Power of Legends 5

Story by spam1111 on SoFurry

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Chapter 5! Happy new year!

In Santa's place stood Hank's 8-year-old little brother. Justin Beamer, male pop star and child millionaire, Hank hadn't seen him in years, but he hadn't changed much. The small boy what white, and lacking much in muscle. What he lacked in bulk he made up in cock. A giant bulge was very evident, even through the layers of form-fitting clothes. The kid was four feet tall and had become a celebrity by age six. Mostly people just made fun of him, and most of his fans were elementary school girls. He was built like a girl, as if a male was trapped in a females body. Needless to say, the kid was a twink, looking as feminine as a mare in a field of roses.

He was so young, without a spot of hair on him, except for his long blond hair that flowed down to his shoulders.

Justin spoke up, confused, "H-Hank? Where am I? Why do you look different? Why are you naked?"

Hank went over to the boy and picked him up in his gorilla arms "Well little bro you're safe with me. I brought you here to make you my mate and show you what it feels like to do things with another male." Hank carried him into the living room and brought him a glass of water. "Here drink this, you seem a bit flustered. And why don't you take your shirt and shorts off? Get a bit more comfy."

Hank helped Justin with his shirt and shorts, leaving him in just his designer underwear. "How was your tour?" Hank made conversation to comfort his brother.

"Pretty good actually." Justin responded "made a lot of money, so my producers are happy. I learned a lot. Maybe more than most kids my age should know."

Curious, Hank wanted to ask him exactly what he shouldn't know, but held back. "You haven't changed much since I saw you when you were five." Hank observed.

Justin just shrugged "Yeah I hear that a lot. I look a lot younger than I actually am. I don't mind though. The girls like it."

Hank chuckled at this "Are you...interested...in girls? If you know what I'm saying?"

Curious, Hank wanted to ask him exactly what he shouldn't know, but held back. "You haven't changed much since I saw you when you were five." Hank observed.

Justin just shrugged "Yeah I hear that a lot. I look a lot younger than I actually am. I don't mind though. The girls like it."

Hank chuckled at this "Are you...interested...in girls? If you know what I'm saying?"

Justin laughed "You mean, have I ever fucked one? God no! I'm eight years old remember? Plus I'm more into men anyways."

"You know a lot about sex?" Hank asked.

"Sure do!" Justin Beamer casually responded. "Masturbated plenty of times. Started a year or so ago. Never actually done it though. But for some strange reason you...I mean I really want..." He trailed off "Nevermind."

Hank got on his knees in front of his brother, letting the young pop star watch as his future mates huge cock got harder and longer and thicker. "Do you want me to make you feel good? Teach you what it feels like?"

Justin nodded weakly, mesmerized by his elder brothers large endowment. Hank grabbed his younger brothers undies and pulled them off, revealing the boys massive boy cock. Hank grabbed his brothers 8-year-old dick and began stroking eat gently. It hardened quickly, as Justin was very eager, standing at a solid 30 inches. Damn! And this kid hasn't even hit puberty!

Hank bent down and kissed the boys tip, giving it a little lick. The stag teased his little brother and future queen. Justin Beamer moaned as his big brother ran his long tongue all over his huge boy cock.

The kid was sporting one of the largest erections Hanks had ever seen, and it was thicker than normal too! Luckily, Hank was an expert, and he had no trouble handling the oversized boycock. He ran his tongue over it, covering it in saliva. Hank even wrapped his long tongue around that big meat and pumped it with his tongue.

Justin moaned, having only heard of this pleasure, now experiencing it with his older brother. The boys massive dong was gently caressed and licked by Hanks marvelous tongue. It sent chills up his spine.

Justin Beamer remembered masturbating to porn videos where a hot girl would do this to some guy, and now it was being done to him! The child pop stars memories, however, were becoming distant. Evan as he recalled his past experiences, Justin started forgetting his past, replaced by new knowledge. He no longer remembered fapping to pictures of naked girls. No, he only had eyes for his mate. His brother.

