That’s How Lions Do It

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#38 of Confessions of a Gay Porn Star


Hehhey, Jimmy's back! After your curious response to the previous chapter, I wanted to get this one out soon - so here we go! Do tell me what you think, of course, and remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!


The day dawned like any other, at least in the life of a gay porn! Shower, coffee, protein shake, enema, preening, clothing, get to the car...and drive over to the kinky gay porn studio, just as the sun was rising and making everything look nice in LA.

The locker room was deserved when I came in. I put a change of clothes in a small bag into my locker, checked myself on the little mirror on the inside (yes, it's true that porn stars like looking at themselves, are you still surprised by that fact?) and then...well...well, I was about to cheat a bit. Out of my pocket, came a little Ziploc bag, with a couple of yellow pills inside it. I'd brought a bottle of water with me, so downing one of them wasn't an issue. I smacked my lips and dried my muzzle on the back of my paw once I was done, and stashed the bag and the bottle into the locker. No need to let others see that, even though there was nothing fishy about it, not really. It was perfectly legal, prescribed by a doctor who knew my special work requirements and didn't hesitate writing a prescription for generic sildenafil for someone who didn't really need it...well, beyond...beyond turning a nice erection into a super erection.

Hey, even porn stars have trouble performing sometimes, it's not like I'd never had a drooping episode myself. Today especially I wanted to be at 110% maximum power for this, and that meant that if a bit of pharmacological cheating could be done, I did it. It was like porn in general, anyway. It's make-believe and pretending, not actually having fun. Super-erections were pretty much expected.

Ready and dosed, I wandered into the corridor where I ran into Jock, the horse assistant photographer and producer and whatnot, carrying an extra lamp.

"Morning!" he said.

"Hey," I said, though it was almost noon by then. This shoot wasn't starting at the break of dawn, lol.

"Need an extra lamp," he said as we fell into the same pace on the corridor, "you lions need a bit of extra shine to make your furs extra pretty, heheh!"

He nickered at his own joke, and I laughed politely, not really finding it that amused, though I understood the challenges of filming our coats, having done this for a while...heh. So there I was walking with him, trying not to step onto the cables that trailed from the lamp he carried with him.

"Guess we do then," I agreed with him, mostly because he was the boss, after all.

"Got the other guy in there with Max already," Jock told me, "they were going through the shoot when I left."

"Sure," I said, "hope I'm not late."

"Nah, we were just discussing if there was something special we should consider but apparently there's not too much to it."

My tail flapped behind me with some nerves - I'd gotten the so-called script of the shoot earlier last week, and I knew what was ahead of me, and I wasn't completely sure how it was going to turn out, but there's first time for everything, right?

"Open that door for me?"

I opened the heavy sound-proofed door into "Studio 2" and we entered. The room was already quite warm from the lamps, and the fans hadn't been turned on yet to give us some comfort. Those were just casual details you were bound to notice, doing this for as long as you did. The usual bedroom props were off by the wall for the moment, too, with just the white background cloth up. There was some photography to be done first before we'd swap over to live action, and even as I entered with the horse, Max was playing around with the digital camera, peering through the viewfinder at the lion standing there aloof.

"I've found the lamp and our co-star!" Jock nickered by a way of greeting.

"Hello!" I said.

"Benny!" Max grumbled, straight out of his polar bear gut.

"Good day," the rough-voiced lion standing in front of the white screen called out.

"Hi!" I added.

Rock Daemon looked as buff as ever, but now that he wasn't wearing a shirt or pants like the last time I saw him, I could really understand just what kind of a body he was packing. His thighs were killer, to say the least, and since he only wore a black leather jockstrap, there was really nothing that was hiding them, standing there an outlined by the screen. He wore a simple black leather harness, some leather bands around his biceps and smaller bands around his wrists - this wasn't going to be a bondage or a leather shoot especially, but they were a nice touch and a bit of his thing, apparently, so Max had said it'd be cool. I was going to wear something similar to make us nice and more evenly matched, too, I knew, so at least I got a bit of a hint on that, too.

"Well, get yourself into gear, we can start as soon as you're ready," Max told me as he stopped with the camera and lumbered over to the three laptops he had lined up in what he liked calling his director's corner.

"Sure," I said, "where's the stuff?"

