A Bench In The Park

Story by Kaa on SoFurry

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A Bench in the Park

(Inspired by my sketch "A Talk in the Park.")

Brent sighed. His nostrils trembled as he snorted, then whistled softly as he resumed his normal, slow breathing. He exhaled at a calm pace as he sat on his usual spot; the same bench in the same park.

The sun shone brightly, warming his soft scales yet not enough that he felt his skin burning. Winter had gone into retreat, and the air sparkled with the cool days of spring. Weather, however, meant nothing for the iguanodon. For Brent, it was a day just like almost most others.

The iguanodon looked as the world continued its usual march around him. Many were those who were the players in an interminable, uneventful drama that flowed constantly and uninterrupted in front of him. A quarter of a block away and directly ahead was Brighton Avenue, where all kinds of road vehicles moved, their occupants going toward unknown destinations, whether their goal was for business, pleasure, or simply killing time. The sidewalks teemed with pedestrians trotting on the bleached concrete, a bit more numerous now as herds of students from the nearby university walked to and from the multitude of stores lining the avenue and nearby streets.

Inside the park, more saurians walked. Brent unfurled his usual newspaper, hardly interested in whatever global or local events grazed its pages. His eyes drifted continuously from the newspaper and toward the other saurians. Almost immediately he turned to look back at the newspaper he was barely reading, afraid that someone would make contact with his eyes, to let them know he was looking at them, trying to seem uninterested if any happened to meet his gaze.

To his right, two sauropod parents walked their young offspring, still struggling with his first steps as he wobbled slightly unsure, and even dropping to all fours at times in a reminder of an evolutionary past. Far away, young and old alike of mixed species and both sexes jogged for exercise. Throughout the park, others welcomed the warming sun by sunning themselves, alone or in pairs. Muscled male chests and curved female hips gleamed with sun screen, although there were some of a rather pudgy nature.

Yet despite the people in the street and those in the park, Brent felt more alone than ever.

He found many of the saurians attractive, male and female alike, especially the other herbivores like him. Cross-species relationships were not uncommon, although quite rare and only among those with no interest in children. He wondered how he could approach someone. How he should start. Who should he approach? Which would be the right words to say?

He sighed. It was yet another day on the same bench. Another day without a clue.

His eyes finally settled on his newspaper, although he was not looking into it, but rather inward, into the intangible yet almost real word of his mind. Brent felt completely lost in a world he knew how to move around, but not how to live in. All the time he had visions of companionship, of warm arms around his. The touch of snouts in soft caresses, lips locking in tender kisses, the feeling of naked, scaly skins rubbing against each other... all leading to a feeling and moment he could only yearn for- the release of the passion and desire into a -

"Excuse me," a deep voice rumbled softly.

Brent brayed softly, startled. For the briefest of moments, he felt the sudden urge to run away as he caught the scent of a carnivore. He turned to look at a maple-skinned carnotaur, smiling toothily while pointing to the other side of the bench with a three-fingered hand.

"Is this seat taken?" the carnotaur asked courteously.

Brent's eyes scanned the carnotaur, still half wide open and disoriented from the experience. The carnivore was somewhat larger than he and corpulent, as the carnotaur's chest muscles were partially noticeable through the shirt, which also revealed a slight round belly.

Brent knew what a carnotaur looked like, but he still could not help but look at him somewhat strangely, and wonder if Mother Maia was probably bored the day she laid the egg that gave birth to the carnotaurs.

From his large eye horns, to the multiple, small spikes that adorned his head, the sharp teeth that protruded slightly from the upper jaw even when closed, down to the hands that held only two fingers and a thumb, and the scent of a meat eater; the predator that now was asking for space to sit was certainly a sight unlike of the more numerous raptors and tyrannosaurs.

So much unlike Brent's own iguanodon line, and yet they shared the same saurian language, skin and physical form. All saurians were sons of Maia, and yet She had seen fit that they could only breed with their own kind. It was undoubtedly Her wisdom; Brent felt uneasy thinking of all the possible hybrids if saurians could interbreed.

The most primitive part of Brent's mind wandered to ancient times, when the carnotaur would not had spoken a word before turning him to dinner. Civilization meant that had not been the case for thousands of years. He knew the meat eater had lots of nonsentient animals to feed himself with, either by hunting them down himself, or as easily as a trip to the carnivore sections at the market. It still made him slightly uneasy to think of his diet.

