Revenge on the Kingdom

Story by Kaa on SoFurry

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Revenge on the Kingdom

Blood pumped furiously through the dragon turtle's heart, pulsing in his ears and moving through his short stout legs, which moved faster than ever before. The growing fire in his belly raced towards his brain, and fueled his mad dash towards the top of the hill in a desperate attempt to avert the disaster he had witnessed countless times. Each time he would try to learn to avoid the mistakes, and every time he failed.

His forces had advanced from different ways, different strategies. They always advanced, made their way through enemy legions of Yoshis and Mushroom soldiers. Sometimes the battles were fought with surprising ease, sometimes the struggle was fierce and deadly. Every time, they cleared the path for him to witness the ultimate battle.

Blood was spilled -- his enemies and his own -- as he raced uphill, where two figures at the top battled for their lives, and those of which they championed. Both weary, tired, badly injured and just one hit away from possible death, each one waited the perfect opportunity to strike the last blow. Whomever hit, death was sure to follow for the other.

The Koopa would always arrive at the same exact moment in the battle, and witness the same outcome. One figure -- the same one every time -- shot a small fireball. The other figure moved immediately to defend, laughing. His mind, overconfident in its weakened state, did not realize it had left the body wide open. The attacker responded with a sudden, much larger fireball. The opponent was caught unaware, only seeing the fire just as it was about to burn his flesh.

The fireball hit, as it had done countless times. Each time, the koopa watched, powerless to prevent it. Every time he had done things differently, he had avoided the mistakes of the past.

Once again, he had failed. And so he watched helplessly as once again he became the biggest loser, in the most painful way possible.

"Noooo!" he shouted.

Once again, the dragon turtle woke up, screaming. Like clockwork. Every year. It was the anniversary, after all.

His roar continued even as his mind awakened. How many times must he be tortured like this? How many more times his heart and soul would be rendered apart, the pain so wretched that the only relief -- death -- would not come to spare him? Why? Why, in the name of all the koopa ancestors, his heart still would not give up?

Nothing worked to dispel the curse of recalling the events of that fatal day. His own powers seemed insignificant. His own aides could give him no help to ease, much less erase, the rendering of his soul as death claimed the life of a Koopa.

He did not turn to look at the clock on the wall. He knew exactly what moment it was. He would always wake at the same, exact instant, on the same day of every year.

He tried to control his stomach, to keep himself from returning whatever was left of his last meal. Drenched in sweat all over his scaly, naked hide, he slammed the balcony door open and stepped outside. Hands clenched into fists, nails digging into his own flesh, biceps bulging as he seemed to hold a tremendous weight above, he howled into the uncaring night. The wind carried his pain into every corner of his own empire, and beyond into lands that had scorned and humiliated all that he held dear.

He never paused to think how his howling affected his servants. They knew of the day, they knew of the pain of their mighty dragon ruler. Even when they prepared, the howling was unnerving. They could only close their eyes and pray to whatever koopa spirits would hear.

The koopa king's howl stopped only as his throat finally gave way from pain. The turtle dropped to his knees, then buried his head in his hands. His howling subsided and turned into pitiful sobs. Once again, he hoped for a response -- a voice, the one particular voice that could ease the grief in his soul. Once again, it never arrived.

He began to cry. Fuck whatever or whomever thought less of his maleness; he deserved to cry.

Twenty years of the same torture was enough to break even a koopa's soul.

Once, he wanted to give up. He had planned to kill himself when the dreams would come every day, when his mind hurt the most. Thankfully, they retreated before he lost his sanity. His body and mind had hardened, but the pain would never cease completely.

A soft, concerned voice resounded in the hallway before the speaker showed up at the door. "Everything's all right, sire?"

The dragon turtle rose to his feet and turned to face the door to his bedroom. He remained almost impassive as the elder Magikoopa opened the door to the bedroom. He did not need to explain what happened.

"Yes, Kamek."

He felt the old eyes staring at his muscled body with concern. "Would your Highness need some help to sleep?"

The spiked, tall Koopa shook his head. "Bring me a book from the library. Any book. I'm too restless to go back to sleep."

The magikoopa barely moved a muscle as he cast a simple spell and caused a book to land on his right hand, then passed it effortlessly to his master.

