E.T. Iguana

Story by Kaa on SoFurry

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E.T. Iguana

©2003 Kaa Starhunter The reptile halted almost immediately after he stepped out of the airlock. There was probably fifty meters between the ship and the station, but the overwhelming stench had wafted all the way towards him and the other deplaning xenomorphs. Booze. Drugs. Pheromones. Sweat. Excrements. Vomit. Humidity. A cacophony of stenches, all rolled onto one potent and awful smell that seared his nostrils as if a laserblast had been shot right through them. Kreg stopped to cough, holding onto the walls as he waited for his brain to block the stench from his senses. Still, he kept a cautious look at all the other xenomorphs that left the ship, watching not only his possessions, but also his own life. Many did not seem affected by the smell -- some of those Kreg had found out had strong, fetid body odors themselves -- while the rest were probably used to arriving at places like Septerra. A lot more were affected, to varying degrees; those were the ones who rushed to the head of the line and the exit. Kreg waited until the initial impact subsided and his mind cleared, looking around at whatever portions of Septerra Station he could see from where he stood. It was not unlike other stations from where he had departed or arrived. Lighting was marginally better, despite the number of lights that had burned out or had been vandalized. Graffiti covered the walls, in many as many colors as alien glyphs. Sanitation was practically nonexistent, for all around him the sources of all the odors that had assailed him were easily discernible. Kreg hissed in disgust as he realized he had almost stepped on what obviously was some male's discarded prophylactic, oozing with some oddly colored, slimy sperm. His non-human status was not much of a factor as his lack of money or power, the two only things that spoke loud enough for humans to listen. There was quite a vast number of xenomorphs who traveled on more luxurious conditions on that same starship he had disembarked from. Right now they surely were on the upper levels, going about their pampered lives as they enjoyed luxury on every step of their journeys. For those with less resources, they had to conform themselves with the lower classes. Destitute humans were to be found, of course. Yet their lowest dreg's ticket was never rated lower than fourth class, versus Kreg's fifth. After his race's ignominious defeat in the Syntharri campaign, Vlatorrans were at the very bottom of the galaxy's pecking order. Kreg resumed his walk towards the exit. There was no sense for him to dwell on what he did no longer had. Gone were the days where he had power and respect. Life for him was now what he had ahead of him -- travel on the most disgusting conditions and the worst facilities. And less than a minute after his arrival, Septerra had proved itself the worst of them all. The facilities had decayed to the point where none of it was fit for human use, so it was deemed suitable for the dregs. Alien dregs get no favors, he had been told years ago shortly just before he started his nomadic life. And for those in charge of Septerra Station, cleanliness was certainly a favor. The conditions in this side of the station also revealed something else the lowly aliens never got. It was something he could not smell, but he knew it was in the air, waiting. It was only a matter of when it would catch up to him. Trouble. Some distance ahead, he noticed a gang of human punks -- seven males and three females. They watched attentively the procession of xenomorphs walk down the hallway, singling those that they knew would present the least struggle, if any. One of them would then move into the path of the unsuspecting alien. Kreg had seen the same happen to him countless times before, in almost every other station he had been through. The whole incident was over very shortly after it began -- the unfortunate victim would get roughed up and quickly deprived of money and whatever possessions the thugs felt was their worth. If the aliens were smart they left the area without complaining. Those who fought back left the area towards an emergency room. Or morgue. They would fare better if they confronted the thugs as a group. But these had fallen too low to have any resemblance of spine left. This gang was no different than others Kreg had faced. They varied in height, built and skin color. All wore all sorts of piercings and tattoos, the latter perhaps on varying degrees, but Kreg could not tell from the different states of clothing, as some wore somewhat less than others. About their only common characteristic was the coloring of their clothes. Kreg had long since stopped trying to fathom whatever reasons humans had for their choices; Vlatorrans never had much of a problem. But he still could see their garments were of a much better quality than what some homeless thugs would be able to afford. These hoodlums reveled on the absolute absence of security, laughing hysterically as yet another alien tried desperately to avoid a confrontation, only to leave without some prized possession. "Yeeha... this one had twenty on him!" a shirtless male shouted as he kicked his victim away. "I'm getting stoned tonight!" One of the females quickly moved to stand next to him, caressing his chest. "Sweet. How about sharing some of that with your girl, hmmm?" "Like hell I will. You get your own, bitch. Ask that fucking pimp of yours... Daniel, or whatsisname." The dorsal spines on Kreg's back and neck pricked as the reptile continued walking down the hallway and towards the group. The tallest of them was still smaller than him by about half a meter, and much less strong. Any one of them would think it over before coming at him alone. But like the animals they were, they were a pack; together they would be able to bring down larger prey. Kreg thought he could as well be some piece of prime meat. They would not be able to resist picking on a Vlatorran. Kreg slowly drifted sideways, trying to put as much distance as he could when he passed through that section of the hallway. "Yo! Check it out!" one of the males shouted as he pointed at Kreg. "We got ourselves an iguana!" One of the punks, the strongest of the group, left the group to intercept Kreg. He exuded the air of pack leader. His leather clothing was almost skin-tight, "Yo, lizard! Spare some change?" Kreg hissed softly to himself. He wished nothing more than beat the little shit senseless right there and then, like any Vlatorran would had been in his right to do, before the accursed war. The situation was not only of the human having the advantage of his comrades backing him up; Kreg was not in the right place nor instant where he would be able to even the odds. His weapons were completely useless; regulations prevented anyone from carrying any loaded weapons inside a starship. The only way for him to carry them with him was to surrender not just the ammo, but the energy crystal that catalyzed the energy reaction needed for a gun to fire. Both ammo and crystal were to be returned to him at the end of his trip, but the designated area was always outside the station. Kreg frowned, hating himself. He would have to play the role of a scared lizard yet again. Kreg feigned a move to the left, then hurried past the human when the latter changed his path to intercept him. "Hey! I'm talking to you, reptilian shit!" he shouted. Kreg continued his hurried pace, ignoring him. From the corner of his right eye, he saw the human walk back to his gang, still looking at Kreg as he walked back to stand among his gang. "Fucking asshole!" "Oooo!" the shirtless punk said. "Dissed by an iguana! He probably thinks you aren't his type?" "Shut up, asshole. No fucking lizard ignores me. Come on -- we got ourselves some iguana to skin." Kreg hissed. Instincts and previous experience had taught him to prepare himself for just that. He felt the slight surge of adrenaline coursing in his blood. Almost immediately, he felt a slight twitch below his stomach; the feeling ran down his bowels, until it reached the base of his tail. He felt the pressure starting to build right at his tailhole. Kreg hurried down the half-crowded hallway. He tried to be patient of the xenomorphs ahead of him, yet wishing he could just shove them out of his way. His patience quickly lost to his desperation, knowing the thugs were already after him, and he started to shove his way through the crowd. "You worthless Vlatorran!" someone shouted at him. "Watch where you're going!" "This isn't your fucking war, loser!" screamed another. Kreg tried to remain civil as he walked past another reptile of a different species, almost knocking him to the ground with his backpack. "Pardon me," he said, hardly apologetically. "What is your hurry?" the reptile screamed. "You desperate for a restroom?" "As a matter of fact, I really do," Kreg said as he dashed ahead. He hissed with relief as he noticed a restroom several meters away, and promptly raced towards it. Once inside, he wished he had other options. The smell and filth was even worse inside than when he had first set foot in Septerra. Some creatures had probably "missed" their aim, for there was excrement and piss almost everywhere. In one corner, two males of a mammalian species engaged in some intense anal intercourse. The one on the receiving end grunted and gasped, pressed against the dirty walls as the one in the rear humped madly at him. A loud slap was heard with each thrust as the humping male's loins hit the other's buttocks, the fuckee's hard, dripping member bouncing up and down with each thrust of his partner. Or more exactly, client. Neither of them was disturbed in the least by Kreg's sudden presence. The fuckee glanced at Kreg, his eyes drifting slowly towards Kreg's crotch, then bulging upon noticing the reptile's package. He smiled in between grunts, just before he pantomimed his desire to suck on Kreg's cock. Kreg smiled slightly and shook his head before he signaled he had no money. Not that it mattered at the moment. Kreg was in no desire to seek a prostitute when he had a gang after his ass, and not exactly bent on enjoying some lizard tailhole. In any case, he was the one who offered his body for prostitution. Kreg quickly scanned the stalls for an empty stall. He was slightly surprised most of them still had their doors and locks. Then again, this section of Septerra had once been a luxurious one, and the facilities had been designed to last back when they had been built. That they had survived, albeit scathed, was testament to the construction. Once inside a stall, Kreg dropped his backpack, and propped his rifle against the back wall. He unbuckled his belt, allowing his spandex brief to drop to the floor. He growled with delight as the pressure was gone on his thick cock and balls; his heavy genitals dropped, bouncing slightly. He pulled a thick cloth from his backpack, and quickly wrapped it around the toilet's surface, to shield his skin from whatever organisms waited on the toilet surface, ready to ravish hisscaly rear end. Satisfied, he sat down on the toilet to get to business. He did not have to wait at all. Almost immediately he felt the hard bulge coming out. He tried to relax; he had done this countless times, but now he was pressed for time. Outside the restroom, the punks' cacophonous voices grew louder as they slowly approached the