"No," Brent said, somewhat quietly, slightly surprised the carnotaur had been waiting patiently for his answer. "Go ahead."

"Thanks," the carnotaur said as he moved his tail aside to sit down. He exhaled, and the lips on his upper jaw vibrated slightly. "Beautiful spring day we're having today."

Brent nodded. "For some, yes."

The carnotaur growled with mild surprise. "My, someone's either feeling quite gloomy today, or is green with envy at something. Though your skin color is probably green to begin with. So what's the problem? Are you missing the snow already?"

Brent shrugged at the carnotaur's lame attempt at humor. "I'm just wishing some things were a bit different."

"Why so?" He extended a three-fingered claw. "My name's Alan, by the way."

"Brent." The iguanodon shook the carnotaur's claw, trying to keep his spiked thumb away, yet still keeping it in sight of the carnotaur, perhaps to remind the former predator that Maia had not taken the weapon away. He felt the carnivore holding a slightly tight grip on his hand. "I'm just a bit bored, that's all," he continued. "Just spending a day off with nothing really important to do."

"Same here. What do you work at?"

"Just low-level IT. And you?"

"Accounting. Honest accounting," Alan stressed, chuckling. "None of that Pterenron fiasco."

Brent smiled. "Yes, that was something. Makes you wonder how something like that can happen. I mean -"

"Greed, pure and simple," Alan interrupted with a soft growl of distaste. "I wonder how some people manage to lead packs, when it seems their minds had yet to evolve from the primordial swamps. I would eat myself before I could screw others like they did." Brent felt Alan's gaze on him, even when he was not staring directly at the carnotaur. "What about you? You come here often?"

"Every now and then. It is better now that the winter is over. How about you?"

"No. Actually, I moved to this city just a few months ago. My company closed operations in the east, and I was given a chance to relocate. I guess I'm lucky to still have a job. Many got laid off. Some probably hated me more than they did after they found out I was not fired, but thankfully they are now on the other side of the country."

Brent turned to look at Alan with slight curiosity. "Hate?"

"I was... different. The silent type. Never got to talk much with coworkers. I just preferred to do my job rather than participate in gossip. Maia, there sure were some tongues in there I won't miss. Like that stupid parasaur; Beth was her name. I called her the 'manager's gossiping bitch'. She would rat on her own mother if she needed so she could keep her job." Alan snorted. "That is now in the past."

Brent nodded softly. "Their kind hatches everywhere, unfortunately."

Alan rumbled, and his slightly toothy grin returned. "You said you work in IT. How familiar are you with computers?"

"I know a few tricks. Why?"

"I had some problems with mine. It was getting way too old, and I wanted a new one. But a friend suggested I buy the parts rather than a pre-made system, and now he's unable to help me put it together."

Brent shuddered slightly. He could not help feel a bit uneasy, wondering what Alan meant by "unable." Thoughts of some mysterious dinosaur having become the carnotaur's meal for a few days raced through his mind. He imagined what was left of the rotting flesh in the middle of Alan's living room, now a couple days old, while the bloated carnotaur rested nearby, waiting until he felt hungry again before taking another bite of the now putrefying flesh.

For Maia's sake, he thought. You are only falling for your prejudices.

It was not rare for him to think badly about carnivores. Eons of evolution still had to work their way through the lingering prejudices brought by one group of animals eating the other. Carnivores and herbivores had long since worked together, and even live in the same countries, but they still tended to congregate mostly with their own kind in bars and restaurants.

Brent shook his head slightly as his mind came back to reality. The carnotaur had kept talking, but Brent had failed to hear almost every word he had said.

"Would you like to come to my place and check it? It's just three blocks away."

"Thanks, but... Well... I mean, I could go, as I have nothing to do right now. But... you-"

Alan smiled. "I understand. You are not fond of carnivores, it seems. Much less if they happen to be a stranger."

"Well, somewhat." Brent hesitated. He tried to overcome the residual fear, telling himself there could be no such thing as a carnivore eating another sentient. Not in the city. It was not something that could happen and remain unnoticed and unpunished. And... somehow... there was something in the carnotaur that he felt... attractive. "I mean... yes, I admit feeling a bit uneasy. But I can manage."

Brent felt slightly embarrassed when the carnotaur smiled again, apparently not disturbed at all at Alan's prejudices.