The dragon turtle took a quick glance at the cover, and smiled slightly. He recalled fond memories of his early youth as he learned to read, growing ambitious with every book. This particular one, his father had encouraged him to read.

"It has been a long time since I held this one in my claws. Thanks."

Kamek stood at the door. The Koopa turned to look at him, already knowing what the old sorcerer wanted.

"Permission granted to speak."

Kamek bowed. "Is there anything you wish for me to do?" he asked respectfully.

"Your concern is appreciated, but I am fine."

"Sire... with all due respect -- how long will it be before you seek help? This cannot continue; at least, let me try to--" He was halted by the firm, deep voice of his master.

"Don't start. Please. I am not a child. I stopped being one years ago."

"Forgive me, my lord. It's that... sometimes I still see you as that small koopaling, so fierce and indomitable spirit that I tried to raise, after --"

Raising his left claw, the koopa aimed a finger at Kamek. "I know, and there is no way I could ever thank you enough. Nobody could had done better. But what lies in the past we cannot change, even if it should not stay buried there."

Kamek wringed his wrinkled hands as he nodded sadly. "Where did it all go, sir? Our past... The small koopaling I nurtured..."

"Maybe he grew out of his spiked shell. I have asked the same questions myself many times before. Now let me be. I need to be alone before we head over to the site in the morning."

"As you wish. Good night, sire."

The koopa sighed and closed the door. He made his way to his favorite chair and sat down. Kamek's words repeated in his mind as he stared at his strong, muscular body.

He opened the book and began reading. Tears welt in his eyes, imagining a time when a deep, guttural voice read the words to him. That Koopaling's innocence had died many years ago. He had fond memories of it -- of learning to read, sitting on his father's lap. And of more serious matters, like learning who his enemies were, and preparing for the day when he would take over the kingdom.

The koopa's steps began to falter as the hill came into view just as the early sunlight of dawn. The sun's first rays seemed to shine brightly and solemnly on the single stone spire at the top.

His breathing became faster and difficult, not from effort, but from the memories. Slowly this time, his clawed feet trod the same path to the top that he had followed in his dreams, the same one he did every year in that particular morning. Again alone, except for the faithful Kamek following quietly behind.

Once at the top, Bowser Jr. closed his eyes as he lowered his head and knelt down in front of the spire that marked the grave.

"Greetings, father."

Once again he read the inscription, the contents of which he knew in his heart.

Here rests Bowser, the mighty Koopa King, strong leader and father. Here he transcended his mortal flesh when he fell during his last glorious battle. May he find peace and redemption.

The young Koopa never had figured out who had made the inscription. Perhaps some small troopers, touched by the loss of their leader.

He sat, legs crossed on the soft grass. The kind that never used to grow in his kingdom. He breathed deep, allowing his nice skin be bathed in the warming sun, the soft breeze, and the presence of a larger, ethereal figure to envelop him.

Twenty years ago. On that same spot where Bowser's body rested, the once feared mighty lord of the koopas had breathed his last. Blind during his last moments after his last fight with Mario, he did not see his own son standing there. But he died smiling, feeling Jr's presence, thinking he had won the battle.

"Another year has gone by," Bowser Jr. continued "and I still miss you as he much as the first day. I wish I could give news of success, that I have completed what you started. I can never ask for enough forgiveness, for I have let you down."

He opened an eye half way and turned to look at the distance, at the same spot every year where he had seen him.

He was there. Mario.

The cursed, small human creature. As always, riding his faithful green dinosaur companion.

Both bore the battle and the years afterward had inflicted. Mammal and reptilian flesh alike were scarred and wrinkled. Mario's hair had turned into shades of grey and white, while Yoshi's once vibrant green had faded into a pale shadow of its former shade.

Bowser Jr. took small comfort that the plumber had not been victorious without his own losses. Earlier in that fateful day, the elder Bowser had killed Luigi during the long assault to take Princess Peach's castle. The Koopa king had taken delight in ending the long siege by killing Luigi, ripping the human's head clear of his shoulders while Luigi was still conscious and alive.