Meanwhile, Hank was busy working his little bros large organ, sucking it into his wet elk maw. Justin's eyes were glazed over, lost in the pleasure that he was feeling. The stag happily took all two feet of throbbing boycock down his throat, resisting the urge to gag. Then, Hank began sucking his brothers cock like there is no tomorrow. He bobbed up and down on that rod with long, rapid movements, using his tongue to tease Justin's young dick.

Down Hank went, fondling the pop stars massive dangling orbs as he slurped up that meaty wang. It took no more than five minutes for Justin to cum, but despite him not lasting long, he made up for it in sperm. The boy pumped out shot after shot of his white sticky milk, emptying his balls of their gooey burden. The jizz mostly went straight into Hanks stomach, but a small amount ended up in his wet elk maw.

Without hesitation, Justin Beamer was brought into a kiss, and his king deposited his own fresh spunk into his mouth. It tasted good, so naturally Justin swallowed it down. The boy let his brother invade his mouth, exploring every inch with his tongue.

Then with that, it was over, Justin was left panting for breath on the couch, his future mate resting between his legs. Justin, now spent, drifted off into a peaceful sleep on the couch.

Hank, meanwhile, had a raging hard-on after his latest escapade. The king got up and began milling about, looking for a victim to fuck. He ended up finding a few small male huskies that looked...ripe. Hank was all ready to fuck their slutty little brains out with his titanic rod when he felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned around to see one of his lion guards.

The lion began "Master, I'm terribly sorry to interrupt, seeing as you look to be quite excited, but you have an appointment with some of your citizens."

Hank sighed. "Well fuck!" He turned back to the huskies "why don't you guys head up to my bedroom and put some leashes on. I'm still gonna mount you." Then he let the lion lead him to the throne room.

The king was greeted by a very pregnant panther, Easter Bunny, sparrow, Tooth Fairy, and Santa.

Hank greeted them politely "Welcome! What brings you all here? You all look nine months pregnant! Has it even been 24 hours?"

Santa stepped forward "We didn't want to keep you waiting for your babies! But that isn't the real reason we're here. You need to go out and see your people! They want to meet their king!"

Hank nodded, then asked "How long will it be? I have to get married you know!"

Santa replied "We realize that, but we have a plan. We think that in two months you can hit 75 cities. Of course, it will be rushed, and we could stretch it out to three months. Your princess will stay here, and we shall educate him. By the time you get back Justin Beamer will be a perfect queen for your highness."

Hank nodded, he didn't really want to, but he did have a duty to his people now. So without further ado, he agreed.

That night Hank did end up hammering those tight huskies, utterly filling them with his cum.

The next morning he got up and was whisked away by his guards to a massive, multi-million dollar jumbo jet. For the tour Hank was provided with 80 some lions, a bunch of bunnies, foxes, poodles, and horses, among some other servants.

Hank sat peacefully, looking out the window, seeing miles and miles of dense forest. "Where are we?" Hank said to no one in particular.

One of his guards replied "We're flying over your property. Called the royal island. It's as large as a continent. Your palace is dead center."

Wow. This was all his. Crazy to think that only a week ago he was raped by a common rat, now he is King over the entire planet.

Hank was roused from his daydreams when a large TV screen turned on as it dropped from the ceiling.

At least twenty buff lions made themselves comfortable. Some sat on the floor, some on Hank, another 5 or 6 began massaging various parts of his body.

"Seeing as this is a ten hour flight, we thought you might need some entertainment." Hank was brought a selection of DVDs to choose from.

Hank winked at the lion "I was actually hoping for some...live...entertainment."

The lion stuttered a little, then regained his composure "Oh of course! Right away your majesty!"

Hank felt a gentle pair of paws remove his loincloth as a multitude of felines began feeling him up. Dozens of paws gently massaged his royal balls, as even more tongues caressed them. One guard offered his maw to his king, and Hank took him in a horny kiss. The sheer joy of his masters lips was causing the lion to drool his copious pre cum onto his brothers. They didn't seem to mind, and two started slurping up his huge dong.

