A Dragons Dream

Story by Starlight Nova on SoFurry

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#2 of Alternative versions

Hello furry friends once again! It is I, here with another alternative version from my main story. This one features Colby Daniels during the same day as the last one, only at night. He finally has his dream of mating with a dragoness. I believe this is the longest story I have written so far. It also appears my other alternate vision did not meet with a lot of views, oh well. Maybe this one will have you high on your seat waiting to find out what comes next.

As I said before, this is non cannon, it is not part of my story, although it may or may not be required to read if you want to understand what is going on. If your in it for the sex and mating, go right ahead. If you want to know more of a backstory, check out my main story here. (Link Down below)

Anyway, now that his meeting with Silver is done and Colby has much pent up energy from staying in the hotel for months on end healing, he now gets to experience his dream.

Rate, Comment and tell me what you think. If you have any suggestions of how I could change the last story into something better, feel free, my ears are open to suggestions. Enjoy!

Edited as of: 2/19/14

Edit as of 3/26/14-added some lines of descriptive text




After what seemed like hours, Quin Shun returns from his trance like state. Blinking and nodding his head, he gathers his posture and clears his throat.

"So?" I ask. "What did you find?"

"Interesting...Very, interesting." Quin Shun replies nonchalantly.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask

"Oh, nothing. Your energy field is very faint, but present enough for me to see it. It is also unique, not unlike my own in any way." Quin Shun responds.

"So my energy is doing this to my eyes?" I ask while pointing to my eyes with both hands.

"It would appear so, yes. It would seem you are very...special among other protector." Quin Shun answers.

"How so?"

"In the way that means you will surpass whoever is the current protector here."

"And who is that? Do I know him?" I ask curiously

"In a way," Quin Shun says slowly. "But the important thing right now is for you to meditate. Focus your mind all around you like how you observed the flow of energy from the charm I gave you."

"Like Eragon?" I ask

Pausing me a moment before responding, Quin Shun thinks. "Yeesss, like Eragon." Quin Shun says finally.

"Ok" I reply. I turn back around and sit cross legged on the circular tree trunk. I breathe in a few deep breaths then quickly say _Dispareo _to make the bowl and water disappear. I then promptly look at Quin Shun.

"Uuuhh, how long do I have to do this for?" I ask.

"Until you have achieved the ability to see and hear everything at once, yet nothing at all." Quin Shun answers methodically.

Nodding, I close my eyes and deepen my breathing, calming my mind before I extend it as far as I can to every part of the forest. Quin Shun watches me for a few more seconds before turning and walking out of the clearing.


Minutes go by as I try to steady my breathing. I faintly hear Quin Shun leave to wherever he might go. He said to do this until I am able to hear everything yet nothing at all, sounds like this is going to take a long time.

I continue to breathe in and out evenly to calm my mind, extending it out in a circle to investigate every part of the forest at once. A sensation like a building heat suddenly interrupts my thoughts and makes me lose focus. I open my eyes reluctantly as I look around for what could have caused it.

My mind flashes back to earlier in the day where I helped Silver relieve some stress. Could the thought of touching a wolf's cock be arousing to me? Well, I have thought of having intimacy many times with dragons, male or female. I guess pleasuring a wolf is no different than that.

Quin Shun is gone, and, now that I think of it, I am kind of pent up from not being able to do anything in the three months I was in the hospital. Maybe now that I have a whole forest for myself I can materialize that dragon I have always wanted to be with.

Thinking Quin Shun will not be back until morning, I could have my fun and then resume my training as if nothing happened. Best thing to do is to start right now so I don't waste any time. With my mind set, I reach down to grasp the materializing charm that Quin Shun gave me, and that I first materialized Silver with.

If I added more of my energy to it, I should be able to materialized a dragon, although I may want to check with Silver with some things first. I still have no idea how much energy I can use until I am exhausted or tired, like at the bank robbery. I sure won't be trying that trick again anytime soon until I am confident in my abilities.

With a big sigh to let the tension out, I briefly close my eyes and join my energy with the charms to materialized Silver again.

"Virtutem animus affero, Live Wolf." I speak, saying it just like last time, even going to picture what Silver looked liked back in the cabin.

With my right hand still grasping the charm and being seated on a tree stump, I look down at the ground to where I want Silver to appear. It still takes a few minutes for him to materialize, but my effort is soon rewarded when the silver sparkling mist dissipates from the spell.

Silver is sitting on his muscular hind legs, the same color I remember him as from last time. His muzzle is covered in a thin, firm layer of soft fur. His color is mostly comet silver, turning to chestnut gray and further back near its hind legs. Silvers sheath is still a deep dark volcanic gray. His front legs change from silver to a pure snowy white, the same as his hind legs except from chestnut gray to white. Silver's silver dappled irises with flecks of blue in them stare right at me as I breathe a sigh a relief. Glad to know that he is the same as before.

"You called me master?" Silver says while tilting his head and panting through his snowy white muzzle. His silver/gray ears flicking back and forth rapidly, catching every sound made in the forest.

"You're still Silver, the same wolf I materialized in the cabin, right? You remember me?" I ask hesitantly, unsure if it would be that terrifying experience all over again where he scared me half to death.

"Yes, I am," Silver says with a few grunts and whines. "I am surprised I remember who you are, but what I said must be true if I am where I am right now. Is there anything you desire master? A favor in return for what you helped me with earlier today, maybe?"

"Uh, no, not right now. Actually, I called...materialized you to ask you a few questions, if that is ok?" I respond.

"Sure, I am yours to do whatever you want with, as is whatever or whoever else you materialize." Silver replies in a series of high and low grunts and growls.

"Ok," I say uneasily. Now that that's done with, back to my question. Now, what was it, oh yeah! "Will I have enough energy, or power to fully materialize a dragon? Combined with the charms energy of course." I ask nervously.

"You should be able to materialize a dragon of reasonable size, if you moderate your energy usage with the charms, yes, you definitely should be able to." Silver replies in a string of barks and growls.

"How big will I be able to make the dragon?" I respond.

"aahhh, I would say about a few inches or a foot or two bigger than a Great Dane." Silver replies methodically.

"Oh, well...that's pretty big, I mean, that's a good size for me to start with." I say to myself as I stretch out my legs so my feet touch the ground.

"Yes, will that be all master?" Silver responds.

"Oh, yes, thank you Silver. Dispareo." Silver nods his head in gratitude as he melts into the shadows and back from wherever he came from.

I take a deep breath as I stand up and stretch, getting ready to materialize an actual dragoness. My gray training robes flutter in the light breeze of the forest air as I crack various bones to further release the growing tension within me.

