A favourite Situation Chapter 14

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#14 of Favourite Situaion

A Favourite Situation Chapter 14 By Kendo Kawabata

Spencer hated Christmas. How he found himself in the local mall, sitting outside a very full cafe with a half filled coffee in front of him, watching the mad gaggle of shoppers rushing around him at the last minute on Christmas eve, was a complete and utter mystery to him. Considering how he absolutely hated everything to do with Christmas in the firstplace. The blackwargreymon hadn't celebrated Christmas for the last couple of years, and being surrounded by the hustle and bustle in bright lights and screaming noises of everything at this time of year, did nothing to give him reason to actually celebrate. Spencer grabbed his coffee cup and brought it to his lips as he took another sip. Obviously the girl behind the counter had been in a hurry, and the coffee was rather weak, and tasted like it was burnt. She must not have cleaned the machine properly, but he didn't feel like going back into the store to raise a fuss over a two dollar cup of coffee. Spencer grimaced a bit as he swallowed the bitter weak coffee in his mouth, and went back to watching the parade of people rushing past him. Every store in the mall had signs indicating sales and specials, last minute shopping deals and discounts on carefully seledcted items. And there were people running in and out of every store as if their lives depended on it. Spencer watched as a group of teenagers walked past, complaining in loud voices to no-one in particular, as if they didn't care their complaints were being heard by everyone. Their complaints reached Spencers hearing range and he was met with a long gabble of complaints about have the latest version of the iPhone was now sold out and how their Christmases would be completely and utterly ruined for them if they didn't get the one white model that they had demanded of their parents. "I swear, if my mother does not get the white iPhone that I asked for, my Christmas is going to be ruined. I will post on Facebook every fucking detail on how much I hate her if she ruins my christmas by giving me a black one. God, I am so going to hate her'' said a rather spoilt and bratty looking blonde (obviously) female wolf was saying to her group of clueless looking friends as she tapped away on a white iPad. Spencer caught the agreements of her clueless friends who were quick to aree on how incompetent the she wolfs mother was. ''If my grandmother was alive and she heard you talking about your mother like that, she would beat your arse black and blue with the hose from the back of the washing machine" Spencer thought to himself. This was where discipline had failed in this generation. A generation of soft parents, hampered by liberal groups demanding the abolishment of child discipline, lead to a generation of complete and utter spoilt brats with no respect. And heaven help you if you tried to do anything about it. "I'm so glad I have no one like that in my family to give a shit about" Spencer thought to himself as he took another sip of his bitter coffee. He hadn't been to a family Christmas since... well, he couldn't actually remember. Then again, his family wasn't really a group of people he actually wanted to celebrate anything with. "Christmas. The one time of the year you can sit around the table and get judged on your life choices by relatives who think they are holier then you" Spencer said to himself as he drowned the rest of the bitter coffee. The burnt taste felt as bitter as his mood as he slowly stood up and stretched his large frame. he didn't care if his sour mood was infectious, nor did he care If anybody was watching and felt that they had to come over and tell him to smile because it was christmas. He searched his pockets to make sure he had his phone and his wallet and his car keys still buried in the depth of his denim jeans before he decided to leave. The malls speaker system was starting to play a One Direction cover of a christmas song, and he grimaced. Every year, another flavour of the month singing songs that had been covered a hundred times over. Wishing he had ear plugs, he figured he could do a couple of laps around the mall, anything to prevent him from going home, anything to delay the return. "All the christmas stories and songs and presents and cheer and political bulshit means nothing if you have no-one to go home too'' Spencer thought to himself sadly as he left the small cafe behind him and went to lose himself amongst the shopping crowd. An empty house. An empty, cluttered house with no pride whatsoever in it. A miserable shell of an existence, with no one to go home too, and no signs of festivities anywhere. Almost every store had a Christmas tree, and wreathes in the displays, and a couple of hundred twinkling lights on everywhere, and fake snow sprayed almost in your face as you walked in. Spencers living room had nothing, not even a christmas tree. There was no point in setting one. As Spencer made his way through the crowd of people, he felt himself get shoved aside by several people who weren't even looking in his direction. Mothers pulling children around who were yelling and screaming and making a fuss over every little thing. Couples walking hand in hand who glared at him for interupting their personal space when they bumped into him. Teenagers moving in pairs and small gangs, either looking down on tablets or phones or riding skateboards who had the nerve to call him a bastard cause they weren't watching where they were going. Hardly the fucking christmas spirit. More then once, Spencer wanted to stick his foot out and watch one of those stupid teenage / tween brats roll their skateboard into his boot and go flying, only on impact would they wish they had listened and bothered to wear a helmet. And as much as that cruel act would make him laugh and feel better, he decided against it. Not like the brats would be told off for not wearing protection. No, they'd be taken pity upon for having a widdle accident. Spencer stopped for a moment outside of a large electronics store and gazed at the display, seeing a wide arrange of portable dvd players that were on special. Marked down to 75% off for the day only, the range was rather wide and covered most of the major brands. As he stood there, his eyes roaming over the details on the prices, his attention soon focused on a small player that was coloured in a striking shade of blue. The player itself was small and sleek, and folded up rather nicely into a cute compact bag to hold it. And it was very affordable. ''Why do I get the feeling I know who would love this...''Spencer thought as he lingered there a bit longer, trying to figure out why this player appealed to him so much. But his thoughts were interupted by a firm shove from his side as he was pushed against hte glas of the display. ''HOnestly, get out of the way'' said a middle aged cougar who was carrying a big brightly covered present under her arm. ''Stupid people holding up the pathway at this time of year, honestly'' she said in a rather indignant tone of voice as if it was an unforgivable sin for someone to be in her way. Spencer had half the mind to grab her present and throw it as far away into the crowds as possible, but once again it wouldn't be her fault, but rather his that the situation happened. He pulled himself off the display of glass and glared at the stupid brainless cougar, then siged to himself. "Fuck Christmas" Spencer said to himself as he shook his head, leaving the front of the electronics store as he walked away, his hands in his pockets and his sour mood returning. However, the DVD player stuck in his mind as the shade of blue it had been coloured in had reminded him of something. Although it took a moment or two for his mind to actually register that the DVD player had been coloured the same colour of blue Matts skin was. Matt. Spencer had to sigh as he thought about the slave boy back in the warehouse. If anything, he had to admit that Matt had been doing a lot better in the recent weeks, what with the business between them and Luke had been put to rest. Luke had departed from the warehouse after his weekend, and if Spencer had to guess, whatever went between the two of them had put the past behind them. But Matts good mood had been masking what Spencer had to guess was a steely resolve and a determination that seemed to put himself at a distance with everyone else. Although it wasn't obvious in his intentions, there did seem to be a gap dividing him from everyone else. And in part, Timothys treatment of Matt wasn't helping the situation. But then again, it never had. Timothy seemed to blatantly delight in treating Matt like he was a stain on his shoe, taking every opportunity to humiliate Matt and remind him of his very lowly status. Plus, there was nothing Spencer could do stop Timothy from dragging Matt away from his duties in order to literally screw him. Surrounded by all the hustle and bustle of the mall, Spencer had to admit to himself that that part was probably never going to change in the near future anyway. And now Matt was back in the warehouse, alone. The building and business had been closed over the Christmas and New Years period, to give everyone who worked there (not Matt) a chance for a holiday with their families. Spencer had been in the office on the last working day when Timothy and his friends had barged in and started hooting and hollering about how they won some championship, or state, or finals or whatever it was. Spencer didn't follow football, and players like Timothy didn't give him reason to do so. "Yeah motherfuckers, that's right" Timothy had shouted to the other workers as he and his group of friends had hooted and hollored at everyone they had passed in the warehouse. " You're looking at the new champions. We're the best of the best'' Timothy had delightfully shouted as he and his friends raced through the warehouse to the loading area. ''First place fuckers'' he had shouted. "And guess how dad is going to reward me" Timothy said when he finally reached Matt, who at the time have been busy unloading a pallet of goods. One of Timothys friends, some thick looking bull stuck his foot out and deliberately tripped Matt over, making him fall and drop the try of goods on the floor. ''Have a guess Matt'' Timothy had said, ignoring the fact that Matt was now sprawled over the floor below him, as the younger Flamedramon knelt down and grabbed Matt by the jaw and forced him to look up. ''Go on, take a good long guess at how Dad is going to reward me.'' ''Well, I'll tell you, since slaves are so stupid they lack imagination. Dad is taking me on a first-class trip to Las Vegas. And we're going to stay at the Excalibur. In a first class suite. Only the best for the best, right Matty?'' Timothy said with a smirk as he shoved Matts face away. ''And you'll be here, cause slaves don't celebrate christmas'' he had said as he and his friends had laughed. Timothy and his friends had stayed a while longer, but the only damage they did was to simply push Matt around a few times and further verbally degrade him. It didn't last long before they seemed to get bored and headed out, intending to celebrate elsewhere. Spencer had watchced as Matt simply picked himself up and went back to work, as if nothing had happened. Spencer had gone to check on him when Timothy and his idiot friends had left, but although Matt had tried to hide his emotions, Spencer could tell that what had happened had struck a cord with him. And yes, Thomas and Timothy had both left for Las Vegas the day the warehouse was closed, and Matt had been left behind like some dog left at a kennel. At least dogs would get affection and care. Spencer had to sigh as he continued