A Favourite Situation Chapter 12

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#12 of Favourite Situaion

A Favourite Situation Chapter 12 By Kendo Kawabata

If Timothy had actually noticed that his cousin had been missing for the last couple of weeks, he certainly wasn't showing it. In fact, the boy didn't seem to even notice that there was an absence in the family, and if he had actually noticed, he simply didn't care. For Timothy, it was not a concern that he wanted to care about, or would even consider caring about. What he was concerned about, were the two naked males laying on the floor of his room, eating his snacks and playing his games. Timothy was just dressed in a pair of his boxer shorts and reclining on his large unmade bed, a smile on his face as his eyes were roaming over the two of his team mates. Timothy was widely popular amongst most of his teammates, at least the ones who were more inclined to bend over for the star player. Being the quarterback and the better player on the team seemed to come naturally to Timothy, and he was more than eager to embrace them. The perks of having choice butt over the horny players of his team, just gave him a rush. The kind of rush that told him he was better then everyone else, that being the best on the team made him the star. And having the other team members, and even those on the rival teams willing to bend over and get in their place for the superior male, well nothing could really top that feeling. Timothy felt his smile grow wider as he roamed his gaze over the two naked males laying on his floor. Both were laying on their stomachs facing the tv, their legs slightly spread and their bubble butts sticking up in the air. They were not much older then the flamedramon, but like everyone else, they just submitted. Easily. "Hey Timothy, are we going to have fun tonight, or are you just going to sit there staring at our asses?" one of them asked. He was a rather well built rhino with dark grey skin. He was one of the linebackers on the football team, and a complete submissive bottom when Timothy wanted him to be. "What, do you really want to get fucked that badly already? The night hasn't even properly started" Timothy said with a smirk on his face as he kept his eyes fixated on the rhinos tight grey ass. He could see the rhinos fat balls hanging under those two big round mounds, his fat cock hidden from view under his hard abs. "Well, its' going to be hard to choose who gets done first" he admitted. "Great. So now we just lay here while you make up your mind? If I knew I wasn't going to get some action out of you I would have bothered actually doing my homework for once" the rhino said with a huff as he turned his attention back to the television. "I suppose if you two really want to get things started, you could just fuck each other while I watch" Timothy suggested with a grin on his face. He could actually feel his boxers start to get rather tight picturing the two males before him wrestling to get on top of the other. "Go fuck yourself" the other male on the floor said. He was a cheetah, not quite it built as the Rhino but still rather good looking. He was more slender with his muscles, a runners build as opposed to a defensive linesman. It made sense since he was running back on the team. "Sorry, but I did you already this morning during morning recess" Timothy said with a smirk, remembering how badly the cheetah had been purring in the bathroom cubicle with his pants around his ankles. The cheetah had a lovely backside, yellow and covered in gorgeous spots that seemed to jiggle with the butts wiggle. Under that long tail was a creamy white crack. The whole derrier was very warm and plush, perfect for pounging. It wasn't uncommon for Timothy to enjoy that perfect fluffy backside multiple times during the school week. Or enjoy that tight muscled rhino butt multiple times during the school day. Timothy was happy to enjoy such a rich sex life in the school locker rooms, the back of his hot new car, in his bedroom, hell anywhere they wouldn't get caught. Well there was that one-time under the bleachers during one of their previous games. "You know, I am getting tired of getting fucked by you all the time" the rhino said as he looked over his shoulder at Timothy. "You don't give me that impression Michael" Timothy said with a smirk. "Most of the time you're just saying "Harder harder oh God fuck me harder". And that comes up a lot" Timothy said with a smirk as he stroked his bulge openly as Michael looked back at him. "Hey I never said I hated it, I just said I'm getting tired of it happening all the time" Michael said to him. " Why can't I have a go at you for once?" He demanded. Timothy just laughed a little as he looked at the frustrated rhino. "If you really desperate to fuck something, go and fuck Sam. He likes it up the ass" Timothy said with a gesture to the cheetah butt that had a big long tail waving over it. "Sam likes getting pounded like a cheerleader. And he's got the ass to make the role-play a lot easier to believe" he added with a smirk. "Fuck you" Sam said with an annoyed tone of voice as he deliberately pushed the controller to make his vehicle drive over several pedestrians. "Great, instant three star wanted level. Thanks Timothy" he said in annoyance. "You know the cops are harder this time around" he pouted in annoyance. "Come on man, can't you let me top for once?" Michael asked. "What about your brother then?" he asked as an idea hit him. "Why don't we go visit him and fuck his ass. I heard you can fuck a slave and they can't do jack about it" he said. "You know, I've been wanting to see what fucking a slave is like. It's supposed to be better than that porn crap you see on the net" Sam said as he paused the game as his vehicle blew up against a police car. "Why don't we do that? You can top us, we can top him" he suggested as the two males looked keen on the idea. "No can do. Look, I've told you before, he's not my brother. He's nothing" Timothy said to Michael as he sat up, spreading his legs to the rhino could get a good look at his hard bulge. "He's just a slave, he's no-ones brother anymore. He's...just a thing with a name" he said. "And besides, you can't fuck him, even with my permission" Timothy said to him. "I'm the only one who gets to fuck Matt. You can get into a lot of trouble fucking a slave without the owners permission, and my dad aint gonna give my team mates permission" he pointed out. "So don't tell him" Sam said as he turned on his side a little. Timothy got a good look at the cats sheath, seeing it had plumped up enough to stand out rather pronounced with a hint of pink peeking out of the opening. "Come on man, just drive us down there and we can fuck him without your dad knowing" he said. "I told you, I can't" Timothy said. "That prick that runs the warehouse has security cameras around, and he's a real fucking killjoy" he said with an annoyed look on his face. "He thinks that just cause he was a some self labelled master he thinks he knows more then me" he said. "Anyway, like I said, I'm the only one that can fuck Matt, and I'll do that when I'm good and ready. Maybe I'll do it in front of that prick Spencer. Show him I can do it and he can't say boo about it" he said with a grin as his bulge grew a bit bigger in arousal. "Well that's no fucking fun" Michael said in annoyance as he didn't look happy about that. "Man, thinking about fucking Matt got me worked up" he said, sounding disappointed. "You sure we can't have a go at you for once?" he asked. "My house, my rule's" Timothy said as he looked at Michael. "And as I've said before, I'm a top only" he pointed out. "Now, you got any weed on you? I feel like a smoke" he said as he leant forward on the edge of his bed. "It's your turn to bring the goods. That's what we agreed on. You bring the weed, I bring the booze" Timothy reminded him. "Front pocket. And be careful with it, it's getting harder to find this stuff" Michael said with an annoyed tone of voice. Timothy smirked as he leant forward and grabbed the backpack that was sitting on the rhinos pile of clothing. "The laws really cracking down on the dealers around here. Apparently dealers get an instant sentence with the slave place if they get caught. My regular won't even meet me regularly anymore" Michael said with a pout. "Well, find a new one that has a pair" Timothy said as he unzipped the front of the backpack. He reached in and pulled out a thick black covered book and dropped the pack to the ground. Timothy said back and opened the book, revealing the carved out insides that held the baggie of illegal smokeables inside. "Toss one over here" Sam said as he had his attention back to the game and had his hand extended out against his side, his fingers giving the 'gimme gimme' action. Timothy opened the seal on the bag and pulled out one of the tightly wrapped joints. With a flick of his fingers he sent the joint flying to the back of Sams