Power of Legends 6

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Part 6! Almost done!

The next morning Hank woke up to the delicate slurps of his mates tongue aver his full balls. Hank reached down and pet his little brother and future princess. The boy was wearing some pink, high-heel boots, a matching collar, and a cute little thong that let his small prick spill over the top of it. He crawled up his lovers broad chest and planted a tiny kiss on those thick elk lips. "Good morning daddy."

Hank stretched his long, muscular gorilla arms "Morning little bro. You ready for our wedding today?"

Justin's eyes widened in shock "That's today?! Oh gosh what am I going to wear?! I haven't even planned anything and-"

"Shhhhhh shhh." Hank cut him off. "Don't worry about it. I have it all under control. And why don't you wear just what you're wearing now? It will be on TV, but you being a world famous pop star and all, I don't think that should bother you."

Justin nodded "are you sure you have it all under control? What about after?"

"What about it?"

"Well don't you want to make it something... You know... Special? When you take my virginity, I mean." Justin blushed at this.

"Oh but of course! I'll sweep you off to a special room, one that I have been working on, with only the finest fur sheets, donated by willing furs, mind you. I'll lay you down in the softest furs in the world, covered in rose pedals. Then I'll spread your legs and drill you harder than a jackhammer on a sidewalk!" Hank smiled.

Justin agreed that this was a good plan, then continued "Shouldn't I help get you ready then? We can't sleep the day away! Up up up!"

Hank rolled out of bed and was rushed all about the house, trying things on, looking at various decorations, and basically worrying about nothing. The king was approached multiple times by some of his pets with their rumps out and tails up, but he had to turn them down. After all, he was saving up for the main event!

The day went by quickly, and before he knew it, the king was walking up the isle, in front of all of his servants, as well as billions upon billions of furs watching at home. He was wearing a tie, but no shirt or suit. No shoes or pants as well, just a tie. His fur was neatly groomed, with the exception of the hairy jungle surrounding his Royal dick. The ceremony was brief, much to Hanks relief, mostly because he was sporting a raging hardon.

Then the wedding proceeded on to the reception, which was held in the mansion great hall. Since there was no bridal shower before the wedding, gifts were presented at the reception. They came in trucks from all over the world, and Hank estimated there to be at least a million presents. Just for him!

They all ate fine steaks with salad and pasta. The service was excellent. On each table a live performer danced on a pole, naked of course. Not to be outdone by his guests, Hank had his throne positively covered in female bunnies, all naked.

Justin didn't mind. He was a husband now to his older brother! More like his older brothers sex toy, but for some reason the boy really wanted this. His small cock throbbed at the thought of being mounted by his big, strong king. His husband gave a few speeches, followed by some more from various other furs. Justin always had to be looking like fine, drop-dead, fuckable beauty, because cameras were constantly flashing, and the whole event was live on every channel, everywhere.

The food just kept coming, but the newlyweds didn't eat much. They were too excited. After the live entertainment was finished sucking all the guests cocks, Hank stood up to give a final speech.

"First of all, thank you all for coming." Hank continued "I would like to start off by thanking all of my loyal subjects who sent gifts, they are appreciated. I would also like to thank specifically the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost, Santa, and a damn sexy panther whose name I never learned. Without you fellas I wouldn't be here today. Lastly I would like to apologize to my new husband in advance, because after tonight I don't think he'll ever be able to sit down again."

This got some laughter, followed by applause. With that, the new couple walked out of the room, followed by a dozen TV cameras and all of the guests. They were followed to the door where a limo was waiting for them. They got in, shut the door, and all of a sudden, it was just them. It was a weird transition, because only a second ago every fur that existed was watching them. Now there was peace.

The limo pulled off, although it didn't go very far. Just far enough into the dense forest that the cameras couldn't follow them. Then Hank blindfolded his husband, scooped him up into his arms, and began jogging off into the forest.

He knew exactly where to go, and within twenty minutes Hank came upon the clearing. He set down his queen, and told him to remove the blindfold. Justin obeyed, and opened his eyes to a small clearing in the forest, still covered by trees, however. In the middle was piles upon piles of the finest, softest furs imaginable. The bed, if it was even a bed, was circular, and easily 50 feet in diameter.

