Out of Harms Way

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#4 of Tales from The Hub


turns out kidnapping a wanted criminal wasn't an offence under the auspices of

the law unless ya didn't turn him over to the authorities. Fuck them. If they

wanted this guy so badly, they could get off their lazy, corrupt asses and get

him themselves. I wasn't on his payroll like they were, so he wasn't going to

see this coming...I hoped.

                I had

my partner scout his movements for me, with the help of his new love toy. I

figured if that Carn bastard was going to be hanging around my house, he might

as well be useful...to me that is. It took no time at all to track the fool down.

Just like Charise said, he was locking bodies with a slick tan lady on the

upside of town. He had the brains to keep a few of his henchmen around, but was

unwise in making them stay out of the way in the lobby of her high rise.


simply put on the uniform of a furniture mover and got access through the

freight doors. I actually carried in an enormous crate with a nice couch in it.

The manager found it to be the perfect payment for what I was about to do. He

ordered the staff to carefully remove it and place it in his personal suite. I

in turn was given free access to the back elevator.


room I was headed for was on the second to last floor. I needed to get inside

without alarming the occupants. Ya see, there were still communicators floating

around from the old days. It used to be that everyone had one, but the

Brotherhood declared them to be the work of the Devil. Funny thing was, the

only Devil I knew of was the Brotherhood itself. The point was, if ya had

money, ya had a communicator. In the case of Blackmantle, he probably had

several, one of which was in the hands of his henchmen. If wasn't that I

couldn't handle them. It was that this operation was best performed with



the manager slipped me a spare key. In my hands it was like a child's toy. I

quietly fumbled it into the lock and clicked it open. The door was thankfully

well oiled and silent. I pushed it shut with premeditated care and walked, as

softly as four hundred pounds could walk, towards the bedroom. I could hear

snatches of conversation and giggles coming from inside. I pulled out my Billy

club and held in one hand while I opened the door with the other.


isn't something I'm good at, what with my large head and all. Luckily for me,

Blackmantle was on top of his girl toy, with his ass facing my direction. I had

to push down the thought of surprising him with my other club (nudge, nudge,

wink, wink) but decided to keep this professional. I pounced into the room with

a floor shaking thud and before he knew what hit him, I cold cocked him with

one hit.  The female underneath him

panicked. Why wouldn't she? Prior to the scream I knew was coming, I placed my

oversized hand over her mouth and nose. It didn't take long for her to pass out

from the lack of oxygen.

                Both of

them were alive, have no fear. Dead might have been better, but I was making no

assumptions. I had been wrong about one; I was taking my time with the other. I

threw each one of the unconscious bodies over my shoulder, carefully slid out

of the room, and down the hall to the elevator. Once I hit the ground floor I

stepped out, looking both directions. No one. From there it was to the crate,

where I unceremoniously dumped the two in it and sealed it back up. After all,

I couldn't deliver the couch without removing the packaging. Company policy!


the mob boss woke up, he found two things were going on. One, he had a

headache. Secondly, when he went to rub his head, he found his hand was

immobilized. Both hands actually. And both feet. When he was able to assess his

position completely, he found that he was suspended from the walls by four

chains. And he was still naked. He suddenly deciphered the meaning of fear.


front of him was his female friend. I had nothing against her at the moment,

but I could hardly have left her behind. Besides, she might make a good

bargaining chip. If he had feelings for her, threats against her might provide

some much needed answers. If he didn't have feelings for her, then his

unchivalrous attitude might make her turn state's evidence. One way or another,

I was going to get answers, or else I was going to be having me a grand ole

time of it.


waited until they were both awake before walking in. When I did, it wasn't with

any subtlety. I had dropped my clothing before coming in, so that they both

knew what was in store for them if they didn't talk. I figured the puma-girl

just might be able to take me, but her partner would be squealing like a

Porcine sowlet getting her first real dicking.

                I hope

you can imagine what a big black me looks like when I enter the light of a bare

bulb from a background of darkest shadow. If ya can't, remember this; both of

them were suspended so that their heads were in line with my waist. Have I said



grabbed Blackmantle by the hair on his head and leaned down to stare him in the

eyes. "Hello pussycat.  I don't like

wasting my time, so I'll ask my questions plain and simple like. Why did ya put

me up to killing your cousin? I don't like playing the stooge."


gulped a few times before finding his voice "I don't know what the hell you're

talking about. So it was you who killed Arc? If I ever get out of here I'll

kill you for that!"


tsk, tsk. I didn't think you Carns had much in the way of family feelings. Your

cousin was an assassin after all. He killed folks for a living. So what

difference does it make to you that I killed him? The sages say that a man who

lives by the sword, dies by it."


