A Demon and a Non-Angel

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#37 of Confessions of a Gay Porn Star

Jimmy remembers Rock Daemon.


Well, guess what, Jimmy is back, and our lol-lion is reminiscing about his past again...and I think this one's a rather interesting experience for him, so do give it a read and tell me what you think!


I've talked about bread and butter porn before, haven't I, oh friends of mine? That's true, isn't it? Most of porn is like that, because most of sex is like that. It can't be all double penetrations, bukkake, gangbanging, whips, shackles or delirious hammering over and over again and on and on and. No, most porn is you well know, my fellow fappers...lol!

But there was nothing ordinary about my encounter and brief working relationship with Rock Daemon.

Like these things often, did, this one too started with a text from Max, the boss and operator and producers and who knows what of Blue Paws Productions, telling me that he had something interesting for me. I was....32, 33 years old, maybe, my Benny Thicker days were in full swing and work was quite steady. A big musclebound lion daddy doing it with other big hunky musky muscle daddies or maybe the occasional cute twink that had to be broken in by someone who had plenty of experience...let the drool and spunk flow...lol.

The offices were adjacent to the studies. They were filming again today, I thought, but with the soundproofing, no naughty sounds escaped into the corridor outside Max's office. I got in about as soon as I was there, finding the huge, overweight bear behind his desk, acting all busy with his computer for a second while I waited. I looked gorgeous in my tight jeans that showed off my ass and my thighs and a sleeveless T-shirt to show off those hard worked for arms...yes...I was...prime meat.

"Benny!" Max said, using my assumed name without trouble, like he always did, casually.

"Hello," I said.

"We've got pretty good sales figures for your video with Rodney Harris," the bear spoke, still looking at the computer, "good, steady downloads. And the promo pictures were excellent."

"Thanks, boss," I mused, not really too interested, since I'd gotten my payment out of it, now was their turn to get the cash from the horny furs jerking off to me and that hulking tiger doing it on a convertible...talk about props!

"Yes, yes," the bear kicked his lumbering form back in his chair and rubbed his big black palms together, "very good."

"You got some more work for me?" I decided to cut to the business right away.

"Oh, we do!" the bear grinned greatly. "We've got excellent news, we've managed to secure one of the most interesting freelancers at the business at the moment and he's agreed to shooting several scenes with us which we will be releasing over a period of about six months. We're going to start filming now, and we've decided to put you into one scene, because two lions getting it on is always interesting, isn't it?"

"Heh, sure," I mused, not really too much bothered about species in general...though I suppose a lion was always a lion, eh?

""We're filming next week," Max said, "maybe you'd like to go and meet him first, though. He works in a downtown gym as a personal trainer when he's not filming, I understand they've got some kind of a promotional agreement or something, well, whatever they're profiting from it. But yeah, he's working there, so you might want to pay him a visit. The Tomcat Factory, it's called."

The bear laughed to himself, probably thinking that name was hilarious for some reason, lol, but he didn't speak anything else.

"Alright, I can look it up," I said. "What's the name?"

The bear flashed another smile, showing some slightly discolored teeth. Too much coffee, or something.

"Oh yes, I was coming to that," the bear stated, tapping his computer keys again, "I'm sure you're familiar with Rock Daemon's work."

My ears jumped. Of course I'd heard that name...I think I might've even been to some adult film awards at the same time as he...yeah...

"We've got Rock Daemon?"

The bear turned his computer screen around just enough so that I could see the picture that he had on there, a very buff lion with his arms folded over his chest, looking sternly at the camera, wearing nothing but a black jockstrap that hugged some damn well-worked thighs. He was big...and hot...

"We do, for at least six films!" the bear sounded pleased with himself.

"But isn't he more of a...uh..." I scratched a pec...murr..." a novelty act?"

"I don't care what he is, as long as he sells, and I've heard from good industry sources that the stuff he did for DickSuck Studios and CockyStallion Productions have sold really well," the bear replied, "Can't let those old queers steal all the market, can we?"

"I guess not," I said.

"Great!" the bear growled. "I'll get you the script by the end of the week, and you ought to be ready by Tuesday, yes?"

"Sure," I replied, though I wasn't so sure, really.