Bowser left his son in charge of the Mushroom castle while he set out for his final fight with Mario. But the elder koopa did not realize -- or chose to ignore -- the full extent of his wounds. Weakened from combat, his final, glorious battle cost him his life.

Much had passed in the years since then. The Koopa Kingdom had retreated to their domain, defeated and in disarray. The younger Bowser had not been strong after Bowser's passing keep them united. Still in shock after his father's death, he refused the counseling of Kamek and other experienced soldiers.

Thankfully for them, the Mushroom Kingdom decided not to push any further offensive against the koopas.

Years passed without any more conflicts.

Bowser Jr. breathed deep and slow, and slowly crossed his arms in front of his chest as he meditated, driving the negative presence of his father's killer take him away from the solemnity of the day nor from paying his respects to the late koopa king. Once, on the first anniversary of the battle and when he was still a pup, their presence on the nearby hill had driven him into uncontrollable rage, and he raced to fight them. Neither Mario nor Yoshi held back; his battered, broken, bloodied body was found the next day, a few heartbeats from death.

Kamek took to nurture the injured koopa through the long, painful recovery that followed. Only the magickoopa's caring kept the youngling from joining his father in death several times as fever overcame even the growing fire in his young body.

He eventually regained his mind; health and spirit followed soon after, although he never recovered completely. His shell had cracked, allowing infection to set in, from which he would never heal fully.

Hours passed; he had no idea how many. He just let the feeling of his father's spirit calm him. He opened his eyes as he finished his communion. The plumber and Yoshi were gone.

He said nothing as he rose to his feet. He made no sound, no complaint about the pain from his old wounds that racked his nerves and bones. Bowing again in front of the spire, he turned and began the long wall back to the castle, with Kamek following silently a few steps behind.

Neither reptile spoke for several miles. It wasn't until they were well inside koopa territory that the younger Bowser broke the silence.

"You don't need to continue following me, Kamek. Fly to the castle if you wish."

The sorceror did not reply. Bowser Jr. sensed the emotions seething inside his custodian. He continued marching, not turning to face Kamek as he spoke.

"I know what you are thinking."

Kamek frowned. His voice cracked as he addressed the larger, spiked Koopa. "Twenty years, sire. After this day, now what?"

"We continue life as we know it."

"Someone needs to grow out of his shell," Kamek mumbled.

Bowser jr's voice did not change, nor the Koopa missed a step as he walked. "Careful, Kamek. One would think you are beginning to lose faith in your king."

"That is putting it mildly, sir! Our kingdom is faltering. The castle's glories have faded. Everywhere I turn to, I overhear some trooper constantly saying you are afraid to fight."

"There is more to strength than brute force. My late father found that out the hard way. And this accursed, broken shell keeps me from doing the same, even if I wanted to. Whatever I do, I will do in the best way I can honor his memory."

"There is no one who misses the great King Koopa more than I. I raised him from little more than a hatchling. Built him into the great lord and warrior he was. I wonder where I failed now. You have been in mourning so long, you have neglected your duties. They --" Kamek stopped.

Bowser Jr. turned to face him. He took two steps forward towards the magikoopa, eyes narrow from slight anger. "They what?"

"They joke that you are too weak and... limp-wristed to sire a successor. No desire to, um, mate a female koopa. That you even like taking it up your tail, even."

"What gets to happen on my bed or who receives the end of a meat stick, in the privacy of my bedroom, is my own business!"

Kamek bowed profusely. "I know, sire! Please, I am just the messenger. I know the troopers you have sought to keep you company sometimes certainly have been much... pleased."

"Good. But you are right. The path of a koopa sometimes has more thorns than spikes in our back. But I assure you, Kamek, that has already begun to change. It should not have taken me twenty years to react." He smiled as he turned around to continue walking towards the castle. "You'll just have to keep waiting a little more."

"How soon?"

"It will take time. It will take a different tactic. Subtlety is not the way of the koopa kings, and that is where the surprise will come."

The young koopa glowed in red fiery light. "Tonight... the young son is no more. Tonight, the Mushroom Kingdom would better start fearing again. For I shall no longer be know as "Jr." They will learn once again to fear the name of... BOWSER." He chuckled. "Yes... oooo, hehehe!"

Kamek smiled, his eyes moist with tears. "Sire... you have no idea how much I have missed that laughter."