to walk through the annoying crowds of people around him, his thoughts drifting back to Matt once again. Although THomas had not been on Spencers radar for the last month or two, Spencer still felt like he had to skirt around the fact that he was getting too close to Matt then he was supposed to. And it was startign to tear him up inside. Spencer was pretty sure that Thomas was allowing him to get away with what few levels of affection that Spencer gave to Matt, but he didn't want to push the limits. Spencer had gathered by now that Thomas was someone who followed the rules, and those who didn't follow the rules, or his rules, were out on their ass. Apparently, THomas' brother Aaron was one of those people, and rumour around the warehouse was that Aaron was on the verge of bankruptcy. But even with that fact, Spencer just couldn't bring himself to be that close. He felt like he was constantly getting a little closer, then having to run and hide from the boy everytime he feared he was too close. And the saddest part, was that he never wanted to be that close. And now, Matt had entered his personal life and Spencer was split up about it. ''I guess we're in the same boat Matt'' Spencer said to himself as he found himself wandering past a bookstore and into an open foodcourt, flooded with hungry shoppers, more screaming kids and even more annoying teenagers. ''We're both alone and wrecked over each other'' he said to himself, feeling his sourness turn into depression rather instantly as he passed a Starbucks coffee shop. "Double chocolate caramel iced Frappe with skim milk for Catsie?'' came a voice from Starbucks that cut across the food court and into Speners hearing range. Spencer stopped almost at once as his ears picked up the name. For a moment, he was sure that he had misheard the name, and that he had actually heard the name Patsy or something. However, curiosity won out over common logic as he found himself turning to Starbucks and roamed his eyes over the severely long line of people waiting to pick up their overpriced beverages. "Catsie?" Spencer said with a surprised look across his face as he saw the handsome feline walking away from the line, an oversized and very full drink sitting in his hands, and a surprised look on the owners face as they saw each other. "Hey there. It's Spencer, right?'' the youngish lion asked as a smile broke out on his face as he recognised him. Spencer hadn't seen Catsie, the B.O.S.S.' emergency service Vet, since Matt had been abused to the point he hadn't been able to work. But the lion looked exactly the same as he had since then. Still exceptionally handsome, bright shining eyes and a friendly smile. Although this time there was a splash of cream and cocoa across his muzzle. And his sccrubs were still a bright shade of pink. "Laundry day again?'' Spencer asked as he eyed the somewhat snug fitting garment that really didn't hide the lions lithe sinewy frame, giving Spencer the impression the lion was quite the twinkie underneath. Those scrubs had to be at least a size or too smaller then needed to be. "Laundry day?'' Catsie asked as the feline had a momentary look of confusion of his face, which gave him a rather cute wide eyed expression. Then his eyes seemed to get even bigger as realisation dawned on him and he gave a rather obvious blush, trying to hide it with his overly large creamy drink. ''Oh... uh, yeah. Laundry day. Let's go with that one'' he said as he hid his face behind his cream. "You just like the colour and don't want to admit it, don't you boy?'' Spencer said, the authoritive tone of voice coming almost naturally to him as he spoke to Catsie. Catsie seemed to almost glow as he gave an embaressed and sheepish grin behind his tower of cream. "I'm a bad kitty, aren't I?'' he asked with a sheepish smile. "Unless you are looking for a public spanking, were you lying about the cheerleader outfit and the puppydog suits too?'' he asked, not forgetting at that moment they were surrounded by people and children. And he couldn't help but grin as he looked down at the smaller blushing feline. "That was actually true'' Catsie said with a rather proud look on his face. ''That I don't lie about. But, were you lying about the public spanking part?'' he asked, almost seeming hopefull to the suggestion. ''Try me'' Spencer said with a grin, his mood starting to actually lighten as he talked to the lion. Somehow, the idea of a pulic spanking right in the midle of the foodcourt, had its appeal and he silently found himelf wishing Catsie gave him a reason to do it. "So, what brings you to the halls of the damned at this time of the year?'' Catsie asked as he indicated to a nearby table that had thankfully been emptied. Spencer followed him as Catsie lead the way to the table and bent over to put his drink on the table. Spencers eyes went rather comically wide as the back of the lions scrubs seemed to ride up his backside just enough to expose a pair of tight bubble cheeks that could only be descriced as 'Dat'. ''Fuck'' Spencer thought as he realised that the slight lines on the tight scrubs showed that the lion had to be wearing a thong under that material. The view was broken as Catsie sat himself down at the table and indicated to Spencer to sit down, not seeming to be aware that he had been showing off his assets. "Well, to be honest, I got nothing better to do'' Spencer said as he remembered what Catsie had asked him as he sat in the opposite chair. ''And nowhere to be really'' he added. ''You have nothing better to do then wander around watching a big bunch of ungratefull annoying impulsive shoppers debase themsleves to please people who most likely will not enjoy the gifts no matter what?'' Catsie asked him as he dug a finger into the frothy cream and slowly began to lick it off. "Well, there is that I guess'' Spencer said as he rested his chin on his upturned hand. ''Plus, I honestly have no-one at home to go back too. Family pretty much disowned me years ago, and I guess I'm just wasting time to put off the inevitable'' he admitted. ''Wait, if that's double chocolate and caramel, why the skim milk?'' he asked, suddenly curious. ''I do'nt want to get fat'' Catsie said with a cheeky grin on his face as he popped the straw into his mouth and gave a very obvious and very loud suckling on the plastic tube. Spencer just raised an eyebrow to that one. ''But seriously, a nice big guy like you, all alone? There has to be someone you want to spend time with. A friend, a still speaking relative, a ...pet?'' Catsie asked as he licked his thin lips clean. Spencer just shook his head to the question. ''Honestly, my house is empty. and not much in a condition to be habitable for entertainment'' Spencer admitted, his good mood starting to droop a bit. "And you woud rather be here watching frenzied shppers run around trying to do everything they should have done two months ago done in the next ten minutes?'' Catsie asked him as he sucked some caramel from his finger. ''Sounds more like a punishment to me then something you would enjoy. Although...you're not a masochist are you?'' he asked. "No, I'm not'' Spencer said to him. ''What abou you then? What are you doing here getting ...whatever the hell that is, on christmas eve?'' Spencer asked him. "I got the graveyard shift tonight" Catsie said to him. ''Can't be avoided. Even corrupt evil goverment institutions don't get Christmas Day off. Mine is no exception'' he admitted as he took another long and noisy slurping through the straw. "Yeah, evil is right" Spencer said, more to himself that to Catsie as he looked to the side a bit. The lion did hear him though, but he didn't seem upset or annoyed by comment. ''Well, I think it's a necessary evil'' Catside said as he licked his muzzle clean. ''I think we exist to do what the goverment can't do anymore, and that's to bring a certain order to the people who would gladly flaunt our laws to get away with murder if they could'' Catsie said. ''You think so?'' Spencer asked him. "Well, if the current goverment would actualyl do their job and hand out justic and punishment where it is needed to punish people who are obviously guilty and deserving of said punishment, then we wouldn't be in the situation where the B.O.S.S. actually exists'' Catsie said with a smal smile on his face. ''But then again, people are entitled to think what they like about what they like and argue to death over it, but I'd rather just enjoy my drinkie here and not debate it. I do have a good job though. Good money, good job safety and I get all the benefits I need'' he pointd out. "And yet you are still working Christmas'' Spencer pointed back to him. "No different then any other job. Plus, I get out of the house, and I get to meet interesting people'' Catsie said with a smile to him. ''And I will tell you this, you do'nt want to be here anymore then you want to be home alone on christmas eve'' Catsie said as he leant forward a little. ''I can tell there's somewhere you want to be right now'' he pointed out. ''HOnestly, I don't'' Spencer said to him. However, Catsie had that smile on his face that seemed to say he knew something that Spencer didn't. Although Spencer didn't get the arrogant smug vibe that most people tended to give when they had that notion. ''Oh come on. Who honestly wants to be here in this rabble?'' Catsie said with a smile to him. ''Are you sure there's not someone out there you want to be with?'' he asked as he took another long slurp of his drink, his hand moving the drink up and down a little to make it look like he was sucking the straw off. ''Ok then, how about I go back to your place and spend some time there?'' SPencer asked, as the motion of the drink and muzzle did not go unnoticed by him. ''Take you up on that offer of you being a rubber puppy for me'' he said. Catsie however smiled that smile of his again. ''Well, if that's how you were feeling right now, you'd have pushed me into the bathrooms here and punished me for being a naughty kitty by fellating my drink in front of you'' Catsie said with a grin. ''Hmm, I guess I would have...if I was interested'' Spencer thought to himself as he mulled the idea over. As tempting as the offer was, somehow....he didn't feel like jumping into it right there and then. ''Ok, how about this'' Catsie said with a smile as he sat up and pushed his drink of his way. ''Tell you what, if you answer one question honestly, and its the right answer, I'll let you come back to my house and you can be Santa Clause and you can come into my bedroom and punish me for being a very bad boy'' Catsie said with a grin on his face that said he meant every word of it. Spencer had no comeback to that comment. ''But, I'll let you think about it first'' Catsie said. Spencer mulled it over for a moment, before he nodded and let Catsie ask his question. ''Is a night of sex with me really what you want for christmast?'' Catsie asked him with a serious look on his face. The answer should have been rather obvious and easy to say, considering that only a thin piece of material kept Spencer from putting his hands on that hot twinkie body and do things to it that would make him mewl like a kitten. But Spencer couldn't actually say it right away as he found himself thinking about what he wanted to say. He was actually having second thoughts. The prospect of some good kinky sex, good kinky roleplay sex with this guy he had only met a couple of times, was indeed tempting and most likely rewarding. But as he thought about it, Spencer knew that it was just going to be a band-aid solution. For a few hours at most, his problems would be forgotten, but afterwards he'd be right back where he was before all this started. Catsie didnt' seem to be in a hurry for anything as he sat back and slowly sipped on his drink, the levels of dark liquid in the transparent