restroom. Grating his teeth, he groaned, pushing hard as he tried to evacuate his bowels. The restroom walls seemed to resound with the sound of the humans' footsteps as they entered the filthy restroom. Kreg hissed with intense pleasure, a cold chill running down his spine as his load finally left his body, falling into the toilet with a loud *plop* and splashing water on his sore tailhole. Immediately, Kreg turned and bent to reach inside the bowl. "Hey, take a look at these two!" one of the thugs said, followed by angry squeals from the mating xenomorphs, then sounds of a short struggle and human laughter. "Come on! Pull them apart!" A slurping sound and the raucous human laughter followed louder, angry squeals. "Uugghh!" groaned one of the human females. "I didn't need to see that!" "You two fags," another male commanded, which Kreg recognized as the same one that had tried to ask for money. "Go find yourselves some place else where to fuck!" Kreg listened to the grumbled complaints from the two xenomorphs; their business interrupted, both walked out hurriedly. One of them snarled something in his language, obviously an insult of the worst kind, even if the words were completely intelligible. Kreg felt sorry for them, but he was grateful they had been there, for it had given him precious time. "We know you are in here, iguana," the lead punk commanded as the laughter faded. "I know you heard me. I asked for money. And when a human asks, Vlatorran scum must comply." Kreg sighed. It was always the same; every lowly thug in the galaxy always gets illusions of grandeur by picking on Vlatorrans. It was never good enough that the reptiles had already been disgraced by the last war. To be harassed by no-name thugs was like getting kicked in the balls by a weak midget after the big bully had already brought them down for the count. "You are asking the wrong lizard," Kreg said from inside the stall, his voice tinged with slight anger. "Do you think I would be traveling fifth class if I had any?" "Don't give me no fucking bullshit, iggie," the human said, chuckling slightly. "Iguanas never travel higher than cargo. You do have some, and I want it now. So hand it over, and you'll save yourself some pain." The door to the stall opened. Kreg stepped out, holding his pistol in his right hand... and nothing else on his body but his leggings. "I would prefer if you didn't call me iguana. My species has a name." The humans gasped, not so much shocked as Kreg holding a gun than seeing the size of his genitals. "Holy, shit, Charles!" one of the male thugs said as he pointed at Kreg. "His is fucking bigger than yours!" "Damn," said a female, almost salivating. "You guys better go easy on him. That's too much meat to let it go to waste!" "Shut up, you dick!" the leader said, glaring at the punk who had made the comment before turning towards the female. "I'll give you something to remember later, bitch!" He then turned to look angrily at Kreg, his face clearly flustered at seeing an iguana was better endowed than him by a long stretch. The human pulled a sizeable dagger from his boot, and was soon followed by the other thugs. Kreg measured the situation, considerably more relaxed. "I don't care what the fuck you call yourself, iguana. If you don't have money, then we'll help ourselves to your stuff. Even whatever iguana junk you carry should be enough for some smokes." Kreg's face remained completely emotionless as he raised the gun, aiming it at the punks. Kreg frowned as he flipped a switch; a loud click followed, indicating the safety was off. "You upstart humans have made your mission to screw every xenomorph in the fucking galaxy. You had barely left your Mother Earth's cunt before you started to destroy old empires, killing those you could not subdue and enslave. You're so fucking full of yourselves, you can't even let a fellow take a shit in peace." The leader laughed, a sound Kreg found grating. "You aren't scaring anyone, lizard. Your gun's unloaded." "You sound very sure of that," Kreg asked calmly, even as his eyes narrowed and his throat bulged slightly in a threat display. "What, you iguanas think we are stupid? No one's allowed to carry a loaded weapon inside a ship! And the place where you would claim your ammo is at the other side of the station; you haven't been there yet." "True. You humans are stupid," Kreg said as he calmly pressed the trigger. A sudden bolt of blue light shot itself from the gun, hitting the punk's right thigh. He barely had time to feel the light warming his leg before a sudden explosion of pain ran through his nerves, followed by a burst of blood as the flesh exploded. The punk screamed in pain and agony as he held his thigh tightly with both hands; his screams were joined by that of his accomplices. Kreg aimed the gun at them. "Anyone else for a 'blue light special'?" he said, completely emotionless. He knew his mocking of human culture would go unnoticed; the rest of the punks almost jumped over themselves, screaming hysterically as they rushed out of the restroom, leaving their leader to whatever fate the iguana had for him. Kreg knew the noise alone would attract law enforcement personnel. In this section of the spaceport, it would be a while before they would show up, but they would be able to catch up to him before he could clear the spaceport. He didn't worry about the punks accusing him he had a loaded gun; their mere presence would have any half-serious officer questioning them about their activities. Still, human lives, no matter how scum they were, were always placed over any Vlatorran. Kreg walked calmly towards the fallen human, bending over to pick the dagger the punk had dropped, making sure his genitals were in plain view of the human as he did so. "Looks like you ain't got the balls to fight, now that your friends are gone." He inspected the blade for a second as the punk watched him, his face frozen in terror. He spoke his words slowly, stressing his Vlatorran accent. "Nice piece of steel you got here. I'm sure it cuts flesh very, very smoothly." "Please..." the human pleaded, his voice breaking from his rapid breathing from the pain, and fear. "Don't kill me, man..." "Human blood is not worth the trouble," Kreg said calmly. "Never was, not even during the war. Our hand was forced into battle. So many lives lost, so needlessly. Taking one right now doesn't change what happened." The human nodded, his fear subsiding slightly, eyes fixed on Kreg's dagger-wielding hand. "I-- I'm sorry." Kreg's nostrils flared slightly as he curled his lips. "Still... inflicting pain can sometimes be a worthy pleasure." Kreg's hand moved with the same suddenness as the laser beam that he fired instants before, as the dagger right where the laser had wounded the human. The human screamed, the noise drilling into Kreg's earholes. Still, the iguana twisted the blade, grinning savagely as he tore cloth, flesh, nerves and muscles, obliterating the laser burn. He relished the metallic scent as more blood gushed out of the human's flesh. Satisfied at his handiwork, Kreg rose and walked back towards the stall, leaving the knife still embedded in the human's leg. "You motherfucker!" the punk screamed, but not after several failed attempts to utter a coherent word. He continued screaming, his voice breaking as he sobbed. "The police will be here! I'll tell them you shot me!" The reptile growled. He grabbed the bleeding punk and dragged him to one of the other stalls. "Have a seat while we wait," he slurred as he forcefully shoved the human inside. The punk hit the metallic bowl with force, and screamed once again as his injured leg hit the floor. Kreg snorted. "If only I could flush you down the pipes like the worthless shit you are." He walked away, completely oblivious to the whimpers and screams of his victim. The stall walls did nothing to muffle the screams, but they provided the cover Kreg wanted, shielding the punk's eyes from what he was going to do. Digging his clawed fingers on one side of his gun, Kreg pried open one of the gun's two side panels. A metallic cylinder fell out, the ammo for the gun. Kreg turned the gun around and opened the second panel. Inside, a small crystal glowed a ghostly blue from the energy it had burned to fire the laser beam. Kreg pulled the crystal out and let it fall gently onto the sink, then pushed a valve open to let the water flow. A small cloud of steam rose up as the crystal cooled quickly. It still glowed slightly; Kreg knew it would take a few minutes to fade out. More than he had available. Reaching into his pack, he pulled a small metallic tube and popped the lid open. Kreg slid the ammo cylinder inside the tube, and slowly slid the crystal after it, being careful not to break it doing so; premature death did not figure in his plans. He popped the lid back onto the tube and twisted it until he heard it hiss as both parts sealed hermetically. Kreg opened his jaws wide, then dropped the tube into his maw. Eyes shut tightly, he forced the tube down his throat, swallowing it. The Vlatorran grunted, feeling the cold metal slowly slide down. He didn't wait for it to reach his stomach, turning his attention back to his pistol. He closed the side panels before returning the gun to its holster. Kreg calmly picked an identical tube, caked in Kreg's own dung, from the floor of the stall he had used. He cleansed it thoroughly before putting it in his pack. Then he sat down on the toilet to wait for the police to arrive. * * * Kreg waited patiently, hands cuffed behind his back, only slightly hunched over as he sat on a bench a short distance from the restroom. He didn't utter a single complain as he received accusatory looks of other xenomorphs making their way to and from the gates. All remained completely ignorant of whatever crime had transpired. The sight of a handcuffed iguana was proof enough he was guilty. Kreg tried to banish the thought, and turned to watch three human security officers gather all his belongings into a pile. They had finally finished their incessant rummaging through his pack, having inspected and scanned his rifle and pistol time and time again, seemingly confused not to find whatever they were looking for. His thoughts were slightly interrupted as two paramedics walked out of the restroom, one of them guiding a small electric car with the wounded punk inside. The paramedics had already stopped the bleeding, almost the entire leg wrapped in a plastic cast. Kreg wished they had a similar device they could apply to the punk's mouth. The human glanced once in Kreg's direction, and the reptile glared back. It was enough to send the human again into some frantic screaming, visibly infuriating one of the two paramedics. Kreg was unable to hear what was said, but the scene pleased him nevertheless. He turned his head to face in the direction of a resounding human voice. "Iguana!" Kreg watched calmly as a well-muscled officer walked towards him. The human's uniform displayed a different set of bars from that of the other officers. He was more than just the other officers' superior, but also judge of all minor crimes he investigated. The sheer number of cases throughout the human's galactic territory overwhelmed courthouses so badly, that they had the need to adjourn soon after they arrived on the scene. Kreg remained impassive and cold, as if the whole incident, and the human's presence, meant little to him, if anything at all. He