Monster's Dawn

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#19 of Commissions

Commission for Heru on FA

In the not-so-distant future, an apocalyptic event creates Torques, an anthropomorphic race that becomes an enemy to humanity. When one torque with the ability to look human is sent in to find a way to unite the races, he discovers more than he expects.

"Monster's Dawn"

Hot like the Amazon, that's what the northwestern area of the United States has become since the explosive collision of the continental plates sent utter chaos throughout the world; millions dead, billions lost, and the rise of mutations of man and animal combined became a "threat" to the nature of humanity. The animals themselves had gotten deadlier, humans became a menace and a threat to one another, and all civil control was lost.

Such was the end of the world. Demons didn't rip up from underneath the people of the planet, the sky darkened for several years, lightning like red fire poured from the earth, likely causing the changes to the life on the planet to survive, to thrive.

Keith was one of the lucky ones, able to switch between both worlds. Years ago, he'd joined an organization called "Unity" which was established to try to usher in peace between the warring races. The beasts, who called themselves Torques, resigned themselves to the northernmost areas of the continent and dwelled throughout South America and Africa's wild regions, mostly sticking to the forests, mountains and rivers, they mostly attacked human populations for food when it became scarce. The human populations mostly huddled in overcrowded ruins, fighting each other for food, shelter and basically had no semblance of life before the cataclysm. Even technology for the most part had fallen on the back end and the Earth itself was plunged back into the dark ages where no one was safe from anyone.

Dressed in dark green, Keith slipped between the trees, leaped over outgrown roots and ducked under the trees that toppled from them. He was quick and agile, using his abilities and his senses to overcome objects was still a life-trained ability, but he rarely ever attained his fully Torque form. He was hunting for something--no someone who was hiding in the forest, and it was his mission to find him and try to get a foothold in to discuss peace between them and the humans. It had taken Keith years to gain this much trust from the humans, and he was sure that he could get this job done.

A bellowing cry from overhead alerted him just in time to avoid a massive fist slam into the ground as the weight of a full sized bull elk came down from the trees, intent on crushing him. As Keith rolled to the side he jumped to his feet and observed the cervine. He was thick, bulky and sure footed as he stepped back and observed him in return. The elk wore nothing but a thin layer of leather over his loins bound together by strands that wrapped around his waist. There was a scar on his chest, probably from a nipple ring torn out and a red dot of an earring in the base of his right ear. He snorted and struck his check with a primal grunt as he proudly walked in a half circle opposite the human's stance.

"You're a fool to come here, human." He sniffed the air a bit. "But then, you're not quite human, are you?"

"What do you know? He slices, he dices and he speaks." Keith quipped. "You know why I'm here, torque. Why don't we sit down and have a conversation."

"I have no interest in speaking with a traitor." The elk snapped as he charged suddenly at the man.

It took an instant of readiness for Keith to change, his skin dulled to a surging red color and brightened in hue immediately, his muscles popped out and his back cracked with the change, his muzzle jutted from his human scalp and a tail emerging from his lower back shredded his pants into tatters as he caught the tackle and wrapped his arms under the attacker's elbows. They spun uncontrollably and collided with a tree, breaking them apart. The elk was to his feet first and cried out angrily as he charged the dragon that the human had become. Keith waved his arms to block, but the torque slapped his defense away and struck him in the stomach, then another painful bash under his jaw sent him back hard against the tree behind him. The elk charged with his horns descended, and the dragon quickly swung out of the way, making him impale the thick tree's trunk. This incapacitation didn't last long as the elk kicked the base of the tree and pulled himself free, nearly slicing into Keith with the back swing of his antlers. He swung his hand again, only this time, Keith was ready and caught it and slammed the elk against the tree, the elk turned abruptly and hooked his elbows under that of the dragon and twisted his entire body into lifting Keith off the ground.

Keith was surprised that his claws left the dirt. He rolled backwards along the elk's shoulders and roared out as he was then slammed into the ground. The elk straddled his chest and gave another solid punch to Keith's jaw before the dragon returned the hit; a single, solid punch that ejected the elk from his waist and allowed him to stand up. They charged at each other and the force of their impact caused a small burst of wind. The elk tried to slice his antlers across the male's neck, but Keith arched his back away to avoid the cut. He caught the left most horn and brought it to his knee, hearing the appendage snap and the elk bellowing out an outraged roar. He sent a fist back up into the dragon's gut, hard. In a moment of weakness, Keith felt himself lifted effortlessly off the ground and thrown a good twenty feet. Keith opened his eye and saw the black grip of his gun in the tattered remains of his pants. As the elk charged at him again he grabbed it and fired. Like a sack of bricks, the elk lumbered back and crashed into the ground, leaving an indent of his massive form under him, a black dart had hit him just below the neck.

"Sleep it off." Keith said, breathing deeply as he admired the massive beast.

The trip back to Keith's truck was arduous. Even in his dragon form he could barely hold the large elk on his shoulder, it was the first time he'd seen a torque of the prey genus in such a massive size. He slung the beast into the bed of his truck and had to use a collection of bungie cords and metal shackles it was a task to get him to even stay down. Once secured, the dragon shifted back into his human form; the process was excruciating, the crackle of his muscles as they popped back down to their average size, the burning in his legs as his calves felt like a hundred charley horses hit him at once, and the overwhelming pain of his tail as it retreated back into the base of his spine had him down on the ground, holding his sides in agony. But when it was over, he was his typical unassuming self. His cropped, lightly spiked blond hair drooped over his eyebrows with the soaking of the sweat coming off his scalp. Breathing slowly to bring his heart rate back down.