"No worries there. If you prefer, why don't we go to my place and grab everything, then go someplace where you could feel more comfortable? Maybe a coffee shop; I could get you some tea or anything if you wish. That is, in addition to compensating you for your time and work, of course."

"Fine with me," Brent said, feeling a bit relieved.

"Good," Alan said. Rising from the bench, he pointed in the direction of his home. "This way."

Brent rose to follow. He kept behind the carnotaur for a few instants, watching the gentle swish of Alan's tail over a nice, firm rump as the carnotaur walked. Brent found it a bit hard to keep pace with Alan, as the carnotaur's stride was somewhat wider than his.

"Listen," he said apologetically. "I'm sorry if I offended you. I didn't mean to-"

"Don't worry," Alan interrupted, still sporting his strange toothy smile. "I'm used to it. I don't blame herbivores if they don't feel comfortable around those like me. But you can rest easy knowing that Maia did not give me teeth and claws to pierce the flesh of sentients. Well, maybe, if I had to defend myself from a burglar intent on hurting me. But not otherwise. I could never bring myself to waste a life needlessly. Much less when some of them are quite handsome." Alan grinned as he looked at Brent.

Brent smiled as he turned to glance away, amused and slightly embarrassed. Did that really sound like a coquetry?

He shook his head, somewhat upset. He still was a long way from finding what he really wanted.

He definitely would not get it from a carnivore.

* * *

"Nice place," Brent said as he eyed Alan's home with slight envy. The carnotaur lived in a spacious studio, somehow befitting someone whose ancestors roamed the land looking for prey. Every area was in plain view from the entrance, except for the bathroom, which was obviously enclosed for privacy. Straight ahead from the entrance was the section Alan chose to be his living room. A choice probably dictated since that was where the fireplace was found. It was decorated with some micro fiber furniture, a bookcase, a large widescreen set and a home theater system. Surprisingly, Alan's book, movie and music collection seemed sparse. Perhaps the carnotaur was rather fastidious about what he considered worth buying, or had a rather discriminating taste, a trait he found strange on someone whose ancestors were not particular about what animals they


To the left and close to a series of windows was a small section with a computer desk, topped by the parts Alan had talked about, still in their unopened boxes. Only a flat LCD panel was out, sitting on top of the desk.

To the left of the desk, the carnotaur had a compact gym. Some distance from it was Alan's bed; too large for a single saurian, even one like Alan. Brent could not help but wonder what kind of "activities" that bed had been lucky enough to witness.

Everything seemed to scream that, while Alan was not rich, he was not lacking either. Alan shrugged, apparently noting Brent's impression. "Not fancy or shabby. I like it this way."

"So, do you mind if I look at this computer of yours?"

"Go ahead," Alan said as he pointed to the desk.

Brent nodded. A sudden thought crossed his mind as he walked toward the desk. He glanced toward the kitchen, located next to the bathroom. It looked and smelled clean; not a trace of blood was in sight, nor did it smell like gallons of bleach had been poured to get rid of the stench of drying blood.

For Maia's sake! the iguanodon thought. You are being stupid. It's no frigging wonder you have yet to find someone to -

His thoughts were interrupted as he glanced at the box containing the motherboard and processor. He felt slightly more envious. "Whoa. This is the latest thing on the block! Lucky devil, you."

"I like having the best." Alan flashed a toothy grin. "Let's grab everything. I know a good place by the mall I've been trying to come up with any excuse to visit again. They serve a killer marinated steak sandwich that -"

"Oh, my." Brent gasped.

Alan growled as he curled his lips. "Sorry, my bad. I should not had mentioned meat around-" He stopped as he noticed that Brent was not looking at him, but at a framed photo on the desk of a muscled male tyrannosaur.

The carnivore in the photo was quite well-built, his well-defined body completely visible as he was wearing nothing. His massive, thick pectorals were enhanced by large, hard nipples. The mysterious male's muscles where hard and firm, but nowhere as much as where it counted the most - his ballsack hung heavily down, fully visible as the saurian's cock shot upwards in a mighty erection that seemed more impressive than the tyrannosaur's physique. The saurian's entire body glistened with sweat; a drop of precum already leaked from his massive cock's tip.

Alan blushed. He grabbed the frame and put it face down in a drawer. "Sorry about that. I forgot that was there."

Brent nodded, feeling even more inadequate and envious of Alan. "Anyone you know?"