Carn struggled against the chains. "I loved my cousin, you dirty bastard. If

wanted him dead, I'd have done it myself to make sure is was quick and clean.

But he was faithful to the family. If anyone put you up to this, it was one of

the other families!"


not lying to me, are ya? I want ya to understand that I hate liars." I moved

around behind his lady friend. "Understand it like this. If I think you're

lying to me even a tiny bit, I'll start by tearing this gal apart from the

back. Once she's done screaming, and you've heard enough, I'll start on you.

Oh, and just in case the question came to your head, the answer is yes, I'm

fresh out of lube."

                I poked

her damp pink hole with the head of my cock, just to get her to squeal. She

didn't fail to deliver.


it!" he cried. "I'm telling you the truth. I thought someone had put a hit out

on Archimedes. I've been waiting for his body, or even part of it to show up so

I could give him a decent burial. What did you do with it?"

                I was

growing disappointed. He sounded like an honest man. It's hard to believe such

a thing from a mobster. I poked his girl again, just for fun. She yelped and

started crying.


I don't know who you think you are, but you can't just go kidnapping..."

                I was

in front of him in a second. My ham hand grasped his jaw. He knew I had the

strength to break it. "Listen little Carn; my name is Veracity Harms and I can

do what I want. Luckily for you, I often don't. Now; why would someone frame ya

in arranging your cousin's death if ya had nothing to do with it? Think hard,

for I am quickly losing patience. I stood up to show him his fate if he lied to



spoke with more courage than I thought he had. "Veracity Harms is a legend made

up to scare children in their beds. Now it's you who are a liar!"


laughter was genuine. "I know. Yet here I am. So, unless you want to be part of

those bedtime stories, I suggest you answer my question."

                He was

remarkably defiant."Or what!"


wordlessly walked around behind him, stuck my finger in my mouth for a second

before ramming it into his ass. He jerked upwards on his chains, but managed to

stifle a howl. "Understand, I'm not joking. I'm looking for information, not

retaliation. But if you're guilty, I'm your judge and jury. It ya tell me the

truth, a truth I can believe, then ya go free.

                He was

still biting his lip. "Look you big, stupid bastard; I loved my cousin. I love

this lady whom you have threatened. Maybe you think I'm the biggest crook in

the city, but on a scale of one to ten, I'm nowhere near the top. I run a

business. Just because it doesn't fit into everyone's model of an honest

business, is not my fault. I don't consider myself any worse than any of the



snorted dangerously close to his face. "I thought you were supposed to love

your wife. I'm an old friend of Charises's, and I don't like the idea that

you're cheating on her. So tell me again how honest ya are."


eyes went wide. "I thought she was lying when she talked about you. But it's

impossible for you to be Veracity Harms, I mean my father told me about..."

                My hand

clamped down on his face, shutting him up. "I'm not concerned with stories

about me. Why have you ditched my beautiful little Charise for this little scrap

of pussy?" I released my grip just marginally.


didn't ditch her. She told me to get a girl on the side. So I did. I'd do

anything to make her happy. She's asked weirder things out of me."


got me thinking. She was a kinky girl, but I was surprised that she hadn't

joined in as a threesome.  But...there was

something going on here that I could quite deduce. Either she had lied to me or

this guy was. I doubt he was, the more I thought about it. He didn't have that

much bravery in his soul to go up against my threats. Of course, my threats

were real. If he knew who I was, then he knew what I was capable of.


walked over to the wall and pulled a lever. Both of the Carns fell to the

floor. I was keeping my word, even if I wasn't doing it nicely. I reached down

and unclamped the manacles holding them to the chains. "Listen up you two. As

of this moment, consider yourself dead."


puma-girl started sobbing. She was a little confused as to what I was saying.


ya silly nit, what I mean is that as of this point in time, ya must stay here,

as much as it galls me to say it. It seems someone wants ya dead, and so dead

ya must be." I turned to Blackmantle. "Just like your cousin."