Reaching into the cab of his truck, he pulled on a pair of blue jeans and a blue vest. He pulled his sneakers on he checked himself in the mirror, refreshed and feeling a bit more normal now, he climbed into his truck and started the engine.

The checkpoint was a good thirty miles from where he found the elk, he'd spent days tracking him, and it seemed like hours before they reached the gate dividing the forest from the human population. The patrol halted him, and flashed a blue beam into his eyes as he handed them the papers guaranteeing him safe travel across the border. Shifters capable of looking human were also sensitive to the ultraviolet light in the gun, their pupils dilated into slits, and in the case of Keith he was no different.

"Warner, Keith J." He spoke into the identifier radio they held out to him. It beeped, and the gate made a clattering noise, slowly rolling open and it allowed him to pass. Only five miles of open road lead him to ruins of Seattle, where a large cluster of humans lived.

Once in the city he pulled into a parking garage that was more or less a pit of collapsed concrete. Two black vehicles followed him as the back of the area opened up to reveal a lower level, which he drove down into.

It had been hours, Keith was down to his last cup of coffee and he didn't want to go boil the water to make more. This was it; the pinnacle of ancient "modern" technology left in the wild world. Some fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting a dreary soft glow throughout the place. The elk had woken in a state of extreme anger, he had to be sedated. Twice. He'd broken three collar bones, an arm and punched a man so hard in the stomach he started coughing blood. Humans were so vain. If they would let him interrogate the elk, he might have been able to talk him down out of his rage, instead, two sedations later not making any headway, Keith just sat in the interrogator's booth, watching as one of their toughest human officers screamed in panic as he and the elk circled a desk between them. The elk was full of himself, he stalked back and forth, taunting the poor officer. Keith knew what he was capable of, but no one would really take him seriously. The organization was a handful of a few police officers, and mostly civilians hoping to make life better for everyone, so far the elk had taken out the officers, and snidely refused to speak to any of the common people, he could tell. The nose could smell the gun on the un-uniformed police and it drove him into a rage.

"You think you could--uh, talk to him?" A voice nearly startled Keith as he turned to see a woman standing in the doorway. Even in the apocalypse, she made herself out to be pretty, and confident, but she was far from the actual leader of the group. At least, not for long, as Keith watched the elk hurl the table at the officer who screamed and bolted from the room.

He chuckled as he took a sip. "I'm too busy enjoying this." He responded with a genuine sense of amusement. "It's like television without the commercials."

"Keith!" She said suddenly.

Keith lazily stood up. "Alright, I'm going I'm going." He said. "But if I have to change, you look away, I don't want to put on a peep show... again." He added hesitantly as he stepped out of the room and, walking down ten feet to the steel, he pushed the door open.

The elk was standing perfectly still on the opposite side of the room, his broad body upright in an attempt to look intimidating, his loincloth barely enough to hide everything. He breathed in and out deeply as he recognized the man. "Oh, it's you." He glared.

"Well, I'm glad you remembered me." Keith said.

"You fight like a warrior bred in the wild, and then you pull a gun on me."

"Hey. You had it coming, you had a chance to come in peacefully and--"

"I did not want to come in peacefully."

"Look, Tyler..." Keith started as he picked up the discarded table and set it back on its feet.

"That is not my name."

Keith picked up the discarded pages of a file that had been flung across the floor. "According to this one, you are Tyler Russo. Born September the fifteenth, nineteen ninety in Brooklyn, New York." He said slapping the papers down.

"What makes you think that is me? I am called Dancing Hoof by my tribe--"

"A tribe that came into existence twelve years ago." Keith sighed. "We might not have the kind of technology we used to then, but we can still identify by scars." He pointed. "That nipple ring, for example, torn out when doctors tried to wrestle your rapidly changing body to the ground."

"It was their fault!" Tyler roared, slamming a fist into the table and causing it to bend in on itself, sending the papers flying and leaving Keith sitting there on the chair he'd just sat down on. He remained unphased. "They should have put that fucking bullet into my head when they had the chance!"

"Right, and now a lot of them are dead from the virus that created the Torques." Keith glared. "Ironic, isn't it?"

"You are one of us. How could you side with these humans against your own kind?"

"Because they are my kind. And so are you. Don't you see? We're trying to establish a means of peace between the humans and the torques!"

"And you kidnap me." Tyler grunted, seating himself grudgingly across from Keith.

"You said yourself you wouldn't have come willingly." Keith pointed out. "Now as a human, you were an intelligent man. Why don't you prove to these humans that torques have every right to exist as they do?"

"We outnumber them."

"You were alone!" Keith shouted. "So was I! Humans' greatest strength is that they band together to commit to a cause, and right now, that cause is killing our kind whenever they can. And don't deny that's what the torques do in response. I want this fighting to stop, don't you?"

There was a long silence, the elk had closed his eyes. He was listening intently. "Your heart rate just went up." He said. "You anticipate a pissing contest?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You fear the transformation, but your body is preparing for one in case I get a little---rough." He grinned. "But no worries. I don't seek to harm you, nor anyone here."

"Good. Then, you'll help us?"

"BWAAHAHA!" The elk chortled loudly. "Help you? I'm afraid you're a bit misguided with that analysis, dragon. But I... don't so much feel the urge anymore."

"Well Good." Keith said, leaning back against the chair and crossing his arms. "So then, you would be willing to help us out?"

"Let me dig deep to express to you the ancient language of my people; Fuck. You."

Keith groaned and ran his hand through his hair. He wasn't going to make this easy, and he hadn't expected it to be, but this was frustrating just the same.