"I shouldn't be nervous," I say to myself out loud. "I have dreamt of this for such a long time. All those other stories about dragons with humans or dragons with beautiful mates have gotten my attention for a long time. Now it is my turn to make that a reality."

Sitting back down on the tree stump, I merge my mind once more with the charm and speak those long awaited words.

"Virtutem animus affero, live, female, Dragoness." I start to feel the effects of the spell almost immediately as the charm struggles to produce enough power to materialize the dragoness I am firmly picturing within my head.

I pour more of my energy into the charm to maintain its strength. The same hazy shape starts to procure as I continue to think solely on the dragoness I want and how I want her to look like.

Minutes go by that seem like hours. Detail after painstaking detail is etched into the slowly materializing frame of the soon to be beautiful dragoness. A more physical form starts to appear as ten minutes go by unheeded. The required usage of power is beginning to get to me as my breath comes in big heaving breaths. With an iron will and steel determination, I continue to focus my energy to the charm so it can finish its job.

After fifteen minutes of agonizing waiting, the air starts to resonate with a high pitched hum, not at all different than the sound I heard within my mind when the bank robbery took place. Silver, red, orange and pink mist starts to form all around the shape of awaited dragoness. It starts to swirl around her like a typhoon, going faster and faster. My eyes strain to follow their movement as the fatigue of the materializing charm starts to get to me.

I quickly rise to walk to my awaiting dragoness, but fall over before I even get to take a step. My eyes close as my body rushes up to hit the ground. Within a split second, the silver, red, orange and pink mist dissipates outwards from the form in a flurry of activity and a blurry shape bounds over to catch me before I hit the ground.


My brain wakes up to a soft voice calling my name. It sounds caring, velvety like a new silk dress. The voice also sounds urgent, almost frightful as I groan upon obtaining consciousness.

I can feel my body lying on solid ground, that's for sure. I can also feel something to my right of where I lay. That certainly seems to be where the distressed voice is coming from.

"Master...master? Please master, wake up!" cries the feminine voice.

It worked. Without a doubt, that is the dragoness that is waiting for me to wake up, but, why was I unconscious? Maybe Silver was wrong and I couldn't materialize a dragon? But what is that desperate cry that is trying to get me to wake up.

"I know you're there master. I will wait here until you wake up." Says the draconic voice in a soothing tone. Seems I can even understand draconic languages as well as animals. Yeah me.

No, it must have worked. I saw something come to catch me. Whatever...whoever is besides me must be who I materialized. Well, it won't do to keep her waiting any longer. Even now, I can feel my member starting to shift within its confinements, wanting to be free, to feel the soft embrace of the, my dragonesses silky wet confines.

With that thought I start to scrunch up my face, groaning as I force my eyes open and into the waiting face, or muzzle of a beautiful dragoness. The voice halts, gasping as she notices my movements to wake up and starts to nudge me, encouraging me further.

"Yes, I am here, I am waiting." She says soothingly. Like how a mother calms her crying infant with love.

My eyes slowly drift open, closing and opening a few times to adjust to my dark surroundings. When my eyes open all the way, what greets me is beyond what I could have ever imagined. A narrow orange/red muzzle fills my view as I regain my vision. Wonderful eyes the color of emerald and diamond blink back slowly at me as I orientate myself as to what is happening.

"Wh-who are you?" I ask uncertainly, still trying to figure out if what I am seeing is indeed what I intended to create.

"I am yours master, to do with how you want or please." She answers in a serene voice that cascades over rocks like falling water.

I try to get up to both relieve my aching member and see all of my creation. The dragoness seems to get my message on what I want and stands up to steady me as I slump back on the tree stump. I close my eyes to slow my breathing and ready myself for what I will see.

"Are you ok master?" The dragoness asks caringly.

I open my eyes to find those emerald diamond eyes still looking at me. "Y-yes, I am ok, why wouldn't I be?" I reply as I start to gaze upon the rest of her form. She either fails to notice my roaming gaze or wants me to feel secure with her company. She sits patiently on all fours with her chest and stomach on the soft grass as I examine her shape and form.

Her colors match those of what the swirling mist had been when she was still being materialized. Her main scales on her back are a deep red, almost crimson except for a few speckles of orange that swirl in elegant patterns. Her wing joints change from red to orange as they progress further up the appendage, becoming a lighter shade of pink towards the wing tip. The leathery membrane is an iridescent orange which changes to a dazzling pink as it edges towards the edge. The scales grow more refined as they travel up her neck and to her head. Her red and orange coloring continues until it engulfs her head. The underside of her neck is not as heavily armored as her back or chest as it takes on a healthy pink color as well.

"You took quite the fall when you tried to materialize me. I just wanted to know if you were ok." She replies, her jaws moving to form the words perfectly as if she spoke English since birth. No magic, no mysterious understanding, no translations, just good old English.

I stop my inspection of her body as she answers my question. I did not think it would be possible for her to speak naturally without the need of any translation. I was thinking it would be like Eragon and Saphira, Telepathically, not mouth to...muzzle.

"You can speak normally?!" I exclaim in surprise. Taking this calmly, the dragoness tries to alleviate any fear or nervousness about her I might have.

"Yes I can. It is what you desired when you thought of me in your head, is it not?" She responds casually.

"I...Yes, I did imagine that for you. Would you..."

"Be allowed to finish your inspection. Yes, of course. Anything for you master." She replies prideful of herself. She even shifts to the right a little more so I can get a better look at her back side.

I straighten myself up against the tree stump to get into a comfortable position before continuing; my right leg folded in against the thigh of my left leg which remains straight. I resume my inspection of the beautiful dragoness that sits right before me.

I assume the underside of her stomach is just as heavily armored as her chest as well as a lighter pink color. Her front legs change from fiery red to moonlight silver, almost the same color as Silver's, but with a hint of gray and orange mixed in. Her back legs are a more vibrant red shaded with swirls of orange and specks of silver as they travel down her haunches to her feet. The scales on her side are neither heavily nor lightly armored, but a mix of in between. Their color shifting to a startlingly bright silver shaded with some sparkling blue. Last but not least, her tail is wrapped in a combination of red, orange, pink, and silver. The tip of her tail ends in a vibrant blue as she moves it without thought back and forth across the ever darkening forest floor.

"Are we going to start any time soon?" The dragoness queries as I look up at the rapidly fading light.

"Wha-what do you mean?!" I reply, startled.

"You know what I mean. It is the same reason why you materialized me in the first place silly, as well as that wolf you had fun with in your cabin." The dragoness responds sarcastically. She flicks her tail as well as raises her line of frills on the top of her head and neck while she answers my questions.