                At that

moment, Archimedes stepped into the light. "Sorry cuz. Someone put me up for a

bump off, and this here fellow wanted to make certain it wasn't you. He's a bit

harsh, but trust me, if he wasn't you'd probably be dead, and so would I."


cousin, the mobster, balled up a fist to strike him. My hand intervened. "Listen

to him, ya stupid jerk. I've got no love for either of you, but I love justice

enough to tolerate ya occupying my house until I figure this out. Someone's up

to something and I want to know what. In the meantime, ya play nice. Once this

is all over, then I don't give a damn what ya do to each other."


looked like he had swallowed a pincushion. "I don't like where this is going

anymore than I like where it's been." He pulled his girl in closer. "But, and I

say but; if you can find out who's behind whatever is going on, than I will

endeavor to forgive and forget" Then he paused and looked up at me. "Are you

really Veracity Harms?"


one and only!"


brought looks from my partner and his butt buddy. Both were wise enough to keep

their questions to themselves. It was never too wise to ask much about me. If ya

didn't already know the stories, then you were better off not knowing. Even

what was widely circulated was only the tip of the iceberg, as the ancient

saying goes. Come to think of it, one of these days, I'll have to research what

an iceberg is.


showed the new couple to the quarters I deemed suitable for their needs. Once

that detail was settled, I allowed my partner and his other half to go out and

fetch clothes for them. My hormones were raging again, and the sight of a

couple of naked and restrained Carns was making me irritable and horny, which

with me was pretty much the same. I shove the feeling down and sat in the quiet

and the dark and concentrated. Charise told me a lie. That was no big deal.

Hell, I lie all the time. The truth is over rated. It's facts that are

important. The Brotherhood will feed you as many lies as you can absorb. The

stupider ya are, the more they can feed ya in the name of the truth.

                If I

went to talk with Charise, she might catch on to what I had done, or perhaps I

should say, what I have not done. I needed to follow her, dog her movements,

and investigate her contacts. It would seem that someone else was calling the

shots, directing her to perform a play of unequalled proportions. Someone was

trying to horn in on the Morou family business. But who?


took a shine to the prospect of being her tail. Lord knows, he had a lot

practice in the tail category. Still, the ole girl had already met him once. He

was going to need a good disguise to fool her again. I should never have

doubted him. He came out dressed from head to toe like a booger. I know what

you're thinking, ya damn fool. Booger's were street people. I didn't give 'em

that name. They've been called that for centuries. Some of 'em are good people,

just down trodden by all that is good in this world. I have a few on my

payroll, but they tend to be unpredictable and flighty.  Having a reliable one, like Bolshoi, made

good sense. So I let him do his thing.


followed her for a week. His first reports made me think that I had misjudged

her. The first thing she did was run down to the police station to file a

missing person's report. I didn't know if that was brilliance or honest

concern.  I mean, really, what kind of

concerned wife would she be if she didn't report him missing? Of course, his

underlings were probably scrambling to save face, considering that their boss

disappeared from under their very noses.

                It was

at the end of the week when the news got a little hotter. I scratched my head

and considered what I had been told. The answer I came up with was both

brilliant and horrible. Think of it this way. It's kind of like letting go of a

fella holding a knife. You were never sure if he would be thankful and stash it

back on his belt, or try to stick ya with it. My experience told me to always

break his arm before letting go. This situation was going to take more than a

broken arm to fix it. There was a cancer growing that could even overthrow the



work was done. From now on, I would just have to do my best not to get noticed,

which was no easy thing. I was therefore mildly surprised when Blackmantle

offered his services. I told him what he could do with the idea.


you screwball Carn. You're supposed to be dead. If ya go showing up alive,

everything will fall apart."

                He had

some balls, I'll say that. He got right into my face, standing on his tippy

toes and everything. "I'm not daft, you draft mule. I'm offering you the keys

to my place and the codes to the combos. If I'm being set up by someone, I'd

like to know who it is."


Not a bad offer. Then again, I'm saving your worthless hide so it behooves you

to help. You don't happen to have surv in your place?"


grinned. "Sure I do. Got some great cubes of me and Charise going at it. Even

the boys don't know about the CC-vid system. It's an old microfiber setup from

a couple hundred years ago. Still works like a charm. Think you can operate



do my best." Little did he know that those systems were once manufactured right

here in this old factory. The place wasn't called Guardian for nothing.


into his place proved easier than I figured it would. Blackmantle made up a

fake invoice for the delivery of goods to his house, to be delivered by yours

truly. Hey, it worked once, why not twice? Besides, my delivery crate contained

canisters of something called Cloud. I never messed with the stuff, but I guess

they used to use it for anesthesia. All I had to do was turn on the valves and

keep my head above the gas. That I could do.


didn't go without a hitch, but it worked well enough. It helped that I grabbed

one of the whores from Lackluster Street to accompany me inside. Prisella was

her name, and she was an old time Puff and Peace user. She still had her looks,

despite her life, and so I figured she would provide a good distraction. She

was particularly eager when I told her she would have all the Cloud she could


                She put

on a good show, letting her tits hang out and skipping her underwear. It was

too bad she had gotten down in the gutter. She was a lovely Herb; long gazelle

legs and an art deco face. Her natural markings made the need for makeup

obsolete. The point was, she had looks. Her and I had never gotten it on much.