Hours went by, the calm nature of the elk drove Keith crazy, but he hadn't done anything to instigate a transformation, and no matter what he said, he couldn't get the elk to break. When it was clear he wasn't going to be making this happen tonight, he was eventually let out for the night. The New Seattle nightlife was different than it was before the destruction; people lived in homes made out of tents, single people slept in old broken doorways and under rubbled buildings. Of the buildings that were still in tact, including the old City Hall, most were turned into bordellos, bars or hotels. Of the plethora of night company though, there was only one place he went to, a small green tinted and red spraypainted place called "The Dragon's Den" which he often frequented, and with good reason. Slipping past the black curtain that blocked the doorway, he was almost instantly disoriented by a flashing strobe light that filled the immediate hallway, two men on the stairwell were making out rather heavily that made Keith smirk as he stepped to the right and entered the main waiting room. Immediately upon entering, he received a deep kiss from a muscular dark skinned man whose body was slick or oiled down. He could taste a hint of vanilla on his breath that was almost intoxicating by itself.

"Well, hey there, Mr. Warner." He whispered with a deep voice as his hands slid down Keith's back. "Back for another round?"

"Always." Keith grinned back lustily as he leaned in and allowed a long sniff of his neck from the man. One advantage to his dragon form was the ability to secrete a strong pheromone that made many men helpless to his power. Dean was the latest in a string of men that Keith had acquired and he soaked in the pheromones like a drug. He moaned as his fingers fell along Keith's shirt, tugging at it briefly before readily grabbing his crotch. "Mmm." Keith grunted softly. "Let's take this downstairs, how many of the boys are in?"

"I think Kelly's the only one who got in tonight. The others probably won't make it until the weekend. I'm surprised you made it back so quickly." Dean whispered, nuzzling his neck more, making Keith sigh in satisfaction.

"I couldn't stay away from you guys." He said. "Mmm but three out of eight's a little less fun. Why don't you go find Kelly and we'll meet in the room. I'll find some fresh meat to bring down."

"Very well, lover." Dean answered running his tongue along the dragon's neck again. "We'll be waiting."

When Keith entered a hunting mode, he could barely keep his eyes from illuminating as he focused in on the body heat of a room. He stepped into the common room where men and women were both laid out across the furniture. Keith didn't have anything against the women, but his hormones had always been for men. He'd gotten a few second glances from the girls, a few slaps of disappointment if he unintentionally (or intentionally) misled them to get something he wanted, but one thing was for sure; he enjoyed the company of men completely.

As he thought this to himself, his eyes settled on a young man sitting on the stairs. He had a long blond ponytail, and a pair of small framed glasses. He was trying almost too hard not to notice the sex going on around him, it looked like he'd accompanied someone who left him hanging, and he was focused on jotting something into a small notebook, he barely noticed Keith walk up to him.

"So, what are you doing over here by yourself?" Keith asked to strike up the conversation.

"Oh, uh n-nothing. I'm sorry, were you trying to get past?" The man asked nervously pulling his legs out of the path.

"Oh, no." Keith said, leaning on the banister. "Just admiring the view." He grinned.

The human looked up oddly at Keith. "M-me?" He asked, and Keith smiled and nodded in response. "N-no. I'm not--not..."

"Not what?" Keith's teeth showed in anticipation of the answer.

"Not... erm... not gay."

If Keith's dragon ears were exposed, they would have perked up with interest; a challenge. He eyed the man's figure, he was a little leaner than his normal tastes allowed, but he could smell the scent of fresh sex on him, the man was a virgin and full of hormones. He couldn't have been more than twenty, and the heat activated by his nervousness was a sure way to attract a dragon. "What's your name, kid?"

"E-Ethan." He said, putting his notepad down. "Ethan Mills."

"Well, Ethan. I'm Keith." Keith said, bowing his head slighty, and abruptly taking Ethan's hand and hoisting him to his feet unexpectedly. "What is it you're writing?"

"Just erm... stories." He said, pushing his glasses up with a finger. "Can... can I help you with something?"

"Stories, hm?" Keith pondered. "What sort of things do you write about?"

Ethan blushed a bit, the pheromones that the dragon's hidden scales excreted were already having an effect on the human. "Oh well, mostly... mostly fiction stuff. Other planets, times before the cataclysm changed our world."

"How much do you remember about that?"

"Not a lot." Ethan shrugged. "I mean, I was six when it happened, so I remember some things, but the rest of it I just sort of make up."

"Mmhm." Keith said, squeezing Ethan's hand, making him realize that they were still standing there hand in hand. "How interesting."

Ethan wanted to pull his hand away, but he felt his heart racing despite holding hands with another guy. He'd never really even felt a curiosity to have sex with another man, but for some reason parts of his body ached to explore that aspect. He looked around nervously. "My uhh--sister, she'll be worried about me if I'm not here when she gets back..." He let out a soft cry as Keith leaned in and nuzzled his neck along Ethan's own, planting a soft kiss on his neck.

"She'll be fine." Keith whispered, tugging a bit at Ethan's wrist to lead him down the last step into the main room. "She'll be busy for a while."

Ethan would be his. Keith had learned the art of seducing even the most resistant men. As long as there was a seed of curiosity in them, he was usually able to lure them over to have sex with him, and if he had his way, Ethan would be a ninth member of his little bordello harem. He'd been building it for almost two years now, even longer than he'd been a member of Unity, but it was a slow process. He'd only recruited Dean into it six months before, it was high time for a new face in the crowd. As he led Ethan through the common room toward the door that led down into the basement rooms he could feel the virgin's hands tremble a bit. He clutched his hand firmly and smiled at him, assuring Ethan that he wouldn't harm him as they started down the steps and entered the long underground passage that contained several rooms on each side. As they stepped into the third one from the end at the left, he led Ethan into the room first, purring ferally as he licked and nipped slightly on Ethan's neck.