cup starting to lower as his cheeks pillowed out a bit as they filled. He let Spencer take his time in his answer as he kept his gaze on the bigger male. Spencer found his thoughts starting to backtrack , going back over the conversation, going back past when he saw Catsie, and going back over his walk around the mall. Those thoughts mulled around inside his head as they flew around, as he tried to make sense of what he wanted the answer to be as he found himself starting to make connections over various thoughts in his lines of thinking. A full realisation suddenly came to him as Spencer felt like he had been slapped in the face as he realised the answer that he wanted to give him. What surprised him about it though, was that it should have been obvious to him ages ago and that he should have thought of it earlier. Perhaps if he had, he wouldn't have wasted time by being here. "I don't want to spend christmas with you'' Spencer said, as he found his answer coming out rather honestly. After he spoke, he half expected Catsie to look offended. However, the younger lion didn't. In fact, he seemed rather satisfied as he sat back and put his drink down on the table. ''Well, if you don't want to spend Christmas with me, is there someone you want to spend it with?'' he asked with a smile. There was no hesitation this time in Spencers answer as he gave a nod. ''Actually, there is someone who I want to spend christmas with. And I really should have been there hours ago'' Spencer said as he found himself standing up. ''Well, then you better get going'' Catsie said as he stood up as well, holding his half empty drink in his hand. ''You better hurry and get to whoever this lucky person is and make up for some lost time'' he said with a smile. ''I'm sure we'd have fun together, but maybe we can save that for another time'' he said. ''Wait, Catsie. Before you go'' Spencer said. Catsie stopped moving away and turned back to face him, the drink straw back in his mouth. ''I keep thinking that I've seen you before. Be honest, was there ever a time we met before?'' Spencer asked him. Catsie said nothing for a moment as he finished the drink that was in his straw before pulling it out of his mouth. ''If we met before, you'd know what my safeword is'' He said with a cheeky grin on his face before he stuck his tongue out at Spencer, then quickly darted into the crowd before Spencer had the chance to catch him and drag him into the bathroom to punish him. ''Cheeky bastard'' Spencer said to himself as he couldn't help but grin as Catsie make his quick exit. Noticing that a family of tired looking kids with their overly annoyed parents were glaring at him, Spencer resisted the urge to flip them the finger as he left the table and headed out of the foodcourt. There was a shop nearby that was having a sale, like the rest of them, and he had an idea on what to buy there. It would make someone very happy that christmas. Along the way to the shop, he passed a newsagents that was still open, and something on the front display caught his attention. He stopped for a moment and looked over as he sought out what caught his attention. Unlike most other newsagents, this one had the adult section in a rather visible place if you passed by at the right angle. One of said magazines had caught his eye as he made his way to the display. Most of the magazines in the adults section in a public newsagents was covered in black plastic to hide the contents from the publics eye. But some of the more softcore adult magazines were black plastic free. The one that caught Spencers attention was uncovered and free of plastic as he lifted it off the rack. The magazine was called 'Role-Playa', and it was a subscription magazine for people who liked to role-play the bedroom, giving them tips for better ideas and whatnot. But a good portion of the magazine was devoted to people posing in specially made uniforms from anything from movies and television to anime and video games. The front page special was done up to look like a doctors office, with a large medical bed dominating most of the room. Sitting on the bed a figure in bright green scrubs that was recling in a rather open way. The shirt was open, revealing a torso that was twinkily built, the kind you would just dribble chocolate sauce off and lick all night. A stethoscope hung teasingly around his neck, the end in the lions hand and pressed down in the open front of his pants. Considering how low cut and open the pants where, he was not wearing underpants under there. "This naughty nurse gives you the checkup you deserve" Spencer said as the read the title to himself, and he couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that this magazine was in fact two issues behind its current edition. And it was one that he had buried under the stack in his bathroom. "No wonder I've seen you before Catsie.''

A magnifying glass. A pencil sharpener that looked like the Statue of LIberty. A cigar clipper. A large fake diamond ring that was infact a napkin ring. A moulded piece of plastic that looked like....no idea. And a small bag of magnetic smooth black stones that was part of a pocket game. All these things Matt had hidden in a recess in one of the supports of his bed. It was a hidden little hollow that no-one else knew of, and Matt was using it to store the treasures that he had found laying around the warehouse. Matt did not steal them though, they had simply fallen out of boxes and packages and been kicked around untill they ended up hidden under shelves and forgotten about. Matt had found them whilst he did his cleaning and hid them in his room. They brought him some comfort amongst his quiet loneliness, those forbidden little objects he was not supposed to own. They could have been symbolic, representing little acts of rebellion against people who told him what he could and could not own. But to him, they were like little forbidden friends that only he knew about. And who kept him company. The magnetic stones were a little game he had discovered, the bag opening up into a large circle covered in assorted dots. The idea of the game was to place the stones on the small circles untill you had every circle covered without making the stones connnect to each other. Matt lay on his stomach, one arm under his chin as he gathered up the stones for another round. It was a brilliant way to pass the time, as he had been playing with them the last several hours and he had yet to cover the mat once without getting the pieces caught together. "I wish I found these six months ago" Matt thought to himself as he carefully pulled a stone from the formed pile and carefully began to place it on the mat one piece at a time. He wasn't worried about being cuahgt. For one thing, it was well into the night. Second, the warehouse had been empty all day and would stay that way. And third, it was locked. And this quiet at night, he would hear the door being unlocked this far from it. Although, if anyone had told him this time last year, that he would be spending it enslaved in an empty warehouse with his master and handler staying in a first class suite at the Excalibur in Las Vegas, who were most likely enjoying a christmas feast while he himself was having to eat cold soggy slush, he would not have believed them. He sighed a little to himself, his feelings were hurt over this there was no denying it. He should have been expecting an outcome like this. Last christmas, although his father had spent the time mostly on his phone and in conversations with business reps, they had been out of town in a nice resort staying in a three bedroom unit. Why would it have been the same this year, when he was enslaved as a workhorse? Still, even though he should have been able to cope with it, it still hurt. It was another reminder that he was not part of the family. And as far as he knew, he never would be again. It just continued to hurt him that his father turned master and his brother turned handler were able to spend their Christmas like normal people, while nothing had changed for Matt and it was just another day. ''It's not like anyone wants to be with me. I mean, who'd want to spend Christmas with the slace and share his slop for Christmas dinner?'' he thought rather gloomily to himself. ''I thought Spencer would at least have visted me more often'' he thought, suddenly feeling worse. Spencer had come over once or twice, but the akwardness between them both had been far too obvious between them. And with the way Spencer had somehow blundered his way around checking up on him and then seemingly more interested in leaving them then trying to be with him, it made Matt consider that maybe Jeanne, his online councillor, who wasn't available, had been right. ''First he shows he understands me, then he keeps me at arms length, then he stops being tolerant, then he practically admits to me that he cares enough about me, he holds me after my ordeal, and now he's almost scared to be alone with me'' Matt thought as he placed another stone on the mat. ''Maybe...maybe he wants out.'' Matt placed another stone and the two stones in the adjoining circles suddenly clicked onto the fresh stone. ''Maybe jeanne was right. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so close to him'' Matt thought as he gathered up the stones and placed them in a pile agian. ''Guess it's my fault, ,reaching out for comfort when I should have just dealt with it myself. ''Guess this means....it's over between us'' he thought as he suddnely felt the urge to cry. ''God, we have the chance to be together...and he won't take it. I don't think I can do this to myself'' he said as he found himself wiping his eyes. He was interupted as he heard the unmistakable sound of the front door of the warehouse being opened and then shut loudly enough to almost make his heart stop. He actually felt his skin crawl, and goosebumps appeared on his body as he felt himself start to panic. "Shit'' Matt swore under his breath as he leapt up off the bed and hurriedly grabbed all of his forbidden treasures into his hands. Grabbing the base of the mattress he heaved it up enough to expose the wooden slats underneath. Carefully, Matt shifted one of said slats and revealed a hole in the framework. The hole wasn't all that big, but it was big enough that Matt could place each of his hoarded objects safely in and hide them as he put the mattress back in place. big, but it was big enough to hold those treasures for him as he quickly covered it up. "Who the hell is that at this time of night? Fuck, I hope it isn't someone coming to cause trouble'' Matt asked himself as he hurriedly pulled his work tunic over his slender frame and hastily attached his belt. He was thankfull that hte movemt stop device, a horrible lock in expanding butt plug, had been removed before his handler and owner had gone on holiday. Like he could survive two weeks plugged up. Slipping his sandals onto his feet he gave himself a once over, making sure that he was presentable before he stapped out of his room, the tracking device on the ceiling following behind him. ''Spencer?'' Matt said in surprise as he descended the steps outside his quarters, stepping out onto the loading bay floor as he saw Spencer was at his desk, dressed in a pair of denim jeans and a dark red hoodie. There were a couple of shopping bags placed on the desk and Spencer was rummaging through them. ''Spencer, sir? What...what are you doing here?'' Matt asked as he stepped up to the desk. Normally, seeing Spencer there, while the two of them were alone, would have made Matt happy enough to run up and hug him. But, with the way Spencer had been acting around him lately, Matt was more surprised and cautionary then overjoyed. Spencer said nothing as he dug into one of the bags and pulled out a small but thick black