"Oh," Brent said. A strange surge of disappointment coursed through his mind, and he wondered why. No way he could be a companion to someone like Alan. The thought of kissing someone whose breath smells of meat repulsed him slightly. Even worse, Brent opening the fridge and found slabs of meat inside was something he could not handle. More distressing was the thought that said slabs could someday be himself.

"Or rather, ex-boyfriend," Alan continued. "We broke up last month."

"Well, he's definitely... muscled."

"He's a good athlete. He is not famous, but he was bigger in my eyes than the biggest Olympic stars. He is the one who convinced me to buy that gym by the bed, so he could train me to be just like him." Alan sighed. "And these computer parts... he had a knack for this stuff, and was going to build a new system for me."

Brent turned to see the carnotaur eyeing him. Brent noticed Alan's body tensing, and he in turn felt alarmed.

"Yes, I am a tailraiser. You don't happen to have anything against that, do you?"

"No, not at all," Brent said quickly. "I understand. I-" he began to say before he clammed his mouth shut. He could not understand why he felt it was wrong to admit he shared the same orientation as the carnotaur. Much less when he found Alan attractive in some unusual way. Nevertheless, he could not imagine what sort of partner he could have in a carnivore.

"I see nothing wrong with that," Brent said. "So... what happened between you guys? That is, if you don't mind me asking."

Alan rumbled softly, and sighed again. "He called me one day to say he had found what he said would be the opportunity to become famous and to be admired by many. I was naturally very happy for him, but nevertheless afraid that the fame could change him, and that I would lose him to somebody else. I asked him for a commitment that he and I should be more than friends. He became furious, and he said he was a hunter, not some carrion eater in search of scraps others had left, and that he wanted no ties that could keep him from his lifetime goals. So I let him go, even when it hurt me a lot." Alan turned to look away, rubbing an eye with his three-fingered claw.

Brent felt slightly guilty, and surprised to sense sadness in a species that once would had no compunction about eating others, even when saurians began developing sentience. "I'm sorry. I should not had asked."

Brent felt the carnotaur's claw firmly on his right shoulder, and turned to look at Alan, once again smiling, although noticeably less.

"Don't worry too much about it. I have hopes he will recapacitate, and we may work it out. If not - well, I guess he was not the one for me, then."

Brent nodded. "Umm... Listen, I was thinking it's probably better if I build your computer here."

"Are you sure? You didn't sound eager to stay in my place."

"I still have a few reservations. But I don't think it is a good idea to take all this stuff where anyone could spill food on them. And it would be much easier to test everything right here."

"Very well. Would you feel better if I the roll up the blinds and open the windows? That way we let fresh air and light to come in, maybe make this place feel less confining. And you can be sure others might listen anything you may want them to hear if you speak loud enough."

"Oh?" Brent said, a bit miffed.

"And," Alan said as he opened the blinds, seemingly unaware of the iguanodon's feelings, "it lets a nosy, mature stegosaur couple on the other side of the street find out what I may be up to. I swear that I must have offended Maia somehow. It seems like everywhere I get to live, She has already placed someone nearby who thinks they have to keep tabs on how I live my life."

Brent laughed softly as he pulled a nearby chair and sat down to begin his work. "They probably didn't take kindly to seeing you with a male for a partner."

Alan laughed. "That surely ticked them off," he said as he walked toward the kitchen. "Maybe because he would often visit wearing some nice mesh shirt. But probably not as much as having to listen to us roaring every time Jack enjoyed my tail."


"The tyrannosaur in the photo. Say, can I offer you anything to drink or eat?"

"Soda will be fine, thanks. I don't think you have anything I would like to eat."

"Yep, sorry," Alan said apologetically. "Oh, I have some cake left on the fridge. Baked it myself two days ago."

"The drink will be enough," Brent said, not wanting to insult his newfound host by wondering what sort of cakes a carnivore would enjoy.

Brent pulled the motherboard out of the antistatic bag. He had aligned it inside the case when Alan dropped a plastic soda bottle on the table. Brent glanced at it with the corner of his eye; it was still sealed. "Thanks. You said you two were noisy. You mean you never closed the windows when you-?"

"Nope." The carnotaur took a sip from his bottle, then looked at Brent at the same time he flashed a toothy grin, then burped from the soda. "Excuse me."

"No wonder those stegos were miffed." Brent felt the tyrannosaur looking at him again, this time staring at his handiwork. "You know, putting a computer together is easy work. You certainly could do it yourself, if you are smart enough to be an accountant. And you have a nice AV rig in your living area."