The visual when they entered the room pleased Keith; Dean was kneeled on the floor in front of them completely naked and facing away from the door. His ass was spread wide before them, his dark skinned balls and cock dangling underneath him as he serviced Kelly; an Asian man who sat in the plush leather chair. He had short buzzed hair aside from a streak of longer hair that created a fauxhawk along the center of his scalp. He smiled as he looked up at Keith. Kelly was one of Keith's most endowed and enjoyable partners, but he was deceptively heavier set and muscled, with a good range of body hair across his torso and legs. He was also one of Keith's oldest harem boys and had the privilege of mounting the dragon on occasion. They'd both been exposed to the pheromones the dragon gave off for so long that they too had a calming effect on anyone that Keith would have brought in. Keith purred again and nibbled along the length of Ethan's neck as his fingers worked down under his shirt and along his rather well formed stomach. "Boys, this is Ethan." He said to the other two. "Let's make him feel welcome, shall we?"

Obediently, the two of them got up and walked over. Keith chuckled at Ethan's expression of the two muscular men now set upon him began to stroke his face. The taller Dean pulled Ethan's shirt up over his head and off while Kelly unfastened the buckle of his belt, pulling his cock free as the pants fell to the floor. As Kelly took the shaft into his mouth, Ethan gasped and moaned out loud as he stroked Kelly's hair as he leaned back against Keith's chest, who simply puffed it up and chuckled. Dean smiled as he turned Ethan's face toward him and lifted his glasses from the bridge of his nose before slipping in a deep kiss.

Keith pulled off his shirt and rumbled deeply, his eyes uncontrollably turning to golden serpents' eyes, thankfully Ethan didn't notice, or didn't seem to care about Keith's draconic aspects as he turned and gave him a kiss, his hands slipping down into Keith's jeans unexpectedly. He may not have the experience, but Ethan definitely had the need, the drive and desire to play with a dragon. Keith placed a hand into the small of Ethan's back and dragged his tongue up the young man's neck, pressing his bulge against the nude member and feeling it pulse in desire.

"Do you want this?" Keith asked, pulling Ethan to look him deep in his eyes. "Would you like the pleasure of being ridden by a dragon?"

"Y-y-yes..." Ethan answered back hesitantly but full of lust. "Just... fuck me..." He whispered, a heavy blush filling his cheeks as he groped Keith's crotch.

Keith grinned and let Ethan fall back onto the chair being used a few minutes before. As he unfastened his jeans and removed his clothing, he watched as Dean and Kelly traded kisses with him, then with each other before allowing him to sample their crossed cocks, which he whimpered and showed his inexperience by trying to take them in his mouth immediately gagging on each cock as he switched between them. Keith fell to his knees and used his hands to spread the virgin ass apart before digging his nose in and running his tongue along the crack as he reached for a small bottle of lubricant located just next to the chair. He stayed a bit longer though, letting his tongue slip into the ring, a slim, inhuman sliver of wetness that curled around Ethan's undisturbed innards. He was clean, very clean for a virgin; but his ass was warm and tight, an enjoyable diversion from the ordinary "too clean" feel of the more experienced mounts. He didn't want to hurt Ethan, but his throat purred in the lust, the scent of a fresh ass was almost too much to bear. As his tongue slid out of the warm hole and along the taint he lifted his face away to apply the lube, he doused his fingers and pressed them eagerly against the hole, making Ethan wince and jerk instinctively. The look on his face was priceless, a mixture of pleasure and confusion all wrapped into one.

One digit, then a second slipped in, Keith's erection was practically nailed against his stomach as he slid them in and out, pressing deeper, feeling the tightness clench around the middle bones of the fingers while Ethan hungrily swapped from one cock to another, grasping the one not in his mouth and stroking it for a good stream of precum to come trickling down on him. An untrained eye would say that Ethan was no stranger to this, but the dragon's nose could tell better; another unsuspecting mate for his growing harem.

Finally, Ethan seemed ready, Keith pulled his fingers slowly from the flesh and slid his lubricated fingers along his own shaft. He resisted the change, he knew he couldn't do it yet, he had to do it when he was inside, to stretch the human's hole to take him gradually. He gasped as his head pressed against Ethan's hole and he gripped the human's hips as his elbows raised his legs slightly. Pressing forward, he felt the tight catch of the ring, and watched Ethan cry out as Keith penetrated him. Ethan moaned Keith's name followed by a string of words he couldn't quite make out as he began to slide deeper. Keith wasn't able to help it now, he could feel his muscles burning, his bones popping in his back as he began to grow in size. Dean and Kelly were worshipping the dragon's muscles as they began to emerge from the human body, they licked at Keith's nipples and his torso, their hands circulating the thick musculature as they fed their members to the human inductee. Keith could feel the tightness of Ethan's ass begin to spread apart with his size increase, and Ethan moaned, looking over the new physique growing on the man fucking him. He moaned and his eyes rolled back as he let his legs slide even higher, and the dragon's body fully taking form. Keith was ravenous now, he wanted to release so badly for Ethan, he wanted to make him his own.

"Hnn! Ahh!" Kelly came first, his cock was buried in Ethan's mouth who pulled back slightly at the explosion. Keith could see him take a healthy dose of the cum as it spurted down his throat, as he pulled back a few spits shot across his face, which only made him grip Dean's cock tighter. Dean cried out an "Oh, fuck!" Before cumming hard, sending a shower of white across Ethan's face and hair as he came. Keith quickly turned his head to catch the remaining jets of cum while Kelly's orgasm finished up in a violent vibration.