Justin turned around to hug his king, but was met with just a leg. Justin followed the leg up an saw that Hank had transformed completely into a black draft horse, standing nearly 30 feet off the ground. Hanks current form was so muscular it made his old one seem like a ballerina.

And his cock! Oh his huge, wonderful dick! It stood fully erect, and Justin guessed that it was about five feet long. The boy was only four and a half feet tall, but surely he could stretch. The kings royal balls were equally gigantic, the furry black ball sac dropping down past Hanks knees. Each orb could fit a tractor tire in them.

Justin kicked his pink boots off and quickly pulled his thong off. Following Hanks instructions, the boy tied his own thong around his face so that all he could smell was his own arousal. Even still, Hanks musk attacked the pop stars senses. His musk was so thick that Justin could actually see it in the air.

Hank lay himself on the bed, collapsing into the layers of soft, delicate fur. It felt like laying on a cloud. The Kings brother went right to work on his huge dick, slobbering it up as best as he could. After all, he didn't want to take the worlds biggest cock dry. But try as he might the little 8-year-old pop star just couldn't cover all of it. He even had to stand on his tip toes to reach the head of that titanic endowment.

Then the giant draft horse got up and picked up Justin in one hand. Hank used his thick equine tongue to wet the little kids tight rear. He was really, really tight. He couldn't imagine how many guys and girls would kill just to get the chance to see his brother naked. His own brother! A famous pop star! His naked body was so slender and fragile, he really was the perfect gay twink.

Despite the fact that Hank was almost thirty years older, and his dick was taller than most furs, Justin laid down on the softest bed in the world and awaited his husbands command. Hank grabbed his legs and forced them up over his head. Luckily Justin was flexible enough, and he grabbed his legs and held them spread, revealing probably one of the tightest puckers ever.

Hank lined his giant member up with his little brothers tight virgin hole. This was it. The day he had been dreaming of for so long. He would finally get to fuck not only his little brother, but his husband, the hottest young pop star alive, and his willing pet. Hank caressed the boys skin. It was so soft and delicate, like a baby. The kid hadn't even hit puberty yet. He had a nice pink thong wrapped around his mouth, and a pink collar with no leash. That was all he wore. His hair was a light brown and it was currently in disarray. The boy didn't even have any armpit hair or anything. His five inch cock throbbed, wanting so badly to get mounted and bred by his stud. It looked like he may have already cum, though it was hard to tell because his load was pretty small.

Hank was snapped back from his little daydream when Justin started begging "Please daddy! When are you going to breed me! My tight young ass is screaming for hot throbbing horse cock! Fill me up big brother! I want your seed!"

"You'll be so full by the end of this you'll wish you never said that!" Hank replied, then, in one fluid motion, he thrusted his dick into Justin's virgin ass. The boy screamed in pain, and unfortunately the first thrust barely did anything. The tip didn't even go in. Justin tried to relax his muscles and let his husband hammer away, but the pain was nearly too much.

Hank didn't want to see his baby brother in so much pain, but he had no other choice. The giant draft horse went for a second thrust, this time stretching the kids anal ring a little farther. A third thrust, a little farther. The fourth, fifth, sixth, tenth, thirtieth all came and went. Justin was too damn tight! Finally, after nearly fifty tries, Hank was sick of it. The horny king grabbed his brother with both hands and rammed him so hard he thought the boy would explode. Both of them screamed as the head of Hanks cock went in, Hank screamed in pleasure and and Justin in pain.

"You're a tight little girl huh?" Hank let Justin catch his breath after being spread by a six-inch wide horse dong.

Justin nodded "Don't go easy on me. Breed me as rough as you can." The boy was crying from the pain, but Hank nodded.

"You sure about this Hun?" Hank asked.

"Yes. I want this. I want to take you're entire cock. Isn't that one of the reasons I married you?" Justin giggled.

Hank was relieved to hear that his young lover wanted to continue, because he was going to keep going either way.

The king drilled his hips as hard as he could into the boy, gaining only a centimeter or so with each thrust. Luckily Hanks pre cum lubed up Justin quite a bit, and the rough humping smoothed out into slow, powerful thrusts, going deeper and deeper each time. Justin's did a good job of containing his screams, mostly just letting out a whimper.