Jock, busy with his lamp or not, pointed out the table that held amusing supplies such as lube, water bottles, dildos and riding crops, along with a bunch of leather in a pile. At least the studio was supplying the props, I thought, with a snuffle, as I headed over and then, without any concerns for such a fleeing concept as privacy, I stripped off my cozy street clothes and transformed myself into Benny Thicker, the gay porn daddy lion. On went the leather jockstrap that held snuggly onto my still dormant package, on went the harness, which I tightened to be just right, and it felt alright over my torso, and then the armbands and the bicep straps, each which I tightened so that they gave just enough pressure, and I pumped my arms a bit, to make sure it was all good.

Jock whistled, still playing around with his lights, and I knew that I looked alright.

"Why don't you go stand next to Rock here and we can get some frames going?" Max ordered.

Slowly, I crossed the room so that I was near to my co-star, standing there and seemingly most concerned with scratching his chest. Maybe he was nervous too, or too jaded, or simply not interested with the proceedings going on, such as me squeezing my ass into a jockstrap. Maybe it wasn't his thing.

"Is it just gonna be us?" I asked. "is Nick assisting?"

"Tyler will be working second camera and lights today," Max replied, "Nick is doing some indie fashion shoot."

"Okay," I replied.

"You prefer this Nick guy or something?" Rock asked me, looking at me properly for the first time. perhaps.

I shrugged, my tail swinging casually about.

"No, I was just wondering. We usually have Nick or Tyler. Doesn't matter."

"No fluffer today?" the lion smirked, showing a bit of teeth.

My ears jumped a little. That sounded almost taunting...I wasn't sure what to think of it, really.

"I don't really need one," I replied, feeling a bit awkward, "never had that problem."

"You get into the zone and stay there, eh?" he replied in a guttural rumble, still smiling a bit, standing there like the perfect leather daddy wanting to spank a twink.

"I try to," I replied, "Do you need one?"

He chuckled.

"You aren't bad," he said, "don't think I have a problem keeping myself going, handsome."

He leered at me, and I felt...oddly comforted, would perhaps be the word. If he was into it, then I could be into it too, I hoped.

"Thanks," I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"Alright, let's start checking the light levels!" Jock ordered. "Gimme your best muscle poses, guys!"

Well...this part I had no trouble with, just posing at the camera and looking like I wanted to fuck something...hard. Throwing my arms up, paws behind my back, showing off my ass, a nice angle to my tail...we went through them all, carefully mirroring one another, for a nice, hot, muscular, sweat-dripping effect.

"Okay, now compare muscles!" it was Max giving the orders this time.

Well, we did...grabbing arms, showing off, with appropriate faces...puffing out and showing off our bodies...and back then I was hefty enough to really make an effect to that degree. I'm sure it looked good on film, too. It better, too, because that was my job, lol.

"Okay, next up, let's do some poses...Benny, hold Rock from behind, and let's see how that looks like!"

I put my arms around the buff lion and put my chin on his shoulder, looking at him with a sexy leer while my thick arms held onto his muscular chest. The cameras flashed.

"Okay, and trade places!"

So we did that, me still trying to look as daddy-like as possible while being held by another big muscular lion from behind. First we shot it with me looking a bit reluctant, then submissive, then eager and least those were my names for the poses and faces that came off so easily.

"Okay, let's start with kissing!" Max ordered from his command center.

Well there we go...

It looked pretty on the cameras, I hoped. Jock came pretty close to take some close-up shots of our entwined lion muzzles, arms and paws doing some gripping of necks, looking all good and proper. It was working, too...because I grew hard, making the pouch in my jock extra full. The cameras didn't miss that, either, I hoped.

"Let's do some nipple stuff then!" that was Jock.

It's so know...doing all this in...slow motion, or whatever you call it...or just posing, I mean ,when you film, at least you're doing it, but now, when you do the photographs for a film, it's just....that's what you get. You get to see a hot lion's muzzle plastered against a muscled chest, with teeth glistening in the lights. Tyler had joined in and pointed a spotlight just there, so that they'd get an extra good picture of my teeth closed around a plump nipple standing out of the fur.

It wasn't remotely erotic, doing it like that. It almost never was, not in this "pose and show" phase of doing things. The actual filming was still to come, too.

" you grab Benny's junk! And you're both loving it!"

He did...and we did the appropriate poses...

