was running a bit low on steam...

With a sigh, I lifted Kayla off of my lap, grinning with pleasure as I saw several drops of my white cum escape from her stretched ass before she could clench it up - I'd apparently blown quite an impressive load, there. My cock, however, didn't seem too interested in getting up for round three, though, and was mostly flaccid as I deposited Kayla on the sheets in front of me. Pulling my legs out from under me, I just sat there for a moment to catch my breath, and I was about to suggest that the girls just played around with each other for a bit, when Katt suddenly jumped forwards of her own accord, diving into my lap.

My eyes widened in surprise as she lifted my shrinking dick up to lick along its underside, cleaning off the residue of the furious ass-fuck that came before - all without having gotten any kind of orders or suggestions from me. She winked naughtily up at me and made a kind of come-hither gesture with her tail. With a delighted giggle, Purr jumped in and joined her, squeezing her head in between my legs as well, and adding her own tongue to her sister's. With two tongues running over its sensitive surface, my love-pole was starting to recover, growing longer and harder...

Kayla was watching with an expression of amazement on her face... unlike Katt and Purr, she hadn't had the benefit of my lengthy free-thinking training - she was conditioned to obey orders completely and fully, not act on her own. However, seeing her two colleagues working together of their own accord, and my obvious pleasure, she hesitantly moved forwards and lowered herself down on top of Katt and Purr - putting her in a good position to reach my cockhead as it began to rise from the catgirl's gentle ministrations. With Katt and Purr licking up and down the shaft, and Kayla gently closing her lips around the head - dispelling any reservations I had about her fangs - I rose to full erection in record time.

Caught up in the sexual dynamics, the three girls continued to run their hot mouths all over my crotch, cleaning off both my own cum, and the sperm that had leaked from Kayla's cunt. Purr handled that part, running her tongue all over my ball-sack, and eventually sucking each sensitive testicle into her mouth. While she was doing this, Kayla and Katt closed their lips around my shaft from two different sides, effectively kissing with my cock caught in the middle, tongues tirelessly playing over the soft skin as they pulled their heads up and down in sync - I could only guess that this peculiar form of fellatio was part of their basic programming, since they'd needed no words to arrange it.

Finally, with my entire prick cleaned and shining with saliva, they all gathered around the blood-filled, mushroom-shaped head. Three rough tongues dancing the can-can over this hyper-sensitive tissue had me writhing in pleasure instantly - and after only a few seconds of that, a white geyser of sperm shot from the dilated hole in the center, covering all three faces. Purring in delight, they continued to lick my sperm off of each other's faces, my cock, and my abdomen, while my cock deflated for the last time that night...

I was completely exhausted, but somehow, I wanted to keep the sex-party going... and of course, I could. I needed sleep and rest, but the girls didn't. The piercing-supplies I ordered the day before would probably arrive tomorrow morning, and I really wanted Kayla to be in a state of sexual arousal when I applied her remaining 'modifications'. While the girls kept up some heavy petting in the bed, I rose and went to the closet to find one of our more rarely-used sex-toys... a strap-on belt which I got for Purr, so that she could play some turnabout with Katt. But since Purr really preferred to get fucked, over actually fucking, it hadn't seen much use. It was, however, rather adaptable, and could be mounted with a wide variety of different dildoes. Looking through my constantly growing collection of sex-toys, I picked out a rather large, fat dildo, which had the special advantage of being knobbed - covered with small bumps that added considerable amounts of stimulation. I attached it to the strap-on belt, and deposited it on the nightstand. By now, the girls had stopped their games, and were looking at me curiously...

I grinned at the questioning faces, and returned to the closet to pick up a pair of handcuffs, a ball-gag and a spreader-bar. Handing them to Katt, I started explaining. "Katt, you'll take Kayla into the guest-room and use these to tie her down on all fours. Then, you'll fuck her ass until you can no longer maintain an erection. When that happens, you'll come in here and wake up Purr, who'll put on this strap-on..." I gestured at the belt that lay on the nightstand "...and go to continue the ass-fucking 'till I wake up in the morning. You can, of course, rest at that point." Kayla gasped and pulled back a little, while Katt and Purr eagerly nodded, licking their lips. They'd have no trouble keeping their parts - according to the catalog, they could go for days without sleep, before showing the least signs of fatigue. And as for Katt, she should be able to maintain her erection for at least 6-7 more hours... climaxing up to 3 times per hour. I don't know how an ass would look after having received around 20 full loads, but I knew I'd find out in the morning...