"Oh yes... yess..." Keith hissed as he was getting closer, cumming in a virgin ass was one of his most needed kinks. The dragon wanted to release, and make Ethan his; he was now hilting his fully dragon-cock into the human's hole, and was on the verge of release.

Keith's balls were slapping and resting against Ethan's own, his own seed was spilling down the man's taint, leaking heavily from the hilted cock in his ass as he hissed and rumbled, reveling in the near orgasmic bliss. "NNGH!" He grunted ferociously as he came with such a force that Ethan cried out and bowed his back downward, naturally receiving the man's cum as it torrented into his ass and slapped out between them on the backwash. Keith growled and dug his fingers into the man's hips thrusting and bouncing the human forward practically into the chair as his cum-covered face wiped across the upholstry. The force of the orgasm was enough to send him over the edge, and Ethan was suddenly firing his cum into the base of the leather chair, the long streaming sound filling all of their senses at once as he finally was made one with the harem. Lustily, Keith reached his hand around Ethan's face and pulled him into a long, deep kiss, still humping into him and enjoying the sound of his continued orgasm as he did so.

A sudden sound of an explosion from outside made Keith open his eyes and suddenly stop what he was doing; something distracting him was definitely not a good sign. He heard another boom from outside, followed by a loud ancient air raid siren that echoed through the town. "Fuck! No! No!" He growled angrily as he extracted himself unspent from the warm hole.

There was a banging on the door and a man broke in forcibly. Keith recognized him as one of the owners of the bordello, an apologetic expression was washed across his face. "Keith! I'm sorry!" He shouted, as Keith had instantly returned to his human form to avoid being seen."It's an attack! We need to get everyone to the emergency bunker now!"

"An attack? From who?"

"Not sure. Some people are saying the weapons are human manufactured! Why would humans be attacking themselves?"

Unity's presence in the city made Keith's eyes widen in realization. He helped Ethan to his feet. "Dean, Kelly. Take Ethan down to the shelter. I've got to get back to my office."

"But, sir!" Dean started.

"It's dangerous out there!" Kelly continued.

"GO!" Keith snapped back with a roar. "Go now!"

Both looking like they'd stepped on a thumb tack, Dean and Kelly hoisted Ethan in between them, slinging his arms over their shoulders as Keith grabbed his clothes and got dressed.

Keith's return to headquarters was just what he'd expected; the bombs and explosions were centered around the parking garage that the base was hidden in, the halls within were full of smoke by the time he arrived. Coughing he sifted his way through the rubble. Coughing he spotted one of the workers from earlier pulling his leg free as he stumbled away from the wreckage.

"Where's Elizabeth Cornell?" Keith asked, referring to the woman who had him talk to Tyler earlier.

"She was buried under the rock!" He exclaimed. "Died instantly." He coughed.

"What about the prisoner?" Keith asked angrily. "Where's the elk?"

"Gone." The man shook his head. "He took advantage of the explosions and slipped out. Why are they doing this? Humans shouldn't be attacking humans!"

"It's the way of the world these days." Keith frowned as he pulled the man to his feet. "Let's get out of here."

After taking the man out of the rubble and escorting him with several others who had found their way to him out to the parking lot where medics were waiting, Keith ran to his truck and blasted off toward the forests up north. The humans were after Unity, they were hoping to stop the friendship between the torques and the humans for some reason, but whatever that reason was unknown to Keith. He knew that he needed to get to Tyler, and together they would need to stop whoever was responsible for doing this and stop them.

The truck's tires screamed as he rounded the curve leading up toward the canyon. Tyler couldn't have gotten too far, with the confusion he could have been as little as three miles away maybe as much as five by the time Keith could have caught up with him. He stuck his head out the window and sniffed the crisp night air for the elk's scent, though his nostrils felt overwhelmed by the smoke pouring out of Seattle he could pick up a trace of that familiar smell that gave him a direction to turn in. He followed the smell until it led to a thick patch of forest that he couldn't drive through, and just as quickly he leaped from his truck and tore off into the woods after the scent.

Keith had run for several hundred yards before the trail went cold. He sniffed the air in all directions, but he couldn't quite make outTyler's scent. He slipped his clothing off, he knew that this kind of tracking would require a torque's sense of smell in order to pick up the elk again and he changed once more. Each time seemed to dull his sense of pain more and more, but the shifts back were becoming more and more painful which only told him one thing...

Suddenly, there was a cracking of branches above, and Keith looked up to see Tyler coming in on him hard and fast, he landed on top of the dragon and the pair of them rolled several feet along the ground before Keith was released and tossed another couple of yards.

"Afraid you're not going to be human much longer?" Tyler's voice asked, but as Keith looked up, he saw the elk was nowhere to be seen. "I sensed a hesitation in your change, Keith. I know you're afraid of remaining a torque forever."

"What's it to you?" Keith asked, backing up and glancing around as the darkness of the night surrounded him. "Look, I don't think you attacked Seattle, or any of the other torques for that matter."

"Well it was because of us that they attacked, isn't it?" Tyler asked. "They knew that torques were in that city and they wanted to make sure to bomb the hell out of Unity, right?"

"I guess so." Keith answered.

Suddenly a massive arm emerged from behind Keith and wrapped around his neck, pulling him upright against the massive furry elk's torso. "So, why protect them if they'd harm themselves?"

Keith gasped and exhaled through the sides of his mouth as he felt the arms tighten around his body. "Unity got information on the leader of the human resistance that's trying to wipe us out..." He whimpered as he tried to pry the arms away from him. "If we take out a man named Reginald Payne, then Unity can do its job and stop these attacks. They know we know, so they're keeping us off guard."

Keith gasped as he felt something hard and wet press against his ass. "Issat so?" Tyler asked in a heated tone of voice. "Well maybe we should do something about that after I see what a dragon feels like?"