curled his lips slightly in a smile, as he noticed the officer somewhat disappointed. Perhaps expecting to get the lizard to shit his pants from fear. If Kreg wore pants, that is. "I hope you are close to end your investigation, officer?" "Judge Atkins," the human stressed. "And you are not going anywhere until we are done here." "Yes, of course," Kreg said, calmly. He decided to keep his thoughts to himself. No good pissing the human about how his judge status was far below of those sitting in real courts. "There are other places I could be at this time." "I doubt Vlatorrans have any pressing business other than mercenaries. First things first. Your name. Your papers say it is Kre'g... Kreh..." "Kre'ga'drekahrn," the lizard said calmly, clicking his tongue a few times as he spoke his name. "Or just Kreg, if Vlatorran is too hard for your human tongue to pronounce." "Yeah, whatever. We checked the database at the Alpha Ceti station, where you departed. They," he continued, his disappointment somewhat stronger, "confirm that your papers are apparently legal and in order." Kreg nodded, then turned to present his cuffed hands. "As it should be. If you could so kind to release these handcuffs, I--" "Not so fast," the judge interrupted. "Something doesn't smell good here. Besides your bodily odor, that is." The human chuckled, then regained his staunch demeanor as Kreg seemingly ignored the insult. "That punk you injured? I'll have to admit you did us a favor when you attacked him. He's been wanted on a fairly extensive list of felonies. Otherwise, it could be you who would spend time in the slammer." "Ahh, yes, human justice. So impartial and unprejudiced. If it makes any difference, it was him who attacked first. Or rather, he tried to. He and his gang of truants like him." Atkins frowned slightly. "For whatever his word is worth, he claims that you shot him in the leg with your pistol before you took the dagger and stabbed him savagely in the same spot. That is one serious accusation. It means you were carrying a loaded weapon inside a public transport." Kreg snorted. "It doesn't surprise me. He knows it would be the word of a Vlatorran against that of a human. Even if that human is a criminal. Shall I presume you did the proper inquiries as well when you contacted Alpha Ceti for my papers?" "Don't tell me how to do my job, iguana." The officer pointed an accusing finger at him. "I am under no obligation to have any kind of consideration for your kind. But since you asked, yes, we did. Their logs show you did everything as required. We have records of you turning in all ammo and catalyst crystals. They checked your pack thoroughly, and saw nothing on your meager clothing." Kreg nodded towards his rifle and gun, laying on the floor next to his backpack. "I saw your officers checking my guns. No need to ask how that went." "No energy crystals in either the gun or the rifle. Again, we found anything in your pack, and your... clothes... don't allow anything to be concealed. And even this part of the station has the sewage filtered. Had you flushed something we would had found it by now." Kreg chuckled. "Give me some credit, judge. I wouldn't even think of flushing something that costs money I barely have. Even less because of some worthless human thief." He stared directly into the officer's eyes, his voice grave as he pronounced the word human. Kreg rose to stand up, turning to present again his handcuffed arms. He waved them slightly. "If I am not mistaken, according to your laws I was entitled to act in self-defense. Thus, I should be allowed to leave." The judge paused, looking at Kreg. He grimaced, obviously already repulsed at having a Vlatorran standing right in front of him. That said Vlatorran was not wearing decent clothing only exacerbated the feelings. "If you are so well-versed in our laws, you should know your... attire is not exactly modest. Quite indecent, even." "That is a matter of human opinion. Vlatorrans never had a need for clothes. We compromised after you imposed your rules after the war. Besides, it helps me to keep my attributes noticeable. Other than my mercenary skills, they're the only resource I have to earn money for me to continue my journey." He paused, giving a casual look at the judge, who seemed incensed from Kreg's comment. "It is not illegal for non-humans to solicit prostitution among themselves." "Unfortunately, that's true." The human moved behind Kreg, unlocking the handcuffs. "There. You are free to go. We have everything we need." "You could have said so a while back," Kreg said, slightly miffed as he rubbed his sore wrists. "What about your criminal? Do you have any punishment in plan for him?" "He will be taken to a higher court, where he will respond for his other crimes." "Except for assaulting a Vlatorran, of course," Kreg said with sarcasm. "You already delivered your justice. You worked that dagger really good. The paramedics are almost sure they may not be able to salvage the leg. Without proper treatment, that is. But a punk like him doesn't have the money for it." Kreg growled as he finally allowed himself some of his anger to surface. "He should be thankful I can control myself and didn't take his life. No motherless punk is going to make me spend time in prison." Kreg walked towards his pack and picked it up. He calmly fastened it to his back, and slung his rifle's strap over his left shoulder. He pulled his brief up as he turned to face the judge, making sure the stretch fabric outlined his heavy genitals even more prominently. "My race has already too much blood heaped upon our name." Kreg turned and started walking away, stopping as he heard the judge's voice. "We will be watching you, iguana. Your kind is never up to anything good. Earth will never forget the numbers of really good men and starships we lost in that war your wretched leader led against us... before we crushed him." Kreg remained still for a few heartbeats. His hands curled into tight fists as he tried to think of something to say back. He resumed his steady, proud walk, only marred as his tail lashed slightly from his anger. His voice was unwavering as he spoke a parting comment. "Be thankful it didn't cost your homeworld." * * * The male Vlatorran opened his left eye partially, alerted to the presence of his mate as she walked slowly towards him, her clawed feet tapping softly on the stone floor. His intense love towards her, however, did nothing to disturb him from his meditation as he purged his mind of thoughts and emotions. She knelt in front of him, patiently waiting for him to address her. "Trerk'dtarn," she said as he acknowledged her presence. "Good life, my mate." The male nodded slowly. When he spoke, his voice remained calm and emotionless from his meditation. "I know what you wish to ask, and while my decision is set, do not be afraid to speak your mind." The female cast her eyes down in submission, signaling her total obedience and acceptance of her mate's rules as head of the household. "I respect your rule, my mate. I wish I could do anything to change your mind." The Vlatorran breathed deep and slow. "Peace will not be ours to enjoy unless we make a strong effort to stop the killing and the madness." "Negotiating with the humans... I cannot but fear for your life. They have never shown respect for the symbols of our race, of the lands the Vlatorrans rule, of the lives that make our species." "Our delegation leaves in three days. Hopefully they will understand our goal is one of peace. The enemy would lose respect if they were to destroy it." His deep, slow breathing quickened by an infinitesimal amount as he felt her soft touch on his shoulders. Control over his emotions was almost complete; he would have hated himself for ignoring her attentions, but that was an emotion in itself. "I am needed," he only managed to say. "Not as much as I do." He noticed her deepening red under her tail, and the first scent of pheromones signaling the beginning of her rut. His malehood quivered slightly until it too relaxed completely. "We will mate when this is over. I promise." He paused, breathing deep. "Ske'trh ga Sy'tahnn hoyeh'n' gah." You are the half of my soul, Sy'tahnn_._ The female bowed. "I will await your return, my love." The male closed his eye again, calmly smelling the scent of the rrej'terrkhan leaves. * * * The reptile opened his nostrils, taking in the strong scent of the hot rrej'terrkhan tea. Holding the cup with both hands, he slowly moved it to his lips. He sipped a little bit before returning the cup to the table. He cast down his snout and closed his eyes as he tried to relax in short meditation. A soft breeze caressed his almost nude body, sending shivers of pleasure down his spine and tail as he sat outside in a courtyard. He looked behind him, towards the restaurant bustling with patrons. That much he could infer from the noise that filtered through the rear wall, as he sat in an exterior courtyard. While not exactly an overtly elegant place, word on the street billed it as a fairly popular place among visiting xenomorphs, and even some affluent humans. The owners, xenomorphs themselves, were open to provide service to all aliens. The owners of the tavern had been willing to serve him, but none of the patrons would have anything to do with some mercenary inside. Much less an iguana. Kreg snorted. Iguana. The word was nothing but an insult the humans had hurled at his species, and had stuck among other xenomorphs. Kreg could not recall what had caused the war, what provoked the humans into declaring Vlatorrans an abomination that needed to be defeated. It had been true that Vlatorrans had been a bit proud to bend to all the demands from the humans, who seemed offended at the Vlatorrans' lifestyles. Following the complete destruction of their homeworld during the war, Vlatorrans had been left grasping for whatever scraps they could get. Menial jobs were all they could find, and were forced to live and eat in the slums of the cities. They never stayed long on any planet, moving to the next one after their presence was too much for the humans to tolerate. And so too many other xenomorphs had renounced any treaties and goodwill they once held towards Vlatorrans, siding with the more powerful humans. Kreg didn't blame the owners of the restaurant for asking him to have his meal outside. Still, he wondered if they had actually preferred him to that whole bunch. The view from the courtyard, down towards most of Septerra city and its surrounding mountains and ocean, was certainly splendid. The ocean extended towards the north horizon, from which ocean liners sailed to and from the city. The almost quiet peace was barely broken by the rumble of ion engines as transports flew in all directions, carrying whatever cargo and passengers had made its way in. All the more welcomed after the crowded, miserable conditions from traveling in the ship's cargo bay. Crowded where he could smell everything and everyone. No privacy was expected nor given -- more than once he could sense eyes on him and his belongings. He still managed some sleep, keeping half his mind awake while the other rested. And then there was the sex. Kreg had kept to his corner of the cargo bay the entire trip, not even taking time to go to the designated lavatories to take a dump. But he had spent the whole time fully naked. His muscled body -- and obviously, his genitals -- had commanded admiration from