Turning Point

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#29 of Robbin Red

The next few hours passed too quickly to suit her. After

all of the time she had spent building up her anger, this release of it was

therapeutic ways no one could understand. His method was straight forward; he

overwhelmed her feelings and emotions, not her body. His tenderness and caring

were much more erotic to her than any antics he could have performed in the

bed. He must have known precisely what she needed.

However, the more she let go of her emotions, the more she

realized how she had wronged an entire town. It wasn't something she was proud

of. Worse yet, the men she had put into place were still there. Again, she

pushed the thought to the back of her mind. Punishment would come soon enough.

Only now, that idea didn't bring the muted joy it once did. She was finding a

new lease on life just when it was about to end.

He was pushing in his power now, tipping the sensuality

factor over the edge. With a burst of pent up pressure, she shuddered with both

ecstasy and the thought of the impending doom he would wreck upon her. She clung

to him like that poor soul she had set adrift had clung to the false hope she

had given him. The only difference was that he had found an answer to his

prayers. So had she, but it was an answer she no longer wanted. With a final

wash of heat, she lost her grip around his body and fell back to the bed,


She lay there, eyes open, staring up at the ceiling. She

closed them again, not wishing to see the final blow coming. She had no idea

how it would come and had no desire to know. It was then that she felt a pluck

at that invisible string that connected them. It vibrated with a whole new

life. Before, it was like the thinnest wire on a violin, now it rumbled like

the thickest one on a bass. She could feel him grip it tightly and she winced.

Once it was broken, she would forever be free of this body. She could feel him

toying with her, setting it to vibrating. It was like a musician playing any

instrument; one beat, another beat, with a smaller back beat. He was playing

some kind of song. Try as she might, she couldn't place the tune.

She sighed. He was toying with her before she died. It was

only fair after the cruel things she had done. Whatever the song was supposed

to be, she considered it her dirge. It was really too lively for a dirge, or

perhaps her present mood wouldn't accept it. But she was hardly in a position

to grouse about her swan song. She opened her eyes to see him smiling down at

her. Either he was being exceptionally cruel or something was going on that she

didn't understand.

"What's up Jon-Tom? It's not like you to be indecisive.

Please kill me and get it over with."

He got a quirky grin. "Hell no! Like you said, you've done

some bad things. Many of us do. What we don't get is a chance to make up for

them. I'm not going to kill you, as much as you might think you deserve it.

Many die who deserve to live. I don't lightly make than decision. Your men have

earned my wrath, as have you. But as far as I see it, you haven't personally

done anything to these people. That doesn't make you innocent; it simply means

that your punishment will be different."

"Punishment? I think I'd rather die. Any punishment fit

for me would be too unbearable to withstand."

He had the nerve to laugh. "Yes it is. It will try your

patience like nothing else, it will keep you sleepless at night, and it will

occupy your days with endless, nerve wracking discomfort. And I guarantee you

it will be the best time of your life"

She growled. "What the hell does that mean?"

 "A child you idiot.

I have given you a child. Our child. I didn't do his lightly. There are several

catches. One of them I will not tell you, for it is no sure thing. But know

this; this child will require constant attention. It will come in nine months

since you are human now. What it grows up to be is up to you. There is no

leeway in this. Therefore, I would suggest that you have that precise amount of

time to correct the damage you have done here. As it is, it's already


She was too stunned to speak. A child? She had been barren

for centuries. Why now? It was indeed a form of punishment. Yet, somehow she

was on cloud nine. A child? Even Pike and Arthur had been unable to do that. Her

heart began to race in time to that beat. Then it struck her; the back beat

belonged to her child! The second beat was his! They had become one!

But just as quickly, she remembered that he was already

spoken for. She would be doing this alone. Still, it was better than nothing.

"I will never be able to thank you for this, you wonderful man. After all I

did, I deserve..."

"A second chance. You've done a lot of good in addition to

the evil you've done. I'm giving you one last chance at happiness. I may or may

not be around. Therefore, this is up to you. Your life from now is what you

make of it."

She broke down in tears. "I don't deserve this!"

"Maybe not. Now go fix what you've broken."

"Yes, I will!"

They went out into the town. A few of the brigands could be

seen on the wall. Alma guided them to the jail. Once inside, she was startled

to find the fossa not in his place. The door to the cells was closed, but

unlocked. She looked at Jon-Tom. "My heart sinks at the thought of what he

could be doing." She gave the door a mighty heave. Light spilled down the

stairs. Within this illumination a scraggly group of children came running up

the stair. The girl in the lead was brandishing a wicked blade tipped with


She saw the tall human and dropped it. She ran and threw

her arms around his waist. "I did it! When he came to get me from the cell, I

used the knife just like you said to!"