"Good!" the bear patted his stomach, apparently happy again. "Let's do it then!"

"Yeah, " I mumbled.

We didn't really exchange any chitchat - he was too busy anyway, and Max was always..Max. He wasn't the easiest person to work with, but he wrote my paychecks, so one had to make do. I left the studio, jumped into my car (one of the nice new electric ones that you left to charge overnight and could drive around the town all day) and considering that I was going to do gym anyway, I might as well get two things dealt with in one go.

It was easy to find the gym with my GPS, and even the ads that came up during me selecting that as my destination told me that it was a "very friendly place", the rainbow logos being self-explanatory. Stepping inside the place was a similar experience, considering that the small lobby was adorned with pictures of ripped guys in briefs, posing next to various gym equipment...hmm...I suppose if I didn't have a regular gym yet, this could've been my kind of a place.

I walked over to the check-in counter manned by this slinky cougar, smiling a bit, showing my gym back.

"I'd like to try this place out for today," I said, "and I'd also talk to..."

I stopped briefly, momentarily puzzled because I wasn't sure if this Rock Daemon guy was working here under his own name or something else. It wasn't anything unusual in the business, after all.

"...to...uh...Rock Daemon, is he working today?"

The cougar's polite smile only widened, as did the spread of his tail's eager flicking.

"Sure, he's in," the cougar pointed towards a big glass door that led directly into the gym itself, "just check out the floor, and of course, you can ask for any of the staff members for advice...though looking at you, you seem to have it all worked out..."

He was checking me out, sure, and I humored the guy with a purr and a wink before heading my way.

"Sure do, dude," I smirked.

Twinks aside, I did feel like at home once I entered the place, smelling the definite scent of gym and gym-enjoying furs all around me. It's a very particular thing, a strange mixture, a...cocktail of various smells all coming together, and it's often quite similar, whatever the place. As long as you got some weights, some furs, some jockstraps and some Gatorade together...there you go!

It wasn't a huge a gym, so it didn't exactly take me any time to locate my intended fur from amidst the two dozen or so maybe mingling about. He was standing by a treadmill upon which a bouncy-butt bunny was doing his best to keep up with the lion hitting the speed button every now and then to make him go even faster. The big lion stood there, clad in a T-shirt that had been artfully ripped by the arms and some training pants, and sneakers, I could see too. A strange combination of all business and a little bit of ageless gay fashion. Lol.

I walked up to my fellow lion.

"Hello," I said.

The lion gave me a gruff look, though not before it became a polite-ish nod.

"I'm still working here, so you could ask Cal over there to help you, sir," the lion spoke in a deep voice, "go on, little guy, two more minutes on this setting and we can start easing you back!"

Thump thump thump, the bunny was really being worked hard.

Heheh, weren't they always?

"I was told to come here by Max to talk to you," I said, "from Blue Paws."

The bunny gave us both a look...but maybe he didn't catch it, or just didn't know, or even care...or maybe he was just too busy having a heart attack...and the lion looked at me, too, realization dawning, I suspected.

"Right," he said, "alright..Cal!"

An athletic wolf appeared soon enough, sauntering from the other side of the room to us.


"Can you take over here, I've got to show this client around," the lion pointed at me, "just do the regular interval, we're about done here so just keep this up for a minute and then down?"

"Sure," the wolf flashed a wolfish grin to the bunny, "hey there! Let's see what you've got!"

Poor bunny, I thought, as the lion adopted a strangely familiar pose of having his arms across his chest, and looking at me.

"So, you're..."

"Benny," I offered a paw.

"Benny, right," he said, "why don't we go to the back to talk a bit?"

"Sure," I said, "Might check out the gear too afterwards, too, I'd like that."

"By all means," the lion rumbled a little. "Come on."

I followed my fellow lion through the gym and then through a door into a small, dank-smelling corridor, which led into a small room that smelled of stale coffee and protein shakes. There was an old leather couch and an exercise bike that seemed to act as a chair, too, judging by how it was positioned. The place was very unwelcoming...but I suppose the furs here didn't have a lot of time to sit around drinking coffee and comparing their bicep sizes.


"Sit down, if you like," the lion told me, "I'll just grab something to drink. You fancy something? There's...everything gym-like here."