both males and females alike. His gruff, mercenary appearance kept everyone away, but only for so long. Inevitably, one alien female approached him with desire, eager for whatever bit of action the little money she could part with could buy her. By the time she walked away, Kreg had given her money's worth several times over. He had fucked her with delight, showing no compunction about the noise from their act, nor that it all happened in plain view of every soul in the cargo bay. Others soon followed; each one got equal service, all fucked mightily under the watchful eyes of everyone else. Whether he was plunging his cock in some female's moist hole, a male's rear or either sex sucking on his large member, he could care less of those who felt disgusted by it. By trip's end at least half of the occupants had been pummeled by his cock in one way or another, and he still had some "Vlatorran juice" to spare. More importantly, he had enough money to get him by a few days at his destination. The Vlatorran sipped the rest of his tea, then looked inside his backpack for some coins. He rumbled softly; he was almost out of money he had earned fucking the aliens, and he certainly needed a good sum if he was to continue his search. But Septerra was a big city, far too large for him to search on his own. Nobody could direct him towards his objective, other than a few xenomorphs saying they thought to have seen a couple Vlatorrans some time in the past. Kreg knew if he waited, though, what he was after would eventually find him. The wait would cost him money, however, and he didn't have much left. Septerra didn't seem like the kind of city that would need another mercenary, much less a Vlatorran, even in the seediest neighborhoods. Kreg never lacked options -- he still despised using his body to earn money, but he had long since stopped feeling shame or extreme anger. Neither emotion would fill his stomach, buy him ammo, or take him to the next planet. Or help him carry on with his purpose. No sense putting it off any longer, he thought. Besides, he was indeed a bit eager to find some rich socialites bent on some "forbidden pleasures" by having a taste of his hot, thick meat. The thought of fucking a Vlatorran seemed to appeal to their most debased thoughts, and all had paid awesomely well for his skills. And Kreg certainly itched for some moist lovehole on which to bury his cock and spill his juices -- fucking their brains out was certainly a welcomed experience. Kreg was about to get up from the table when he noticed a human female sitting on another table, near the entrance to the courtyard. Young looks, yet obviously an adult; Kreg placed her in late twenties in human years. Her skin was a light tan, and her long black hair swayed slightly under the breeze. Her arms didn't have any defined musculature, the only parts besides her head that were not covered with clothing, but he still could sense she was not a complete weakling, either. Most assuredly an ideal of what many humans would call "beautiful". Though she was definitely scrawny by Vlatorran standards. Even when Vlatorran females deferred almost everything to their males, they still sported well-defined bodies and exuded strength through their unclothed bodies. He wondered what she was doing out there where the dregs were asked to sit; even if she was attempting to pass as a commoner, her clothing was obviously well made, unlike the thugs that had tried to rob him five days ago. She seemed not only able to pay her fare inside, but also at some of the most luxurious places in the city. Despite unable to see her eyes behind the dark glasses she wore, Kreg could feel she was eyeing him with more than mild interest. He could not wonder what need she could have for his services. Wealthy humans could afford better mercenaries than Vlatorrans. And unless she liked living dangerously, she would not be looking at a xenomorph for getting her thrills. Even then, he sensed he did not need to walk anyplace to find money. Whatever the human's interest, he was definitely her target. Kreg paused for an instant, then got up from his table. He tried to appear indifferent as he casually slung his large backpack and rifle on his back, as if unaware of her interest as he walked casually and slowly walking towards the exit. Any second now, he knew the call would be made... "Excuse me... lizard?" Kreg sighed softly, then turned to look at her -- at least she didn't call him iguana. Her body's reaction revealed she was staring at him with strong interest, and the way her head kept nodding ever so slight told him she was eyeing that which made him a male. "How can I be of service to you?" Kreg asked. The soft tone of his voice seemed to startle her a bit, obviously clashing with some preconceived notion of Vlatorrans. "You probably know that as well as I do," she said. Kreg noticed the slight tinge of a metallic voice, then noticed the small device attached to her throat, held into position by her collar. Far from being an android or someone who had lost their voice, it was there to mask her real voice. Kreg wondered who that human was that felt she needed to hide her real identity. "Service would be about right." Kreg remained still, breathing deep as he calmed himself down. Far from offended at her condescending tone as she looked down at him, he was disgusted at the thought of being regarded as a breeding animal. He didn't waste time to get to the point. "How many Vlatorran slaves in your house?" "Just one. A young female. Can hardly find any more of your kind; it seems as if most have disappeared. Are you reptiles going extinct or something?" "Our species does not view extinction as a disgrace, but rather a far better fate than what we are living now. But thankfully, that is not our path. Where we are going is our own destiny, and we will live much better in it, even if the nights and stars that made our lives have shifted to light this new path." The human sneered. "Stick to your mercenary skills. You would starve as a poet." "Not any more than I would starve as a mercenary. There is hardly any need for Vlatorran thugs. I get paid far better when I fuck people with my meat gun rather than those of steel." "I would say. The smell of your sex speaks volumes. Not only are you are shameless, but not caring for a bath as well." Kreg snorted. "I do bathe. Doesn't help if my friend here is always eager for action. So unless some of your xenomorph friends wish to be plugged by my cock, I would like to get on my fucking way." "Not much for manners or more decent language, either." Kreg wheezed, blowing hard through his nostrils. "I do not appreciate having my time wasted." The human turned her sight away briefly to her right, then turned back to face Kreg as she spoke. "Neither do I like wasting mine, or my money. Informants don't come cheap, and I had to track you down all over Septerra since I got notice of your arrival." Kreg remained still, but turned an eye to give a quick glance to where the female had looked. He noticed a small, featureless transport parked some distance away. Only one other human stood near it. "You seem pretty well connected. And who might you be? Certainly not some law enforcer, as I don't see a score of thugs guarding your back. Yet also not some kingpin's bitch since again you don't have said thugs and you obviously don't want to be recognized next to a Vlatorran." "Who I am and which side of the law I stand on is not important. What I need is for you to fuck a female and fill her with eggs. Non-sentients have no trouble fucking. It should be less of an effort for someone who can speak." "Can the insults, sister. We are not the brutes your species' government has made us seem to the weak-minded among your kind. And even after years of propaganda, your government had to realize the war was probably a 'mistake' that, sadly, they cannot correct. Other than making it clear that capturing free Vlatorrans is against your laws." "This female was born from slaves already in our possession after my father acquired them from their former owner. She has no rights under our laws nor whatever treaty the surviving members of your species has signed. So from my point of view, you can do your deed on her, and get paid well for a few hours of slamming that dick into her. Or as long as it takes and we are sure she is gravid." "And produce more Vlatorran slaves." "They will be well taken care of." "Still slaves." "Why would you care?" the woman said, slightly annoyed. "It would be no different than fathering a child you would never meet. And naked animals don't give a shit about how many others they screw with." Kreg paused. Something in her demeanor seemed vaguely familiar. Something he had faced years before. During the war, indeed. Another human, that was certain. Not one event of the war had transpired that had not let a bitter taste in him, but that one seemed strong. Obviously it was not the female human he was staring at; she was obviously born near the end of the war. And even years after the war there had not been one human who had not treated him lower than shit. And yet -- Kreg pushed the thoughts aside. "Slavery against Vlatorrans is not something I wish to help perpetuate." The human shrugged. "You can refuse; it is your choice. Things can get too hot here in Septerra for other xenomorphs... and I don't exactly mean the weather. Vlatorrans could step in it deeper. Not that your species has any rights in human territory. You get canned, nobody would give a shit about it." Kreg snorted. "That sounds like a threat. How typically human." "More like a request. I am sure a little compensation may help assuage your concerns and be worth the use of your... skills." For the briefest of instants Kreg twitched the fingers on his right hand as it hovered a short distance away from the pistol holstered in his right hip, his red eyes turning a deeper shade as they narrowed. The thought of murder flashed in his reptilian mind. Vlatorrans had never asked for a war that murdered millions, and yet it had seemed justified at times to punish the same kind of arrogance now incarnated in the brat sitting right in front of him. He would be dead not long after, indeed, but it seemed worth it. No. "Ut'ekh go rrovidak," he chanted to himself in a deep, guttural voice, almost inaudibly. "Sy'tahnn..." He closed his eyes briefly, lowering his snout. He stared at the human when he opened them, all traces of anger gone from his face. "Pardon?" the human asked. "Nothing," Kreg said in his accented voice. "Just an expression of my race. Asking my spirits for guidance." He pulled a chair on the same table the human was sitting at and sat down on it. The human stiffened, obviously displeased at his brazen display of "equality". "Your name. If I am going to be working for someone, I want their names." "Nysha," the human said, slightly annoyed. "Last name is not important." Kreg shrugged. "It's all the same to me. All right... Nysha. You wish the services of a breeding stallion? You get to be my equal and talk my language." Kreg paused briefly. "Five hundred kilocredits. Paid in hard currency; I don't trust your race's currency accounts. Funds tend to get depleted under scores of 'fees'." The human hesitated, breathing slightly uncomfortable, which pleased Kreg enormously. "That... is quite some chunk of money." "If I have to appease my conscience, I will do so by leaving this mudball in style. First