The next day arrived, and the one after. Fortnights passed, and then the seasons.

The eve of the twenty-first anniversary arrived.

Bowser watched the gathering of koopas. A far cry from the massive armies his father had assembled that terrible night. Brute force was not the younger Bowser's intention, however. His plans would move along a different path.

Assembled in front of him were his most loyal troopas and Kamek. These koopas were more than Bowser's loyal soldiers. Kamek was surely thinking how could they dare suck on their king's cock; swallowing seed that would had been better spent trying to father a successor.

Even worse was the mere thought Bowser would present his tailhole for them to enjoy in some unnatural, carnal coupling. A ruler behaving like some common street whore, allowing himself to be dominated by his subjects... was... unthinkable.

The Koopa King secretly enjoyed watching the magikoopa squirm, the sorcerer barely able to hide his contempt.

Bowser never seemed upset that the sorcerer had been privvy to some of his intimate moments. The koopa lord even seemed eager to leave the door to his room open at times and put on a show, his orgies becoming a cacophony of grunts, roars and Koopa cum.

Bowser felt pity for no one other than his maids for having to clean the sticky messes.

The whole ensemble had marched at a calm pace. Few words were spoken as they advanced towards the hill, the place of the fateful defeat so long ago.


"Yes, Kamek?"

"I've noticed our troops carry very few weapons."

Bowser nodded. "We don't need them. And we don't attract undue attention. It is not like we plan to attack the Mushroom Kingdom."

"No, with some luck they will think we are here to heap further disgrace on your father's memory."

"Don't test my patience, Kamek."

"My old ears have heard many things. Other than have you speak of victory."

"Patience. That will come. Sooner than you think."

"I have waited years."

"Then you shouldn't mind a few more hours, sorcerer."

Camp was setup promptly and unceremoniously. Bowser now stared at the fire, watching the embers dance around the pieces of meat getting roasted. He took a quick glance behind him, towards the hill where his father's grave rested. He said nothing, turning to the food.

A short distance away, the small group of troopas and paratroopas gathered around their own fire, engaged in lively chatter. He knew what they were thinking; just like they had the same thought. He wanted nothing more than lift their tails and bury his eager manhood into one of them, at the same time he would let another enjoy the royal Koopa's ass.

Only one thing kept their wait and vigil from turning into a massive scaly orgy. The day and place were wrong for it. Even if his late father was quite a sex machine.

"And there is the other," Bowser muttered, his thoughts interrupted by the approaching footsteps.

He turned his attention back to the fire before the bushes perted to reveal the Magikoopa, back from a short incursion into the bushes to leave some surely foul smelling dump. Bowser could not tell in the soft, flickering light wither Kamek was relieved or disappointed the king was not having another of his infamous orgies with his soldiers.

Bowser smiled as he tended to the nearly done meat he was roasting. "Fire is such a strange element. Isn't it, Kamek?" He paused and nodded. "I could stare at it for hours."

"It grows in your stomach, sire."

Kamek waited on the opposite side, slowly becoming more restless. "Don't mind me, sire. Go tend to your lovers if you wish."

"It is true that I could use a good fucking right now. But there is more to life than sex. Like justice, for example."

"And this is how you plan on avenging your late father? With a bonfire in the forest? Oh, I bet the Mushroom Kingdom is trembling right now. You will kill Mario, all right. He'll die laughing."

Bowser said nothing as he pulled the meat out of the fire. The searing flesh was nothing to the turtle; clamping his jaws on the steaming leg, he ripped a huge bite out of it. He hardly chewed as he continued talking. "There was something my father probably never learned, Kamek, and that is patience."

Kamek grimaced at the spittle and bits of the Koopa's food flying at him. "I would trade that for a warm bed right now."

Bowser laughed, a deep voice that already began to sound like that of his late father. "Surely not to rest, I wager. A Magikoopa of your age, still making the bed squeak from action. You probably have a few folks born out of your meat stick. Perhaps they now enjoy the attention of their Koopa lord, even."

Kamek gritted his teeth. "Your own birth wasn't entirely noble, sire. And unlike you -- you do not seem interested in fathering any successor."