book. He flipped it open and thumbed through a couple of pages before he started to speak. ''Christmas, or rather, the festive season, is a period in December in which all nationalities can celebrate the spirit of giftgiving and goodwill towards one another. However, this only accounts for free men being able to partake in this religious event. A slave has no reason to celebrate this period of holidays, however they are permitted to partake in the preperation. "A slave may prepare a festive feast, he may assist in the decorations, and he may assist in the preperations of the event for their masters, handlers or overseers. However, they may not partake in the actual celebrations. The festive season is for free men to celebrate. Slaves prepare and clean up. A slave may also, at the masters insistance, express their gratitude for their masters hospitality and goodwill giving a gift. A gift towards their person of authority is encouraged, however a public display of submission, gratification and servitude is enouraged more as slaves do not have money, and it is not encouraged to give slaves money in order to shop for gifts; as slaves are not encouraged to shop and slaves can steal from your generosity. ''While you may feel that your slave has shown signs of excellent servitude that may warrant you in expressing your thanks by giving a gift to them, it is actually discouraged. Going so far as to recognise your slave as a free man to give them gifts, is in fact harmfull to their position. Giving a slave a sense that they are in fact appreciated more then they should be gives them a false sense of pride that can lead them to showing anti-slave behaviour. Such as looking you in the eye as equals, and regarding you as more then a person in authority'' Spencer finished as he shut the book. ''What...what was all that about sir?'' Matt asked, suddenly feeling even more confused about what was going on. ''Why did you tell me all that?'' he asked. It didn't sound all that reassuring. ''I'm just letting you know, that I realy don't give a shit about these guidelines'' Spencer said as he dropped the book on the floor wihtout looking at where it went. ''hey're more like guidelines then rules, but they suck and i don't feel like following them tonight. It is christmas after all, not festive'' he pointed out with a small smile on his face. "Sir, I don't understand what's going on" Matt said. ''Ok Matt, I'm just going to come out and say it'' Spencer said to him. ''I passed up a good opportunity tonight. To have, what I'm pretty sure would have been some amazing sex with this really good looking guy I've met'' Spencer said as he looked at Matt. ''But, I declined it, because I realised that I wanted to spend the night with you instead'' Spencer said as he opened up one of the shopping bags and pulled out what looked like takeaway containers from a takeaway store. ''Wait, what?'' Matt asked, his confusion growing by the minute. He found it a little hard to follow what was going on, first with Spencers unnannounced appearance, and now with his open admittal to wanting to spend time with him. ''Matt, didn't you hear me?'' Spencer said with a smile. ''You're the one I want to spend Christmas with, and I chose you''' he explained. ''I just wish I realised it a couple of hours earlier, then I could have prepared more then just takeaway from a still open Shawarma King.'' Matt didn't know what to say about that. Then the realisation of what Spencer was saying suddnely hit him. Spencer had just passed an opportuntiy to be with someone else, to spend Christmas with Matt instead? That should have been a good thing, but it didn't make Matt feel good. Instead, he started to feel anxious and a hollow feeling was starting to sink in his stomach. ''But...wait, the cameras'' Matt said as a sudden realisation came to him. ''They'll see us like this...'' he said as he suddenly looked up to the point where he knew the camera was, after Spencer had pointed it out to him. ''They're already seeing us and recording what's going on...oh god we're going to be in so much trouble'' he said, feeling a panicking sensation. ''Matt, they're already taken care off'' Spencer said with a smile to him. ''If anyone asks, I took the cameras down for the night to make sure that the equipement is still working. Not my fault it'll take most of the night and tomorrow as well' he said as he pulled out a couple of large bottles of soft drink and some paper plates and plastic cutlery as he began to set the desk up like he was setting a christmas table. Albeit a very basic one. ''You.. you really came to spend Christmas with me? With me?''Matt asked him. Spencer nodded with a smile as he finished setting up the basic table and walked up to Matt and placed his hands on his shoudlers. His thick fingers gently stroked Matts exposed skin in an affectionate way as he smiled down at him. ''I'm sorry it too me a while to figure it out, and I'm sorry that I've not been honest with myself, or with you lately. But I want that to change'' Spencer said as he took his hands off Matts shoulder and brought them to the chain dangling at Matts face. With a few movements of his fingers that Matt would not have been able to do himself, the chain was removed and Matt was, for once, off the hook. As Matt looked up at him, for the first time in months without a chain dangling in his field of view, he saw that Spencer was looking down at him with a smile. A smile that should have made him feel better. A smile that should have made him feel like everything was better now and that Matt should accept what was going on and be happy about it. But Matt wasn't happy. He didn't feel happy as Spencer gestured for Matt to sit at his seat at the desk and invited him to join him. After all the bullshit that Spencer had talked to him about not eating normal food, now he expected Matt to eat with him? And did he just think that Matt was capable of just forgetting everything and moving on? ''What do you mean, you weren't being honest about it? Spencer, I still don't think I understand what's going on'' Matt said. ''Matt, don't worry about it. I screwed up here, not you. This is my fault'' Spencer said as he picked up the last shopping bag. This one was a fancy looking square shopping bag, with a boutique label on it. ''I want to start fresh, and I want to do it now. And I don't want to do it talking about everything that's gone wrong. I want to start over and I want to start over with you'' Spencer said as he handed Matt the bag. Matt didn't say anything as he slowly extended his hand and took the bag. One thing that Matt had noticed about Spencer since they met, was that Spencer rarely talked about himself, or about his past. Matt was sure that there were reasons behind his attitude, but he had been feeling left out about it. And that feeling was starting to be rather strong right now. ''I picked this up at the mall, and I thought that it would look good on you, for ...well, when we're together, in private'' Spencer said as he made a gesture for Matt to go ahead and open the bag. The bag was light, but there was something in it. "I picked this up on the wall on my way out, and I thought you could have it" Spencer said to him. Without saying a word, Matt slipped his hand into the bag. His fingers made contact with something very soft and plush inside. For a moment, Matt thought it was a stuffed animal, but when he wrapped his fingers around it and pulled it out, he found out he was mistaken. Spencer had bought him a wig. A wig made out of very soft and very plush hair, with a slight windweave look to it, that would go past his shoulders in length. The hair was coloured a glossy black and had deep brilliant red streaks through it. Matt thought for a moment he had seen the style somewhere before as he put the bag down and stroked his fingers through the fine hair. ''Is this...is this really for me? Matt said as he looked over the beautiful headpiece. The quality was far more then just a two dollar halloween decoration, but Matt couldn't put a price on it himself. ''This...this is really beautifull'' he said as he stroked his fingers through the plush hair softly. ''Yes Matt, it's for you'' Spencer said with a smile. ''I knew that it would look good on you. And you don't have to worry about getting a gift for me. I don't get many, and honestly I don't care. But knowing your happy witht this is enough for me'' he said with a smile. ''Why don't you try it on?'' he asked. ''What do you mean you don't get gifts? How come?'' Matt asked as he looked up at Spencer. Spencer looked back at him for a moment, seemingly caught offguard by the question. But that look was gone as he shook his head. ''Matt, that doesn't matter'' Spencer said to him as he looked back at Matt. ''And I don't want to go into it anyway. Now come on, lets have dinner together. I'm not going to mind if you can't eat most of this food, but at least you can somewhat enjoy it'' he said as he pulled Matts desk chair out and indicated for him to sit. ''I'm not hungry'' Matt said, as he clenched the wig in his hand. ''What are you doing here anyway? Why did you just decide now, to come and spend christmas with me and buy all this stuff and get me a wig?'' Matt asked as he didn't move from his spot. ''Why now all of a sudden?'' ''Matt, I told you, it doesn't matter'' Spencer said to him. ''It doesn't matter, so just sit down and lets enjoy ourselves since we have the chance too.'' ''It matters to me Spencer'' Matt said as he put the wig down on the desk and looked at his overseer with an angry look on his face. ''Spencer, why can't you answer the question? Why have you been avoiding me for so long, and now all of a sudden go out and grab Shawarmas and think that a christmas dinner is ..what, going to make up for something?'' he asked. ''Yes Matt, I'm trying to make up and I'm trying to start a fresh with you'' Spencer said, but he didn't sound happy. As Matt found himself getting angry over the situation, so did Spencer. But Spencer was not angry for the same reasons as Matt. ''Why do I have to explain it anyway? I'm here and now, and that's all that matters, isn't it?'' he asked. ''Spencer, am I a last resort?'' Matt demanded loudly. Silence followed between them both for several moments as Spencer seemed gobsmacked that Matt had even asked such a question. It actually took him a minute or two to figure out how to speak agian. ''How dare you suggest such a thing'' Spencer said as he narrowed his eyes at Matt. ''How can you say that? You think you're a last resort? Matt, I want to be with you. It just took me some time to actually realise it.'' ''You said so before, you didn't even know yourself that you wanted to be here'' Matt said, as he pointed a finger at Spencer. ''You passed up someone else to be here with me. What, was that person really so bad that you thought dinner with me would be better, considering I'm not capable of eating this food anymore?'' he demanded. ''Matt, I never said that he was worse then you'' Spencer said to him. ''I said it would have been one hell of a night to remember, but I didn't want that. I wanted to be here with you instead'' Spencer said, his voice rising to give off a slight echo in the loading area as he found himself getting ticked off. ''So what does that mean, you're downgrading?'' Matt said as he slapped his hands on the desk and leant forward a bit as he spoke to Spencer. ''You think I believe that you want to have cheap takeaway food in an empty warehouse with a slave instead of going out and having a night of hot amazing sex? What, you think I'm stupid now?'' ''Matt, stop this now'' Spencer said loudly as he slammed his hands on the desk as well, although with more of a bang then Matts impact had. ''What is the problem here? Yes, I gave up a night of good hot yet pointless