"Yes, probably. I just don't have much of a mechanical inclination. I like using computers, but other than that, I have some resistance to find out how they are put together. Besides, you probably could grab the tools more easily, since you have two extra fingers in each hand," Alan said, jokingly. "Though I wonder how your species manages with those spiked thumbs."

"Maybe for the same reason you can manage with only three fingers."

Alan laughed. "Touché."

Brent smiled as he opened the bottle and took a few sips. He was pleased that someone seemed interested in him, even if the moment surely would end after he finished the pile of silicon he was assembling. He wondered if somehow Alan would be interested in keeping some kind of friendship, or possibly...

Brent snorted softly. The carnotaur was surely not his kind. Alan could never share his diets, nor Brent could stand his. And there was that Jack guy. Brent could not understand why he felt glad Alan had broken up with someone Brent had never seen. Maybe because the tyrannosaur sounded like a jerk... a view that Brent had of all carnivores.

The iguanodon paused, slightly surprised and ashamed of himself. That was a nasty prejudice, no doubt ingrained in him from the days when dinosaurs were all but mindless beasts driven by instincts rather than intelligence. Somehow he was glad that Alan had showed up to dispel his preconceptions, even if for just this once.

He turned to look at the carnotaur, who seemed somewhat uninterested in Brent's work. Alan had appeared quite intelligent and affable until then.

"Something's wrong?"

"No," Alan said, slightly disinterested. "Listen... If you don't mind, I would like to get some weight training going. It has been hard to stick to a daily routine lately when I don't have much of an incentive to continue."

"Umm. Sure. This will take a bit, anyway."

"Thanks." Grabbing the sides of his shirt, Alan lifted it above and then off from his body, exposing his hard chest and slightly rotund yet firm belly. Like the tyrannosaur Brent had seen in the photo, Alan's chest was adorned with nice, dark, round nipples that seemed to jut out like some hard spires. Brent tried to contain his breathing from becoming louder.

Mercifully, the carnotaur spared him from more suffering by not removing his pants as he walked to the gym and sat down to begin his workout.

Brent growled to himself. He tried to concentrate on what he was doing. Yet the sight of the bare chested carnotaur had other parts other than his mind feeling worked out.

Normally he would have already started installing the operating system in about half an hour after having started to piece the computer together. But his mind - and eyes - kept drifting toward the grunting carnotaur, his mind drifting between RAM chips and sweat drops. Motherboards and muscles. LED connectors and Alan's nipples. Hard drives and hard biceps.

Brent forced himself to think Alan was beyond his reach, that the egotist tyrannosaur would show up any minute at the door. With some luck, he would be extremely jealous to find another male in his lover's home - and a herbivore, of all horrors! - and become so enraged he would eat Brent and put him out of his misery.

Alan grunted loudly as he exercised, while his hard muscles etched themselves on Alan's brown skin with each repetition. Brent could not help but imagine Alan sounded just like that when he and his boyfriend were under the bed sheets, grunting and roaring and sweating, the tyrannosaur's rod going underneath Alan's tail, ramming between the firm butt cheeks as the tyrannosaur slapped his powerful thighs against Alan's butt. Going like that for minutes, only for them to switch places so that Alan could take his lover.

Brent turned to plug the hard drive's cable. He groaned with frustration at the thought of a bunch of little pins going inside little holes. Even the computer seemed to see more action than the saurian putting it together.

The iguanodon pushed the "ON" switch, and the computer started, then proceeded to idle as it tried to boot. "What now?" Brent said to himself, frustrated.

Operating system not found, it said coldly after a few seconds.

"Duh... of course!" Brent said. Something so obvious and he had forgotten about it. He didn't look forward to spending the time needed to get the stupid machine fully working. Growling, he reached for a disc; his hand tipped the soda bottle spilling most of what was left all over the table and on himself.

"Shit!" he shouted. "This was a stupid idea," he mumbled.

"Well, would you like to leave it, then?"

Brent gasped. He had not noticed Alan had finished his workout, and was now staring at him, bathed in sweat. Alan's muscles still rippled from the exercise, seemingly more firm, the uncountable soft scales glowing as light reflected on the beads of sweat.

"I am already done with the hardware," Brent said as he got up from the chair, feeling flustered. "I'll have the operating system running in just a few minutes."