I respected her enough to not force my log between her delicate legs.

                I made

sure the gas was running, and then stood back while the boys with the guns

drooled over Prissy. By the time they realized their lightheadedness was from

something other than hormones, they were hitting the floor like flies in a

cloud of insecticide. So did Prissy, but she held out til the end, and when she

dropped, she had a look of euphoria on her face.

                I made

my way to the secret video room. It was well hidden behind a false panel in the

back a closet. I had to bend over to fit inside. It was obviously designed to

be left to its own devices, for there was nary room for a person to sit and

watch the screens all day. I punched in the code for the main bedroom. My

intention was to simply collect the data cubes before proceeding with my

kidnapping. However, the screen to the room automatically came online. My eye

was drawn to the couple on the bed.


Charise had taken a few lovers after we broke up, and I thought that her

marrying this stupid Carn was complete folly. However, she was now bedfellows

with an even worse partner. I had deduced it from the info Bolshoi had

gathered, but seeing it was a hard knock to my ego. Bruins were about the only

other Exper that could match me for size and strength. This was no ordinary

Bruin however. This was the bone fide police chief, Portney Greeves.

                I was

hoping it was more of a coincidence. I mean, I wasn't obtuse, but for Chare to

be sticking her nose into police business, or should I say, for the police

chief to be sticking his dick into , well...forget it. I wasn't happy. I could

take this guy down in a second, but then I'd have every cop out for my

ass.  I dropped down to the floor and

watched the screen with interest.

                He was

big in the body, but not so much in between the legs were it counted. Bruins

weren't stupid, but they didn't win any brain contests either. What they had

was bluster and bluff and had a handy set of teeth and claws.  Charise had happily dealt with me for a year,

so I suppose she had the patience to lay under this big brute. He emed way to

restrained to fill my shoes, but then he was filled another Carns' shoes. Well,

not shoes, but  know what I mean.

                He was

porking her with gusto. I fiddled with the camera system to get it to zoom in.

Sure enough, I was able to get it focused on their point of connection. I

snorted in disgust when I saw he was one hole higher than normal. He was

buggering her ass for all he was worth. If I had done that, she wouldn't be

here now, leastwise not in any condition to be getting her bung tapped by the

chief of police. That was one thing we had never done. Trust me, the few times

I had slipped out and wasn't careful about getting it back in, she had come unglued.

I didn't blame her, just stating a fact.

For her to consent to such

treatment meant that either this guy's cock was smaller than it looked, or else

she had changed her mind about accepting visitors through the back door. Then

it struck me; maybe she was being threatened or coerced. He was the chief after

all, and she did have a history of infractions. None of them were serious, in

my book, but to a gal whose career had been constantly in the limelight, maybe

there was something worth covering up.

I watched as the Bruin continued to

pound away on her ass. I couldn't see her face, but I could guess what her

expression was right now. I almost felt sorry for her. I was tempted to bust in

and save her, but then, she got herself into this mess, she could get herself

out. Sadly, I was getting even hornier sitting here watching them. I shifted my

position to make room for the bulge in my pants when my elbow hit a switch. I

nearly freaked when the room's audio switched on. I went from alarmed to

pissed. I hardly needed to hear what the shits were doing! This was going to be


However, I did notice that instead

of screaming or crying, Charise was making sounds that told me she was into it.

As his movements got jerkier and his slamming way increased, she was spouting

all kinds of garbage. "That's it, fuck me harder! Show me what a bad girl I am!

Ram my ass like there's no tomorrow!" Her coaching must have gotten him off,

because with a roar, he spilled his seed into her puckered ass. I was so horny

I could have rammed my cock up his ass right now.

He fell to the bed in a heap. She

crawled out from under him and pushed him onto his back. "We're not done honey

pie! You got what you like, now I get my turn!' He grunted something

unintelligible. "Awww! You promised!"

He opened his eyes and gave her a

weak grin. "You know that makes me nervous."


caressed his hairy chest. "I know. But I like it. It's hard for me to get off



sighed. "Climb aboard. I'll have to make this a quick one. You've got the Morou

family fortune to get in line and I have to finish making arrangements to kill

off the heads of the other families. There will be an all out war between them.