sex, so I could come and make someone I care about happy for once. I am not downgrading because I genuinely want to be here'.' ''Oh, so now you can say that you care?'' Matt said, a look of disbelief on his face. ''You haven't said boo to me lately in any good way, but now you can say you care? What, did I really have to be crying for hours on end, or be humilated beyond belief or almost get raped before you could touch me? Or do you only admit you care when you can get me off after being pent up for six weeks?'' Matt demanded. ''Matt, I am getting very angry here'' Spencer said as he glared down at the insubordinate boy before him. ''Maybe I should have gone out and had that night with someone I barely know instead of coming here and trying to make an ungratefull slave have a good christmas'' he said as his face started to turn a bit red from the anger he was feeling. ''I go through this troble to be nice to you and you speak to me like that? How dare you'' he growled. ''If you really wanted to have christmas with me, you wouldn't have thought of it at the last mintue'' Matt said back to him. ''You would have actually come here and done it properly instead of treating all this like an afterthought'' he shouted. "Matt, I am warning you, either quieten down, or else I'll...''Spencer practically spat out as he glared down at the boy before him. He hadn't felt this angry in a long time, and he was close to losing it. His hands were digging into the desks surface and he could feel the heat of his anger burn into his face. ''Or else you'll what?'' Matt demanded with an angry look on his face. ''Talk to me already. Actually tell me something about you. Prove you actually give a fuck about me instead of treating me like some goddam pet my father threw at you'' Matt shouted. "Shut up" Spencer shouted as he felt himself unable to hold back anymore. ''SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU UNGRATEFULL LITTLE BITCH'' he shouted loudly as he closed the distance between the two of them. Before a startled Matt could react, Spencer had drawn back his hand. The sharp cracking slap echoed through the empty warehouse for a moment or two before a chilling silence was heard. The silence was broken as the sound of Matt stumbling back and hitting the shelves behind the desk was heard. Matt felt himself fall from the impact, unable to comprehend what had just happened as he felt himself hit the shelves behind him. His hand grabbed at the shelves behind him as he struggled to keep himself upright, a sudden realisation of a burning sensation on his face hitting him. Spencer stood there, his hand still in the air as he watched Matt almost fly backwards into the shelves behind him. The anger and the fury he had been feeling very quickly evaporated as he felt the full realisation of what was going on. The anger and fury was replaced by a look of shock and horror and he brought his hand down in stunned disbelief. But the feeling of shock and horror that he was feeling was nothing compared to the look on Matts face, which was a look of fear. Matt had put his hand up and was touching the now obvious red mark on his face. But he had a look of fear on his face, that suggested that all he wanted to do was run. And run fast. ''Matt...I...'' Spencer said as he took a step forward, his hand outstretched. Matt felt a surge of panic and he scrambled backwards, several boxes from the shelves behind him fell to the floor and made him stumble as he tried to back away from Spencer. Slowly, Spencer took a step backward and brought his hand down as he realised that he had the urge to cry himself. THe look on Matts face, the look he was giving Spencer, was enough to defeat him there and then. As Matt looked at him with fear in his expression, Spencer suddenly felt old, tired, and no inclination to fight. He knew deep down, it was over between them. Spencer hung his head as he found himself sitting in the desk chair behind him and he hung his head in his hands. Slowly, he took a deep breath in and out and said nothing for several moments. He literally had been too late to save whatever there had been between them, and the nail in the coffin had been driven in. By him. It was his fault. It was always his fault, in the end, wasn't it? ''Alright'' Spencer said as he brought his head back up and looked over at Matt, who hadn't moved. If it really was over between them now, he had no reason to hide anything anymore. ''Matt, if you want to know about me, I'll tell you. I have no reason not to tell you anymore. But if you don't want to listen, go upstairs and shut the door. And I'll leave'' he said, his voice croaking slightly. Matt said nothing as the fear he had been feeling, slowly began to die down. He brought his hand away from his face, feeling more surprise then fear as the pain his flesh slowly died down. He knew Spencer was a strong man, but he had never seen him defeated so quickly. Or even look so ...ruined. Curiosity won over whatever else emotions he should or was feeling, and he slowly righted himself against the shelves. He partly did want to just go run up to his room and hide under the bed, but ....would that solve anything with Spencer about ready to talk? ''I'll listen'' Matt said in a soft voice as he stood there, but he didn't go any closer to Spencer. Spencer said nothing as he nodded, but he didn't try to get Matt to come closer, or move any closer himself. ''I don't have anyone to share christmas with, because there is no-one. My family pretty much disowned me when I was in college'' Spencer said as he looked at the floor. ''They weren't very religious, nor were they homophobes. But they were old fashoined enough to disown me after they discovered I was a pet to a fifty year old polar bear master'' Spencer said. ''What?'' Matt said in surprise. ''You...you were...you were someones pet?'' he asked. That was something he hadn't expected to come out of Spencers mouth. For one thing, blackwargreymons were not pet material. At least as far as he knew. Spencer nodded though, although he was still looking at the floor. "I honestly thought I was in love with the guy'' Spencer continued. ''He was a bear with three other boys under him. He was my computer engineers teacher. All of his boys were in his class. He was a very dominant and strict man, but he wasn't unfair. It never bothered me that I had to share him with the others. When he did give me his attention, I thought it was all worthwhile'' Spencer said. "My parents found out by accident. Deciding on a surprise vist'' He said, and the look on his face got sadder. ''THey walked in on me bound and gagged like a chrismas ham in my dorm room getting pounded by someone old enough to be my father'' Spencer said as he shook his head. ''They didn't give me a chance to explain, but they did go and tell everyone else in my family what they caught me doing. That was the last time anyone in my family bothered to have any kind of contact with me'' he said. ''I... I'm sorry I...didn't know'' Matt said in a small voice. He didn't know what else he could have or was supposed to say. It was a bit of a surprise to hear that Spencer was anything but a master. ''My master was sympathetic enough to let me move in with him and his other boys. I was gratefull to him, but from the start I had the impression his other boys only tolerated me because I wasn't always around. After I moved in, problems arose between all three of us. His attention to the others grew and attention to me got smaller. I felt like the third wheel instead of a loved person most of the time'' Spencer said with a sigh. ''When I couldn't take it anymore, I confronted him about it.'' ''He had missed my birthday and hadn't touched me in weeks, but he gave attention to the others freely. I couldn't bear it and I confronted him about it'' Spencer said as he slumped his shoulders. ''I found out he didn't actually love me. At least in the way I wanted him to feel. He was stringing me along and only keeping me around because he didn't have the heart to tell me it was over with'' Spencer said as he sighed again. ''I honestly think the other pets were happy when I finally moved out. All of them, even my master, dropped all contact with me'' Spencer said as he brought a hand up to wipe his eyes. Matt slowly took a step forward, but it was only one step. How could that possibly feel, to live with someone so long and find out they didn't love you? When did this bear stop loving Spencer, but let him carry on the idea he still did? How much of their time together was a lie? Just the concept of that kind of pain and depression was hurting him to think about it. ''I finished college, and got myself a job as soon as I was out. But I couldn't be a pet to anyone anymore'' Spencer said as he finished wiping his eyes. ''I want to be the master. I wanted to have a boy and love him and dominate him and care for him the way I always wanted to have done to me'' he continued. ''I thought I was lucky enough to find that in Brian.'' ''I met Brian at the local gym. He was a gym junkie dalmation who always seemed to workout when I was there. I found out, albeit without trying, that he had a very submissive side'' Spencer said as he looked down at the floor again. ''It was a few months after that he just one day walked up to me and admitted that he was attracted to me. I remember, he had this adorable cute blush on him that made him look like a very shy muscled up puppy. He was shy because he asked me out on a date'' Spencer said, only a very tiny smile in the cornors of his mouth. ''One date was all it took him to move in with me.'' ''Brian wasn't a perfect pet, but I was still learning to be a master, and I know one thing a master needs is patience. And I was patient with him'' Spencer continued. ''I didn't mind it at all, doing everythign to look after him. He had this kink, I remember, that because he was so big and alpha doglike, it turned him on greatly to be humiliated into a submissive position and be the bottom'' Spencer said, the small smile still there as he looked at his hands. ''It turned him on big time to eat out of dog bowls and wear skin tight puppy suits, or go out in public with a big thick obvious collar on and a vibrator plugging him up as he wore a cock cage'' Spencer said, making a very weak chuckle. ''The more I treated him like a shamefull slut, the more he loved it. Although he never admitted it without me making him say it.'' ''We were together about ten years, and I honestly believed he was happy with me. He never gave me a reason not to believe it'' Spencer said, as he lost the smile on his face as he looked back at the floor. ''It was hell. I couldn't sleep properly, I walked with a limp, and I couldn't even sit down or get out of a chair without help. The pain would flare up like a sunburn running through my veins like liquid fire'' Spencer continued. ''The doctors were idiots. Told me there was nothing they could do without surgery and gave me basic painkillers that did nothing. I asked, but they didn't give me the stuff I needed to quell the pain.'' ''I started seeing a chirorpactor when the pain got worse. Four visits for a week and the pain started to go down. After a month, I was walking without the limp. But the pain was still there, but it was enough that I could actually sleep at night and move around a lot more'' Spencer continued. Then he slumped his shoulders and sat back in the chair, when he looked back up at Matt and looked at with a beaten look on his face. ''And then I found out how much Brian hated me'' Spencer said. ''He...hated you?'' Matt asked as he took another step forward. He was shocked to see a tear trickle down Spencers cheek as the older male nodded slowly. He had never seen Spencer cry before. But, the way Spencer had been talking, weren't those two happy with each