Alan nodded as he took a quick look at the computer, then looked back at Brent. "You don't have to continue with it if you don't want to."

"I didn't mean anything. I just got a bit pissed that I missed something that should had been obvious, that's all."

Alan took a few steps, standing closer to the iguanodon. "You should do something about those frustrations."

"It is nothing... I just -"

Brent cried loudly in surprise as the carnotaur's right claw closed suddenly around Brent's left forearm. He felt a sudden wave of fear as Alan's grip tightened firmly as his chest pulsed slowly, the sweaty muscles gleaming with sweat. Inviting sweat.

"Alan... what are you -?"

The carnotaur said nothing, but kept staring straight into Brent's eyes. The iguanodon saw no anger, no primordial hunger in the blinking, slitted orbs, but rather another primordial urge.

"Please, Alan," Brent pleaded. "Could you move away? Your natural predator scent is... a bit strong."

Brent grunted slightly in disgust as Alan lifted an arm and took a deep sniff of the armpit. "Yes, I need a shower. But it makes no sense to bathe if I am going to get sweaty again soon after."

Brent gasped as Alan lifted the bottom part of his shirt and slid the other clawed, three-fingered hand under it. The iguanodon shook his head as he tried to keep Alan's hand from going up any further. "Alan... Please, don't. You don't me. I... I am not a tailraiser like you-"

"Come on. That is one weak lie. I noticed you had a bit of a hard time putting the parts together while I was exercising. Don't tell me you were not feeling... distracted."

"No... not from you... You are a carnivore, and I am-"

"A male. Just like me."

Suddenly and without warning, Alan pulled at the sides of Brent's shirt and quickly pulled up. Brent gave a short, muffled protest, but it didn't keep him from finding himself also barechested.

Alan lowered his head. He pressed his snout against Brent's chest, taking in the scent of the shocked iguanodon. "I said I never taste the flesh of sentients. And I don't. Not in the way my primitive ancestors did... but in bed." His tongue licked Brent's right nipple before he nipped it tenderly.

Brent gasped. He raised his snout upwards from the shock and the sudden waves of sensations that shot, screaming, from his nipple. Coursing down nerves carrying a message alien to them, and setting his body in fire as they raced into the iguanodon's brain. Brent felt his mind explode with pleasure, his body reacting by holding his newfound friend's head tightly against his chest. Brent's body suddenly bursted with the scent of pheromones, the scent of which Alan had felt only when he had pumped his own maleness with his own hands... the only feeling he had ever known.

Alan turned to look up into Brent's eyes. "See? You do like this. Your body has been screaming for it all along." The carnotaur knelt, and began to unbuckle Brent's pants and work the buttons that held the tail part together.

Brent gasped, the tried to keep Alan from stripping him any further. "Gods... Alan... We should not be doing this. I - I don't know you."

The carnotaur smiled as he growled, then, with one strong tug, got the cloth down; Brent's cock sprung upwards, already hard and eager. "Maybe, but you sure look eager."

"Maia... please, Alan -" Brent turned slightly away, embarrassed, before he found himself under the strong yet gentle touch from Alan's claws. The carnotaur rose to his feet, and nuzzled the herbivore, trying to get him to relax. Brent rumbled as he felt Alan's right claw caress his chest, then slide slowly down toward his crotch.

"Hush. No need to be ashamed. I felt just like you when Jack made me his for the first time. I can sense you've waited too long for someone to make you feel good. Please, let me..."

Brent rumbled at the touch of Alan's clawed hand on his hard member and balls.

The carnotaur caressed the cock with his skin; occasionally he would rub the tip of a claw around a sensitive part, sending shivers of delight through Brent's spine. Almost immediately, a couple drops of clear precum dripped out from Brent's cocktip, which the carnotaur rubbed against his fingers and Brent's shaft.

"Feels good, doesn't it?"

Brent only grunted in response, his eyes closed while he bobbed his head.

Alan smiled, softly stroking his newfound friend's hard shaft. "There would be a time when my ancestors would feed their bellies with meat from your species. I would like your meat in my mouth. Will you let me?"

"Yes," Brent said, almost supplicant. "Please."

Brent almost gasped at the sight of the carnotaur's jaws closing on his cock. For the briefest of instants his instincts screamed of danger. But there was no bite, no tearing of flesh. A sudden rush of intense pleasure took over as Alan suckled, his teeth gently touching the delicate, sensitive flesh in all the right places as his snout moved up and down the hot, hard flesh.