Keith didn't really have a chance to argue, suddenly he was shoved to the ground and the elk's unrestrained balls slapped against his ass. He grabbed the ground with his claws, feeling the soil tear under his grip. "We-we don't have time for this!" He grunted as Tyler began to press against his flesh, missing the mark several times, but streaking wetness along the dragon's underside. But Keith didn't put up much of a fight, he was pent up from his earlier missed moment with Ethan and he was admittedly fully aroused with the idea of being fucked in the dark by a massive, muscular elk. He could hear a howling groan as he felt the elk's cock push past his ring and deep into his ass. The howl was followed by a warm hissing noise as Keith cried out from the sudden girth intrusion into his hole. Tyler may have been made a prey species by the change, but he was in no means weak against a predator.

Tyler bit down with his flat teeth against Keith's broad shoulder as he prodded in deeper and deeper until he was buried to the hilt inside the dragon's ass. Keith was pinned down to the ground, his ass being the only part of him up in the air. His tail was laid across his back, the entire length of it twitching and twisting with the sensation of Tyler mating with him. Tyler growled and moaned, making noises normally heard by a predator of the forest, the torque was definitely not a standard amongst them, and Keith began to realize why he was one of the leaders to their kind as the elk asserted his dominance over the predatory drake.

"AHH!" Keith cried out, feeling a bulging girth, almost alike a knot sliding along his ass, pushing in harder and deeper now, making him buck forward and his cock bounced against the ground. "FF-ffuck!" He hissed out and panted, feeling the penetration come faster, and faster as the elk picked up the pace of his thrusts. Tyler's grip intensified, now it was so firm that Tyler's grip actually felt like it was cutting long gashes in Keith's chest and stomach the faster he went. Soon the thrusts became stronger and Keith felt his stomach slamming into the ground with each one, it didn't take long for Keith the give off a loud roar and start cumming right there into the dirt. But the elk didn't slow down, he was getting close to the edge as well, and the sound of Keith's stomach slapping loudly into the moist earth was getting him off much faster. Soon he quaked in his orgasm and his cum flooded the canal of Keith's ass. Tyler huffed loudly as he grabbed Keith's body and rode it hard with his flooding seed, both of them fully merged for several minutes before he finally relaxed his grip and slipped from the dragon's body. Both of them laid in the dark for some time before Keith spoke up, still breathless as he did;

"S-so... are you with me on this?" He asked. "Take out Reginald Payne and... and we can begin a unification of the torques and humans?"

"Sounds like you're asking a lot." Tyler answered after a few more moments of silence. "I mean, torques and humans have been at it for over a decade, how are you sure it's all gonna stop overnight?"

"It won't." Keith admitted softly. "But it'll be a start."

It took less than a day for Keith and Tyler to make their way across the state to the old state of California. Out of the rest of the country, California was hit probably the hardest. Its coast betrayed it, huge tidal waves caused massive flooding, over eighty percent of the state's population was wiped out in a single sweep, and another five percent was killed when the mountains rose from the tectonic collapsing on the state's eastern border. Since then, many of society's more lawfully loose began to swarm into the ruins and take up residence. It wasn't hard to keep Tyler hidden in this state, many torques who wanted nothing to do with their kind set up shop here to provide services needed to the men and women trying to rebuild and to repopulate after the destruction subsided. Reginald Payne was the self-designated governor of the state and took it upon himself to assign his jurisdiction wherever the torques were the highest threat and often was responsible for the fates of many humans and torques that he deemed in his way. The man was a reputable low life but not many could stand in his way that wasn't swatted down like a fly

"Alright, now here's the plan." Keith said to Tyler as the pair sat outside a midtown run down Starbucks shop. The dragon had blueprints of Payne's mansion he'd gotten from the Unity shelter before the evacuation. The pair could barely see the white villa nestled in the mountains where the Hollywood sign was once held, now only part of the 'Y' remained. The house was only a few hundred yards from it. "Now, it might be difficult for us to slip in quietly, so we'll have to be less than discreet about getting in there. I'll take the place of one of the guards in order to get close, what you'll need to do is warn me when one of Payne's guards gets too close.

Tyler sighed and leaned back in his chair. "I don't see why all this Mission Impossible shit, Keith." He said sarcastically. "We should just break in there, break his neck and get back to Washington. The lack of forests here makes me uneasy."

"Ah but we've got so much beachfront property." Keith smirked.


"Look, I'm not very bulletproof, and the last I checked, neither are you. Now, Payne's artillery isn't that big, but it's more than we have, so we need to play it cool. I don't want us going in there half-cocked."

"Okay, fine." Tyler said. "So in the case we do get in there, kill him and get out, how's that going to make the torques and the humans start to get along."

"Simple, without someone intimidating to attack either side for getting close to the other, we'll be able to start peace talks. Humans and torques can get along, Tyler, and I want to make sure that this goes well."

"Alright. Let's do this then." The elk said, rising from his seat. "I assume you got everything we'd need for it?"

"It's in the van." Keith said standing up. "Let's go."

The trip toward the mansion was somewhat empty as the two of them drove down the main strip toward the road that would lead up into the hills, by the time they got to the outer gates of the villa, it was already late in the afternoon, and there were two guards standing out front. Keith slipped from the truck and started toward them, their hands poised at the guns on their hips as he did so.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen." He said, putting on a big smile. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Keith Goldman." He flipped a card out quickly and slipped it back in his pocket before either of them had a good look at it. "I was called here to talk to Mister Payne about improving his rating with the public. As you probably already know, he isn't well liked, and it's my job to insure that he is respected, feared and revered."