I must have not looked hard enough because I missed a whole world of color. Her frills are like regular spikes, but longer and connected with fragile leather like her wings that swirl together with an array of silver, red, and blue colors. Her horns, which are a plain but sparkling white; the same as the claws on her feet, rise up before curving gradually upwards to the sky. Looking back, I see that her frill continues down her back and ends a few inches before the beginning of her tail. She flicks and readjusts her wings, muscles twitching in response as she waits for my reply.

She seems to be well toned in agility and dexterity. Small pockets of muscle ripple and contract around her wing joint, neck, biceps and thighs as she shifts about, looking for something to do. Her eyes remain locked on me as she tries to discern what I am going to do next. Her flanks heave in and out with every breath she takes, expanding until every detail on her scales can be made out before sagging inwards to exhale.

"What are you waiting for?" She asks shyly. She tilts her head and partly lowers her frill, wondering when I am going to move.

"I...uh, have never been close to a dragon before, let alone a dragoness as stunning as you. But I...would like to...*gulp* would you let me touch you before we...begin?" I ask, desperate to find out what she feels like.

The feel of her scales, the contraction of her breath and muscle, the warmth of her hide. My dream is coming true. If only I can get past this wall of nervousness I am feeling. I will be able to do anything after this.

"Of course master. I do not mind." The dragoness replies as she rises from the ground to pad the few steps up to my side. I curl my legs into a lotus position as she lays down right in front of me, even going to resting partly on her right side so I can feel all around her.

I sit nervously as she swings her head back over to watch my reaction. She is definitely bigger than Silver was, probably a good few feet bigger than a Great Dane even. Sitting down she looks to be about two and a half to three feet height and... probably two or three times as long. As she approached me, she seemed even bigger, around four or five feet and the same length as before. Now that she is closer, I can feel the gentle heat radiating off her scales that flows towards me, warming me up slightly in the cooling night.

"Uh, thank you..." I hesitate as I do not know what to call her.

She gives a small draconic chuckle which sounds like pebbles in a tin can before responding. "You may call me Cyalina, or you can call me Calin. Either one is fine."

"Oh, thank you, Calin." I reply graciously.

"I know you named that wolf Silver, but I thought this name would suit me better." Calin responds.

"That's fine." I reply.

"Are you going to touch me or what?" Calin says, slightly impatient while raising her frills before lowering them again.

I can feel she is eager to get started, to feel my hands on her body, to feel my skin against her soft, smooth scales. I know she yearns to feel my hands close to her slit, rubbing slowly, teasing her. I can feel she wants me to take it as slow as I need it to, but is also itching to get down to business.

I chuckle at her unseen attitude and inch forward to get a better angle to begin my administrations. Calin lowers her head near her front legs and rustles her wings higher up on her back while her tail swings energetically behind her.

I slowly bring both my arms forward and lay them gently on her scaled flanks. The texture of her scales here is like smooth rocks in a garden. I can faintly feel the chords of pulsing muscle beneath her hard exterior. They flow and ripple with each move she makes, with each breath she takes. She rumbles deep within her throat, what I take to be a draconic purr. Smiling, I start to move my hands up and down, grating my skin against her soft, warm scales as she continues to purr contently.

I start to move my hands further up, next to her wing joint and forearm. Calin diligently watches me as I slowly explore the texture and feel of her body. Her wings flicker occasionally, sometimes spanning outwards in a short stretch before folding in. Her anxiousness can be seen in the way she fidgets around with her tail, leaving a well worn path in the dirt and leaves.

As I reach her wing joint, she tenses up a little and I stop before touching the valuable muscle that enables her the ability of flight. I look up to see her pleading face before she speaks.

"Just be careful." Is all she tells me before relaxing again, having complete trust within her master, within me.

I nod in understanding, not wanting to even consider damaging such a beautiful specimen's way to feel the air caress her scales in flight. I gently move my left hand onto her lean and muscled packed shoulder, just below her wing joint, while my other hand comes to lie upon the bone and grainy textured scales above it. I methodically caress the area above her wing joint, moving my fingers carefully, letting them float as light as a feather as I rest my other hand on her shoulder.

Rubbing just above her wing joint seems to be an erogenous zone for her because she completely lowers her head onto her paws while her wings fully relax and give into my touch. Her purring increases to that of a rumble and her tail picks up speed as I move in circles on her wing. I can feel every crevice and twitch of muscle beneath her scales. The feeling arouses me more than I care to admit. The muscles within her shoulder remain relaxed, only tensing up when her body subtly shifts to accommodate my position.

Deciding that I have teased her enough, I stop my administration on her left wing joint and casually move both my hands up her smooth neck. I can feel her rumbling purr with my hands as her eyes are closed and she lies content to let me do whatever I want. It surprises me a little that she would have this much faith within me, but I can kind of rationalize she knows what I want in the end. My persistent arousal having increased dramatically since I first laid eyes on her beautiful form, I quickly hasten to bring my hands up to her head and travel to the underside of her jaw.

Calin opens her eyes in surprise and stares at me while my hands stop beneath her lower jaw. I steadily raise her head and she gets what I want her to do as she lifts it up until we look at each other eye to eye. She makes a curious rumbling noise within her throat and I just chuckle and lean forward, bringing my lips together with hers to kiss her.

Her eyes fly open before immediately softening at my gentle touch. Calin brings up her left arm and rests it lightly on my back while raising her frills. I open my eyes and she smiles while she kisses me. Our tongues entwine as she pulls me closer to her body, almost smothering me with her heat.

I close my eyes again as we share a loving embrace. Our tongues dance together as we revel in each other's passion. We stay together as long as we can before I run out of breath. I tap the side of her neck twice, letting her know I need to breath. She releases me from her grip as we both pull away. Calin licks her lips while I fall back on my butt and catch my breath.

"That was...amazing." I say while Calin continues to revel in the taste of my mouth.

"I agree. You do taste great. I bet you taste even better down there." She says, raising a single talon to point to my obvious bulge within my gray training robes as she lowers her frills.

I look down and gap at the sight of my hidden erection. I smile and almost casually start to discard my clothing. Calin waits patiently for me to finish, even more eager to have me touch her from behind, to eventually have me either mount her or squirt in her mouth or preferable both.

I first take off my shirt and get up to lay them on a low hanging tree branch on the perimeter of the small field inside the forest. I then proceed to lower my pants and underwear to let my semi-hard erection bob freely into the open air. I turn around to find Calin sitting on her haunches, watching me the entire time with her frills at full mast. The sight unnerves me slightly but an unseen courage within me comes forth, bringing me the strength and bravery to continue on to the end.

"What do you think?" I ask while striding forward towards Calin. I look down involuntarily to see moisture on the grass, most definitely from her sex. A full moon shines high in the sky, letting down all its light into this small clearing, illuminating it enough for me to see where Calin is. Her colors are dulled, but not their brilliance.