"Ooohh... Alan..." Brent said, his hands holding the carnotaur's head by the eye horns.

Alan smiled. "You like this?" he said, his words somewhat muffled from having Brent's shaft inside his mouth.

"Yes... Please... don't stop."

The carnotaur continued administrating Brent's cock. At times he would take it out of his mouth to lick at the flesh and balls, then take the full length again. He slowly quickened his pace, nursing the hard shaft with his tongue and lips. Soon after the iguanodon quivered, his legs weakened as he began to reach his climax.

"Alan... Oh, Maia... Alan!"

The carnotaur stopped, and took the iguanodon meat out of his mouth. Brent moaned and stared at Alan, saying nothing but his face clearly begging him to finish.

"No," Alan said as he smiled. "Not yet."

He helped Brent take off the pants completely before he took off his own to also stand completely naked. Brent had his first view of Alan's cock. Already half erect, it was quite impressive, and not unlike the tyrannosaur in the photo. Brent felt somewhat vulnerable to be naked in front of the carnivore, not because he felt he was to become food for Alan, now or ever, but at the thought he would have the carnivore inside him.

Brent did not protest as Alan guided him gently toward the bed and asked him to lie down on his belly. The carnotaur laid himself down on top of him, where he stood for a few minutes, gently caressing Brent's body while nuzzling him as he growled softly. At first Brent felt some panic, finding himself pinned down by the heavier carnotaur. Soon after, though, he could feel his own breathing slowing down as the vibrations from Alan's chest and throat ran up and down his spine every time the carnotaur growled.

"How does that feel?" Alan asked.

Brent found it a little hard to speak, feeling extremely relaxed. "So... nice. Alan, what-?"

"Just something males would do to their females when they wanted to soothe them during mating. I see no reason I cannot do it to other males, even if they are of a different species." He nuzzled Brent once again. "Do you want me to take you?"

Brent grunted, and nodded. "Yes, please... please... Take me."

Alan stood to stand behind Brent. The iguanodon gasped slightly as his hips were lifted, and he felt the warm skin of the carnotaur pressed against his butt and under his tail. Alan growled as he rubbed his hard cock on the firm Iguanodon butt cheeks.

The carnotaur said nothing, gave no warning. His cock dripping again with precum, Alan pushed his cock deep and hard inside Brent.

"Ohh! Aaaahhh!" Brent screamed, then bellowed at the intensity of how he had been taken. His rectum exploded with pain at the sudden invasion of his body. "Alan! Sweet... mother... Maia! Aaaiieehh!!" He gasped as tears rolled down his cheeks as the underside of his tail and anus exploded with a mixture of intense pain, yet pleasure as he felt Alan's cock rubbing against his insides.

Alan bent to nip tenderly at Brent's neck as he wiped out the tears. "Shhh... it hurts at first, yes. But you will get used to it."

"Alan..." Brent said in between gasps and moans. "How... how do I feel?"

"You feel nice and tight, love. I... am happy you let me be your first."

Brent gasped, his mind overwhelmed by thoughts and feelings. Somehow he felt a sense of weakness and defeat, by having a carnivore take him. Some resignation, despite knowing he was not going to die - perhaps a holdover from the days when his ancestors laid helpless on the ground while predators feasted on their still living bodies. But above all was the thought that someone had found him attractive, that perhaps - just perhaps - he would know what his heart, mind and sex had longed for years. The feeling was overwhelming, and filled him with elation and joy.

Everything gave way to intense pleasure as Alan began to thrust slowly into him. His cock hardened again, dripping more precum as it and Brent's balls bounced with every thrust from Alan's body. It was soon followed by the feeling of three clawtipped fingers closing tightly around it, then sliding up and down the hard shaft in rhythm with the carnotaur's thrusts.

The iguanodon bellowed as Alan growled and rumbled loudly from his own pleasure. Carnivore roars, herbivore bellows and noises in the bed joined together in loud, cacophonous concert as the dinosaurs mated, their rhythm accentuated by the loud slap of Alan's thighs against Brent's and the wet sounds of the carnotaur's cock sliding inside Brent as his hand rubbed Brent's hardened cock.

Brent felt a slight breeze course through his hot body. Even as he was being pressed into the pillows by the carnotaur's furious pumping, a thought formed in his mind.

