chimera's elation

Story by hunter of chiroptera on SoFurry

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#2 of Omegas

Chimera grunted as a he suffled down the corridor. glaring at the doors that all looked the same, and because the architect had liked to mess with people some of the doors even led to the same place. while trying to get the end of the hall it felt like hours because of the doors. Then checking his internal clock he relized it had been hours. Promptly he rembered this was a circular hall way.

"Some 'ultimate life form' I turned out to be" he said shaking his head. "Can't even get out of a hallway."he muttered to himself as he turned and hurled himself out the window. spreading his seven sets of wings he began to consider his love life or rather the lack there of. He was technicallly still married though he now found that he despised the woman. True he also had a child, but Manticore could take care of himself. What he needed was someone of his own species he thought. in truth this was next to impossible for he was a rare breed. One might even have said one of a kind. Chimera was a hybrid of a hybrid of a hybrid so rare he had never met another of his species. Chimera thought long and hard on where to begin his search.

"Dimension 70991." he chuckled to himself. that planet was populated entirley by fur creatures and hybrids. "Well then lett's go times a wastin'!!" he shouted to no one in paticular. He lifted his arm and brought it done ripping a hole in space and time allowing him to slip off to his destination.


Chimera whistled as he gazed at the landscape. In just twenty years the people had gone from stone castles and log cabins to brick/mortar houses and sky scrapers.

"FREEZZE!!" shouted a voice behind him. chimera turned and gave the rather nervous looking officer a look that said "you gotta be kiddin me." The officer began to shake as he reached for his gun. Chimera dashed into the face of cop snacthing the gun from his hand.

"boo" he whispered as he crushed the hand gun into a ball af worhtless scrap. The officer passed out with a dull thud as he hit the ground. Chimera chuckled to himself. "wonder what he was so scared of?" pulling out a mirror from his bag he examined his recently transfigured features. his hair was set metal spikes that functioned as attennas his multiple eyes (six of them to precise.) were a brilliant set of techni-color hues. his skin had a sleek metalic look that was similar to platemail. seven sets of wing emerged from his back allowing him flight. the tail ended in a collapseible trident point. his large circular feet each had six grasping claws to alllow him to cling to any surface with ease. Replacing the mirror he caught sight of his triple digit clawed hands. "Oh yeah" he said "I am freaking terrifying"


he was begining to despair of ever finding another of his own kind. He had spent the last two months searching and had turned up nothing.

"Love of life is there no other of my kind?!?!?" he screamed shaking his hands at the sky.

Suddenly he could feel something. Like a low level broad-cast strikeing his antennas.

It seemed to him be nothing more than the words "come to me." over and over.

Relising this might be what he was looking for he lept to the skies following th strange voice in his head.


Within an hour the voice was so loud he figure he could fire a return pulse.

"I am coming where are you?" he thought. he waited for a response. he flew in circles trying to pinpoint the source of the voice.

"you are close now I am at the top of the tallest building" he heard the voice say. Quickley he flew higher into the sky. spotting the highest of the buildings he landed on its peak with a dull crunch of the substance beneath his feet. he turned searching for the person who had called out to him.

"Wow." he gasped astonished at the figure in front of him. he could tell right away they were the same species despite her appearance. she had large breasts her skin was covered in a light fur. four long arms two on each side showed her insect heritage in addition to the great anntennaes emerging from her forehead. her tail he noted was actually a rather large snake it hissed at him as he approached. it was obvous that she had walked up to the roof as she had no wings, altough her back was covered in a fine down of feathers. gills upon her neck puffed uselessly on the dry air.

"Your beutiful! what's your name?" he inquired as he finally managed to find his voice. She turned slowly towards him, and he realized she had a mouth full of fangs from various species.

"My name is Chimera." she stated her lips curving into a smile as she assesd him. "What is your's?" dumb founded he could do little more then stare into empty space until she repaeted the question.

"It just so happens my name is Chimera as well." he it was her turn to stare in stunned silence. something struck them both at the same time.

"Now where do we go from here ?" the two said in unison.

"well i came here lookingto mate i don't know about you." he said abashed as his face turned red.

"I know that I responded to your phermone calls when i got them." she replied "so do we wanna do this here or what? personnaly i'd rather not do it here hieghts make me nervous."

"then lets head to your place." he said as he strood forward wrapping his arms around her. the snake-tail bit his leg doing more damage to its teeth than him. "which way there?"

"well see that row of houses over there thats where I live." as she spoke she pointed to a row of large house in the distance. "but that seems like to far to walk we might as wel--AHHH!!" she cried suddenly as Chimera leapt from the roof holding her in his arms.


"If you ever do that again with out asking first I will rip your balls off!!" she shouted as he put her done and he apologized for the three hundredth time. the two of them waked in to the house he was impressed by the large size of the interior. "hurry up and take off your clothes." she said as she undressed.

" I am not wearing any." he said turning red.

"Then where is your manhood hiding? 'cause i don't even see a sheath." as she spoke Chimera reached down to his groin area and pulled up a section of his scales revealing his large member.

"I really wish I knew what species has the adaption that gave me this: he said indicating the conceiling chamber around his penis. "Ah well shall we begin?"much to his delight the answer was a perhaps over enthusiastic yes. she talked to the gound. him to the floor as she inserted his shaft into her slit.

"Ooooh yeah. that's what I am talking about." she moaned as she began to move up and down on his crotch.

"Whoa thats new." said Chimera as felt her tail licking out it's toungue licking his ball sack.

"Does that bite" he said indicating her tail (he had not felt hte bite on his leg earlier.

"She.... doesn't.... while... I... am.... having.... sex." she panted out in between thrusts.

"why.. aren't you ......panting?"

"I am just not with my mouth. he replied casually as he indicated a pair of small holes in his hand that were expelling air. "It's not really fair is it?" in response she lighty jabbed his arm in a mock punch. suddenly he realized how close he was to finishing. "UHH I think I am about to blow." he grunted and strained hold out longer.

"THEN... FINISH .. IT!! she cried out. within two seconds he had spent the last of his ejaculate into her body she slid off the top of him and fell to sleep instantly. Chimera stood up as he adjusted the compartment he would have loved to stay there but he had matters to attend to. scribling a note for her explained the he had legal matters to deal with and he would back as soon as they where finished. realized she might want to call so he left his number and adress at the bottom of the sheet. before turning and opening the portal to go back home.

chaos and panic

Chaos lowered the binoculars he had been using to gather data for his disguise. Noting the nature of the dominant life forms he began to work. His eyes sparked as a warm black liquid like substance wrapped around his body. seconds later a jackal like...

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