"I think you are alright. I could change that if you want to make it bigger." Calin replies casually, tilting her head while blinking her eyes.

"R-Really?!" I shout in surprise.

"Yes. You materialized me. I have a few magical powers of my own as I am a dragon. Just say the word and I can make your small cock grow into something bigger that most men would envy in your world." She responds, not thinking it weird or unnatural in the slightest.

"That would be great." I answer. I come to stop before her elegant frame. Her shoulder easily reaches up to my neck, her head curving back and then forward in a C shape so she can look at me at eye level.

"Ok, just stand still. This won't hurt a bit." Calin replies before slowly bringing her snout forward.

I restrain myself from backing away, opting to stand straight and tall before this mighty creature, no, dragon. Calin eventually opens her muzzle and breathes a slow and gentle stream of hot and humid air onto my now quickly growing member. Her breath slightly makes the skin around my cock tingle. As I had not shaved down there in months, nor had I had the inclination to do or be able to do it for awhile, I let her do whatever she wants. Her hot breath seems to burn away all the hair, leaving the area very clean.

Calin now pulls her head back and extends it again, only to engulf my whole member within her mouth easily. I jump and gasp at the sudden warmth of her mouth. The feeling is exquisite and easily pleasurable to any weak minded man who just wants release. I lightly bring my hands forward to rest on her slender neck. She then extends her tongue all the way out to touch the base of my cock, to where she burned off all my hair.

She then proceeds to suck gently on my shaft, willing it to grow and distend to her will. I groan and moan in continual pleasure as she mercifully sucks my cock, making it quickly grow to its fully hard and ready state while being careful of her sharp teeth.

As soon as it had started, she pulls back, licking her draconically scaled lips again. I lean forward a bit before straightening out. I open my eyes to find her eyes closed, probably relishing my taste from below.

"Why did you stop? I thought you were going to make my member grow?" I ask warily.

"I am and I will, just let me savor this flavor. I can't wait to get the real thing." Calin says seductively. I blush as I take a step back.

"Well, the longer you take, the longer you will have to wait until you can taste it." I reply, mimicking her tone as much as I can and failing. I give a short cough and cross my arms and begin to tap my right foot impatiently against the cold hard ground, having discarded every shred of clothing.

"Oh, you're absolutely right. I will do that right now." And with that statement, she jumps on me, making me fall onto my back on the cold and rough ground. She seemed to have my safety in mind as she touches her tail to the spot of my landing and makes it soft and flexible, like a bed before quickly moving it out of the way. The feeling of the grass is not holy unwelcomed, but is still an uncomfortable feeling on my bare back.

"Ooompfh! Why did you do that!?" I yell at her. Calin lowers her frills partially before she reaches down to enlarge my cock.

"Sorry master, but this is much easier for me to work with, considering how big I am." She replies apologetically. She begins to whine and lowers her head, staring straight at my lean chest.

Feeling sorry, I bring up my right hand to bring her head forward. She gives a startled yelp before complying with my wishes. I close my eyes and ease her head to my lips so that they meet again in a passionate kiss.

After some time and once I run out of air again, I release my hold on her head and she pulls back, a little stunned.

"No, I am sorry to have yelled at you. Please, forgive me. Just, tell me when you're going to do something like that again ok?" I ask sincerely, concerned I hurt her feelings, not that something I materialized could have feelings.

"You do not need to ask for my forgiveness master. It is I who should ask for yours in what I did." Calin says a little more cheerily.

Chuckling, I answer back. "Of course Calin. Now, if you do not mind enlarging my cock so we can continue?" I ask.

"Oh, of course." Calin responds hastily before moving backwards to position her maw next to my member.

She then lowers it and breaths another, much longer breath of hot air onto my cock. Calin pulls back and just stares at it as I groan in the slight pleasure before propping myself up to look at my cock.

"Wait a second." Calin says impatiently.

And indeed, after one second, a tight tingling sensation fills my loins as my cock starts to pulse and spasm uncontrollably as a few beads of pre-cum spill forth from my hardened member. I moan loudly as I watch my cock begin to pulse, growing and building with each passing second. It also seems to grow in girth as the sensation within my gut and loins continues to grow more intense.

Calin looks pleased with her skill and drops her head down to give my rapidly growing member a swift and wet lick. I groan again at the feeling of her silky tongue and throw my head back, unable to watch as my cock spasms continuously as it grows longer. 2 inches, 4 inches, 8 inches. 1.2 inches in girth, 2.3 inches in girth, 4.6 inches in girth.

After five minutes the pulsing slows down to a dull throb. My tired pelvic muscles stop clenching and the oncoming orgasm that had been steadily building fades. I lie on my back, slightly exhausted as Calin comes up to my side.

"Are you ok master?" She asks, still concerned about my well being.

"Yes...I am... Is it...Is it bigger?" I ask in between heaves of breath.

"Look for yourself." Calin replies.

I sense her form moving behind me and a tentative nudge near the back of my neck. I smile and slowly bring myself into a sitting position before looking back to my left to see her dark red colored muzzle in my view. I bring my right hand to her lower jaw again and she brings it forth before I have to do anything. We kiss again, although shorter this time as I am eager to see my new length.

I turn around, wiping the saliva from our kiss from my lips and stare in surprise at my new cock. It is definitely bigger than any other man's I have seen...on the internet that is. It is not nearly as big a horse's, just the right length for me I believe. 8 inches long and 4.6 inches in girth.

"This is wonderful, thank you Calin." I say while she comes around to sit in front of me on her haunches.

"You're welcome. Now, can we move on please?" Calin asks with a distinct whine in her voice. She tilts her head and cocks and eyebrow to add in emphasis to her plea while shifting on her front legs nervously. I vaguely notice a line a fluids covering the forest floor wherever she walks. Boy she must be eager.

I chuckle as I look into her gorgeous emerald diamond eyes. That look most certainly reminding me of a dog begging for food. I rise up to my feet, brushing off a few stray leaves and walk towards her with my length proudly dangling in front of me. The cool night breeze gently caresses my newfound member, making me tremble slightly in unrestrained pleasure. Her eyes light up as she sees me moving, giving a small bounce of excitement before quickly rising up on all fours and turning around to present herself, raising her frills to their full height.

I slow down as I get closer, somewhat unsure of what to do. Calin looks back at me with a look that just screams, Breed Me! I frown slightly as I wonder what to do next. Calin quickly catches onto my mood an turns around again. She trots up to me and lowers her nose until it touches my forehead. I raise my head in surprise, just about to ask what she is doing before a flood of memories enters my mind.

Foreign to say the least. Draconic in origin it seems as Calin gives me vast amounts of knowledge on how to mate with her, play with her, and tease her until orgasm. Her probing thoughts fade after a while and I find myself staring very closely into those emerald diamond eyes of Calin. I jump back a step before calming myself.