The men exchanged an awkward glance before the one on the left; a very slim figured man with dark hair stepped into the booth and picked up a phone. After a few pensive moments, he emerged and spoke with the other guard before they both turned to him. "He says that he did not call you, but is interested in hearing what you have to say." The larger of the pair spoke. "You have twenty minutes."

From afar, Tyler watched through a pair of binoculars as Keith was led through the gates and onto the villa's property. He sighed a long breath. "You are such a fool." He shook his head before rising and moving into the wooded area.

The villa's grounds were exquisite in Keith's opinion; well trimmed hedges, an enormous green lawn, he hadn't seen a yard so well kept since the cataclysm. It deprived many of the lands without rainwater for so long that much of the soil had gone bad and refused to grow plant life, yet here it looked like it had just finished raining an hour ago. As he was led up the white marble stone steps, he was greeted by an older man, he was fat and his facial hair was groomed neatly around his lips which extended up into his side burns, giving texture to a balding head of hair. He was dressed in a fine red robe with white pants that stuck out just barely from the bottom of it. His picture did him too much justice in Keith's opinion, but then again, it was a five year old photograph.

"Mister Payne." Keith abruptly bowed in respect of the man.

"Hrmph." The human sounded like he was clearing his throat and got caught halfway. "You may go." He said, waving to the two guards, who simultaneously bowed their heads and turned to walk away as Payne bade Keith to follow him. "So, I hear that you've got services I may be interested in." He said as Keith joined his side in stride. "I was rather interested to ask you mainly how it is you came to my doorstep, mister Goldman."

"Well, sir." Keith said. "As you may or may not be aware of, you are not liked by many of the people you govern, especially those that are in other states; the attack you staged on New Seattle the other night for instance, it is obvious that you'd need someone of my talents to... distract the public from such decisions that could harm your reputation."

"I see." Payne said, pushing a door open and revealing an enormous office within. A library of sorts of books lined the walls around a dark wooden desk. Even the rugs under Kyle's feet had a spring to them that made them feel almost bouncy under his weight. "And you think that such a use of my power is bad."

"Oh, not at all, sir." Keith said respectfully through his teeth. "But it does reflect poorly in your ratings. The people fear you, they aren't sure to trust that what you're doing is in their best interest." He stopped as Payne seated himself in the large, plush chair on the other side of the desk, and glanced at another on his side.

"Please. Sit." He said as he opened a drawer in the desk. "Now, mister Goldman, you are an honest man, and I appreciate your concern. But what I do isn't in particular the "public's" best interest. It is in mine." He pulled out a crystalline jar of a brown liquid, as he opened the cap, Keith could smell that it was Brandy. Keith seated himself as Payne took out two glasses and filled them before sliding one across to him. "I don't care that they don't like what I'm doing." He said. "I intend to eradicate any unloyal torque that I can get my hands on, and if that means stepping on a few meaningless human lives, then fine."

As Payne took a drink from his cup, Keith felt compelled to do the same, though his fingers were trembling from keeping up the appearances of an obviously insane man, he had to get out and inform Tyler. He took a slug from the cup before noticing a strange red residue left behind as he put the glass down. Immediately, he felt dizzy, almost sick to his stomach. "What was--" He started.

"Oh come now, Keith." Payne rolled his eyes and propped his feet up on his desk. "Something wrong with your drink? My men were alerted the moment you tried to approach the building, did you not think that a man of my position wouldn't have a way of detecting torque DNA?" Keith tried to stand suddenly, and the numbness that suddenly flooded his legs made him topple forward and crash hard onto the floor. The human's fingers grabbed at Keith's scalp, a foul breath washed across his nostrils. "I would be more careful, Mister Warner, when trying to fuck with me." His voice faded along with Keith's consciousness, and everything went dark.

Keith had no idea how long he had been out. Waking from the induced unconsciousness he realized that he was looking from a different angle of the same study he'd been in before. It was dark outside, probably well past sunset. There was a fireplace blazing a few feet from him, and he realized he was attached spread eagle to some sort of cross-section board a few feet above the floor.

Across the room, he could see Payne talking to two of his men in the doorway, who then left the room, allowing him to close the door and latch it shut before turning to notice that Keith had come around. "Ah, good. You're awake." He chuckled. "Sometimes I don't even know the strength of my sedatives, Mister Warner. After twelve hours I admit I was starting to get worried I'd given you enough to put you in a permanent coma. And that would have deprived me of my fun. He was wearing his robe still, but as his finger slid along the inner lining of the opening, Keith noticed that he wasn't wearing anything underneath.

"Mmm, personally, you're not my type. So I don't know what you're doing but those robes better stay on." Keith quipped sarcastically.

"Oh, but you've not seen the best part." Payne's voice suddenly shifted dramatically, striking Keith's attention as he noticed a flowing color of amber entering the man's eyes. His shoulders pushing ot a bit more to the side. "The part where I fuck you so hard that my claws actually rip your flesh from your bones!"

He was a torque after all! But somehow he was able to mask his form even from the dragon's sense of smell. There was a sudden jerking motion as his back suddenly slung back and a loud crack echoed through the room. He pulled his robes open and revealed that his flesh was now swimming with a deep white fur that rippled across his somewhat fake tanned body. His balls drooped suddenly as his cock grew longer and heavier, though it was still somewhat hindered by his gut. His frame crackled as a snout ruptured forward, his arms grew in muscle tone and his hands ripped with massive claws that threw blood everywhere in streams. His lips blackened, and all of a sudden an enormous polar bear stalked toward him.

Keith tried to pull his wrists away from the board, he tried to change himself, but the burning sensation never came, he couldn't change. "Did I forget to mention?" Payne asked through salivating jowls. "My tonic also renders your change impossible for hours!" He laughed loudly.