"How about you grope his ass while he's groping your dick?"

So we did that...and then we paw rubbing the bulge of his jock, while he played around with my tail.

Both Jock and Tyler came close with cameras now, and I knew things were gonna get hotter.

"Alright, Rock, pull down Benny's jockstrap!"

The big lion got down to his knees and we made a good show of it, him easing down the jock, photographed at all phases until the black leather and elastic clung to my thighs and my dick and balls were exposed. I was happily hard, and a couple of strokes from my paw affirmed that state, even with the lion licking his lips hungrily. It didn't even look like a performance...not at that point.

"On with the oral then!" Max hollered. "Let's keep to the script!"

It was probably a bit of blasphemy to even call it that, but that's what it was, even if it was basically a choreography for how to film some nasty sexy photos of a lion going down on another. I made sure to do my best hot sexy faces for it, too. It did feel hot...warm and slick, like muzzles do.

"Time to swap, we've got enough for now, I think," Max reported, having viewed the photos as they came, "Benny, leave your cock hanging out, it'll be a nice contrast, I think, just keep it hard!"

"Sure, boss," I muttered.

"Alright, Benny, go down in front of Rock and take off his jock!"

Well here we go, I thought, as we traded places and I was kneeling in front of the big lion with a leather jockstrap, a reversal of our positions before. I made sure to spread my legs so that my own hard, big cock was perfectly visible in its 8-inch glory (9 for publicity, if you remember, lol!) , pointing upright and throbbing appropriately.


The flashes kept going off, capturing ever inch that jock slid down Rock Daemon's thighs, until...

"Okay, Benny, remember the shock mixed with sexy hard lust!"

Oh gee, thanks for the stage directions, Max...

Well, what the hell am I supposed to think? The jock came off and Rock Daemon's biggest porn asset came out. It looked just about what you'd expect it would, know...even I have seen one...up close, even, I might say, though obviously not belonging to someone with almost 300 pounds of muscle...that just didn't compute.

"Alright...good...good...keep looking at it, that surprise...but show that you want it..."

Okay, so I imagined something else there, alright? It's just...I'd seen the pictures, but when it was only inches away, it was a bit more difficult to put it into that strange part of your mind that kept telling that it was just a very clever photo manipulation some kinky bastard had done...wouldn't be that difficult, surely. But to see it in the flesh...uhm...meep?

"Can we do this again?" Rock suddenly called out, with my paws still on his hips.

I almost tail certainly did. I wondered if I'd done something wrong, now. I wasn't sure what was going on, and didn't know if I was supposed to move, something, or...

"Everything alright?" Max asked out, his gruff voice not really showing anything you'd associate with compassion in normal furs or situations.

"I'm not hard," Rock said, "at least not completely. It'll look better if it's fully hard."

I almost didn't dare to look at it...that...maybe an inch of flesh poking from a fold above his...folds.

"Sure!" Max replied.

"Just a sec..." Rock spat onto his fingers and then gently rolled that thing between his pads, and in front of my very eyes, it swell slowly and gained about half an inch of length, and really, really looked like a tiny dick by the time he was done and left it wet and ...well...there.

"That's better," he said, pulling his jockstrap back on, "I can go whenever you like!"

"Alright, Benny, like before!" Jock ordered.

So we did it again discovering that the huge muscular lion in front of me had a girl-part where you usually would find something a bit...external. Yes. I knew that. I'd know ever since they'd mentioned the name "Rock Daemon" to me, but...well, I was glad for that Viagra I took before. It made it easier, along with the body, of course...the rest was carefully done, if you had to use that kind of an expression.

"Okay, Benny, get your muzzle there."

Uhmm...well, I'll tell you. I put my muzzle there. Yes, that was part of the shoot. The same way it was part of the shoot that Rock put on a strap-on with a 7-inch cock and screwed me hard against the wall and doggystyle on the bed, and I returned the favor, and it wasn't that different from regular buttsex...and we did a rather naughty vision of my fingers in his ass while his...other side was placed on my muzzle, with him sitting on my face. It all looked great on film...Max and Jock were all over it, even though I suspected even they were freaked out by it. I wasn't sure...was that even the right word to use? I wasn't sure...