"Tha-Thank you C-Calin." I say before shivering a little. She tilts her head and replies.

"Again, you're welcome. You seem to be getting cold master. Come close to me. I will keep you warm while we have our fun." She smiles as she walks closer to me.

I nod my head and approach, making a twirling motion with my pointer finger for her to turn around. She shakes her head in denial.

"Not yet." She comes closer and rests her snout against my bare chest, humming an oddly soothing melody as she closes her eyes.

Warmth fills my body like when you're under a mountain of blankets when you are sick. The heat fades slightly to a more comfortable degree before she pulls back. It also reminds me of what Quin Shun did to warm me up when I arrived in this forest.

"There. Now, it is time to begin." Calin says while turning around and hefting up her lithe and agile tail to present herself once again to me.

A gorgeous sight, the bane of every man's dream lies right in front of me as Calin waits for me to proceed. My mouth hangs an inch lower as I stare right at her dripping wet slit. Her most prominent colors, red and orange, merge around her sex to create an almost peach like frame. Her vertical slit is longer than a women's, and I guess much deeper too considering her size. Her scales grow much smaller as they become almost undefined, looking like velvet.

Calin shifts her haunches impatiently, shifting her feet from side to side, making her sex twitch and open up just an inch, more than enough for me to get a quick peak. She curls her neck around to look at me, her emerald diamond eyes blinking in the moonlight sun while her frills waver in the breeze. I chuckle before stepping forwards and placing both my hands onto her luscious hips. Calin swings her head back around before giving a low snort, eager to get starting.

"Alright, just let me get you ready first." I say, also in anticipation to the following events.

I slowly move my hands down her hips, feeling her thighs and the nervous twitch of muscle. The scales near her tail grow smaller as I progress closer to her awaiting sex. A smell like candy cane and cinnamon delicately wafts up from its confinement to tickle my nose. My own arousal jumps in response to her tempting aroma, squirting a few more drops of pre-cum onto the ground.

I lift my hands and place them just outside her dripping vent. I can feel the tension in her muscles as she shivers at the light touch. I then start to slowly move my hands in decisive circles, messaging, shifting, and stretching her muscles as well as spreading her slit wider for me to see inside.

It is like a crimson red cavern with pulsing walls of stone. Calin's breathing comes out in long drawn out breaths, clearly enjoying the teasing. I smile as I gradually work myself closer to her entrance, my member jumping eagerly as I greedily drink in her lusty aroma.

Before long, her scent drives my rational mind behind bars. My more primal instincts come out as I try to refrain from plunging into her silky depths and claim her right here and now. Calin senses my resistance and clenches up her internal muscles within her vent. She squirts a small dose of her vaginal liquid onto my face. I involuntarily open my mouth and swallow the substance.

My eyes widen as the taste drives me wild. She does not have any particularly noticeable flavor, but rather a bunch of light scents that mix with my own musk. My scent must be getting to her too because she starts to whine in need for something to fill the hole within her stomach. An aching need that only I can quench, who only she desires from.

My smile grows lustful as I take another small step forward. I gently put more pressure behind my rotating hands, giving Calin more pleasure as she hisses into the night air and dips her frills down before raising them again while I shift her scales around pleasurably.

"Ooohh, yeah, right there, give me more!" She moans as I continually increase the pressure gradually until I am almost spreading her sex wide enough for me to see the bottom. I pull her folds apart, scrunching them up before pushing them together, forcing a few drops of her own fluids to dribble down her thighs.

I decide to take away my right hand from her sex in which Calin whines at the loss in pleasure. I lean forward until my chest almost touches her slit as I stay my other hand. Putting my right hand on her back as she arches her tail further away, I whisper something into the night.

"Lower you chest to the floor my darling."

Calin immediately understands what I want to do and complies, lowering her chest to the ground while spreading her wings before settling them more comfortable on her back. She flexes her back legs, her muscles shifting and contracting under her gleaming hide as she straightens them out while raising her tail higher and out of the way so I can have easier access to her dripping sex.

I nod in acceptance before resuming my gentle, circular administrations near her needy sex. After a minute or two, I change tactics. I stop my circular motions and lean forward, her hips positioned just right so I don't have to crouch. I plant a swift and loving kiss right on her emerging clitoris, the action making Calin shudder in new waves of pleasure.

I smile deviously and peck at her engorging clitoris, making Calin moan and hiss repeatedly under the assault. Her breathing begins to increase as her vent starts to contract rhythmically. Having to conclude she is going to reach her climax, I vigorously suck on her sensitive nub of flesh and brush my hand right against her slit; not penetrating but giving her even more pleasure.

Calin groans and hisses loudly under clenched teeth as the contractions get faster and more erratic. Her breathing becomes uncontrolled as she rolls her hips, desperate for even more stimulation. I give it to her in one push. I increase my suction on her clitoris as I plunge my left arm deep within her rapidly contracting vent while closing it into a tight fist. Her muscles squeeze gently around my arm for a few seconds before Calin holds her breath.

I smile victoriously as Calin bucks her hips up against my mouth as she climaxes all over my arm. Her muscles start to spasm and contract uncontrollably as she grits her teeth and closes her eyes, riding out her large orgasm while her frill strains upward. Vaginal fluids flow in a steady stream out of her vent to drip onto the ground. Her tail flails overhead, safely out of harm's way of injuring me while her wings flutter involuntarily.

Her vent continues to roughly squeeze and pull my arm inwards, powerful muscles trying to keep it within her to fill her aching need. Calin lowers her head and lets out short and lustful grunts, her face squished in a sea of pleasure while her frills extend and lower automatically. She rids out her climax as I get to feel her powerful muscles ripple and contract around my bare arm, silky smooth and generously wet with her fluids. Her tunnel pulses around my arm with a firm pressure, her silky walls undulating around my arm continuously. Copious amounts of vaginal fluids sticking to and coating my arm just like it will soon to my enlarged member.

Finally after three minutes of writhing and bucking, Calin slowly comes off her large climax. I laugh as she pants heavily and rests her chest on the ground. Her wings flutter at random intervals, probably from involuntary muscle contractions. I slowly pull my left arm out, now coated in a generous amount of her vaginal fluids as her muscles weakly pulse against it.

With a loud wet schlurp, my arm slides free of her entrance and Calin gives a puff of air upon release, her vent stretching pleasurably around it, swollen and puffed and leaking generously from her glorious climax. I shake my arm to get rid of most of the fluids and then gently pat Calin on her scaly rump.

"Ready for round two?" I ask curiously.