I gestured for Katt to get going, and she jumped up from the bed with the bondage-implements in one hand, pulling the halfway-resisting Kayla along with the other. Grinning broadly at the thought of what I'd started, and feeling particularly dominant as a result, I ordered Purr to get down on her knees and suck my flaccid cock as I emptied my bladder in her mouth. Then, I turned her over and brutally yanked out the extra-extra-large butt-plug that she'd worn during the entire session, and indeed the entire day, enjoying the sight of her gaping asshole for a few seconds before putting the plug down on the floor, and ordering her to clean it off with her tongue before going to the bathroom to relieve herself. When she bent over to worship the huge slab of plastic with her tongue, I also took the opportunity to punch my entirely un-lubricated fist into her ass a few times, enjoying the almost complete lack of resistance... but, I was still too tired to really do much of anything.

After going to the bathroom to brush my teeth, I looked into the guest-room to check on Katt and Kayla. I found that Katt had completed my orders to the letter - Kayla was kneeling on the bed, ball-gagged, with her hands cuffed behind her back, and her legs forced apart by the spreader-bar. And Katt was behind her on the bed, fucking as hard and fast as she could, making Kayla's entire body shake with every thrust - and showing every sign of going on for many more hours. She turned her head briefly to give me a naughty smile, clearly showing that she didn't mind my command in the least - she hadn't had a tight ass to fuck since I started stretching Purr's ass to inhuman proportions, several months ago.

When I returned to the bedroom, Purr had also finished in the bathroom, and I ordered her to bend over again. Picking up the squeaky-clean, saliva-covered butt-plug, I forced it into her still-open asshole with one push. She purred delightedly as always... "Thank you, Masss-terrr!" I grinned broadly before yawning and climbing up on the bed. These days, one of the best ways to torment that analistic kitten actually was to take that plug away from her for a while... she said she just didn't feel quite right if she didn't have something large up her ass anymore. Actually, she'd become so accustomed to the extreme stretching that I was having a hard time coming up with anything new I could do with her ass...

With that thought in mind, I told Purr to blow out all the candles before going to bed, and closed my eyes. It took Purr several minutes to extinguish all the candles in the room, and shortly after she'd climbed into bed next to me, I fell asleep. I stirred briefly some time later, when Katt entered the room and shook Purr awake, but by the time she'd collected the strap-on and left the room to begin her shift, I'd drifted off to sleep again.

I was awakened by the door-bell next morning, and was only half-awake as I tumbled out of bed and pulled on my kimono before stomping downstairs to answer it. Outside, an impatient USP deliveryman asked me to sign for a package before depositing said package in my hands, and leaving without so much as a sorry-to-wake-you. Still somewhat groggy, I pushed the door shut and glared at the package for a bit. Oh yes, the piercing-supplies I'd ordered earlier... remembering WHY I'd ordered them, I became fully awake and walked upstairs with the package under my arm.

Pushing open the door to the guest-room, I found a sight to remember... Kayla was still lying in the same position I'd seen her in last night, but she was covered in sweat - her fur was drenched, and her skin was shiny... even the bed-sheets beneath her were soggy, but that might have been from more than sweat. Her eyes were almost completely shut, with only a sliver of green between the dark eyelids and an occasional whimper from her purple lips to show that she was still awake. But of course, it was her backside that drew the most attention...

Her pussy, untouched throughout the night, was continuously dripping, and two small lakes had formed in the indentations her knees made upon the mattress. Her ass, of course, was a mess... most of her buns were covered with sperm, and it was bubbling out from the asshole at every thrust Purr made. Considerable amounts of cum were also deposited on the sheets below, some of it dried into whitish cakes, but a surprising volume had apparently been kept from drying up by the steady flow of pussy-juice, and remained a pile of viscous, white goo. I also noticed that the cum that bubbled out from her well-fucked ass was stained slightly pink, indicating that even the durable physique of a catgirl had its limits. Looking at a clock on the nearby nightstand, I could see that it was past 10 in the morning - which meant that Purr had probably been screwing her with the knobby dildo for at least 4 hours.

Noticing that I'd entered, Purr turned around to greet me with a smile, slowing down her incessant thrusts, but I shook my head. "Keep going for a bit longer, Purr. There's something I've got to see to." She nodded and redoubled her efforts, but I could see that she, too, was getting tired. Kayla gave an exhausted whimper as the dildo increased its pace, but otherwise remained unmoving. Leaving the guest-room, I went back to my bedroom to find that Katt had risen from sleep as well, seeming every bit as perky as if she'd had a full night's sleep, rather than just a few hours.