I knew that I was sore and a bit bow-legged afterwards. We hit the showers together in the locker room...this time with a couple of other guys there, too, and my fellow lion just took their gawks in the stride...even giving them a quick "howdy" of all things while soaping up his ass...I'd gone pretty hard on it, even though I'd been worried about my hard-on...suppose I was more open-minded than I knew myself to be.

The other guys filed out and them it was just me and Rock again, in the dank locker room, both of us sore and tired, my cum once splattered over his face and chest, and back, too. Cats can do a lot of times, after all...and none were to be wasted.

I was drying my arms and legs, watching, or maybe not trying to watch Rock take a small white bottle out of a toiletry bag. He uncapped it and took whiffs out of it, into each nostrils, I saw, watching with perhaps too much curiosity.

The bottle cap closed with a loud pop.

"It's a week more until my next slow testosterone injection, I'm starting to get a bit edgy," he said matter-of-fact, "this stuff levels it out."

"How often do you...?" I asked.

"Every two months," he replied, "it releases itself slowly over time. Near the time for a dosing, you start to feel a bit irritated and tired. It's normal."

"You didn't seem any of that out there today," I commented dryly.

He chuckled.

"It's a state of mind," he said, "I know I'm a dirty bastard, but you know that it's still an act."

"Yeah," I said, my paws slowly rubbing the towel over my thighs.

He still wasn't wearing still there...but I wasn't looking anymore. I was just listening to what he was saying.

"You didn't ask yet," he said.

"What do you mean?" I flicked my ears curiously.

Rock chuckled.

"Well, you didn't ask me yet why I decided to be the man with the pussy," he said in that deep voice of his.

I blushed.

"I thought it wasn't polite to ask," I said.

He chuckled.

"But you thought about it," he replied, "that's alright. That's cool."


"Everyone does," he said, "even in porn."

"I suppose..."

"Well, it's pretty simple," he said,"I've got a bunch of reasons. Some are more private than others."

"Of course, I didn't mean to -"

"I just never really wanted a dick," he said, "I like them but I don't long as furs see me as a man out on the street, it doesn't matter what's in my pants."


"I bet you thought that all transgender people want a complete swap job, huh?" the lion smirked, then snorted, "you'd be surprised what kind of variety exists."

"I...I don't really think about it."

"Which is your right," he said, "but for twenty-five years it was the first through in my mind when I woke up and the last one when I went to bed, before I started to finally do something about it, and now I can go whole hours without thinking about it...and you know what? Then I just think that instead of an ugly lioness I'm a pretty damn hot lion!"

He puffed out his arms, and they were really hot arms, too, no questions asked.

"And you know, I love being a bastard, too," he said, "I love this whole attitude that comes with being a guy. I always felt it but now that I am one, and I've got this great testosterone stuff going through me, I can really, really feel it now. It's great. It's really great to be a man. Do you ever think about it?"

"I don't really know how to think about it, when you put it that way," I said.

He got up from the bench and stood there, big muscled body on display, tail swishing behind him.

"Yeah, and that's why I don't mind this," he pointed at his junk, "I know that surgery is possible but it'd be mostly cosmetic. I like the rest enough that I don't really feel like butchering the one part that doesn't quite match. It works fine for everything it's intended."


He chuckled.

"Are you blushing?"

"Maybe," I said.

"Good," he said, "usually I only get to show it to curious bastards and those guys who have a thing for shemales."

"But you're not one," I stated.

"Nope," he said, "that'd creep me out. Besides, I hated my boobs."

There was no sign of them either...maybe except those slightly plumper than usual nipples I'd sucked on camera.

"Well your chest looks great."

"I've worked so hard on it, it better does!" he chuckled, turning about again so that I saw his ass, while he took out some boxers.


We dressed while trading some more banter, and then it was to be over.

"Thanks for being alright," Rock told me at the door, "You're alright."

"Uh...thanks," I replied, a bit confused, then, "you're alright, too."

"Thanks," the muscular lion winked, "come on. I'll order you a fruity cocktail or something at whatever drinking place is near. Fucking makes me thirsty."

"Uh...sure," I said.



Thank you for reading! Do tell me what you think about it, as always!


A Demon and a Non-Angel

** ** ** ** ** ** **\*** ** ** Well, guess what, Jimmy is back, and our lol-lion is reminiscing about his past again...and I think this one's a rather interesting experience for him, so do give it a read and tell me what you think! **...

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