changing your life, and appearance

Story by hunter of chiroptera on SoFurry

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#4 of Omegas

"Now where am I?" I said talking ot the vastness of a grand city street. Quick tip if you are shape shifter always try to avoid alcohol, it can do all sorts of stuff to you. "Wonderful, no clue where you are, what dimension your on and to top it off no clue what the inhabitants look like so you can blend in." Shaking my head in disgust I decided the worst this plant could do was shoot at me, and when your a bundle of sentient living energies lead passes right though you doing no damage. Laser fire is different it can cause you to bloat from absorbing large sums of energy to quickly.

"Freeze!!" I turned slowly not wanting to shock the lady into shooting. (I could tell it was female because of the voice.)

"There a Problem officer." I said as looked up and down the officer considering my options. She was a rather attractive member of some anrthromorphic canine species.

"What are you?" First words I ever heard. First question to leave the lips of anyone who saw me. Since the first time I heard it I've always answered the same way with a smile on my face.

"I am Mimic." the name was simple and to the point. A mimic is described as being an entity with the capcity to copy or imitate others and/or their habits. That is al I am a copy and paste creature growing and expanding myself through the addition of others, in some cases I literally added them to me. "Is that going to be a problem?"

"Whatever you are your in violation of city curfew" She said "your under arrest" she walked forward drawing a pair of hand cuffs. Placing my hands around my back I laughed when she clinked them into place. "What's so funny?" she growled

"Hope you have the keys for these." I explained

"Yeah I do. why?" she said in a puzzeled tone.

"Because twelve hours in cuffs stinks, unless your into that kind of stuff." I answered as I dissolved and reformed my arms around her flicking the hand cuffs so that they locked around her wrists. "How embareassing for you officer." I intoned "Tell You what you can be the cop next time and I'll be the bad guy." I said modifying my appearence so that I was her double in every way. "Have a nice night."

"My god your one of them." She said suddenly she was screaming bloody muder lights came on in windows. The sound of an angry mob beggining to form.

"Time to go." I whispered sprouting wings I took to the air as the first of the angry citizens burst from the door way.

"What is it?" the varius different species called out to the downed officer.

"Call the D.C.U. one of those monsters is loose in the city." She called out as one of the group helped to her feet. The reaction was immeadiate all of them turned and bolted into their doors. they were afraid of me. Why? I hadn't even hurt anyone. extended my mind and copied the thoughts and memories. Turns out shape shifters of my calibur (top of the line shape shifters if your intrested.) had come to this world before with less benign intentions. The D.C.U. was a group of slightly mutated furs that could deal with the shape shifters.

"Yeah like that will get you anywhere." I growled to myself. "Bunch of stereotyping morons."

I glided down to the ground. I still had to get my bearings so there was no sense trying to hide from something that couldn't do anything to me. I am next to indestructible only certain energy absorbing metals could harm me. I started looking for certain constellation which would tell me what dimension I was on.

"Hold it right there." I turned my head a full one-eighty to glare at the source of my irritation.

Two rather large muscular male wolves stood behind and to the side of small female cat with purple fur and green tiger stripes. crouching in front of her was a female rabbit with green fur.

"You are going to come with us." said the cat.

"Thanks for the offer, but I don't do orgys or orgies or what ever you call them." I said extending my normal smiling face until it looked as if it was my jaw that connected my head to my spine.

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!!" shouted The feline her face flushing with embarassment.

"Oh well still not intrested even if you are very cute little group. (Just in case I did not mention it earlier I would like to say that I can be any gender I so choose or both or neither.)

"Go bother some other misplaced in space shifter."

"So we are going to have to do this the hard way. Go get him boys." The cat said. As if they had been waiting the two wolves sprang forward and began to tear at my flesh.

"Down fido. Bad dog rover." I said as I raised and lowered my hammer sized fists onto the duo's skulls wich gave way under the force of my blow. "Next or are we done?" I called over to the other couple.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!" screamed the rabbit as she charged me. It was at that point that I realised that my wounds were still open these creatures had the energy absorbing metal Chordium in there claws. That meant that the rabbit may very well make good on her threat.

"Hey they started it." I aid dodging the slash she flung at my eyes. "Rabbit go bye bye now." I said converting my arm into pure energy as I aimed at her with a flash of bright light and a scream the bunny was wiped out of existence."I really dont wanna have to kill you can't we just let this go." I shiouted to no avial the cat was already half way to me when I smelled something. there just might be way to win this fight without blood shed on the part of this fine young feline. I flung my self onto her changing my form so that I was plastered over her Iike a latex suit. "Relax this will be over soon, and we should both enjoy this." I quickly pulled my mouth open and so that she could breath.

"What are you doing?" she gasped out.

"Getting to know you better." I said focusing on absorbing her mind to literally know her better. "what's your name sweet thing" suddenly I realised where I was. Not thinking I automatically transported my self home the girl still gripped inside me.

"Kitten." she said she seemed ashamed the smell i had detected earlier growing stronger.

"Well then Kitten I am going to help you out with your little problem." with the last

I rubbed across her inner thigh eliciting a slight moan and a shake. "If you promise not to attack I'll let you go." I whispered and gave the inside of her leg another rub.

"Okay." I gently released her from my grip. Finding that I had consumed her clothing. "Your very different from the others." she was smiling with a blush slowly spreading across her feline features.

"there are no two people that are exactly the same." I said the next thing I knew I was on the floor, and Kitten was on top of me. "A little aggressive aren't we?" I Asked.

"Shut up and Fuck me!" she was way to far into breeding frenzy for me to try resisting so I went ahead proceded to do as she asked. three days later She finally calmed down enough for me get out from under her. Our first sexual encounter was the entire reason why we got married. Thus did I discover why teasing and practical jokes are a bad habits.


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