Having fallen back into my dominant personality after seeing the display in the guest-room, I pulled her down to her knees and ordered her to open her mouth. She instantly complied, and drank down my strong morning piss with all the artful showmanship she'd displayed the first time I'd indulged in water-sports with her - allowing her mouth to become completely filled, showing me how her tongue was floating in the acrid, yellow fluid, and finally swallowing noisily. After the stream had slowed down to a dribble, she leaned forwards to take my flaccid dick into her mouth, cleaning it off with her tongue before sitting back and awaiting my next command.

"Hey, do you think you can get your dick up for a round or two?" I asked with a grin. She nodded and got to her feet, stroking herself to attention - even though she'd only had a brief rest, she seemed good as new... a virility a man could only dream of. "Okay, go and replace your sister again..." then, noticing that her cock was covered with flaky sediments, dried-up remains of last night's marathon-fuck, I added "Oh, but you might want to have her clean your cock off before you put it back in her ass. And when you've got the gag off anyway, you might as well relieve yourself down her throat while you're at it." She nodded her compliance, and ran out of the room, while I put down the package on the bed and opened it, going over the contents. Everything I'd ordered was there...

I picked up the portable piercing-kit from the closet and filled it up with the new supplies, before carrying it into the guest-room. There, I found Katt back at Kayla's ass, screwing away happily, while Purr was siting on the bed, using the strap-on to bring herself off, in an impressive display of independent thinking. She was shaking in a multiple orgasm that she'd probably been wanting for the past several hours, with her clit being constantly stimulated by the strap-on belt, but not quite stimulated enough. Mussing up her hair as she came down from the climax, I gently removed the strap-on from her paws. "Do you need to pee, Purr?" I asked with a glimmer in my eye, noticing that Katt hadn't replaced the ball-gag after completing my orders. She nodded. "Then use Kayla's mouth..." Purr sprang up eagerly and bounced over to Kayla's head, which she lifted with her paws before forcing her soaking wet pussy into her face.

Seemingly too tired to close her mouth, Kayla just lay there as Purr poured a bladderful of kitty-pee down her throat. Due to the way her head was bent back, however, I could see her throat contract every time she swallowed, and it was quite a turn-on. My cock was fully erect, but I had a few other things to do before doing anything about that... As Purr finished using Kayla's mouth as a toilet and moved away, I quickly moved in and forced the strap-on dildo past the impressive-looking fangs, far down her tight throat - which was straight as a ruler while her head was held in this position. This woke her up quite a bit, and she gagged noisily as her throat was stretched around the unyielding plastic - but deep-throating was part of the basic skill-package of a catgirl, and she quickly adapted to it, breathing through her nose as the knobbed pseudo-cock bottomed out. Demonstrating that a strap-on can be used in more than one way, I fastened the belt around her head, keeping the dildo locked inside her throat.

"Purr, run on down and get some breakfast. Then go brush your teeth. When you're done, come right back up here." I ordered while putting down the piercing-kit and opening it up. She complied instantly, sprinting out of the room, the tiny bell in her clitoral piercing ringing wildly, obviously aiming to finish everything in a hurry so she could come back and watch the show. I briefly glanced at Katt, who was still busy screwing Kayla's ass, and saw that she was, apparently, climaxing - her face screwed up in an expression of pleasure, as spurts of sperm were blasted out of the cum-packed orifice, coating her thighs in a fresh layer of her own jizz. Then I returned my attention to the piercing-kit, and took out one of the biggest needles, as well as a handful of large rings.

Moving up to top of the bed, I climbed up and locked Kayla's head between my knees to keep it steady while I gripped the tip of one of her large, feline ears with one hand, wielding the needle with the other. Delirious with the pain-pleasure of over 10 hours of non-stop ass-fucking, she hardly even reacted as I rapidly punched 3 holes along the edge of the ear, but I did hear a muffled groan emerge around the huge dildo that filled her mouth. I slipped a wide ring through each hole, and watched as their weight caused the ear to bend slightly forwards in a most charming fashion. I proceeded to give the other ear the same treatment, once again getting virtually no reaction from the dark beauty below me.

Getting off the bed again, I put the large needle back in the set, and instead pulled out a small device that kinda' resembled a stapler - it was actually a rather professional piercing-apparatus, but so far I'd preferred the natural feel of a needle-piercing. For the next bit, however, I needed the abilities of that device. I was carefully adjusting the settings on the complicated little machine when Purr burst into the room, having apparently eaten her breakfast in record time. She only had a few seconds to admire Kayla's new jewelry, however, before I gave her new orders. "Purr, run back to the bedroom and fetch the large-size butt-plug from the closet - and hurry." I rarely told the girls to 'hurry' about anything, since they seemed to be moving at a dead run of their own accord more often than not. This time, however, I got a taste of just how fast a catgirl can move when specifically ordered to do so...