other? What could make Brian hate his master so much? ''I came home from a chiropractor visit to find Brian was packing his car with his belongings. I asked him what was going on and he said, without looking sorry, that he was not going to look after me. He was the one to be looked over, and if I didn't even try to get better and look after him, he'd find someone who would. And apparently he already had. He had started looking the day I got injured'' Spencer said. ''A ten year relationship over in minutes, and he wasn't sorry'' Spencer said as he brought his hand up to wipe away the tears that were starting to freely flow. ''I'm sorry'' Matt said softly as he took another step forward. He was almost right in front of him, but he didn't reach out oand touch him just yet. Spencer finished wiping his eyes and looked back at the floor. ''I stopped going to the gym after that. I was always afriad that another accident would happen and I'd be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of my life'' Spencer said as he brought his hands down. ''And I tried, I honestly tried finding another honest boy to be in my life, but all I got was one night stands who wouldn't look at me twice, or boys who claimed they loved what I was doing and how they loved the way I treated them, only to stop contacting me and leaving me behind.'' ''I honestly thought it was my fault, I mean, what else could it have been?'' Spencer asked. ''I had to be doing something wrong for so many to come and go like they were, but no-one ever told me what was going on and never told me my mistakes. So for all I knew, I was doing the same thing wrong over and over again'' he said. ''In the end, I got tired of trying to do it the honest way to get a boy'' Spencer said. ''And I wanted to do it the other way. What most would call the wrong way about it. I was tired of asking them to choose to stay. I was going to make one stay'' Spencer said. ''Kitty'' Matt said softly as he suddenly remembered the mysterious name on the sleeping bag that Spencer had given him to sleep in. He had always thought that it belonged to someone who had been connected to Spencer, but hadn't known who. As Spencer nodded, Matt realised he was going to hear about it. ''I got in contact with a vixen named Juliet. She runs a slave ring, selling off the kind of people who are easy to take. Orphans, runaways, the kind you dont' notice have gone. I heard though a contact that she was having a sale on slaves that were no longer needed, and they were going cheap. So I thought why not?'' Spencer continued. ''I went to the meeting place and got in on the auction. The slaves came and went, paraded around for our inspection, each one seemingly sorrier then the last'' Spencer said. ''I didn't want to feel sorry for them, and each one that left I forgot about. I didn't want a relationship anymore, I wanted an object'' Spencer said. ''I ended up making my decision to buy a very sorry looking black panther. He was scrawny, with his bones showing. Half starved probably. Looked like someone had used him for a punching bag. I bought him for $2000. No-one else put a bid on him'' Spencer said as he looked at the floor. ''I didn't feel sorry for him.'' It disturbed Matt a little to hear Spencer talk about someone like this, like they were a thing. Especially since others had spoken to him like that. But, Spencer had been hurt so much before, why couldn't he think like that for once?'' ''After the money went through and it was all finalised, I went to collect him. He was brought to me by some big tough looking meathead rhino, and the boy looked so afraid he was probably going to piss himself'' Spencer said. ''The moment he saw me, he ran straight up, got on his knees and hugged my leg so tightly I thought he was going ot break it off. Then he looked up at me....and he just said ''Please take me home''....and he started crying. Hard.'' ''You love him'' Matt said as he looked at Spencer. ''You loved him right there and then'' he said. Matt though, after he saw Spencer nod, felt a pang of jealousy inside him to know that Spencer could have loved someone other then himself. But then he realised that he was being stupid about it, and he let Spencer continue. ''I couln't help but love him'' Spencer said as he looked back at Matt. ''From the moment he held me and I held him back, I guess we both knew we were made for each other. I held him in my arms the whole car ride home, and the moment I got him into the house and back home, I felt like we had been together for ever.'' ''I called him Kitty, because I didn't know his real name. Yet, he never answered to anything else. He never spoke about his past treatment, or who he used to serve and how, but I never asked. I liked to think we were better off not knowing'' Spencer said. ''We were together for several years. He was perfect. He got in shape for me, making himself into what I wanted him to be. He always wore something sexy and cute, so I wasn't disapointed in how he looked'' Spencer said as Matt saw a real smile appear on his face. ''He liked to stay at home, cleaning the house in a little maids outfit. He loved to cook, and he was hooked on the cooking shows and watching Gordon Ramsey and that Heston guy, just so he could cook me something pleasing.'' ''I rarely had to discipline him. The days that I did have to, were days he deserved punishment. I never treated him badly or made him do something that he couldn't do just so I could abuse him. I always made sure he knew I loved him, and I knew he loved me back. He never got tied of telling me'' Spencer said as he smiled again. ''I was so happy with him, I felt like life was perfect. He was everything to me, and I was everything to him. Wether it was coming home to him dressed prettily and having a four course meal seat out for me, or having him slam the front door shut and rip my pants off, it was perfect between us'' Spencer said, but then the smile faded and he regained the lost and broken look on his face that he had been wearing before. ''I...fooled myself, into actually believing it was last forever, that we would live the dream and the two of us would grow old and die together'' Spencer said, his voice croaking again. Matt wasn't sure why, but he had the feeling he knew what Spencer was about to say. ''He's dead...isn't he?'' Matt asked, so quietly that Spencer nearly didn't hear him. ''I wanted to take him camping'' Spencer said as he looked up at Matt, the tears on his face apearing again. ''I had the car packed and ready, the two of us sharing a tent in a secluded camping sight out in teh country for the weekend. Just the two of us. I was almost done packign when Kitty said we needed to grab lunch first.'' ''I shouldn't have let him go. I told we'd grab something on the way and we'd eat it when we got there. He walked up to me, took my wallet out of my pants, kissed me on the lips and said ''I'll be back. We're eating before we're going'' he said, then he scampered off before I could argue. The shops weren't far away, and I let him go, thinking he'd be back soon....I was sitting in the living room when the police showed up at my door.'' ''He had been crossing the road and...some fucking truck driver ran over him. Killed him stone dead on impact in the middle of the street'' Spencer said as he leant forward and buried his head into his hands. Matt saw his body heave and shudder as he began to openly cry. Matt saw how much in despair Spencer was as he ran forward and wrapped his arms around Spencer. As Spencer wrapped his arms back around Matt and the two of them held onto each other as Spencer cried into Matts shoudler, Matt felt nothing but sympathy for him. He didn't care about what happened that night or what had happened between the two of them lately, all that he knew at that moment, was that Spencer needed him. It took several minutes for Spencer to calm down enough that he could pull away to continue. Matt though didn't let go as he gently moved Spencers arms away and slid himself into the bigger males lap, wrapping his arms around his thick neck and holding onto him. Spencer smiled a little and wrapped his arms around him and held on as he continued. ''I found out later...that the driver had been hopped up on pills and alcohol, and been driving for forty hours without rest. Speeding over the limit. Previous convictions from reckless driving and he was on a suspended licence. And he was still on the road'' Spencer said as Matt squeezed him gently with his arms. ''And in the end, the courts put the blame solely on Kitty, who had been crossing the road like any normal person would have done. The driver didn't even get his licence revoked and he was allowed back on the road, while everyone blamed Kitty for getting hismelf killed'' Spencer said as he shook a bit. "I didn't care after that. I ended up moving and changing jobs because I hated coming back to that house. Couldn't stand coming back to an empty room with no-one inside it. I couldn't even unpack the goddam car'' Spencer said as he shook his head. ''My apartment, its no different. No-one there, and there's no point cleaning up after myself, because I just don't care anymore. I have to force myself out of bed every morning just to get up. Some days...I feel like you'' he said. ''Why did you join the B.O.S.S?'' Matt asked as he reached with his hand and genlty stroked the back of Spencers head. ''Becuase that bastard got away with it, and the bureau promised to change things, make people who deserved it pay like the animals they were'' Spencer said as he leant towards Matt a little. ''I hoped that one day, I'd see him get dragged in and he'd pay for what he did, and get treated like the worhtless shitbag he is'' Spencer said. ''But...I guess deep down... I wanted to be a master again...'' he said in a soft voice. ''Why are you so distant with me sometimes...if you want to be a master to someone?'' Matt asked as he looked up at him from his position in the bigger mans lap. ''Do...do I remind you of Kitty?'' Matt asked. Matt felt Spencers arms hug him tightly and the big man shook a little ''Honestly, when I first got this job, I thought you were just another spoilt brat who finally got what was coming to him'' Spencer said. ''I felt ready to put you in your place and just ...treat you like you deserved. But when I saw you...lying on the bed andcrying in your sleep, I knew you needed someone. I knew I had to be the one who was there for you'' Spencer said as his voice croaked again. ''You needed me as much as Kitty did.'' ''But some days, I'm just so conflifted'' Spencer continued. ''Some days I have to remind myself that I'm your Overseer and your'e the Slave and it has to stay that way. But I can't discipline you without wanting to apologise to you later. Some days, it's just so easy to get down and hug you and never let go of you. And some days, I can't just do it, I have to be distant because I'm ...I'm afraid of getting too close to you'' he said, as Matt saw more tears coarse down his cheeks. ''Why are you so afraid?'' Matt asked softly. Spencer took a moment to answer as he looked down at Matt. ''I just don't know if I can handle another failed relationship, if I have the strenght to go on'' He said, his voice sounding weak and tired. "and I just don't know if I can handle another failed relationship" Spencer said as he began to shake a little again. Matt didn't say anthting as he rested his head against the bigger mans shoudler, and Spencer sat there holding him. Matt realised at that moment that Spencer was mor ecomplicated then he had ever given him credit for, and that he finally knew the reasons as to why Spencer rarely talked about himself. It was because it was too painfull. Matt had no idea what it was like to go through so many relationships, and have them all wrenched away from