Calin eventually lifts her head and huffs through her nostrils. She turns her neck around to stare at me before replying, her beautiful emerald diamond irises glinting in the dim moonlight as she raises her frills in challange.

"I can handle more than this. I think it is your turn now before we move on to that." Calin replies mischievously.

"Oh? I wouldn't mind a blow job before I get to fuck such a gorgeous dragon." I reply lustfully.

"Oh, complements, don't mind if I do." She responds. I chuckle at her child like nature before she turns the rest of her body around, leaving an even bigger trail of fluids behind her than before.

I lower myself down onto the ground as she walks up and over me. Her wings flicker out occasionally, still pent up with sexual energy to go multiple rounds. Once on my back, she lowers her body and brings her muzzle close to my mouth. I close my eyes and open my mouth to share another, lust filled kissed with a slender and divine dragoness. Once we break contact, our eyes meet in mutual understanding. Get this done quickly to move onto the grand finally.

Growling lustfully like a mate in season while raising her frills, Calin steps backwards again and lowers her body close the ground, careful not to scrape my legs against her rough scales. She brings her head eagerly down to my enlarged member and gives it a few tentative licks. I grunt as she gives my rock hard member a thorough bath before engulfing it within her maw.

I drop fully onto my back as my arms give out under the intense feeling on my cock. Calin smiles as she slurps my cock within her warm mouth. The feeling is indescribably, her moving tongue, roving around so rapidly it seems to touch everywhere at once. The heat inside of her mouth is also something that I could only hope to come close to what I want to feel when I get to plunge into her sex and breed her like a male dragon.

Calin continues to suck on my cock forcefully, making me groan and moan in undeniable pleasure while being careful not to prick me with her sharp teeth. Pre-cum rapidly escapes the tip of my member as the feeling is overwhelming. It seems to end too quickly as a powerful tension begins to build within my loins, ready to burst. I guess I was really pent-up because just after two minutes of licking and sucking, Calin brings me to a glorious climax.

Her continuously rippling tongue and throat muscles make me beg for an end. My member reaches a good distance past the flap leading to her throat. All 8 inches get constant attention either from the intense heat, her flexible tongue or her contracting throat muscles, all of which bring me closer to orgasm that much faster.

With no warning or indication of my impending climax, Calin continues to suck greedily on my big cock. My breath starts to become ragged and my balls begin to tense up. My cock proceeds to jump within her salivating mouth and throat as I arch my back from the pleasure of it all. Within seconds my breath catches inside my throat, my member tenses up painfully and my cum filled balls pull up against my body.

The explosion is a sure surprise for Calin as she does not expect it. I release a violent gust of withheld air from my lungs before the first spurt of cum bursts from the confinements of my balls. The pleasure overwhelms me as Calin quickly and easily gulps my load down. Her throat ripples and contracts around my pulsing cock, milking it just like her vent for my seed.

My enlarged member seems to have given me much more stamina than what I would normally have as my climax goes on for a minute and a half, half as long as Calin's but still pleasurable. After the allotted time, the flow of cum slows weakens to a stop after a few seconds. Calin pulls back and away from me as I prop myself up on weakened arms.

I gradually get my breathing back and revel in my magnificent afterglow while Calin smiles down at me with those big, sparkling eyes.

*Pant pant pant* "That was," *Pant* "Amazing." I say.

"I am sure it was. Now, get up so you can mate with me like you have always dreamed of doing." Calin responds.

"Bu-But, I am not recovered yet. I am still exhausted from that large orgasm I had." I reply hastily.

"I can fix that easily." Calin says as a matter of fact.

She quickly lowers her head and engulfs my member once again, making it jump within her grasp. I gasp at the sudden sensation of being back within the hot confine of her mouth. Calin swiftly wraps her tongue around my cock and in one smooth motion, pulls it back before plunging it down my urethra. My eyes bug out at the pain, but the pain is not what I comprehend. Her saliva seems to numb that part of my mind as her tongue travels down to my balls and then returns to her mouth before she promptly releases my member.

"Wha...huh? What just happened, why did you do that?!" I shout. Puzzled how I do not feel tired anymore and I feel like I can go ten rounds nonstop.

"I rejuvenated you. A dragon's saliva can be used as a numbing component when dealing with wounds. That is why we lick them clean of dirt and debris." Calin answers, not at all phased by my outburst.

"Oh! Uuuh, thank you Calin. I am ready to begin. Thank you for giving me a boost." I respond gratefully.

"You're welcome!" Calin replies joyously as she tilts her head and closes her eyes gleefully, her frill rising to its full extent before relaxing slightly.

"Hahaha, you're a riot sometimes Calin. Even though I have just met you, I can feel I love you already. Your personality is just perfect for me." I respond, happy that my dream has finally come true.

Calin just opens her eyes and rises onto all fours before turning around to present herself again, still wet and rearing to go.

"Oh hoho, not yet." I say before catching her hind leg as I stand up to continue our fun.

Calin looks back at me with a confused look before I lean forward to tug on her wing arm gently to spin her around. She yelps slightly at the rough contact but complies again with my wishes. I smash our lips together, human and dragon, as I forcefully invade her mouth with my tongue. Calin looks stunned for a few seconds before closing her eyes as she too wrestles with my tongue.

As we break our kiss, I lightly slap her neck, filled with lean muscle and tissue. Calin turns back around and licks her lips, ready for me to get started. I quickly reach down and stroke my member to full mast as I walk forward to Calins rear, a few beads of pre-cum falling to the ground in preparation.

Once I am nice and hard, I place my hands on her hips, my left hand still slightly sticky from earlier. Calin whines at my place of contact but it quickly turns into a rumble of content as I now expertly move my hands within centimeters of her swollen entrance, still sensitive from her recent climax. Inviting a warm growl of readiness, I firmly stroke her puffy and silky sex before leaning forward and playing with her still engorged and oversensitive clitoris.

It seems time has only made her needier than last, and I quickly fulfill her wishes by pushing two fingers from my right hand into her vent. Calin hisses out in pleasure, a stream of smoke rising from her nostrils as I slowly push in, and then pull back my fingers, rubbing the inside of her smooth and pulsating walls. My fingers quickly become lubricated from her copious amounts of vaginal fluids to make the penetration easier.

I lick and flick her clitoris while plunging into her warm and wet vent with two fingers. I decide to add another finger, then another, before my whole fist is within her sex. Calin grunts at the intrusion and instinctively bucks against my arm, easily able to take it without much discomfort. I smile and thrust in harder but not as deep or fast, just slow and steady. Her wings flutter as I pleasurably stimulate Calin's senses, making her clench her teeth together at the overwhelming sensations while she pulls her frills down.

Her vent ripples and expands around my invading fist. Her walls certainly feel like velvet and silk, packed with muscle and energy. I go at a slow pace, teasing her, making her groan and hiss in barely restrained pleasure while I play with her clitoris.