head as he pulled one out for himself. "What about a couple of beers?" Michael asked as he swiped the bag from Timothys hand and pulled out a joint for himself. "I supplied the weed, you get the booze, that's the deal" Michael said as he saw Timothy reach into his nightstand for a cigarette lighter. "I'll get it later" Timothy said to him as he fished the plastic lighter from his nightstand drawer and sat back on the bed. "Sides, we can have fun high without the beer. There's nothing stopping you getting your own shit and bringing it you know" he said with a smirk as he got himself comfortable. "We don't bring anything cause your dad has the best shit" Sam said as he paused the game again to look over at Timothy. "Seriously, you guys are loaded and that wine room thing in the basement is stocked full. You're dad doesn't even notice if anything goes missing" he pointed out. "Sides, you want a shot at my ass, gimme a beer first" he demanded. "Guys, not so fucking loud" Timothy said as he suddenly sat up, panicking slightly as he realised how loud the conversation was getting. "Look, my dads home tonight and he's in his office. We can make all the noise we want after he goes to bed, not before. He doesn't' respect my privacy enough to not come in without knocking first. He'll bust us" Timothy pointed out to the two of them. "Oh please, you're dad never bothers us. He still buys that crap that we're 'studying' or some shit" Michael said as he sat up on his knees, his knees spread. His fat cock dangled down to the floor under him, his soft shaft easily laying out on the carpet. "And why you holding out on us all of a sudden? Don't you have anything?" he demanded. "Seriously, you guys develop an issue over all this now?" Timothy said as he put the joint on his nightstand and looked at the two males in front of him. "If you got no beer, hand back the weed. Nothing stopping you buying it yourself and bringing it here" Sam said as he used Timothys own words against him. Timothy heard the words and actually went open mouthed at the situation. No-one had even back talked him like that before. There were a few minutes of silence between the three of them before Timothy knew that he was outnumbered. Weed and booze went hand in hand, and the more he got them liquored up and high, the more fun he could have with the two of them. But they weren't going to start without the booze. "Fine" Timothy said as he shook his head and stood up, grabbing one of his shirts from the floor of his room. "I'll get the damn beers and shit. But you both better be hard and lubed up when I get back" he said in annoyance as he pulled his shirt over his head. Without waiting for an acknowledgement Timothy strode over to his door and left his room. His father had a thing about walking around the house in next to nothing, and Timothy did not want to be caught with a lecture, not at this time of night. Timothy let his bedroom door close behind him, thoroughly checking the halls for a moment before he made his way to the stairs. He knew his father was in the office finishing up his days paperwork. His father had an early meeting again in the morning, and he always finished his work before he went to bed. Of course, Timothy, like any teenager, did not want to get caught and busted doing something like he was doing by his father and was careful to be silent as he descended the stairs. But after his father went to bed, well they could make as much noise as they wanted and his dad wouldn't wake up. "Dunno why you've been taking sleeping pills the last few months dad, but thank you" Timothy thought to himself as he continued his descent through the house. He wasn't concerned as to why his father had lately been taking pills to sleep, and frankly he didn't give a shit. What did concern him was the noise they could make before his father took those little helpers. The last thing he wanted was to have his dad catch him in the act of having a sex party literally behind his back. Timothy was like any other teenager in that aspect. He was happy to do the wrong thing behind his fathers back, and as often as he could. At least until his father caught him in the act and actually made him pay for it. But he wasn't going to be caught tonight. His father wouldn't be bothering him unless it was something life threatening. His father hadn't noticed anything odd about his sons behaviour in the last few months, and Timothy was confident his father would continue to not notice anything. And he knew his father would not notice any more alcohol disappearing from their personal cellar anymore than he had in the last few months. Timothy was still smiling as he stepped into the basement and clicked the light overhead. Everything and anything that his father didn't want or no longer required was stored down there under the house. Everything was covered under large old sheets that were just good for collecting spiderwebs and dust. Ancient furniture from past generations and boxes of knick knacks that were still treasured but far too ugly to be kept out in the open anymore. The teenage flamdedramon though ignored all of it as he walked past everything around him, not giving anything more than just a brief glance. His interest didn't lie in old relics, his interest lay in the wine cellar stockroom that lay on the other side of the basement. It was filled with thousands of dollars of wines and liquors and beer from all over the states and internationally. Many were gifts, and many were drunk by an underage sixteen year old. Timothys smile quickly disappeared when his key did not fit in the lock. "What the?" Timothy said as he suddenly found himself in an unforseen circumstance. He looked down at the lock in confusion as he pushed the key into the lock, only to find that it simply wouldn't fit in the grooves. He tried a third time, and then a fourth, his hand starting to stab the key into the lock as he felt his frustration and anger grow. "For fucks sake" Timothy said as he stabbed repeatedly at the lock before giving the wooden surface a heavy smack with his hand. This had never happened before. He had opened this door behind his fathers back a dozen times or more in the past, especially in the last few months. But now the lock wasn't working. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Timothy said as he yelled at the key in his hand, as if yelling at it was going to get him an answer. He clenched the key in his hand in frustration before he knelt down to look at the lock. It was only when he looked at it that he realised it had been change. Before, it had been a simple lock under a doorhandle. Now, it was a deadbolt. A new deadbolt. "I don't believe it" Timothy said as he realised what the problem was. "He changed the fucking lock" he said in shock. "He changed the fucking lock. Without telling me" He shouted at the door in indignation. "Behind my back" Timothy yelled. "I can't believe he did this" Timothy said as he seethed over the disrespect his father was displaying. "What, what he doesn't fucking trust me? I can't believe this... he doesn't fucking trust me. His own god damn son" he said as he kicked at the door in anger, as if that would make the door magically burst open. It didn't. "I'm going to give a piece of my mind" Timothy said as he turned around and marched out of the basement. His was fuming and seething as he ran through his mind all he was going to say to his father and how exactly he was going to say it. His footsteps were heavy and deliberate as he matched up the stairs out of the basement and then took the stairs to the next level of the house. However, by the time he was in range of his father's office door, he realised that he simply couldn't go barging you and demanding to know why the lock was changed. It would look suspicious that he was going into the cellar to actually use the wine room when he wasn't even supposed to be anywhere near it in the first place. Timothy was not permitted to even drink with his father around, and going in there and demanding why he didn't have access to the cellar, that was not going to help his cause. "You can't just go changing it without telling me" Timothy said as he stopped outside the door. But an idea did begin to form rather quickly in his mind about how to go about asking. It may or not work, but he was going to find out either way anyway. Unless his father had a good reason to do what he did, he was going to find some way to deal with it and make his father the bad guy. Making sure he was calm enough, Timothy grabbed the handle of the door and stepped into the office. "Dad?" Timothy said as he stepped into the room. The older flamedramon was sitting behind his desk, his shirt and tie open as he had been at the end of a long day at work. Papers were strewn across the desk, as well as an open bottle of medication. Thomas looked up as he heard his son speak to him. "Ah, Timothy. I'm glad you stopped by" Thomas said as he leant back in his chair, brushing