class travel all the way to Clanton nebula. Surely it is a small price to pay, considering what you would be getting from it." "Still a sizeable sum." Kreg grabbed his cock through his spandex brief. "You want this put to good use, don't you? Then pay what it is worth. But if you rather not, that's your right." He tapped the table thrice with his left index finger. "But I would think it twice about sending your worst against this iguana. It will not be my blood and guts alone what they will have to clean up from the streets. And I can promise, the trail of blood will lead somewhere." Pushing her chair noisily, Nysha rose to her feet. She signaled the lone driver to start the transport. "There will always be another Vlatorran male. Hopefully one that doesn't smell so bad." Kreg gurgled with slight laughter, completely unfazed at the insult. "Good luck waiting for another one. Like you noticed, we are a dying race. It could well be a decade or two before another one comes your way. If ever." The human paused. "Fine. You had your fun." She drew her face closer to Kreg's, but it was obvious to the reptile she was holding her breath. "But for that much money, I want results. How can I be sure you will perform?" Kreg grinned. He pulled his brief halfway down, allowing his heavy genitals to advertise themselves. "These babies are not ornamental, sister. There's enough juice in them to breed a whole planet if put to good use. Care for a demonstration?" "No," Nysha said, flustered. She got up from the table, walking hurriedly towards the awaiting transport. "You can save that for the slave. Now, if you don't mind, I am in a hurry, so get into the transport's rear." "A transport?" Kreg asked, following her while he pulled his brief up. "For what I am asking I expected to be treated better than cargo." "Even the priciest stallion doesn't ride with its owners. And the last thing I need is for the entire city to see me carrying a Vlatorran into my property as an equal. Now shut the fuck up and get in there. I have been seen outside far longer than I wish." Without a word, she turned and walked hurriedly towards the transport. "Don't worry; I have no intention to have your scaly ass busted or hide on sale. Your cock is more valuable to me fully functional. That is too much meat to let it go to waste." Kreg lashed his tail slightly in displeasure, not much at the comment but at the prospect of being transported like an animal again. "The last woman who said something like that in my presence had her boyfriend's leg busted really well." He received no response. The rear doors closed, drowning the sound of his rifle charging to full power. * * * Kreg did not ease his finger off the trigger until the transport stopped and powered off completely. His tension did not ease, ready to fire a shot if he needed to fight his way to freedom. He had been aware of his whereabouts at all times; back in the rear of the transport he still had a good view of Nysha and her driver sitting on front, and the roads they were going through. He relaxed slightly as they started driving through a residential area. On both sides the houses exuded luxury, getting progressively larger and fancier the more they traveled. Neither he nor the two humans spoke a word during the entire ride. The transport finally turned into a private driveway, towards a large house surrounded by a large, open field. Several more houses like it were some distance away, each one separated by an almost equal amount of open space. Thick brushes served to mark each field, but it was obvious anyone could cross from one field to its neighboring ones. The transport's doors opened, revealing a well-tended garage, and Kreg stared into Nysha's face again, holding to his rifle. "You can leave your weapons in the transport. You can pick them when you leave." The Vlatorran puffed his throat defensively. "No." "You can relax, iggy. You have no need for your weapons inside. I'm paying you to use that natural gun of yours." Kreg didn't move a muscle, still looking at her through half-closed eyes. Nysha sighed, displeased, then started to walk away. "Fine, then. I have no time to argue with a fucking lizard." "I thought that's why you brought me here. To fuck." The human turned around to face Kreg, hands on her hips. "Stop being a smart ass and get out! I want you to do that slave and get out of this place before my grandfather comes back." Kreg's dorsal spines raised slightly in curiosity. "Why is that?" "None of your business. But if you need to know, yes, he is completely aware I was going to bring a Vlatorran home to have the female impregnated. He just wanted to be away while it happened. He's not fond of the idea of Vlatorrans fucking inside the house." Kreg put the safety back on his rifle, the soft hum of its energy crystal dying as it became inactive. He stepped out of the transport and into the large garage. Two more luxury cars were parked to one side; next to them three more cars, slightly less luxurious were also powered down. Despite all of them and the transport, though, there was lots of room to walk around. "I would imagine you would have breeding animals in a farm," Kreg said, slinging the rifle over his backpack and following Nysha inside the house. Kreg followed Nysha down a hall and through a personal library, a studio and down some stairs into a lower level. His eyes darted around, taking view of all the luxury inside -- paintings, rugs, curtains, computerized systems, and sculptures from almost every alien culture he had come to know. Vlatorran art was obviously absent. He knew better than thinking about stealing anything, even if he had come across a worthless trinket. A single missing copper coin would be enough to land him in jail for a few years. If he was lucky. Rather, he simply looked to appease his mind, and a sense telling him there was something underneath what his eyes showed him. "Grandfather likes to be close to the city," Nysha said as she led Kreg through the house. "And other than the slave and our pets, there would be no animals." She turned to look back at him, smiling. "You should be proud. You may well be the first and only Vlatorran outsider who steps inside this house." Kreg curled his upper lips, revealing his teeth attached to their gums. "Big deal. I have lived in larger places. But I can tell there is some serious moneys at work here. Mind asking me where your grandfather works?" "He's retired. The Septerran government pays for all this." "Really. He must have been some high chief of state or something." "More like a hero of the war." Kreg huffed, his body tensing slightly. "Yeah. They call anyone who kills thousands a hero." "My parents died in the attack on Vega. He has always said that and having to care for me gave him the strength to rally forces to --" "I'm sorry about your parents," Kreg interrupted. "But if you don't mind, I rather not listen to your grandfather's exploits. I was on the other side, and I had my own losses as well. They are... buried. As the past should be." Kreg noticed they had stopped in a somewhat featureless room, probably designed to serve as a reception room for some larger office or studio, but that had been turned into a makeshift storage area. A door on the opposite side was partly open, and seemed to lead to a larger room. "This is it? This is where you want me to mate that female?" "No. You just wait and undress here while I have her transferred to the cage where you two will mate. I will lead you to her once we are ready." "Wait... cage?" "To make sure she does not go running away from you. That thing of yours sure is intimidating. And I don't want to miss any of the action. I'm not paying you to have sex and I don't get to watch any of it." She turned, not letting Kreg speak one more word. He sighed as he dropped his backpack and rifle to the ground and began to take off his leggings. Humans, he thought. Always the voyeurs. * * * Kreg had been clad in just his nipple rings for some time when Nysha returned to the room. He didn't notice her at first, breathing deep as he tried to calm his mind from whatever apprehension he may have. "Relaxing? I would imagine you would be getting all worked out to do the nasty." Kreg turned to face her. She was staring intently at him, seemingly admiring his muscled frame, although her eyes obviously kept bouncing back to that which hung mightily and heavily between his legs. She also had slipped into some loose robes, but nothing even remotely revealing. "I didn't say it before, but I have to admit, you do have such a magnificent body." "Thanks. It is nothing that I didn't build myself, or wasn't given to me upon birth." "It's a shame you're an alien. Reptilian, too." "Pardon me for not sharing the sentiment. Now if you were so kind to lead the way? I presume your slave is ready." "Yes, of course. I was just wondering. You definitely look reptilian, so how come your have nipples? Not to mention such a massive, external attribute. Certainly you are not like any reptile on Earth or other planets." "That is how Vlatorrans evolved. My planet..." Kreg paused, fighting to keep some memories from surfacing. "Our species followed a similar path to that of your Earth, with mammals evolving from reptiles, although there was nothing comparable to your dinosaurs. Conditions were moving in favor of these early mammals, and remained that way long enough for them to develop most of the characteristics you would find in a mammal, including warm blood. Some unknown event, however, caused our world to reverse course, and conditions became too harsh for these early mammalians, but again favorable to the reptiles. Those mammals who still had some strong reptilian traits in them had the advantage; our species evolved from them." Kreg snorted. "Your scientists called it 'regressive evolution'; as if being a reptile were something inferior." Nysha walked slowly towards Kreg. He stared attentively, noticing a slight unsteadiness in her walk. "Well... it does make you look slightly more... human. Interesting, even." She gave a gentle tug to one of his nipple rings. "So these serve any function?" Kreg wrinkled his nostrils, as the odor of alcohol wafted up to him. The human was not drunk, but not entirely sober either. "Those are vestigial, but still slightly sensitive. I do like them; the rings offer some ways of playing. As for my genitalia, being warm-blooded means they remain cooler outside. And the biggest the schlong, the more successful a male was at intimidating other males. And of course, advertising his strength to the females. We evolved beyond that, of course. But nature decided to leave us such gift." Nysha chuckled. "No doubt it still produces similar reactions among every species who gets to stare at them. You weren't spending much effort to hide your package from anyone." "Vlatorrans do not abide by trivial codes made by other species. We see clothing only as ornament, never designed to hide the greater beauty that is our bodies. Besides, advertising this 'package' is what keeps me fed." He pushed her away. "Now, can we go and meet that slave? I would like to get this over and done with. "Yes, yes. Of course," the human said, slightly disappointed. "By the way, there will be three cameras pointed at you while you mate her. I will be filming what you do. I want evidence in case the paternity is questioned, to prove she was really mated and not artificially inseminated. I