When the dust settles, this town will by ours!"


climbed up and slid over his cock with a grunt. He moved his hands up to what I

figured was going to be her shoulders. Instead they clamped around her throat.

Without another word, his fingers began to tighten and at the same time he

started slamming her onto his meat. I so wanted to be in there right then! It didn't

matter to me whose hole I was in! I watched him pile-drive her for a few

minutes. All the while she remained conscious. I could see the climax coming.

His grip increased and the slamming became more forceful. All at once she let

of a strangled cry and went limp. He relaxed is grip, but continued to pound

her until he came again. Her head was flopping in the wind. Been there, done


                As he

finished he carefully laid her down on the bed. "Sorry honey, but I need to get

going. I hope you had a good time." She was completely out, so not a single

word he spoke made an impression on her. He trucked off to the bathroom, washed

and returned. He pulled on his uniform, gave her a kiss on the ass and quietly

closed the door to the room. I could hear his treadfall on the hallway as he

passed by.


waited a full five minutes before vacating the closet. I remembered to shut the

system down before I left.  I had a

handful of storage cubes stuffed in my pocket, but I wasn't quite done with my

collecting trip. I walked down to the room and opened the door. Charise was

still dead out on the covers, snoring peacefully. I took a towel from the

bathroom, rolled it up tightly, took off my belt and with one swift motion, stuffed

it in her mouth and held it in place with the strip of leather. I climbed up on

her back, gripping her hands with one of mine. She was just starting to come to.

Maybe she thought he was getting kinky on her. She knew it wasn't him the

moment my cock pushed past her anus. "I'll have to thank your new boytoy for

paving the way for me darling. I've never gotten a chance to enjoy this hole before."

She tried to scream, but it just couldn't find a way out.

                It was

a few days later that the news of the chief's attempted takeover of the mob

families made it to print. Charlo had no idea who sent him the data cube, but

the video made for a wonderful story. I was there, outside the main police

station, when he was standing on the edge of the roof. Officers were trying to

talk him down, but he kept refusing. Every once in a while he'd shout, "I'm

going to jump!"

                I grew increasingly

tired of his cowardice, so after the third or fourth time of him yelling it, I cat-called

back, "So do a back flip!" That got me some dirty looks. I didn't care. In the

end, he took the smartest route and came crashing to the ground. After all, he

was the last known person to have been with Charise, who had gone missing the

same day. There was some blood on the bed, indicating foul play. Sadly, they

were never able to find the body. There was a reason for it.


demanded to know what I had done with her. "She may have been a bitch, but it

was up to me to decide her fate!"


hell it was. I hold everyone's fate right here in my hand. If you don't like it,

tough shit. I handled her just the way I felt she needed to be handled.

Besides, at the time I needed to unload my nuts in the worse kind of way. I'm

still itchy in that respect, so unless you want to know what she had to deal

with, I'd suggest you cut your losses and get the hell out!"

                He wasn't

stupid, this Carn. He and his girl vacated quickly. They had a story cooked up

to explain their absence, as did Archimedes. Sadly for me, he wasn't apparently

leaving anytime soon. Whatever. If he got to be too annoying, I'd bed him over

and give him a dose of what-for like he would never be able to take again. Then

I calmed down. I guess he wasn't all bad. But he had better keep a low profile

when I was in a mood, because when I was in a mood, things happened. And just

so you know, I'm always in a mood.


Oh, Charise. Well, you know I didn't have the heart to kill her. I thought

about all the while I was stretching her ass beyond its limitations. In the end

(a pun...get it?) I came up with a punishment for her that would make anything I

could do seem childlike. Ya see, those boys outside of Cambria never had a live

one come through with the caskets. Like he said, there weren't no gals in that

corner of the Outlands. Ole Charise was going to find herself the galpal of a

handful of horny Forsaken Outlanders for the rest of her natural life.

Something told me she was going to shorten that up considerably of own accord.

To the Outlands and Back

                I spent enough time with Uma to reduce my testosterone to normal levels. I took another cab across town the next day, all the while with my brain working overtime. I was still intent on finding out who this killer was. I should have...

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      Jon-Tom came home a week later. He gave his wife a kiss, but it was cold and distant. He said very little the entire day. When nighttime came she had hoped for little closeness and was disappointed by his aloofness. She didn't pester him,...

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Turning Point

The next few hours passed too quickly to suit her. After all of the time she had spent building up her anger, this release of it was therapeutic ways no one could understand. His method was straight forward; he overwhelmed her feelings and emotions,...

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