his hair back behind his long ears. "I have something I've been meaning to speak to you about, and I was hoping to talk to you before I leave tomorrow" he said. "Actually dad, I have something I wanted to ask you" Timothy said as he stepped up in front of his fathers desk. "See, the guys are getting a bit thirsty upstairs, and look, I know you have this whole thing about me drinking underage all that. But they wanted to know if they could actually try some, something like the bottles of chocolate wine" Timothy said. "i told them you'd say no, but I did say I'd ask anyway, you know, just to tell them that it's your decision" he said. He was sure that this would be a safe way to ask, if he made it out to be them asking rather then him. "Forget that for a moment Timothy" Thomas said to him is looked up at his son. "I have something rather serious to discuss with you, and I'd like your full attention on this matter" he said. "Um, okay. What's up dad?" Timothy asked. "Do you know what this is?" Thomas asked his son as he held up a few sheets of paper. Timothy shook his head. He didn't know what the hell that was supposed to be. And that was not what he was interested in talking about. Timothy had two naked footballers upstairs in his room and they were smoking weed right now, and would be very willing to let him fuck them hard. And his father was here to discuss a piece of paper? "These are Matts tests from his last checkup" Thomas said to him."Matt is in good health, and his behaviour was better then what they expected from him, which I am quite proud of. However, what does concern me is that the results of his medical checkup says that Matt is still a virgin" Thomas said as he put the papers down and sat up in his chair, resting his chin on his hands. "I...." Timothy said as he found himself completely taken aback. This was not something he had been expecting to hear from his father. "Well, I uh..." He said as he suddenly found himself a loss for words. "Timothy, one of the conditions of Matt being enslaved was that he was to be a safe outlet for your sexual desires" Thomas said as he looked at his son, watching him squirm on the spot. "I was a teenager once, and I understand where your thoughts are half the time" he said. "I know how teenagers are get, especially since homosexuality isn't exactly a forbidden subject anymore. And I know that this might sound sexist and a bit stereotypical, but diseases don't pick and choose their targets." "Tell me, Timothy. Are you uncomfortable with the thought of going that far with Matt?" Thomas asked him as he studied his son. "Well, Dad, it's not that I'm not uncomfortable with having sex with him" Timothy said, but a few moments of silence passed between them both as he couldn't decide on how to continue. "Then I fail to see why you haven't done it yet" Thomas said to him."I wanted Matt to be a safe outlet for you, an outlet that you could use to satisfy your urges and not have to worry about catching anything" he said to his son. "That was one of the conditions I requested when Matt was getting set up for his enslavement. "Well" Timothy began, but he could not really come up with a reason why he hadn't. Well, he could say what he watned to say, but how exactly do you tell your father that you prefer a big rhino line backer named Michael who liked to get pounded like a varsity cheerleader. And often too. "It's just that....I really don't know what to say" Timothy admitted. "Well, I have something to say to you" Thomas said. "I'm not paying any more money to have Matt listed with sexual favours on his enslavement when you're not even going to bother doing anything beyond oral" Thomas said. "Wait, what are you talking about?" Timothy said as he suddenly had a suspicion of what his father was saying. "It's quite simple" Thomas said to him. "You were listed as the only person who could have sex with Matt. It's been nearly four months since his enslavement. You have done nothing further then oral, and I see no reason to pay for that extra permission if you're not going to use it. I can think of other things to spend that extra money on" Thomas said. "Dad, that's not fair" Timothy said to him. "I do want to dad, I really do, it's just that....It's a big damn step, it's something you can't rush" Timothy said to him. "You can't just expect me to bend Matt over and mount him like a show dog" he said. "I need time to deal with that and get to that point where I want to do it" he said. "And yet just a few minutes ago you said you couldn't say why you didn't want to do it" Thomas said as he looked his son. "You seem to be showing a lot more interest in him now that I'm going to take it away from you" Thomas said. "Dad, you just can't take that away from me. Matt is my slave" Timothy said to him. "Dad it isn't fair that you can just give me such a slave and then just take him away like this" Timothy said as he looked at his father in anger. "He's mine, you gave him to me." "Timothy, Matt is my slave" Thomas said to him flatly. "I'm the one with the permit to have him as my slave, if I didn't have the permit he would be somewhere else in the bureaus system getting looked after by complete strangers. I'm the one that pays the permit and all the equipment to ensure that Matt is well looked after. You are just a licensed handler, which means you look after Matt when I am not around." "But dad" Timothy said as he took a step forward in anger, but Thomas slammed his hand on the desk and stood up as well, looking angrily at his son. "Timothy, at the end of the day, Matt is mine. You are just permitted to look after him, and do certain things with him. You haven't done those certain things with him, so I'm taking that advantage away from you. And I suggest you step up and prove that you can look after him, or I'll give those responsibilities to somebody who can" Thomas said to him. "Fine, give me the chance" Timothy retorted to his father as he glared up at his father. "Give me the chance right here and now to step up and look after Matt. I'll look after him, and I'll fuck him too. Next time he has a checkup, if it says he's a virgin, then you can take him away from me. And I won't argue" he said, his voice cracking slightly like a spoilt child not getting what he wanted. For several moments the two of them looked at each other in silence, both almost daring the other to blink and break eye contact first. The moments started to stretch out long as they both just glared at each other, father and son at an impasse. Finally, Thomas moved first and sat down in his chair. "This is your only chance" Thomas said to him. "I suggest you take it" he said firmly as he picked up his papers and began to shuffle them together. "Next checkup, if Matt is still virgin, I'm taking you off as his handler" he said firmly. "He won't be a virgin by then, I promise" Timothy said. Thomas however, gave him a look that suggested that he didn't believe him in the slightest. And Timothy was not used that kind of behaviour from his father. "And, to answer your question about your friends, the answer is no. You are all underage, and not allowed to drink. I don't give permission" Thomas said to him son as he looked over his papers at him. "And just in case you you're thinking of trying to go behind my back about it, I changed the locks on the wine cellar." "Why would you do something stupid like that?" Thomas was asked by his son, who still looked furious over everything they were discussing. "Because, I could be mistaken though, there have been a number of bottles of alcohol going missing over the last few months" Tomas said to his son. "I could be mistaken and have simply taken them myself and not realise I wasn't counting them. But I decided to take no chances considering you discovered that Luke was stealing from me. I've had the locks changed recently, so if anything should go missing it will be my fault as I have the only key." "Are you serious?" Timothy said, as he looked at his father in surprise. "Yes, I am serious. And I am not telling you where I keep it" Thomas said with a small smile on his face. Timothy was visibly seething as he turned around and stormed out of his father's office. So his father didn't think that he was paying Matt enough attention, and wasn't being a good handler. His father apparently thought that he needed to step up and prove that he could handle the responsibility of fucking his ex brother. "Fine" Timothy said as he marched himself back to his room. "You think you can call me out and tell me I'm not doing my duties, and change the fucking lock on me cause you don't trust me? Fine, I can play along with this" Timohty said as he smirked to himself. "Think you can play me Dad? I'm the fucking football star here. Lets see if you enjoy playing after I fuck Matt so hard I not only break what's left of his will, but he can't do his job properly cause his legs don't work" he said with a grin on his face as plans already formed in his mind.