him, no matter the reason. Part of Matt wanted him to get up and leave. Part of him wanted to be angry and furious and hate him for being o distant. He wanted to hate Spencer for leaving him alone, for letting him wallow in self pity while Spencer chose to stay in a decrepit house and not give Matt the attention and care that he deserved. But he felt that he couldn't do that. He just couldn't bring himself to hate Spencer after finding out what he had been through. That small part of him that wanted to hate his master and make him suffer, was far outweighted by the part of him that cared for him. He couldn't hate Spencer for having such troubles in his life and being wary of getting hurt. Didn't all people make mistakes when they were scared? Wait, did he just think of Spencer as his master? As Matt kept looking up at Spencer, who was looking away from him, Matt came to the realisation that Spencer was much more of a master to him then his father could ever hope to be. The total sum of time that Thomas had taken to actually do anything one on one with Matt, since his enslavement, would probably add up to maybe just over half an hour. If he took all the time that Timothy had been treating him fairly as oppose to the times he treated him like a dirty fleshlight, maybe it would fill an hourglass. But if Matt had to fill all the time that Spencer had been there for him, in every way shape and form, both good and bad, right and wrong, that hourglass would have been the size of a grandfather clock. Spencer was much more of a master to Matt then anyone associated with him or with the B.O.S.S. And Matt didn't want to lose him anymore then Spencer wanted to lose Matt. And Matt didn't want to lose him just because they argued and it went south. After all, didn't all relationships have bumps and hiccups? Spencer looked back at Matt as he felt Matt move in his lap. Matt slid off slowly and then turned to face Spencer. Without saying anything, Matt slipped back into Spencers lap, straddling it with one leg on either side of him as he wrapped his arms back around Spencers neck and held onto the back of his head. ''Mat..what...'' was all Spencer was able to get out as Matt leant forward and pressed his lips against Spencers. The surprised look on Spencers face was quickly gone as he slid his hands up Matts sides and then pulled the boy close as he could manage, and returned the kiss. Matt felt his lips parting as he closed his eyes, feeling the thick organ of Spencers mouth penetrate his maw as he met the tongue with his own. Matt couldn't help but let out a soft and longing moan as he frenched and made out with his master, feeling the bigger males hands rub across his shoulders and over his back. Forgetting everything that was around them except for each toehr, they continued their long slow making out together. Neither of them seemed to be in a hurry to break the moment as they tongue danced in each others mouth, breaking the seal of their lips now and then with soft slurping noises and sounds. Matt found himself moaning in ways he had never before, as he remembered that this was his first real kiss with someone that loved him and that he loved back. He found that Spencer as moaning back as those big strong hands ran down Matts back and Matt let out a gasp as those big hands grabbed at his rear. He was the first to break the kiss as he pulled away from Spencer mouth and removed his hands from him. Spencer was panting slightly as he watched Matt, and he didn't offer any resistance as he kept his hands on Matts ass. Matt slowly dragged his fingers down Spencers broad chest, then grabbed the hem of his hoodie and pulled it upwards, feeling Spencers hands let go of him as he removed the hoodie off his master. ''Matt..I am so sorry'' Spencer said as he put his hands back on Matts butt and slowly rubbed in small circles as Matt slowly undid the buttons on the front of Spencers shirt. SLowly, the thick black muscles of Spencers torso was exposed as Matt went down to expose his gut. ''Your'e forgiven'' Matt said as he slid his hands over Spencers exposed front and pushed his lips back against Spencers mouth. Spencer felt the wieght of his world fall from his shoudlers as he resumed kissing his boy, his special sexy boy as he squeezed that nie rounded backsie as he felt those fingers rub over his body. Matt became aware of something pressing up under him and he broke the kiss gently to look down. He didn't get a good view though, as his chastity device was lit up like a christmas tree to expose his arousal. But Matt didn't feel embaressed as he pushed his tongue back into Spencers mouth and shivered from the moan he recieved for that action. Spencer rubbed his hands over his boys body as he shut off the rational part of his mind. He wanted this, and he wanted it to last. To finaly give in and be with the boy that made him feel like he was worth something to someone, it was like a drug he was going to be glad to be addicted to. And he didn't want to think of the consequences of tomorrow when he came down from his high. As Matt broke the kiss and slowly sat back, he looked back at Spencer who was panting just as muh as he was. He could feel a sheen of sweat on Spencers muscled and he knew he was just as worked up. Slowly, Matt planted a kiss on Spencers neck, then slowly began to move down his body, kissing his way down. THe salty sweet taste of Spencers sweaty flesh was delightfull as he continued to kiss his way down till he was kneeling before his master. ''Oh Matt'' Spencer said softly as he moaned loudly, feeling his arousal grow harder in his pants as he felt it squealch against his leaking wet spot. Each kiss that Matt planted on his body sent chills down his spine as he tried very hard to hold back and just go all out on his boy. But he remained determined not to ruin the moment by ravaging the boy till he screamed. Spencer looked down as he felt Matts fingers against his waist, the fingers slowly undoing his belt. Matt was staring at his bulge in awe as he slowly started to open the confines of Spencers trouseers. Spencer saw a bright light in Matts crotch and for a moment he tried to work out just what it was, before he remembered. He reached over to where Matt had dropped his hoodie on the ground and dug his hand into its pockets for the remote. Matt had the belt open and was slowly undoing the zipper, watching the huge mound trapped in white material slowly become epxosed, a thick wet spot visible in the gap of denim. He paused for a moment as he looked up and saw Spencer holding the remote and was busy pressing the buttons on it. A beeping sound was heard and the light under Matt was cut off as if someone had turned it off with a light switch. The chastity device was rendered null and void, and Matt saw Spencers bulge get bigger as he himself got harder. ''Matt, are...are you sure you want this?'' Spencer asked as he watched and let Matt open the bulge in his briefs. HIs hard black nine inch cock was pulled out in the cold air, Matts eyes going rather wide to seeing his length. Matt slowly wrapped his hand around that lenght, as if to test it was real. Then he turned his gaze upwards towards Spencer and his gaze didn't leave him as he pressed his lips against the thick Albert piercing at the tip of Spencers cock. ''I want this master'' Matt said, his eyes never leaving Spencers gaze as he softly kissed that huge length. ''I want to be yours. I want to give myself to you, and I want you to make me yours in every way'' Matt said as he softly stroked his hand up and down the thick legnth, his fingers barely touching around the girth. ''Matt, I want this too'' Spencer said as he suddenly reached forward and planted his arms under Matts armpits. Without much effort, which surprised Matt in that moment, and not even as so much as a grunt, Spencer hoisted Matt into the iair like he was a weightless child. Matt was held there for a moment before Spencer swept a clear space on the top of the desk and placed Matt on it. ''But don't forget'' Spencer said as he pressed his lips against Matts again and invaded his mouth with his tongue for several long wet moments before he pulled away. ''I'm the Master here'' Spencer said with a look in his eyes that suggested he wasn't going to have it any other way. He grabbed Matts legs and pulled him close so that his backside was just hanging on the edge, before he slowly laid Matt down on his back. ''Master, make me submit to you'' Matt said as he slid his hands up Spencers exposed chest, his fingers finding the piercings in his large nipples. With a soft squeezing he got a moaning response from the bigger male, that seemed to turn him on even further. ''So, you want to be my slave now do you boy?'' Spencer said with a low growl in his voice as he lifted Matts legs up and bent him over. Matts backside was completely exposed now, and Spencer saw his tight pink hidden hole was now his to do with as he pleased. ''You want to submit to me huh? Do whatever I want boy?'' Spencer asked as he stroked his thumbs over Matts tight crevice. ''Yes master'' Matt said as he hooked his hands under his knees and laid back, keeping hismelf exposed for Spencer. He wasn't embaressed, nor was he humiliated to be in that position for Spencer. He let out a soft moan as he felt Spencers thumbs rub agianst his crevice, the thick appendages rubbing closer to his hole. ''You want to be my slave? You don't want to be their slave anymore boy?'' Spencer asked as he took one hand off Matts rear and grabbed the front of his uniform, forcing it up to expose Matts torso. All the months of carrying heavy boxes and eating porridge had done good for Matts body, adding on a layer of muscle and definition that made Spencer was to ick every inch of his body. "I want to be a slave to a real master'' Matt said in a soft voice, his heart hammering in his chest as he saw Spencer remove his hand from his shirt and grab at his huge cock. That thick black rod was drooling a constant string of pre that made the silver piercing glisten like it was freshly polished. ''I ...want you to show me what I'm missing'' Matt whispered, his heart starting to race faster then it ever had in his life. ''Don't regret those words boy. I got a lot of experience'' Spencer said as he took his hands off Matt for a moment, only to grab his hips and pull him back, his cock pushing against Matts open hole. There was no need for foreplay, and no need to stretch him out. Besides, he was sure he was going to blow soon, he hadn't been this hard in a long time. Matt felt himself blushing as he let a moan escape his mouth as he felt that thick cockhead start to push into his backside. It was certainly thicker then anything he had taken before, and he couldn't help but smirk a little to think that Spencer was indeed bigger then Timothy in all aspects. And it felt so much better too. And he felt no shame that Spencer was easily able to slide into him. That dildo that Timothy bought for him, intended to humiliate Matt, had helped this time around. Matt used it every day, morning noon and night to keep himself open and spread, in case Timothy surprised him by coming back early. He wouldn't have put it past him. He was now loose enough that he could moan loudly as he felt that thick head push into him with ease, feeling that thick black cock of his master push into him. ''Oh fuck'' Matt moaned as he felt Spencer hilt inside him all the way, feeling his crotch press up against the underside of his butt. The heat emenating from Spencers body as the bigger male leant over him, the heat pressed up against his backside, it was heavenlier then a neverending box of chocolate. ''What was that boy?'' Spencer said with a grin on his face as he held onto Matts hips and slowly began to pull out, feling Matts ass clamp down on his cock like a