She leaped out the door and, by the sound of it, actually sprinted down the hallway on all fours. Less than ten seconds later, she was back with the requested toy held in her teeth. Having finished adjusting the piercing-machine in the meantime, I collected the plug - which, while certainly big, was still less than quarter the size of the one Purr still had stuck up her ass. Ordering Katt to stop fucking and get off the bed, I moved in where she'd been, and got a better look at what an asshole looks like after 11 hours of hardcore sex. The rim was so red, it was practically glowing, and cum was dripping steadily from the stretched hole - which showed no sign of planning to pull itself together anytime soon. The multiple layers of cum that covered the orifice seemed to offer plenty of lubrication, so I just took the plug and pushed it into her. It was quite a bit wider than anything she'd had in her so far, and as such I actually had to put quite a bit of my weight behind it, but with her sphincter thoroughly loosened by the night's ordeal, it just didn't have the strength to resist. With a slimy sound, it slid into place, her gaping asshole closing tightly around the base.

Her ass, filled with gallons of cum after taking a dozen or more of Katt's loads, was now effectively plugged, and so I could pull her up to a sitting position without fear of covering the bed with sticky fluids. Putting a few pillows behind the small of her back, I ordered Katt and Purr to hold her steady while I spread her knees and approached her juice-covered pussy with the piercing-apparatus in one hand, and her soon-to-be adornments in the other. Her cunt was still dripping after the incalculable number of orgasms she'd felt during the night, without either pussy or clit ever being touched... at the moment, they were aching for stimulation of any kind, and extremely sensitive.

After depositing the piercing-materials on the sheets between her legs, I reached out and gently pulled one of the outer labia out from her pussy, keeping it taut. Her body shook even at that mild stimulation, and I pondered her reaction to what was to come... then, I pushed the piercer down over the thin flesh, and squeezed it. Her entire body jumped, and a gurgling scream emerged around the thick shaft that was still stuck in her throat, as the machine actually tore out a small piece of the sensitive tissue... but at the same time, a gush of fluids flowed out of her pussy, indicating that she'd actually gotten off on the painful operation. Removing the piercer, I quickly pushed the bottom-part of a grommet into the bleeding hole, closing it on the other side with the top-part, and finally squeezing them tightly with a pair of pliers, locking the metal together.

Yes, a grommet... like the ones you've got on your shoes. Not your everyday piercing-supplies. Picking up the piercer again, I duplicated this process 5 more times, making a row of 3 holes on both labia, sealing each with a grommet. As far as I could tell, each hole I punched gave her another orgasm... Finally, I could sit back and admire my handiwork - a genuine shoelace-piercing. Once they'd healed up - which wouldn't take very long for a catgirl - I'd be able to do all sorts of funny things with it, such as running a chain through it to keep her pussy closed (around the base of a large dildo, for example), or slipping a couple of small padlocks them to deny her in-depth stimulation for a period... or, I could use the holes to tie her outer labia out to her legs, keeping her pussy open and easily-accessible, also rendering the inner flesh unusually sensitive by leaving it exposed to the air... in short, the possibilities were endless.

And finally, of course, the inevitable conclusion... I discarded the piercing-apparatus to once again return to my favored needle - albeit a much thinner type than the one I had used on her ears. Reaching down, I pushed her clitoral hood upwards, unveiling the treasure beneath - the tiny, super-sensitive nub. I could feel her shaking in expectation as I lowered the needle, and as I gently touched the pointy end to the side of the clit, she came for the seventh time in a row, and collapsed back against Katt and Purr, obviously at the limits of her inhuman stamina. Taking advantage of her temporary immobility, I jabbed the needle through her clitoris. Her entire body rose several inches off the bed, and vibrated in a soundless scream as air wheezed out of her throat around her dick-gag. As I removed the needle and slipped the ring into place, her body shook in yet another orgasm, despite being almost too tired to move. Then, I could finally get up from between her legs and put my tools back in the piercing-kit, while telling Katt and Purr to release Kayla from her restraints, and remove the strap-on from her mouth.