Spencer was away at meetings with various contractors that dealt with the shipping business that the warehouse had its hand in. He had only shown up that morning to hand over the keys and name John the cougar as the honorary boss for the day. John was also giving temporary responsibility to make sure that Matt behaved and did his job in his overseers absence. Of course, the blackwargreymon had no doubts about John. Everyone at the warehouse had no problems with him and actually liked him. Perhaps it was this day that Spencer was away, or perhaps that John had no official authority to stop him, that Timothy chose that day to break his slave in. Perhaps because this time around, there was no-one to to stop him. Things have been running smoothly in the warehouse since the workers had lost Luke amongst their numbers. If Luke had been right about anything, he had been right that the workers had carried on with their jobs without him, and without missing a beat. And none of them had the boy on their minds since Luke had walked out of the warehouse, and hadn't been seen since. with the boy's anger outbreaks and his behaviour towards Matt now no longer an issue, the other workers were actually able to work a lot better together. And since TImothy only seemed to arrive after school, and only then for an hour or two at most, and Thomas majorily calling before he arrived, they had little to worry about being walked in on. With that kind of freedom, and Spencer turning a blind eye, the workers were allowed to be a little more free in their appreciation and support of Matt. Spencer did have to warn them though, that Matt was still a slave, and they couldn't be overly or publicly accepting towards him. Slaves were lowly beings who were beneath free men and should be treated as such, he had reminded them. "Didn't see you, didn't know about it, couldn't have stopped you if I tried" Spencer had said at the end of it though, and only seemed to interfere when they were being 'too obvious' as he put it. But the workers learned to toe the line just enough that they could accept Matt amongst them without it looking too suspicious. . Indeed, Matt spirits had lifted considerably as well. By now his life as a slave was starting to beome second nature, and the job was getting easier for him. Learning the routines of the tucks and the ins and outs of the business helped him, and even the truck drivers were starting to give him less lip when they found a slave working with them that didn't act like a whiney bitch. Without the threat of LUke around with his angry temper and his outbursts that usually led to Matt getting hurt in some way, to the workers that was the reason that Matts spirit had lifted. To Spencer though, he believed that perhaps it was how close he and him were becoming. Having to go behind everyones backs and settle for slipping a gentle touch or a hand squeeze now and then, gave them both a risky good feeling, like they were sharing a forbidden secret that only they knew. Matt however, knew the real reason behind his happiness. After Troy had revealed to him about the Evaluation day, Matt had made a decision to himself. And he carried that decision with him each day, keeping it only to himself. Not even the counciller Jeanne knew about it. And that was why Matt was happier lately. Everything else, the workers being nice to him, his hidden and secretive touches with Spencer, the smoothness of the business, they just helped add to the bundle of good things that made him happy lately. That happiness had deflated when Timothy had walked into the warehouse, carrying with him a large briefcase. And a smile so sickeningly sweet that it made Matt freeze in his tracks the moment he saw him. "Guess what Matt? Today, is a lucky day" Timothy said as he placed the briefcase on the loading bay desk. "Not lucky for you though, for me. See, my father has made an ultimatum with me" Timothy said as he addressed Matt in full view of the other workers. "For some reason, he thinks I'm not taking the best care of you. And he has told me that if I don't start using the other service your listed for, he is going to take it away from me." "What services are those sir?" Matt asked, as he felt confused. He was a slave worker in a warehouse. What else was he supposed to be doing? When Matt had asked, Timothy gave him a smirk, giving Matt a look that suggested the older boy was stupid to ask and he had actually laughed at him. "The part that says I can have as much sex with you, anytime I have the urge, without worrying about getting permission from you'" Timothy said to him loudly and clearly, makng sure that Matt heard every word. "Apparently, I've been putting it off for so long that my father thinks it would be a better idea to simply take it away from me and save a few extra bucks on his end" Timothy had said as he snapped the locks on the briefcase. "So, I'm going to start paying a little more extra attention to you. And rather then go to my friends, you're going ot learn to take me anytime and everytime I have an urge to fuck" Timothy had said with a grin. His hand had snaked down to his crotch and had given it an obvious grope, showing Matt how much the idea turned him on. It just made Matt turn his stomach to the idea, but he remained standing still and his face was devoid of all emotion. "So, you will be practising on this every night from now on before you go to bed" Timothy said as he stopped groping himself and opened the briefcase. He reached in and then pulled out a bright blue silicone dildo. "A good slave learns to suck without choking or gagging, so you're going to practice on this untill you don't" Timothy said with a superior grin on his face. The workers who were listening in on the conversation could see the dark humiliating blush spread over Matts face, and they ducked out of sight as best they could, in case Matt saw them listening in. TImothy however, just got more aroused as he saw the humiliation written on Matts face clear as day as he waggled the rubber phallus in front of his slave. "Also, from now on, you're going to be wearing an old friend of yours" Timothy said as he then pulled out a very familiar looking belt and plug. Matt actually took a step back, the humiliation on his face being replaced with a look of pure shock. The workers however, were puzzled as they had never seen that device before. "You do remember your old friend, the movement stop, right?" Timothy said with a grin, enjoying the look of shock on his slaves face. There was something priceless about it. "Oh, I know you remember it. I remember you doing the teapot dance in front of me and my friends, just so i could undo it so you could use the toilet. Well, you and your old friend are going to get very well reaquainted again." "From now on you, you're going to be wearing this all day and night. And it's going to keep you nice and open for me" Timothy said as he picked up the belt and the plug and walked up to Matt with a grin on hsi face. "You need permission from now on to use the toilet, and if I want to fuck you anytime, I can just ram it in and not worry about splitting you open" he said with a smirk. Matt had hung his head slightly, a feeling of shame and embarrassment spreading over his face. He took a deep breath to queall the tears that were threatening to spill over, and thankfully, he was getting better at holding them back. However, all he managed to get out was a 'Yes sir, I will do as you say sir'' to his handler. He knew there was no way to back out of this situation. Slaves did not negotiate. "You know Matt, I could just make you bounce on that dildo every morning and every night to practice that way'' Timothy said as he saw the look on Matts face. ''But, you do remember that your useless little cock is trapped in a chastity device that'll shock you every time you come even close to climaxing'' TImothy had reminded him. ''And I've shocked you enough times and watched you squirm around on the floor like a worm to know that it hurts, a lot. And making oyu get shocked every monring and every night wouldn't make me a good handler would it?'' "Now, since I don't want you to shock yourself every night with that useless little dick of yours, I'm doing you a kindness and helping you stay open all the time so it's easier for me to fuck your ass. And all you have to do'' TImothy said with a grin on his face as he saw Matts face flush with embaressment. ''Is just ask to use the toilet. And really, isn't that better then getting your useless baby dick