Bowser shrugged. "That may come someday. Right now, I'm content with all of the pleasures and none of the headaches."

"And when that will be? When you are old and even weaker?" Kamek snorted. "Not that I care. I'm not going to be around for it in any way." He shivered, angry with tension. "Who knows what great Koopa lord would had been born, had its seed not being wasted inside one of your consort's ass."

Bowser's eyes flared. "That is enough disrespect from you, Kamek! I will not tolerate any more --"

Bowser kept still.

The bushes rustled.

Bowser sniffed. "He is here."

"He? Who are you waiting for, sire?"

As if in answer, the bushes parted to reveal a green dinosaur.

"Yoshi!" Kamek shouted. "Mario has found us! Run, sire! I will hold them right here!"

The sorcerer stood paralyzed in disbelief as Bowser moved quickly to shield the green dinosaur. "Whoa, whoa!" he said. Relax, Kamek. Cool down those magics. I don't see why Mario would be disturbed by our bonfire. We are in the koopa territory, anyway. And besides, Yoshi here is alone. Of sorts."

The green dinosaur pulled the rope, dragging a bound and gagged Birdo carrying a sack on her back, much apparent against her will.

"I have... done as you wished, Bowser Jr.," Yoshi said, his voice trembling, seemingly from more than fear.

Kamek readied his magic wand. "I don't trust him."

Bowser planted his right hand on the sorcerer's shoulder. "He is in no position to fight. Look closely."

Kamek blinked. "I don't understand, sir. What--?"

"Stop the chatter!" Yoshi screamed, visibly irritated and distressed. "Mario... will have no mercy when he finds out. I am dead." His eyes narrowed. "Give them to me. Now!"

"You overgrown green sausage!" Kamek growled. "You will not speak to the King like that!"

The Koopa King moved between both, silently motioned Kamek to calm down. "You have done well, Yoshi. And it is just Bowser from now on."

"I don't care how you call yourself! I did my part! Now give me what you promised!"

Bowser nodded and turned to rummage inside a large sack, and pulled a bale of weeds.

Kamek's eyes grew wider. "Fire weeds?"

He paused to look at the troopas. They had propped the bound Birdo on the ground; a paratroopa had already moved in position to rape her savagely, with the others jostling for the next position.

"What's the word?" Bowser said, twirling the bale of weeds in his hand.

Yoshi growled. "Please."

"That is a good dinosaur," Bowser said, grinning toothily as he tossed the weeds, aiming at the ground in front of Yoshi. "Enjoy."

The bundle never hit the dirt, snapped in mid-air by the dinosaur's long tongue gulped the whole bundle, rope and everything.

"By the first koopa!" Kamek exclaimed. "You got him hooked!"

"Indeed. And quite badly, as you can see. He has craved his fix so much, he was willing to do anything I asked."

Bowser opened the sack to reveal a young, blond human female, tied and gagged.

"Tell me this is not a comely wench, Kamek."

The Magikoopa gasped. "Luigina!"

"Indeed. Mario's and Peach's daughter. The first victory, Kamek. Yes, Mario will be after her. More determined than ever. But by then, it will be too late to save her from her fate."

Both Bowser and Kamek turned as they heard Yoshi scream. The green dinosaur clutched his chest in apparent pain. "Aaaacckk!"

Bowser's face twisted in mock apologies and sorry. "Damn. I knew I forgot something. The weeds needed one more refinement to extract the rest of the poison."

"You... You fuck... ing... bastard..." Yoshi said in between gasps for air.

Bowser's grin turned into anger. "You stupid, pathetic thing. You really thought I would let you live? After all the nightmares I've lived since you and that cursed Mario brought me since my father's death? And the pain I live with the cracked shell?"

The koopa's hands clenched into fists. "No, you worthless green shit. You will not suffer even a quarter of the pain I have lived through. But I will savor this night forever. What better night than tonight?"

He grinned toothily as he stared at the defenseless Yoshi. The dinosaur's eyes went wide as Bowser let his heavy genitals hang down. "It would be a shame if I let your flesh go to waste."

Yoshi tried desperately to move, but his poisoned body barely twitched. "Noo... Don't..."