hope you understand." Kreg wheezed, somewhat tired to even show his slight feelings of anger as he followed her. "Go ahead; make your own fuck movie, see if I care. It won't be the first time I have performed under a camera. Being a whore means you get paid to have sex in almost whatever way the client wants." "Really?" Nysha asked, her interest growing. Occasionally she glanced back, taking a peek of Kreg's swaying member and balls as the Vlatorran walked. "What kind of situations?" Kreg shrugged. "Almost anything I got paid to do. Some clients did want some keepsake of themselves being fucked by a Vlatorran. Others paid me to have sex with xenomorphs of either sex for whatever audience they wanted to show said event. Some even had me screw a few non-sentient animals. And except for those who wanted me to do them, humans requested the rest. For having such a repressive mentality against mating with xenomorphs, your species sure is obsessed with watching your own species and other creatures fuck." "You ever got offered to do any humans?" "Thankfully, no. The only time I was with them was to watch them fuck. Some stupid role as a voyeur demon of the greater abyss." Nysha giggled. "Oh, my god... I remember that movie! That was abysmal, even for a porn film. But the scene where the demon rapes that alien was so violent, so realistic --" "That was no acting." Kreg halted, once again trying to subdue his anger. "They... drugged me. I didn't realize what I had done until after the drugs wore out and I found myself outside the studio. I saw the xenomorph... and she... she told me what I had done. After that... I heard she took her own life." "Sorry to--" "Save your pity. Unless you really mean it, I rather --" Kreg snorted, then halted dead on his tracks. His strong sense of smell revealed the presence of five more humans -- three males and two females. And something else. Booze. And a few drugs. "What is going on? Who is here with you?" he growled. "Just five of my friends," Nysha said indifferently. "Not that an iguana should care. For all the money you are asking, I figured I could organize some 'live entertainment' for some of my friends." Kreg roared, puffing his throat and eyebrows in anger. "Entertainment?! You are asking me to impregnate a female of my species that I have never met. Probably may end up doing so against her will, and you think this is amusing?" "Can the threat displays, iguana. You are in no position to refuse or order me around. You are nothing. Not a person, but just the bottom of the dregs list. Just entering this house is reason enough for me to have you arrested." "You... you asked me to come here!" "It is the word of a human against a Vlatorran. You think the law will believe you?" Kreg huffed for a full minute, his throat and eyebrows still puffed. When he spoke, his voice was deep and guttural from his efforts not to fly into rage. "You... human bitch." "Who has gotten you by those scaly balls, thank you. Now... you fuck the bitch, or your ass is fucked in jail. Your choice." * * * The Vlatorran still breathed deep, even when his face and throat had returned to normal. The last thing he needed was for the female to think he was challenging her. She stared unblinking at him, eyes filled with dread, from the corner of the cage she had retreated to. Hissing loudly with fear, and still capable of defending herself if need be. Very much unlike a normal Vlatorran, who would never be afraid to meet others of their kind. Kreg guessed the only ones she had ever seen were her parents, and those were clearly absent. Being alone among humans surely had caused her primitive instincts to strengthen as a defense mechanism. The same instincts also told her why he was there. Even more when her scent had already started to incite him; Kreg fought hard to keep his cock from hardening and stand upwards. "Come on, what are you waiting for, iguana? Fuck her!" "Yeah! We didn't come here to watch you stand there naked!" Kreg wished he were in a position to tell the humans to shut the fuck up. They certainly were not making his ordeal any easier. The Vlatorran considered his options; it was obvious he would never get close to the female without acting like her. He squatted on the ground, making himself look smaller, then started bobbing his head slowly. The female looked at him, nervously. He repeated the gesture, and was pleased to see her starting to calm down. "Fear not," he said softly in the Vlatorran's native language. "Hurt is not in my mind." "What are fuck are you saying?" Nysha shouted. "What is that language?" Kreg growled as the human's screams once again caused the female to become defensive. "What, you've never heard Vlatorran being spoken before?" "I don't want to hear that nonsense. Speak terran. I want you to say how much you want to fuck her." "Do a voice over for your stupid porn flick if you need to! She will not allow me to mate her if she's not calm. Vlatorran females will not go down meekly like some of you weak mammals. She will defend herself, and I certainly don't want to spend the next couple days healing." "Fine," Nysha said, annoyed. "Then grunt or whatever. Bestial sex is still fun." Kreg cursed beneath his breath, then turned his attention back to the other Vlatorran, again bobbing his head to calm her. This time, he could not help but look more attentively at her. She was young, the color of the Vlatorran sun at dawn. So much like... Sy'tahhn. He growled softly to himself, angry. This was a different female. Barely of rutting age, so he was definitely going to be her first. He wished it had been on a happier occasion, with a male of her choosing. He had to suppress the thoughts. It would not help her or him if he did not do the deed he was obliged to perform. If he were to stop the hurting, he would have to inflict one last dose of it. Kreg bobbed his head slowly. "I am sorry. I must mate you." When she finally spoke, her voice was soft despite her fear and anger. "Why must you? You will make me heavy with eggs. I do not wish to give birth to others to be slaves like me." "Yes. But I wish to help. I can help you be free. Do not fear me." He bared his throat to her, presenting himself as a target. He heard her hiss loudly, considering the option. It was a risky move. If she felt really threatened, she would rip it before he had any chance to react. Not the day he envisioned his life to end. Not when he still had so much to do... Her hissing stopped. Kreg turned an eye to look at her. Most of her threat displays were gone or nearly so. Kreg bobbed his head as he slowly moved towards her. He gave a quick glance towards the humans watching from above. They all had undressed, perhaps already feeling the vibes from the Vlatorrans who were about to put on a show. He decided to tell her one more truth. "They will be watching. They want to see us mate." He smiled internally, thinking how there was no word in the Vlatorran language for "fuck". Only for passionate, loving sex. "Shame never stops heaping on our race." "The path to redemption is full of shame." He could hear the humans becoming restless. "They will not leave us alone until we mate. I cannot do anything to prevent the pain I will give you. But I can make it end." "If I accept you... will you do as you promise? Will you make it stop? Will you set me free?" "I would never think of anything else. My life would be laid down gladly if it helped yours become free." Kreg became pleased and somewhat surprised as her last resistance suddenly faded away. "I am Ka'Reen. I accept you," she said softly. "Kre'ga'drekahrn," Kreg said, nodding. She allowed herself to be guided gently to the floor as Kreg bit her nape slightly. Ka'Reen hissed, her eyes partially closed. Her tail twitched slowly, moving to one side. Lifting a leg, Kreg straddled her, slowly rubbing his crotch on her rump, marking her with his scent. The musky odor soon produced the desired result, and Ka'Reen moved her tail completely to one side. Kreg moved to stand behind her, looking at her vent, moist and slightly distended, ready to receive him. Laying on her right side, she lifted a leg slightly, her tail out of the way for him to move into position. Please forgive me, he thought. Pressing his cocktip against her vent, he pushed hard. The lips parted, and his hard flesh slid inside, meeting with some resistance to his girth, but eventually all resistance ceased and he plunged all the way in. "Yeah! He's doing it!" hooted one of the males. "Screw that bitch, lizard!" But neither of the Vlatorrans heard the scream, or those who followed it. Ka'Reen moaned and hissed as Kreg continued to push his shaft slowly inside her, until the base of it was flush with her slit. He held it inside for a few seconds, hissing with pleasure at her moist flesh surrounding his cock. It had been too long... since Sy'tharn. He gave a short mental prayer for her, then began to thrust. Slowly at first, intent on giving the female the most intense pleasure, the joy of an act that had been always denied to her. She only hissed with pleasure, slowly increasing with his pace, Kreg heard grunts as the humans finally could not hold themselves and started having their own orgy above. Strangely, it only served to fuel his desire of giving Ka'Reen even more intense pleasure. He worked his hips slightly so that his thick member stroke even deeper inside her. Ka'Reen screamed, but hers was one of pleasure as she finally climaxed. The female panted. "Kreg... spirits..." Kreg released his gentle bite on her to nuzzle her. "Don't... talk... just... feel... it." She gasped, once again starting to peak again. Her slit began to drip with fluids from her own arousal, and a small amount that Kreg had ejaculated to lubricate the passage of his cock. He bit the female again on her nape and increased the pace, thrusting harder but still gentle enough as not hurt her. He continued for a few minutes. By then the humans had long climaxed, yet he still held in, delaying his own release, giving the most to the female he had never known until then, to give her intense pleasure to mitigate the guilt that would come after their mating. To the humans theirs was but a mindless fuck, but to the reptiles it was pure bliss. Finally, Kreg could not hold any longer, and he growled loudly as the torrent of cum shot inside Ka'Reen. He twitched and jerked almost uncontrollably, gripped in one strong orgasm, the likes he had not felt in years, ripping through every nerve in his body, overwhelming every cell in his mind. He held tightly onto the female for the full minute his cock continued to pour his seed inside her. Exhausted, he pulled out of the female, drawing a sizeable portion of his cum out. More than enough remained in her, however. Enough for it to do what the human had asked of him. The thought marred his pleasure somewhat; he turned to look at Ka'Reen. The female breathed fast and shallow, and Kreg knew she was still gripped in the sensations of an afterglow. He caressed her, relishing his own. * * * "You got what you wanted," Kreg said to the human, growling as she walked towards him. Clad in the same robes he had seen her before, these were nevertheless open, exposing her naked flesh to him. Kreg curled his lips in slight disgust at the sight of naked human flesh. "She's full with my seed. She will be gravid soon. Now pay me and I will be out of your sight." "Not... so fast." Kreg tensed. He sensed he was in no