shocked twice a day? Doesn't that make me a good handler to my slave to avoid him getting hurt?'' It was the worst possible way to explain what was going on, treating such a horrible thing as an act of kindness. Those that were watching were silently hoping that Matt would just say no and simply refuse to do it. They were actually hoping that Matt would defy the spoilt rotten bastard of a handler, even if he did end up getting punished. But Matt had simply bent over and allowed Timothy to plug him up without question. Right in front of those that were watching, and TImothy knew they were being watched. Once again, Matt had to be humiliated as he had a belt and plug system installed on him, out of supposed kindness of his handler, that restricted his bowel movements. And to keep him open for whenever his handler wanted to mount him. However, the humiliation, didn't end on that note. Timothy found another way to further assert his dominance, and increase his arousal, at Matts expense. "Oh, and I got you one of these as well'' Timothy said as he pulled from the briefcase a reusable enema kit. ''Everytime you have a movement, I want you to clean yourself out and keep yourself clean. And I want this written in your punishment book and signed by your overseer Spencer. I want spencer to watch and make sure you do as I say, otherwise I'm going to have to come up with a way to punish you'' TImothy said with a smirk on his face. ''And I have one in mind already. I read a story on the internet about a tiger punishing his lion slave by plugging up his butt and feeding him laxatives'' TImothy said with a smirk to the shocked look on Matts face. ''I can only imagine the pain you'll be in, needing to shit so badly with nowhere to shoot it from'' Timothy said with a smile so cruel that it could have belonged to a serial killer. I "So keep your diary up to date Matt, and make sure its filled in and signed eac time. Because if its not, well, you just should be carefull with what you eat. That's after i shock you with the chastity device for every wrong entry'' TImothy had threatened. For a week, Matt was forced to wear the movement device, knowing full well that this time around, he was unable to hide it properly under his clothing. The slightest movement he made, no matter what he was doing, cuase his slave tunic to rise up and expose what was buried under his tail for anyone to see. The other workers in the warehouse were not happy about it. To them, it seemed that each time Matt was actually happy, somebody came along and didn't just burst his bubble, they raped it wide open. However, they didn't want to make it anymore hard on him then it already was, so no-one said a word about it when Matt was in earshot. For Matt, it was absolutely humiliating to have Spencer stand in the room while Matt used the toilet. He really did not want Spencer to see him like this, not in such a private and rather forbidden act, even if there was a curtain covering the toilet. Perhaps what was even worse was that Spencer had to make sure that Matt used the enema kit after each using of the facilities. It made Matt feel like he was someone playing the part of an overgrown baby, having to be cleaned up and locked up after doing one of the most basic functions of life. The only consolation that Matt could think of, was that Spencer was no more enjoying it then he was. The big blackwargreymon didn't seem to take any pleasure or enjoy in any way what he was doing, and seemed to sign the punishment book like he was writing someones death treaty. ''I'm only doing this because I don't want to give that little shit a reason to shock you'' Spencer had told him after signing hte punishement book one day. ''I don't really care what he thinks about me, the arrogant little sod. But I'm going to be damned if he thinks I'm not going to do my job so he can find a reason to punish you.'' Matt later on admitted to his counciller Jeanne, through an email, that if it wsa anyone but Spencer looking after him, he would have most likely given in and given up. By the end of that first week though, everyone, including Spencer, was surprised to see that Matt seemed to be on the road to recovery a lot faster then any of them had expected. It didn't seem that the situation was bothering him anymore, and he was actually starting to smile again. And when Matts spirits picked up, it seemed everyone else started to follow suite as well. And then, on the day that Spencer had to leave the warehouse and leave John in charge of the operations, with nobody to officially object, TImothy had shown up to break Matts cherry. and on the day that Spencer had to attend meetings for the business, Timothy which showed up to break Matts Cherry. "The first thing that little shit did, was walk in and check Matts punishment book'' Troy was saying as he ate his lunch. The breakroom was back in working condition after a repairman had fixed the broken air conditioner. Although Spencer did warn them that if the air conditioner broke down again by something had been forcibly been removed, again, he was going to have to report it. So they were all back to eating in the breakroom. "He didn't find anything wrong with it, did he?" asked Trey, the big muscle bound fox. Troy the rat shook his head and took another bite of his sandwhich. It was a club sandwhich and looked good, but the expression on the rats face suggested he wasn't enjoying it. "Of course not. Spencer made sure that thing is filled out every day, and you know his signature. Its hard to forge properly. I saw Timothy double and triple the book for at least ten minutes. He didn't look happy with it, like he was hoping there was a missed entry or something" he said as he chewed his food. "You do know why he is up there?" asked John the cougar as he looked rather morosely at his cup of instant ramen noodles. They were already cooked, but he hadn't yet taken a bite. "Because he's a dick?" asked Randall, the fennec fox who was biting into a sandwhich from the local Subway franchise. Full of meatballs and cheese, it was literally dripping out of the bread. "I mean besides that'' said John as he stirred his noodles with the plastic fork the meal came with. "You all know why he's up there right now....doing ...it. It's because Spencer isn't here to stop him.'' "Look, I like Spencer as much as the rest of us, I got no problem with him'' said Eric, a rather sturdily built horse with a bit of a gut that tended to hang out of his singlet a bit. ''But if we understand the situation, Timothy is a licensed handler, and Sencer is just an overseer. He can't overrule him'' he said. The others knew he was right, but they didn't say anything. Lately, Eric had been the only one out of the workers who wasn't taking a side in what was going on. It was none of his personal business, as far as he was concerned, and he didn't seem as badly affected by what was going on. "He can if it's interfering with work" said John. "Spencer told me that if it directly interferes with his job, that's pretty much the only time that he can actually tell Timothy to fuck off" he pointed out. "I can't do that, cause I don't have a license. The little shit was happy to point that out to me'' he said. "Even if he was here, Timothy would just wait until Spencer was gone for the night'' said Trey. He swallowed a lump of his sandwhich that was in his mouth and gulped rather loudly. ''Kind of wish that he did, so we wouldn't have to listen to it'' he added. Everyone knew what he was talking about. Even Eric had to admit that it was hard to listen to the sound of the bed springs that were working overtime. THe door was wide open and had been left like that, Timothys intention to make them all listen as he broke in his slave. Even in the break room, the springs on the mattress could just be heard. Thud...thud...thud...thud... And once they heard the noise, it was very hard not to notice it. "And we can't go up and stop him, because that's interfering with official handler business'' Trey said as he dropped his sandwhich on its wrapper. ''And that will not only cost us our jobs, but we could get arrested for it'' he added rather gloomily. "So once again, we just sit around and do nothing?" asked Randall as his larg ears drooped a bit. "Looks like it'' Said Eric, although he didn't sound as disapointed as the others. It didn't take long for them all to finish their lunches, but nobody felt like going back to work, or felt in a rush to ove. The day was a slow one with only a few deliveries to worry