Alma looked horrified. "You had a child commit murder?

That's so unlike you Jon-tom!"


girl stuck out her tongue. "I didn't kill him. I just got even for what he did

to me, to us. I removed his will to live."


patted her on the head "Good girl! Now, with the help of this nice lady, we're

going to get the rest."


leaned in to her lover. "What does she mean she took his will to live?"


tilted his head to indicate the cells behind them. "I told her that if she had

a chance, she should cut off his balls and make him eat them. I don't like

being dark and disturbing, but sometimes I'm not left with much choice. Just

like with you. Death would be too easy. You'll find out what suffering is all

about. You see, I'm condemning you to spend your days here in this city. You

will work to wipe out every bad thing that you have caused. Trust me, it won't

be easy.  As for the girl, sometimes

revenge is best served hot. The entire town will rally behind us in an attempt

to remove these thugs from the town. Knowing that one little girl could take

down one of the intruders will give them the will to fight."


was still appalled. But she kept her mouth shut. This was all her fault after

all. If it weren't for her, none of this would have happened. She could hardly

raise a voice in complaint over anything that happened now.


your knife back up, Lashana. And we'll grab something nice and sharp from the

weapons room for everyone else, even you Malco. If you want your town back,

you're going to have to fight for it. Then he turned back to Alma. "Slash said

something about having a weapon that could destroy the entire town. What is



blanched. "A folly. Something I dragged back from your world. Something dangerous

and deadly that I didn't care if I unleashed it or not. Now I feel sick just thinking

about it. It once decimated a portion of your world."


some reason, all he could think of was an atomic bomb. He had dealt with that

once, here, on this world. That was when he had fought the Plated Folk. Their

chief wizard had managed to conjure up a military computer from his world. He

had somehow managed to break into its files and tried all kinds of things

before stumbling upon the requirement for making an atomic bomb. If that's what

she had, it would be enough to eradicate everything for several miles in all

directions. There was no way he could evacuate everyone in time


is it?"


believe you will know it best as the Black Plague."


sighed a breath of relief for only a second before he tensed up again. The bomb

would have killed only those here; the disease she brought back could decimate

the entire planet! However, he remembered that it was spread by fleas. It might

not be a problem after all.


that was reckless and stupid. No one here has any immunity to that disease. It

killed a large population of Europe before it subsided!"


nodded. "I know. I was still there when it hit. I managed to procure some of

the contagion and it was with me when I was thrown back here. When my magic

returned to me, I used it to make a flask of the stuff that bypassed the need

of such things as bugs to transmit it. All anyone needs to do is to break it

open, and it will creep out across the land and consume everything in its path."


was reconsidering his choice in letting her live. His anger was getting out of control.

"You're a stupid, selfish person Alma. I feel bad for you on so many levels

right now. However, that hardly matters right now. We need to get this stuff

secured and safely hidden away before Slash or anyone else sets it loose. An

epidemic now would likely alter the time line irreparably, not to mention kill

off nearly everyone alive." He suddenly went quiet.


broke down in tears again. "I know I am. I just couldn't see it before. But

you're right. If we don't stop him, I know he'll do it. He had little live for

before I found him and now he'll have nothing. He'd rather kill the world than

part with his slice of it. I know, because he was just like me."


It just dawned on him that the only time she had shown her abilities was back

in jolly old England. "Alma, what are your abilities?"

                She was

stumped for a moment. "What kind of question is that? You know what I like in



dammit! What are your magical abilities?"


Sorry! My specialty, outside of my normal unicorn power, was to transform one

thing to another. That's why we were able to create that sword. How else could

we have put so much metal into one object?"


That sounded a lot like a certain female orangutan from the future. She could

create things of exquisite beauty out of stone and wood. She had also turned

his one cock into two, and then three smaller ones. That had been quite the

experience. But neither his memories nor her magic were going to help them

right now. Neither was Alma's. The mad often created havoc without planning

ahead for some way of disarming it.


pulled on his cloak. "Sir, what are you talking about?"

                He was

tempted to skirt the issue, what with her recent trauma and new-found freedom.

But he wasn't in the coddling mood. "My dear, this lady did a bad thing. Now

she's trying to fix it. She has a flask that has in it some very bad stuff. If

we don't find it and Slash breaks it open, it will mean the end of most of us

on the planet."


eyes went wide, then narrowed. "A wine flask?