Hank was much to focused on the boys virgin rump to care, happily pounding away at that young hole. In Hank's life he had fucked a few rabbits, foxes, otters, and other small animals, but none were as tight as this. Hank had six inches inside the boy, and he was starting to pick up speed.

Justin stifled another scream as his brothers thick cock pounded his young rear. Harder and harder Hank thrusted his hips. Justin even tried to press back in time with his lovers thrusts but it was too painful.

Hank had waited so long for this, hammering away at his husband. In and out and in and out that massive dick went, loosening up that virgin asshole further with each motion.

The pop star had already come a few times, but Hank didn't really care. After a full foot was in, Hank rested and let his lover regain his senses.

The giant draft horse folded himself down and met his husband in a sloppy, wet kiss. It only lasted five minutes or so, but it left most of the boys face covered in drool as he tried to swallow all of the saliva.

Already an hour had gone by, and Hank had only gotten a foot of his equine meat inside of his slutty twink. It was time to go full out. Hank humped his thick dick faster and harder than any normal fur could even be capable of. However this rapid thrusting was getting Hank close to climax. He kept going as rough as he could. A 18 inches came and went. Then two feet. Hank couldn't take it anymore!

The horse grabbed onto the pop stars hips and kept them in place as he yelled, announcing to the world he was coming. Then it hit both of them like a freight train. Hanks cock exploded, releasing gallons and gallons of sperm and causing more pleasure then Hank thought possible. His vision went fuzzy and his ears started ringing as he delivered shot after sticky shot into his lover. Justin stretched to accommodate each load of spunk, a continuous stream of jizz.

Hanks tongue lolled out of his maw as more and more white goo was shot into his new husband. Justin contained almost all of it, although a couple drops did drool out of his extremely tight ass. After what seemed like an eternity, Hanks horse balls let up, and the flow of equine seed tapered off.

Poor Justin thought that meant that they were finished, but Hank was even harder than before, if that was possible.

Justin moaned "Daddy please! Isn't that enough for today? I'm so full of cum I'm gonna burst!"

Hank smiled "Oh no you aren't even close. It could be a hundred times before I'm spent. I don't know if it's even possible, you see I've never tried to reach my limit."

"That could be weeks!" Justin replied, clearly not excited about the idea.

"Well if that's the case," Hank picked his thrusts back up "then I guess we better get started huh little cum dump? You're going to be a good slut and not give daddy any complaints right whore?"

Justin nodded weakly as his ass was drilled roughly "Yes daddy"

"Good girl" Hank continued to go deeper into his little brother, stretching his stomach outwards around his huge dong. Justin grabbed the bulge and stroked it, hard enough that Hank could actually feel it on his cock.

Thanks to copious amounts of cum, it was a little easier for Hank to get his dick farther inside his young virgin. Justin was on his hands and knees now, pressing back into Hanks thrusts. The draft horse grabbed the pop stars torso with one hand and forced the boy down onto that giant rod. Three feet in and two to go.

It took quite some time, because the sun set and night came upon the lovers, but they weren't concerned, they could fuck just fine in the moonlight.

The sun rose the next morning, bringing with it a new day, and a new orgasm for Hank. He had finally for all five feet of cock into his queen, and the sight was too much to bear. A bulge stretched the boys stomach up past his head, literally disfiguring him. Justin pumped the huge cock with both hands, despite it being inside of him.

Again, Hank exploded in pleasure as another lake of cum was shot mercilessly into the small child. Justin remained conscious, however as Hanks mind became a hazy mess. The draft horses dick was so large in comparison to the kid it was like Justin was just a condom, a little cock sleeve. The physics said nothing so large could fit in something so small, but Hank was not a normal mortal. And neither was Justin.

After fifteen minutes the flow subsided and Hank was at it yet again. The couple tried every position in the books, and Hank came again and again and again. After about the fifth time, cum started pouring out of Justin's mouth and nose, he even cried tears of cum. But that didn't slow down the breeding machine. Hank needed to know his limit, if he even had one.

Days went by and still Hank felt as good as ever, although Justin was in bad shape. Hank had hundreds of mind blowing orgasms, but he still felt fine. Weeks passed, then Hank lost track of time. If he hadn't, he would've known that he had literally been fucking his baby brother for over two months. Ridiculous? Impossible? Not for him.