Her breathing becomes faster, more erratic as she gradually nears another climax. Knowing what is going to happen, I very slowly retrieve my fist from her rhythmically contracting sex and back away slightly.

Calin whines at the loss of feeling in her vent. She looks back at me with a slightly frustrated, pissed off, yet yearning look. I laugh as I close my eyes and bring my right hand to my forehead while my left hand travels down to firmly grasp my 8 inch cock. Calin seems to get what I am trying to do and maneuvers her tail to wrap around my right wrist.

She guides me as I reach for my power, wanting to change my cock into a dragon's. She smiles knowingly and eagerly helps me through the change. My member twitches and jumps at the invasion of power. I guide my energy into my hard cock and will it to change into a male dragon's.

Calin assists me with the change as my cock slowly melts, transforming and shifting to form an even bigger, draconic cock. Fully one foot long and 3 1/2 inches wide at the base with a 5 inch knot, Calin growls lustfully as I open my eyes. I can see her staring at me, or more importantly, my new endowment, a deep crimson red color, vastly different than my healthy pink flesh before. It has a tapered tip with the ability to grow bigger to lock deep within a dragoness cervix to ensure the breeding of my young. My new cock bristles with rock hard ridges that travel down to the base as it gradually widens to where a semi-inflated knot lays, a steady stream of pre-cum travels down my length, signaling my lustful nature.

At the view of my knot, my mouth waters and Calin gives a quick draconic bark that refocuses my attention.

"Better hurry, it won't last for long. You are still new to being a protector." Calin says in honest truth.

Wishing to waste no more time, I eagerly jump back to my spot behind Calin and position my new draconic member. Calin smiles enthusiastically, flapping her wings and prancing on her forelegs before lowering her chest to the ground like before. She growls lustfully, a deep resonant sound that I can feel with my bare feet. She shifts her tail further back until the tip rests lightly between her twitching wings. She stills them as I firmly rub a hand right against her swollen sex, spreading and teasing them as I make it wet with plenty of lubrication.

I then reach back to grasp my draconic member with my lubed hand and spread it all around it. I groan at the delicious touch of my own hand, senses multiplied a thousand fold as my hand roams my large and transformed cock. The ridges and knot seem to be the most sensitive as I buck instinctively. A few more drops of pre-cum are forced from my new cock, making it twitch and spasm with anticipation.

I then gently thrust forward, Calin moving her rump down lower to accommodate my height. My next few tries are more successful as my point hits its mark. The tip of my draconic cock plunges into the first few inches of her silky confines. I moan at the sensation that jolts up my spine. Calin hisses through clenched teeth as she also revels in the contact between us.

I step forward again, placing both my hands firmly in the curve of her hips and plunge more of my foot long cock within her vent. She contracts her muscles around my member, making me grunt in surprised pleasure as more beads of pre-cum emerge, further lubricating her passage around my cock. I grin back at her and thrust suddenly forward a few more inches. Calin exhales steadily as her vent lightly ripples around my ridged member.

The feeling is even better than in her maw. Her silky walls message and stroke my draconic member with love and care. Her muscle ripple and contract around it, sending me into another plane of bliss.

Soon enough though, I reach a wall. I open my closed eyes and see Calin looking at me, pleading with me to go further.

"I won't feel a thing if you do not want me to." Calin asks hesitantly.

"No," I respond. "I want this to be a true mating. I want to break your hymen like a true dragon. I want to thrust into you, only to knot with you and fill you up with my bountiful heaps of seed." Calin looks at me firmly before nodding.

"If that is what my master wants, so be it." Calin says before turning around, ready to resume our mating.

"Calin, call me Colby, please."

"As you wish, Colby." Calin replies to my command.

Satisfied, I pull back until only the very tip of my tapered cock is nestled within Calin's silky confines. With one step and thrust, I plunge past her hymen and burry my cock up the knot before staying my motions. Calin cries out in pain and pleasure both, writhing and bucking her hips at the sudden penetration past her barrier while pressing her frills flat against her back.

Blood slowly flows out of her opening before stopping a few seconds later. Calins tail jerks up while swinging it from side to side; her wings flutter involuntarily before stilling again. Her face is scrunched up in a brief moment of pain before resting on the ground. After an insurmountable time, Calin lifts her head from the floor and gives a terse nod while raising her frills back up.

Smiling, I pull back again as Calin breaths out a breath of prolonged pleasure while her muscles ripple and pulse against my member. I groan and grunt along with her as I plunge back within her vent.

In no time at all, I set up a steady speed, thrusting until I reach up to my knot then pull out again. Every motion causes Calin to softly rock on her chest and bounce backwards, further increases her pleasure and mine. Once again, her luscious scent fills my nose and drives me further into a lustful mind.

I growl back at her, deep within my throat as I rut her, slowly increasing my speed as the silver moonlight continues to shine on our little opening. My mind peels back to reveal a more animalistic instinct within myself. I do not understand it but it tells me to speed up, to knot this dragoness in front of me, to impregnate her with my seed, to make her gravid and give birth to my clutch.

_Now where did that come from? _I say to myself as I briefly shake my head, only slowing down a little before speeding up more, the wet slapping of my cock against her sex can be heard from a good few feet away. It is not like I can really impregnate her and make her gravid. I am a human and she is a dragon. Unless...I want her to be able to carry my clutch. All I would have to do is focus my energy onto my seed and will them to become dragon in origin.

I smile at that thought widely as I speed up even faster to ram more of my cock within her gripping vent as more pre-cum spurts forth from my member. The feeling is like nothing else I can compare to. Definitely better than doing it by hand I would say, by far.

Calin continues to grunt and growl under my powerful thrusts as our mating continues on for more than ten minutes. I do not recognize the passing time but I do know when I am getting close to climax. My knot slowly starts to swell, getting more difficult to enter her wet and inviting sex.

Thinking now is the right time more than any; I increase my grip on her scaled hips and access my pool of magic. I guide my energy through my arms and into Calin; the electric shock startling her and causing her to buck her hips against my rapidly inflating knot. I grunt as half of my knot slips in with the rock of her hips, not good enough.

Calin pays it no mind however as she focuses solely on the pleasure of me mating her fast and hard. My smile grows, success! Now, one for me and, Ngh! There we go. My seed will now be able to impregnate Calin and make her gravid. I just hope making her disappear will not hurt her gravid state when I have to go back to training.

Calins walls suddenly start to grip my throbbing member tightly, pulsing and rippling stronger than last time. I grin as I ram my draconic member as hard as I can inter her wet vent, trying to claim her as my own. I grunt each time my knot hits the entrance to her sex. Calin hisses and growls continuously as pleasure constantly rips through her brain, an intense feeling building up in her loins with each second that passes.