about, so they were able to take their time with their break. But none of them wanted to go back out there where the noises of the bedroom were more obvious, even if there was something tthey had to do. Thud...thud...thud...thud...thud... "I'd like to go up there and knock him out with a fucking pipe'' said Troy as he rubbed his head in frustration. ''Just hit him repeatedly and stop him. Or cut his dick off. Actually, that sounds better to me. Cut off his cock so he can't fuck with anyone'' he said. ''I'd like to tie him up and stick him in one of the shipping crates'' said Randall. ''you know how much excess room is in some of these things? They won't find him for a while if we stick him on one of the trucks with the longer routes'' he pointed out. ''I'd like to just tie him on the cross and get Spencer to show me how to make him cry'' John admitted. ''really, really make him scream for mercy.'' "Oh for gods sake, you're all just saying these things because this is Matt'' said Eric, as the horse looked visibly frustrated. ''Look, I know we don't like what's going on up there, but sitting around here bitching about it won't solve anything. Besides, if this was some other slave that we didn't know anything about, I know I wouldn't be caring'' he said. "Are you saying that we should just pretend this isn't happenign to Matt right now? That's he's not up there getting fucked wether he wants it or not?" said John as he looked at Eric with an angry look on his face. "I didn't say that" said Eric as he looked at the ticked off cougar. "I'm just saying that we personally know Matt, we got invovled. He's a kid who did something wrong and is getting punished for it. If we remembered that from the start and didn't give a rats ass about him, we'd be doing our job out there and not looking twice at this'' he explained. "Well, I'm glad that I care for him'' said Troy as he looked at Eric as well, not looking happy with the horse either. ''Matt is a good kid, and I don't care of his handler or his bastard father owner whatever he is, hasn't noticed, but Matt has tried. I don't care if he did something wrong, this isn't what he deserves'' he said. ''You read the rules yourself Troy'' said Eric as he looked at the rat. ''You bought the rulebook so you could understand the situation better, didn't you?" he asked. Troy nodded as he looked at Eric, wondering where the horse was going with this. " Well, as everyone keeps pointing out, you need a record, a criminal record that supports that slavery is either a punishment, or a form of rehabilition or discipline'' Eric said. ''Matt didn't just get put in here because his father woke up one day and decided it, he got put where he is because he did somethign wrong.'' ''Yeah, I heard what he did wrong'' said Randall. ''Spencer told me. Matt and some friends of his got drunk and went out smashing mailboxes and they crashed the car.'' ''Yeah, so he's getting punished for doing somethign wrong'' Eric pointed out as he looked at Randall. ''He did something stupid and ignorant, and now he's getting punished and we're sitting around here feeling sorry for him because we're all thinking the punishment is too tough for him'' he pointed out. ''You know what? I don't feel bad thinking that'' said Trey as he looked at Eric. ''Ok, yeah. You have a point. He did something stupid. But every kid does something stupid in his life. I'm no different'' he said. 'I got caught shoplifting when I was a kid and my father spanked me with a belt till I couldn't sit down. I'm not saying he shouldn't be punished, but can you honestly tell me this kind of punishment isn't too much?'' ''That's not for us to decide'' said Eric as he sat bak in his chair. ''And quite frankly, I'm happy to keep out of it and the politics and all that crap'' he said. ''I'ts not up to me to go out of my way and make Matt happy when I don't get anyhting out of it'' he said as he stood up. ''You really are an uncaring bastard'' John said as he stood up, looking furious at the horse. ''We've been watching Matt suffer for the last few months, and we can't do a damn thing about it, and you're agreeing with them, with that beareu?" "John, calm down'' said Troy, but John waved him off with a wave of his hand. ''Admit it, you side with that B.O.S.S. crap don't you?" he demanded angrily. ''You don't care about Matt at all, do you? He's just another slave to you, isn't he?" he practically shouted. "Are you going to go out there and risk your job, and possibly land in prison, just to interfere?" Eric asked flatly. "Cause that's what's going ot happen if we do" he pointed out. John however said nothing as he simply glared at the horse, who didn't seem to be bothered by the cougars anger. "We can all say how much we care about him, but at the end of the day, none of us are going to risk losing our jobs just to give him some support. I am not going to risk my job and my freedom, and none of you are any better then me" Eric said as he turned and made his way out of the break room. Thud...thud...thud...thud...thud...thud... THat was the only sound they could all hear as they all sat in silence, the horses words sinking in as they said nothing. It was sadly true. As much as they all cared about Matt and wanted to do something, they weren't going to risk their jobs for him. A few minutes passed in silence between them before Trey broke the silence. ''What if we kidnapped him?" he asked as he looked up. " We know there are cameras here, but they can be turned off can't they? That metal leash thing, a good enough tin snip would get through it. I'm sure we could hide him somewhere and look after him" he said, as he seemed to get intrigued by the idea. "THat won't work" Troy said dismally as he stood up and walked over to the coffee machine that was plugged atop one of the tables. "The B.O.S.S. has some pretty harsh penalties for people hoping to play hero like that'' he pointed out. ''you read that in your book?" Randall asked. Troy nodded as he poured himself a cup of the black liquid and sat back at the table. ''What did it say about it?'' he asked. ''Well, the beareu has its own way of handling crimes against it. The normal law enforcement can only handle domestic situations brought on by the slaves themselves'' he said as he blew on the top of his coffee. ''what do you mean?'' John asked him as he crossed his arms over his chest. ''Well, the law enforcement only handles minor things, like interference in slave handling and slaves acting up in public'' Troy said as he took a sip of his coffee. ''And what the beaureu calls ''Call ins'' '' he pointed out. ''What are they?'' Trey asked as he looked intrigued. ''If you have a slave who is out of control and won't listen, you can call the police over and they can beat him into submisson'' Troy said simply. ''They can do what?'' John said, looking shocked. Thud...thud...thud...thud...thud... ''No such thing as police brutality when it comes to slaves'' Troy said as he took another sip. ''No threats of lawyers and suing from the public, so they can go all out and beat them into submission as hard as they want'' he said. ''Are you serious?'' John asked him. He had never heard of such a concept. ''Yep. If Matt ever gets out of hand, Thomas or Spencer can call the cops and they'll come up and beat him until they either think he's had enough, or they tire out. Whichever comes first'' Troy said as he gulped down the rest of his coffee. ''You think Spencer could do that?'' Trey asked. ''No more then you do'' Randall admitted to him. ''So, the police can handle the small things with slavery, what about things like what Luke did and kidnap?'' he asked. ''With Luke and kidnapping, the B.O.S.S. handle it themselves'' Troy said as he crushed the styrofoam cup in his hand. ''Don't need a judge, don't need lawyers, don't need anything legal or the like.'' ''I dunno about Luke, but if we kidnapped Matt and we were found out, the B.O.S.S. would call a meeting with a committee of several randoms of their employees and view the evidence of the crime'' he said. ''Matt wouldn't get blamed, since apparently slaves are considered more along the lines of property, and property can't make choices like that'' he said as he looked at the others. ''us on the other hand, would get judged for stealing said property and be found guilty in under an hour. That's the general success rate of meetings like that. Apparently, they've had a few'' he said. ''So, they have their own trial? Without us?'' Trey asked. ''How can they do that? What about our rights?'' he asked. ''That's why they take care of their own problems. and one of their regulations, is that a move against the company is a move against your own rights. You kidnap a slave, you're basically forfeiting all your rights and basic freedoms'' Troy said. ''It's all in their own laws'' he said. 