"It's a shame you've got to cut me down to fuck me then." Keith stammered. "Can't really access my ass from here."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that." The bear snarled, raising his razor sharp index claw. "It feels much better to slip in through the gut anyway. Granted, not for the one I'm fucking, but I'm willing to make that sacrifice."

Keith cringed as the bear approached, but a loud shattering breaking of glass turned his attention to the window as the massive elk burst in. Tyler hit the floor and rolled before jumping into the air to tackle the bar. Payne swept his arm around and grappled with Tyler.

"Well, well! Another piece of ass." He chuckled.

"I don't think so." Tyler sneered and felt the bear's weight shove him against the wall. He spun and drove his knee into the bear's gut, but it didn't seem to phase him. Payne quickly grabbed Tyler by the scruff of his neck and rammed his skull into the elk's snout, causing it to spout blood. Just the same, Tyler wadded his fist into a tight ball and punched the bear in the stomach so hard that he caused Payne to cough up a small spout of blood himself. The two of them hit the ground where Tyler kicked the bear up against the wall. Payne dropped to the ground, then tackled the elk hard into the opposite wall as he was standing up.

"You'll never stop me!" The bear roared. "You're an inferior species! I will own you!" He cackled madly as he grabbed Tyler's head and slammed him hard against the desk. But Tyler wasn't quite finished, lifting the wooden furniture and hurling it at the bear.

The bear's claws made short work of the desk as he sheared it in two before it even struck him, sending both halves of the desk to the corners of the room. Height wise, they were similar, though Tyler still had the advantage of a few inches, but it looked like Payne actually weighed more than the elk, and had massive claws that would surely be his advantage. Payne snarled viciously as they faced off against each other, the firelight dancing as the only source of light in the room. Once again they charged and collided in the center of the room, but this time, the bear hooked his arms under the elk's elbows and forced them to crack straight out, making him cry out as his arms were practically inverted by the bear's strength. Payne then slammed his head against the elk's forehead and swung him hard into the windows, which Tyler suddenly crashed out of much like he'd broken into the room.

There was a long silence as Keith watched the bear stalk to the window in silence, then let out a chuckle that rolled into a fit of maniacal laughter. As the laughter died down some he looked at the torque tied to the cross and grinned. "You see? Nothing can stop me from destroying everything that stands in my way!" His grin turned to a more malicious glare. "And now, for you." He started toward Keith, an erection from his excitement over his victory quite prominent.

"RAAAAAAHHHH!" There was a sudden explosion through the final window in the room as Tyler burst back through it and grabbed the bear by the neck. The pair of them spun as the bear left claw marks in Tyler's arms before being flung across the room and into the flames of the fireplace. Payne screamed in horror as he realized he was on fire and he began to flop like a fish, trying to put it out while regrettably not trying to really get out of the fire. Finding the discarded brandy bottle that was still unopened he looked at the fireplace. "Bear with me a moment." He said as he picked up the bottle. There was a look of terror now on the bear's face as the bottle was thrown into the fireplace as well. The sound of the bottle shattering was followed immediately by a horrific scream and a fireball of flame blasting from the chimney.

As the foul odor began to fill the room, and the guards at the door began to bang desperately on the door, Tyler ran up and began to unfasten the ropes that held Keith to the boards. "Did you just make a pun?" He asked, which he received an awkward glance from the elk. "I think I'm rubbing off on you."

"Later." Tyler stated as he took the human's arm over his shoulders and lifted him up. "For now, let's get you out of here."

"I told you it was a bad idea." Tyler said as he sat the dragon on the hillside. Sitting down next to him, he noticed that the human's form was slower to return, when it finally did, it felt like a cramp that was just slowly going away.

"I wasn't alone, was I?" Keith asked with a smirk before looking at his hand, now changing slowly into a claw, then back to his human fingers again. "A little unstable, it must have been that tonic, but I suppose my transformations will become a little easier to control than before."

"I'd say you had some good control when you kicked my ass up in Washington." The elk suggested, giving Keith a nudge. "So what are we going to do now? Reginald Payne is dead, if you're right, Unity may be able to unite the humans and torques after all."

"Well. I guess what we'll need to do is get back to New Seattle and tell them what's happened. I'm sure that the attacks on both the torques and the humans were made by a man who could be both might help tie the binds between the races faster, maybe help mend up the relations between the leaders of both."

"That sounds like a plan." The elk yawned and laid back on the grass as the two of them watched the dawn rising to the east. "But let's just enjoy the dawn here for now."

Keith nodded and smiled. "You know, I do have a harem of guys back in Seattle who are going to be lost without me, I wonder if you might be willing to lend me a hand with them."

"Oh?" Tyler said, looking at Keith.

"Well, you're somewhat resistant to my pheromones, but that didn't stop you from screwing the bejesus out of me the other night, and I sort of enjoyed that."

"Mmmmaybe it had a little bit of an influence in that." Tyler said after a moment before placing his hand on the dragon's claw. "But it's not something I'd be against doing again."

"Heh, heh." Keith said, his dragon eyes narrowing in playfulness. "Well then, I'll have to introduce you to them then."


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Anticipation of Serenity

**"Anticipation of Serenity"** The echoes of water dripping resounded throughout the caverns where the hot springs were as Zeke and Akro lay, coated in their own makings which were now drying on Zeke's stomach and matting into Akro's cock fur as it...

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Ranch Hands

**"Ranch Hands"** The sun wasn't very high yet when I made the turn out of town and followed the county road out into the middle of nowhere, in a rural New Mexico desert it wasn't hard to find the middle of nowhere, it might as well be listed as a...

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