Then it became a free-for-all. Fucking felines littered the floor, and his majesty's hardening cock was being attended to by seven separate pairs of hands as well as tongues. Four more muscular sluts were toying with the kings giant pony nuts.

Another horny lion joined his brother making out with Hank as he was pounded from behind. One brave lion had latched on to his masters tip with his maw, though his brothers continued working the thick veiny shaft.

Hank broke the kiss with his two pets, much to their disappointment. The poor cats went to licking their kings large biceps. Hank stood up and walked over to a couple on the ground, grinding their large shafts together roughly. They kissed each other as they engaged in their lusty foreplay, oblivious to the dripping endowment that was throbbing only inches away from their tight assholes.

Hank let his 32 inch anaconda flop onto one of the lions back. He immediately looked up and raised his tail eagerly. His majesty happily took the tight feline without any hesitation, drilling into his warm depths. Not wanting to leave out this lions parter, Hank pulled his dick out of one and thrust it deep into the other. He continued this process of ramming one kitty rear, then ramming the other. They begged for more, and the king gave it to them. Harder and faster than any normal fur could ever dream of, Hank fucked his pets.

The two felines screamed in ecstasy as their majesty drilled their tight kitty asses. Hank thrust deep into each male, giving them Both a fair share of thick cock. Then, without warning, the king exploded into his subjects needy ass, filling him full of his seed before pulling out and filling the other one up with royal jizz.

Hank scooped some cum off of the lions, now unrecognizable, and used it to lube up his next victim.

For the rest of the flight Hank went on like this, dumping a load in whichever ass was closest, then move on to the next one. By the end of the flight. Almost forty lions lay on the floor, filled to obscene proportions with his majesties royal spunk.

The ones that could still walk did their best to clean Hank off before he had to get out. After that he was whisked away in a car and taken to a giant stadium to give a speech that he hadn't even prepared for. It all moved very fast.

Before he could count to ten, Hank was thrown out onto stage in front of millions of people, billions even, counting the ones watching on television. Hank was still nude as the day he was born, letting his Clydesdale cock stand at its full glory. The largest cock on the entire planet.

The king cleared his throat. "People of Ayoria! Good morning!" They cheered like crazy. Wow. This would be a breeze. "You are know looking at your new king!" More cheering. Hank could get used to this. "Unlike the old fool that used to run things, I promise to take care of all of my subjects. No matter what." Still more cheering. Hank talked a little about some political shit, then he was ushered off during the national anthem and that was that. Ten minutes. That's it.

However the king still had to go all over the world delivering these speeches. Not that he minded.

6 months later

Hank's plane landed in front if his palace, ending a long, tiring tour throughout the entire planet. Hank had impregnated all but one of his servants, leaving the pilot. Hank was getting rather good at impregnating men. He had also left his babies with hundreds more around the world, but he couldn't take them all home.

As soon as the king stepped off the plane, an ecstatic Justin Beamer came running full speed, wearing just a short tank top and a mini-skirt.

Hank gave his little brother a big hug, not wanting to let go for ever and ever. But alas, they had to, and Justin quickly informed Hank that he was ready for their wedding and that he was still a virgin and he needed some cock. He had been trained well.

Hank said hello to all of his servants and pets, letting them all know of his return.

Seeing as all he wanted was a good nights rest, Hank took Justin up to bed with him. The boy fell asleep with his head resting on Hanks nuts, as Hank drifted off to sleep as well.

Power of Legends 6

The next morning Hank woke up to the delicate slurps of his mates tongue aver his full balls. Hank reached down and pet his little brother and future princess. The boy was wearing some pink, high-heel boots, a matching collar, and a cute little thong...

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Power of Legends 4

When Hank woke up, he was sitting on some sort of throne. It was soft, and it was made of some sort of animal skin. Hank immediately noticed about twenty male, muscle bound lions surrounding the throne. They were laying in a heap, all of them wearing...

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Power of Legends 3

When Hank woke up, he was sitting on some sort of throne. It was soft, and it was made of some sort of animal skin. Hank immediately noticed about twenty male, muscle bound lions surrounding the throne. They were laying in a heap, all of them wearing...

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