With each thrust, I come closer to plunging my knot into her sex and locking us together, tying us to ensure her eggs will take to my seed. That small jolt I sent her made her immediately receptive, not that she was not already in heat by the time it was my turn the second time around. Now, only time will determine if it works or not.

Nngh! So hot, so tight. Calins rippling muscles are starting to get to me. My member begins to grow harder, the numerous ridges on my cock standing out more and rubbing furiously in and out against her walls. The added pleasure sends my mind into overdrive.

Knot Her! It yells. _Make her ours!_It screams. I consent, finally giving into those animalistic, no, draconic instincts I felt earlier. With wild abandon, I increase my power to my thrusts, my stamina greatly increased because of the flow of energy keeping my member transformed the way it is, and also thanks to Calins rejuvenation.

My knot finally enters her muscular vent, trapping our bodies together until it withers. The tip of my tapers member abruptly penetrates her cervix, making Calin screech out in surprise and lust. She moves her hips against mine, increasing our pleasure and need. Both of us are showing signs of impending orgasm. It is time to seal the deal.

With renewed vigor, I speed up my thrusts as far as I can, my knot keeping me from achieving any amount of distance. My grip on her hips strengthens as both our faces become scrunched in an endless sea of pleasure. Our time together is at an end, as the heat within my loins and Calins reaches its boiling point.

I halt my breathing as my draconic member grows painfully hard, almost like a steel beam before pulsing to send the first of many spurts of my seed into her egg chamber. The tip of my member becomes engorged with blood as it further locks us together, tightening around her small opening and ensuring no drop escapes.

Calins breath becomes erratic and halts before her whole body tenses up and her vent spasms uncontrollably against my cock. She gives a short yelp as she feels the tip of my member push past her cervix abruptly and lock into her egg chamber. She gives out a devastating roar that shakes the trees and scares away all the animals within a few miles from us. Her sex then begins to ripple and spasm, muscles working overtime as they further increase my pleasure and prolong my climax.

My member tenses up before my muscles ejaculate my draconic seed straight into Calins egg chamber. Our pleasure reaches new heights as we climax together. My seed shoots straight and true past her cervix and into her egg chamber, the tip of my engorged cock plugging the exit to her egg-chamber. I notice her muscles tense up as she can most likely feel the force of my orgasm pressing against the inside of her walls.

While Calins vent pulses erratically, she breaths heavily, growling and grunting in pure pleasure. My member continues to pulse and ejaculate my sperm as our climaxes continue on for what seems like hours.

Only after seven minutes, my climax tapers off until only a thin river of cum flows into her now visibly swollen stomach. My knot holds us together while Calins climax fades a few minutes later. While I pant, she lowers her head and closes her eyes on the ground, both of us enjoying the sensation of our afterglow.

After five minutes pass Calin slowly rises up on her forelegs and looks at me. Her eyes tell me all that need to be said. I press my body forward against her sex. She growls lowly while bringing her head closer to mine. I push her tail to the left to make way. Our passionate kiss lasts for two minutes before we break apart.

"I love you Calin."

"I love you too Colby." Calin replies.

"That was...the most satisfying climax I have ever had. I have never been with another girl, and I don't think I ever want to be. With you, that's all I will ever need." I respond.

"You made me receptive didn't you?" Calin points out, squinting her eyes menacingly at me.

"Uuugh, yes, I did. Since you are here to do what I want with, why not have some more fun?" I answer, wanting her to be glad for birthing a clutch of eggs for me.

"Of course. I will gladly bear your young for you. Even though you might not be a dragon on the outside, you will always be a dragon to me on the inside." Calin replies lovingly before reaching out to kiss me again.

Our tongues intertwine in a loving embrace before I break the kiss. I shift my hips around to give Calin some more pleasure. She grunts at the unexpectedness before flexing her powerful muscles within her vent, making me groan out in pleasure before my knot deflates.

It takes about half an hour before it deflates, in which time I become drowsy and tired from the continuous use of my energy and standing upright for so long. I slump against her bent tail, ready to fall asleep.

Suddenly, Calin moves forward, releasing us from my knot and causing me to fall towards the ground awkwardly. Calin quickly catches me however and lower me the rest of the way. My cock quickly returns to normal, spent with my balls emptied of cum. My pelvic muscles are incredibly sore and I just want to go to sleep. Calin stops me from leaning against her and doing just that.

"You still need to train Colby. Here, I can help you." Calin says before touching her snout to my forehead again.

A brief exchange of energy flashes into my body, invigorating me and making Calin slump onto the ground heavily.

"Calin!" I yell; turning around once a short bout of dizziness passes. "Are you ok?" I ask as she slowly starts to dissipate on her own. Red, orange, silver and pink sparkles gradually rising up off her beautiful form and into the sky like flames in a fire.

"Yes, I am," She replies, turning her head on the floor to look up at me. Her stomach seems to have gone down to normal, no doubt carrying my clutch of eggs to be laid in the future. "Don't worry about our eggs. They will be fine. Remember Silver? Do exactly what you did with him to summon him again and I will be here. Next time though, I will be carrying your clutch. I will be awaiting the fun we have then. Farewell and until next time, my love," Calin replies as she eventually disappears back up into the stars above. "And don't forget to train well and hard." One last thought reaches me before the sparkles vanish completely, leaving me alone in the forest with the moon still shining down.

*Sniff* "I will Cyalina, I will." I mutter, looking up into the starry night sky.

I then walk to the stump in which I had originally begun my training. Sitting on it once more, I calm my breathing and center my mind. My need for release is gone, for now. _Now it is time to continue my training and become a strong protector. _I think before drifting off into a different plane to observe the forest with...

Chapter 3: The Way Of The Warrior, Part 3: Tricks of The Trade

Time seems to fly by as I sit in the middle of the clearing in the forest. The only sounds I hear are my breathing and the animals around me. I let my mind wonder as I did when inspecting the power of the materializing talisman. The world opens up to...

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Chapter 3, Part 2: Alternate version: A Meeting with a Wolf

**Series: A Hero's End, A Legends Rise** **Book 1: Protectors of Earth** **Chapter 3: The Way of The Warrior** **Part 2: Meditation Heals the Mind: Alternative** **Year: May 19, 2017: Noon** ** ** For lunch I grabbed a can of spaghetti and some...

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Chapter 3: The Way Of The Warrior, Part 2: Meditation Heals The Mind

For lunch I grabbed a can of spaghetti and some bread with some preserved milk. I did not want to keep Quin Shun waiting long, but I also wanted to try out the charm he gave me. Of course, I will be using it for my training as well as to materialize a...

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