Alma nodded. "Yes child, an

ordinary wine flask. I didn't want to draw attention to it. I gave it to Slash

for safe keeping."

The girl nodded. "Yes, I believe I

know the one. I have been forced to spend many nights in his room. I wondered

why he had an unopened bottle of wine. Now it makes sense."


stepped into the conversation. "In his room? Can you show us where it's at?"

Alma put up a halting hand. "That

child should look for cover. I know where his room is!"


pulled out her knife. "Fine, you stop Slash while I go around and rid us of a

few more assho...errr...thugs." She turned and skipped off towards the wall.

Jon-Tom sighed.


grow up so fast when they're forced to." His irony wasn't lost on his

companion. She wisely bit her tongue.

Slash's room was in the old mayor's

quarters. The door to it was locked, and it wasn't until Jo-Tom thought to

convert to unicorn form were they able to get it open. A swift kick from his

hind legs turned it to so many splinters. Slash heard the commotion and stood

at the ready, a sword in one hand and a flask in the other. He was neither

scared nor cowed.

"So mistress of the white cloak, I

see you've had a change of heart. No matter to me, of course. But you promised

me this town and I claim it as mine. If I cannot have it, no one shall. Is this

what you want? I can shatter this without another thought." He made as if to

drop it.

Jon-Tom was thinking furiously.

Alma was originally a unicorn, and he could become one. Could their healing

power combined stop this insidious disease before it could claim any victims?

It would be a bad thing if they

couldn't. They could become patients zero and never die from the contagion.

Neither of them was likely fast enough to catch the flask before it hit the

floor. He had no magic that could help, and neither did she. His only hope was to

talk the mongoose down. That seemed unlikely.

"Look Slash, we don't want any

trouble. I can, if you like, heal your old wound and set you to rights again.

It would give you a chance to live out a normal life."

His laughter was horrible to listen

to. "Normal? I'm living an extraordinary life right now. Why would I want to

live a normal one? Either you're a fool or you think I am. Either way I don't


He never finished his speech. He

coughed up a spittle of blood. His hands opened, dropping both the sword and

the flask to the floor. It broke open, spilling out its dark contents onto the

floor. Alma screamed. Slash fell to his knees in slow motion. As he did, a face

appeared behind him. It was Lashana. Her knife had entered his back without an

ounce of warning. It had been a brave thing to do, but her bravery had just

doomed them all!

Jon-Tom ran forward to the puddle

on the floor. He stuck his hand in it and willed it to be harmless. Nothing

happened, leastwise anything he could tell with his eyes. Lashana stepped over

the corpse of her oppressor and stooped down with the tall human."

"Watcha doing sir? Wine is hardly

worth drinking once it's hit the floor!"

He choked. "Wine?" He stuck his

finger in his mouth. It was wine!" Then he caught on. "Dammit little one, you

nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Alma wasn't quite as quick to catch

on. "Wine? But that flask had the plague in it!"

The girl held up a different one.

"This one has the plague in it. They all look alike, you know. I didn't bother going

to the wall. I figured you might need some help, so I snuck up the back stairs

ahead of you and switched them out. I owed that pervert more than what he got,

but I assume that a knife in the back was sufficient." She handed the flask to

Jon-Tom, who carefully handed it to Alma.

She grasped it and concentrated.

After what seemed like an hour, during which time no one spoke, she held it up

in the air. Without warning she dropped it. It hit the floor with a thud. It

remained intact. "I didn't think opening it to destroy the contents a wise

idea, so I've turned the container impervious to destruction. I hope that will


Jon-Tom picked it up. "Maybe, but

that won't stop people from trying." He took off his cloak and opened the top,

dropping it inside." "This way, I'll always know where it's at." He turned to

go back outside, clicking the hidden blade inside his staff. "I think we have

more work to do."

A Blackened Soul

They took the poor creature to the healer's guild, were he was placed in the capable hands of Pollwac. He promised to report as soon as the patient made any progress towards the realm of the conscious. Jon-Tom snuck in a tiny bit more healing before he...

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A False Trail

Bolshoi was a good companion, if a little on the naive side. It wasn't his fault. The Brotherhood had reigned for centuries now, subverting the basic facts into their form of truth. He was open-minded, and if I could prove what I said, it was good...

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Getting in Harms Way

                They say either ya love the city or ya hate it. As the joke goes, if ya hate it, move out. Where's the joke in that? There's nothing else but the city. Yeah, sure, there're the Outlands, and people do live in those forsaken crap...

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