danger; Nysha did not sound threatening at all. Instead, she looked at him with half glazed eyes that tried futilely to focus on his figure. "Gods... you're stoned! And drunk!" "Yep..." Nysha slurred as she talked. "Gotta say, watching you reptiles fuck... that is one big aphrodisiac. My friends and I had lots of inspiration from it. But we sure don't have your endurance." Kreg said nothing. It had been as he suspected when he got the first glimpse of alcohol in her breath. Even better; in her current state she would present no resistance to what he was about to do next. "Nice to know you got some thrills and hopefully your money's worth. But if you could lead the way out, we will be leaving --" "No, no... please. Stay. Have some more fun with the slave. If she's gonna be pregnant, where's the harm of getting some extra 'insurance', uh? Besides, when was the last time you screwed a female of your kind?" "Many... decades ago. Listen. It probably would be best if we were out before your grandfather gets here." "Oh, don't mind him. He won't be back for a few days. He's on some memorial to remember the war and the great victory he... he lead the Terran Federation. He... the great Ronald Madison." Kreg froze. A surge of emotions raced in his mind. The whole world spun around him. His pulse increased tenfold; the sound of his beating heart pounded his ears and pulsed in his forehead. His breath was cut completely short, as if he had been hit with a rock five times his weight and it had lodged itself in his lungs. Kreg fell to his knees covered in copious sweat. "M... m... Madison?" he barely managed to say. "Yep!" Nysha shouted, totally oblivious to the reptile about to faint. "Biggest hero of them all!" Kreg got up on his feet, his legs weak and trembling. He didn't make a single sound as he hurried back to the cage, and Ka'Reen who slept peacefully. Later on he would not remember how he got there, or having fainted almost immediately after that. * * * The Vlatorran smiled. Slowly, the mother world began to fill the view from his flagship's bridge. Not one single crewmember felt to be overwhelmed with happiness at the sight of the blue and green orb, the egg that had nurtured and birthed them inside the cold cosmos, now made less cold by the prospect of final peace. Close by stood the generals he had helped serve the plan for peace, their ranks meaning nothing as they too broke down watching their home shining brightly with light from their sun, bathing and warming their nude bodies. For the first time, there was hope of peace for his people. It was all Kreg could do to keep himself from hugging the video monitor displaying the image of his mate, who stood proud under the most beautiful blue Vlatorran sky he could ever imagine. "Trerk'dtarn," she said, overjoyed. "All of Vlatarr rejoices to hear the news of the war commanders' success." "It was hard, my love. But they were able to convince the human top general we seek only peace. Soon we will not worry any more." "I have longed for you, my love. More now than ever, to know it won't be long before I feel your arms around me." "As I have I. Please, only a few more minutes --" An alarm blared. "Battle stations!" "What is going on!" one of the generals shouted. "We have picked some Terran communication coming out of tachyon space, sir! It is their war frequency." "Codification?" "None, sir. It is not scrambled." The speakers crackled as the message was played. "General Madison! Target is dead ahead!" Loud static, then one final shout. "For the glory of Earth! For God and Humanity! We give our lives in this glorious day --! The transmission died in more static the Vlatorran recognized as a ship exiting tachyon space. "Sir, sensors detect a massive flow of energy behind us. Point of exit is seventeen thousand spatial units!" "Sensors are off the scale!" another crewmember shouted. "Whatever that is, it's huge!" "That is impossible! Neither the humans nor us have a ship capable of displacing so much energy! Only something huge would --" Their words were cut short as a blinding burst materialized far behind them, fading almost instantly, replaced by an apocalyptic sight. "Great gods," muttered a crewmember, stark terror etched on his face. The whole scene played in less than fifteen seconds, yet it seemed eternally long. A human starcraft, not even half the size of the Vlatorran flagship, sped past the entire fleet. Flying too fast, a sizeable fraction of the speed of light. Behind it, hauled by a tractor beam, was a continent-sized meteoroid. Every crewmember was paralyzed in absolute stupefaction at what their eyes witnessed but the mind refused to accept. The feelings were almost immediately replaced by the darkest, most overwhelming feeling of terror and finality; each nerve of their bodies paralyzed. Not one single shot was fired to destroy neither the attacker nor its weapon. Not that such action would had changed the outcome of what was to come. They could only watch as doom came hurtling towards their race. The Vlatorran male turned to look at the screen where he had seen her mate. The once blue sky quickly disappeared under the sight of the approaching meteor, which covered the once blue sky in barely over a second. The human ship -- whatever was left after crossing the atmosphere -- hit the ground and exploded a safe distance from where his mate was located. But that meant nothing. It did not change the inevitable outcome for everyone on Vlatarr. For his mate. "Sy'tahnn!!" Sy'tahnn turned to see the impending doom, and calmly turned to face the screen again. "I love you, my k--" A flash of light. Half an instant later, the image was gone. Inside the flagship and the whole Vlatorran fleet, there were only screams of terror from the crewmembers, and the once jubilant transmissions of peace celebrations throughout the planet. Vlatarr groaned and shrieked as the meteor struck. Almost immediately, red streaks ran across the planetary surface, and lakes of molten rock flooded the planet as its surface buckled, then cracked as the planet began breaking apart. Screams of the terrified Vlatorrans still alive after the impact were drowned by the sound of massive planetary earthquakes. Molten rock spilled into space, turning black as it cooled in the near absolute zero coldness of space. The planet gave one last loud scream in pain, then finally felt silent as it broke apart and died. Its death was followed by that of most of those in the Vlatarr fleet, the emotions too strong for their broken hearts. Inside the flagship, Kreg screamed, falling to his knees. "Syyyy'taaaaahhnnnn!!!" * * * Kreg screamed. He panted, touching his chest, trying to stop his racing heart as he gasps, breathing fast and shallow. Almost immediately, he bent over to cough and vomit. It was only interrupted by a cry of frustration, then more vomiting. Eventually, his coughs turned into sobs as the memories overwhelmed him as strongly as they did on that fatal day. He felt a warm hand resting softly on his right shoulder. "What is wrong?" Kreg turned slowly, eyes and face wet with tears and sweat. He stared into the worried eyes of the female. "N-nothing. Just -- a bad dream. Just... some bad memories." She nodded, her worried face turning into sadness. Kreg stared at her nude body. Already her skin pigmentation had started to change, indicating the beginning of her gravid state. She knew it as well, for she stared at him, her yellow eyes fixed on Kreg's with a mixture of sadness and uncertainty. And perhaps, a very faint gleam of rage for what he had done to her. "It will be all right," he said softly as he nuzzled her snout, then held his arms tightly around her until she drifted back into peaceful sleep. His mind screamed for action. Revenge. It would be quick. It would be painful for the humans. It would certainly kill him, indeed, but Kreg didn't care. Ka'Reen twitched in her sleep. It would be a revenge that, if taken, would negate his promise to her. That he could not do. He forced himself to relax, to think. "Ut'ekh go rrovidak," he chanted again, softly. A red blink above him caught his attention. Kreg smiled. It would be perfect. And he would get some fun out of it. * * * Kreg listened to the still unsteady steps of the female human as she approached. He smiled, and looked at Ka'Reen as he hardened his cock, which glistened with moisture. "Holy shit," Nysha said, still under the effects of her alcohol and drug binge. "That thing's still hard?" "Yes. I have screwed her five more times, like you wanted. Was about to do her once again." "God... damn... you should teach those wimps your secret. One or two shots and they fizzle out." "Nothing to teach there. Vlatorrans were born to live and fuck, and we were given the right tool for it." He turned to close the door to the cage. "Is your camera still on? You missed quite some interesting action if they stopped." He turned to look at Ka'Reen. "Ready?" he said in Vlatorran. Ka'Reen nodded, and opened her legs, exposing her moist slit. Kreg took three steps towards her. "Wait," Nysha said, almost shouting. "Don't do her... not yet." "Pardon?" Kreg asked. "Watching you... has filled me with desire. How about... if you do me instead?" "Whoa, hold it right there," the Vlatorran said, waving his hands. "You definitely can't be serious! I am not doing humans! That is against your laws." "Screw the law," Nysha said as she stepped inside the cage. "I certainly would not confess to anything. And nobody would ever believe the word of a Vlatorran." Kreg shook his head violently. "Absolutely not!" Nysha frowned. She tried to remain steady as he stomped her feet while walking towards Kreg. "You are in my house, remember? You do as I say, or your ass is off to jail." Kreg hissed, puffing his throat slightly. He nodded, then looked at Ka'Reen. Nysha growled. "You, bitch... out!" Kreg walked towards Ka'Reen, and gently lifted her on her feet. He guided her towards the cage door. "Wait outside," he said in Terran, then repeated it in Vlatorran. The female nodded, slightly nervous. Kreg turned towards Nysha, who had already dropped her robe and stood fully naked. He forced her gently to lie with her back to the cage floor. Kneeling between her legs, he lifted the human's hips, and rubbed his hard, dripping cock on her cunt. "Remember," he told her with a toothy grin. "You asked for it." A loud moan of pain and pleasure filled the room. Hardly ten minutes passed. By then it was over. Kreg looked at the inert human, passed out like a light from the orgasm and the residual drugs. "Fizzle out, indeed," he said gleefully, then got up. * * * Kreg waited patiently as dozens of passengers walked past him. A strong sense of deja vu assailed him as some fired angry glances in his direction. He ignored them all, trying to make himself comfortable with his hands cuffed against his back, sitting on the same bench where he had waited days before. "I said I would be watching for you," a familiar voice said. And facing the same officer. Kreg smiled. "Is there anything you officers have to do besides harassing iguanas?" "Don't get smart with me," said judge Atkins. "You really stepped on it this time. You are accused of stealing both a small fortune and a slave from Nysha Madison!" Kreg stared at the human. His eyes gleamed, perhaps thinking of the promotion that surely awaited him for having captured the Vlatorran criminal. 