Bowser grinned as he turned the dinosaur belly down and pulled his tail up, exposing his puckered tailhole. "Kamek, would you mind if I fuck this wretched thing?" he said, not even looking at the Magikoopa.

"Do as you wish, sire." Kamek said, trying to seem indifferent even as his voice denoted his happiness.

The koopa king knelt in front of the suffering dinosaur. He said nothing as he pulled his cock from his vent, pressed it against Yoshi's tailhole. Bowser found resistance, even as Yoshi's body succumbed slowly to the poison.

"A tight tailhole, I see. I see it is true what they say. Your race's tails are better for pushing things out rather than in. All the much better."

Bowser was not even the least gentle as he rammed the cockhead in, followed by most of his length. Yoshi screamed, the pain of his slow death punctuated by the rape.

Bowser thrusted deep and fast. Each push of his fat member elicited a scream from his victim. Yet it only served to augment the the Koopa king's lust and desire to rape. Bowser grabbed Yoshi's snout, digging his claws into the flesh as he held tightly to silence the dinosaur.

"Look it at this way,Yoshi," he said, not even stopping a second as he continued his savage thrusts. "Mario would had surely made you to suffer more than I am doing now." He let go of Yoshi's snout. Enjoying his victim cry and beg for mercy.

The Koopa granted none. He thrusted hard, deep and fast. Hatred that simmered for years fueled his savage raping of his defenseless victim.

Bowser tensed and shuddered for a few instants, then pulled out completely. Breathing fast, he saw Yoshi moan and sigh with relief... then plunged his cock again. Yoshi screamed again, even louder.

"Oh, fuck..." Bowser moaned as he continued to pound Yoshi's ass. Each thrust lifted the dino's tail up; each time he pulled out it felt as if he was turning Yoshi inside out.

His lust and anger were intensified from what happened Close by.From the corner of his eye he saw the troopas still raping the moaning Birdo. He was surprised -- and pleased -- to see Kamek plunging into her.

Bowser pulled his head back, belching fire and roaring as he finally climaxed inside Yoshi. The latter moaned, perhaps suffering more from still being alive than having being abused by the Koopa king.

"You deserve something for being such a good fuck, Yoshi," Bowser said as he pulled his cum soaked member from inside Yoshi.

Yoshi's body was no more alive than a bag of rags as Bowser turned the dinosaur to lay on his back. The Koopa pried Yoshi's vent open end pulled hard on the dinosaur cock.

Yoshi moaned, a pitiful sound intended to ask Bowser to let him die in peace. But the Koopa Just began to masturbate his victim. Just like when he violated the tailhole, Bowser's movements were fast and furious, with no regard for the suffering reptile.

Yoshi tried to keep from becoming aroused, to no avail. His body was no longer for him to control. Against his will, he found himself closer and closer to climaxing.

Which he finally did, Bowser clamped his jaws on Yoshi's dick. Biting hard as he sucked the hot seed. Yoshi screamed from the pain.

The pain was overshadowed by an even bigger one. His heart, already beating hard from the poison, began beating even faster as Yoshi climaxed. Too fast for it to keep. With one last powerful beat, it finally gave up.

Yoshi screamed, then gurgled and remained still.

Bowser stood motionless for several seconds, then spat some of Yoshi's seed into the dinosaur's corpse. He looked at the lifeless body for a few seconds before kicking it, sending it flying several meters before it landed into an obscene heap.

"Fuck in hell, Yoshi."

Bowser didn't bother cleansing his crotch, carrying his dirty genitals as a mark of pride to his revenge.

He quickly ordered his troops to make af hasty return to the castle. There was still much to do. He marched behind them; those at the rear dragged a still defiant Birdo. He knew it would not be long before her will would be destroyed, to be reduced to nothing more than a mindless whore for the troops to use as they saw fit.

There was still the most important detail. Mario was still around. Older, but still not to be underestimated. Even if he would lack some of his helpers. By then, a big portion of the Mushroom Kingdom should be hooked on fire weeds.

Bowser had no intention of fighting. Mario would take Luigina back, just like he had saved Peach many times before. The Koopa king, however, would make sure that Luigina would not return before carrying the future Koopa king with her.

He laughed. And someone laughed with him. A deep laughter, audible only to the son of the former Koopa King.


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