'What would they do with us?'' Randall asked. ''Turn us into hard manual labour slaves, make us work every day for the minimum two years servitude, then most likely forfeit the first evaluation day if the owner of said stolen property wants to push for it'' Troy stated. ''Seirously?'' Trey asked. ''Yeah, seriously'' Troy said with a nod. ''Hate to say it, but I have to agree with Eric on this one. As much as I like Matt, he's still a slave. And we try anything...honestly it's not worth the risk'' he admitted. He didn't look happy to say that, and the others didn't look happy to hear it either. Thud..thud... ''He must have stopped'' Randal said as they all listened for a moment. They didn't hear anything from out in the warehouse, aside from Erics noises as the horse back to work. But the silence didn't sound reassuring in the slightest. In fact, it just seemed to make them feel worse. One by one they all slid their cheap chairs back and stood up as they left the break room in silence together. Randall, Trey and Troy headed back to their areas to get back into their work, but John however headed to Matts loading dock. The door to Matts room was still open and there were no noises coming out of it. John didn't feel any easier as he walked up to Matts desk, seeing the movement stop was laid out on the surface, as well as Matts tunic and his punishment book. ''Fucking little shit'' John thought to himself as he stared angrily at the clutter on the desk. Seeing the slavery device spread out like it was some kind of perverted trophy just made him feel angrier. He wanted to grab them and throw them out the loading bay doors as far as he was able to. But he knew it wasn't worth it as he leant over the desk a bit, resting on his hands as he glared at the surface. Despite he didn't like Eric being a jackass and not taking Matts side like the rest of them, the damn horse had a point. It wasn't worth his job to interfere and take a risk like this. He could smell something in the air as he sniffed a bit. It was a scent of something, something intimate. A musky smell that smelt a bit like the pot pourri that his grandmother had around her house. A flowery musky smell that tingled his nose as he looked around to see where it was coming from. It was coming from the plug he realised when he looked at the black phallic device. He could smell the most intimate scent of Matt, and it tickled at his nose as he involuntarily took a depe breath when he realised what it was. THe scent that hit him smacked him in the face like a freight train and blood surged through his body to swell up his sheath. A visible bulge started to throb in his pants as they tightened visibly. He felt slightly lightheaded as he bent over the desk a bit, inhaling the scent that clouded the device like a second skin. A flood of scences rushed through his mind, thoughts and fantasies that he had never envisioned before. His predatory instincts kicked in harder then they had before and he found himself growling in his arousal. He could picture Matt, bent over his very desk. The boys fingers digging into the leathered surface as he was mounted from behind. The boy stark naked, claw marks dragged down his back, red marks made by the dominant male above him. He could actually picture Matt monaing, hearing the boy whimepr and cry in the pleasure of getting mounted, submitting to the older cougar. John could feel himself growl as he ended up touching his crotch, feeling the tightness of the material around his arousal. 'And make sure you clean up this room. It looks like a brothel'' TImothys voice rang through the cougars pent up mind and literally slapped him awake. John pushed himself back from the desk as he realised what he had just been thinking about. He had just been thinking of laying Matt on his back and lifting the boys legs into the air as he plunged himself repeatedly into the boys tight backside. How many times had he seen that rear end, barely covered by the back of his tunic, exposed and so ready to be violated. ''I....what the fuck is wrong with me?'' he said to himself in shock as he shook his head free from the thoughts, trying to erase them from his mind. He slapped himself onthe cheek as he tried to recompose himself. ''I can't think of him like that, I just can't'' he snarled to himself. ''What are you doing here, trying to sneak in and catch a peak?'' Timothy asked as he descended the stairs, the teenager tightening up the buttons on his jeans. His broad muscled chest was on display as the boy was going shirtless, his skin glistening with sweat. ''I bet you like that, sneaking around and watching like some perverted old man.'' ''I...that...that's not what I'm doing'' John said as he suddenly found himself put on the spot by the younger boy. He couldn't help but notice that even if Timothy had been Matts yougner brother, the difference in their physique was far too obvious on who was better. ''Oh yeah?'' Timothy said with a smirk as he walked up to John, his smugness very apparent on his face. ''You know, if you like to watch, just ask and I'll mount Matt here on the desk and let you sit ther and paw off to it. I think Matt might get a kick out of getting an audience'' he said with a smug grin on his face. Johns thoughts went right back to that vision of Matt being bent over the esk, but thankfully the thought was gone in a moment as he shook it out of his head. ''I wasn't coming here to watch'' Johnsaid as he glared at the smug boy right in front of him. Timothys impressive chest was moving up and down rather obviously. The boy had been obviously going hard and long from the looks of it. ''Well, if you didn't come here ot watch, why are you so hard?'' TImothy said as he pointed his finger at the cougars crotch. John felt a heat rush through his face as he was literally caught with a hardon and he found himself at a loss as to what he could say to explain himself. ''I didn't come here to watch'' he insisted with his teeth clenched hard together. He put enough pressure on his teeth to almost break them apart as he glared at the smug superior little shit before him. Timothy however, did not look phased in the slightest. ''YOu know, I am the only one who is permitted to fuck Matt'' TImothy said with a smirk as he stepped up to the older cougar. ''But I'll tell you somethign special. THere are no cameras in Matts room, and Slaves lie'' he said with a grin to the silent cougar before him before turned around. ''ANd put that thing back in Matt when he's done up there. Feel free to hold him down if you like'' he called out over his shoulder as he walked his way to the exit of the warehouse, not looking back at the pent up cougar. John however said nothing as he digested what Timothy was saying. No cameras in Matts room. And Slaves lie. Matt was probably up there right now, in a very vulnerable position. Probably had no energy to fight back. And if he did, there would be no proof of it. And Slaves lie, so no-one would believe him anyway... ''NO'' he screamed in his mind as he slapped his face several times. ''No, NO. I like Matt, I am not going to think of him that way'' he shouted at himself as he growled and grabbed the edge of the desk. ''I'm on his side, I'm not going to think of him that way.'' ''I like him, but not in that way. I'm not going to think of him like that'' he growled to himself as he shook the thoughts from his head. ''FUcking little shit, getting in my head like this'' he fumed as he forced himself to calm down. ''I have to get Matt back to work'' he told himself as he clenched his fingers together against his palm. ''I have to get him back to work, and then I have to get back to work. Nothing is going to happen, nothing is going to happne, NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN'' he shouted at himself as he forced himself to walk up the stairs into Matts room. He could smell the sex before he even walked in. The room was flooded with the smell of sweat, lube and sex like he had just been sprayed by a cloud of perfumes. His arousal, which was slowly going down, came back with a flood of reinforcements as his erection created a tent in his trousers that was too obvious to hide. The room looked a mess indeed. Matts