'You humans should stop being so fucking prejudiced. I haven't stolen anything." "Word tricks will not work this time, iguana. We found one thousand kilocredits in your pack. A very small fraction of what she accuses you of stealing. Still a hell of a lot more money than even a... well-gifted male prostitute like you would be able to amass in a few days! I imagine you will deny that you were at her house as well?" "No, your honor," Kreg said sarcastically. "This human you talk about offered me money to impregnate her female Vlatorran slave, and I performed as asked. It is not my fault if said woman was so stoned from being so excited watching me do her slave that she forgot to secure the door to the slave's cage after I did the deed. If I had indeed stolen a slave, I sure ain't hiding her inside my pack!" Kreg rose angrily to his feet. "Vlatorran or not, I know I have a right to talk to my accuser. If you would just give me a minute, I would like to present my side. Why don't you call her up?!" "We have already done so. We are awaiting her to call back." He had barely spoken those words when a small video commlink lighted up. "Speak of the devil bitch," Kreg muttered. He growled softly as Nysha's slightly disheveled visage appeared on the screen. "Ma'am, this is Judge Atkins in the Septerra station. We have apprehended the suspect of the crimes you reported a couple hours ago." "Excellent!" Nysha exclaimed. "Can we do this quickly? Just tell me where you will be taking him and--" Atkins coughed. "Excuse the interruption, ma'am, but the suspect insists on talking to you." "I have no need to talk to an iguana." "He insists says it is important." "All right, all right... just so they don't say I didn't give a fucking iguana a chance to talk." Kreg remained serene as he turned to face the commlink. "I apologize for the disturbance, lady Nysha. But --" "Don't try to adulate me. You have absolutely nothing to say that I --" "Please," Kreg said calmly. "Your ladyship was somewhat indisposed last night. Surely I misinterpreted the signs, but it seemed as if you mistakenly took the wrong dose of pills for your... condition." He smiled slightly as she stared at him through the video screen. "If the lady would only look at her security recordings, she will see she recorded my mating with the female." "What are you trying to say --" Kreg watched her struggle to keep her composure as she looked at the screen. "Oh... I see. Yes... I can see I was a bit indisposed. I... may have forgotten everything." He saw her gleam with slight glee as she punched a button on her terminal. Kreg smiled, casually readying himself for the next punch. "I hope you can forgive me for taking the liberty of backing up the recording. I just wanted to make sure your grandfather would have a record of everything. It has been stored safely; I asked your butler about your safe storage services, and he was pleased to take it there. Just as a precaution." "Very... thoughtful of you. Thanks. I will have it retrieved soon." The judge frowned; Kreg grinned toothily, watching him sweat at the thought of the promotion escaping him. "Miss Madison, we found one thousand kilocredits in his possession! That is probably part of the money you claim the ig-- the Vlatorran stole from you." "I am sorry, judge. I did pay the Vlatorran for his services; that sounds like a fair amount for mating with a slave. I apologize for filing a false accusation; I will pay whatever fine is necessary. Please escort the Vlatorran to his gate." "But... but! What about the missing slave?!" "Probably got taken back to her regular cell. I will check later when I recover from my migraine. Good day to you, judge," Nysha said before her image was replaced by static, leaving a confounded judge behind. The judge stammered even more as Kreg turned to wave his hands cuffed behind his back. "Judge, if you would be so kind? Please?" "No... you are not going anywhere! Something does not sound right here!" "Come on, you heard the woman. Now you're gonna tell me her word is no better than a Vlatorran's?" Atkins stammered some more, then hurried to unlock the cuffs. "There! For all that's holy... I would never had thought I would catch an iguana twice! And twice it would go scot-free!" "No, sir. There were no crimes committed. So I am not escaping justice." "No... you can't fool me. I can feel you know more than you are telling. The money... where is --" "How the hell would I know?" Kreg growled. "I never stepped outside the areas she guided me through. And if you don't believe it, go to her fucking home and ask for their security recordings! And that woman was stoned when she and her friends decided to have some... communal mating. Who knows what any one of them did in that state. Maybe one of her friends stole it; they know it would always get blamed it on the iguana." "Are you accusing her of using drugs?" "Of course not. I don't know what is legal or not in your human planets. I know better than getting a high on anything while I am trying to stay alive. I only know that whatever she used, she was wasted. Who knows what else she did in that state. She probably even forgot to lock up her slave." "And you didn't think of alerting her to the situation?" "That is not what I got paid for. Besides, if you were a slave of the Vlatorrans and you were asked to father a child with a human female, would you alert her owner if something was amiss?" The judge paused, looking for words to say. Kreg smiled subtly. "I didn't think so. Now if you don't mind, I have a transport to catch." He casually slung his backpack and rifle over his back, then started to walk away. "You better not set one foot again in Septerra, Vlatorran. Your kind was never up to any good." "Spare me the war lecture, judge," Kreg said as he kept walking, his tail lashing in contentment. "You only killed most of the Vlatorran race. Our spirit is very much alive." Kreg continued walking for a few minutes. He turned around casually, glancing at the monitors directing passengers to their airlocks, while scanning the surroundings. Satisfied he was not being followed, he turned around and walked inside the restroom. He looked at the stalls. Finding an empty one, he locked himself in and dropped his pack. He sighed again with relief as he pulled down his tight briefs. Soon after, there was a subtle knock on the stall door. His hand hovered over his pistol. "Ka'Reen?" "Yes," a soft voice replied. Kreg opened the door, and stepped out to look at a figure clad in white robes from head to toes, flanked by two males of another species. Only her eyes were visible. He bobbed his head slightly. "It pleases me to see you are well." Ka'Reen nodded. "I was very much afraid to leave that house. But I knew I had to, if I wanted to be free." "Did the guides have any trouble finding you?" He looked at the two males, who bowed slightly. "No. They were right outside, as you told me. Other than it took some time for me to trust them. They... are not Vlatorran." "Gorigons have always been our strongest allies, even if they never fought in the war. We didn't want any harm to come to them, even when our homeworld was reduced to dust." "The guides will take you to the first class levels discreetly. From there you will travel comfortably. Just stay inside your cabin until your arrival at Nem'ekeshar. There will be other Vlatorrans waiting for any of our kind who arrives. They will take you all the way to New Vlatarr. And don't worry about the fake papers. My contacts are good; the humans will never know they are fabricated." Ka'Reen's eyes shone with sadness. "What about you? Why not come to New Vlatarr with me?" "The money I got from the human was good for only one fare. I never intended it for myself, but to pay for your ticket to freedom. Besides, I still have a few other places to go before I head home." He stroke her spines gently. "Do not worry. I can take care of myself." "Will I see you when you get there?" Kreg nodded. "Count on it." He turned to pat her stomach, covered by the white robes. He placed his right hand on her slightly distended stomach. His eyes moistened as he caressed it gently. "Take good care of them. They are my firstborns." Ka'Reen bobbed her head. "They will be proud and honored to sing the virtues of their sire... my king." Kreg froze, shocked. How long had it been since one of his own had last addressed him like that? His aides and allies knew very well not to do so, even when they were sure nobody was spying on them. So how did she --? Ka'Reen smiled, answering his unspoken question. "When I was very young, my parents told me stories of our former ruler. He who loved his people so much he risked his life to pass himself as a simple aide of the war commanders when Vlatorrans signed the peace treaty that never came. And how he, after losing our homeworld in a war that he never declared nor wanted to fight, left everything to gather all surviving Vlatorrans and lead them to a new home. Sadly, my parents were captured on the way there, and died as slaves. They told me stories of our lost world, their voices always breaking with awe whenever they talked about King Kra'rra'darrahan. And..." She smiled, gently touching Kreg's genitals. "They said his big heart was only dwarfed by his cock." Kreg smiled, fighting back the wetness in his eyes from rolling down his cheeks. He kissed her snout, then patted her gently on the back. "Yes... now off with you. You don't want to miss your transport." He watched the female walk away, apprehension and a slight feeling of envy at her finally going home. * * * Kreg looked outside the porthole, staring at the multicolored streaks of a ship traveling through tachyon space. He sat down on the raggedy, dank bunk. Just the next tier above cargo rate, it was surely the worst cabin in its level, but the best the remaining money had bought him. Still, it was an order of magnitude better than being shipped as cargo. And here it would be the only way he could avoid grabbing attention to himself, and for the humans to avoid anyone tracking the departure of an iguana. At least it had its own restroom. And some video monitor, slightly burnt out from age, blared with some Terran newscast. Kreg rubbed his genitals, hissing with delight. He turned towards his pack, looking for a little bottle. Smiling, he shook it, listening to the jingle of a few pills left. More than enough laxative. He swallowed five of them, then walked towards the commode and sat down to wait. He smiled, shaking his head as he closed his eyes. It would be a long way towards Pharallon V. No way he could keep his ammo inside that long. "Our top story at this hour! We have received confirmation that a reporter from the "Septerra Journal" has indeed received video that showed the granddaughter of Ronald Madison having a sexual relationship with a Vlatorran. No official word so far from the Madisons or their lawyers on what has become the greatest scandal of the entire Terran Federation. We await confirmation that the general himself is in serious condition in a military hospital in New Hampshire, Earth, after a massive stroke following the Journal's first disclosure of the explicit video..." E N D

Snake Eyes

This is the real me, Kaa Bakensobek. I hope that by posting my stories here I can avoid some idiots taking them and claming them as their own. :P =========== ### Snake Eyes The roar of the crowd grew louder as the executioner's axe...

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