However, I'd had a hard-on during the entire process, and I needed some release. "Katt, you go get some breakfast too, and brush your teeth before coming back." I ordered. Katt nodded and disappeared out the door, leaving Purr sitting on the bed, admiring Kayla's new piercings, while playing with her own clit-ring. "Kayla..." I called "Get up." She had been lying on the mushy bed with her eyes closed, apparently quite willing to go to sleep right there, but she could not resist my command, and with a tired groan, she pulled herself upright and staggered off the bed. "Give me a blowjob." I simply said. Now would be as good a time as any to brave those fangs... if she could keep them out of the way in her present, exhausted condition, there was obviously no danger at any time.

Without a word, she fell to her knees in front of me and leaned forwards, reaching up with one paw to pull my cock - which had so far been vertical, straining towards the ceiling- down to her mouth. With casual ease, she gulped it down, sliding the flared head past her fangs without a single touch. She also had no difficulties with taking it past her tonsils, into the depths of her throat - but then again, until minutes before, she'd had something considerably longer and wider down there. I moaned slightly as I felt the humid tightness of her mouth around my sensitive shaft, and when she actually started sucking on it, waves of pleasure went up my spine. Even at the end of her rope, she was a skilled cocksucker...

Knowing that I'd soon be to incoherent to arrange anything further, I waved Purr over, and told Kayla to spread her knees. I was about to order Purr to get on her back and slide her head in between Kayla's legs to get her muzzle into goth-girl's newly-pierced pussy, when she did exactly that of her own accord, holding tightly on to Kayla's haunches as she ran her tongue all over her groin - from cleaning off the thick layers of cum surrounding her still-plugged asshole, to gently teasing the hypersensitive skin around her fresh piercings.

The sensations radiating from her already overstimulated pussy and ass distracted Kayla to some degree, reducing the skill of her fellatio, and allowing me to last for quite a bit longer than I otherwise would have. When Katt came in the door shortly after, I simply nodded towards Purr's upturned pussy - she understood immediately, and leaped in between Purr's spread legs, jabbing her still-hard cock into her sister's soggy cunt. Purr yelped in surprise, having been too busy lapping away at Kayla's pussy to hear her older sister enter the room - and while she did resume her oral ministrations, the movements of her tongue became increasingly sporadic as she climbed towards an orgasm.

This, in turn, allowed Kayla to focus on my cock again. As she started bobbing her head over it, slipping the head in and out of her tight throat on every thrust, I felt my balls begin to contract. The way the back of her mouth rubbed the tender, lower ridge of my cockhead, was causing me to literally writhe in pleasure... finally, with a drawn-out moan, I shot the first load of the day deep into Kayla's throat, while Katt simultaneously dropped her wad into Purr's womb, sending her into a screaming climax. Kayla, however, was seemingly too tired to cum again...

I kept my cock inside her mouth for a bit, giving her a chance to clean it off with her tongue, before pulling out. It didn't soften entirely, and I had no doubt that I'd be ready for another round in a short while. I was, however, famished. "Okay, girls... take her to the bathroom, empty out that gallon of cum she's carrying around in her lower intestine, and give her a bath. Then drop her off back in our bed, and let her get some rest while you clean up all those candles, and change the sheets on the guest-bed." They nodded and lifted their sweaty, cum-covered sister up from the floor, practically carrying her down the hallway towards the bathroom.

With a smile on my lips, I headed downstairs to get some breakfast, already making plans for the rest of the day in my head. It was, after all, still before noon - and I had nothing planned for today but a whole lotta sex. Also, thanks to the rapid healing of the catgirls, Kayla's new piercings would be completely healed by nightfall - at which point a lot of new options would be opened. My smile widened. Today would, indeed, be a very good day...

The End

The Catgirls Quadrilogy, Chapter 3 - Cats and Dogs... and Horses

**Catgirls 3 - Cats and dogs... and horses** I awoke with a smile... yes, now I've learned how to do that, too. Life was good, after all. My work at GenCorp had gone well, so well in fact that I'd recently gotten a raise. I still wasn't sure...

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The Catgirls Quadrilogy, Chapter 2 - Catgirls in Toyland

Catgirls 2 - Catgirls in Toyland I awoke. That, of course, was something I had done on a regular basis since the day I was born, but recently, it had come to mean something entirely different. You see, I didn't just wake up, I woke up with a...

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The Catgirls Quadrilogy, Chapter 1 - Catgirls, Inc.

Catgirls 1 - Catgirls, Inc. "Yes, this is Catgirls, Inc." "Um, hello, I'd like to place an order." "I see... I presume, since you aren't using our webpage, that you wish something beyond our default settings?" "Well, sorta, I guess... You see, I...

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