sheets were on the floor, his pillow tossed aside. Matts slave clothing had been strewn across the floor, a bottle of lube lay ontop of one of the tunics. It was his good presentation tunic, and the bottle had leaked through it and over the floor in a large puddle that would be hard to clean. It didn't take John more then a moment to see where Matt was. The curtain was drawn around the shower and the shower was running. But there was no steam coming from it, and John could just see Matts shape through the white material. ''Matt'' John called out as he took a step into the room. He grabbed the doorframe as the smeel of the room got stronger and he had to steel himself against simply going over and mounting Matt right there in the shower. ''Yes...sir?'' Matt called out through the shower curtain. John heard Matt struggle a bit, like the boy was trying ot hold back his sobs. But he wasn't openly crying, so John took that as a positive sign. ''Are...are you ok?'' he asked. He wasn't too sure if he wanted to know the answer, but he didn't dare go in to find out in case he lost his senses. The overwhelming desire to take advantage of the situation both aroused him and infuriated him. ''Sir...I don't...want to talk about it'' Matt said. His shape behind the curtain didn't move, so John assumed he had his back to him. ''I'll...return to work ...as soon as I've...made myself presentable...sir''' Matt said, his oice breaking slightly. John did not want to press the situation further as his aruosal was straining against the material. It was getting painfull and the desire to rip his pants open and take care of the boy in the shower was making it hard for him to resist. ''I'll...give you some time'' John said, but his voice as strained as he forced himself to back out of the room slowly. Each step backwards felt like he was wading through syrup and it was taking every ounce of his strenght not to turn around and go back in there. By the time he made it past the desk, he was panting. His arousal was now far too hard for him to ignore, and he knew he had no choice but to take care of it. John looked quickly around and was grateful to see that no-one was nearby as he made a quick dash to the warehouse bathroom. The toilet area was really just an added on toilet with a mini sink against the wall, but the door locked and that was all that John cared about as he slammed the door shut behind him. His hands were shaking as he ripped down his zipper and undid the button at his waistband. His erection sprung free from his sheath, a fat seven inches of black cougar cock slapped upwards against his stomach, throbbing madly with his desire to mate. His panting loud and heavy with lust, John wrapped his hand around his cock and furiously started to stroke it. His mind was again invaded with visions of Matt, althought this time they were of the boy in his shower. He could picture Matt bend over and pressedagainst he wall, getting rammed from behind as the hot water cascaded over them from above, heating up ther lusty fucking. John was panting hard as he worked his hand up and down, not slowing down as he pictured dominating the younger boy, claiming his tight butt for himself. He wanted to slam so hard into the boy that he would leave no doubt who the alpha feline was, and who the submissive bitch was. Hell, he wanted to fuck him so hard that he would make Matt unable to even remember his own name. 'FFFUUUCKKK'' John cried out as he clamped his muzzle shut with his hand, whimpering into his fingers as his cock erupted over the open toilet bowl before him. Thick ribbons of pearly cougar cum exploded into the air, coming down onto the porcelain fixture like white rain. John literally saw stars in his eyes as he began to come down from his climax, his high slowly wearing off. He was panting hard, sweat starting to form on his brow as he slowly stroked his aching cock, his balls drained of his seed. He looked down at the toilet bowl before him, seeing thick ropes of seed starting to goop up the water before him. He had never cum so much in his life before, or even so quickly. And he had never seen starts in his eyes before just from pawing off. 'Fuck...fuck .....'' he thought to himself as he slowly stroked his lekaing cock, hearing the soft splatter of cum hitting the water. He had never had such a desire to fuck anyone like that before, least of all a male that was younger then him. But none of his girlfriends had ever turned him on so badly before. ''I needed that''' he realised as he opened his eyes again and sagged a bit against the door. ''I needed to get that out of my system'' he thought as he wiped the sweat from hsi forehead and wiped it on his shirt. But his arousal hadn't worn off. In fact, his cock was still throbbing hard and looked like it was ready for round two. Hell, it was even starting to leak again. A huge wave of guilt washed over John as he couldn't leave the cubicle in such a condition. And he knew that the guilt was going to last for a while as he closed his eyes and returned to the shower with Matt as he started to paw again. Matt however was not having such fantasies. In fact, he was trying as hard as he could to forget what had just happened to him. He wanted to push it all into the back of his mind and leave it there, locked up with the key thrown away. His own four inch length had finally softened, the light no longer shining. Timothy had annoucned he would be a kind handler, and since Matt had been such a good boy, he had turned off the chastity device. But Matt had not enjoyed the sex in the slightest. It was loveless, it was embaressing, and it had hurt. And Timothy had lorded over the fact that Matt had climaxed not once, but twice during the hard pounding. Timothy had not let up, the whole bed thudding against the wall behind it. Matt knew he was going to be sore for days now, and he was going to be very tender for probably longer. Just the thought of having to slide the movement stop back inside of him was enough to make him shiver with dread. He turned off the cold water, his hand gripping the tap so tightly his knuckled were turning white. He stood there with water dripping off his body, his limbs shaking with anger and fury that he could not do anything about. ''I made a promise, I'm going to keep it. I made a promise, I'm going to keep it'' he growled through gritted teeth as he stood there with water dripping from his body. He repeated his mantra as he stood there, trying to calm himself down. His promise that he had made to himself, that he had not told anyone about, was the only thing keeping him going. He had made a promise that he would do anything, ANYTHING that was grant him his freedom. ''If I have to get on my hands and knees and suck my father dry, I'll fucking do it without hesitation if it helps change his mind'' he had promised himself. He had over a year and a half to prove to his father, his owner and the beareu that he had learnt whatever lesson they were trying to teach him, and that he would get his freedom. He would NEVER accept being their slave, he would never accept this as his life for the rest of his life. And he was not going to forget what had happened to him. And he knew, that the moment he got his freedom, the moment he would step outside as a free man, he was going to slap his father across the face, and publicly state that he would NEVER forgive him. And then he was going to turn around, walk away and never look back. And he promised himself he would do anything, ANYTHING, to get that chance.

A favourite Situation Chapter 13

A Favourite Situation Chapter 13 By Kendo Kawabata "I don't like Matt's new attitude. It doesn't suite him in the slightest'' said Troy as he paced back and forth in front of Spencers desk. The big blackwargreymon, was sitting back in his chair,...

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A Favourite Situation Chapter 11

A Favourite Situation Chapter 11 By Kendo Kawabata To whom it may concern. It is with regret... To whom it may concern. It is with no regret that I hereby officially resign from my position as worker in my uncles warehouse. And I am also...

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A Favourite Situation Chapter 10

A Favourite Situation Chapter 10 By Kendo Kawabata "Good morning to everyone on this beautifully sunny Saturday morning. The weather outside calls for clear skies and sun sun sun, so slip slop slap. Hey, we got some great music coming up for you,...

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