Justin survived purely off of Hanks energy, taking enough cum to sink a cruise liner, over and over again. The bed was now a white gooey mess, still soft through layers of jizz. Justin was also reduced to a pile of horse semen, after he had been drenched in so much of it. Hank was dripping in quite a fair amount of his own spunk as well.

Two years later, after a ridiculous amount of fucking, and after a canal had to be dug to carry all the jizz away, Hank collapsed, unable to continue. Never before had anyone thought it possible. Only a thing of some crazy unrealistic fantasy, but Hank and Justin did it! They fucked for over two year. In a row, without stopping.

Justin was carried back to the palace, where they were greeted by news crews and photographers. Pictures of Justin's ruined body would be all over the news. Hank could see the headline "After two years; King tears virgin apart"

Luckily Justin was still only eight years old, thanks to a little magic. He was rushed to a hospital and Hank was rushed off to be interviewed. Justin had been plugged up, and would later be taken to a public photo shoot.

But now the giant Clydesdale was taken to a giant auditorium where thousands of press waited to ask questions. This of course was the last thing that the king wanted to do, after quite literally missing two of his birthdays because he was fucking for two years straight. Needless to say, even a sex king had limits. And he was exhausted. He put on a loincloth to hide his abused cock and overused balls, though it didn't come close to hiding the fact that his own jizz was literally dripping off of his body by the gallon.

Hank stood at the microphone, covered in his own cum, showing only the outline of his hulking muscles, skewed beneath layers of semen. Billions of furs would watch this broadcast, live. The first question was pretty dumb. "How good was the sex?"

"Well good enough for me to take two years to complete all of it" his majesty replied. Some laughed.

"Was the queen able to take all of your cock inside of him?"

"Yes, although it took quite a long time."

"So he was tight?"

"Easily the tightest ass I've ever seen. I don't even know how that kid takes a shit." More laughter at the kings comment.

"A lot of girls, and guys are wondering, how good is he, and could they have a go with him?"

"On a scale of one to ten, he's unbelievable. And no, that can not. Sorry." Disappointed sighs from the crowd.

"How many children would you like him to bear for you, assuming you would like children."

Hank thought about this "Well I'm sure he could take as many batches as I wanted him to, but if he had a lot of my babies, that would stretch him out a lot, and I wouldn't get to fuck him while he's pregnant, for fear of harming the child. Realistically I plan on knocking up a good majority of my servants. As you all know I got nearly 40 of my guards pregnant, although now that I've been away they have probably given birth." Hank finished his long explanation.

"Your majesty, is it true that you have a particular interest in children, sexually, that is."

Hank smiled "I do enjoy a good young virgin."

The questions continued for what seemed like day, maybe it was days. Hank didn't care. When it was finally over, he went up to his bed chambers for a long long rest.

The King was instead met by some 80 lions, half adults and the other half small kids. "HI DADDY!" They all shouted in unison, coming up to greet Hank.

After Hank was assaulted by his own children, and nearly hugged to death, his head guard came up to him and pulled him into an embrace. "Welcome back." The lion whispered.

"Good to be back." Hank replied "Are these all the ones I gave you on that plane ride?"

The guard nodded "We really enjoyed carrying your babies, and I think I speak on behalf of all of your warriors when I say that we want to be knocked up again. These men need to be bred by you."

Hank smiled warmly "I think that can be arranged. Plus, I never got to see you at all at nine months!"

The big cat laughed and the two chatted for a little while, but Hank was extremely tired, and he ended up falling asleep surrounded by 40 naked warriors, as well as 40 of his children. And slept. Finally.

Power of Legends 7

When he awoke, Hank was no longer covered in the warm bodies of his naked pets, although this came as no surprise to Hank. After all he had mot slept in two years. Hank didn't need as much sleep as mortals. Interestingly the king had gone do bed as a...

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Power of Legends 5

In Santa's place stood Hank's 8-year-old little brother. Justin Beamer, male pop star and child millionaire, Hank hadn't seen him in years, but he hadn't changed much. The small boy what white, and lacking much in muscle. What he lacked in bulk he made...

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Power of Legends 4

When Hank woke up, he was sitting on some sort of throne. It was soft, and it was made of some sort of animal skin. Hank immediately noticed about twenty male, muscle bound lions surrounding the throne. They were laying in a heap, all of them wearing...

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