"I'm fine yet, thanks," I replied, watching his tail swing while he took out a bottle of some sort of a multivitamin micronutrient cocktail drink and uncapped it with a twist of his wrist.

"I didn't introduce myself," he said after a loud slurping sip that ended in him rubbing his muzzle to the back of his paw, "name's Rock."

He offered me a paw and I took it, and his grip was ridiculously firm...almost like he was trying to bust my knuckles. I only barely avoided shaking my paw and hissing afterwards. He didn't try to sit down, he just stayed up, leaning on the wall and scratching his belly. I was kinda curious to see those abs up close...

"Yeah," I said.

"Benny, eh?" he spoke after a small awkward pause. "Didn't you go by...something else before?"

"Lance Logan," I offered, "Been working as Benny for a few years now."

The lion nodded.

"I see," he said.

"So..."I soon went for another porn star regular, "you've seen some of my work?"

"Sure," he nodded, "especially since that Max guy gave me a couple of your old scenes to watch."

"Heheh," I laughed.

"You seen any of my stuff?" he asked.

"Uh...not a great deal," I replied, feeling a bit embarrassed to say that, "I've seen some."

The lion took a big swig from his bottle and smacked his lips.

"Not quite your thing?" he stated, looking down to me.

I felt my ears flatten a lick, but I tried to keep up a polite smile.

"Well, not really," I said, "but I gotta say, you do look great, if you don't mind me saying."

He chortled, and shrugged.

"You'd be surprised how many are into it, though," he said, "but each to their own."

"Yeah," I swallowed dryly.

He shrugged again.

"Got any trouble with it?" he spoke matter-of-factly.

"Nope," I said.

"How about professionally?" he continued.


He chuckled.

"Think you can keep it up?" he looked at me pointedly.

"Oh..." now I almost blushed, and that didn't really happen a lot, not after seeing everything, "well you do look great...uh...hot...uh...I don't think I'll be having problems."

He chuckled.

"I've been guys who were really into the idea but as soon as the pants go down, so did their dicks," the lion spoke in that same strange tone with that deep, dark voice, "It's known to happen. The brain is the most important sex organ after all."

"Well I'll do my best," I replied dryly, "all of my organs.

He chuckled.

"I'm sure you do, big guy," he said, "you don't look half bad, either. You do a lot of work on that bod?"

"Five times a week," I replied, puffing out with pride," gotta work to keep it on the top edge:"

"Looking pretty good," he eyed me carefully, "pretty well balanced."

"Can't have one part bulging out while the rest sags," I smirked, "that's why I wanna check out the gym today here, do my usual workout. Didn't do it yet today."

"I can show you around," he said.

"Thanks," I smiled.

He drank from his carrot-flavored bottle and smacked his lips again, loudly...boorishly, even, I suppose.

"So what kind of work do you need to look like that?" I asked, out of genuine curiosity...just...you know...gym talk.

His tail swiped the air in front of him, peeking from between his beefy legs. He looked nonchalant, like he got this question asked every day.

"Hard work, every day, of course," he said, "lots of protein...omega-3...and some good old hormones, of course. At least I get them all legally, hahah."


"Yeah," I ended up saying.

He suddenly patted my shoulder, heavily, too. Not quite enough to pus the air out of my lungs but he wasn't gentle either.

"Hey, I don't make it an issue, don't you make it an issue," he said with a deep rumble, "I know you're freaked out but hey, it's all good. It does freak everyone out at first...unless they get off on it."

I hadn't decided on my category yet.

"I guess that's how it goes," I replied.

"You keep on guessing," he knuckled the side of my muzzle gently, not trying to hurt or anything, just a touch, a tad intimate between complete strangers, but I'd learned to live with lack of personal space for so long that it didn't matter anymore, "I know."

Well wasn't that cocky...

"Yeah," I said...lol.

"Come on, cat-boy, let's see what you can do!" he tossed the foul orange bottle into a nearby trashcan with pretty good accuracy, across the room. "In the gym...the rest can follow later."

That sounded like a challenge. I'm sure it was.

You didn't need a pair of balls to act like you had ones the size of melons, though.


Thanks for reading! I hope you had an interesting time here, and I look forward to hearing from you!


Dobie Tanning

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