"Alan... the windows... the stegosaurs-"

"Let them listen," Alan said in between grunts. "They already know the sound of males fucking."

"Oh... Alan...!" Brent bellowed as he felt his balls bursting, getting close to peak again. "Harder... harder!"

Alan intensified his thrusts as he jacked off the iguanodon faster. Brent could only gasp with the intense pleasure of his near climax and the thick carnotaur meat sliding in his tailhole. He begged Maia for the moment to last, to sear his brain in a way he could remember it forever.

But Brent finally could not hold anymore, and his cock shuddered as it began to shoot its load. His remaining strength lost, Brent collapsed onto the bed, dragging Alan with him. The carnotaur was immediately behind the iguanodon in climaxing, and both dinosaurs bellowed and roared their orgasm as their balls emptied with force, their sweat and cum mingled together in the bed sheets and scaly skins, pheromones filling up the air before drifting away and out the open windows.

Their screams subsided. Brent thought he heard their echo coming from nearby buildings.

His breathing was quick and labored, the same as the carnotaur laying above, behind and inside him. He panted, his mouth completely dry.

And finally, another sensation alien to him enveloped every scale in his skin, every nerve, and every cell in his mind. Afterglow.

"Whoohoo!! Rock on, dudes!" someone - sounded like a sauropod - screamed from down the street, followed by the applause from a few other saurians.

Another scream, this time an elderly voice, and not sympathetic. "For heaven's sake!! Close your fucking windows, you animals!"

Both dinosaurs burst out laughing... or as best as their tired bodies and lungs allowed them.

Alan grunted as he withdrew from inside Brent's tailhole. He hugged Brent, and both remained like that for several minutes. Neither of them spoke or made a sound as they gently stroke the other's skin while feeling each other's breathing, and the smell of their cum, sweat and bodies.

Brent finally broke the silence. "Alan."


"I never thought... a carnivore... would smell so nice."

Alan rumbled with slight laughter, and kissed Brent's snout.

* * *

Neither said much as they got up from the bed and showered together, the touch of their own scaly bodies still sending ripples of pleasure. Brent held close to the carnotaur, trying not to think of a moment he knew would come soon after, but eventually did.

"I... I have to let you go, Alan," Brent said, slightly hesitant as he stood barechested outside the door to Alan's place, holding his shirt on his right shoulder. "I have to work tomorrow. And you surely have to as well."

Alan nodded.

Brent hesitated. "Do you think we... could go to that coffee shop tomorrow evening?"

"I'll have to honor that some other day. There are a few things I want to do." He paused. "I would like to call Jack. Maybe see if he... still has feelings for me."

Brent nodded, feeling somewhat disappointed. "I understand. Still... it was nice knowing you. And I want to thank you... for being with me."

"Same here. And thanks for your work."

Brent walked three steps before he quickly turned around as he suddenly remembered. "Oh... I didn't get to install the operating system on your new computer. Would you like me to do that before I leave?"

"Don't worry. You can get to that some other day." Alan smiled.

"Yes." Brent smiled sheepishly at the thought of spending more time with the carnotaur. "I... really would love that. Goodnight."

"Good night," Alan said as he gently closed the door.

Brent stood there in front of it for a full minute, trying to think of any excuse to ring the doorbell. Finally, he turned around and walked away.

He stepped outside and into the street. Several young saurians milled around quieter streets, some hanging close by the entrance to the building. Perhaps the same bunch who had cheered him and Alan a few minutes back. A few glanced at him and gave a thumbs up sign before going back to their youthful activities.

Brent puffed his chest, taking the cool, night air in his lungs. He didn't think of putting his shirt back on as he walked back to his car, parked somewhere near the park. On his way there, he stopped as he passed by the bench he had been sitting on a few hours back, the one he always had sat down to wait, and wonder.

He smiled. Perhaps with a little luck, he and the bench would not see each other as often.


© Kaa Bakensobek.



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E.T. Iguana

### E.T. Iguana ©2003 Kaa Starhunter The reptile halted almost immediately after he stepped out of the airlock. There was probably fifty meters between the ship and the station, but the overwhelming stench had wafted all the way towards him and...

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Snake Eyes

This is the real me, Kaa Bakensobek. I hope that by posting my stories here I can avoid some idiots taking them and claming them as their own. :P =========== ### Snake Eyes The roar of the crowd grew louder as the executioner's axe...

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