vice as he pulled himself out till just the head of his cock remained. ''Fuck...fuck me'' Matt moaned as he looked up at Spencer, giving him his best begging eyes as he panted softly. Spencer gave a sudden thrust and Matt gasped as he felt that thick cock push itself back inside him. He moaned and found himself wanting Spencer to speed up. He had never needed a fucking so badly in his life, and Spencer goddamit was taking too long to give him one. "I can't hear you boy'' Spencer said as he lifted his hand and give the side of Matts rear a good hard smack that echoed around them, making the boy jump as he let out such a cute gasping sound as he slowly pulled out almost all the way, then forced hismelf back in. ''Fuck me master''Matt shouted as he looked up at Spencer with a look of desperation on his face. ''Pleaese fuck me. Pleae Master, fuck me'' Matt found himself begging as he arched his back, feeling that thick cock of his master plunge back inside of him. His body felt like it was burning with need as he wanted that huge cock to ravage his insides. Spencer felt his heart racing as he couldn't hold back any longer. Matts tight silky insides were gripping him like an iron fist and it was massaging his cock like it was trying to milk it. God, he was so turned on he was sure he was going to blow before he gave his boy the pounding that he needed. But he was dam sure he was going to try. ''Then take me boy'' Spencer growled as he leaned over his boy, his face inches away from Matts own as he started to hump and thrust his big cock into that tight small ass. He huffed and grunted as he plunged himself in and out, his cock only managing to get out halfway before it was plunged back in. ''Oh Spencer'' Matt cried out as he wrapped his legs around Spencers sides and held on as tightly as he was able to, feeling that cock travel inside him. He was sure his stomach was bulging out from the amount of cock buried inside him as he panted and moaned, his own four inch length hard as iron. Spencer grunted and thrusted as he ground his big body against Matts, covering the smaller boy with his bulk. He could feel his gut mash up against Matts small cock, something he had always found so adorable about the boy as he huffed and panted, feeling the sweat drip down his hair onto the desk around them. Matt panted and whined, feeling that big cock spread his insides open as he was fucked ontop of his desk, the same desk that he had to work at every day. The same desk he would walk past and remember getting fucked on it, and it would turn him on everytime he thought about it. He could feel Spencers big sweaty body grind ontop of him as he was thrusted deeply into. Spencer slipped his arms under Matt and grabbed the sides of his head, turning Matt to face him. Matt panted as looked up at Spencer as he found the blackwargreymons lips press back against his mouth. He opened his mouth and accepted that thick tongue as he returned it with his own. Matt moaned and whined as he openly frenched with the older guy. ''Oh fuck Matt, I'm sorry, I do'nt think I can hold on much longer'' Spencer panted, his breath washing over Matts mouth and his face as he kept hammering his his against Matts backside, his hips spanking loudly with flesh on flesh, his big black cock slurping wetly in Matts tight hole as he was repeatedly spread open. ''Please Master, fill me up'' Matt moaned loudly as he panted, feeling that big cock still hammer at his insides. The desk was rocking underneath him, one of the coke bottles rocking enough that it fell over and fell to the loading bay floor. Matt didn't even notice as he felt himself rocking against the desk as he felt Spencer heave and huff against him. ''Oh god Matt, you feel so good around me'' Spencer panted as he locked lips with Matt again, slowing down his pounding just enough that he could hold it off just a little longer. But his big cock was getting sensitive and even slowing down wasn't going to hold him off. ''Master, please, shoot in me. Make me yours'' Matt moaned as he slid his hands up Spencers sweaty chest, feeling his heaving muscles as they moved above him. His fingers found the piercings in Spencers nipples and he gave them a firm squeeze and then a twist. ''OH FUCK'' Spencer cried out as he was unable to hold back from the surge of pleasure he felt from his nipples getting attention and he thrust himself deep into Matt all the way up to his balls. He started to shudder and he panted with moans escaping his lips as his balls churned and started to pour his cum into his slave boy. Matt gasped loudly as he felt his insides start to warm up with liquid fire as he felts Spencers load flood his insides. Without even touching himself he felt his own length start to shudder and spurt, whimpering as he held onto Spencer as he felt his cum spurt between their connected skin. Slowly, a warmth spread between their stomachs, slowly seeping between them as it filled in the gaps between their skin. It spread between them as they held onto one another, both of them panting as they rode through their collective high together. Finally, after seveal long moments and a soft warm dripping running down Matts sides, they collapsed on the desk together. The two of them lay huffing and panting against one another, Matt almost covered completely by Spencers larger body. Spencers length was still buried inside Matts rear end, and Matt had never felt so full or satisfied as he waited for the stars to diminish from his vision. The two of them lay huffing and puffing against one another, Spencer easily covering the smaller male as he lay over him very to the Hilton impaling the boy.Matt Intern was panting as well, waiting for the stars in his eyes to pass as he felt himself come down from the high. For several minutes the two of them lay there on the desk, feeling the cold of the warehouse start to creep against their naked skin as the sweat on the body began to chill agains them. Neither of them wanted to move as their heads were pressed against each other, both of them holding onto the other as tightly as they could. Their breathing slowly began to return to normal as their high was sated and calmed down as they lay tight against each other. It was only when the two of them began to shiver from the cold sweat sticking to their skins that they regretfully began to move. ''Spencer...wow...just ... wow'' Matt said softly as he felt Spencer start to move off from ontop of him. He couldn't help but let out a long soft moan as he felt that thick softening lenght start to pull out of his insides. He gasped as he felt his ring gave way as Spencers cock exited him, feeling a shiver run up his spine as he felt a brush of cold air against his exposed and open hole. He moaned as he tried to clench down, feeling the cold air against his open ring as he felt a dribble of seed trickle out of his anus. He felt it slide along the underside of his tail as it was the only thing hanging off the edge of the desk. Matt slowly relaxed his body as he let go of Spencer and laid himself back on the desk. ''Oh Matt...I'm so sorry I hurt you so much'' Spencer said softly as he stayed there, laid out on Matts body as he slid his arms back underneath him and slowly pulled Matt up into a sitting position. Spencer wrapped his arms around Matt and held tightly onto him, feeling Matt wrap his arms softly around him and hold back. ''I'm sorry for everything....'' Spencer said softly. ''Spencer, I forgive you'' Matt said as he held onto Spencer, feeling his own seed start to run down his body slowly, and feeling a small trickle start to leak out of his freshly used butt and drip between his cheeks. But he didn't care. ''I'm just sorry it took what happened for us to get this close together'' Matt said. ''Did you...mean it when you called me Master?'' Spencer asked as he slowly rubbed his hands over Matts back, sliding his hands under his tunic and rubbing his soft blue flesh. He didn't want to let go of Matt anytime soon as he felt Matts seed drip down his muscled gut. ''Everytime I said it'' Matt said with a smile as he lifted his head up and softly pressed his lips against the older males. Spencer smiled and returned the kiss, although with no tongue this time as they kissed for several long moments. ''I ... don't think we can do this again anytime soon'' Spencer said softly, as Matt heard the disapointment in his voice. Reality was starting to hit them and it was starting to pull them back into the depressing truth that they would still have to be seperated in the eyes of the B.O.S.S. law. ''I don't care'' Matt said softly as he nuzzled his head under Spencerrs ching. ''They can't tell me who I can love. How the hell can they enfore that?'' He asked as he nuzled his cheek against Spencers exposed neck. ''I just...don't want to lose you, not after this'' Spencer said, and Matt felt the sigh that left Spencers chest. Matt id not want to see his lover, his master, looking so defeated again. Matt lifted his head up and cupped Spencers cheek in his hand as he made him look at him. ''Spencer, if they do, just wait for me'' Matt said as he made Spencer look at him. ''Even if it takes more evaluation days then need be, I want you to wait for me. Because the moment I get my freedom, I am going to slap my father in the face so hard his jaw will dislocate.'' ''And then I am going to turn around and I am going to start running. And I am going to run as far away from him as possible. And you had better be there to catch me when I run to your home and through your door'' Matt said as he pushed his lips against Spencers. Spencer said nothing as he kissed Matt back, but when Matt pulled back from the kiss, he saw that Spencers eyes were shining softly and he had a real smile on his face. Spencer brought his hand up and placed it affectionately on Matts cheek. ''I promise I'll wait for you, no matter what happens'' Spencer said softly as he pulled Matt close and wrapped his arms back around him and held onto him. Matt smiled and so did Spencer as they held onto one another, neither one of them wanting to ruin the moment that they could share together. ''You know, no-one is coming in tomorrow'' Matt said as he broke the silence after several minutes. ''And no-one is going to be in for at least another week'' he pointed out as he looked up at Spencer. ''What are you getting at?'' Spencer asked as he looked down at him, seeing the smile that Matt had on his face. He couldn't help but smile back as he thought he knew where Matt was leading to. ''Think you're good for another round, old man?'' Matt said with a grin on his face. ''I'm not too old that I can't fuck you till you can't remember your name'' Spencer said with a growl in his voice as he felt life return to his cock. And rather quickly. Matt did not remember his name for some time.

A Favourite Situation Chapter 15

A Favourite Situation Chapter 15 By Kendo Kawabata Christmas had finally ended, and the New Years celebrations had come and gone. The last of the Christmas decorations had been pulled down, and the last of the fireworks had finally been set off...

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A favourite Situation Chapter 13

A Favourite Situation Chapter 13 By Kendo Kawabata "I don't like Matt's new attitude. It doesn't suite him in the slightest'' said Troy as he paced back and forth in front of Spencers desk. The big blackwargreymon, was sitting back in his chair,...

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A Favourite Situation Chapter 12

A Favourite Situation Chapter 12 By Kendo Kawabata If Timothy had actually noticed that his cousin had been missing for the last couple of weeks, he certainly wasn't showing it. In fact, the boy didn't seem to even notice that there was an absence...

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